When his phone rang at midnight, Todd was eating a sandwich.

“Mr. Hartman?” a small, familiar voice asked.

“Speaking,” he replied, turning on the re corder and plugging it into the phone.

“I was wondering if you've talked to Mr. McCarty about the… you know… that little toy car?”

“I have.”


“He'll pay to get it back. Have you located it?”

Todd heard a whispering male voice in the background say “Ten grand.” It could be that she'd called the cops and they were monitoring or recording the call, but the cops would not be so dumb as to be whispering instructions to the girl. This was an interesting complication. Hopefully the other person was in for the payoff and cared less about making self- serving waves. That person might keep Alice Palmer on task and they'd resolve the matter expeditiously

“Yeah, I've found it. I mean, I know where it is.”

“And you can get ya hands on it,” the other voice whispered.

“I can get it,” Alice said. “I don't have it in my hands right now.”

More whispering. Todd wished he could tell her to put a hand over the mouthpiece while someone, probably her boyfriend, was giving her instructions. This was strictly amateur time.

“So, what's Mr. McCarty's offer?”

“He said he'd pay a thousand dollars.”

“I was thinking like ten,” she said nervously.

“Well, Alice. It's one of a kind, which means it is worth something to him but probably nothing at all to anybody else. See, there's only been one owner, and so most collectors don't even know about it, and they would suspect it's a fake and they'd ask Mr. McCarty about it, but if they know about it, they'll know it's hot and know they could never sell it or show it to anybody. But it seems that the man seated beside you for the entire flight told me he saw Mr. McCarty show it to you, then put it back in the briefcase without opening it again. He heard him say he couldn't part with it, but he'd give you one instead. He saw you take it.”

“He didn't see shit because he was gone to…”

“I know. He was down the aisle at the time waiting for a turn in the lavatory.”


“Stealing that car, since it is worth more than five hundred, would be grand larceny, a felony. With your record, and since you are an adult now, you could do jail time and we don't want that.”

“She could call the police,” the male voice blurted. She covered the mouthpiece this time for several seconds but not before he heard the male say, “Tell him the old pervert wanted to fuck you.”

Todd smiled. This was entertaining.

“You can call the cops if you want to, and make any accusation against Mr. McCarty you can think of. But extortion is a more serious felony than grand theft, and I have a very credible witness as to everything that went on during the flight. The witness happens to be a retired judge,” he lied. “Someone else saw you take the car while Mr. McCarty was away from his seat. There's more, but you are walking a very tight rope.”


“He's a known pervert,” the male voice added. “Just turn on your TV.”

“Shut up!” Alice screeched at the young man.

“Good advice, Earl. You don't want to be involved in anything criminal. I can get you two thousand, Alice. Mr. McCarty is not a pervert. I doubt Earl wants to do time for conspiracy to commit extortion, a serious felony. What do you say, Mr. Tucker?”

“How you know my name?” Earl blurted out.

“I know a lot more about you than your name. This is a serious game you're playing, kids. You both have records. If this doesn't end with me paying you two thousand and getting the car, your grandchildren will be visiting you in jail.”

A long pause.

“You can't threaten us with no criminal charges. You ain't no cop,” Earl said.

Alice said, “Okay. I'll take the two grand.”

“I think that would be the smartest move you two could make. Let's set up a meeting that's convenient for you.”

“And me,” Earl said.

“No, Earl,” Todd said. “Like most things, this is way out of your league. You should just go home and wait until Alice calls you.”

Doubting that Earl was that smart, Todd planned to keep on his toes. Not that Earl was dangerous, but with the terminally stupid you just never knew.

“How about we meet tomorrow night?” Todd asked.

“Somewhere public,” Alice said. “I want to make sure you don't try anything.”


“Like ripping me off.”

“Alice, I wouldn't dream of stealing from you. Concord Mills Mall in the food court. Tomorrow.”

“Okay,” she said. “Tomorrow night. I got classes and other stuff to do in the daytime. Like maybe eight? Bring the money.”

“I will. Bring the car.”
