Chapter Five

'YOU LOOK LIKE A PIECE of chewed twine,' Stephanie told him that evening after they'd eaten. 'And no wonder. Why don't you get an early night?'


'If it's the news you're waiting for, I saw it all at 6.30. She appeared at the press conference and scarcely said more than a couple of words. She didn't even smile. The papers are offering terrific money for her story, but she's told them what to do with it. You've got to admire her.'


'That QC of hers was a woman, I noticed. She must have been brilliant to fathom what really happened. You can't put that down to feminine intuition.'

'I don't,' said Diamond.

'What a brain!"

'Lilian Bargainer?'

'Well, yes. That Inspector Wigfull was way off beam and so were you.'

The injustice wounded him less than being coupled with Wigfull. 'Off beam? What about?'

'The cocaine. You should have been on to that from the beginning.'

'We got diverted. The forensic tests were negative. They didn't show Geraldine Jackman was using the stuff. Yes, I know,' he added sheepishly. 'I'm the one who says never rely on bloody scientists.'

'What went wrong with the tests?'

'She hadn't taken any of the stuff before she was killed. Not for some days. She was desperate to get some, which was how Buckle was drawn into it. The irony is that she had several packets in the house, the ones I found. They must have been left over from one of the parties she gave, and she forgot they were there. She focused totally on her supplier.'

'And he killed her.'

'Oh, no,' said Diamond.

'I mean Buckle. He's been arrested.'

'Yes, but on a drugs charge.'

She frowned. 'Isn't he the killer, then?'

After he declined to add any more, she said, 'I suppose you know who it was, cleverclogs. You ought to be back in the police.' As if instantly regretting the remark, she reached out and squeezed his hand. 'But I'm glad you aren't. I see more of you.'


'Let's have a pub lunch tomorrow, just the two of us.'

He shook his head. 'Sorry, I'm already booked for lunch.'

'Oh? Who with?'

The murderer.' He reached for the TV remote control.

Conceding no hint of surprise, curiosity or concern, she said, 'AH right, Saturday.'

He got to bed soon after. Stephanie's insouciance and his cussedness kept them both awake for a few hours more. Some time after midnight, he told her everything.
