Dear Reader,
The Monacan Indian Nation celebrates an annual powwow usually during high spring. Kathleen King, a friend made way-back-when through basset hunting, often attends. The dancing, food, storytelling, paintings, carvings, baskets, and more underscore this old culture that has survived despite all.
Thanks to Kathleen and her research, I became interested. The federal government’s refusal to acknowledge the Virginia tribes took me by surprise. Then I got mad. Perhaps you will, too.
Many nations on earth have subjugated others at one time in their history and often with astonishing brutality. Each government, each nation, has to study its errors and learn from it all, and redress the sorrows where possible.
As Americans we are in a better position than most to do this. We live and work in the light of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Let’s live up to them.
Always and Ever,