NEWS OF THE LATEST courtroom developments arrived just in time for Donna Reynolds. The court’s approval of Rebecca Huss’s plan for the dogs and Vick’s sentencing brought a happy ending to what had been a rough and disheartening stretch. When the dogs had arrived from Virginia almost six weeks earlier, it was like Christmas morning. After all the months of work and worry, having them all there was exhilarating.
Most of the volunteers came to pick up their foster dogs in the first few days, but a number had to stay at Donna and Tim’s place for several days before they could be retrieved. Within a week, ten of the dogs moved out, but a few of the foster arrangements fell through. Suddenly, some of those stopover guests became full-time boarders. The interlopers joined the four dogs that already shared the house with Reynolds and Racer.
The couple found themselves as the caretakers of seven dogs, who were crammed into their small house. The incumbents weren’t much of a problem, but the Vick dogs were a ton of work. Reynolds needed to begin the process of unwinding their kennel stress, which meant lots of time outside, keeping them engaged, working with them on basic training, and helping them get through their issues.
The dogs all seemed to get along well, and they had all tested as dog-friendly during their evaluations, but as a matter of protocol, Reynolds could not have more than one dog out of its pen at a time, meaning there was no opening the back door and letting them romp. Each had to be fed separately, walked separately, exercised separately, and played with separately.
To make matters worse, the Vick dogs were not housebroken. In fact, because they had spent so much time locked up in pens, they had become accustomed to relieving themselves right where they slept. And since Reynolds was trying to make them comfortable, each dog had a blanket in his pen. These two factors did not work well together, as the dogs were constantly soiling their blankets, which meant that Reynolds, on top of everything else, was constantly doing laundry.
Of the Vick dogs, Mya was among the most shut-down and needed extra time and attention. Another, Uba, was a bundle of energy, bouncing off the walls forever in search of something new and fun to do.
In the little bit of downtime she had, Reynolds continued to work on regular BAD RAP business, evaluating new dogs that came into the Oakland shelter, trying to arrange foster care and adoptions for them, and working the group’s weekend training classes. She also hit the phones. She fielded calls from volunteers who had foster dogs and lots of questions. She created a password-protected online forum where all the foster volunteers could come together and discuss what was happening with their dogs. She stayed in touch with Nicole Rattay, who was in Virginia working the shelters. She searched among her network of volunteers to see if any could take the remaining dogs out of her living room.
She also dealt with the unexpected. Some of the foster situations needed to be tweaked. One dog had been sent for training as a law dog, but it turned out he was too old for the program, so Reynolds had to find a new home for him. Another dog needed to be moved, too.
And she raised funds. For the first month they had the dogs, Reynolds and Racer didn’t even know if Vick would pay up and if he did, when. They were burning through food and veterinary bills at a stunning rate. They stretched their own finances to the brink and scrambled to get outside help. But the gag order meant they couldn’t mention what the funds were for. They couldn’t say why they needed the money; they just needed it.
The cumulative effect of it all wore on Reynolds. The days turned into weeks with no breaks and no prospects for improvement. She worked from the time she got up in the morning until well after she wanted to go to sleep. Washing, walking, feeding, cleaning, calling, worrying.
By early December she’d reached her breaking point. It was late in the day. She had kept track. In six weeks she’d done seventy loads of laundry. She couldn’t keep up anymore. She was exhausted and cranky and could not yet see the benefits of all her effort. Laundry piled up on the floor. Dogs were barking, demanding walking or water or both. Someone always needed something, and there were very few people she could talk to about what she was going through. The gag order limited her ability to recruit foster caretakers for the remaining dogs. She couldn’t vent in a blog post. She couldn’t even get the satisfaction of letting people know what she was doing.
She began crying. A little at first, then more forcefully. She let it all out. All the frustration and weariness. What were they doing, exactly? Why were they doing it? When would it all end? When would her life go back to merely being insane? Racer comforted her. “It’s important,” he said. “It will all work out.”
Even as things were lurching forward in northern California, they were winding down in northern Virginia. Maureen Henry, a technician at the Washington Animal Rescue League, found herself standing in a McDonald’s. The guy behind the counter gave her a strange look. It was 7:00 A.M. on Christmas morning and she wanted eleven Sausage McMuffins. He might have figured she was fighting off the world’s worst Christmas Eve hangover or hosting the world’s worst Christmas dinner, but he got her what she wanted and sent her on her way.
She took her bag of snacks to the WARL, unlocked the main door, walked through the empty lobby, through the double glass doors, and into the shelter area. She unlocked the door that separated the Vick dogs from the rest of the kennel. Many of them hopped to their feet, rising to the fronts of their kennels, wagging for attention.
The pack of dogs they had nicknamed the unicorns would be leaving soon and much to their surprise, the people who worked at WARL were sad about it. Over the weeks the two groups-humans and animals-had bonded and the group of dogs that had arrived as anonymous fighting machines were now individual creatures with names and personalities.
Henry looked down the line. There was Denzel, who liked to wrestle with his food bowl. Toothless Jane who made the most out of every minute. Tug, who was fond of plush toys; he had six or seven of them and he lined them up on the little bed in his pen. He also loved birds and when he went outside he would watch the trees for them, barking and chasing when he spotted one. Layla, a sweet dog, circled endlessly in her kennel. Charlie dumped his food out of the bowl at every meal and ate off the floor. Meryl could be prickly, but if she accepted you, she’d roll over and let you scratch her belly. If you rubbed Lucas’s belly he’d lick your face.
Then there was Sweet Pea. Scars decorating the sides of her face, she remained one of the most reserved and nervous of the bunch. She looked similar to Sweet Jasmine and the two of them had an affinity for each other. Jasmine was younger, maybe two, while Sweet Pea was older, more like six. Pea had definitely borne pups, and a theory evolved that Sweet Pea might be Jasmine’s mother. The pair had been put in adjoining kennels, which appeared to help both.
Although Jasmine still spent a lot of time under her blanket, she had made improvements. She had bonded with Eugene Hill, the man with the deep voice. She licked his hand when he came to see her, ate food from a bowl and let him lead her out to the yard on a leash. When he brought Jasmine out with other dogs, she perked up, becoming happier and more active. This was especially true when the other dog was Sweet Pea.
Many of the dogs had shown a similar tendency to be happier and more animated around other dogs. The staff had learned through careful testing which ones liked being together, and regularly brought a few at a time out into the yard for frolicking and rocking games of fetch. They had come a long way from the days of two leashes and pepper spray. Now, when it was time to go out, it was more likely that someone would quickly snap a leash on one of the dogs and run him down the hall or, better yet, pick the dog up, fling it over a shoulder and carry it out.
In many ways the dogs were easier to handle than regular kennel dogs. There was something about them that was more forgiving, more willing. It was these qualities and their unending resilience that touched the WARL staff so deeply. The Vick dogs reminded them in a more extreme way of everything people love about dogs to begin with.
The dogs’ growth was easy to see, but Henry thought that maybe the people had changed more than the dogs. Though she and her colleagues had started out with one set of expectations, they came to see a far different reality. Maybe calling the dogs unicorns had actually been more profound than they originally thought. Maybe there really was an element of magic to them.
She unwrapped the McMuffins and put one in each kennel, then stood back and watched the dogs approach their Christmas treat. She couldn’t believe what she saw. A few chomped right into it, but most carefully sniffed and nosed at the food. The dogs pushed the sandwiches around until they came apart. Many ate the sausage. Some ate only the muffin. Nearly all picked at it. Eight weeks earlier every dog on the line would have devoured that sandwich in two bites.
Henry reassessed. Okay, the dogs had changed too. They weren’t unicorns after all, just dogs who had become a little pampered and picky, and that was pleasant enough to consider. A week later, they were gone.