I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Juanita Swedenburg and the late Wayne Swedenburg, owners of Swedenburg Estate Vineyard in Middleburg, Virginia, for the hands-on experience, technical help, and insight they gave me while researching this book. It goes without saying that any mistakes on matters involving wine or the workings of a well-run, small vineyard are mine. Gordon Murchie, president of the Vinifera Winegrowers Association, also provided assistance with historical information.
I hope the good people of Loudoun and Fauquier Counties will forgive the liberties I took with geography—especially re-routing Goose Creek and playing a bit fast and loose with county boundaries—in that beautiful region of the Commonwealth.
Special thanks to Tony and Belinda Collins for an introduction to and education on Virginia’s 90+ (and growing) wineries—and for plying me with reading material and good wine over the years.
Cathy Brannon, Debbie Gador, Catherine Kennedy, and Leslie Shepherd read and commented on early drafts of this book. I am also indebted to Donna Andrews, Carla Coupe, Laura Durham, Peggy Hanson, Val Patterson, Noreen Wald, and Sandi Wilson.
Thanks especially to Sarah Knight and Brant Rumble, my editors, and heartfelt thanks to Dominick Abel, my agent.
Finally, it’s an oft-repeated truism that although writing is a solitary pursuit no writer works in a vacuum. If it were not for André, Peter, Matt, and Tim, nothing I do or say would matter as much.