There was a general, palpable pause in the whole room when the snoring began, then everyone relaxed. Kneeling behind her, Kubby gazed down at the full white moons of her ass stretched up in sacrificial offering to him, with eyes bulging wide in hot uncontrolled desire. Gods of the feathered spirits! He had never seen anything like it. His black balls tingled and ached, and he longed to thrust forward into the narrow teasing slit swinging into the air before him right now without further hesitation. But he couldn't. He had waited too many hours to get her like this, helpless and kneeling like a slave in front of him. He had to get the most from it.

The black savage held himself back, purposely torturing himself for the moment in anticipation of when he would thrust forward and slide his throbbing black blood-swollen cock deep between the full white moons of her proud little ass with its white God swaying gently and defeated before him. She was an arrogant little bitch, molesting the ways of his people just like her father. He wanted to break her more than anything else in the world. He wanted to feel her squirming beneath him, needing him as much as he needed her. That would be the ultimate conquest, a proud white bitch that was repulsed and horrified with the thought of a heathen, her father called it, black cock fucking into her, suddenly turning animal and losing all control over herself, forgetting who she was, where she was, and all but the overpowering need to be fucked until she couldn't move again. The thought raced through his loins like an electric shock.

His animal cunning burned within him like a sacrificial fire. For a few torturing moments he ground his long thick cock around in the narrow white crack of her ass, pressing the soft quivering cheeks of flesh together around it to enclose it like the fitting of a warm fur-lined glove such as the one a man used on a hunting party. He leaned forward and planted a warm wet kiss with his thick rubbery lips along the standing ridges of her spine, feeling her quivering beneath him. She groaned slightly as her body shook and trembled from the moist contact at her loins and back.

Then he backed off slightly, running his long pink tongue slowly and wetly down the full length of her back until he reached the tightly clenched crack of her ass swaying gently high off the ground. Her shoulders were still held hard down against the mat by the leering Dawak and Enhar.

Kubby dropped his hands to the full rounded asscheeks, placing his thumbs on either side of the soft resilient cheeks and pressed out gently. He knew this was the time for patience. She had passed the first stage of physical submission by violence and now the conquest of her mind and spirit must be done by softness of touch. The unexpected change from pain and brutality to one of tenderness and caressing of her private genitals should, in spite of her resistance, catch her off guard. She had geared her mind to the fighting of the pain and humiliation, but not softness and pleasure. She was not prepared for it.

Her asscheeks clenched together against the pressure he was exerting with his thumbs, and he eased off slightly still keeping up a constant easy tension for a seeming thousand seconds until the straining muscles of her inner thighs slowly tired and relaxed bit by bit. His face was crouched on the same level with the thin red folds of flesh that covered her cunt, and as he watched, eyes gleaming, they slowly parted before the almost imperceptible outward pressure of his thumbs. He could see a slight moisture forming and glistening on the soft insides of her thighs, as with the easing of the pain and the fatigue of resistance, she let her backside slip wider and wider apart.

He moved his face forward, careful not to move too suddenly or harshly and alarm the sudden trust building inside her from the gentle touch he was subjecting her body to now. His face was a scant few inches from the soft brown pubic hair covering the tender resilient flanges of her cunt, and the odor was one of sweetness that drifted incitingly to his flaring nostrils. He swallowed deeply as his thumbs pressured outward and her secret cavern flowered lewdly open to his frozen gaze until suddenly it was completely and hungeringly open and the soft inner flesh came into tantalizing view. It was pink and smooth and a slight moisture from her secretions was visible, glistening and wet on the soft inner flesh of her thighs.

Kubby breathed hard and blew softly into her. She squirmed and he could hear a faint groan slipping from beneath her now open lips. She tried to move slightly, but the pressure of the other two savages' hands held her tightly in place. She was becoming quiet now, and her movements were not one of escape or fear but of reflex from the torturing touch of his hands and breath against the softness of her secret genitals.

Julie Davenport tried to still a rising moan she could feel building deep, deep inside her throat. The sudden lessening of the pain had done something to her, something frightening. It had been like the release of a great weight pressing down on her, and the unbelievable relief that follows the sudden lifting of such a burden.

She signed and let her muscles that had been so keyed against the torture relax into a loose tranquillity that increased a thousand fold by the sudden absence of pain.

Unfortunately, now there was something else, something had replaced the harsh feelings that had rained down on her helpless form through her frightened nerves a few moments ago. It was soft and feather-like, except that it was wet, wet and warm, and was making strange magical circles along the length of her naked and unprotected back. She shivered slightly as it worked its way slowly down to the rounded moons of her ass widely exposed behind her.

There was a pressure from somewhere, and she felt a cool rush of air race between the full spreading globes as the pressure increased in intensity. She clenched them tightly together in automatic rejection to the strange unknown probe. The pressure remained, gentle, and lingered as her dazed mind puzzled over it. Where was she? Who was she? What were the light tiny animals running over her sensitive white flesh, caressing her kneeling body as though they were human things except smaller and a thousand times more gentle… gentle as rain drops.

"Mmmmmnnnn!" she sighed, and her ass relaxed in a great feeling of warmth and peace as suddenly her whole ass felt open and wet as it had never felt before with the ever constant pressure pushing outwards again. Julie did not resist, and another long low mewl escaped from her lips as she let herself be pulled open wide by the magic beings playing upon her. She tried to move her shoulders, but they were locked tightly to the mat by harsh hands whose touch she no longer recognized. She could no longer think at all, but it did not matter, the hands were no longer hurting her. There was no longer the excruciating pain that had covered and permeated her entire body a few short seconds ago. There was only the light rising sensation of floating, floating on a soft gentle fleece-puffed cloud whose very warmth belied the presence of danger.

Kubby, kneeling behind her with his thumbs holding the crack of her ass wide, grinned an obscene grin. He could feel the thoughts running through her body and knew he had won his short patient battle as the cheeks of her ass slowly relaxed in front of his excited face. He pried them wide, wide apart until all of her crotch stood open and unprotected before him, his for the taking.

His head raised slowly and he pressed his face forward, pushing open his mouth hard against the wetness of her hungering cuntal slit. She squirmed slightly and he tightened his hands on her asscheeks so that she couldn't slip away, and with one quick rush of his thick wet tongue, he thrust it lewdly forward between the warm fleshy folds of her cunt.

Kubby heard the white girl gasp from the sudden unexpected entry into her soft wet hole, and a surprised sigh smothered itself into the rushes of the mat. She had jerked forward with the first hot teasing contact in an involuntary spasm of delight but quickly screwed her ass back hard against his face. Her cuntal hole contracted, opening and closing tightly around the long smooth length of his tongue sunk deep inside her. Her breath exploded down into the mat in small quick gasps that muffled themselves into tiny mewling grunts, twisting her face harder and harder into the bed as he began a sudden curling and flicking of the wet moist tongue imbedded up inside. He pushed his lips closer and began to work at the whole of her open backside, sucking and licking at it crazily while her asscheeks throbbed and swayed around his face, almost out of control.

"Aaaaahhhh, hey you!" the open mouthed Enhar gasped their favorite expression as he watched with unbelieving eyes her sudden and complete surrender to the black wildly licking face buried in her hungering cunt behind.

Dawak could not speak at all. He had released one hand from her little white shoulder and was pressing it tight against the outside of his pants where a small circle of seminal fluid had seeped its way through from the hard throbbing excitement of his aching cockblood-swollen cock. He released her shoulder with his other hand as there was no longer any need to hold the subjugated girl so hard, and he began coursing it up and down the quivering flesh of her back.

The plump Kubby worked slave-like behind the kneeling missionary's daughter, his pink tongue withdrawing and fucking, withdrawing and fucking, making a wet sucking sluicing noise with each wicked thrust. Her cries were one long low continuous moan now as he withdrew his lashing lewd tongue suddenly from inside the warm smooth hole and found the hard, throbbing clitoris and licked. He pushed his face farther under her crotch and began to suck and tease at it gleefully with his teeth while she writhed and churned her asscheeks above him in a lewd dance of desire.

"Oooohhhhh, aaaahhhhh," she chanted, her body and mind completely out of control from the delicious and obscene sucking of her loins. With a lewd and triumphant satisfaction, he could feel the muscles of her asscheeks hollowing and contracting around the sides of his cheeks as he licked and sucked at her with a greedy untamed animal lust that threatened to drive him completely crazy.

Her hungering cunt flowered open wider and wider, and her moistness increased with each further second his sucking mouth worked at her widely stretched hole. It ran in slight warm trickles down the side of the savage's black cheeks pressed tightly into the softness of her white ass warmly enclosing his face and down the inside of her smoothly working loins into the soft inner flesh of her hollowing thighs.

She was almost ready to cum!

Kubby could see that from the wild abandoned tempo of her body and knew it was time, time to luck his lust-ramming cock into her innocent softness. He wanted to feel it throbbing around him when she reached that climax that was so near now and wanted to explode inside her white little belly with himself in rhythm to her own cries of fulfillment. He wanted to fill her full of his hot black man's cum until she would never forget tonight as long as she lived. The little white man's God-daughter bitch, he would show her what a real man's cock was like and how good it could be. She would never want one of those white men again. He would stretch her so wide that she would never be able to even feel one of them. All the years he had been exchanging one master for another, whether King Daranje Kawat or the white man's God or Balloo, began to bubble over in a boiling cauldron of hate and lust and the desire to hurt.

His long lust-filled thick cock ached from the anticipation he was building, building, while he worked at her loins with his hot punishing mouth. With some difficulty, he slithered up to his knees and worked his hips into the now wet and glistening opening of her asscheeks from behind.

"Thees is now fuck time," the gasping Enhar gloated.

"Yessssss," Dawak breathed, his own cock now out of his pants and held tight in his free hand.

Meanwhile, Kubby was kneeling behind her now, his hips pressed tight into the open crack of her ass. He held the throbbing thick veined black cock tightly between his fingers with the large bloodfilled head poised at the tight elastic opening of her hungering cunt. He watched it with lust-gleaming eyes as the tiny wet lips contracted and throbbed around the edges like the mouth of a fish gasping desperately for breath in the hostile environment of a drying brook. He ached all over from the thought of the lovely young white girl kneeling in abject servitude in front of him to be used as he would for as long as he would.

His gaze was locked on the whiteness arid purity of her body, and he let his eyes feast for the slightest of seconds on the way her soft full ass curved sharply down into the narrow wasp-like waist that looked as though it would break from the slightest of pressures. On either side of his kneeling legs, he could see her white thighs tapering down sharply to her small well-formed knees and then blossoming out again to the fullness of firm shapely calves. He envisioned her lying on her back with the dainty strength of those white calves locked tightly behind his ass, pulling him into her in a savage burst of lust that only the mind can conjure. That would come later, flickered through his brain. Now his hard prick and testicles ached as they had never ached for anything before, and he had to fuck it into her now before it was too late, before he emptied his hot sperm all over those soft white asscheeks kneeling helplessly before him.

Between her open and fully exposed cunt and the end of his bloated cock now, there was just a finger's length, and he pressed her asscheeks wider apart to see it more clearly. His lust-hardened cock jerked slightly again as though unable to contain itself when the tightly puckered asshole came into view just above the moist hole of her cunt. For a moment he was tempted to take her there, but the thought passed from his mind as he felt a small dew-drop of moisture forming slowly on the end of his tortured prick. He had to have it now or it would be too late. He couldn't hold back another instant.

Slipping his knees as far up between her widely stretched thighs as he could possibly go, he moved forward and guided his long bloodthick cock forward between his thumb and forefinger, gently parting the soft brown pubic hair with the rigidity of the throbbing head. He felt the warm soft folds of the ragged edges of her clasping cunt close wetly over the rounded tip of his lusty cock.

He groaned. Never in his entire life had he felt anything so soft and tender. Trapped between the delicious layers of wet ready flesh, he let it lay throbbing for a moment. The lewd contact of his thick black cock pressed into the whiteness of her behind, incited him to uncontrolled lust. Aaahhhhh, worshipful Gods of the feathered spirits, he thought, what a feeling! He had to take her, droned through his now dazed mind.

Kubby flexed his asscheeks, feeling all the frustrations he had built up over a lifetime, it seemed, suddenly surging forward with him into the warm wet flesh of the groaning white girl in front of him. He gasped aloud through the silence of the shabby, sparsely accoutered room as he felt the tight hot walls of her contracting cunt soothingly slipping over and then wetly enclosing the rock-hard length of his surging black cock.

"Ooohhhhhh," she grunted beneath him as he surged into her, pushing the smooth giving walls of soft flesh inside before him like rippling waves off a speeding ship. Her body trembled and shook before the sudden assault that took her completely by surprise. She had lain dormant before the strange unknown caressive torture her battered body had accepted with grateful joy after all the fear and terror she had undergone, but suddenly the mood changed. Gone were the tender wet probings of her resistless cunt that had seemed so unreal and faraway. Gone was the daze that had encompassed her mind and taken her into another world of half-conscious ecstasy.

Suddenly she was thrust back again, back again into the reality of the shabby treatment and the desolate room on the rush mat with her shoulders being pressed down painfully again into the musty mat. Her shame and humiliation returned with a vengeance as she felt her thighs and asscheeks being swept wide apart by the thick lust-swollen black cock of the savage who was tunneling up into her mercilessly from behind.

"Uuuggghhh," she heard a loud low gasp spit through the room behind her.

She squealed suddenly, not from the pain, for there was none. She was wet and open, and he slid into her easily from the warm moist secretions that had flowed from her hungry cunt during the teasing ministrations of his tongue a moment ago. But she squealed from the sudden and degrading realization that she was hopelessly trapped on the mat between the hands of the primitives in front of her and the thick bloated rampaging, fucking cock skewering into her from behind. She screamed for him to stop, helpless tears of frustration and humiliation flooding again from her terror stricken eyes. But there was no respite. The intrusion deep in her dilated cunt grew and expanded before his uncontrolled assault until she felt the sudden heavy weight of hard muscular loins crushing hard into her ass, sweeping them wider and wider apart as he pressed forward more with all his strength to sink it as deep inside her quivering white belly as far as he could.

"Aaahahhhh, thees is good," Kubby breathed, his lips bared back tight over his broad white teeth. "I'm in to the mouth!"

Julie Davenport groaned piteously beneath him, her face pushed deep down into the mat by the pressure from behind until she could hardly catch her breath. Her hungering cunt felt twisted and stretched as though she were being impaled on a coconut trunk. She fought, clenching the muscles of her asscheeks tightly together to keep the long hard fleshy cock from embedding itself further. But, it was useless. Her struggles only incited him more, as her cuntal muscles clasping around him, wet and warm in protest against the unwanted entry, enclosed around him like warm melted goat's butter, and made the huge black cock throb and grow lewdly inside her until she felt stretched and filled in her belly and loins beyond all possible imagination.

The lovely little brown-haired girl's back ached horribly now from the cruel position she was still held in for so long on the rush mat, and she tried to move, but the hands had pressed against her shoulders again after her warning move when Kubby had fucked it into her from behind. She felt other hands, too, hands roaming all over her body not occupied by the savage pressed tight into her ass from behind. Her titties were being kneaded and squeezed by fingers that had slipped secretly between them and the mat while she had been occupied with the skewering of her hungering cunt. They were hard and cruel and brought her tiny bud-like nipples to an involuntary erection from the harshness of the naked contact with her flesh.

Over the ridges of her cruelly bent spine, another hand coursed, following it down to the juncture of her asscheeks where quickly and without preparation, the mysterious feeler fucked a finger deep into the confines of her tight unused asshole. She jumped from the first painful intrusions and then froze to ease it a bit. The pain passed as her back passage slowly became adjusted to the unnatural intrusion.

"Haaaahhhh! I geev the ass my finger," she heard Enhar exclaim excitedly through the daze of the three way rape.

From her trembling lips broke tiny bursts of protest. Her cuntal passage felt stretched and torn beyond all possible repair, and the dual ravishing of her loins with Enhar's long thick finger implanted deep up her rectum made the feeling all the more intense. She tried not to move as she felt the pain easing with the stillness of her body, but the crazed savage ground and twisted his finger deeper, circling it and expanding her asshole until she thought it would split from the almost unbearable pressure. The hand cupping her naked tits beneath twisted and squeezed with brutal thoroughness, teasing and pulling at every part of their young round firmness until she thought they would burst from the painful manipulations.

Kneeling behind her bent and trembling form, Kubby flared his nostrils and began fucking in and out of her with long, lunging strokes. His short thick hands held tight to the rounded curves of her tender hips, slipping the moist sheath of her stretched and throbbing cunt back over the thickness of his blood-swollen cock as though he were thrusting his hand into a small boar-fat-filled glove.

But this was still not enough for the lunging Kubby. He had to have more from this proud little white bitch who would never even look upon him when he sat in her father's house. He wanted her bent to his will. He raised his hand high in the air as he continued the powerful in and out strokes he had established and brought it down firmly against her quivering white ass. The flat smack of flesh against flesh echoed like the shot of a white man's rifle through the jungle. Julie's pathetic scream shattered the quiet an instant later. For a brief moment, the snoring stopped against the other wall, but it immediately started again. There would be no help from Balloo.

"Move thees ass better!" Kubby hissed behind her.

Julie Davenport complied without hesitation. She knew enough by now to realize the first blow would only be followed by more if she defied him. Her asscheeks rotated slightly with her first cautious experiment with movement, and then, feeling no pain, she let herself follow his rhythm, grinding and twisting her ass back against his hard driving veined prick and pelvis as though she were glued to them.

"Shake it like rain, babee! Like hot dance!" he rattled through tightly clenched teeth as he felt her begin to react to his hands digging into her gyrating hips. He was referring to a frenzied rain dance the natives did. It involved throwing burning coals with bare hands into the river to make the highest spouts of steam possible.

"Oh, oooobhhhh, ooooohhhh!" she exclaimed again and again as she bucked beneath to his command. The sounds she made were muffled and indistinct from her face buffet hard down into the mat. With his every hard forward lunge now, his thick lusty black cock which filled her helpless aunt to the bursting point, flung her hard forward against the restraining hand of the two savages holding her shoulders down to the bed. She felt as though she were being attacked by a giant ape who was pushing her thighs open to the utmost angle and reaching to the deepest point in her belly with his monstrous ever-growing blood-veined cock.

His fingers kneaded and squeezed at her ass with a wild frenzy, jerking the fat Enhar's fingers from her asshole and replacing it with one of his own in a hard cruel fuck into her soft rubbery depths.

"Aauuugghh," she screamed, still unheeded by the snoring across the room.

Kubby swept and fucked into her with a growing frantic abandon of sensation from the hands working at her every sensual part. She could feel him fucking more sadistically now, the sight of her bucking body inciting him to greater and greater effort. Her breath had become one long continuous groan that was no longer muffled by the grass mat. She was droning it out into the room, her face turned sideways on the mat so that he could look down on it and see with lust-gleaming eyes the effect it all was having on her. Her lips opened and closed fish-like in torment, half in humiliation and shame from the sudden uncontrollable feelings surging through her and half in fear that she would be ripped asunder by the cruel hands coursing brutally over her nakedly exposed body.

There was suddenly another movement around her head, and she could feel the grass mat dropping with a pressure in front of her face as a heavy weight descended around it. Fingers were fumbling with her lips, trying to open her mouth and then she felt a spongy, wet sensation pressing against her lips. She jerked her eyes open and to her horror saw, right in front of her face, a long black bloated cock about seven or eight inches long. The lanky, bony Dawak, who could no longer take the lust-inciting scene of the white girl being fucked from behind by Kubby, had sat back on the mat and wriggled under her face. It was pressed tight into his loins, and his legs were splayed out on either side of her shoulders.

Lifting her head with the flat of his palm pushing back against her forehead, with the other hand, Dawak was forcing the blood-bloated head of his lewd prick into her gasping mouth. She mumbled in terror and revulsion and tried to shake her head away, but he held her tight and she could not move. She could only clench her teeth and lips tightly together and try to keep it away, but he was not to be denied. As he increased the pressure, it felt as though her lips were being pushed back through the sharpness of her teeth. He groaned and struggled against their softness, feeling them parting, tiny bit by tiny bit, until suddenly, with the aid of an extra hard lunge from the savage fucking her in the rear, she gasped too wide! The broad thick black cock crushed through her soft, moist lips and into the wet warm cavern of her mouth. She could feel the hugeness of it slithering up the length of her tongue and filling her mouth completely with its thick blood-fleshy hardness.

Dawak, in his lust-incited state, began to slowly screw his blood-inflated cock up and down toward her face with his thickened prick sliding in and out of her mouth. His hands held her head in a vise-like grip, with the palms pressed hard against her ears. She struggled mentally against the obscene rape of her mouth, but it was useless as he quickened his fucking to match those of Kubby fucking into her from behind, never quite pulling it all the way into her from behind, never quite pulling it all the way out, but always leaving a slight part of the tip beyond her lips in the hot moist shelter of her mouth.

Julie Davenport closed her green eyes, her humiliation knowing no bounds. She felt numb to the world around her, devoid of sensation. In a trance-like state, she watched the length of the long hardened black cock where it came out of the fly of his roughly woven pants and jerked toward her mouth like some horrible snake creeping from its hole in the ground.

"Suck, little white missa, suck! Suck!" she heard him command harshly above the top of her head. And she did. She was conditioned to following their every command now from the fear of the unknown ahead. Her lips slowly began to nibble at the thrusting instrument, stony hard as it was, and she coughed and sputtered at first until she became accustomed to the unnatural invasion of her mouth. She tried not to think about what she was doing, but it was impossible not to. His testicles bounced against her chin and there was stale odor of sweat around his loins that filled her nostrils with constant reminder of the cruel depraved attack she was being subjected to.

Behind the white missionary's daughter, Kubby could feel himself building toward the end. He knew it would be soon and began to fuck faster into her, harder and faster, battering mercilessly the quivering cheeks of her ass with his hard driving hips. His black hands gripped her waist hard, squeezing the soft flaccid white flesh into random crazy shapes beneath his fingers. His lips bared back against his teeth, and he could not close his mouth. His breath came in short stuttered machine gun blasts that crackled obscenely through the firelit room. He stared down at her slender bucking body and bobbing head. The contrast of Dawak's long black cock disappearing into the chalky whiteness of her face, shot chills of lightning-like sensations up the length of Kubby's spine. He tore at her ass, stretching the twin moons as wide apart as he could and watched his own long black cock disappearing into the moist pink flanges of her hungering cunt in an exciting contrast of black into white.

"Haaahhhhh," he sputtered. "The Gods of the feathered spirits pull high!" He knew his mood was pulled and lowered by the bird-spirits-of his people, and right now the spirit that held him in its great talons was definitely ascending a giant mountain peak!

As he worked demon-like behind her, his eyes flickered smokily back to her tender lips clasping and unclasping around the growing black cock of the savage in front, who was forcing her to suck his lewdly inflated prick. Julie worked in a daze at the command of his fingers, licking and sucking like a hungry child as he forced her to follow slave-like with her lips, his every fuck into the tender shelter of her mouth. Her ravishment continued on and on at both ends of her bent and tortured body as the crazed Enhar cupped and kneaded her jiggling titties hanging down beneath her bucking white torso with a cruel hard pressure that periodically jerked her mind from the ceaseless rape of her other tender parts.

The saliva in her mouth grew and grew, threatening inundation. It was becoming slightly sticky now as small emissions of lubricating fluid seeped from the end of the black man's cock into its warm depths. She could feel his hips writhing and straining below her bobbing head as though he were in the last spasmodic throes of death. His long sensuous fingers were curled tightly in her hair, slipping her mouth up and down over the end of his fucking fleshy instrument as though it were another devouring cunt into which he was venting the full wrath of his animal-like lust. She could feel it stretching and expanding inside her mouth until there was no room left and moaned piteously around it as it fucked forward, hard down to her tonsils as though it were trying to meet the other hard cruel granite-like prick skewering deep into her belly from behind.

Never in her young life had she ever felt so utterly used and debauched and sucked with her mouth and wriggled her asscheeks from behind wildly to end it as quickly as she could. There was nothing else but that now, nothing but to please them as best her innocent white young body could, and pray it would be all they would demand.

The lewd savage in front of her jerked suddenly as though stuck by a pin and writhed his hips up tight into her face, sinking the full length of his blood-inflated cock deep down into her gasping throat. She fought to breathe, but it was hopeless as suddenly his lewd cock erupted in the warm wet interior of her sucking mouth, unintelligible sounds of profanity of a native sort rolling from his lips. His hot thick liquid squirted into her mouth like the rush of raging water through the ground to an open spring, did she sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, her cheeks inflating and deflating all the time from the pressure of the bursting dam of sperm. It lasted for a seeming eternity, her mouth tilled with the pungent taste of his sperm and lust, and then it jerked a long last jerk and softened beneath her swirling tongue. Her senses were gone and she was hardly aware of it when a moment later his cock oozed in a slimy soft mass of flesh from between her lips. His hands pulled her head limply forward to lay trapped against the whole of his trembling loins.

The beautiful young girl could still feel its rubbery soft length pressed tight against the cheeks of her face when she heard a grunt from behind her. She felt her thighs and asscheeks swept wide apart in one last ass-crushing rush as the other savage fucking into her mercilessly, shoving it as far as it could fuck into her belly and began spewing his hot sticky liquid deep up inside her helplessly defenseless cunt.

"Aaaooohhh," he cried, his mouth opening wide with the loud, uncontrolled sound as she felt his lewd sperm filling her cuntal hole with a great rush. She could feel it flooding hotly into her and filling the depths of her womb until she thought she would burst inside. There were several convulsive jerks of his pelvis against the soft cheeks of her ass, a desperate digging of fingers into the soft flaccid flesh of her hips and then he fell forward over her back, pushing her face across the exhausted and satiated black primitive, who had just forced her to suck him dry.

There was no longer any movement at all except for the cooing sounds of the fat Enhar, masturbating by the side of the mat, his eyes rolling wildly in his head as he, too, approached an orgasm. There was a movement of bodies, and Julie felt herself falling to the mattress as Dawak slipped from under her and Kubby lifted himself exhaustedly from her back. There was a sudden cool rush of air between her legs as his deflated prick withdrew from her ravished and wet loins.

Over on her back she rolled and lay still, unable to move and not caring. She had never felt so debased and lost in all her life as a horrible picture formed in her mind of what she must have looked like being buffeted between the two black savages like a helpless rag doll. Had her father seen it, she knew, he would have suffered a heart attack from which he could never recover. What God thought, she couldn't imagine, but surely he knew that it wasn't her fault. Her body arched and she dimly felt hands crawling over the wetness of her thighs, which were still moist from Kubby's sperm. She did not move and felt the lips of her aching cunt being pressed apart again and looked up through half-slit green eyes to see the frustrated Enhar kneeling between her open legs, his long lust-hardened cock poised in his hand for entry into her. She closed her eyes again and drifted into semi-consciousness, not caring anymore, sin or no sin. She hadn't the energy to care.

"Leev her. She will be nothing alive!" suddenly boomed across the room from where Balloo had bedded down for the night.

It was a relief to think someone cared whether she lived or died. It helped to make herself care once more. She heard a defeated whimper and felt a weight lifting from between her thighs. Her eyes flickered open again for the briefest of moments, and she shivered as she saw Enhar standing over her nakedly exposed body at the side of the mat. He was stroking wildly with his hand at his large bloated black prick, locking his eyes insanely down on the wet moist mound of her loins that glistened in the kerosene lamp and flickering firelight as though covered with a light coat of early morning dew. She heard him groan and felt a sudden rush of hot sticky wetness flooding over her naked tits. It was like standing too close to Victoria Falls, she thought hazily, and then there was nothing in her mind at all. As she drifted down into a welcome protective cloak of sleep and exhaustion, just as she lay, too battered and lost to even put her legs together, the morning was just beginning to lighten the sky.
