Since the eastern side of the hut was the forested side, there was little light until late in the morning, and Julie could not believe it when she was awakened. It still seemed the middle of the night, and she was certainly tired enough that it had to be! But already Kubby was tending more little loaves of bread on the stone stove. She imagined that he had finished grinding the flour she had begun to grind the night before, yet it seemed inconceivable to her that he had arisen and done that and made the bread between the time he had fucked her last night and right now. Yet there he was. Perhaps these primitive creatures didn't sleep, was a brief, silly idea that flashed temporarily through her tired mind.
What she most wanted to do when she woke up was wash. The men let her go out by herself to find a suitable bush to use as a bathroom, but they would give her no water or place to wash.
"We wash you. We clean you for the spirits in the river," Balloo told her, leaving her puzzled. It wasn't clear to her whether they were going to wash her in the river or whether they were going to wash her to give to the spirits in the river. For a moment her heart froze, but then she remembered that there had been some talk about her being given back to her father with no marks on her, so apparently kiting her was not in their plans. However, there had to be some price they were demanding in return for her life or the entire kidnapping made no sense whatever.
For awhile, the men seemed to have lost interest in her physically. For one thing they were very excited because Enhar, usually out of grace and favor with everyone, had found an ostrich egg and breakfast would be sumptuous. Dawak, missing at first, came in with a skin of goat's milk, and then all stood around the big wooden bowl that Julie remembered from the night before and stirred and chanted and laughed as they beat the egg and some of the goat's milk and then poured it slowly on a hot flat stone over the fire, all roaring with laughter and helping with their wooden spoons to keep the egg mixture from running off the stone into the fire.
When it was time to eat, they brought her over naked to a mat at their table. They were so cool and indifferent toward her that she was not at all embarrassed to sit with them crosslegged, as one had to do with such a table. The little bread tasted much better with egg and goat's milk to go with it. Still, she was uncomfortable as she pictured herself sitting there, eating with her hands, unwashed, especially after such a night, and her long light brown hair awry and uncombed for want of anything to comb it with.
Finally, breakfast eaten, Balloo set the others to putting the little hut in order while he took the white girl outside and started with her into the jungle. She was still stark naked! Balloo had things in his arms. She thought maybe there was something in which she could wrap her fragile white body.
"Balloo, please give me something to wear," she begged as she stumbled after him. There was a slight path, but she was still amazed by how he so easily made his way.
"Soon," he assured her, and that's all he would say.
It was not long before they came to the river he had mentioned earlier in the morning. It had to be a small branch from the Gambia River, Julie decided. One of the things she had thought she had seen as they left the area of their hut, was another hut through the trees. At another point in their journey, she could have sworn she had heard low voices. Now as they broke through the edge of the jungle to approach the river, she saw that there were indeed other people around, mostly women here. They were laughers like the men she knew, and their broad teeth were dazzling in the morning sunlight.
Her appearance caused absolute consternation. One by one, as they saw her, they stopped whatever they were doing, their expressions froze in place on their laces, and they stared, looking her up and down with great curiosity. Momentarily, Julie thought how they looked at her as though they had never seen a white woman before, and then she stopped to think about it, realizing that they probably had not! The women never came to her father's mission house. One handsome woman was standing in the river, her huge tits just breaking water, unable to tear her big eyes from this strange sight, a girl with no color in her skin! Such things had been heard of before. Every once in awhile a single baby in one tribe or other was born without color in the skin or hair just as that thing happened sometimes among the animals. Since the animals preserved such creatures carefully, the natives preserved their albinos also, even though they rarely lived as long as anyone else, a though it was said that in a neighboring village there lived one of these strange ones to be the oldest of his people, but that was legend.
The surprising thing about this creature, though, the women noticed, was that although she had no color in her skin, she did have color in her hair, and so they didn't know how she was categorized. Julie noticed that a woman kneeling at the river, scrubbing some of the roughly worn material that the natives made for every day wear around here, had frozen with the garment half in the water. They came close to this woman and she was looking up at their approach, half in awe and half in fear. She trembled a little. Julie then saw that the woman's garment seemed to be trying to tug away from her. It was curious how instead of floating in the river, it kept dunking itself periodically, dunking and pulling.
Then Balloo slapped his hand onto her shoulder silently in a gesture that told her plainly to keep quiet and hold still. She looked up to see that he was staring at the garment as well. Stealthily he approached the kneeling woman, whose eyes had not left Julie's strange white body, and suddenly, he thrust himself down into the relatively shallow water at the river's edge at a point just beyond the garment. Up he came, laughing in gales even before the water had dripped from his eyes. He fumbled to his feet and was clearly holding a burden just under the water with both arms. Gradually he lifted them, and as he did, the garment lifted also. A great tortoise held the material firmly in his mouth and had withdrawn all his limbs and his head, still holding the garment, into his shell.
"Aaaiueee!" the woman screamed and dropped her end of the material gladly.
"You must wash yourself," Balloo told Julie. "I cannot put thees down." Apparently, he had meant to wash her. Well, she was glad for the appearance of the tortoise in that case.
"The dress here," she then asked because she noticed that one of the things he had been carrying and had dropped when he leaped into the river, seemed to be a robe of some kind. It looked like burlap although of a softer weave. "Is this mine?"
"Yes, but not unclean," he instructed coldly. She took that as a threat to wash before touching it. She needed no threat! In spite of the fact there might well be another tortoise in the river; there could be anything, her father had warned, in these rivers: she jumped in almost immediately. She knew the natives scooped sand from the bottom of the river to use as a cloth with which to scrub themselves. She and her father had learned that when they had introduced washing before tea. They had taken the men to the pump to wash and had been amazed to see that they scooped dirt from the ground with which to wash! She copied them now because she didn't want to risk irritating Balloo. She didn't know what "unclean" might mean to him within his mysterious set of taboos, and she did not wish to discover the penalty before the rule!
By the time she finished scrubbing herself down with the rough sand and the river water, she could see that she had changed appearance considerably. Her skin was everywhere a ruddy pink, and her light brown hair was matted fairly flat to her head, combed with her fingers as best she could. She climbed up onto the river bank again and picked up the garment that she was to wear. It felt like a tent going over her head, and she was relieved to find that it at least covered her tits. She had been afraid that it would be only a long skirt, but she found holes for her arms, and there was a cord to tie around her tiny waist.
Meanwhile, a couple of the women had helped Balloo construct a kind of branch sleigh by which to haul the big tortoise back to the hut. It was a little slower returning because of the addition of the big turtle, but Julie still had to marvel at the agility with which Balloo managed to maneuver through the woods. A great roar of laughter and happiness met them when the other men saw the prize, but instead of taking the poor creature into the hut, they loaded it into the back seat of the car, which Dawak and Kubby were filling with gasoline when Balloo and Julie returned. Then Julie was invited into the back seat, too, though Enhar was given the task of keeping the tortoise under his feet, and Julie was placed against the opposite door, shielded by Balloo from tortoise and Enhar both, for which she was greatly relieved.
"Where… where are we going?" she questioned when she saw that they were all taking off again. Was she being taken home already?
"Ah," Balloo gasped. "We go to King Daranje Kawat with fine food," he told her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He wanted her to be frightened, that he meant she would be the food, but she knew he was referring to the tortoise.
"Why me?" she asked, not frightened. He knew she wanted to know why she was involved with all this.
"Hey you," he said sternly, slivers of ice appearing an the glint of his eyes, "much business. Business, business, business."
That was not a word he learned from her father but from the market place. Most of the traders the natives here dealt with in the market were French, but some were English. The Reverend Davenport had discovered that the primitives had learned a number of English words before they came to him. They seemed to enjoy learning the language. In fact, the missionary often complained that that was all they seemed to want to learn. They soaked up the English words and seemed to let the English religion go over their heads! Oh, they played the ceremonial games with him but with other motivation than worship, he suspected. The problem was that he seemed unable to decipher their reasons!
Julie fell silent after that. Apparently, she was not going to learn about her abduction until they were good and ready to tell her the story. By this time, having been through everything there was to terrify her, she was more curious than afraid. But she must wait.
Even when the automobile stopped in the dusty middle of a clearing that was surrounded by several of the familiar rush-woven huts, but mostly by one single long hut that was also taller than the others, Julie knew no more than she had when the men had stolen into her bedroom the night before. She had to wait, the object of much curious staring by the people, while the men wrestled the big tortoise out of the car. It was almost as though the poor creature knew that he was destined for the pot! But that's the usual way of life, Julie thought. When the strong grab the weak, it's to put them into the pot, and most creatures know this instinctively. It gets complex on the human level, though. She was being put into some kind of pot for some selfish reasons the natives had, but as long as they didn't literally boil her, there was not much else for her to lose, it seemed. She would have to be patient to see what kind of pot lay in her future.
Finally the tortoise had been hauled away. Balloo and the other three took her into a first tiny room of the large hut, and there, some women came with great ostrich feather fans and brushed them carefully from head to foot. They were brushed three times by three different women before they were taken into the next room, which was floored with glistening white wood. Julie saw that there were still other rooms going off to the side from the rooms through which they passed. She knew by now that she was in the home, or palace, of the King himself and wondered if she would see him. She had not long to wonder.
After all the preparations that had taken place including her bath and the brushing down by the women, Julie fully expected to see a shiny monarch, totally out of reach, perhaps sitting high on a throne, which all must prostrate themselves before. Instead, Daranje Kawat sat at a table, waiting for them. He was dressed beautifully. His robe shone with newness and had large orange and white diagonal stripes for a print. He wore no hat, but his hair was a beautiful braidwork in patterns of flowers with stand-up loops of braided hair for petals. His robe covered his physique, which looked powerful, and surely his personality emanated a strength, the like of which, Julie had never before felt. Then she remembered hearing how these men became kings. They nearly died in the trials that gave them absolute power. She had always wondered why they did such things, why they put a man through such cruel and abusive treatment before letting him become king… if he survived, and many did not! Her father said it was just superstitious savagery, but she was curious.
Without even realizing that she was doing it before she did, she found herself bowing her head before this imposing man. Oh, if her father ever saw her do that! Yet she felt a supreme gentleness descend upon her when she did, a sturdiness like complete acceptance. What a strange feeling! How mysterious! Never in her life had she felt so a part of anything as she now felt with these men at this table! What secret power was this? And was it of God or of the devil, she wondered, feeling her heart quake. All sat down at the table where the king sat, and they placed her directly opposite.
She scrutinized his face as much as she dared but saw no smile. She didn't dare speak up, and she noticed that no one else started a conversation so she guessed that it was necessary to let the king speak first. Finally he did smile and speak.
"Your king is as powerless as the feathered spirits who serve him. We have taken you from your father, but your great God-King comes not. Where is he?"
Julie's jaw could only drop helplessly. His command of English surprised her.
"We brought you here as a challenge, to make him show himself, and to bargain with him if he were one to respect. But we see he is a coward as we have long suspected. He sends the feathered spirits to pluck out our souls and drop them in the great water so we cannot find them when we have need of them. Or shall I say, he tries to do that. But we have hiding places." He paused then and seemed to be waiting for her to say something. She didn't know where to begin.
"My… my father is not God, and he would come if he knew where I was." She stopped and no one interrupted the silence. It was as though the king could feel the knot of inexpressible information that was lodged in her chest. He was patiently waiting for her to find the words. "God is…" How could she express it? "I don't think he is what you think." Did he mean angels by the term "feathered spirits"?
"He is not the king of the feathered spirits? My people have seen pictures of the feathered spirits serving your God!"
"He does not send them to pluck our souls? Yet, my people have been told to give up their souls to this king!"
"Well, yes, but…" She was stymied again.
"What does he do with the souls he takes if not to drop them in the great water?" Julie was perplexed. Did the "great water" mean the oceans or the heavens?
"It's to keep them, you see," she said in agony of desperation. She had no idea but what her answer might determine her fate.
"For what purpose?"
"Well… well… for you!" Oh, if only her father were here to answer these questions! She didn't really know the answers at all. She heard a kind of snicker among the four men who sat with her before the king, but it subsided quickly although the king himself did not seem to notice and did nothing to stop it.
"The first man of our people who visited in friendship with your father had his soul plucked by your God. He told me that the place for his soul was empty in his head and that his ears were ringing with the hollowness of the wind, and he went and jumped from the Cliff of Doom because your father said his soul was in a place of after-death and he wanted his soul back."
Julie's breath caught in her throat. She remembered the man. For a long time he was the only one who would come, and then he was gone and the others began to come.
"These men," King Daranje Kawat said, nodding toward the four, "have come to you for the words and books that I needed with which to speak to you. Others went to the marketplace and brought back words. We will give you back to your father if he will leave here and take his God of the feathered spirits with him. We care for our own souls. It is a way to know where they are and it is better."
The king clapped his hands then, and a beautiful, willowy black woman entered. The king looked straight at Balloo.
"Take her," he invited, then smiled a beautiful, white-toothed smile. "She is for a great feast tonight. The turtle is a good sign of pleasure and gratitude on our people. You have done well, and we will be rid of the God of the feathered spirits at last!"
The king then rose and disappeared in a ripple of orange and white into a room off this main one. Julie was aghast and ashamed of the disappointment she felt to see him go. She had actually been playing with the idea that he might be curious about a white woman's body. She discovered that she had been hopeful! Oh, God, how she had changed! Yet she had acquired a new respect for physical power now, and he certainly had the most she had ever been in contact with. Part of his charisma was inexplicable. It seemed to have nothing to do with his physique. Perhaps it was a kind of psychic strength from the ordeals he had gone through to be king, or maybe it was just because he felt he had defeated the strong thieving God who had come among his people.
Now she was back to Balloo again. She must be satisfied with his protection. Yet, the tail willowy black woman was obviously for Balloo because he was the leader, Julie supposed. Well, in a way, it might be just as well. She was quite exhausted, and what she really wanted to do more than anything else at the moment was catch up on her sleep.
It seemed she was not alone in this desire. Balloo said something to the black woman, and she changed the direction in which they were walking, leading them to another hut in the trees behind the palace. While they walked, Julie managed to ask Balloo who the woman was. Her name was Kinche and she was one of the king's favorites, bestowed upon them for today and tonight in return for their services. It was a very great service to be present in ridding the area of her father and influence of the feathered spirits, Julie was assured of nothing. She couldn't. All she could hope that her father would take her home and not relocate elsewhere. She didn't want to stay in Senegal anymore than the people there wanted her to stay!
Kinche quickly unrolled mats for everyone. Just the sight of the rush mat on the ground was enough to make Julie's legs almost buckle under her and to make her eyes close while still standing up. Balloo saw that she was tired and he told her to go to sleep. For a moment she looked at him not just in gratitude but with strange feelings that she had never felt before. She was jealous of this Kinche! It was incredible, but she found herself beseeching the muscular Balloo silently with her eyes to remain faithful to her, Julie! Recognizing the idiocy in her own heart, Julie turned toward the mat he had indicated was for her and threw herself down on it, keeping her face against the grass wall of the hut.
When she awoke, she didn't feel slept out but still tired. Yet there were strange noises going on and she couldn't keep from rolling over to see what was happening. The fat Enhar, half-crazed with frustration, eyes bulging from uncontrolled animal lust, was pulling the beautiful willowy body of Kinche up to himself and slamming his large thick rubbery lips on hers. The rest of the men were sitting around chortling or just grinning, but obviously enjoying the lovely woman's struggles with the brutish Enhar. Julie's instinct made her want to cry out and help the girl but she was helpless and knew it. Her mind would not really work and she lay frozen, green eyes agape at the terrible spectacle transpiring before her horror-stricken face. Perhaps the men in this society were in no need of the God of the feathered spirits, Julie thought, but the women apparently were!
Everything Enhar did, he did with savagery and brutality, it seemed to Julie. Already Kinche's body was half limp, and the white onlooker watched in stunned horror as the crazed Enhar, frothing at the mouth from his passion, began brutally tearing at Kinche's clothing. The now half-insensible girl did not stand a chance as Enhar grabbed her robe and pulled it violently over her head and off so that her full black titties fell free from their modesty and quivered nakedly in the air. The now naked woman tried to rise but he mashed her back onto the floor again, half on the mat and half on the ground. Here there was no polished wood for a floor. Kinche was completely naked and helpless before Enhar's brutal attack. She looked almost lifeless. There was no resistance left, but the pent-up passion of the fat Enhar roared on. He rolled her to her stomach flat on the ground and muttering vague and unintelligible obscenities, headed and tore at the soft yielding flesh of her ass, her back, and her thighs, with an insane intensity that brought tears to Julie's gaping eyes.
Suddenly, with a savage jerk of her shoulder, Enhar rolled her over again back onto the mat on her back and forced her legs brutally apart. He kneeled up for a moment between her full dark coffee-colored thighs, dropping his pants to his knees with a quick movement of his hand, and then fell forward, crushing her dark lovely body with an animal-like grunt hard down onto the floor.
Their feet were facing Julie not more than three feet away, and her stunned emerald eyes were centered on the wide split crack of the helpless woman's cunt, the smooth blood-pinkened flesh of the stretched opening presenting a quivering and unimpeded target of soft wetness in a sparse forest of jet black pubic hair. Her asscheeks were smashed flat to the rough rush mat beneath, with Enhar's monstrous lust-thickened black cock insinuated down between the crevice that split the smooth, full rounded dark moons. The large, oversized, bulbous head touched the mat beneath and Julie was close enough that she could see it was wet and sticky where his seminal fluid had seeped out the narrow opening at the tip in his wild excitement of the rape of the untouchable king's mistress that had been thrown to him unexpectedly a few short minutes ago. He was being used as a source of amusement, but he certainly didn't care for this price!
Enhar wasted no time with preliminaries, and the horrified white girl lying prostrate at the couple's feet gasped when she saw the muscles of his ebony ass tighten as it lifted high in the air over the upturned loins of the moaning and pleading black woman. It poised at the wet widely stretched opening of her visibly palpitating cunt for what seemed an eternity and then jerked forward brutally to disappear between the soft, fleshy, down covered folds between her legs with a wet slithering rush that brought a long painful scream from the spread-eagled girl.
Julie looked at the grinning men. They were passing among them, of course, a bowl of the intoxicating svench. She was too horrified to make a sound but moaned beneath her breath as the terrible Enhar lay still, soaking the full length of his giant throbbing cock inside the moist softness of the poor girl's quivering belly for a few torturous seconds, and then with a deep throated groan born of animal lust began to fuck her savagely with long hard strokes that carried the full monstrous length of his blood-swollen prick. The helplessly impaled woman groaned and writhed painfully beneath the driving force of the black bully's pounding body as he reached down her legs under her knees and pulled up viciously, bending her thighs all the way back to her shoulders to give him greater access to the open wet entrance of her cunt. Kinche choked and sputtered beneath him in agony and the sudden humiliation of being thrown to this brute to be used and raped as he wished.
A few moments ago, she had been a proud and untouchable queen of the king's harem, but now she was just another piece of female flesh that would be passed among them to be fucked and used as each of them in turn would so desire and when they would desire. She knew that she was a great prize for a great service, perhaps the most important service that could have been done for her people, but she had not expected anything like this! Her humiliation knew no bounds, and she grunted and moaned beneath her wildly pumping attacker as though the world had suddenly ended.
"Balloo!" she called. "Nooooooo, Balloo! Make him stop!"
Her pretty face was contorted in pained disbelief at her sudden fall into the depths of gang whoredom, the nearest English equivalent to what she was experiencing. But Balloo and the men only considered her pleas a part of the wonderfully entertaining show! And Enhar crushed his thick rubbery mouth down over hers drowning out with a wet slobbering finality the further screams building in her throat. He dug his fingers cruelly and hard into the firm large mounds of her tits, and Julie thought surely he was going to kill the girl from the back-breaking position into which he was forcing her with greater and greater strength.
Suddenly Julie began to understand what the lovely girl meant to these men and why the king had given her as a great prize for their services. He could have given them any woman or given them each a woman, but a woman could be had for nothing. That was not the point. He had given his woman, a part of himself… to subjugate! Enhar, especially, at the very bottom of the pecking order in this group, was now as close to the top of the status ladder as he could ever hope to get. He was subjugating the mistress of the king himself!
Kinche was bent nearly double now with her knees scraping painfully into the roughness of the ground back over her shoulders. Enhar's long thick lust-inflated cock pistoned like a baobab log into the ever expanding softness of her devouring cunt, and Julie could hear the harsh slap of his sperm-bloated balls beating a lewd and orgasm-building rhythm against the tiny asshole nestled in the crevice below her filled and battered cunt. She tried to close the sound from her ears, but it would not go. She tried to close her eyes and shut off the sight of the horrible ravishment taking place so close in front of her but they flickered open again involuntarily hypnotized by the bestial assault.
The frustrated Enhar began to go wild now with lust and sadistic delight at the same time. He twisted and turned her body beneath him like a limp rag doll as he fucked into her with ever increasing speed and vigor, smashing the softness of her naked and open body hard down into the rough dirt floor and into the rush mat until Julie thought he would drive her completely through it. His hands pinched and pulled at her as she twisted and squirmed to escape the pain. His face above her was contorted into a wild mask of sadistic lust as his blood-swollen cock battered into her, expanding and growing to ever horrifying proportions before the bulging eyes of the cringing white girl peering up between his large legs at the rigid column of wet, fucking black flesh.
Julie Davenport held her breath and gasped as she watched the tiny folds of dark but pinkened flesh of the squirming Kinche's cunt withdrawing and sinking wetly back inside again with each brutal thrust the crazed Enhar made into her. Then her heart suddenly stopped as she heard a low animal-like groan suddenly erupt from deep in the throat of the fucking fat savage, and his rigid black pole of bloated flesh skewering madly into the helpless girt beneath him began throbbing out its lewd hot liquid deep inside her quivering cunt. Julie could see it jerking forward and tunneling its way deep inside the moaning and pleading Kinche as it could go to plant its sperm deep, deep up inside her. She could see the obscene white liquid of his pent-up passion bubbling up and overflowing out around his tightly sheathed cock and down the wetly spread crack of Kinche's ass.
The king's mistress' beautiful legs kicked out helpless in the air on either side of him and fell limply to the floor. It was over and there was no more reason to resist. It had been done.
The exhausted Enhar lay collapsed heavily for a moment across her unresisting body, soaking his slowly deflating prick in the liquid depths of her aching cunt that he had filled completely a moment before. Then slowly he rose to his feet, pulling his pants up and tying the cord around them. His eyes were still locked on the beautiful woman lying limply on the floor and they reflected the disbelief that still lingered in him that such a prize had been thrown to him, Enhar! One moment she had represented the untouchable to him, more untouchable than the white bitch, and the next she was lying beneath his pounding hips with her legs split wide apart like any other piece of ass he had ever had, except infinitely better; he could not explain why!
Then suddenly Kubby was upon Kinche, not even giving her a chance to catch her breath. He had decided he was going to make her suck him until she made him cum like a bull in that proud little mouth that had heretofore been good enough only for a king! He felt a sudden jerk in his pants as he visualized her swallowing his hot warm load as he spewed it all the way down her throat. He reached down and ran his hands greedily over her neck, feeling the smooth tight hollows giving before the slight pressure he exerted. He circled his thumbs up over the full sensuous lips and pushed them gently apart to see the pink moist flesh of her tongue that would soon be circling around the hardness of his throbbing black prick like that of a coiling snake!
The limp body of the king's mistress shuddered even as she lay limp beneath Kubby, her new burden. There was a certain horrified acceptance in her face because she knew there was no hope whatsoever of escape from the hopeless position she was in. She knew she should be honored that she was the very best reward that the king could offer for a great service, but she had been so humiliated and defiled by this group, especially the fat one, that idealism no longer mattered very much. Hopefully, this one could never be as bad as the other had been when she had to lie there and let him pump his lewd sperm deep up in her belly like the lowest woman in the village! Further resistance was useless, anyway, and might be punishable. Perhaps it was better to please as best she could to get them finished off once and for all. Yes, she would give it to them, all they wanted and how they wanted it.
She could not help glowering up at Kubby though with eyes of contempt as the others laughed. He reached down behind her and put his hands backwards between her thighs and forced them slowly apart. She let herself go, opening her legs before his harsh pressure and gritting her teeth trying to hold back the scream of revulsion building within her. He ran the tip of his finger up the slit of her hungering cent, still moist from the fucking Enhar had given to her a short while ago. She just lay still and let him do it to her.
However, she closed her eyes from the pressure against the sensitive lips of her aching cunt, and her face was impassive as though she wished she were dead at this very moment. The ape-like savage sitting across her naked stomach ran his hands gently, almost reverently over her hips and belly and then suddenly lost control and squeezed them with a cruel hard force that brought a sudden squeal from her lips.
His big head dropped suddenly, and he bit hard into the round softness of her titty. His teeth sunk cruelly into her firm flesh, making her jerk and squeal again. He laughed, as did the others, at her sudden pain and moved his mouth down over the smooth flatness of her belly, biting into the softness of her skin all along the way. Julie watched with a vague detachment now. She had felt horror for so long that it was no longer horror, and there was nothing she could do but lie still and watch.
The beautiful mistress was squirming in earnest now, attempting to escape the sharp nipping teeth biting into her. She pushed at the muscular man's head with all her remaining strength, but it was useless. He had waited too long, just like Enhar, for such a prize. He leaned up above her and looked down again at her nakedly exposed flesh stretched beneath. His hands ran up over the narrowness of her waist and massaged at the firmness of her tits again. It was obvious he was enjoying her torment beneath him and was delaying the final moment as long as he could hold out. He leaned back on his haunches and looked up and down the length of her dark smooth body again. A slight gasp came from his lips as the full lovely symmetry registered in his gaping eyes. It reminded him, on a slightly slimmer and more muscular scale, of the white girl here that he had had with Dawak last night except that Dawak had got the sucking then. Now it was his turn to sink it between a set of warm soft lips and blow his balls deep down in her throat. This one would be particularly satisfying he thought as he felt a hollow longing feeling begin deep in his testicles.
Kinche lay limp now that his teeth were no longer tearing into flesh. There was a look of resignation on her face that indicated she had resigned herself to accepting the degradations he was about to subject her to. She hardly knew he was there now, and the only thoughts that ran through her mind were of what she would do in the years of abstinence that for her would follow this. The king would never have her again. Her only chance would be for some widower who might find her beautiful enough to give up his choice of one of the virgins. After this, she might not wish a man. She might wish to jump from the Cliff of Doom, although she doubted that the kind Daranje Kawat would allow it.
Kubby had wiggled out of his pants and was naked now. For some reason he wanted her to stand up. She rose shakily to her feet without hesitation. She knew better than to fight. Kubby turned her around and around, pinching her here and there at particularly sensitive spots on her body and bringing slight winces of pain from her lips. His mouth and eyes gloated lustfully on the provocative curves of a woman who had pleased the king! He reached out with his arm and pulled her to him, running his hands down over the full firmness of her titties up and down the sides of her waist and full flaring hips, over her rounded ass and thighs until he could stand his own sadistic teasing no longer.
His hands reached up and tangled cruelly in her braids, and he forced her protestingly down on her knees in front of him. Her face was held directly in front of the long rigid lusty cock cleaving out from his belly. There was a strained grimace on her face, and her eyes were open wide as she saw it slowly moving under the top her nose toward her lips. The short ape-like savage grinned like an evil spirit above her and rubbed the warm moist head stickily around the sides of her face and cheeks as he maintained the steel tight grip in her hair with his straining hands.
Julie watched the girl's proud black eyes that had flashed in strength and anger a short time ago, close in bitter humiliated subjugation as she felt the obscene, sticky prick rubbing over the softness of her facial flesh. Did the king treat her like this, Julie wondered.
"Open!" the primitive man hissed down at the woman. She hesitated for a moment, and he jerked his hands in her hair, causing a short gasp of pain to slip from her lips.
As the lips opened to emit a soulful cry, he pressed forward and brushed the head gently back and forth against their wet softness. She started to cry again, but it came out muffled and low as he pushed the sound back down her throat with the throbbing head of his blood-swollen cock. He gloated gleefully from above the top of her proud head, and his hands tightened on her hair again. His lips bared back over the whiteness of his teeth as he pulled her face slowly forward, sliding the warm moist flesh of her saliva-filled mouth over his throbbing black cock.
Her lips began to nibble slightly on it from fear of the pain that would come if they did not. Julie could see the sudden change in the snarling black face standing over the kneeling girl as Kubby felt the first moist suction began around his rapidly growing prick. His eyes bulged down as he watched the now subjugated woman's working mouth hollowing around his long black column protruding into it. Julie trembled again as she remembered through her tortured mind the long black instrument that had lewdly spewed its hot lascivious sperm into her own tortured mouth last night and found herself moaning again under her breath in sympathy with the black woman kneeling like a slave now before the dark undulating hips of the squat muscular primitive.
Once more he ripped at her hair, and her tongue immediately tangled around him, bringing another deep-throated groan from his lips. The girl began to work now as though she enjoyed it, and her tongue, lips, and teeth all pressed close and moist around him until Julie could see his shining black asscheeks tense together as he jerked forward deeper into the warm soft cavern of the girl's hot moist mouth.
"Ooooohhhhhh! Suck it! Suck it! Suck it, Kincheeeeeeee!" he chanted above her bobbing head as she let herself go completely to end it as soon as she could.
His hands snaked around the sides of her head now, stroking at the soft black and pitted silkiness of her braided hair and pulling and teasing at the lobes of her ears. His hips jerked back and forth wildly before her now uninhibited attack on his genitals, and he moaned and muttered obscene filthy phrases that she probably didn't understand at the same time, making her move faster with his hands.
The sympathetic missionary's daughter watched helplessly, her hand tightening around Balloo's ankle in a silent prayer for the poor victim. Terrible and sickening memories of the things they had done to her own helpless and open body last night flickered through Julie's mind in an unending twin of obscene pictures of what her own full white body must have looked like as she had been buffeted between the short squat, Kubby, now fucking the kneeling king's mistress in the mouth, and the lean muscular Dawak, who was leaning against the center post stroking his hardened prick in his hands as he excitedly waited his turn with the proud, fallen mistress of the King Daranje Kawat. Then Julie found herself even longing for the moment she knew would come when Balloo would take her from this spectacle and begin doing those horrible things to her that all the others were waiting their turn for on the helpless Kinche. Surely he would!
There was another groan from the ecstatic face of the squat savage as the kneeling girl sucked at his lewdly bloated cock like a hungry kid feeding from a mother goat. The smooth hard texture filled her mouth to the bursting point as it expanded with each passing thrust into her warm wet cavern, but she tried not to think about that. She concentrated on the decisions she would have to make later, whether she would die or live, and if live, how.
Kubby kept skewering further and further into her mouth so that she could feel the hard rubbery tip of the hard head of his lewd cock grazing smoothly against the back of her throat. Her mouth was filled with warm moist saliva and made a smooth hot sheath around the monstrous instrument as it fucked faster and faster into her face. His huge black balls beat a steady rhythm of lust and passion against the tip of her chin, and she could feel him all wet there where some of the saliva in her totally filled mouth had drooled down troth her lips and moistened the whole of her lower face.
The ape-like Kubby was looking down at her now with a lust contorted face that glistened of savage desire as he felt her begin to suck him with a moist, nibbling, sucking motion as he crushed his sweating loins at her face and ground his fingers cruelly into the side of her head. He wanted this proud little bitch that had been standing beside the king so long, elevated above the rest of them like a grand vulture! She had better swallow when he squirted his hot load into her mouth. He wanted to debase her completely for all the times he had seen her and wanted her and had never dared let anyone know!
But now, like a miracle, he had her where he had always wanted her and would bend her to his complete will if it was the last thing he ever did. He crooned on his obscenities down at the top of her now wildly bobbing head as he watched with gleaming eyes the black flesh of his lust-hardened cock disappear into the tight oval hole formed by her full widely stretched lips and saw them clamping around it wetly like the lips of a hungering cunt.
Her big eyes were closed tight now in her shame and humiliation, and his fucking cock felt as though it were being tormented by a thousand tiny needle-sharp teeth, like those of the flying squirrel, which he had felt as a boy and had never forgotten. There was a rush in his brain that sounded like the roar of a hundred waterfalls, and he knew he could hold back no longer. It had to be now!
He fucked his thick, glistening cock deep into her mouth and arched his pelvis forward toward her face, pressing at the same time against her cheeks with the tips of his fingers so that her mouth was tighter around it and he could feel the full force of it and expanding in the softness between her tongue and the roof of her mouth until a thousand electric sensations seemed to be pressing in on him all at once. He gripped her head between his hands with a savage jungle scream, feeling all his passion rushing from the warm haven of his testicles to the bloated head of his cock and fucked it deep with all his lust-inspired power far into her throat.
Kinche sputtered and choked for a single, long-held minute, and then Kubby emitted a coarse, deep-throated moan and his hot sticky sperm shot in a thick warm jet deep into the confines of her open, sucking mouth. He held her head in front of him with a strong vise-like grip until he had emptied himself completely into the once proud mistress' sperm-filled mouth and then sank helplessly back onto the floor behind him.
His soft deflated cock slipped with a wet sucking noise from between her cum-covered lips, a thin string-like trickle of white still connecting them together. The hollows of her throat worked for long moments afterwards swallowing in great gulps the liquid white fluid he had creamed into her throat.
Julie Davenport could not watch any more, if there was going to be any more to watch. Maybe if she tried, she could forget what was happening and finish her sleep. God, she was tired enough. She seriously doubted that she had slept very long before being awakened by the activity. She had no idea what the future held. She had better sleep while she could. She lay her head back down on the woven rush mat and soon, dreaming, in spite of herself, tender dreams of King Daranje Kawat, she fell asleep.