In the mall, Cavanaugh and Jamie stood in a corner near glass doors, concealed by customers who came and went.

"Won't be long now," Jamie said. "The sign says it's supposed to come at four o'clock."

Air brakes hissing, a bus stopped outside the glass doors. The sign said, WEATHERVIEW RETIREMENT CENTER. As elderly people cued up to get on the bus, Cavanaugh and Jamie merged with them, the only young people in the group. Cavanaugh noticed that the driver wasn't collecting money. The bus was apparently some kind of community service.

"How'd the shopping go?" Cavanaugh asked a white-haired man ahead of him.

"Shopping? Don't come here to shop. I walk. Exercise. Know what I mean?"

"Sure do," Jamie said. "But why don't you walk in a park or some place nice?"

"And get killed?"

"Yeah, the streets aren't as safe as they used to be."

"The ozone layer's shot. Skin cancer. I'm talking about skin cancer. Know what I mean?"

"Sure do. Not to mention all the junk in the air. Smog. Car exhaust."

"That's what I mean."

As Cavanaugh and Jamie got on the bus, Jamie's rapport with the man made it seem they were together. When the man missed his step, Cavanaugh caught his arm, helping him inside. He gave the bus driver an "I need to keep an eye on the old fellow" look, then proceeded with Jamie and the elderly man toward seats in the back.

When the bus eased away from the mall, heading toward a busy street, Jamie touched Cavanaugh's arm and nodded toward the deserted part of the lot where they'd left Eddie in the Taurus.

Sirens wailing, three police cars sped toward the vehicle.
