MANY PEOPLE have had a hand in writing this book and they deserve a lot of credit. First and foremost, I want to thank my family, Anna and Larissa, who have supported me on this incredibly difficult journey. Bruce Westwood, my agent, saw the urgency and power of this story and swiftly lifted it from idea to reality. Cynthia Good was a strong and passionate supporter all through the research and writing phase. Susan Folkins, my editor, has been a calm voice and a strong rudder in stormy seas, and Karen Alliston did a sensitive line edit on the manuscript.

I particularly want to thank Lesia Stangret, who has assisted me throughout this project with her diligent research, translation and critical editorial eye. I would also like to acknowledge Andrea Mozarowski for her early insights and direction; Stefko Bandera for his assistance in Kyiv; and Lorena Zuzolo for her assistance in Italy.

Along the grim trafficking trails, I met and spoke with so many dedicated people. In particular, I want to thank Madeleine Rees, Nomi Levenkron, Sigal Rozen, Leah Gruenpeter-Gold, Nissan Ben Ami, Martina Vandenberg, Don Cesare Lo Deserto, Oleksander Mazur and Derek Chappell.

I also encountered many police officers and peacekeepers who work tirelessly to stop the traffic. They are to be commended. However, it is truly unfortunate that their efforts are marred repeatedly by the actions of so many of their corrupt and amoral colleagues.

Last, and most important, my deepest appreciation goes to the many courageous young women who found the strength to share their stories.
