"And that's about what we do here… and what we'll be expecting of you, Mark my man."
Mark listened with only half a mind to his boss, J.R. Williams. The middle-aged, nearly bald, slightly paunchy man had been droning on all day about this and that, fully expecting Mark to listen to every word.
In the beginning, when Mark had first gotten to the office, he had made every attempt to be attentive. The fight he had had with his wife had bothered him all the way to work, and he knew that if he could just get it out of his mind and forget about what had been said, everything would be all right. It was pretty foolish of him, he could see now.
After all, he had come to the office just a little early, hoping that he would make a good impression, and J.R. hadn't even bothered to come in until after ten. He could have fucked his wife several times!
While he had been waiting to be "shown the ropes", he ran through several conversations in his mind, and had come to the conclusion that he should call his wife and apologize. He didn't think that he was in the wrong, but he believed that his marriage was at stake, and what was a little pride where your marriage is concerned. He'd started dialing when J.R. had finally come in, and, still wanting to make a good impression, he hung up right away.
Things went down hill from there. J.R. was an old windbag. The most powerful man in the company, to be sure, but Mark found that the man used a full paragraph where one word would do. Mark learned, and quickly, that if he listened to just the beginnings of what J.R. was saying, he could get the full gist of everything. Still, good manners dictated that he at least pretend that he heard everything, and J.R. was so lost in his own explanations of the workings of the company that he rarely asked Mark anything. Just keeping up a front of attention was taxing. Mark wished that it were the next day. Getting to his job without having to put up with J.R. would be sheer bliss.
By the end of the day, Mark was shot. He and J.R. were finishing the last of their drinks in the lounge across from the company building.
J.R. was being buoyant and happy, making little jokes that Mark felt called upon to laugh at.
"You know… I'm really impressed with your college record," J.R. said, for the umpteenth time. Mark was getting more than a little tired of putting on the humble act.
"I was just doing the best I could," he said, forcing a smile.
"I like a man who does the best he can," J.R. said for the umpteenth time.
"Thank you sir." Mark looked around at the lounge wall clock. He hadn't called Kate like he'd wanted, and he could see now that he was going to be late for dinner. Kate was going to be pissed, that was for sure. And after what had happened this morning…
"I think you're going to fit in the company really well," J.R. said for the umpteenth time. Mark decided that he had had enough.
"Uh… excuse me sir, but I really should be getting home," he braved.
"Home? Ooooohhh… the little lady doesn't like it when you're late, huh? How long you been married, son?"
"About… a little less than a month."
"Ooooooohhh… well, we wouldn't want to get things off on the wrong foot, now would we. Come on. I'll drive you home."
"Oh, you don't have to bother, J.R."
"No bother at all… and call me James." He gave Mark a little wink, and the young husband could feel his heart sink. He wanted to get away from his boss as soon as he could, and the thought of being stuck in rush-hour traffic with him really didn't appeal to Mark one bit. But how could he refuse? J.R. was his boss.
Even though J.R. wasn't exactly drunk, he was just enough under the influence for him to take some rather unnecessary chances. Mark could consider it a minor miracle if nothing happened to them on the way home. J.R. seemed more intent on learning about Mark's private life than he did about the traffic.
"Picked yourself a good little piece of ass, I hope," J.R. said rather crudely.
"Kate? Uh… yes. Yes, she's quite pretty."
"Thought so. A man like you would have a wife that could really help him rise to the top… and fast."
"I… I'm not sure I understand," Mark said, not really wanting to get into it.
"Well, Maggie and me… Maggie's my missus… we like to think that we're still young. You know the old saying. You're as young as you feel."
"Yes sir."
"We like to have parties at the office. A lot of wives like to attend. Things can get pretty exciting, if you know what I mean."
At first, Mark didn't know what he meant, but as he tried to think of what he would say to his wife, it dawned on him what J.R. was talking about. There was a short moment of silence, and then J.R.'s slightly slurred voice broke it.
"Yeah… a lot of young men just starting out find that the climb to the top is a lot easier if their wives… uh… like to play ball?"
Mark's first reaction was one of livid rage. The man was all but coming out and demanding that he let him fuck his wife. Shit. If it weren't really happening to him, he would think the whole thing was laughable.
As a matter of fact, it was almost laughable. The very thought of Kate allowing another man between her legs was beyond Mark's comprehension. He couldn't help himself. He smiled, and the reaction was picked up by his boss.
"Something funny, son?" J.R. asked in a rather stern voice.
"Ooohhh… no sir. Not really. It's just that… well… I can't really picture Kate going along with something like that."
J.R. gave a little chuckle, a sound that actually made Mark shiver.
"Maybe you should have a little talk with her," he said, making it sound more like a command than a suggestion. "Better yet, why don't I have a little talk with her?"
"Uuuuuhhhh… well… uuuhhh… sure. I mean, you and your wife could come over for dinner some day soon and…"
"What's the matter with right now?" J.R. asked, making Mark wonder if he was actually serious. The last thing he needed at the moment was to have his problems compounded with a visit by this lecher.
"Uuuuhhh… Kate and I were sort of hoping that we could get out tonight. We've just moved in, and things are a little disorganized. It might take some time…"
"Say no more," J.R. said with a flourish. Mark didn't know how much of this jovial mood was because of the drinking he had done, or if it was just his way of kidding around. "I'll have Maggie get in contact with Kate. Better to let the women handle these things anyway, right?"
"Right! Uh… that's my building there," Mark pointed, more than eager to get out of the car.
J.R. pulled up right in front. "You won't forget what I told you," he said with caution in his voice. "Getting to the top can be easy. It looks like a nice apartment building. You could do better if you wanted. A lot better."
Mark thanked him for the ride and walked away, just a little too quickly to be discrete. The whole day had really been a drain. It would be good just to be away from J.R.. He hoped that Kate had done some shopping and had picked up something to drink. Even though he had had nearly as much as J.R., the thought of numbing himself just a little more appealed to him.
He took the elevator to his floor and, after fumbling with his keys, unlocked his door.
"I'm home," he said, making his voice sound as tired as he felt. If there was anything he didn't want at the moment, it was a recurrence of the argument he had had with Kate in the morning.
"Well… it's about time," Kate said, coming, out of the kitchen drying her hands. "I expected you home almost an hour ago."
"Honey… the boss was really bending my ear. I couldn't get away from him," Mark told her, silently praying for a little understanding.
"Not even to call me and tell me you would be late?" She raised her eye brows, and Mark could see that he was headed for a confrontation.
"Come on, Kate, have a heart. He's the boss."
"And he's more important than I am, right?" she said. Her voice was cold, low and almost threatening. Mark regarded her as though he were looking at a total stranger. She was staring back at him, looking at him right in the eyes, her own lovely gray pools seething with an anger she had been developing all day. "I tried to call you at the office, but some woman kept telling me that you were busy."
The secretary that had been assigned to me, Mark thought. An efficient lady, and all business, just like J.R.. Mark didn't even remember her name.
"How about a drink before we have dinner?" Mark suggested, hoping that by changing the subject he could calm her down.
But Kate was pissed. She had been sleeping all day. The way Mark had just walked out on her like that had really set her off, and she was not about to be appeased by the fact that he had such an old hat excuse as a hard day at the office.
"Dinner is ruined," she said, never taking her eyes off his. "And we don't have anything to drink in the house. Besides, you smell as though you've had plenty to drink all ready."
"Just a little. Honest honey. J.R. was really putting them down. I was just pretending to hold my own against him."
"You mean… you mean you were spending the entire day drinking?" Kate shrieked. "I don't believe it. You were drinking all day, and you couldn't even slip away to give me a call. That's all I wanted. Just a phone call to let me know you remembered I'm alive."
"I told you… I couldn't get away," Mark said. He was feeling desperate now. He had never seen his wife acting like this. Right from the day he had met her, she had been warm and understanding. He couldn't believe that one day after their honeymoon, she was turning into some kind of a whining bitch, trying to bend him to her own will.
"You could have gotten away if you wanted," Kate said, determined that she would hold her ground. "You just didn't want to get away. Why won't you admit it?"
They stared at each other, each thinking that a terrible mistake had been made in their getting married.
"I don't have to stand here and take this, that's for sure," Mark said, picking his coat up from the table next to the door where he had set it down. "I put up with an incredible amount of shit at the office. I don't have to put up with it here."
After giving her a steely gaze, he spun around and walked out the door, slamming it behind him in a repeat performance of the morning. Kate opened and closed her fists, staring at the door as though she expected that Mark would just come right back in.
She couldn't believe what had happened. She had been pissed all day, and she was convinced that she was justified at being angry at her husband. All she wanted was what any normal woman wanted. She had become very aroused in the morning, and Mark had failed to even attempt to satisfy her. She had wanted to finger her vagina all day, but she held off, preferring to wait until Mark came home and let him take care of her. As the day had worn on, she had become more and more frustrated with just thinking about his long thick cock. And when he hadn't called, she had felt even worse.
And now this. She wanted to cry. This wasn't what she had wanted at all, but the mounting of her sexual passion had put her nerves on edge, until she had to lash out at someone. Mark had just been there… the very person she didn't want to make angry.
But if Kate was angry, both Niven and Martin were feeling on the top of the world. Martin had explained as much as he could to Niven, and he was pleasantly surprised to learn that she shared in his excitement for adventure. Things had been getting pretty dull, she told him. Maybe what he had in mind would liven things up. When Mark finally came home, they had their ears pressed to the wall that separated their apartment from the Hutch's. They were all ready when Mark stormed out of the apartment.
"Okay, love," Martin said, putting the leash on Siegfried. "I think he's about as ready for you as he'll ever be. Go out and get him. Just play it cool."
"Don't worry about me," Niven said as she slipped into a light jacket.
"I just hope he doesn't wander all over town."
"He won't. I've seen things like this before. He'll head straight to the nearest bar. He should be easy pickings for you."
He gave her a little wink as she opened the door. Giving her a little time to leave the hall, he looked at Siegfried.
"Well, friend, looks like you and me are going for a little walk. Would you like that?"
Siegfried perked up his ears. He had been a little confused when Niven walked out of the apartment without him, and while he liked Martin, he wasn't sure what was happening.
Taking the dog's leash, Martin led him to the door of the apartment next to his. He knocked on the door and waited patiently, not certain about what would happen, but knowing that as long as he played things by ear, everything would turn out. Siegfried was his ace of trump!
Kate opened the door with a beaming face, hoping that it was her husband. When she saw that it wasn't, her expression fell.
"Ooohhh… hello," she said, gazing long and hard into Martin's dark black eyes. Then, feeling something rubbing against her leg, she looked down to see the huge German Shepherd.
"Hi," Martin said, smiling in as friendly a manner as he could. "I live in the apartment next to yours. I've been walking Siegfried here, and I thought I would be a friendly neighbor and drop in. I'm Martin Delany."
At first Kate thought of telling him that she just wanted to be alone, but she thought the better of that. She really didn't want to be alone, and getting to know the people in the building might be an interesting diversion.
"Come in," she said, smiling sweetly… innocently. "I'm Kate Hutch, by the way."
She almost told him that she was married and her husband was out, but for some reason, she decided against it.
Martin entered the apartment and looked around automatically. Siegfried found a place in the middle of the floor and sat there, eyeing this woman. His keen nose told him something that even Martin, with all his experience in dealing with women, didn't notice. This woman was aroused, and Siegfried began thinking that he had been brought here to lick the vagina of this lady. He liked her right away for that, but he knew that he would have to wait until he was told he could sniff her cunt.
"I'd offer you something to drink, but… I've just moved in, and I haven't had time to get anything but Coke."
"Coke is fine," Martin said casually, watching her as she entered the kitchen. He knew right away that he had hit gold with this one. She was being really friendly, and she was actually acting as though she didn't want him to think she was married. She had never mentioned her husband.
That was encouraging!
And the way she walked was also encouraging. She was deliberately swaying her lush, firm ass back and forth, the tight skirt she was wearing clinging to the fleshy orbs of her buttocks, showing him the outline of her ass. She was really a lovely woman… more so than hearing her voice through the wall would have indicated, and he could feel his cock growing in his pants. As she stood in front of the refrigerator, she offered him a profile of her ripe body, and Martin's eyes went from the graceful swell of her hips to the generous out-thrusting of her breasts. He could tell that she was not wearing a bra, and her breasts were both large and firm, their nipples strangely swollen and straining against the thin cloth of her white cotton blouse. He loved the way her bright red hair fell lushly to her softly rounded shoulders and bounced as she walked from the kitchen back to the dining room. Her breasts jiggled as she walked as well, and she took a seat at the other end of the couch from him, turning full to him as she offered him an opened can of Coke.
"I like to think that someone has to make the first move when a new person comes into the building," Martin said casually, taking a drink from the can and resting his eyes on her melon-shaped breasts. Uuuummmm… they were really nice looking, and it was all the young man could do to keep from reaching out and squeezing them right then and there. He knew that if he just held off a little, he would be getting his cock into her soon enough. No point in rushing things. He'd learned long ago that playing a hand too early can be worse than disastrous.
"I think that's a very nice idea," she told him, her eyes sparkling. As she took a sip of her own drink, she caught herself doing something she never thought she would ever do in her life. She was actually flirting with this total stranger. She couldn't believe it, but as she thought about it, she was puzzled by the fact that it really didn't bother her.
She hadn't told him that she was married, and since he didn't ask about her husband, she assumed that he didn't know. But what really startled her was that she was all but going out of her way to let him think she was single! This thought really confused her, and she turned away from him to face front, looking at the dog still sitting in the middle of the room.
There was something about that dog… something strange and exciting.
If she didn't know better, she would have sworn that the dog…
Siegfried, she reminded herself, was actually trying to look up her skirt. Even though she believed that was silly, she automatically pressed her legs together.
"So tell me," she said, once again facing the rather handsome young man sitting on the other end of the couch. "What do you do for a living?"
"Me? Oooohhh… I'm what you call independently wealthy," Martin said in an off-handed manner. "I sort of come and go. I have a great deal of freedom, and I meet some interesting people. I learn a great deal from people. More than I ever did from books."
"Were you a student?"
"Uh huh. Columbia. I was a very good student too, but the whole thing really bored me. After I got my degree, I decided that I would take off and see as many things as I could, instead of reading about them."
"You're something of a romantic," Kate remarked, smiling and making her pale hazel eyes twinkle. She had heard a lot about people who just left their homes and traveled about, but she had never met one of them. To her, the whole idea sounded very nice.
"That I am," Martin said, noting that she had turned herself in a rather seductive manner. The young man was pretty certain that what she was doing was purely sub-conscious, but she was definitely coming on him. "And you? What do you do?"
"Oooohhh… uh… nothing at the moment. I'm looking for a job."
"Is that so?" Martin said, raising his eye brows. He noticed that she still hadn't said she was married, and he took his cue from that omission.
"A pretty girl like you should find herself a good husband," he said, giving her a side long glance. "These days, you could find someone who wouldn't mind you having a job."
"That's a thought," Kate said, still smiling. God! she thought. What the hell am I doing? I'm all but throwing myself at this man, and Mark could come home at any moment. What's the matter with me?
She decided that she was playing the game just a little too seriously, but after the way Mark had walked out on her twice in the same day, she really didn't feel all that guilty. The tingling she had felt in her vagina ever since the morning was really getting to her, and she found that every time she moved, the tingling increased. Occasionally, as she and Martin made small talk, she dropped her eyes to his muscular-looking loins. She noticed that he had an erection there, and she began to feel a little bad that she was leading him on like she was. She should come right out and tell him that she was already married, but something prevented her. The anger Mark had infused in her was being turned out against Martin. She would make this young man feel as frustrated as Mark had made her feel.
As they continued to make small talk, Kate trying to not be quite so seductive, Siegfried moved back and forth, padding his great forepaws on the rug. His keen sense of smell noticed an increasing of the woman's arousal, and he wondered why he was being made to sit and submit himself to this torture. Her feminine odor was wafting against his nostrils, and he wanted nothing more than to press his long nose tightly against her aromatic pussy. He made a little impatient whine, which went unnoticed by both Martin and Kate, and his ears drooped. He knew he had to wait for the signal before he did anything, but there was an aching in his animal loins that would not go away. In fact, it was getting stronger. For some reason, his master was just talking to this pretty woman. At least if her clothes were off, he would know that sooner or later, he would get a chance to drive his long thick tongue deeply into the seething sluice of her cunt. But neither one appeared to notice him.
Finally, he could stand it no longer. He knew that he might be punished for what he was about to do, but all his discipline and training was fast fading. He had to act and act fast!
Getting to his feet, he slowly walked over to where Kate was sitting on the couch and stood up on his hind legs, his strong forepaws pressing tightly against her swollen breasts for support. Then he lashed out with his tongue, swiping it in a friendly manner.
"Ooooooohhhhh…" Kate said, at first startled, and then, realizing that the dog was just being friendly, relieved and suddenly playful.
Siegfried gave her smooth, flawless face several laps with his thick, damp tongue, and Kate set her can of Coke down on the small end table.
She took his great, furry head between her hands and scratched him behind his ears.
"Siegfried!" Martin said in a mock scolding voice. He knew that the amazing dog had been going through sheer hell, and that it was only a matter of time before he would finally make his move. He had been counting on something like this, and he made only a feeble effort to pull the huge dog away from her. Having the weight of the dog pressing against her caused Kate to sit back, and her legs reflexively opened to maintain her balance. The aroused dog was not going to be stopped merely by the voice of his master now. He lowered himself to the floor and, seeing that the pretty woman's legs were now spread, he inched his face forward.
Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. His long tongue shot out as far as he could make it go at the heat he could sense emanating from the crevice between her thighs. He felt some relief, but also some frustration as the fleshy, wet organ pressed tightly up against her panties. He tasted that they were soaked with the flowing juices of the desire he had noticed rising from her, and he stabbed at the cloth covering her crotch as though his life depended on it.
The effect on Kate was as if she had been touched there by a live wire.
Every thought in her mind seemed to come to a sudden halt. She couldn't have been more surprised if Martin had just lunged for her, but she also couldn't have been more aroused if her own husband had placed his hand there, against the cum-soaked nylon of her skimpy panties. She stiffened in amazement and drew in a sharp, hissing breath, momentarily forgetting that Martin was sitting in the room with her as the dog's insistent tongue, in its desperate desire to enter her cunt, actually slipped up under one elastic leg band and came into direct contact with her passion-flushed vaginal lips.
Her hazel eyes wide open in complete shock, she looked down, stunned at the intensity of her reaction to this strange mind. Her own control over her body was slipping away from her as she felt Siegfried's tongue again slip under a panty leg-band and slither hotly, wetly, into her cuntal sluice!
"Aaaaaahhhhhhh…" she breathed as all her breath left her body in one mighty rush, and she tried to clamp her legs shut to prevent the dog from continuing. "Siegfried… Martin…!!" She turned a passion-flushed face to the man who was sitting on the other end of the couch, wanting him to pull the great dog away from her, and actually wishing that he wouldn't. The thought of having Siegfried lick her there, between her legs, was not as bad to her as actually having another man watch him doing it.
"No… no… no…" she gasped, trying to find the strength to do what she knew she had to do.
She was further shocked to see that Martin was merely smiling at her, and as he spoke to her, his voice sounded as though he were a million miles away. "Siegfried really likes you, Kate. And it looks like you really like him!"
She couldn't believe he'd said that, but again, Siegfried made a stab with his tongue against her wet, seething pussy under her skirt, and her mind was completely washed clean of any rational thought.
"I… I… I…" she stammered, trying to think of something to say, and failing completely. Her shame was that of having someone watching her while this dog licked desperately at her vagina. She wanted to scream… to simply reach down and remove his head from between her thighs.
But she couldn't! Each keening stab he made with his hot, damp tongue against her needing cunt drained her strength and will, and she was helpless to move.
Taking his can of Coke with him, Martin came to a standing position. "I think you'll just have to let Siegfried have his way," he said in a calm rational voice. Inwardly, he was jumping for glee. In no time, Kate would be ripping her clothes off and letting Siegfried get at her cunt with no sweat. And after Siegfried was done with her, he was going to take his turn! Things were working out pretty nicely.
Kate pulled her hips back, breaking the contact the dog's tongue made with her cunt. She felt a bit of her strength returning to her, and she tried to regain her sense of composure.
"You mean… I… I should… I should just strip and let… let this dog… aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh…!" she wailed out again as Siegfried moved into position and again shot his tongue out against Kate's passion-flooded pussy lips. That was the final straw. The frustration caused by her husband had finally reached a breaking point, and, as Siegfried's long thick tongue shot out, this time to bury itself up inside her soft vaginal opening, seeming to send a million tiny fire-tipped needles searing through her aroused body, she knew that she couldn't help herself. It would serve Mark right if he came home and found her being licked by a dog while their neighbor watched. In fact, the whole idea of Mark actually seeing her like that would probably teach him a lesson.
Somehow, with her mind now made up, she found the strength to tear her blouse from her chest, popping all the buttons in her haste to get naked. She didn't care that a near stranger was watching her doing this. She didn't care that a dog was giving her such incredible pleasure. All that mattered was the pleasure itself, and she was going to take full advantage of it, come what may.
Her full, sensuous breasts spilled to either side as they were freed from their confining garment, and before she could find the side zipper of her skirt the dog's darting pink tongue flickered over her still-covered loins once again, taking the breath from her lungs. She drew her legs up and spread them, letting the bottom hem of her skirt ride all the way up to her waist, completely exposing her panty-covered pussy to the dog's skillfully lashing tongue. Was this actually happening? she thought to herself. Could this be real, and not just a strange dream? Again and again she thought that the very least she could do was ask Martin to leave. No one but her parents and her husband had ever seen her naked!
But her body would not listen to the reasoning of her mind. This was the pleasure that had been denied her all day… the pleasure she had so desperately wanted, that had been so cruelly withheld from her by her husband. What difference did it make that Martin would see her??
By the time these thoughts had sorted themselves out in her mind, she had already found the zipper of her skirt, and she pulled it down, spreading the garment out beneath her, panting as though she had just broken the world record for running the mile. And even though Siegfried's body was in the way, she still managed to hoist her firm buttocks up off the couch cushions.
"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh…" she moaned in soul-satisfying relief as she stretched her now completely naked body out on the couch, letting the curling, dipping, thrusting tongue take total control over her body, lapping molten fire into her pussy with each loving stroke. Yes! Yes! Why bother to fight it? she finally thought. She had wanted something like this all day. She had even prevented herself from fingering her body so that she would be all the more ready for her husband, and he had just walked out. And Martin certainly didn't seem like the kind of person who would think this was wrong or depraved.
"Oooohhhh… ooohhh…" she heard her voice moan. "Do it do me! Lick me! Lick my cunt… my cunt… Oooohhh… make me cum…!" The last of her resistance gone, Kate's hips started a slow grinding up toward the dog's pleasure-giving tongue, thrusting her steaming cunt tightly against his long snout, her heels digging into the couch beneath to give her more leverage. Out and in, out and in, the long thick tongue flashed wetly. Kate lifted her head and watched with passion-glazed eyes as Siegfried licked her skillfully, starting down at her tiny little anus, gliding hotly over the quivering mouth of her vagina, splaying aside her fever-pink cunt-lips and slicing through the soft moist flesh to finally rasp maddeningly across her erect, budding clitoris.
Martin smiled and watched as Siegfried licked tirelessly, happily at the soft, red hair-fringed treasures spread so wantonly before him. He knew that Siegfried was savoring the hot musky taste and odors, and was trying to slip his tongue as far as he could up into Kate's fluttering pussy mouth. The handsome animal looked and acted happy, and even though he had broken training, Martin would forgive him this one transgression.
Kate seemed to have gone crazy beneath the slavering animal. Continuous choking mewls of abandoned pleasure streamed from her half-parted lips and her buttocks churned wildly on the couch, lashed into a frenzy by the long tongue slicing deep into her most secret parts. Flailing, thrashing, moaning, the completely conquered woman twisted beneath the animal-lover in wanton acceptance, welcoming his long pink tongue in her innermost depths, totally lost in the ecstasy which was washing away the frustration her husband had caused her.
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh… aaaaaaaahhhhhhaaahhhhh…" she chanted mindlessly, each moaning utterance matching a burning swipe of Siegfried's wildly flicking tongue. She knew that she was going to cum, that nothing could hold her back now. A throbbing force had taken possession of her belly, just waiting for the moment when it would sweep over her entire body, making her a helpless puppet, pulled by the age-old strings of culminating passion. She had never known anything like this… not even with her husband! This was so wonderful… so totally, wickedly wonderful…!
The gasping young wife's eyes opened to stare at the ceiling, and she felt as though she were floating up to it. The force inside her belly was growing relentlessly, stretching itself thinner and thinner with each wonderful swipe Siegfried made with his glorious tongue, seeming to fill her belly with a shuddering tension that would have to burst or split her wide open.
Then suddenly, the orgasm that had been denied her by her husband exploded through her like fireworks, searing her insides with white-hot bolts of pure energy… pure and unfettered passion! A long low wailing moan hissed from her throat and her screaming loins thrust upward one last time as her legs held her whole body rigid in an attitude of shuddering tension.
She couldn't move beyond that. She just held there, the cords in her slender neck standing out sharply against the translucent white skin while the incredible explosion went on deep up inside her spasming body. It was an endless moment of climaxing for the young red-head, without time or special reference, just going on and on in a kind of silent explosion that swept away every thought from her mind.
When it was finally over, Kate's whole body went limp as if someone had cut her strings, and she rolled off the couch onto the floor in a gasping heap. She lay on her belly for what seemed like an eternity, letting the pleasant little after-shocks of her orgasm ripple through her. It was a long time before she could even begin to think.
Still on the couch, Siegfried looked at her. He liked licking her seething little pussy. It had been moist and hot and very, very sweet, and he wondered if something was wrong with the woman as she lay moaning softly on the floor. He lowered his furry head and sniffed the air, trying to pick up the scent of something wrong. There was nothing but the heady aroma of her passion fluids still dripping from her quivering vaginal flanges. He whined once, and then looked to Martin, waiting for further instructions. While he had been licking Kate, his long animal penis had emerged from its furry sheath, and he could feel a dull ache in his dog-balls, letting him know that, if everything was all right, he wanted to fuck the lovely red-head.
But at this point, Martin was hardly concerned with what Siegfried wanted. In the back of his mind, he knew that Siegfried would be disappointed, but he also knew that his chance to relieve the ache in his animal loins would come a little later, when he was alone with Niven. Let him think that this is some sort of punishment for not waiting for the signal, Martin thought. At least then, he won't be doing something like that without being told again. Secretly, he was glad that Siegfried had not waited, for now Martin had Kate right where he wanted her… naked and still weak from her orgasm. The young man knew there was probably nothing Kate wouldn't do now, and that was very much to his liking. Helping her was one thing, but he might just as well help himself as well. And that was just what he was going to do.
Taking several steps to the quivering naked young wife, he bent down, his eyes fixed on the luscious flesh of her firm ass-cheeks. His cock was really throbbing, as it had been ever since Kate had completely lost control of herself and ripped her blouse from her. Even though she was laying on her belly, flattening out the roundness of her full, eye-pleasing breasts, she still looked lovely, and Martin was damned if he was going to leave without getting a piece of her.
Slowly, lightly, his hands reached out and rested on the warm softness of her left buttock. He opened his hand and spread his fingers, caressingly kneading the dough-like skin there, delighting in its satiny smoothness. Again he opened his hand, closed his fingers, squeezing and kneading the resilient flesh of her ass.
At first, Kate seemed to be oblivious to what he was doing there. Still lost in the throes of her orgasm, his light massaging seemed to merely in crease the strength of the aftershocks, prolonging the delightful ripples waving through her passion-spent belly. Then, as Martin placed his other hand on her other ass-cheek and inserted his thumbs in the cum-moistened hairless crevice, Kate began to come back to life.
"Uuuuuuuuuummmm…" she moaned as she felt her buttocks spread almost lovingly, allowing the cool air of the room to blast against her tight brown anus.
"How do you feel?" Martin asked, almost as an after thought.
"Uuuuuummmm… love it…" Kate moaned, still caught in the soothing grip of her cunt-licking. She felt wonderful… blissful… peaceful… more so than she could ever remember feeling on her honeymoon, and it was the totality of the feeling that made it impossible for her to try and put the feeling into words.
"Thought so," Martin said, grinning broadly to himself. "That Siegfried is really something, isn't he?"
"Uuuuummmmm hhhuuuuuummmmm…" He was doing something to her behind there, working his fingers on her buttocks, and she liked it. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but she hoped that he kept it up. The feeling of his fingers in her rear crevice. This was something new to her, a feeling so totally new that she was caught up in the spell of the act, moving gracefully from the orgasm she had experienced from the cunt licking she had received to a strange and exciting re-arousal.
Everything was happening so quickly that she had no time to think that this was not her husband who was working his fingers into the nakedness of her ass.
"Tell me something," Martin said, his voice totally devoid of emotion.
"Have you ever been fucked in the ass?"
Kate wasn't certain that she had heard him correctly. She would have sworn that he'd just asked her if she had ever been fucked in the ass.
That was ridiculous. She had never even heard of something like that.
It sounded like it would really hurt.
Rather than try and think of what he was asking her though, she allowed herself to wallow in the delightfulness that his buttock-caressing was bringing her.
"Uuuuuuummmmm…" she moaned, as though she were in a half sleep and didn't want to wake up fully.
Martin smiled. He would have broken out into a laugh, but he knew that would break the spell he was bringing her.
"Does that mean yes or no?" he asked playfully.
"Uuuuuuuuuummmmmmm…" Kate moaned again. She was only vaguely aware that someone was speaking to her, and she wished the annoying voice would stop so she could fully enjoy the ass-squeezing she was getting.
"Well…!! I wouldn't worry about it," Martin said, pressing down just a little harder with his hands into the warm, dough-like flesh of her ass. "I think it's about time someone did fuck you in the ass, and as I look around, I don't see anyone fit for the job but me."
Inserting his thumbs again into the cum-smeared valley between her buttocks, he pulled her ass-cheeks apart again, looking intently at the tiny puckered hole of her tight little anus. He could see it shrivel up against the cool air, and he knew that there, if no where else, she was still a virgin. Her rectum looked as cherry as could be, and while he didn't like fucking virgins all that much, he would make an exception in this case. If things were working according to plan, Mark would see him doing that. He wondered what her husband would think when he saw his wife being fucked in the ass. He'd probably blow his stack. That would be a lot of fun.
He held Kate's buttocks apart with the fingers of one hand while he trailed his middle finger of the other lightly up and down her still palpitating vaginal slit, lubricating it in the remnants of cum that Siegfried had brought about. Then he rested his finger lightly against the puckered brown hole, waited a moment.
And pushed against it, letting his finger slide as deeply as he could in one thrust.
Kate was suddenly wrenched from her dream-like state and cast into the world of painful reality. She had never expected anything like this, and the swiftness of it took her completely by surprise. She stiffened her entire body as a wave of pain engulfed her, and she opened her mouth to scream.
No sound came out, though. The only sound she heard was her own voice crying out in her mind, making her think that she was screaming. She gasped then, her breath rasping between her teeth and filling her lungs…
And then the pain was gone! Just as suddenly as it had appeared, making her think that a red-hot poker had been forced up her ass, her rectal muscles accommodated themselves to the thick invader of Martin's finger, and she was left with the strangely wonderful sensation of a man's finger in her ass.
When he began to pull it out, she actually experienced a feeling of regret, and this time, when he thrust it in again, she relaxed her ass muscles, letting the finger slide in painlessly. It was… it was something like when Mark thrust his finger up her ass while she was being fucked in her cunt, and…
But this wasn't Mark doing this to her. This wasn't her husband!!!!! This was a man she had met only an hour ago!!!!! And his was sticking his finger into her nakedly squirming ass!!!!!
But what bothered her the most was the fact that she actually liked it! She enjoyed the fact that she was being caressed and massaged nakedly by a man who was not her husband. The mere thought that Martin was just a neighbor who she hardly knew titillated her. For all she knew, he could be a mass murderer hiding out from the police. Well… If Mark wasn't going to fuck her when she wanted him to, then he would just have to expect that that some one else would step in and take his place. The honeymoon is over, Mark, she thought to herself. I wanted you and you didn't want me. You deserve nothing less than to have some stranger fuck me!
Her thoughts were broken as Martin jammed his finger in further up the tight crevice of her ass, making it wider, stretching it. This time, Kate couldn't help but scream out in pain.
"Aaaaaaagggg Gghhhhhh…"
The shrillness of her yelling actually frightened Martin some. He knew she would be tight there, but the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Maybe he had been wrong to think that he could fuck her there, and he began to pull his finger out.
"No… no… no… keep it there… keep it there…" Kate wailed out. No matter how much it hurt, she was going to have his finger in her ass. She knew that once the pain went away, it would feel good. It had before, and it would again.
And even as she thought this, the pain began to evaporate, leaving her once more with the delight of having her ass filled and stretched.
Martin shrugged his shoulders and continued. Hell, as long as she didn't seem to mind, he was going to go through with it, and this time he wasn't going to stop no matter how much she screamed. He remembered then the first time he had fucked a woman in the ass… how she had screamed and thrashed for a little while until her rectum stretched enough to itself to the thickness of his massive organ. Kate's back-passage would do the same. She might not know what kind of blinding pain she was in for, but he was certain that as long as he continued fucking her there, she would come around.
He rammed and prodded his finger into her shuddering passage, sending stinging shafts of pain through Kate's body for a moment, which were followed by the delightful sensation of his finger there. She caught herself, determined that she would go through with this. Having her cunt licked by the dog had been something she never thought she would like. Why not go on and try to learn something new again? Even as she stiffened her body to remain in place, Martin held her firmly. While his one hand and finger was stretching her ass, he used his other hand to remove his clothes. He was a master of getting his clothes off under all sorts of situations, and using one hand was as easy for him as using two… especially when the hand that was not free was fingering the ass of a woman as lovely as Kate Hutch. That was an added incentive, making his free hand move like a blur.
In no time he had removed his shirt and pants, letting the thick, long shaft of his painfully erect penis spring free, the head blunt and round, the tiny slit at the end already seeping a clear drop of thick, heated pre-cum.
While he continued to prepare her ever-widening ass-hole with one hand, he stroked the loose foreskin of his mammoth penis slowly back and forth, making his distended, blood-engorged shaft all the harder and anxious for the tight warmth of Kate's anus.
He knelt behind her, his body arching triumphantly. His thick, swollen penis, throbbing with excitement, stood erect and arched like his body! She's almost ready, he thought to himself. Just a couple of seconds more.
Kate felt the hard rubbery head of his cock exploring her from behind.
It was poised at the head of her anal passage like a hot log, ready to plunge into her. And then she realized that he had not been joking in the least bit.
He was really going to fuck her there… in her ass!!!!
"Martin… Martin… please… Martin…" she moaned as the realization finally dawned on her. She hadn't seen his cock, but judging from what it felt like nestled between the soft warm cheeks of her quivering ass, it was huge… massive! She would have a hard time taking it into her cunt, let alone her ass. Certainly she had bitten off more than she could chew.
But Martin was not going to be stopped now. With a sudden lunge, he plunged the thick gorged rod of his cock into her tight virgin anus. It drove forward with a jerk that sent Kate's body thrusting forward.
Again her mouth opened to cry, and again nothing came out… just the mental voice making her think she was screaming. But if screaming itself is a release, so is its illusion, and as the voice inside her mind died down, so did the pain in her ass, and she found that she was able to take at least as much of the lust-engorged shaft as he had already inserted.
In her most secret thoughts, she had never thought that anything like this could happen to anyone, let alone herself, yet here she was, ready, willing, and as able as she would ever be to take the penis of a total stranger up into her rectal passage. The mere thought that Mark might come home this very moment and see her like this, totally naked with a naked man behind her, his hands on her hips and his long thick cock inching slowly but surely up into her bowels made her feel giddy with wickedness. She began to pray that her husband would come home… not so he could prevent Martin from sodomizing her, but so that he could watch. This was a way she should have thought of to get back at her husband for walking out on her in the morning. It was the perfect way… the only way, and her only regret was that she had not actually thought of it herself. She may have been a virgin when she was married, but Mark had shown her the pleasures of sex. If he didn't want to continue giving her those pleasures, she had every right to seek them elsewhere!
Martin was totally unaware of the chain of thoughts running through Kate's mind. He really didn't care very much what she thought actually.
If things worked out, it wouldn't make any difference anyway. He looked down at her tightly resisting ass-hole, wishing that he had reamed his cock several times in the seething slit of her cum-soaked vagina to lubricate the towering tree-like shaft of his penis, but it was too late for that now. He grunted, pushing his long, hot penis further and further into the tense throbbing interior.
"Relax that ass… come on… Loosen it up," he commanded, making his voice as harsh as he could, hoping that he could shock her enough to make it a little easier on her. He felt her trying to comply.
"Oooooohhhhhh… aaaaaahhhhh…" she moaned, pushing back onto the searing rod stretching her anal muscles ahead of the blunt head. She felt his fingers digging into her hips, gripping the tender whiteness of her flesh to keep her as steady as possible. She reveled in it. She wanted to feel as much of his cock up her ass as she could. She had never dreamed that it would feel like this. With each inch he drove into her, she felt another stab of pain, and as soon as she thought she would never be able to stand it, the pain vanished.
"Ooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!" she wailed out as the last little bit of his long thick cock was finally buried up inside her wide-stretched ass, and she gritted her teeth, determined that she was strong enough to wait out the rush of pain that went shooting the length of her spine.
She could do it! She could do it! She clenched her eyes shut and gritted her teeth, sweat forming on her forehead and running down her face.
Martin began to fuck her slowly in and out then, each thrust further widening the straining elastic channel and easing his entry.
"Getting better… getting better…" Martin said softly, noting that her ass was now almost as easy to fuck as her cunt would have been… easier, but tighter, and all the better for that.
He could feel his passion rising as he thought of fucking this naked woman in the ass. Shit! Hadn't she been teasing him ever since he'd walked in the apartment? Never once had she said that she was a married woman. If things got really tight, he could always use that as a defense.
He chuckled to himself. These newly-weds were all alike. No matter who tells them what, they think the whole world is supposed to be a long honeymoon. Well, Kate could see now that there was reality to live. He moved into her more quickly now, increasing the speed and depth of his penetrations. His sperm-heavy, hairy balls dangled freely below his blood-swollen cock, swinging up in a great arch to slap at the tender moist slit of her recently dog-licked cuntal slit, increasing the river of cum that had been there before. His testicles hitting her vaginal slit actually splashed some of her vaginal lubrication on his penis, making the towering shaft more slippery.
Kate was besieged with conflicting emotions and sensations. On one hand, she felt as if she were being torn to shreds by the hot, poker-like shaft of his cock. He pumped his hips back and forth… back and forth like a machine, driving his penis in and out of her like a piston of that machine… fitting and refitting his loins against the fleshy cheeks of her ass, pressing his bulbous cock head as far up into her rectal depths as he could.
But on the other hand, as the pain slowly subsided, she found that as long as she yielded to the sensations streaming through her body, it was delightful… more than delightful. She could feel the beginnings of a new orgasm starting in her recently satiated belly, and a new excitement began to ripple throughout her. She felt as if she were melting, as if her entire being were being bathed in voluptuous waves of pleasure that replaced the pain, making her actions seem delicious – ooooooh so delicious.
Nothing was going to stop Martin now. He rammed and shoved and fucked deeply into her ass, lust and excitement surging through him. His body was covered with sweat, and the musky odor of his sweat and her cuntal fluids drove him on. His straining, battering rod was like the steel piston of a train, chugging back and forth, deeper and deeper.
Siegfried, noticing the increasing aroma of Kate's rising passion, slowly walked over to where Martin was fucking deeply into her ass. He sniffed with his nose, hoping that he, too, might get a chance to relieve the ache that licking her pussy had created in his animal loins.
"Beat it, dog," Martin said harshly. "Get the fuck out of here." Shit! Siegfried had already has his share. Martin had to share Niven with the great animal often enough. This time he was going to have a fucking all to himself.
Returning all his attention to Kate, Martin grinned almost sadistically. His powerful body was sweating, tense, alive with excitement. He increased his tempo and plunged his stalwart penis still deeper into her heaving, shuddering passage! He rammed back and forth, driven now with wild, unimaginable sensuality.
Kate received his iron-like blows with a gasping ecstasy. Suddenly it was happening for her. She could feel herself getting caught up in a swirling, boiling vortex of excitement. She felt extraordinary thrills surging through her loins, her body steaming with heightened passion and sensuality. She would have thought that after the orgasm she had received from Siegfried's licking, she wouldn't be able to cum for a week, but there was no doubt about it. She was going to cum. She was actually going to cum… and she could tell this climax would be as great as the last one…