If there was one thing about Martin, Niven reflected as she followed Mark down the hall, it was that he really seemed to know people. Mark took the elevator and Niven, not wanting to appear too obvious, took the stairs. She, like Martin, was getting caught up in the adventure of the thing, and she playfully stalked Mark as though she were a spy and he were a counter spy.

Something good was going to come out of this, she realized as soon as she caught her first glimpse of the man. Through the walls of the apartment, his voice had sounded rich and masculine, and he looked every bit as handsome as he sounded. Just following him made her vagina tingle, and she was really glad that she had met up with a person like Martin. Who else would include her in a plan where all she had to do was what she did best… fuck a man? Martin had instructed her to lay it on Mark thick and heavy, and she knew right off that she wasn't going to hold back.

True to Martin's suspicions, Mark went straight to the bar across the street from the apartment building. Niven had been there several times herself, just to get out of the apartment. She was hardly bothered at all by the "21 years or older" sign in the window. She had learned that as long as she acted as though she knew what to do, no one suspected that she was well under age. Her mannerisms and attitudes made people believe that she was a good deal older than sixteen, and she wasn't about to set them any wiser.

It was the dinner hour, and as such, the bar was nearly empty. Two men were sitting at a window table, sipping on their glasses of beer, and two other men were busy at the pool table near the back. None of them paid any attention to Mark or Niven as they entered.

Still unaware that he was being followed, Mark took a stool right at the bar. His mind was reeling with thousands of thoughts, none of which made any sense or had any connection. He couldn't believe what had happened in his apartment. He would have thought Kate could at least listen to him. His day at the office had been sheer hell, and all he had wanted to do was just sit down and not have to hear anyone talking for a good long time.

Instead, Kate had lit into him right away, complaining that he hadn't called, complaining that he had caused her to ruin dinner. If the rest of his marriage was going to be like this, he knew that he had better end it right away, before he lost his mind all together. The honeymoon had been one thing, but he could see now that Kate was not the woman he had thought her to be. Fucking her during a vacation was one thing, but trying to make a life with her…

Whew! She was really a child in so many ways!

"What'll it be, buddy?" the bartender asked.

"Scotch, straight up. Make it a double," Mark answered in a tired voice. He knew he was already drunk, and the only thought on his mind was that he wanted to get more drunk. Damn Kate anyway.

"I'll have a gin and tonic," Niven said as she took a stool on the right side of Mark. The bar tender looked at her carefully. She didn't quite look the legal age, but he shrugged his shoulders. Hell, a buck was a buck, and things were tight without turning away someone who was buying. The sign in the window affected him about as much as a sunny day in California.

Niven took her drink and turned to face Mark fully. She smiled when she saw that he was so wrapped up in his drink that he didn't even notice that she had sat next to him.

"You look pretty down in the dumps, friend," she said teasingly, sipping lightly on her drink.

Mark looked up and around, his head stopping when his eyes met hers.

Then he narrowed his eyes and gazed deeply at the total sensuality that seemed to drip from every pore of this girl.

"I'm Niven Mandel," she told him, feeling a little giddy at her ability to be straight forward. "You look like you could use a friend right now, and the bar tender doesn't look like your type."

Mark managed to keep his face bland and expressionless, though inside, he was shocked. Since he had started dating Kate in college, he had pretty much stayed away from other women. He could tell a pick-up when he saw one, though, and this nice looking piece was really coming on strong. She was arching her back in such a way as to nearly brush her full, rounded breasts against his arm, and he dropped his eyes away from her pretty face to gaze at her sensuous spheres. She looked as though she were dressed to kill. She was wearing a short jacket over her faded work-shirt, and both the jacket and shirt were open just enough for him to see half her delightful-looking cleavage. Her shirt was tucked into old, soft jeans, so tight that, as she sat, the material followed the roundness of her slim thighs all the way up to her cunt. A fast glance, even in his slightly drunken condition, revealed that the cloth was creased along her pussy slit, and he wasn't sure, but it looked as though he could see a dark stain there. Uuuummmm… this is one hot little cunt!

"Yeah… well… things got a little rough at the office," he said, not exactly wanting to talk to her, but not wanting to offend her either. Just looking at her was really nice, and if he weren't a married man, he would have said something different.

"Things are tough all over," Niven said, leaning forward a little and inwardly smiling as she noticed that his eyes were blatantly resting on her breasts, dwelling in this increased view of her deep-fleshed cleavage.

For the first time in his life, Mark found that he didn't know what to say to a woman… especially one who was really coming on to him like this. His first thought that he should just tell her he was married really seemed like the wrong thing. Besides, he doubted that it would make any difference to her. Women who pick men up in bars really didn't give a shit if they were married or not.

"Hey, handsome," Niven said, smiling sweetly, "you gonna let me talk to a stranger? I mean, I don't even know your name."

"Uuuummmmm? Oooohhh… excuse me. It's Mark… Mark Hutch."

"Mark huh? That's a good strong name… for a strong man."

She gave a little wink that made Mark flush from under his collar. At the other end of the bar, the bar tender was taking a great interest in what was happening. This chick didn't waste any time, he thought. Hell, it would be really nice to have her come into the place more often.

Someone like her would really bring in a lot of frustrated husbands.

Niven was having the time of her life. Mark was almost like putty in her hands, and she could tell that he was really starting to come apart at the seams. She finished her drink in one gulp and set her glass down on the counter. Mark was rolling his own drink nervously in one hand, wondering if he should continue along with this little game or just forget the whole thing. He reminded himself that he was married, and even though Kate had caused him to leave the apartment, he had to take her into consideration.

"Gonna buy me a drink, handsome?" Niven asked in a low, throaty voice.

Mark felt his penis spasm for the first time… then spasm again!

What the hell? he thought to himself. Kate was really being a child about life. Maybe she deserved to see that she couldn't take him for granted. After the way she had treated him, she deserved to have him at least toy with the idea of fucking another woman. That would show her good.

"Sure," Mark told her. He signaled the tender to re-fill Niven's glass.

"Suppose you tell about how tough things get at the office," Niven said, seeing that Mark was a little too flushed to say much of anything.

Mark smiled, feeling more and more comfortable. He took a healthy pull of his own drink, gazing at the lovely woman sitting next to him over the top of his glass. The warmth of his Scotch filtered through his whole body, and his mental image of Kate vanished from his mind.

"Oooohhh… the usual story. Boss thinks I'm not intelligent enough to think for myself. Hovered over me all day like a mother hen. And of course, he's a complete ass."

"Of course," Niven agreed sweetly, making her eyes sparkle as she turned up one corner of her mouth. She dropped her eyes away from Mark's rugged looking face to see that his cock had swollen and was tenting the cloth of his pants. For a moment, she lost her composure at the massive size of it. God! No wonder Kate wanted it so badly! It looked huge, and in a flash, she pictured herself with her legs spread wide, Mark's thick penis fucking in and out of her like a hard driving machine. She could feel her vagina tingle, and she knew that she had to have that cock in her. Shit, she didn't care anymore about Martin's plan. Getting Mark to fuck her was all that mattered to her now.

"You know," Niven said, holding her glass on the counter, taking her hands away from her chest and offering Mark a totally unhindered view of her shirt-covered breast mounds. "Talking here is really not as much fun as it could be."

"Hmmmmmm?" Mark was still lost in the trance her totally shameless beauty cast over his slightly liquor dimmed mind.

"Well… I don't live too far from here. Right across the street, as a matter of fact. Suppose we take a little walk and get to know each other a little better."

"Across the street?" Mark said, blinking his eyes several times to clear his head. That was really nice. There was only one apartment building on the whole block, and it would be nice to have this cunt living right in his own building. That would really give Kate something to think about.

"Sure. Come on," Niven said, slipping from her stool. "I feel a lot more comfortable in my own place."

She started to walk out the door, and Mark, after finishing his drink, hurried after her. The bar tender watched them with increasing interest. That blonde pussy really knew how to get what she wanted, almost as though she had been planning this. If there was anything the bartender liked, it was women who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to go out and get it. Women's Lib had done some pretty stupid things, but thank God for things like that!

Mark followed behind Niven, watching her ass sway from side to side.

Her hips moved with incredible grace, and her jeans, so tight that they looked as though they were painted on, moved with her. He focused on the delightful-looking crack of her firm-fleshed buttocks, seeing that they were firm and hard. In the back of his mind he remembered that he was a married man and should just tell this cunt that. With all the problems he was having with Kate, he sensed that the last thing he needed to do was add to them. He even toyed with the idea that he would just go to Niven's apartment and talk. In fact, as they entered the building, he had convinced himself that that was exactly what was going to happen. He would just talk to her. She seemed like the kind of person who would understand what had happened to him. He wondered if he had told her that he was married, but he couldn't remember. Well, he would just start off the conversation by telling her that his wife didn't understand him. At least then, she would see that he was married, and would know why he wouldn't fuck her.

God! His cock was spasming again. He stood next to her in the elevator, not noticing which button she had pushed. While she didn't have her arm around him, she was still standing so close to him that she seemed to want to blend into his body. The softness and warmth of her flesh was clearly transmitted to him through her several layers of clothing, making him wish that he wasn't married. Yes, fucking her would be really something.

He was shocked when the elevator doors opened and he found that he was on his own floor. A wave of guilt washed over him, and he nervously looked down both ends of the halls, checking to see if his wife was out. She wasn't, but he could almost feel her presence as he walked past his apartment door.

His shock and guilt increased when he noticed that Niven had stopped at the door right next to his own. Having her live in the same building was nice… but right next door? For a moment he thought that perhaps he should just tell her to forget the whole thing. He was about to when she opened up her door and motioned him in.

"Just make yourself at home," she said, setting her keys down on a small table. "Can I get you something to drink? It's cheaper here than across the street, and a lot nicer."

"Niven…" Mark said, smiling, trying to say something that would make her realize that things had gone a little too far already. If he weren't so close to his own apartment, he wouldn't have felt so jumpy, but this was too much of a coincidence. Having a nice looking ready to fuck woman like Niven just on the other side of his walls was really asking for trouble, and while Mark didn't mind excitement, this was really stretching things far. Kate would definitely find out about Niven. There was no way he would be able to hide anything he did.

Better to cut it off right here and now.

But Niven either didn't hear him or didn't want to. Mark took a seat on her couch and watched her as she went into the kitchen to pour the both of them a drink. Just looking at her move in her cat-like way weakened his resolve, and he decided that he would just play the thing out.

After all, she could come on to him all she wanted, but he was certain that he could resist.

His cock was really painfully swollen in his pants, and he knew that once he had bowed out gracefully from this situation, he would swallow all his pride and fuck the living daylights out of Kate. At least then, maybe things would work out between them. That had been the cause of their problems… his thinking that he didn't have enough time to fuck her this morning. He almost laughed as he thought of what his wife would say if she caught him fucking another woman after what had happened today.

"What's so funny, love?" Niven said as she took a seat next to him on the couch. Mark was pleasantly drunk, and thinking about his wife had occupied his mind enough so that he hadn't really paid too much attention to Niven's leaning forward.

"Oooohhh… nothing," he told her as he took the drink she offered.

Niven sipped on hers and decided that things were moving just a little too slow. Martin had told her that being the least bit subtle was totally unnecessary. He had told her to pull all the stops and not worry about the consequences. Up to this point she had been keeping to the form and playing the game, but Mark was in her apartment now, and he appeared to be just a little apprehensive. She sensed that he was also slightly uncomfortable being so close to his own apartment, even though for some reason he hadn't told her that he lived right next door. There was no way he could know that she already knew that, so she assumed that he was just waiting for a good time to tell her.

And she wasn't going to let him do that. She had been on the attack ever since she had sat next to him in the bar, and she wasn't going to let up now.

The slightly drunk husband drank from his glass, feeling as though he were regaining control of himself. Now that he was so close to his own apartment, he could tell Niven that this little game had to come to an end. Damn, he thought to himself. If only she lived on another street.

Having the proverbial "other woman" not only living in the same building but living in the next apartment was really asking for trouble. The time had come to level with Niven here and now.

But as this thought flashed to his mind, he found himself staring at the beaming face of Niven, at the all-encompassing sex that seemed to drip from every inch of her luscious skin, the full rich softness of her firm, high breasts. Shit! He'd like to tweak her nipples into erection, take each one in his mouth and roll it around and around with his tongue.

Again he felt his cock jerk into sudden, instant hardness, as though it were alive, straining for release from its cloth prison. He sighed deeply, taking a deep breath to tell Niven that she was really a nice person, but that he didn't want to do anything… well, tell her that he couldn't do anything. His eyes went to Niven's face.

She was looking directly at the bulge in his pants.

"Uuuuuummmmmm… I like a man who has an erection like that," she said, knowing that she would shock him so much that he wouldn't have a chance to think.

She was right. Mark's mouth fell nearly to the floor!

"I… I… I…" he stammered, feeling his face turning a beet red.

"I'll bet you want to put that big hard cock in me, don't you," she breathed. "You want to put that cock of yours right between my legs and fuck me, right?"

"Jesus," Mark hissed, feeling his strength leave him. Her timing was perfect. He could hear his mental voice telling her that something like that was out of the question, but he couldn't make the words form in his mouth. He could have handled her if she had just made the suggestion that they go to bed or something, but the graphic blatantness of her words took all the wind out of him. He had never been seduced like that, and her words threw him completely off balance.

His balls began to ache from the presence of quickly gathering sperm.

He needed to do something. He needed to fuck, and even though his wife was so close to him, he couldn't find the strength to just get up and leave. Niven's lovely round face held him to his seat as securely as if he had been chained.

The young blonde girl leaned close to him, and he could feel her hot breath on his cheek, like the scorching air from a branding iron. She touched his knee lightly, and her fingers seemed to burn him through the cloth. "Well, love?" she asked with raised eye-brows. "Wouldn't you like to fuck me?"

"Niven… there's something… something…" he tried to tell her that he was married, but she broke in.

"My cunt's on fire right this minute, and the only thing that will make it feel better is a big, hard cock. A big hard cock like this one."

And with that she reached out and touched his pulsating, cloth-encased penis!

The young husband nearly leapt off the couch to the electric reaction of her fingers on his swollen, throbbing member. Niven cooed softly as she lightly traced her fingers along its searing length. She inched her hips closer to his, pressing her breasts lightly against his arm. Then she leaned over and found his jaw line with her lips, tracing a pattern upward along her cheek. Her fiery pointed tongue lashed out like a whip against his skin, freezing Mark in his sitting position while her hand pressed harder down in his greatly swollen penis.

"Niven… I… we… this… you don't understand…"

His words were barely audible, and Niven ignored them completely.

Obviously Mark didn't suspect that, in not fucking his wife when he had the chance, he too was more ready and eager to relieve himself.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" Niven asked in a mesmeric voice. "You want to fuck me, and I want to fuck you too. Why do you think you're here?"

Mark thought quickly. He really hadn't wanted to fuck her, he decided.

He had just wanted someone to be with, and she had made herself available. He wanted to tell her that, hoping that she would believe it.

"You want to fuck me… you want to fuck me… you want to fuck me…" she droned on, moving her hand over and over along his painfully throbbing cock, punctuating her words.

"No… no… I can't… I… Christ, yes… yes…"

Mark couldn't help himself. In the back of his mind, he could see his wife watching him, but he put her out of his thoughts as he twisted his head and found Niven's lips with his own. The young blonde squealed her delight as her hand moved faster and faster along his turgid shaft, and she sucked and nibbled at his tongue, swirling her own around and around in his mouth, keeping up her attack by darting her tongue into his mouth and them withdrawing it in the rhythm of fucking with her remaining the aggressor. Without thinking, Mark's hand moved slowly up along the smooth side of Niven's body and pressed against her left breast, his fingers squeezing and kneading the soft, hot pliant flesh, then dipping inside her shirt to unbutton the garment and draw it away, exposing one naked breast with its lust-hard nipple and dark pink aureole. He could feel the wetness from the seminal fluid which had seeped from the gland at the hard tip of his cock as she continued to massage him through his pants.

Then, suddenly, with his fingers kneading the soft resilient flesh of her round, firm breast and his massive erect cock jerking nearly out of control, the full impact of what he was doing blasted into his mind.

Christ! There was no way Kate wouldn't know what he had done! She would find out! She really wasn't all that stupid! Living next to the woman he was fucking instead of his wife was just foolishness!

He pulled himself desperately from Niven, yanking his mouth away from hers and turning his body away from here so that her hand left his bulging cock. His face was flushed with his desperate attempt to regain control over himself. He averted his eyes from the lovely blonde woman.

"What's the matter?" she asked coyly. "Don't tell me… let me guess. You're a married man, and you're worried about what your wife might think."

Mark opened his mouth. He was going to say something like that, and he was certain that, now that at least part of the truth was out, she would understand and just let him leave. He started to add that he was her next-door neighbor, but she smiled at him the way she had been smiling all evening… coyly, seductively, teasingly.

"I'd say you don't have much of a wife if you were sitting all alone in a bar after a hard day at the office," she observed. "Besides, I've felt enough of that nice penis of yours to know that there's plenty of you to go around."

"No…" he said, his throat dry and rasping, "I can't. Kate would… I mean…"

"I don't care about your wife, and neither should you. I just want you to fuck me… fuck me… fuck me…"

"NO!" he shouted, a surge of strength rushing through him, enabling him to jump from the couch. His heart was hammering in his chest, and he was aware that his cock was still seeping hot droplets of pre-cum into his pants. He started walking to the door, seeing that he had to get away. There was no way he could make this woman understand everything.

Not now! Maybe tomorrow he would be able to talk to her.

He was half-way across the room when he heard the low, throaty voice of Niven calling him.

"Where are you going, Big Fellow?"

He turned around to tell her that he was her neighbor, his last ditch effort to make her see how impossible this whole thing was, but when he saw her, his words froze in his throat.

Niven had quickly shed her clothes, and was presenting him with a totally shameless view of her naked body.

If Mark had thought before that she was lovely, he could see that he had underestimated her. Niven had tossed her shirt to the other side of the room and was standing in the puddle of her jeans with her legs spread wide apart, her head and shoulders pulled back, her hands knuckled at him, her mouth parted and her tiny pink tongue playing a peek-a-boo between her lush, full lips. The moist, petal-like, golden fringed flanges of her cunt were presented lustfully, unabashedly, to his eyes, and the yellow triangle of her cuntal mound glistened with the thick drops of moisture that had seeped out from between her pussy lips. Her high, smoothly rounded breasts quivered with an internal vibration, the nipples hard and distended. Her shamelessly slim thighs were moist with the flowing juices of her passion-flowered vaginal opening.

"Now… why are you standing there? I want you to come here and fuck me."

"Niven…" was all he could say. His mind, already slowed with his drinking, refused to form a coherent train of thought, and he could only stare at her. His cock began its maddening pulsations again.

Slowly, deliberately, Niven lowered her hands, her eyes sparkling with her seething passion, and pressed her fingertips to her golden curling pubic mound, slowly inching her hands up along her inner thighs, her fingers glistening as they became coated with the river of moisture that was washing from her cuntal sluice. When her hands reached the pink, hotly throbbing slit between her legs, she placed the thumb and forefinger of one hand on either side of the soft, shining lips and spread them apart, revealing the fully hardened bud of her trembling clitoris to the young husband's lust-ridden gaze. With her other forefinger, she traced up her cuntal slit until she made contact with the quivering, blood-hard bud. She tweaked at it, increasing the flow of her cuntal lubrication down her inner thighs, making them sheen as though they had been carefully polished. Then her middle finger went lower until it poised at the lips of her vagina, then slipped easily inside all the way to the palm of her hand. She pulled it out slowly, and re-inserted it, pulled it out… slid it in, finger-fucking herself with glazed-eyed abandon. Her hand moved faster and faster, her finger sliding in and out of her pussy sheath, causing her hips to roll and twist with the shivers of delight she was bringing to herself. Then she began to talk to Mark again, making her voice as seductive and hypnotic as she could.

"My finger is not as nice as your cock, love. I want to feel your cock in my cunt. I can feel my fingers anytime, and I know my hand isn't as nice as your big, hard, hot penis."

Mark had known some pretty forward women, but no one that was that blatant. Her words lashed his mind into a swirling frenzy that made thought impossible. Christ! He didn't know why she was so eager for him, but it was too late to think about that now. He had to have her.

His will to remain faithful to his wife vanished. He only knew the wild, burning heat in his pulsing cock and his balls. This seething cunt in front of him… damn! He was going to fuck her all right.

There had never been any doubt that she wanted it, and now she was going to get it!

As though making this decision took all his worries away, Mark walked to her, his hands outstretched, his fingers ready to feel the soft smoothness of her flesh.

When she saw that he was coming to her, she stopped her finger fucking.

Martin had told her that she might have to resort to something drastic like this. Not that she had minded very much. She moved her cum-soaked hand up to him and began unbuttoning his shirt as she strained forward, loving the way his hands were instantly playing with the lust-swollen orbs of her breasts. She slipped her fingers inside his shirt to tangle with the hairs on his chest, then slipped them further down to unzipper his fly, gasping with delight like a child with a new toy as his frenzied cock leapt into view, already turgid with arousal and passion.

"Uuuuuummmmmmm… I can hardly wait…" Niven moaned, her body swaying with ecstasy as she gave herself to Mark's caresses. She knew she had won over him, and she was going to reap the harvest of Martin's carefully laid plan.

Mark couldn't think of anything but the warm succulent body offered to him… literally thrown at him. Having given in to the demands that his cock had been making on him made it possible for him to truly enjoy the total sex she possessed. His boss, his job, and especially his wife… all his worries slid off his shoulders as he sank to the floor, soft with the thickness of the wall to wall carpet, the teasing young blonde neighbor clasped securely in his arms.

He felt himself taking possession of her, and he covered her luscious body with hot, eager kisses, feeling his cock swell and grow as it bobbed between his legs. His hands were searching, probing between the slender columns of her pulsing pussy, caressing the velvety folds with passionate hunger, noting how moist her vagina was, her lubricants seeping out of her tantalizing cuntal orifice.

Her hands reached down and circled the thick circumference of his throbbing cock, pressuring it tightly, sending shudders of raw pleasure searing up and down the length of his back, exciting him beyond belief.

Shit! He could tell right away that this woman would know how to fuck!

There was the hot, soft invitation of her delectable young cunt, pink and fragile, the petal-shaped opening glistening a chiffony rose, surmounted by the reddish tip of her already excitedly rising little clitoris, and framed by the shimmering yellow halo of silky, tightly kinked curls. He couldn't wait much longer. Her finger-fucking had aroused him almost to the point of cumming, and he wanted more than anything to ram his heavy, blood-laden penis home in her tight little cunt. Nothing was going to stop him now.

"Oooooohhhhhh… Fuck me from the back," Niven pleaded suddenly, turning over abruptly on her belly and presenting him the milk-white orbs of her firm, hard ass-cheeks. Instinctively, his hands went out and kneaded the pliant flesh, grasping her firmly by the hips and raising her up until she was on her knees. His eyes stared hypnotized at the tantalizing globes, smooth and pear-shaped without flaw, and unerringly, he guided the thick shaft of his cock towards the faint glimmer of moist flesh visible below the graceful curve of her ass.

In her mind, this was almost the same as being fucked by Siegfried, and all the more thrilling to Niven for that. She did as she would have done with her beloved dog… reached back and grabbed his hardened penis in her slender fingers to guide it toward the twitching entrance of her hungry cunt. Mark, his hands digging into the soft, resilient dough of her buttocks, could stand it no longer, and with a heave, he slammed forward and planted his towering penis half-way up the wet, slippery channel of her naked, seething pussy.

"Uuuuuuuuuu ggggg hhhhhhh mmmmmm… oooooooo hhhhhhh…" Niven moaned as she felt her cuntal passage flowering open to accept his deep thrust. He continued to slide forward, feeling the soft willing walls of her vagina slip around his engorged penis like a wet, velvet glove, until he finally hit bottom, the hard rubbery head of his cock touching the sensitive membrane of her cervix, and his contracting balls wedging neatly beneath the whitely rounded spheres of her backside.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh… ooooooohhhhh…" Niven sighed again, feeling replete with his masculinity, completely impaled on his lust-inflated penis. She could feel the crisp dark curls of his pubic thatch tickling the soft skin of her ass, and she knew that he had sunk every millimeter of his cock in her depths. She knew she had been right to go through so much trouble to get him to fuck her. The feeling of his penis in her cunt from behind like this was sheer bliss, and to think… he lived right next door. She could have him any time she wanted.

The near wicked sordidness of having an affair with a married man who lived less than twenty feet from here really appealed to her. It was a liberating feeling, and Niven had liberated herself a long time ago!

Slowly, Mark began to withdraw, easing his bloated shaft out of her soft welcoming depths, until just the head was wedged between the resilient moons of her buttocks, before ramming forward again, almost overturning Niven with the strength of his thrust.

"… Ooooooo gggggg hhhhhhh nnnn…" she gasped again, "that's lovely… ooohhh… that's beautiful… lovely…"

Mark began to move his heavy penis inside her, rotating it gently, feeling the responsive throb of her inner pussy walls as she flexed her supple interior muscles with a clearly practiced ease. Her cuntal muscles began a milking, rhythmic contraction and squeezing, until he felt that he would explode in her at any moment from the delicious pressure.

He began to saw in and out of her, loving the way she thrust back against him as he plunged to enter, and thrilling to the way she tightened as he pulled out. Not even his own wife, his own sexual creation, had been this skillful, and Mark felt himself possessing a new and vibrant vitality. He had lost none of his own skill… a skill that had made him very popular with a lot of women at his college before he had met Kate.

His hands reached forward to squeeze the ripe melons of her breasts hanging enticingly from her gently undulating body. He rubbed the hardening buds of her nipples, running them between his fingers, making her shriek with pleasure. In the back of his mind, something warned him that his wife would be able to hear her shrieking, and think that something was happening to her, but he quickly put that thought out of his mind. There was no way his wife could possibly know that he was fucking Niven. There was no one in the entire world for the cheating newly married young husband for Niven now. No one… NO ONE could possibly derive as much pleasure from fucking as Niven was right now, and her enthusiasm was transmitted to him, making him experience more pleasure than he would have dreamed possible.

The heated pressure in his body was building up to a fever pitch, and his furiously deep pumping increased in velocity. Their bodies were bucking soundly against each other, jerking and twisting and gyrating and merging as one.

"God… Niven… that's it… fuck back… fuck back hard… move that ass of yours…" he gasped, his face a sweating mask of lust and passion, his head flailing from side to side.

"Oooohhh… you… feel… soooooooo gooooooooodddd… inside… me…!" Niven panted, her body cavorting with paroxysms of pleasure. "I'm going to cum… I'm cumming… cumming… almost there… there… I'm… I'm… there… aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

And Niven was cumming, her buttocks waving like a flag in the wind, the force of her spasms jerking his penis unbearably. Her mouth was uttering incoherent mumbles, and her shrieks were as wild and unabashed as the rest of her vibrant way of thinking, but Mark didn't have time to consider any of this, because he was cumming too. A deep, harsh strangled moan escaped his throat as he pounded his hips against Niven's thrashing buttocks with the power of a jackhammer, and he moaned again and again as he felt the first rumblings of his seething sperm escape the darkness of his balls and rush headlong like molten lava into the depths of her milking vagina. Stream after stream, like a flooding unending river, entered her cunt from the throbbing tube of his penis, filling the hot, slippery canal of her thirsting pussy.

"Keep… fucking… back… fuck back… fuck back!" he hissed, his voice hoarse with the lust he felt. Finally, though, it was all over for him, and he noticed, with disappointment, the last dregs of his cum-juice being drained from him. Finally he was satiated, and they lay against each other, his penis deflated and flaccid, both panting, their commingled juices flowing from Niven's pussy lips and staining the carpet below her.

As he lay there, Mark found that he was now able to think clearly… more clearly than he had been able since he had walked out of his next-door apartment. All his frustration and lust had been spent, allowing his mind to dwell on what had just taken place.

My God! I've just fucked another woman… a woman who is not my wife!!!

Even though he realized that she had all but raped him, he knew that he should have managed to keep himself under control. When he had made his marriage vows, he had truly meant them, and here, at the first chance he had had, he had merely cast them aside in favor of a few moments of pleasure. No matter how seductive Niven had been, there was no real reason for him to weaken as he had. He had married his wife because he loved her, and trying to hide from their problems by running out, getting drunk and fucking another woman wouldn't solve anything.

In fact, since Niven was his next-door neighbor, it would only make things worse. Meeting this lovely young blonde woman again was inevitable, and he wondered how he could look her in the face. She had been nothing but a vent for his lust. That was all she was to him, and he didn't know how he would be able to tell her that… not after what they had just done!

He heard Niven stirring next to him, getting her strength back before he did.

"Are you always this quiet after you fuck?" she asked, lifting her naked body up and looking down at him. There was a playful smile on her face, as though she didn't take any of this seriously.

Mark opened his eyes and looked up at her, his face no longer contorted with conflict or arousal, but wrinkled with worry… and a sense of guilt.

"There… there's something I have to tell you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Now that his mind was cleared, he was actually afraid that his wife would hear him through the walls.

"Ooohhh… do you have a disease?" she asked, her voice sounding strangely child-like. For the first time since he had met her, Mark wasn't certain about her age. At first, she had acted and carried herself as though she was his age… college age.

But now he wasn't so sure. She seemed… younger… much younger!

"Uuuuhhh… no. No, Niven, this might come as a shock to you…"

"But you live in this very building?"

Mark opened his mouth in shock. Niven smiled teasingly, remembering that Martin had told her to keep Mark off balance as much as she could without telling him everything.

"How… how did… how did you know?"

Something wasn't right. It hadn't really occurred to him before, but things had fallen into place just a little too easily. Niven had come into the bar right behind him, and she had acted as though he were just more than a casual pick up for her. There had been other men in the bar, but Niven had singled him out. This had all the smell of a set up… but who…? Why…?

"Lucky guess, love," she said, enjoying the conflict that was evident in his face. She came to a standing position and held herself over him as he remained on the floor. Like most people, Mark felt a little funny now about being naked in front of a near stranger, especially since he had just fucked her. But Niven was prancing around as though she were wearing a nun's habit. Clothes or no clothes were both the same to her, and it placed her in the superior position of command, as she had been all evening.

"I could make some other guesses about you that would really turn that nice brown hair white," she said teasingly as she picked up her glass from where she had set it and began sipping on it.

"Like what?" Mark was getting a little pissed. She was too cock-sure of herself… knowing something that he didn't.

"Well… I'll bet you live right there," she said, pointing to the wall that separated his apartment from hers.

Mark stiffened.

"And I'll guess… you're a newly-wed, and you and your wife have been having a few problems. Hard day at the office indeed."

She was acting as though she were leading him on to something, and Mark finally came to a standing position. He was going to find out what was happening here. He walked threateningly toward Niven, rage beginning to form in his eyes.

"And I would guess that your wife isn't alone right now," she said, timing her information perfectly. Mark stopped dead in his tracks, his teeth gritting. She was playing games with him, and he didn't like games. He liked everything up front so he could deal with it on a rational level.

"Suppose you tell me just what you mean by that," he seethed between his teeth. His hands were clenching and unclenching in tight little balls, and Niven's coy, child-like smile wasn't helping him any.

"I… uh… I don't exactly live alone," Niven said with a flourish of her hands around the apartment. "I have… shall we say, a lover? Martin, and he's a really nice man."

"Yeah… So?"

"So he's not here at the moment, and I don't think he'll be back for a while. But he's not too far away. Right next door in fact. You really shouldn't go away and leave your wife without fucking her when she really wants you."

Mark could feel his blood starting to boil. The innuendoes she was making her having a powerful effect on him. He reached out to her, but she moved cat-like away from him, his hands grabbing empty air where her throat had been. Niven wasn't frightened, but she sensed that she had to top off Martin's plan fast before Mark lost all rational control.

"You can't really blame her, after what you just did to me," she said, calmly, evenly, softly.

Again Mark stopped. Visions passed through his mind… visions of Niven sitting next to him in the bar… of him coming to her apartment with her, trying to make himself believe that nothing was going to happen. He could see that he had just been fooling himself. If he didn't want anything to happen… if he hadn't really wanted to fuck her, he would have just told her to get lost.

And there was another vision in his mind now… his wife, her naked body, her long legs spread wide, her cunt throbbing and eager…

That vision made him see red before his eyes, and he took a threatening step toward Niven, who slowly walked to the door of her apartment.

"You're lying," he said, hoping that, by saying that, he could believe it. Even now, he wasn't sure but that he was being teased and led on for some strange reason.

"Could be," she said, shrugging her naked, softly rounded shoulders.

"But suppose we go take a look."

And with that she opened the door to her apartment and slipped into the hall. Mark stopped at the door, watching her walk the short length to his own apartment. She stood at his door and looked at him.

"This is your place, I believe," she said, chuckling when Mark, uncaring that he was as naked as she was, moved with determination through the hall.

"Get away from there," he said roughly, pushing her aside. He flung the door of his apartment open, and stepped inside…

Only to halt himself just in the door-way.

There were two people right there in the middle of the floor… two naked people…

And one of them was his wife!

She was resting on her hands and knees, while some total stranger was fucking his long thick cock in and out of her ass!!!

Mark couldn't believe that Kate would actually allow another man to touch her, let alone fuck her in her rectum. This had to be a dream… some sort of joke. That couldn't be his wife there! She had to be an impostor… an actress hired by Niven and that creep behind her for some reason.

"Oooohhh… fuck me in the ass hard… hard," Kate moaned, so wrapped up in her impending orgasm that she failed to notice her husband standing some three feet from her.

"Looks like I was pretty good on the guessing," Niven chortled into Mark's ear.

"Shut up, slut," Mark said, too many things happening all at once for him to know what to do. He turned around to strike at Niven, more out of frustration than hatred, but his hand motion was stopped by the high-pitched wail of his wife crouching on the floor of his apartment.

"Ooooohhhh… I'm cumming… I'm cumming… now… now… now!!! Cccc Uuuu Mmmmm Iiii Nnn Gggg!!!"

Mark spun around just in time to see her body flailing and thrashing, and he was seized by a powerful determination to rush into his apartment and beat the living shit out of both his wife and that creep behind her.

But he couldn't move, so total was his shock, and he stared with hate-glazed eyes as the man behind Kate increased the speed of his pumping into her ass, his hips moving so fast that to Mark's liquor-dimmed mind they were but a blur.

As she cried out, Martin could feel his own body responding to her orgasm. He felt the white hot sperm gathering and surging in his throbbing balls, welling up like a churning seed!

He was cumming too!

"Aaaaaggggggghhhhhhh!!" he cried, feeling himself almost ready to shoot his mighty load like a canon into her hot steaming anus.

"Ooooooohhhhhh… here it comes!!!"

He was seized by convulsive spasms as his bulging, blood-gorged cock shot the torrent of searing, white hot cum deep into her. She could feel the boiling, surging river enter her like molten steel, streaming into her loins and seeming to spread out through her entire exploding body. On and on it came, a never ending rocket-load of turbulent jism. Martin could feel it streaming through his long penis and gushing through the rubbery head of his cock.

"Ooooohhhhhh… yyyyyeeeeesss…!!!" Kate moaned. The sensation of having a man's semen in her ass was strange and exciting, and as it went stinging through her stretched rectal walls, her throbbing cunt secreted its own thick fluids as she responded to his wild moans and cries.

Still standing at the door, Mark could no longer stand the sight of another man fucking his wife… especially in her ass… a place where he himself had not placed his cock.

Forgetting that he was naked… that Niven was also naked… Mark emitted a low, threatening snarl and stepped into his apartment, walking quickly toward the man who was sodomizing his wife.

"You fucking ass hole," he said, his hands moving up to grip Martin's throat. "I ought to…"

And the room was shattered by a low animal growl, and Mark felt the blood leave his face as he saw the massive German Shepherd slowly, but surely, placing himself within striking range of his naked body.
