Bronson knew that he was the focus of everyone’s attention. He assumed that there was some kind of sick prestige in being the first one chosen to violate the girl strapped down on the stone table, the girl whose desperate screams and moans were still echoing around the underground room. He had hoped that as soon as this part of the ritual began, he would be able to step further back, away from the group, and use the nine-millimetre persuasion afforded by the Browning to stop the action even before it started.
Clearly, that wasn’t going to work. He had to act immediately.
He had just started to pull apart the seam of his robe when the man who had been assisting the leader raised his hand and spoke to him.
‘Wait,’ he said. ‘You are eager enough, brother, but don’t forget there is one more step we have to complete.’
Bronson relaxed a little and eased his grip on the material.
The assistant gestured behind him, and two of the men left the circle and stepped across to the end wall of the cellar, returning in moments with a small jug and a funnel. As soon as he saw these two utensils, Bronson guessed what they were going to do, and knew he had a few more minutes.
The two black-clad figures walked across to the girl. One of them pulled down on her chin to force her mouth open, then pushed the end of the funnel between her teeth. He held it in position and nodded to his companion, who began dribbling a white fluid into the top of the funnel, forcing the girl to swallow it. She choked and coughed, but to no avail; the two men continued with their actions until the jug was empty.
As soon as Bronson could see that they’d finished force-feeding her the milk, he stepped slightly away from the circle, as if he was preparing to remove his robe and carry out the rape as he’d been instructed by the leader of the group.
The assistant saw that he was moving out of the circle, and called across the table to him: ‘Now we can begin. Prepare yourself, brother, for your appointed task, so that we may release the lifeblood from this willing subject – the blood that will allow us to fulfil our destiny.’
Bronson nodded, the movement barely perceptible because of his all-enveloping hood, and turned away from the table. Out of the corner of his eye, he could just make out the shadowy form of Angela climbing slowly to her feet as she recovered from the assault by the taser.
His plan was simple enough. He had to get out of the robe, because the garment was heavy and would restrict his movements, just as the robes would hamper the other men in the cellar. Being told to rape the girl actually provided him with an opportunity to dump the robe without arousing the suspicions of the rest of the group. Once he’d done that, he had the Browning and the spare magazines to control and, if it came to it, shoot down, the other men.