WinDBG Kernel-mode Debugging (KD)

The WinDBG KD interface support for r2 allows you to attach to VM running Windows and debug its kernel over a serial port or network.

It is also possible to use the remote GDB interface to connect and debug Windows kernels without depending on Windows capabilities.

Bear in mind that WinDBG KD support is still work-in-progress, and this is just an initial implementation which will get better in time.

Setting Up KD on Windows

For a complete walkthrough, refer to Microsoft's documentation.

Serial Port

Enable KD over a serial port on Windows Vista and higher like this:

bcdedit /debug on

bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200

Or like this for Windows XP: Open boot.ini and add /debug /debugport=COM1 /baudrate=115200:

[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Debugging with Cable" /fastdetect /debug /debugport=COM1 /baudrate=57600

In case of VMWare

Virtual Machine Settings -> Add -> Serial Port

Device Status:

[v] Connect at power on


[v] Use socket (named pipe)


From: Server To: Virtual Machine

Configure the VirtualBox Machine like this:

Preferences -> Serial Ports -> Port 1

[v] Enable Serial Port

Port Number: [_COM1_______[v]]

Port Mode: [_Host_Pipe__[v]]

[v] Create Pipe

Port/File Path: [_/tmp/winkd.pipe____]

Or just spawn the VM with qemu like this:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -chardev socket,id=serial0,\

path=/tmp/winkd.pipe,nowait,server \

-serial chardev:serial0 -hda Windows7-VM.vdi


Enable KD over network (KDNet) on Windows 7 or later likes this:

bcdedit /debug on

bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip:w.x.y.z port:n

Starting from Windows 8 there is no way to enforce debugging for every boot, but it is possible to always show the advanced boot options, which allows to enable kernel debugging:

bcedit /set {globalsettings} advancedoptions true

Connecting to KD interface on r2

Serial Port

Radare2 will use the winkd io plugin to connect to a socket file created by virtualbox or qemu. Also, the winkd debugger plugin and we should specify the x86-32 too. (32 and 64 bit debugging is supported)

$ r2 -a x86 -b 32 -D winkd winkd:///tmp/winkd.pipe

On Windows you should run the following line:

$ radare2 -D winkd winkd://\\.\pipe\com_1


$ r2 -a x86 -b 32 -d winkd://::w.x.y.z

Using KD

When connecting to a KD interface, r2 will send a breakin packet to interrupt the target and we will get stuck here:

[0x828997b8]> pd 20

;-- eip:

0x828997b8 cc int3

0x828997b9 c20400 ret 4

0x828997bc cc int3

0x828997bd 90 nop

0x828997be c3 ret

0x828997bf 90 nop

In order to skip that trap we will need to change eip and run 'dc' twice:

dr eip=eip+1


dr eip=eip+1


Now the Windows VM will be interactive again. We will need to kill r2 and attach again to get back to control the kernel.

In addition, the dp command can be used to list all processes, and dpa or dp= to attach to the process. This will display the base address of the process in the physical memory layout.
