Your father is an engineer or a hard worker – angry, skinny, unlucky, drinks from time to time. Or maybe there is altogether no daddy in the family, the mother in a worn fur-coat. The eyes always wet, hysterical, exhausted, speaking with a voice in which are echoed all the woes of the world. You always pity your mother but no respect whatsoever for your father. He is nothing, always drunk, arguing with the television. A stinky brother (version: a stinky grandma) after him you are disgusted to enter the bathroom. A two-rooms apartment: too much furniture plus the carpets, the rugs, the mats, the blinds. Little light.
The constant: “Turn out your music!” “Take off this pornography from the wall!”, “I’m feeding you!” and other lamentations, the joys of family living. There are not many books, only yours: Hitler, Lenin, Dugin, Limonov, “Limonka”… The family, bitchy guts, a putrid appendicitis, a group of bodies clutched together in a mutual embrace of fear: “Sasha, don’t go out on the street, there are some guys on the porch!” The family teaches to fear, to shake, to shit from fear. It is the school of cowardice.
An apartment that was obtained with hellish difficulties or bought with enormous difficulties, a cooperative one, in the last years of Soviet power. The parents have spent all their lives on this apartment. They have economized, saved, collected, bought. Then they happily put life into the little cube of concrete, a honeycomb in the multi-entrance, multi-apartment human hive. With love they drilled, glued, years on end selected the door handles. A year was spent on the arrangement of the lodgings. Another three on the installation of the windowsills and the windows. In for years people conquer kingdoms, World War Two lasted five years and here you’ve got the lodgings. They filled it with old rags and squeezed in a camp bed for you. An apartment is like a prison cell where the co-prisoners are not chosen, like a rock around the neck is this apartment that cannot be left and that is why the life style of some South Butusovo for some reason has to be yours and you, the South or some other district you despise it to vomiting.
You are already shaving and this, damn it, humiliating serf-like dependency on your parents’ living space, you are registered here, registered, damn you all bastards, like a serf! And when will you have your own cage where you could hang whatever you want – say an NBP flag?! When, never!… You will never have 25 thousand dollars. There is nowhere where you could bring your girl. What fulfilling life are you talking about. Pensioners have not only a pension, they have apartments, this is why the authorities, agencies and crooks are kind with them, convincing them of selling it, giving it for rent, they need pensioners.
The family: a sticky, warm dung mud, where it is good to lay off for two days, from physical blows in a fight and from moral wounds. But family weakens the person like consumption, exhausts with its potatoes and meatballs, its weak helplessness. Tomorrow some strangers will break in, cops, there is even nothing to defend yourself with. And to defend your mother, your sister? With them you feel even more vulnerable.
In books and movies there are courageous cool heroes. In the beginning of the century there were national socialists, fascists and Bolsheviks, they conquered their own countries at first and later foreign as well. They marched in regular ranks, beautiful, in the rolling of the drum and the banners rustle, young, and the earth laid itself under them, like a woman, gleefully. The father came in: “Again reading about your fascists! This never happened, never!” He is sitting in the kitchen and barks…
All the above mentioned is only an attempt to recreate the feelings of an adolescent boy, a young man in a family. To this could be added the pathologies, they are often present in life, – a fatting mom, a mom with bags, like a weight lifter, not a woman but some kind of a can, a beast of burden, a camel; the vomit of a grunting father, but let’s avoid the black stuff. The result of my reflections: Soviet power, the bitch, has successfully enslaved the family with an apartment. Everybody was chained, anchored with an apartment. Because an apartment in the freezing Russian climate is a permit for life. Registration, apartment, job – that is the assortment of the rusted heavy chains, with the help of which the modern Russian is chained to his place, unmovable and less free than the Russian of the XVII or XVIII century. Then, one could run away to the Don, to the Kazaks, to Pugachev. Where can you run with the lieutenant-colonel Putin, round-ups everywhere and not free anywhere.
Letters to our newspaper “Limonka”, being the editor in chief, I have read them for five years, all breathed anger and disgust for the Russian reality and the family. The boys were not satisfied by their petty, bleak (or even vile) parents. A criminal song atmosphere predominated: “I’ve killed my mom/ and chopped my dad/ my sister student/ I’ve drowned in the bathroom.” These same emotions were perfectly expressed by the American director Oliver Stone in the movie “Natural Born Killers” (We have gleefully reviewed it in the first issues of “Limonka”). In the movie the character Mickey has brought a bloody pluck from the meat store to the family of his future girlfriend. Mickey is a delivery man. A vile vulgar dad in family underwear, wanting his daughter, a pathological mom, the little brother – a family of monsters. They live on earth with some kinds of rectums, stinky sausages, exchanging yells. The newly enamored couple murders the parents and flees. Through the grotesque shines the unbearably authentic solar hatred to the family.
With a Russian family everything is even worse then with the American one. As a rule, children have nothing to be proud of their parents for (skulls -are they called colorfully and rightly by the punks), – in their predominant majority life victims and victims of the catastrophic “reforms” that took place in the country. The living space in the RF is now even more unattainable than under the soviet regime, as a result children sit too long in the family, unwillingly they live with the parents longer than it is healthy. An uncomfortable situation is created when the grown up children live with the aging parents, breathing to each other in the back of the head, using the same toilets, forcibly sharing each other’s intimate life. The mother, by her nature considers the son as her propriety and wants to prolong her power over him. And the father over his daughter. And it is possible to do in a single apartment. The result of this common living can be seen in Chechnya (especially seen during the 1st war). It is not the fighting qualities of the Chechen fighter that dominated over the qualities of the Russian soldier, but the Chechen upbringing of the man significantly dominates over the upbringing of the boy in a Russian family. From there appeared the “our boys” phenomenon, who are being captured by the cruel Chechen bearded men.
Russian boys sit in warm nests some good five-ten years more then it is needed and the influence of the weak, kind, hundred kilos’ Russia’s Slav mom transforms them in dough as comes the recruitment age. From snoting age the Chechen boy revolves around men. Ours spends too much time among women. The Russian family stifles the man. (Of course, there are exceptions, often more manly boys come from villages and small towns) For a good formation of the man, the boy needs to be taken as early as possible from the family. It is a harmful place, like the Chernobyl nuclear plant.
My parents were not so bad but still I made up some day that in reality I was their adopted son. My parents discovered it and got offended. Actually, it is a common phenomenon, when the children are depressed by the normality of their parents. They want their father to be a hero: a box champion, a revolutionary, an intelligence general, a fighter, say even a bandit. And here you’ve got an untidy type who eats raviolis… The majority of children learn to live the mediocrity of their parents. The best ones don’t. A political party such as NBP takes the boy away from his family, gives him examples to follow and essentially competes with the family for the soul of the boy. Families often lose to us but we don’t always win either. To our profound regret. Because in its essence the family is a dead end. The influence of parents-losers (and in the predominant majority they are losers), sometimes, fierce sadists and more often wet-eyed masochists, during the 20-25 years spent by the boy in the family irrevocably kills his manly strength. In the French language there is a common word “mere-castratrisse” mother-castrator that came from freudism. That is a castrating mother, removing in the figurative sense the testicles, the manly element. This is precisely said about this type of women like “soldier mothers”. That is a manly element is developed in them and they simply attempt to replace with their manly element the manhood of their sons, in the figurative sense to castrate them.
The family in Russia is the strongest social institution. They say that in China it is even stronger. The majority of embezzling of public funds acts, acts of corruption, stealing are committed for the sake of the family. The Russian functionary steals governmental money, as a rule, not for wasting it in the “Yar” restaurant, but for the building of a spacious country-house, acquiring of an apartment for the family members, for children and grandchildren. The newly arrived Russian businessmen are banal in the area of taste and preferences: a Mercedes for himself, a Mercedes for his daughter, a country-house for himself, a country-house for the son and the family. Of course the revolution should end all this bullshit, but for a successful, deep, irrevocable revolution, for irrevocable transformations to happen in society, we need to destroy its strongest molecule: the family. It is possible to do. Far from always in history of mankind did society exist in its present form. It can also exist without a family.
How many crimes were ever committed in the name of the family! How many workers did not participate in strikes, “caring” for their family (and in half of the cases, justifying with it their cowardice), how many men did not respond to offenders with a blow for a blow (“I have a family!”), tamed their pride. How many guys did not participate in the wars of the last ten years and step aside of active participation in political parties in the name of the god damned family! All the while it is because of this cowardice that their own children do not respect them! Each generation of commoners voluntary bears the heavy fetters of family. Supposedly raising the children and in reality smartly and cowardly hiding behind the children. The kids will do without you, man. You’re lying! We had a young military in the party who sent us from province perfect military articles on the state of things in the army. Once we proposed him to teach our guys what he knew himself. He kept silent for a long time and then orally transmitted that he cannot, he referred to his family – a wife and children. Each commoner needlessly sacrifices himself for his family, so that his children could repeat the same, also needed by no one, invented “heroic act” – sacrifice themselves for their own ones. This chain of lies needs to be broken. And the children don’t actually need their parents as much as the commoner or the hard worker makes himself believe. And the goal of political activity, political actions, and in the end of war (if it is started for ideological reasons) is to create a new, better then the prewar society where children (and yours too!) will live far better than today.
This is what in 1999 the newspaper of the Latvian department of NBP in Riga “General Line” in the article “Family Against the Party” wrote about family:
“When I mentally go through those who moved away from the party in different times I come to one shattering conclusion: in 99% of the cases it was the work of the family. The parents or the wife, or just the family clan. Leaving for ideological reasons is an exception.
The family justly feels that national-bolshevism takes the person on another living orbit, instills in him emotions too unusual to keep enjoying the common family joys. Better vodka and chicks (in intervals between fulfilling family obligations), than revolution – reflects the family. Let him (son, husband, brother) rather break his head in a drunken fight then being “trashed” on a picket. The calculation is right: in the first case he will return to the family with a sense of guilt, putting his tail between his legs, which is what is expected. On the example of our ex-comrades we can see it clearly. The family puts pressure even on those who manifest tenacity. A whole epidemic of the banishing of nazbols by their families has passed. Maybe it is wrong about one’s fathers and mothers but they are slaves, submissive victims of all regimes, managed to lose everything possible, now they want their children to grow like peaceful domestic sheep, so they could resignedly go to the slaughter. Well you too will be driven away from your miserable apartments and your miserable jobs! And they will leave you without your miserable pensions! One cannot move wolves by peaceful bleating. One needs wolfhounds.
In families, simple commoner families, there is a constant process going on of the degenerating of the Russian nation. What wife, daughter, mother would wish today: “If death, then momentary, if wound then small”? The Spartan period of the national history has ended. The dumb shortsighted moral triumphs: “My house is on the edge” (the Moscow explosions have demonstrated that in it is as easy to die in “edge houses” as in the front one). The nation is literally decomposing into families, as at a time Rus was into regional principalities. People of “long will” should not be surprised by such a situation. The exile from the tribe is the fate of a hero. After the exile comes the return, the triumph. Remember the biographies of Chinghis Khan, Mahomet; one can come up with thousands of examples. The “prodigal children” who returned to their families can only be pitied. In their life there will be no more anything interesting. Good night, our ex comrades!”
Pavel Gepeuhov
Commentary to Gepeuhov’s article
Some of our comrades did not have luck with their wives. That is they think they had but in real fact they got caught in the iron clutches of strong mares. Having received from these women a happy and satisfactory sex they appeared less and less in the party. Possibly they were telling themselves that after the honeymoon they will return to the previous party activity, but gradually became drown in a marshy life. Obviously, five, say, ten years one can live like this “in the shadow of Circean eyelashes”, but our comrades-renegades will inevitably open their eyes again one day. And they will see before them a stupid, greedy female with an aging face, smeared in creams, a funny in actual fact being on which in vain was wasted a good portion of life. A woman cannot be the main occupation of a man in life – one should know this. Women should replace each other. One should not refrain from love with them but only the party is the main occupation of a man, all the rest is secondary.
But many of our boys had luck with their girlfriends: these are girls-members of the national-Bolshevik party. Girls should be proposed the same moral: only the party is the main occupation for You and is Your fate, only a same-thinker, a friend revolutionary is worthy of You, the rest are strangers.
Now we see a dramatic decrease in the birth rate of our country. Also if one is to trust the numbers of the Cairo conference on demography, 4 million abortions per year are committed here. This monstrous fact, one would say, is related to the category of facts opposed to the family, belongs supposedly to a world of unspiritual sexuality hostile to the family, a world of carnal pleasures for the pleasures themselves condemned by the Church. However it seems so only at the first glance. In real fact family and abortions are phenomena of the same order. A multitude of married family women make abortions. The government does not require children from the family; there is no civil discipline and obligations in the area of childbirth. Earlier, Russia somehow regulated itself and the population maintained itself on a certain level.
In the Great Patriotic War we have lost many millions of human lives but during the “baby boom” in 1946 we have compensated these losses. Now the situation is far more serious and different because we are steadily annually losing about 500 thousand people, the Russian people is extinguishing. This problem does not solve by itself, rather it is solved by abortions, that is, negatively. The government also does not solve the problem of extinction, waving out and using as an excuse the fact that it, so it says, employs every effort for the rise of the economy. Like we’ll raise the economy and the families will be more ready to give birth. Like today a Russian family cannot afford itself the luxury of having a child and even less so two or three because of poverty. The families and the women of birth bearing age gleefully support the same handy lie.
Gypsies, not very settled, often persecuted, poor, traditionally have hordes of children. Poor people actually always distinguished themselves by an abundance of children. Poor people do not have distractions, no contraceptive measures, so they entertain themselves by the ancient method. Modern poor countries, those like Bangladesh annually lose tens of thousands (and once more then a hundred thousand have died!) miserable people in floods but they multiply themselves like cockroaches and the population inexorably grows. This is why the state of the economy and childbirth are terms independent from each other. A nation should demonstrate its will power for survival. The nation leaders should demonstrate this will power. To succeed in the demographic reconstitution of the nation one should:
1. Ban the aborts totally, having instituted heaviest sanctions for doctors as well as for pregnant women. Introduce a law according to which a woman who does not want to keep a child has to give birth to him and to transfer it to the government.
2. Oblige by law all healthy women from 25 to 35 years old (child bearing age) to give birth in ten years to no less then four children. This would be an obligation, like the obligation for men is the mandatory military service. The moment the children will start to walk they are transferred to the House of Youth – a governmental institution where they are raised and educated by the government.
3. Introduce in usage for those interested a polygamous family, similar to the Muslim ones. To propagandize such a family.
The governmental Houses of Youth will save the children from the bad influence of the parents-commoners, the parents-losers. The red-eyed monster has to disappear. It has to be liquidated.