XVII. The Chorus Line: Dreamboats, A Ballad

Sleep is the only rest we get;

It’s then we are at peace:

We do not have to mop the floor

And wipe away the grease.

We are not chased around the hall

And tumbled in the dirt

By every dimwit nobleman

Who wants a slice of skirt.

And when we sleep we like to dream

We dream we are at sea,

We sail the waves in golden boats,

So happy, clean and free.

In dreams we all are beautiful

In glossy crimson dresses;

We sleep with every man we the

We shower them with kisses.

They fill our days with feasting,

We fill their nights with song,

We take them in our golden boats

And drift the whole year long.

And all is mirth and kindness,

There are no tears of pain;

For our decrees are merciful

Throughout our golden reign.

But then the morning wakes us up:

Once more we toil and slave, ‘

And hoist our skirts at their command

For every prick and knave.
