The past century has witnessed an erosion of earlier cultural values as well as a blurring of the distinctive characteristics of the world’s traditional civilizations, giving rise to philosophic and moral relativism, multiculturalism, and dangerous fundamentalist reactions. As early as the 1920s, the French metaphysician René Guénon (1886—1951) had diagnosed these tendencies and presented what he believed to be the only possible reconciliation of the legitimate, although apparently conflicting, demands of outward religious forms, ‘exoterisms’, with their essential core, ‘esoterism’. His works are characterized by a foundational critique of the modern world coupled with a call for intellectual reform; a renewed examination of metaphysics, the traditional sciences, and symbolism, with special reference to the ultimate unanimity of all spiritual traditions; and finally, a call to the work of spiritual realization. Despite their wide influence, translation of Guénon’s works into English has so far been piecemeal. The Sophia Perennis edition is intended to fill the urgent need to present them in a more authoritative and systematic form. A complete list of Guénon’s works, given in the order of their original publication in French, follows this note.
Guénon frequently uses words or expressions set off in ‘scare quotes’. To avoid clutter, single quotation marks have been used throughout. As for transliterations, Guénon was more concerned with phonetic fidelity than academic usage. The system adopted here reflects the views of scholars familiar both with the languages and Guénon’s writings. Brackets indicate editorial insertions, or, within citations, Guénon’s additions. Wherever possible, references have been updated, and current English editions substituted.
The publisher would like to thank Christopher James Northbourne, the translator’s son, for his encouragement and his permission to use a revision of his father’s translation.
The Works of René Guénon
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (1921)
Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion (1921)
The Spiritist Fallacy (1923)
East and West (1924)
Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta (1925)
The Esoterism of Dante (1925)
The Crisis of the Modern World (1927)
The King of the World (1927)
Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power (1929)
The Symbolism of the Cross (1931)
The Multiple States of the Being (1932)
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times (1945)
Perspectives on Initiation (1946)
The Great Triad (1946)
The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus (1946)
Initiation and Spiritual Realization (1952)
Insights into Christian Esoterism (1954)
Symbols of Sacred Science (1962)
Studies in Freemasonry and the Compagnonnage (1964)
Studies in Hinduism (1966)
Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles (1970)
Insights into Islamic Esoterism and Taoism (1973)
Reviews (1973)
Miscellanea (1976)