In the previous chapter there was occasion to refer to people who would like to react against the existing disorder, but have not the knowledge necessary to enable them to do so effectively, and so are ‘neutralized’ in one way or another and directed into blind alleys; but in addition to these people there are also others who are only too easily driven yet further along the road leading to subversion. The pretext put before the latter, as things are at present, is most often that of ‘fighting materialism’, and no doubt most of them believe sincerely that they are doing so; but people in the first-named category who want to live up to this belief merely end up in the dreariness of a vague ‘spiritualist’ philosophy that is without any real significance but is at least relatively harmless, whereas those in the second category are moving toward the domain of the worst psychic delusions, and that is far more dangerous. The former are indeed all more or less affected unknowingly by the modern spirit, but not deeply enough to be entirely blinded by it, but it is the latter whom we must now consider, and they are wholly penetrated by it, and moreover they usually glory in their ‘modernity’; the only thing that horrifies them among all the various manifestations of the modern spirit is materialism, and they are so fascinated by this one idea that they do not see that many other things, such as the science and the industry they admire, are closely dependent, both in their origin and in their intrinsic nature, on the very materialism that so distresses them. This makes it easy to see why the sort of attitude they display must now be encouraged and spread: such people are the best unconscious auxiliaries it would be possible to find for the second phase of anti-traditional action. Materialism has nearly played its part, and these are the people to spread its successor about the world: they will even be used to assist actively in opening the ‘fissures’ spoken of earlier, for in this domain it is not merely ‘ideas’ or theories of one sort or another that count, but also and simultaneously a ‘practice’ that will bring them into direct relations with subtle forces of the lowest order; and they lend themselves all the more readily to this work owing to their total ignorance of the true nature of such forces, to which they go so far as to attribute a ‘spiritual’ character.
This is what has in a general way been described as ‘neo-spiritualism’, to distinguish it from mere philosophical ‘spiritualism’; it might be sufficient only to mention it here for the purpose of ‘putting it on record’, since two earlier studies have been specially devoted to its most widespread forms,[131] but it is too important an element among those that are specially characteristic of the contemporary period to justify the omission of some mention at least of its main features, keeping back for the moment the ‘pseudo-initiatic’ aspect of the work of most of the schools attached to it (with the exception of the spiritualist schools that are openly profane and must be so owing to the exigencies of their extreme ‘popularization’), for that is a matter that will have to be returned to later. First of all it should be noted that there is no question of a homogenous whole, but of something that assumes a multitude of different forms, though they always show enough common characteristics to admit of being legitimately grouped together under one designation; it is therefore all the more strange that all such groups, schools, and ‘movements’ are constantly in a state of rivalry or even of conflict one with another, to such an extent that it would be difficult to find elsewhere, except perhaps between political ‘parties’, hatreds more violent than those that exist between their adherents, while all the time, by a curious irony, they all have a mania for preaching ‘fraternity’ in season and out of season! Here is a truly ‘chaotic’ phenomenon, which may give the impression even to superficial observers of disorder carried to an extreme: it is indeed an indication that ‘neo-spiritualism’ already represents a fairly advanced stage on the road to dissolution.
On the other hand, in spite of the aversion it evinces toward materialism, ‘neo-spiritualism’ resembles it in more than one way, so much so that it has been referred to not unjustly as ‘transposed materialism’, meaning materialism extended beyond the limits of the corporeal world, this being clearly exemplified by the crude representations of the subtle world, wrongly called ‘spiritual’, already alluded to and consisting almost entirely of images borrowed from the corporeal domain. This same ‘neo-spiritualism’ is also attached to the earlier stages of the modern deviation, in a more effective way, through what may be called its ‘scientistic’ side; that too has been previously alluded to when dealing with the influence exerted on the various schools from the moment of their birth by scientific ‘mythology’; and it is worthwhile to note more especially the important part played in these conceptions, in quite a general way and without any exception, by ‘progressivist’ and ‘evolutionary’ ideas, which are indeed among the most typical features of the modern mentality, and would suffice by themselves to characterize any conceptions as being beyond all doubt the products of that mentality. Moreover, even the schools that affect an appearance of ‘archaism’ by making use in their own way of fragments of uncomprehended and deformed traditional ideas, or by disguising modern ideas as they think fit under a vocabulary borrowed from some traditional form either Eastern or Western (all of which things, by the way, are in formal contradiction to their belief in ‘progress’ and ‘evolution’), are constantly preoccupied in adapting these ancient ideas, or what are imagined to be such, to the theories of modern science. This work has of course continually to be done afresh as the scientific theories change, though it is true that those who undertake it find their task simplified by their almost universal reliance on material drawn from works of ‘popularization’.
Apart from this, ‘neo-spiritualism’ is also, on the side alluded to above as ‘practical’, closely in conformity with the ‘experimental’ tendencies of the modern mentality. In this way it has gradually come to exert an appreciable influence on science itself, into which it has more or less insinuated itself by means of what is called ‘metapsychics’. Doubtless the phenomena considered in ‘metapsychics’ are in themselves just as worthy of study as are those of the corporeal world; but what gives rise to objection is the way in which the study is undertaken, that is, the application to it of the point of view of profane science; physicists (who are so obstinate in sticking to their quantitative methods as to want to try to ‘weigh the soul’!) and even psychologists in the ‘official’ sense of the word, are surely as ill-prepared as possible for a study of this kind, and for that very reason more liable than anyone else to allow themselves to be deluded in every way.[132] And there is something more: in actual fact ‘metapsychic’ researches are scarcely ever undertaken independently of all support from ‘neo-spiritualists’, and especially from ‘spiritists’, and this proves that these people fully intend that the researches shall serve the purposes of their propaganda. Perhaps the most serious thing in this connection is that the experimenters are so placed that they find themselves obliged to have recourse to spirit ‘mediums’, that is, to individuals whose preconceived ideas markedly modify the phenomena in question, and give them what might be called a special ‘coloring’, and who moreover have been drilled with particular care (for there are even ‘schools for mediums’) so as to serve as instruments and passive ‘supports’ to certain influences belonging to the lowest depths of the subtle world; and they act as ‘vehicles’ of these influences wherever they go, so that nobody, scientist or otherwise, can fail to be dangerously affected if he comes into contact with them and if he is, through ignorance of what lies behind it all, totally incapable of defending himself. Further insistence on this aspect of affairs is unnecessary, because it has been fully dealt with in other works, to which anyone who would like to have a fuller account of them may now be referred; but it is worthwhile, because it is something entirely peculiar to the present day, to underline the strangeness of the part played by the ‘mediums’ and of the supposed necessity of their presence for the production of phenomena arising in the subtle world. Why was there nothing of that kind formerly, for forces of that order were in no way prevented by that fact from manifesting themselves spontaneously in certain circumstances, and on a far larger scale than in spiritist or ‘metapsychic’ seances (and very often in uninhabited houses or in desert places, whereby the too convenient hypothesis of the presence of a medium unconscious of his own powers is excluded)? It may be wondered whether some change has not come about, since the appearance of spiritualism, in the very manner in which the subtle world acts in its ‘interferences’ with the corporeal world: such a change would only be a fresh example of modifications in the environment such as has already been considered in connection with the effects of materialism; but the one thing certain in any case is that there is something here that fits in perfectly with the exigencies of a ‘control’ exerted over inferior psychic influences, themselves already essentially ‘malefic’, in order that they may be used more directly with certain defined ends in view, in conformity with the pre-established ‘plan’ of the work of subversion, for which purpose they are now being ‘unchained’ in our world.