The cell stinks.

Valentina tracks the stench to an unemptied slop bucket by the far wall.

She almost heaves.

Was this used by Louisa?

The thought gives her some strange comfort. They were careless with Louisa. They let her have a phone; they let her trick them into taking her out of here.

There’s still hope.

Still hope.

She picks up a rough blanket from the back of the cell. It smells of a woman’s perfume. Louisa’s, she’s sure of it.

Through the bars she sees the other cells. Three of them, she thinks.

A child is moving in one of them.

She only catches a glimpse of the girl, but she looks very young. Pre-teen? Most likely.

What kind of monsters would keep children underground?

Valentina knows the answer.

‘Hello!’ she calls tentatively.

Her voice echoes thinly in the stagnant air.

‘Hello! Is there anyone there?’ She waits several seconds. ‘I’m a police officer, who’s out there?’


Valentina is sure the kid’s still there. She’s certain she’d have noticed them bringing her down here.

‘Listen, I know you’re there. I want to help you.’


And then a mumble.

An answer. Too meek to be understood, but still an answer.

‘My name’s Valentina. What’s yours? What are you called?’

Wall torches suddenly flicker.

A door’s been opened. A draught has blown them.

She hears footsteps off to her right. No matter how hard she presses her face against the iron, she can’t see anything.

‘Move back!’

The voice is loud and surprisingly close.

Valentina’s as frightened as she’s ever been.

But she doesn’t move.

Shooter grins through the bars as he puts a key in the lock. ‘I told you to move back. Looks like I’m going to have to teach you a lesson in obedience.’
