The second lock pops as sweetly as the third.

Tom’s heart is all but in his mouth as he completes the sequence by plunging the pendant into the third and final slot.

He twists it and hears a satisfying click.

He gives the front of the big tree a shove.

It doesn’t move.

He can’t believe it!

He’s sure he got everything right.

He pushes again.

This time a large section falls away. There’s an almighty crash. A cloud of dust billows up on the other side of the passageway.

Tom squeezes through the gap.

The unmistakable crack of gunfire echoes towards him.

Twenty metres away there are flames.

More shots ring out.

Through the smoke, Tom sees walls and doors.

The gunfire is coming from where the fire is.

It has to be Valentina.

He runs towards the flames and takes a kick at the doors.

They bounce but don’t break open.

He takes another run.

A harder jump.

They still don’t move.

Tom’s eyes fall on the three statues of Cybele forming a centrepiece a little further from him.

He dislodges one and picks it up in a bear hug.

It’s as heavy as a truck, and the weight is killing his damaged shoulder.

He grits his teeth and ignores the pain. He hoists the heavy statue so he can hold it like a Scotsman tossing a caber.

He charges the flaming doors.

Cybele’s stone head breaks off on impact.

Tom shifts all his weight behind the base.

The doors burst open.
