Chapter Thirteen

Shamus breathed a sigh of relief as he closed his arms around Cyndi. It had been a bitch of a morning. His well-ordered life was in chaos. Not one to leave things to chance, he'd gone to the job site himself and talked to Joe Banks and some of his men about what needed to be done today and in the weeks ahead. But his heart just wasn't in his work, so he'd left again.

He knew that Joe could handle the project on his own. It was close enough to completion that there should be few problems over the next few weeks. Still, he hated leaving anything undone. It wasn't in his nature to walk away from anything, but he felt that both he and his family needed this time apart to try and cool off and find some perspective.

Joe had obviously been concerned about him, but hadn't asked any questions. Shamus knew he was acting totally out of character. It wasn't like him to just up and leave a project with almost no notice. In fact, it had never happened before.

He'd told Joe that he was taking an extended vacation to work on an outside project, separate from B & O. Joe had been curious, as had a few of the men who'd been close enough to hear their conversation. Some of them had even stopped him, letting him know they could use the extra work if he was looking for a crew on the weekend and after hours. By now, he figured all the men on his crew knew he was gone for the next few weeks. Maybe even longer.

His gut clenched. He didn't want things to be this way, but he didn't know any other way around it. Unless his family changed their minds and gave Cyndi a chance, he had no idea if he'd be able to remain working with Burke. Their personal relationship was strained enough as it was without adding work stress to it.

If he left, that would mean he'd have to consider starting his own company. He didn't even want to go there. Not yet. He'd put his blood and sweat into this company for a decade. He'd wait and see what happened. Maybe there was a way they could all find some kind of common ground. No need to make any hasty decisions. In the meantime, he could help Cyndi renovate her place. As of this moment, he was on vacation.

"Is everything okay?"

He realized he'd been squeezing her way too tight for too long. She didn't need his problems on top of her own. They'd talk about it eventually, but right now, he wanted to enjoy just being with her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I missed you.” He kissed her forehead as he looped his arm around her waist. “Was that Alicia Flint I passed?"

"Yeah. I hired her to take over my legal and business affairs from Harris and Hammond, but they don't want to let go."

Shamus gave a low whistle. “I imagine they don't. Your father was probably their biggest client. They'd lose a heck of a lot of cash if you take your business elsewhere."

"That's the whole point."

He laughed at the way she bristled. “I take it they were less than forthcoming when you went to see them."

"Oh they were plenty forthcoming as long as I let them go on doing exactly what they want and not worry my pretty, little head about business."

Shamus winced as he guided her into the house and shut the door. “Ouch."

Turning, she looped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. “That about says it all. I don't want to talk about lawyers any longer."

"No.” He nibbled his way down her neck, unable to resist the curving slope any longer. She smelled clean and fresh and irresistible as she snuggled tighter in his embrace. After the stress of the morning, he needed to be with her. “What do you have in mind?” His brain was already conjuring all sorts of ideas, most of them culminating with him buried deep in her welcoming body.

Her fingers traced the buttons on his shirt. “Well, we could go over renovation plans."

"We could,” he agreed as he slipped his hands beneath her T-shirt.

She sucked in a deep breath as his fingers caressed her sides and belly, moving steadily upward. “Or we could have an early lunch."

Shamus nipped at her earlobe before skimming his tongue over the sensitive swirls of her ear. “I vote for an early lunch,” he growled. “I'm starving."

"Mmm. Me too.” She freed one button, then another, until his shirt was wide open. Laying her palms flat on his chest, she slid her hands over the tense muscles.

Last night seemed as if it was days ago. Suddenly, he couldn't wait to touch her, to feel her writhing beneath him. He shifted his hands, cupping her breasts. Her nipples were already tight buds, pushing against the confines of her bra and shirt. Satisfaction poured through him.

Cyndi was warm and welcoming and everything he needed right now. She held nothing back when they made love, giving him everything he asked for and more. Right now, she was making little noises of pleasure as he plucked at her nipples. She clutched at his chest, her short fingernails digging in.

Lowering his head, he skimmed his lips over hers. She moaned and went up on her toes, bringing their lower bodies more in alignment. Shamus reached down and hitched her left leg around his thigh. Cyndi arched her pelvis inward, pressing against his straining erection.

They were both breathing heavily as they struggled to get even closer to one another. Shamus groaned and captured her mouth with his. God, he loved the taste of her, couldn't get enough.

His tongue snaked out, slipping past her lips. She slanted her head to the side, clasping the sides of his face in her hands as she deepened the embrace. Tongues touched and parted and touched again, twining and retreating.

The muscles in his arms strained and ached as he struggled not to just rip the clothing from her body. Cyndi brought out the primitive side of his nature.

Breaking away from the kiss, he sucked in a deep breath. “Let's get this off you.” He grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and tugged. She raised her arms and the fabric slid from her body. The bra was a rich coffee color and he hooked his fingers in the straps and peeled it down her arms. “You are so beautiful.” He plumped one pale mound in his hand and thumbed her nipple.

"So are you.” She pushed at his shirt until he was forced to release her so that she could finish ridding him of it. She tried to wrap her hands around his wrists, but they were too small. Her fingers didn't quite meet. Slowly, she let her palms slide up his forearms until she reached his biceps. Her fingers traced the lines of muscle before moving upward to his shoulders. “You are so darn big."

"That a problem?” He sucked in a breath when her palms smoothed down his chest, her fingers lightly dancing over his nipples.

She peered up through her lashes, batting them coyly. “Nothing I can't handle."

He laughed, entranced by this side of Cyndi. She was playful and sexy and confident. Grabbing her by the waist, he whirled her around until her back was against the wall. He buried his face in her cleavage and breathed in the scent of warm woman. Slowly, he worked his way lower, leaving open-mouthed kisses on her stomach.

Going down on one knee before her, he released the button on her jeans before tugging the zipper down. She braced her hands against his shoulders, but she didn't stop him.

Lifting first her right foot, then her left, he removed her canvas sneakers and socks, tossing them aside. Then he went back to her jeans. Reaching inside the opening at her waist, he shoved the material down until it bunched around her ankles. “Step out.” She raised one foot at a time, and he pulled her jeans away.

Clad only in a pair of coffee-colored panties that matched her bra, she stared down at him. Her blue eyes were glazed with need, her rosy lips parted as she panted. Her chest rose and fell with every breath she took, making her breasts sway.

Cyndi had curves that would make any man drool. Her breasts were ample, her waist curved inward, and her hips flared out. His hands traced the hills and hollows of her body. Her tummy was slightly rounded and drove him crazy. Tugging aside the silk of her panties, he nuzzled her warm belly.

She made a noise in the back of her throat and he raised his head. “My stomach isn't exactly flat. Not anymore."

He had a raging hard-on and wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless, and she was worried about the curve of her belly. Women were concerned with the oddest things. Shamus shook his head. “I adore your stomach.” He smoothed his hand over it. “The way it curves ever so slightly.” He allowed his fingers to trace the tiny mound. “Very sexy."


"Oh, yeah.” Shamus hooked his fingers in the band of her panties and shoved them down over her thighs. “This is even sexier.” He sat back on his haunches and allowed his gaze to skim over her naked body. “Definitively sexy."

His erection was throbbing like a toothache, so he flicked open his jeans and shoved his boxers aside. His cock sprang free and Cyndi stared at it, licking her lips. He groaned, wrapping his hand around it and pumping up and down. “See what you do to me."

Cyndi was lightheaded as she stared down at Shamus. He'd barely touched her and she was already aching and wet, ready to take him. Her breasts felt heavy, her core damp.

He was so male and strong and gorgeous and hers. At least for the time being. Sitting on his haunches with his large hand wrapped around his erection, he was everything male and elemental. He was unashamed of his sexuality, and that allowed her to relax. He didn't seem to mind that she wasn't exactly slender, but had curves and a rounded belly. In fact, he seemed to be turned on by it, by her.

She sensed that there was something wrong, something on his mind. But it was obvious that he wasn't ready to talk about it yet. And right now, she didn't want to talk either. She wanted to feel.

He stood slowly, but kept his hand wrapped around his erection. His cock was long and thick, veins pulsing as he pumped. The plum-shaped head was red and damp. Cyndi wanted to touch him. To taste him. She'd never enjoyed oral sex before, but like everything else, she knew it would be different with Shamus.

She lowered herself to her knees in front of him. “Cyndi.” His voice was a hoarse whisper that she ignored as she bent her head. He groaned as her tongue lashed out to stroke over the very tip of his erection.

His essence was warm and salty against her tongue. She pushed his hand aside and feathered her fingers over his hardness, reveling in the way his erection jumped. He was hard and soft at the same time. Fascinated by the texture, she wrapped her hand around him, feeling the heavy pulse of his need against her palm.

Her ex-husband hadn't been as large. He'd also wanted to go straight for the climax, never allowing her ample time to explore. She tightened her grip and pumped her hand.

Shamus groaned, his hands fisting against his thighs. “You're killing me here."

"You'll survive,” she assured him as she leaned forward again. This time she opened her mouth and allowed the tip to slip past her lips. She swirled her tongue around it, feeling the ridge that separated the head from the rest of the shaft.

His fingers tangled in her hair, tugging lightly. She responded by squeezing his shaft and lapping at the head with her tongue. Shamus gave a muffled laugh and then groaned again. “Cyndi.” Her name fell from his lips and she could hear the urgent need.

Ignoring it, she took more of him into her mouth, sucking hard. His hips surged forward, pushing deeper. His fingers tightened, dragging her head closer to him. She pumped her hand up and down his shaft and reached her free hand between his spread thighs, cupping the heavy sac lying between them. She rolled his testicles between her fingers, eliciting another moan of pleasure.

She could feel her own excitement growing as she pleasured Shamus. Shifting slightly to one side, she rubbed one of her breasts against his thigh. Her nipple rubbed against the heavy material of his jeans. Cyndi felt the cream seep from between her legs.

Her head bobbed up and down as she pleasured him with her mouth and lips and tongue. His breathing got harsher and she could feel the tension in his body as he strained not to come. The more he resisted, the more she wanted him to lose control.

Suddenly, he shifted away, tugging her face away from him. She stared up at him, almost not recognizing him. His face was harsh with need, his blue-gray eyes glittering with lust. His eyes never left her face as he reached into his back pocket, grabbed a condom, and opened it. He had his erection sheathed within seconds.

Reaching out, she cupped his balls and squeezed. Shamus swore, all but dragging her to her feet. Her back hit the wall and suddenly she was being lifted. Automatically, her legs wrapped around his lean waist. The tip of his cock pressed against her opening and she squirmed to try to get closer.

He swore again as he pressed inward, not stopping until he was buried to the hilt. Breathing as if he'd just run ten miles, he buried his face against her neck. She could feel his cock pulsing inside her as her inner muscles expanded and contracted around him.

Digging her heels into his butt, she tried to lift herself. She managed to move an inch before lowering herself back down. She tilted her head back and moaned. It felt wonderful. Incredible. But she needed more.

"Damn it, woman. I'm trying not to lose it."

Cyndi grabbed the sides of his head and nipped at his kissable lips, pulling the bottom lip into her mouth and sucking before releasing it. “Lose control.” She bit the thick column of his neck, unable to believe it was her actually doing these things, saying these things. It was if a part of her had been unleashed. She wanted sex—hot, heavy, and hard—and told him so.

She felt the low rumble in his chest as he hooked his hands beneath her thighs. He shifted his hips back before slamming them forward. She gasped and bucked. “Harder,” she pleaded. “Faster."

Taking her at her word, he hammered his hips against her. The slap of flesh was loud in the cavernous foyer. Their skin was slick, sliding easily as he drove himself into her. It was raw and elemental and more powerful then anything she'd ever experienced. And she wanted more.

Fisting her hands in his hair, she tugged his mouth toward her breast. Shamus latched onto her nipple and sucked hard as he surged into her heated depths.

Her head thrashed from side to side as the incredible pressure grew between her thighs. Shamus released her breast, hitched her higher and plunged faster and faster. Cyndi couldn't catch her breath and didn't care. She grabbed his shoulders and hung on as he pushed them both higher and higher. She felt herself toppling over the peak. “Shamus!” Her voice echoed around them as he yelled his release.

The world around her dimmed. Heat flashed through her as she convulsed. Her inner muscles grabbed him tight as he continued to thrust. She cried out again as another wave washed over her. A bolt of pleasure hit her hard, and she could feel the liquid gush from her sex. Lost in the maelstrom of desire, she hung on to Shamus as she rode out the storm.

When Cyndi finally came back to her senses, Shamus was leaning heavily against her, the weight of his body keeping her upright. Her legs had slipped from around his waist and her toes barely touched the floor. Her body was slick with perspiration, her hair plastered to her skull. She felt totally wrung out, yet totally replete. It was a struggle, but she raised her head to look at him.

As if feeling her gaze, Shamus turned his head, staring at her for the longest time, as if searching for something. “Are you okay?"

She could still feel him hard inside her. She didn't think she could speak, but she managed after a few moments. “Never better."

He shook his head, but his gaze softening. “I didn't mean to jump you as soon as we closed the damned door."

She could feel herself smiling. “I didn't mind.” She tunneled her hands into his hair, which had come loose from its usual ponytail. It was like silk as it flowed through her fingers. “In fact, I rather liked it."

"Hang on.” He shifted then, slowly withdrawing. She felt his shaft flex once as if in protest and groaned as her sex tightened around him, wanting him to stay right where he was. Without his weight supporting her, she started to sink to the floor.

Shamus grabbed her with one hand and braced himself against the wall with the other. “We're a mess."

Cyndi laughed. She'd never done anything this wild or impulsive in her life. “We certainly are."

Shamus hitched his jeans around his hips, and scooped her into his arms. She didn't think she'd ever get used to his strength and the easy way he carried her up the stairs and into her bathroom.
