Chapter Eighteen

A shiver skated down Cyndi's spine at the heat in Shamus’ eyes. Being naked in front of him stoked her desire higher. She might be almost a decade his senior, but it no longer mattered. Not when he looked at her like that. One thing she never doubted was the fact that he wanted her. But it went further than that. He truly believed in her and genuinely liked her. That, more than anything, is what attracted her to him.

Her nipples tightened as he tucked his hands beneath his head and sprawled back against the pillows. The muscles in his arms bulged, his stomach rippled. A slow trickle of cream slid from her sex, a reminder of just how much she wanted this man.

A slow, sexy grin crossed his face. His hair was loose, falling about his shoulders like a mahogany curtain. She wanted to run her fingers through it. Later, she wanted to feel those silky strands against her breasts, her stomach, and her thighs.

She licked her lips, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. Her skin felt tight and she ached between her thighs. She wanted, no—needed, the heat that flared between them whenever they touched.

Cyndi wanted to forget. To put out of her mind everything they'd just uncovered. She'd had always suspected her father's methods had been less than legal on occasions, but she'd never imagined the depths he'd sunk to in order to get what he wanted. She felt tainted, stained by virtue of being a member of the same family.

She didn't realize she'd wrapped her arms around herself until Shamus's quiet voice penetrated her misery. “Cyndi. Why don't we just get some rest? It's late and we have to be up in a couple of hours.” His eyes were mostly gray, dark with concern. For her.

Slowly, she released her arms, letting them fall back by her sides. This was an opportunity she wasn't about to miss. Who knew what tomorrow would bring? Cyndi still couldn't quite bring herself to believe that their relationship would last, but she no longer cared. No matter how much time they had, she wanted to make the most of it.

A man like Shamus entered a woman's life once, if she were lucky. Not only was he gorgeous to look at, but he was also honorable and kind, and his loyalty was unshakable.

Cyndi loved him. There was no need to deny the truth any longer. Something about Shamus made every part of her body and soul yearn to be closer. He was easy to spend time with, and they worked side by side as if they'd been doing it for years instead of days. If she might only have him for a short while, she wanted to make the most of it.

Scooting closer, she straddled one of his heavy thighs. The coarse hair tickled the inside of her smooth legs, reminding her of the intrinsic differences between the male and female of the species. And Shamus was quite the specimen. Large and heavily muscled, he was the quintessential male.

Placing her palms on his thighs, she stroked upward. His cock was already swollen and ready, but she ignored it for the moment. First, she wanted to touch his magnificent chest.

Her palms heated as she touched him. Muscles rippled beneath his flesh as she learned every angle and plane of his torso. A soft rumbling sound came from low in his chest, almost like the purr of a large cat. Cyndi kneaded the heavy muscles, enjoying the hard, rough feel of him.

She jerked as a hand cupped her breast, but then moaned and pushed it harder into his hand. The tight nipple stabbed the center of his palm.

Lowering her head, she flicked her tongue over his flat nipple. The brown disk puckered and Shamus groaned, his long legs shifting restlessly. She could feel his erection prodding her belly as she leaned over him. Her stomach felt damp from the liquid seeping from the tip.

Kissing her way to the other side, she did the same thing to his other nipple. She loved the way the thin line of crisp hair bisecting his chest tickled her nose. His hand tightened on her breast, and she nipped at his chest lightly. He gave her breast one final squeeze, and let his hand drop back down to the mattress.

Cyndi kissed her way down his torso. He tasted hot and salty and she couldn't get enough of him. His hands pressed on her shoulders when she lingered too long, urging her lower. She smiled as she traced a circle around his belly button. His erection brushed her chin, demanding attention.

Sitting back on her heels, she stared down at him. His erection was long and thick, the plum-shaped head dark and wet. Blue veins ran up and down the length and she could see them pulsing. Reaching out, she laid her hand over him.

Hot! He was so hot and hard. She tightened her fingers around him and squeezed gently. Shamus swore. She glanced up at him, and his head was tilted back, but his eyes were still open. They glittered with an unrequited lust that should have frightened her. Instead, it filled her with pleasure and pride and made her womb clench with need.

Her breasts ached, so she lifted her free hand and touched them. She'd never touched herself in front of anyone else before and it was surprisingly erotic.

"Oh yeah,” Shamus rumbled. “Harder, sweetheart."

Cyndi almost cried out as she pumped her hand up and down his length and pinched her nipple simultaneously. She arched her hips tight against his thigh, trying to ease the pressure. Cream slipped from her core, dampening his leg.

Her lungs were working hard now, trying to pull some air into her body. She took a deep breath, but it didn't help. Dropping her hand from her breast, she cupped the heavy sac between his legs. Shamus's entire body jerked as he groaned aloud.

Another drop of fluid seeped from the tip of his erection and she had to taste it. Lowering her head, she heard him whisper her name as her tongue snaked out to swipe at the tip. His fingers tangled in her hair, silently urging her to take him into her mouth.

And she did. The head was thick and salty as she tasted it thoroughly with her tongue. The veins beneath her fingers pulsed, a vibrant reminder of the passion flowing between them. She rolled his balls in her hand and he swore again.

She was enjoying herself immensely.

Oral sex was not something she'd particularly taken pleasure in before she'd met Shamus. His pleasure pushed her own higher, making her body feel as if it were on fire. Her breasts ached. Her pussy throbbed.

She took him deeper, closing her mouth over him, her tongue sweeping along the sides.

"Cyndi.” His voice was hoarse as he tugged at her, this time pulling her away. She gave one final, hard suck as she pulled her mouth away, releasing him with a wet pop.

He groaned and dragged her upward until she was sprawled against his chest. His lips captured hers in a searing kiss, but before she could get into it, he pulled away. “I want to be inside you."

She wanted that too. Eagerly, she straddled his hips.

"Condom,” he gasped. Reaching over, he tore the bedside drawer open and yanked out the box of condoms he'd put there a few days ago. Ripping it open, he hauled out one. In seconds, he was sheathed and ready.

Cyndi came up on her knees and caught his length in her hand. Positioning the head at the opening, she lowered herself slightly. The broad tip pushed its way inside her. One slow inch at a time, she eased downward until he was buried to the hilt inside her.

He hissed out a long, low breath, his hands clasped tight around her hips. Cyndi could barely breathe. Totally filled, her body stretching to accommodate him. She felt lightheaded, yet her entire body felt poised and ready for the impending explosion of delight.

"Ride me.” He urged her up and then pulled her back down. Her inner muscles rippled as he urged her upward again. Bracing her hands on his chest, she took over the rhythm, adjusting it to suit herself.

Shamus cupped her breasts, playing with her painfully tight nipples, rolling them lightly between his thumbs and forefingers. It wasn't enough. “Harder,” she gasped. He pinched them lightly, sending a bolt of heat from her nipples to her core. Her pussy throbbed and pulsed around his cock as he arched his hips upward on her downward push, driving himself deep.

Her head fell back, her neck no longer able to support it. She leaned into his hands, loving the way they felt on her body. Perspiration dotted her body as she continued to slide up and down his erection.

"Shamus!” She cried his name, not quite knowing what she wanted or needed.

He reared up in bed, shifting them both until she was on her back beneath him. It happened so quickly it left her breathless. Hooking his arms beneath her thighs, he planted his hands on the bed, holding her legs wide as he drove into her again and again.

Cyndi's head thrashed against the pillows, her hands clutched at the sheets. “More,” she cried.

Shamus thrust harder, his balls smacking against her sensitive flesh with each stroke. The orgasm built and built, suddenly breaking over her. A long, low keening sound broke from her lips as her body convulsed. Waves of intense pleasure washed over her, shutting out all else. Every cell in her body seemed to sing with joy as she came.

Above her, Shamus plunged deep three more times before he yelled, his body jerking and heaving above her. She watched him, the strong column of his neck exposed as he arched his head back. His chest was slick with perspiration, every muscle outlined.

Gasping for breath, he buried his face in the curve of her neck as he slowly removed his arms from beneath her thighs. Her legs flopped to the mattress like two wet noodles. He managed to hold most of his weight off her, but he was still heavy, making it hard for her to catch her breath. As if realizing her dilemma, he heaved himself off her. She moaned as he slipped from her.

Shamus rolled to the side of the bed and stood, walking to the bathroom. A minute later, he was back. Cyndi realized she was still sprawled across the mattress, but she didn't care. She didn't have enough energy to move.

Not that it mattered. Shamus tugged the covers out from under her and arranged them over her before crawling into bed beside her and pulling her into his arms.

She nestled her head against his chest, draped her leg over his upper thighs, and sighed with contentment. His arm tightened around her and she felt his lips against the top of her head. “Sleep,” he murmured. “We'll deal with everything else tomorrow."

As Cyndi watched the truck pull out of the driveway, she waved to Linda. The other woman tooted the horn as she pulled away. She'd promised to send another truck in a few days to pick up the remainder of the furniture Cyndi had decided to sell.

Linda's friend had already come and gone, taking all the jewelry with him. He'd appraised it and given her all the proper receipts, promising her it would be sold within the month. The prices he'd quoted had astounded Cyndi and she was even more amazed when he told her they could go even higher. His firm was having a jewelry auction in three weeks time and he planned to rush a supplement for the catalogue they'd already sent to their clients.

"Well, that's it.” Amanda shut the side door of her mini van and dusted off her hands. “When the truck Linda's sending arrives, just have them load the rest of the boxes in the library aboard. She'll make sure that I get them."

"I will.” Cyndi hated to see the other women leave. Not only had she enjoyed the past two days with them, but it now meant that she had to deal with the ghosts of her past.

When she'd awakened in Shamus's arms this morning, she'd persuaded him to wait until after Amanda and Linda were gone before he contacted the sheriff. He hadn't wanted to, but as Cyndi had pointed out, this stuff had been going on for years. A few more hours wouldn't matter, and she hadn't wanted to discuss it until they had the house to themselves again. Reluctantly, he'd agreed. Then he'd dragged her out of bed and into the shower, where he'd started her day off just right.

"It was so nice to meet you.” Amanda stuck out her hand. Cyndi took it, knowing she was going to miss her new acquaintance. Ignoring the outstretched hand, she hugged Amanda, and was pleased when she felt Amanda hug her back.

"You too.” She released Amanda and stepped back. “You should come back when the B & B is open. Have a night on the house.” Cyndi walked Amanda to the front of her vehicle and stood beside it as she climbed aboard.

Amanda beamed with pleasure as she rested her elbow against the frame of the open window. “I'd like that.” With a toss of her curly, red hair, she started the van and pulled away.

A heavy hand dropped on her shoulder. “You okay?"

She leaned back against Shamus's chest and sighed. “Yeah, I'm okay.

"I called Patrick and asked him to come out.” She stiffened, but said nothing. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I made several copies of everything, just as you asked. They're in the safe. I also called your lawyer. Alicia said she'd be here as soon as she could."

"Thank you."

He kissed her temple. “You're welcome. And don't worry, I'll be right beside you."

The sound of a vehicle approaching made her glance down the road. It wasn't an official vehicle, but there was no mistaking the driver of the truck. Patrick O'Rourke had arrived.

Cyndi tried to discreetly untangle herself from Shamus's embrace when she saw the sheriff's scowl, but Shamus just tightened his hold on her. She sighed, wishing he wouldn't antagonize his brother before they even started. It was going to be hard enough to get through this. Another part of her appreciated the support.

Patrick climbed out of his truck and strode toward them. Taking the bull by the horns, she jerked out of Shamus's embrace and stuck out her hand. “Thank you for coming, sheriff.” She used his title to let him know that she considered this an official visit.

He glanced from his brother and back to her, his gray eyes glacial, before giving her hand a perfunctory shake. It was better than nothing, she supposed. At least he hadn't ignored it. “What's this all about?"

"Why don't we talk inside?” She turned and strode toward the house, knowing they'd have no choice but to follow her. She went straight into her father's office and sat in the chair behind his desk. She was glad this piece was still here, at least for a few more days. Sitting behind it, she didn't feel quite so vulnerable. Shamus was two steps behind her and followed her around the desk, standing at her side.

Patrick's scowl deepened, if that were even possible, as he stood on the opposite side of the desk, hands on his hips. “Okay, what the hell is this about?"

Cyndi cleared her voice. “I was going through my father's papers and came across something I thought the law should be aware of. I'm not sure if it warrants criminal investigation or not. I'm waiting for my lawyer to arrive and then we can all figure out what can be done about the situation."

"What situation? What kind of game are you playing now?” The contempt in his voice flayed her, but she didn't flinch. At her side, she felt Shamus stiffen. Reaching out, she grabbed his arm, squeezing it. He'd promised to let her handle this.

"No game, sheriff. But this is something that needs to be handled carefully, and quite honestly, I wasn't sure if your office could handle it, but Shamus says you can be trusted.” It was Patrick's turn to stiffen. “Take that", she thought, and immediately felt small for provoking him.

"Look.” She rubbed her hand across her forehead. After only a few hours of sleep last night and another long day of packing furniture and boxes, she was in no mood to deal with his cutting remarks. But she had no choice. “This is not a pleasant thing to have to deal with, but it needs to be done. Let's keep personal feelings out of this if we can."

The doorbell rang. Shamus hesitated, but then headed for the door to let Alicia in. At least Cyndi hoped it was Alicia. The quicker this was done the better. Patrick was examining her as if she were some slimy bug that he was deciding whether or not to squash.

"You don't like me, and that's fine. I can live with that.” Cyndi wanted to get this out before Shamus returned. “But this is bigger than that."

Patrick said nothing, but continued to stare at her. She stared back, not flinching. They were still in the midst of their staring contest when Alicia walked into the room, followed by Shamus. The other woman looked as cool and composed as ever, wearing gray pinstriped pants and a matching jacket.

"What's going on?” Alicia looked from Cyndi, to the sheriff, and back to Cyndi again. She plopped her briefcase on the desk and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I found something in my father's papers last night.” She addressed Alicia because it was easier than talking directly to Patrick. “He was involved in some illegal activities."

Patrick snorted. “Like that's any surprise."

"Sheriff O'Rourke, I'll remind you that my client didn't have to contact you about this. Papers are easily disposed of.” Alicia's voice was sharp as she addressed him.

Patrick stiffened, but he inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement.

"Continue.” Alicia's voice was softer when she spoke to Cyndi.

Cyndi took a deep breath. “It's not just my father. He'd blackmailed a former mayor and several city officials, for sure, for favors. There are allegations of a certain prominent citizen being involved with prostitution, and another one with gambling. Plus, his lawyer knowingly committed fraud.” She glanced at Patrick. “I wasn't sure if he had someone working for him inside your office, which is why I didn't want to do this at the station. I don't want anyone tipped off in advance."

She risked another glanced at Patrick, but he just glowered, saying nothing.

"Anyway, it seems that my father's law firm, Harris and Hammond, helped him by falsifying records in order to foreclose on some properties and to acquire others."

"That son of a bitch,” Patrick spat.

"Yes,” she quietly agreed. “He was that and more.” Cyndi returned her gaze to Alicia. “I have the originals and copies of the papers we went through last night."

Alicia picked up one set and started riffling through them, stopping at the sections that she and Shamus had marked with sticky notes.

Patrick strode to the desk, grabbed a sheaf of papers, and did the same. He raised his head a few minutes later. “Why didn't you destroy them?"

Cyndi flinched in spite of her resolve not to do so. The man obviously thought she was as much of a criminal as her father.

"That's uncalled for, sheriff.” Alicia's voice was sharp.

"No.” Cyndi raised her hand. “That's all right. The sheriff is allowed to have his opinion of me.” She stared straight into Patrick's stormy gray eyes. It was impossible to be mad at him. The past had shaped him as much as it had her. “Because it's illegal and needs to be set right. Harris and Hammond need to pay for what they've done."

Turning away from the sheriff, she turned to Alicia. “There are ten properties in particular. Is there any way we can get them returned to their rightful owners? I did have a quick look through the office files, and all the signed documents are here."

"Absolutely,” Alicia reassured her. “If the transactions are proven illegal, then it will revert to the previous owners. But the process will be much easier if you don't fight it."


"Don't anybody contact anyone yet. Not until I have time to go through all of this.” Patrick dropped the sheaf of papers back on top of the desk. “I'll need to see all the paperwork concerning these transactions, and everything else you've got."

"If you want to see anything else in this house, you'll need a warrant.” Cyndi started to protest her lawyer's words, but Alicia forestalled her. “No, you need to protect yourself. You're innocent in all this, and I intend for it to stay that way."

"What the hell does that mean?” Patrick snapped.

"It means that you have your job, sheriff, and I have mine."

"Enough.” Shamus's voice wasn't loud, but it was hard. “Both of you stop it. Cyndi's been through enough without you two squabbling.” He dropped his hand on her shoulder and Cyndi shuddered as the heat from his palm coursed through her. She was so very cold. “What do you want to do?” He hunkered down beside her as he spoke.

She glanced from Patrick to Alicia. “Patrick can go through the files with you here, can't he? We can make copies of anything he needs to take. He can sign some sort of receipt or something for whatever he removes from the house, so we all have a record."

Alicia leaned her hip on the desk, facing Cyndi. “If that's what you want. But as your lawyer, I'm advising you to protect yourself."

Cyndi shook her head. “I want this over with. And if Shamus says his brother is trustworthy, that's good enough for me."

Alicia sighed. “I don't like it, but if that's what you want."

"It's what I need.” Slowly, she pushed out of the chair. Shamus stood beside her and she resisted the urge to lean on him. “I'm going to make some coffee. This might take a while."

She could feel all eyes on her as she left the room. Her head was pounding and her stomach was roiling. It was going to be a long evening.

Shamus rounded on his brother as soon as Cyndi left the room. “You might not like Cyndi personally, but you'll damn well treat her with some respect."

Patrick threw up his hand. “Look, I have every reason to be suspicious."

"No. You. Don't.” He said each word slowly as he advanced toward Patrick. “You knew a frightened, young woman who did what she had to in order to survive."

"Yeah, right,” he sneered. “Like being the richest girl in town was such a hardship. Poor little princess."

It took all his self-control not to plant his fist in his brother's face. “You have no idea what you're talking about."

"But you do?” he taunted.

Shamus couldn't, wouldn't betray Cyndi's confidence. But he was sick of everyone coming down so hard on her without any kind of understanding. “Yes, I do.” He hesitated briefly before forging ahead. “Let's just say that your wife and Cyndi have more in common than you might imagine."

Patrick tilted his head, looking totally perplexed. As if a light bulb suddenly went off in his brain, he slowly stiffened.

Shamus gave one nod, knowing his message had been understood. Patrick's wife Shannon had been abused by her ex-husband. Cyndi's father had abused her.

"Are you sure?” Patrick's voice was low and angry.

"Yes.” He could still see the faint scars on her back whenever he closed his eyes. “Not all her actions back then were of her own doing. Others were based on fear."

"I don't quite understand what the two of you are talking about, but I want you to stop right now.” Alicia stepped between them putting a manicured hand on each chest. “Cyndi doesn't need to be discussed like this when she's not in the room, and we have work to do."

Shamus knew that Alicia was right. “I'm going to see what's keeping Cyndi.” He left the two of them alone in the study, trusting Alicia and his brother to start working.

He strode down the hall to the kitchen to find Cyndi slumped against the counter. Not stopping, he went right up to her and dragged her into his arms. “Everything will be all right."

She gave a watery laugh as she buried her face in his chest. “You can't promise that. No one can."

She was right and he knew it, but that didn't mean he had to like it. “Okay.” He cupped her face and tilted her chin back until she was looking at him. The unshed tears made her eyes appear even larger than normal. “How about this? No matter what happens, I'll be beside you all the way."

"Oh, Shamus. I don't want to complicate your life any more than it already is. Your family is never going to change their minds about me."

"Don't be too sure about that.” He'd seen a different look in Patrick's eye just before he'd left the office. “Come on. Let's take some of that coffee back in there before they tear each other apart."

Cyndi looked appalled before giving a shaky laugh. “My money is on Alicia."

Shamus got down mugs, while Cyndi dug through the cupboard for a tray, a sugar bowl, and a milk jug. When everything was ready, she poured the coffee. Shamus picked up the tray. “After you."
