Page numbers in boldface refer to maps and tables
Abacha, Sani, 274
ABC news, 153, 304
ABC-TV network, 113
Abernethy, David, 29, 30, 192
Aboimov, I. P., 69
Abraham, Spencer, 175
Abrams, Elliott, 228
Abu Dhabi (UAE), 222, 250
Abu Sayyaf (“terrorist gang”), 213
Adams, Brooks, 192
Adams, John Quincy, 190–91
Afghanistan, 251
anti-Soviet war in, 11, 17, 18, 33, 139, 174, 178, 222, 253
military bases in, 168, 172–73, 181–83, 189, 214, 215, 242
military personnel in, 155, 288
military recruitment ads and, 113–14
oil and, 170, 172–73, 176–80, 226–27
private military training and, 140–41
Taliban takeover of, 177–80
war of 2001, 11, 13, 26–27, 62, 67–68, 70, 72, 79, 80, 88, 108–9, 115, 118, 146, 176, 179–82, 185, 214, 221, 226–29, 233, 236, 241, 247–48, 280, 286, 310
war of 2001, Guantanámo prisoners and, 42, 77
Africa, 81, 140, 266, 311
African Americans, in military, 103–6, 110
Agency for International Development, 64
Agent Orange, 100, 300
“Agreed Framework” (North Korea), 89
agriculture, 258, 267, 269–72
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 43
Ahmed al Jaber Air Base (Kuwait), 243–44
Air America (CIA airline), 134
Airbus, 166, 277
air force, 7, 62, 63, 78, 104, 105, 201. See also Special Forces
black budget, 118, 119
Air Force Academy rape scandal, 105–6
Air Force Communications Agency, 241
Air Force Reserve, 102
Air Force Space Command, 79, 81, 121, 311
Air Mobility Command, 189
Air National Guard, 102
Akayev, Askar, 170, 172, 183–84
Albania, 300
Albright, Madeleine, 90
al-Dhafra Air Base (UAE), 249–50
Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, 180
Algeria, 30
Ali al Salem Air Base (Kuwait), 244
al-Jazeera (cable-news network), 246–47
Allende, Salvador, 9, 267
al-Masirah Air Base (Oman), 4, 252
al-Musnana Air Base (Oman), 251–52
al-Qaeda, 4, 27, 88, 129, 130, 175, 178, 189, 236
Iraq ties claimed, 126–27, 231–32, 305–6
9/11 attacks and, 227, 291
U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia and, 241
war on Afghanistan and, 181–82, 289
Altair Voyager (oil tanker), 173
al-Udeid air base (Qatar), 4, 241, 247–48
Amboinese, 131
American Enterprise Institute, 235, 275
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 105
American Revolution, 120, 190
America’s Army (computer game), 97–98
Amnesty International, 167
Amoco (British Petroleum-Amoco), 172, 177, 178
Amritsar Massacre (1919), 70
Andaman Islands, 70
Andrews, Evander, 248
Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 220
Angola, 135, 311
Annapolis, 104
Ansar al Islam, 232
anthrax, 224, 291
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972), 73, 83, 256
Apocalypse Now (film), 112
Appy, Christian, 60
Aquino, Benigno “Ninoy,” 210, 211
Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco, 211, 212
Arabian-American Oil Company (Aramco), 218–19
Arab-Israeli War of 1967, 224
Arbenz, Jacobo, 34
Area 51 (Nevada), 118, 119
Area Support Groups (ASGs), 196–97
Arendt, Hannah, 257, 261, 283
Argentina, 75, 255, 267, 274, 276–77
Arizona National Guard, 175
Arkin, William M., 153, 288, 299
armed forces, 32, 97–113, 134. See also standing army in peacetime
active reserves, 102–4
all-volunteer, 54, 60, 97–99
behavior of, abroad, 5–8, 18–24, 36–37, 92–93
crime and racism in, 5–8, 55, 92, 107–10
currently deployed, 196, 198, 202, 288
demographics and, 99, 102–7
draft and, end of, 54, 59–60
DU ammunition and, 100–102
Iraq war of 2003, 283
recruitment of, 97–99, 102–3, 107, 110–14
Armed Forces Recreational Center for Europe, 197
Armenia, 172, 174
Armitage, Richard, 62, 174, 213, 228
Armor Holdings, 140
arms industry, 57, 61–64, 277–81. See also weapons sales
army, 44–45, 62, 63, 105. See also Special Forces
black programs, 118
demographics, 60, 78, 104
Army Appropriations Bill (1901), 41
Army Corps of Engineers, 144, 145, 219, 243, 250
Army Forces Central Command—Kuwait (ARCENT-KU), 147
Army Forces Central Command—Saudi Arabia (ARCENT-SA), 238
Army National Guard, 102
Army Rangers, 69, 109, 115, 124, 129
Army Reserve, 102
Army War College, 46, 289
Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 255
Ashcroft, John, 294, 295, 297–98
Asiatic Squadron, 41
assassinations, 68, 133, 136, 291
Atlacatl Battalion, 126
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 236
Atlantic Charter (1941), 200
atomic bombs.See also nuclear weapons
secrecy and, 12
used on Japan, 35, 52, 198–99, 290
Atsugi Naval Air Station (Japan), 201
Augustus, emperor of Rome (Octavian), 16
Austin Chronicle, 144
Austo-Hungarian empire, 310
Australia, 30, 31, 162–63, 165, 283
Australia Defense Signals Directorate, 165
Austria, 19
Austro-Hungarian empire, 50
Avant, Deborah, 141
Aviano Air Force Base (Italy), 239
“axis of evil,” 4, 20, 77, 245
Ayios Nikolaos (Cyprus), 162
Azerbaijan, 137, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175, 184
Baccus, Rick, 42
Bacevich, Andrew, 67
Bad Aibling Air Force Base (Germany), 162
Bagram Air Base (Afghanistan), 115, 182
Bahrain, 24, 215, 221–22, 233, 242, 244–46, 248
Baker, James A., III, 174
Baker Botts firm, 174
Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline project, 174–76
Balkans, 8, 15, 143–46, 189, 190, 198, 236
ballistic missile defense (BMD), 34, 83–86, 94, 162, 309
banks, 166, 224, 226, 267, 272
Barabee, Robert, 109
Base Status Report (BSR), 153–55, 198, 202
Bay of Pigs invasion, 11, 34, 301
BBC, 115, 247
BDM International, 140
Bechtel, 166, 308
Beckwith, Charlie A., 123
Belgium, 43, 263
Bell Act (1946), 207–8
Bello, Walden, 268, 269
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 191
Bengzon, Alfredo, 213
Bennett, William J., 228
Berlin Wall, fall of, 7, 18–20, 34, 69
Berlusconi, Silvio, 275
Beveridge, Albert, 43, 192
Bhutto, Benazir, 176
bin Laden, Osama, 178–81, 227, 229, 231, 232, 236, 305
biological weapons, 77, 129–30
biopiracy, 271–72
Bitburg airfield (Germany), 194
black budget, 56, 117–19
Blair, Dennis, 125
Blair, Tony, 275, 283
Blair House Agreement (1992–93), 270
Blake, George, 10
Blix, Hans, 302
Blowback, 8–9, 11
blowback, 8–9, 121, 227, 288, 300
Board of National Estimates, 218
Boeing, 57, 118, 119, 277–79, 309
Boer War, 82, 307
Bolivia, 75
Bolton, John R., 77, 86, 228, 234
Bondsteel, James L., 143
Bonner, Yelena, 17–18
Bonn International Center for Conversion, 195
Bookman, Jay, 236
Boot, Max, 70
Bosnia, 3, 62, 72, 140, 155
Boston Globe, 78
Bourgeois, Roy, 136–37
Bowen, Alva, 210
Boxer, Barbara, 292
Brazil, 75, 267, 268, 275, 279–80
“Brezhnev Doctrine,” 69
Bridas company, 176–77, 179, 180
Bridges at Toko-Ri, The (Michener), 58
Brinkley, David, 113
British East India Company, 31
British Empire, 2, 5, 24, 30, 31, 43, 50, 191, 257. See also Great Britain
Boer War and, 82
decline, 219, 310
economy and, 261, 307
logic of, 81
as model, 25, 67, 68, 70
Persian Gulf and, 217–18
sepoys used by, 131, 134, 135, 138–39
British First Armored Division, 242
British fleet, 40
British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), 165
British Ministry of Defense, 164
British Petroleum (BP-Amoco), 167, 177, 220
Brokaw, Tom, 113, 231
Brooks, Vincent, 249
Brown, Ron, 268
Brown & Root.See Kellogg Brown & Root company
Bryan, William Jennings, 49
Bryce, Robert, 144
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 178
Bulgaria, 146, 300
Bulgheroni, Carlos, 176
Bundy, McGeorge, 97
Bunning, Jim, 292
Bunting, Madeleine, 284
Burgas International Airport, 146
Burma, 131, 176
Bush, George H. W. (Bush I), 17, 20, 60, 82, 69, 126, 127, 173, 174, 178, 233
Iraq and, 217, 225–28, 230, 232
Bush, George W. (Bush II), 1, 4, 33–34,75, 133, 141, 213, 275
Afghanistan and, 42, 176, 178, 179, 181
appointments by, 62–64, 79–83
“axis of evil” and, 64, 245
Central Asia and, 172–75, 184
China and, 87, 88
defense spending and, 56, 118, 281
democracy threatened by, 291–97
German bases and, 198
Iraq war, 10–11, 73, 217, 224, 227–36, 302, 304–6, 308
Latin America and, 261
military growth under, 122–23
military imperialism of, vs. Clinton’s economic, 255–57
North Korea and, 88–95
nuclear weapons and, 290–91
oil imports and, 307–8
Pakistan and, 182
“preventive war” and, 5–6, 284–87
Saudi Arabia and, 241–42
Serbia and, 145
South Korea and, 93–95
State of Union address of 2002, 88
State of Union address of 2003, 304
treaties undermined by, 73–78, 83–84
U.S. as “force for good” and, 103
war on terrorism and, 169, 291–92
Butler, Smedley, 169
Caesar, Julius, 16, 37
“Cairo West” air base (Egypt), 253
Cambodia, 203
Cambone, Stephen, 127, 228
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 161
Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases, 164
Camp Andy (Qatar), 248
Camp Arifjan (Kuwait), 243
Camp as-Sayliyah (Qatar), 248–49
Campbell, Kurt M., 62
Camp Bondsteel (Kosovo), 143, 145–46, 152, 155, 183, 184
Camp Casey (South Korea), 92–93, 107
Camp Doha (Kuwait), 146–49, 242–43
Camp Eagel (Bosnia), 155
Camp Hansen (Okinawa), 6, 7
Camp Monteith (Kosovo), 143, 152, 155
Camp Peary (Virginia), 9
Camp Pendleton (California), 7, 24, 123, 242
Camp Sarafovo (Bulgaria), 146
Camp Snoopy (Qatar), 248, 249
Canada, 31, 121, 165
Cantwell, Maria, 57
capital movement, 263, 267, 272–73
Caraway, David, 148
Card, Andrew H., Jr., 217, 236
Caribbean, 2, 41, 190, 192
carrier battle groups, 242, 250
Carroll, James, 78
Carter, Jimmy, 86, 94, 222–23, 296
Caspian Basin oil, 145, 168–70, 172–74
Castro, Fidel, 20
casualties, 54–55, 59
Afghan war and, 79
attempt to avoid U.S., 28, 133, 288–91
classes of, in Gulf War I, 100–101
Cato, 285
Caucasus, 32
CENTCOM (U.S. Central Command), 223, 224, 237, 241
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 118
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 127
Central America, 2, 22, 32, 169, 192
Central Asia, 32, 155, 226
military bases in, 24, 168, 175, 183–85, 189–90, 198, 215
oil in, 145, 168, 170–83, 185, 234
Central Asia Gas and Pipeline Consortum (CentGas), 179–80
Central Intelligence Act (1949), 117
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 3, 8, 10, 12, 36, 42n, 64, 68, 128, 162, 163, 203, 267, 295–96, 308
Afghanistan and, 11, 139, 181, 182, 222
assassinations and, 136
commercial espionage by, 166
Greece and, 205–6
Indonesia and, 209
information on citizens collected by, 122–23
Iran and, 220
Iraq and, 11, 126–27, 223–24, 232, 302, 303, 305, 306
Laos and, 134
Latin America and, 34
Panama and, 69
Pentagon vs., 123, 126–29
Philippines and, 209, 213
Saudi Arabia and, 218
secret budget of, 117
Soviet Union and, 18
Special Activities Division, 11
Yemen strike by, 27
Chechnya, 72, 172, 173, 175
chemical weapons, 101, 129–30, 225
Cheney, Dick, 6, 20, 82, 130, 174, 248, 286
Afghanistan and, 179
Halliburton and, 144–46, 184
Iraq war and, 126, 227–28, 233, 302–3, 308
Chevron (ChevronTexaco,formerly SoCal), 172–74, 218
Chiang Kai-shek, 36, 86
Chicago Tribune, 113
Chief Peter J. Ganci Jr. Air Base (Kyrgyzstan), 183–84
Chile, 9, 75, 193, 224, 267
China, 9, 20, 29–31, 34, 35, 43, 50, 54, 58, 61, 71, 86, 94, 188, 189, 193, 222, 272, 290
Bush II and, 83–88
empire of, 310
Japan and, 48, 50, 131
oil and, 169, 170, 234
Chirac, Jacques, 300
Christianity, 43, 47, 138, 285, 287
Christopher, Warren, 163
Chun Doo-hwan, 89
Churchill, Winston, 91
Cicero, 285
CINCs (commanders in chief), 121–22, 124–26
Citibank (later Citicorp), 266, 274
loss of rights, 78–79, 285, 293–98
spying on, 122–23, 151, 161–62, 165, 295–98
Citizen Works, 145
Civil War, 52, 54–55, 78
Clark, Wesley, 75
Clark Air Base (Philippines), 193, 208, 209, 211–13
client states, 31, 68
Clinton, Bill, 22, 71, 73, 75, 117, 268
Afghanistan and, 178, 180
defense spending and, 56, 278
East Asian collapse and, 272
East Timor and, 138
globalization and, 255–56, 260–61
Iraq and, 226, 228, 229, 232
military and, 53, 111
North Korea and, 89, 94
oil and, 174–75, 178
Pakistan and, 125
Serbia and, 145
Somalia and, 133
“Coalition Media Center” (Qatar), 249
Cold War, 2, 3, 6, 32–35, 117, 118, 151, 223, 258–59
defense spending and, 54–56, 55
end of, 16–22, 68, 91, 189, 309–10
military bases and, 193–204
Cole, USS, bombing of, 125, 139, 252
Colombia, 3, 42n, 136, 137, 140, 192, 279–80, 288, 311
colonialism, 24, 29–30, 35, 39, 43–44, 50–51, 64–65, 263
Combat Support Associates, 147–48
Combined Air Operations Center (Qatar), 247
Combined Air Operations Center (Saudi Arabia), 240–41
Commerce, Department of, 268
Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization, 82
Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, 300
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, 122
Commodity Credit Corporation, 224
Communism, 34, 50–52, 64, 170, 188, 193–94, 199, 261
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 73
Comstock, Barbara, 298
Congressional Government (Wilson), 46
conservatives, 259–60
Constitution, U.S., 12, 44–46, 120, 285, 292–98
containment policy, 6, 23, 188, 193
Contras, 17, 130
Control Supply Company, 2
Cornwell, Rachel, 36
corporations, 13, 145, 207, 267, 271.See also arms industry; multinational corporations; private military companies
Costa-Gavras, Constantin, 205
Costa Rica, 137
Council on Foreign Relations, 68, 130
coup d’etats, 33, 34, 42n, 68, 125, 205–6, 267
covert actions, 42n, 128–30, 224
Cox, Harvey, 261
Cox Report, 86–87
Coyle, Philip E., 84
Cramer, Ben, 33
Crescent Group, 179
Croatia, 140, 300
crony capitalism, 262, 273, 277, 308
Cuba, 40–43, 45, 53, 121, 169, 192–93, 301
missile crisis, 33–34, 302
Cubic Applications, Inc., 140, 141
Cunningham, Keith B., 195
currency, exchange rates, 264–267
Cyprus, 205, 206
Czechoslovakia, 19, 69
Dalbandin military base (Pakistan), 182
Dassault company, 279
D’Aubuisson, Roberto, 136
Dean, John, 284
death squads, 72, 126, 136
deception operations, 299–300
Declaration of Independence, 12, 45
decontamination techniques, 300
Defense, Department of (DOD, Pentagon), 2, 3, 6, 36, 105, 122
Afghan war of 2001, 13
budgets, 55, 58, 117–20
Bush II and, 62–63
contracts, 57, 119, 142–43
disinformation and, 298–99
domestic policing and, 119–23
evasion of Congress by, 138
foreign armies and, 8, 124, 132–33, 137–38, 140–49
foreign policy and, 5–6
forerunner of, created, 45–46
intelligence agencies, 42n, 126–30
Iraq and, 61, 226–28, 305
media and, 4, 52, 112–15
military base information and, 4, 153–55
recruitment and, 110–12
regaining control over, 12, 312
Defense Appropriations Act (2001), 138
Defense Authorization Bill (1998), 12
Defense Export Loan Guarantee Fund, 279
“defense intellectuals,” 70–71, 80, 81, 84
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 9, 36, 117, 118, 127, 130, 141, 305
Defense Policy Board, 234
Defense Science Board, 129–30, 228
Defense Security Cooperation Agency, 140
defense spending, 20, 55, 56–58, 62, 78–79, 128–30, 132, 137, 189
as “industrial policy, 277–78
secret, 117–20
2003 and 2004, 306–9
U.S. portion of global, in 2000, 63
Defense Week, 117
de Gaulle, Charles, 194
Deller, Nicole, 73
Delta Force, 11, 119, 123–24, 128, 129, 130
Delta Oil company, 179
democracy, 70, 89, 200, 203–8, 210–11
Iraq and, 71, 233, 308
Roman empire and, 15–16
threat to, in U.S., 12, 13, 33, 44–46, 285, 291–98, 312
Wilson and, 47–49, 51–52
WTO and, 274
Democratic Party, 46
Denmark, 34
depleted uranium (DU) ammunition, 100–102, 147
Depression, 259, 265
Dewey, George, 41, 43
DFI International (Defense Forecasts, Inc.), 140
Diego Garcia, 163, 221–22, 250, 252
Dili massacre, 137
“disarmament wars,” 290
disinformation, 119, 285, 298–303
Disney Studio, 112–13
Djibouti, 242, 252
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 17
Doha International Airport (Qatar), 248
dollar, exchange rate and, 264–66
“dollar diplomacy,” 192
Domenici, Pete, 292
Dominican Republic, 192
“domino theory,” 82, 188
Donovan, James, 52, 53, 187
Donovan, William J., 10
Dragon Hill Recreation Center (South Korea), 92
drug trafficking, 20, 21, 69, 120, 129, 134, 172, 177, 211
Dubai, 222
Dubcek, Alexander, 19
Dulles, Allen, 9, 10, 223
DuPont company, 168, 224, 271
DynCorp, 140–41, 147, 248
East Asia, 3, 8, 11, 20, 31, 33, 34, 43, 50, 199
economic development in, 263, 264
financial collapse of 1997, 272–76
North Korea and, 88–95
Eastern Europe, 19–20, 31, 69, 140, 198, 214, 215, 263
Eastman Kodak, 224
East Timor, 72, 75–76, 125, 137–38
Eberhart, Ralph E., “Ed,” 79–80, 121–22
Echelon, 165–67
Ecuador, U.S. sponsored military dictatorships in, 75
Edwards Air Force Base (California), 118
Egypt, 81, 219, 223, 242, 253
Ehime Maru (Japanese ship), 116
Eighth Army, 203
Eighty-second Airborne Division, 69, 108–9, 115, 120, 175
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 39, 53, 59, 97, 117, 220
Eisenhower, USS, 153
Ekeus, Rolf, 303
ElBaradei, Mohamed, 304–5
elections, 312
of 1876, 120
of 1968, 205–6
of 1992, 144
of 2000, 120, 174, 291, 294
of 2002, 236
of 2004, 236
Eleventh Armored Cavalry Regiment, 147
Ellsberg, Daniel, 10, 97
Ellsworth Air Force Base (South Dakota), 252
Elmendorf Air Force Base (Alaska), 162
El Salvador, 125–26, 128, 136
Embraer company, 279
Endangered Species Act (1973), 123
Enduring Freedom (Pentagon film), 113
“enemy or illegal combatant,” 4, 42, 78–79, 293–95
Energy, Department of, 169, 175, 306
Energy Information Administration, 169
England, Gordon R., 63, 122
Enrile, Juan Ponce, 210
Enron Corporation, 63, 166, 169, 236, 277
environmental pollution, 8, 33, 123, 198, 213, 268
Equatorial Guinea, 311
Eskan Village (Saudi Arabia), 238–39
Estonia, 300
“ethnic cleansing,” 25, 72, 138, 188
EUCOM, 124
Europe, 29–30, 33, 35–36, 71, 215, 234
European Commission on Human Rights, 206
European Parliament, 166
European Union, 269, 270, 277, 283, 300
Ex Parte Milligan (1866), 294
Expeditionary Village (Qatar), 248
“extraterritoriality,” 8, 35–36
Exxon (ExxonMobil), 172, 218, 311
Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia, 179
Faisal, king of Saudi Arabia, 219
Fargo, Thomas B., 93, 116
Farrar, Jay, 127
fascists, 203, 206
federal budget deficit (debt), 45, 236, 288, 307
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 87, 121–23, 295–98
federal government, power of, 44–45, 47, 78–79
Federalist, The, No. 41, 120
Federalist Party, 191
Feith, Douglas J., 126–27, 234, 235
Feminist Majority Foundation of California, 180
Ferguson, Niall, 242
Ferguson, Thomas, 264
Fifth Fleet, 244
Fighting Seabees (film), 59
Financial Times, 122, 233
First Continental Congress, 45
First Marine Division, 24
First Marine Expeditionary Force, 242
First Special Forces Detachment-Delta, 128
FISA Court of Review, 298
Fish and Wildlife Service, 123
Fisher, George, 112
Fisk, Robert, 15
Fleming, Ian, 11, 67
Florida, 42, 120
Foch, Ferdinand, 51
Ford, Gerald R., 75, 82, 210–11, 224
Ford-Marcos agreement (1975), 211
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 295–98
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), 295–98
“foreign internal defense” (FID), 124
Foreign Legion, French, 131
foreign military
training of, by U.S., 124–26, 132–40, 175–76, 206, 226
use of, by U.S., 131, 140–49
Foreign Military Financing (FMF), 137, 140
Fort Benning (Georgia), 68, 136, 137
Fort Bragg (North Carolina), 108, 120, 129, 136
Fort Campbell (Kentucky), 24, 107, 119
Fort George Meade (Maryland), 161
Fort Hood (Texas), 24, 195
Fort Huachuca (Arizona), 136
Fort Monroe (Virginia), 120
Fort Riley (Kansas) 107–8
Fort Stewart (Georgia), 24, 242
4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron, 119
Fourth Amendment, 296, 297, 298
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, 293
Fourth Infantry Division, 24
France, 19, 75, 85, 166, 184, 194, 221, 263
empire, 43, 50, 257, 310
Iraq and, 232, 233, 238, 287, 300
Franco, Franciso, 203–4, 299
Franks, Tommy, 80, 172, 182, 226, 248–49
Fraser, Malcolm, 163
Freedom of Information Act, 300
free enterprise, 308–9.See also markets; trade
French East India Company, 31
Friedman, Thomas, 273–74, 275
From Russia with Love (Fleming), 11
Fulda, Germany, 195
Galbraith, James K., 146
Galston, William A., 22
Gardner, Richard, 63
Garmisch armed forces vacation center (Germany), 5, 197
Garten, Jeffrey, 268
Gary, Romain, 295
Gates, Robert, 17, 18
Gaudette, Kurt, 83
Gaul, 15
Gazprom, 179
General Accounting Office (GAO), 118, 143
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 259, 264, 269, 278
General Dynamics, 63, 119, 122, 243
General Electric, 166
General Motors, 167
Geneva Conventions, 42, 75, 133
Gentry, John A., 288, 289
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 197
Georgia (Central Asia), 174–76
German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 19
German Federal Republic (West Germany), 18–19, 34
German Socialist Unity Party (Communist), 19
Germany, 263
Echelon and, 166
economic development in, 262, 263
imperial, 19th century, 35–36, 40, 42, 45
Iraq and, 198, 307
reunification of, 195
U.S. bases in, 8, 24, 56, 154, 190, 130, 195–98, 215
WW I and, 48–49, 51
WW II and, 85, 193–94, 203, 257, 300, 301, 310
Gibben, Dave, 144
G. I. Jane (film), 112
Gingrich, Newt, 228
Glass, Charles, 153
Glennon, Michael, 77
globalization (globalism), 21, 26, 81, 255–57, 260–77, 284, 310
protests vs., 262, 272, 274–75
Global Security Organization, 243, 244
Goldfarb, Michael, 196
gold standard, 264–66
Good Neighbor Policy, 192
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 17–20, 69, 258
Gordon, Michael, 20
Grant, Bruce, 142
Great Britain, 221, 259, 263, 265, 279.See also British Empire
Cold War and, 34
Egypt and, 223, 242
Gulf War I and, 225, 238
intelligence, 165–66, 251, 303–4
Iran and, 220
Iraq war and, 232, 233, 283, 304
Persian Gulf and, 217–22, 244
U.S. bases in, 8, 56, 164–65
WW I and, 48–50
WW II and, 37, 194
Greatest Generation (Brokaw), 113
Greece, 15, 204–7, 211
military bases in, 152, 189, 204–5
Green Berets, 11, 128, 129, 131, 134, 141
Greeneville, USS (submarine), 116–17
Greenland, 34
Greider, William, 214, 281
Grenada invasion, 114–15
Griffith, Ron, 141
Group of Eight (G8), 181, 275
Group of Seven (G7), 276
Guam, 2, 42, 189, 192
Guantanámo Bay (Cuba), 13, 41–42, 77, 189, 193, 293, 295, 310
Guatemala, 34, 128, 192, 193
Guernica, 222, 299–300
Guevara, Che, 30
Gulf of Oman, 250
Gulf of Tonkin, 301
Gulf War Syndrome, 100–102, 300
“gunboat diplomacy,” 40
Gurkhas, 131, 134
Hahn airfield (Germany), 194
Haig, Alexander, 53, 178
Hainan Island spy plane incident, 87–88, 252
Haiti, 3, 62, 72, 141, 144, 169, 192
Halabja gas attacks of 1988, 225
Haldeman, H. R., 284
Halibut, USS (submarine), 163
Halliburton, 140, 144–45, 152, 233, 308
Hamad bin Issa al-Khalifa, king of Bahrain, 245
Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, Sheikh, emir of Qatar, 246–47
Hamas, 298
Hamdi, Yasir Esam, 293, 294
Harding, Warren G., 51
Harris, Jeff, 80
Harvard Law School, 111–12
Hasan al-Bakr, Ahmad, 224
Hastert, Dennis, 57
Hatcher, Patrick Lloyd, 35
Hawaii, 2, 42, 192–93.See also Pearl Harbor
Hay, John, 192
Hayden, Michael V., 161
Hayes, Rutherford B., 120
Hearst, William Randolph, 40
hegemony, defined, 29
Hejl, Thomas, 109
Heldman, Kevin, 107
Hellenikon Air Base (Greece), 205
Helms, Richard, 9
Henry VIII, king of England, 295
Hersh, Seymour, 305
Hertle, Hans-Hermann, 19
Herzog, Jésus Silva, 266
Hewlett-Packard, 224
Higgs, Robert, 308–9
Hill, James T., 279–80
Hill&Knowlton, 230–31
Hindus, 70, 138
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 28, 290
Hispanics, 103, 104, 110
Hitler, Adolf, 168, 206, 222, 299
Hmong tribesmen, 134
Hobson, John, 28
Hoffmann, Stanley, 287
Holbrooke, Richard, 74
Hollywood films, 112–14
Holy Loch (Scotland), 163
Homeland Security, Department of, 122
Honduras, 128, 192
Honeywell, 224
Hong Kong, 41
Honolulu Advertiser, 116
Howard, John, 283
Hudson’s Bay Company, 31
Hull, Cordell, 52
“humanitarian” aid, 172, 183
humanitarian interventions, 3, 21–22, 71–72, 124, 167, 214, 284
human rights, 72, 170–72, 176, 180, 203, 225
U.S. and foreign military and, 125–26, 132, 133, 136, 137
Hungary, 19
Hussein, Kamel, 302–3
Hussein, Saddam, 11, 101, 126–27, 144, 183, 217, 223–36, 237, 253, 283, 300, 302
Hyundai Engineering and Construction Company, 179
Iberia, 15
Ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia, 218
idealism, 47, 51
ideology, 61, 261
“illegal combatants.” See “enemy or illegal combatant”
Illueca, Jorge, 136
impeachment, 306
imperialism (empire)
central political idea of, 257
CIA and, 9–10
civilian casualties and, 28
Cold War and, 32–34
colonization and, 29–30
containment rationale for, 193
continental vs. maritime, 191
decline as result of, 310–12
defined, 28–29
democracy threatened by, 13
disinformation and, 298–303
economic, 5–6, 28, 255–58, 277
extent and roots of American, 1–5
euphemisms, for, 13, 29, 71, 191, 192, 283–84
failed states and, 71
fall of Soviet empire and U.S., 21, 310
fight against communism and, 2–3, 64–65
globalism and, 255–56, 262–77
“humanitarian,” 67, 71–72
idealistic vs. military, 70–72
Iraq war and, 236–37
logic of, and space, 81–83
militarism inseparable from, 30
military bases and, 7–8, 23–27, 37, 151, 152, 187–88, 237–53
Monroe doctrine and, 191
multinational corporations and, 30–31
nineteenth-century, 35–36, 42–43
post-9/11, 3–4, 67–68, 215
recent endorsement of, 67–68
reluctance theme in, 191
sorrows of, post-Iraq war, 284–85
Spanish-American War and, 39–44
superpowers and, during Cold War, 32–35
surrogate soldiers and, 131–49
Theodore Roosevelt and, 51
unconstrained, 67–68
wars tied with, 187–88, 214–15
Wilsonian foundations for, 47–52
imperial overstretch, 13, 310
Incirlik Air Base (Turkey), 240, 252
Independent Institute, 308
India, 181
British Empire and, 50, 70, 81, 82, 134, 138–39, 217
military training programs, 137
nuclear weapons and, 163–64
rice patents and, 271–72
Indian emigrants, 29–30
Indonesia, 65, 131, 137–38, 203, 209
East Timor and, 75–76, 125
economic crisis, 255, 267, 273
Indonesia Petroleum, 179
industrialization, 208, 261, 269
“industrial policy,” 277–78
information warfare, 299–306
Insight, 58
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 73
intellectual property, 256, 259, 269–71
intelligence, 1, 124
analysis, as cover, 10
fabrication of, to justify war, 127, 301–6
listening posts and sharing, 161–67
U.S. citizens and, 296–98
intelligence agencies, 3, 12, 18, 32.See also specific agencies
Defense Department, vs. CIA, 126–28
secret budgets, 12, 78–80, 117–20, 312
intelligence estimates, 9–10
intelligence SAP (IN-SAP), 118
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), 128–29
intercontinental ballistic missile, 290
international agreements, 73–78
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 89, 90, 304–5
International Charter, Inc., 140
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, 72
International Court of Justice, 291
International Criminal Court (ICC), 4, 73–75, 256
International Financial Institutions Advisory Commission, 275–76
international law, 22, 24–25, 214, 233, 272, 281, 283, 310
International Military Education and Training Program (IMET), 132, 135–37, 140
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 68, 71, 256–57, 264–69, 273–78
international order
destabilization of, 284, 286–88
trade and, 257
International Peace Operations Association, 141
international security organization, proposed, 71
International Telecommunications Satellite organization (Intelsat), 161
Internet, 297
investment banks, 26
Iraklion base (Greece), 205
Iran, 211, 217, 235, 244, 245, 251, 252
Afghan refugees and, 177
“axis of evil” and, 20, 64, 77
coup of 1953, 167–68, 220
Israel and, 235
oil and, 168, 170, 172–74, 218
as obstacle to U.S. domination, 189, 215
potential war on, 235, 310
revolution of 1979, 222–23, 224
Iran-Contra scandal, 130, 228, 234
Iranian hostage crisis, 123, 128, 222–23
Iran-Iraq war, 224–25
Iraq, 217–53, 290.See also Iraq War of 2003; Persian Gulf War (Gulf War I)
“axis of evil” and, 20, 77
bombing, 280
British and, 70
Bush II and, 88
coup of 1958 in, 223
Israeli raid on, 70
no-fly zones, 232, 233, 240
post-war U.S. bases in, 198, 214, 215, 226, 242
private military companies and, 141
reconstruction contracts, 308–9
Shi’ites and, 224
strategic position of, 217
U.S. bases in Gulf and, 244
U.S. support for, in 1980s, 144, 223–25
U.S. troops currently in, 288
Iraqi exiles, 305
Iraq War of 2003, 62, 145, 183
as achievement of neocons, 71
al-Qaeda link as pretext for, 126–27, 305–6
Bulgaria and, 146
Bush II decision to go alone, 73
Coalition Media Center and, 249
congressional vote on, 292
cost of, 306–7
democracy as pretext for, 233
domestic politics as motive for, 236
DU ammunition in, 101–2
economic impact of, on U.S., 306–7
“embedded” reporters and, 115–16
fall of Baghdad and, 283
fragging and, 104
Germany and, 198
Guantanámo prisoners and, 42
imperialism and militarism as motive for, 61, 236–37, 310
information warfare to justify, 299–306
international impact of, 95, 283–84
Israel and, 234–35
Kuwait bases and, 242–43
lack of exit strategy for, 236–37
lack of intelligence estimate before, 10–11
lack of legitimacy of, 215, 256
looting and, 234
military base acquisition and, 24, 189, 190, 214–15
military bases in Persian Gulf and, 222, 226–28, 253
military purchases for, 2
military recruitment and, 99 9/11 as pretext for, 229–32
North Korea and, 88, 90–91
number of troops, 283
plan to remake, as client state, 283
push for, prior to 9/11, 227–29, 233–35, 308
Qatar and, 246, 248–49
refusal of other nations to pay for, 307
Saudi bases and, 240
Turkey and, 252
“un-American” to question, 4
UN and, 232–33, 301–5
Wilson foreign policy as precursor of, 47
WMDs and, 94, 229–30, 304–6
Islamic militants, 139, 172, 177, 237–38, 288
isolationism, 3, 44
Israel, 31, 70, 102, 137, 139, 153, 215, 242, 281, 291
Iraq and, 70, 234–35
UN and, 76, 133
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 235, 244, 246
Italy, 8, 34, 43, 56
Itochu Oil Exploration company, 179
ITT corporation, 147
Iwakuni Air Station (Japan), 201
Jackson, Bruce, 300
Jacobadad military base (Pakistan), 182
“Jam Echelon Day,” 166
Jane’s Intelligence Review, 304
Japan, 31, 34, 68, 215
constitution of, 199
economy of, 259, 263, 264
Gulf War I and, 25, 307
imperialism of, 43–44, 48, 50, 71, 131, 310
military bases in, 7, 8, 56, 108, 109, 190, 198–203, 202
North Korea and, 91, 92, 94
nuclear weapons and, 12, 201–2
oil and, 179
Pearl Harbor attack by, 286, 300
remilitarization of, 87
trade and, 16, 26, 96
Jebel Ali port (UAE), 250
Jefferson, Thomas, 191, 298
Jennings, Peter, 304
Jerusalem Post, 235
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, 234
Jimmy Carter, USS (submarine), 163
jingoism, 39–40, 67
John C. Stennis, USS (aircraft carrier), 112
Johnson, Lyndon B., 59, 61, 97, 140, 205, 208, 223, 236, 301
Johnson, U. Alexis, 201
Johnstone, Diana, 33
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 52–53, 61, 62, 79, 226, 249
creation of, 45–46
intelligence agency of, 117
terrorism proposals of, to JFK, 53, 301
Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET), 137–38, 140
Joint Committee to Conduct the War, 52
Joint Direct Attack munitions (smart bomb), 280
Joint Intelligence Center (Saudi Arabia), 240–241
“Joint Task Force-Civil Support,” 120
Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group (Philippines), 209
Jones, Elizabeth, 185
Jones, James L., 198
Jordan, 137, 253
Judge Advocate General Corps, 111–12
Justice, Department of, 87, 293, 298
Kadena Air Force Base (Okinawa), 8, 154, 252
Kagan, Robert, 228
Kandahar International Airport base (Afghanistan), 182
Kaplan, Fred, 309
Kaplan, Lawrence F, 85
Kaplan, Robert D., 68
Karamanlis, Constantine, 206
Karamursel, Turkey (listening post), 162
Karimov, Islam, 172, 184
Karzai, Hamid, 140, 178, 179, 182
Kashmir, 70, 72
Kassem, Abdel-Karim, 223
Kazakhstan, 169, 170–75, 184, 185
Kazakhstan Oil Advisory Board, 174
Keller, Bill, 85
Kellogg-Briand pact (1928), 78
Kellogg Brown & Root company, 140, 143–46, 184, 308
Kennedy, John F, 6, 11, 97, 117, 236, 286
Kennedy, Paul, 71
Kenya, embassy attack (1998), 139, 178, 180
Kerr, John, 163
Keynes, John Maynard, 265, 266
Khalilzad, Zalmay, 178–79, 181, 228
Khanabad base (Uzbekistan), 144, 184
Khobar Towers (Saudi Arabia) bombing (1996), 238, 240, 243
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 222
Kiesling, John, 287
Kiknadze, Mirian, 175
Killingray, David, 131
Kim Dae-jung, 90, 93, 94
Kim Il-sung, 94
Kim Jong-il, 90, 91, 172
King Abdul Aziz Air Base (Saudi Arabia), 219, 238
Kissinger, Henry, 75–76, 178, 206
Kitty Hawk, USS, 109–10
Klemmer, Andreas, 195
Korb, Lawrence J., 130
Korean Demilitarized Zone, 92
Korean War, 53, 56, 58, 59, 86, 91, 102, 110, 142, 209
military bases and, 35, 189, 190, 202
Kosovo, 62, 72, 79, 101, 144
military bases in, 5, 143, 145, 155, 215
Krauthammer, Charles, 67–68
Kristol, William, 228
Kuhn, James, 113
Kunkle, Steven, 109
Kunsan Air Base (South Korea), 92
Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalists), 36, 86
Kurds, 172, 223, 225, 228, 232–33
Kuwait, 217, 222, 230–33, 244
Gulf War I and, 21, 62, 100–101, 219, 225–26, 230–31, 307
military bases in, 144, 146–49, 226, 237, 241, 242–44
Kyoto Protocol on global warming, 76, 256
KYP (Greek intelligence), 205
Kyrgyzstan, 175
military bases in, 5, 170, 172–73, 183–84, 203, 214, 226, 242
labor laws, 259
La Maddalena Island (Italy), 163
“land for peace,” 235
Lansing, Robert, 49, 50, 51
Laos, 134
Latin America, 2, 20, 21, 32, 34, 215.See also SOUTHCOM
globalization and, 261, 264, 266
interventions in, 69, 193
military bases in, 8, 168, 190–93
military training in, 132, 136, 194
oil and, 168, 311
state terrorism in, 68
weapons sales to, 279–80
Latvia, 300
League of Nations, 50, 51
Leahy, Patrick J., 125
Lebanon, 235
Ledeen, Michael, 234
Lee, Wen-ho, 87
Lee Ki Sun, 92
Lemnitzer, Lyman, 301
Leninism, 50
Leno, Jay, 180
Leno, Mavis, 180
Lewis, Flora, 77
Lexus and the Olive Tree, The (Friedman), 273
Libby, I. Lewis, 228
liberalism, classical, 261
Libya, 290
Lili’oukalani, queen of Hawaii, 42
Lincoln, Abraham, 52
Lindquist, Sven, 28
Link, Arthur S., 47
List, Friedrich, 262
listening posts, overseas, 155, 161–65
Lithuania, 300
Lockheed Martin, 57, 62–63, 79, 80, 119, 161, 278, 280, 309
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 51, 80, 192
“lone superpower,” 4, 44, 67, 72, 274, 284, 307
Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons laboratory, 87
Lott, Trent, 228
Louisiana, election of 1876 and, 120
Louisiana National Guard, 175
LST-883, USS, 142
L3 Communications, 140, 141
Lula da Silva, Luiz, 280
Lumpe, Lora, 132
Lusitania, sinking of, 48–49
Lutzenburger, Jose, 268
Lynch, Jessica, 99