Then I got up and T.P. dressed me and we went to the kitchen and ate. Dilsey was singing and I began to cry and she stopped.
"Keep him away from the house, now." Dilsey said.
"We cant go that way." T.P. said.
We played in the branch.
"We cant go around yonder." T.P. said. "Dont you know mammy say we cant."
Dilsey was singing in the kitchen and I began to cry.
"Hush." T.P. said. "Come on. Les go down to the barn." Roskus was milking at the barn. He was milking with one hand, and groaning. Some birds sat on the barn door and watched him. One of them came down and ate with the cows. I watched Roskus milk while T.P. was feeding Queenie and Prince. The calf was in the pig pen. It nuzzled at the wire, bawling.
"T.P." Roskus said. T.P. said Sir, in the barn. Fancy held her head over the door, because T.P. hadn't fed her yet. "Git done there." Roskus said. "You got to do this milking. I cant use my right hand no more."
T.P. came and milked.
"Whyn't you get the doctor." T.P. said.
"Doctor cant do no good." Roskus said. "Not on this place."
"What wrong with this place." T.P. said.
"Taint no luck on this place." Roskus said. "Turn that calf in if you done."