Versh said, "You move back some, so I can dry my legs off." He shoved me back a little. "Dont you start bellering, now. You can still see it. That's all you have to do. You aint had to be out in the rain like I is. You's born lucky and dont know it." He lay on his back before the fire.
"You know how come your name Benjamin now." Versh said. "Your mamma too proud for you. What mammy say."
"You be still there and let me dry my legs off." Versh said. "Or you know what I'll do. I'll skin your rinktum."
We could hear the fire and the roof and Versh.
Versh got up quick and jerked his legs back. Father said, "All right, Versh."
"I'll feed him tonight." Caddy said. "Sometimes he cries when Versh feeds him."
"Take this tray up." Dilsey said. "And hurry back and feed Benjy."
"Dont you want Caddy to feed you." Caddy said.