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This translation first published in Great Britain by Vintage Classics in 2022

Copyright © Konstantin Paustovsky 1945, 1946, 1955, 1957

English translation copyright © Douglas Smith 2022

Book I: The Faraway Years first serialised as ‘Dalëkie gody: povest’ o detstve’ in Russia in 1945 in Novyi mir. First published with the title Dalëkie gody: povest’ o detstve i iunosti in Russia in 1946 by Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo detskoi literatury Ministerstva Prosveshcheniia. Book II: Restless Youth first serialised as ‘Bespokoinaia iunost” in Russia in 1955 in Novyi mir. First published with the title Povest’ o zhizni in Russia in 1955 by Sovetskii pisatel’. Book III: The Dawn of an Uncertain Age first published as ‘Nachalo nevedomogo veka’ (together with Books I and II) in Vol. 3 of Sobranie sochinenii in Russia in 1957 by Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo khudozhestvennoi literatury.

The moral right of the author has been asserted

Cover illustration © Juan Bernabeu

Design © Suzanne Dean

ISBN: 978-1-473-54924-1

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