The 1,000-watt bulb and its resulting beam probed like a sweeping eye over the mist-cradled waves, and could be seen three miles down the approaching road.
“There it is,” Alexander pointed from the middle of the back seat. Phoebe drove, with Aria in the front. The twins were in car seats, one on either side of Alexander. He had had about enough of diaper and bottle duty the past nine hours, and this arrival — any end to this ride — couldn’t be more welcome. Not that he didn’t love these adorable little poop machines but he needed a break, a shower, and a blast of fresh air.
And besides, they hardly ever cry. It’s weird. They just stare at me as if they know too much. Given the talents in this family, that’s a frightening prospect.
Phoebe sped up until they could see the small farmhouse near the stone tower and the beacon. Aria leaned forward, craning her neck and rubbing it at the same time. It had been a long trip. “Someone’s up there.”
“Think they know we’re coming?” Alexander wondered.
“Not with your girlfriend up here shielding us,” Phoebe said.
“And no one else knows where we are either,” Aria added. “More importantly.”
“Still don’t know what’s going on back in DC…” Phoebe said, although it was more of a question. They hadn’t had time to really focus and probe, to scry their friends and the others.
“Know enough,” Alexander said. “They went after us. Hard. All psychics.”
Aria “They wanted to shut us down.”
“Well, they did that.”
“For now,” Phoebe said bitterly. “But we’re a long way from out.” She slowed the jeep — rented with cash and a fake ID back in Poughkeepsie.
“My dad…”
“Easy, Alex. We’re getting him back. And my husband, and uncle Xavier, but the first step is right here.”
They looked up together as she slowed. The figure at the top of the lighthouse, at the railing, resolved into a familiar woman, leaning forward as if waiting for them.
“We really need her?” Aria asked, craning her neck to see.
Phoebe sighed. “Much as I hate to admit it, yes.”
“And her son,” Alexander said, pointing to the farmhouse door, which opened on cue, admitting a smiling teenager, offering a slight wave.
“Why do I get the feeling,” Phoebe asked, “that they knew we were coming?”
The drawings were everywhere, and at first she had a flashback to her childhood, to her brother’s room back in Sodus, NY. A similar keeper’s house beside a similar beacon. “Like father, like…other son,” Phoebe said, glancing from Alexander to Jacob.
They were similar, only a year difference in age, with Alexander slightly taller. A result of Lydia’s genes, most likely as Nina Osseni was petite and just about Phoebe’s height. Jacob was the better half of twins who had to rise above his malicious upbringing at the hands of Mason Calderon while his mother slept in an induced coma. Caleb had been blissfully unaware of the existence of Isaac and Jacob, despite his psychic talents, a fact that occasionally still baffled Phoebe. Knowing the bond she had with her own children, she couldn’t imagine not being in tune with something so magnificent as a life she had created — let alone two lives.
But then again, she knew the adage (or was it a mantra?): he had never asked the right questions. Had no reason to suspect, no reason to go looking. And that had cost Caleb and the Morpheus Initiative dearly when Nina recovered and allowed her emotions and anger to be manipulated against them.
Water under the proverbial bridge right now. Now they were neck-deep and fighting for their very lives in a new crisis. A conspiracy against psychics, against them all, and a new adversary unlike anything they had seen before. One who could cloud their visions and prevent their greatest talents from being used. She didn’t know how it worked, how Boris did it, whether he had to be in visual range or could operate from any distance — much like changing the contents of someone’s webpage once he accessed its source code.
They would have to find out, but in the meantime, they needed allies. Ones with their own unique own skills.
Phoebe pulled her eyes away from the pictures taped all over the place in this otherwise neat and spotless living area. An Xbox, tons of comic books, a little light on other books — unlike Caleb’s place. So, not quite continuing the legacy, this lack of attention to the arts. Most likely Nina’s influence.
“Sorry for the mess,” Jacob said a little sheepishly. “And our cable doesn’t work.”
“We can’t get the news?” Aria asked.
“No. No Internet, haven’t even seen a paper in ages.” He shrugged and put his hands in his baggy jeans. He wore a plaid shirt, rolled up at the sleeves, and his hair was thick and disheveled, but still attractive. Alexander seemed a little protective of Aria right off the bat, Phoebe noticed. He made sure to stand close to her and keep a hand near hers or on her back. Fighting off a potential rival.
Alexander made a face as he glanced around the room, taking everything. “What have you been doing all this time?”
“What does it look like, brother?”
“Beginner art school?”
Aria cleared her throat. “It’s not the form that’s off, it’s the subject matter.”
Jacob shrugged, noticing which one she had her eye on: a boy wielding a sword, devilish look on his face. “A lot of the past, mostly.”
“Your brother?”
Jacob’s eyes, the color of his black hair, turned down.
Phoebe tried to think of how to break the awkward silence. She could spend hours in here analyzing his drawings, contemplating why Nina hadn’t taken them down. Scenes of violence, of a boy shot and lying in a pool of blood; of pyramids and sphinxes, mummies and spears, and more blood. Rivers of it. In a few drawings she could pick out the unmistakable figures of Caleb and red-haired Xavier Montross. In others, Nina lying on a slab (in a coma?), while the world burned. Another showed a submerged city of stone-lined walls and seaweed-covered pyramids.
“Can we see your mother?” Phoebe asked the young man, finally breaking the silence. The kid really, who the last time she had seen him, had just fired the shot that had killed his brother — and helped saved not only their lives, but the lives of most everyone on the planet.
He looked up at her with a pained look. “She knew you’d be coming.”
“How?” Aria asked. “I blocked us.”
“Yes, your blue haze.” Jacob smiled. “Very frustrating. Never could spy on you, brother.”
“Only fair,” Alexander responded, pointing to a glass cabinet, and the bowling-ball sized sphere inside. The artifact uncle Xavier swiped from the Smithsonian. You have your shield, we have ours.” He grasped Aria’s hand. He knew that if all went according to plan, they were also going to need that artifact, to help shield Phoebe’s twins and keep them safe.
Shrugging, Jacob pointed out the window, beyond the wind-swept lawn and the few leaves rustling by, to the base of the lighthouse blocking out the view of the ocean. “She’s up there. Like she is a lot these days.”
Phoebe waited. She motioned to Alexander to keep his mouth shut for a minute and let Jacob speak.
“We still knew you were coming.” He pointed to the drawings on the east wall, particularly one beneath an ornate seafarer clock. The air was musty in here, but had turned decidedly chillier in the morning air. The sound of distant gulls filled the room, as if coming from upstairs or through the vents. “This one I drew yesterday.”
Phoebe craned her neck and peered over Aria’s shoulder to see. A hastily but impressively sketched vision of the United Nations building in New York City. An angry crowd of figures and dots and smudges in front of it, lining the streets while above, the sky was rent by sideways-arching lightning bolts.
A cry from behind her: soft and thin, but surprising after the babies had been so quiet. Joined suddenly by another.
“The twins?” Aria turned her head. She gave Alexander’s hand a squeeze. “You two continue here, I’ll go tend to them.”
“Thanks, Aria.” Phoebe watched her go and then stepped closer, to Alexander’s side. “And this…you saw this yesterday?”
“It’s happening,” Jacob said. “The world will know about us, and they won’t like it.”
“No,” Alexander agreed, “they won’t. It’ll be like…” He glanced over to the comic books piled in a corner by the couch. “The X-Men and the mutant threat, when governments stepped in to round up the evolved humans and take away their powers…”
“Or kill them.” Jacob rung his hands together. “Figured someone would come for us. Hoped it would be you.”
“They have our dad,” Alexander said soberly, the only way he could, but still got choked up.
Aria cleared her throat. “And your uncle Xavier.”
Jacob nodded, stepped back and displayed the picture he had been hiding. Phoebe gasped, stepped forward, hand to her mouth.
A black crow — always the symbol Caleb had used for himself and his own father — caught with its leg in what looked like a bear trap. A crown of horrid thorns dug into its head over the beak, with blood drops seeping down and staining the black feathers crimson.
“He’s in bad trouble…”
“Where?” Phoebe asked, her eyes scanning the nearby drawings for a clue.
“I couldn’t tell, only a glimpse I saw of this. A glimpse, but again and again, this same vision, of the crow, in agony, tortured. I don’t know where.”
“We’ll find him,” Phoebe insisted.
“Namodal?” Alexander said absently, his eyes looking a far way off.
Jacob frowned. “What?”
Phoebe took his shoulder, and Alexander seemed to snap out of it. “I don’t know. Just a name, a place I was told to go to. I just…can’t focus. But that’s a clue, a part of the answer.”
“No,” Jacob said. “The name I’m sensing with all this is strange, but different. Dreamtime. I don’t know what it means either.”
“I may be able to help sort that out,” Phoebe said. “But not yet. Could you tell, Jacob, was he alone, or…?”
“Alone. Uncle Xavier, I think he’s somewhere else. Somewhere a lot closer than my father, who is…” He scrunched his eyes shut, and then shook his head. “I don’t know. I see rocks, giant rocks, red ones.”
“Like Mars?” Alexander’s voice cracked in rising dread.
“Like it, but not really. I don’t know.”
“It’s okay,” Phoebe assured him.
“No, it’s not.” Jacob’s eyes opened and he blinked rapidly, trying to keep back tears. “I have to help, have to. Because…well, mom isn’t herself. Hasn’t been. Since Isaac, since coming here. Since she almost died herself. I don’t see her much. Sometimes, when she tries and we’re close and she touches me or hugs me…she gets visions herself.”
That’s right, Phoebe thought. Nina’s power was always one triggered by contact with another person. It was how she first probed Caleb and found out much more about him than she should have.
“This past week, it was all too much for her. She ran out a couple days ago, rushed to the lighthouse and hasn’t been down since.”
Phoebe glanced around again, about to remark on how well the boy had been doing providing for himself and cleaning up, but thought better of it.
“It’s okay. We’re here now, and we’ll talk to her.”
“I don’t think it will work. She may not even let you in there.”
Phoebe raised her head, took a deep breath and went for the door. “I’m not leaving without her. Without you, Jacob. We need you both.”
The wind was stinging and cold, the worst she could remember since she had come here with Jacob ten months ago, at the end of the winter season. Caleb had found this place, networking with the existent Keepers for a perfect hideaway. A renovated landmark, fully functional as a lighthouse and still in service, but with a current keeper ready for retirement. Nina assumed his position quickly and graciously, and with the ancient orb Montross had stolen from the Smithsonian a few years ago, she had the perfect cover. No one could find her or Jacob, if any of Calderon’s old cronies were still about to come looking.
Of course, Nina knew it wasn’t just those enemies Caleb worried about, but much more sinister ones. More powerful and mysterious. Until at least recently, they had remained on the sidelines, only influencing one side or the other in this age-old conflict, one stretching back to the days of the Pharaohs and even before if some legends (and visions) were to be believed.
Nina didn’t care, didn’t want to deal with any of it, and was perfectly content to remain under this shield, blue or black or whatever it was with this thing. She was protecting Jacob, and that was all she could focus on, all she could do. Keep him safe, steer him back to the right path (if she even knew what that was), and help him get past what he had done.
Not just the tremendous act of killing his evil and morally-corrupt brother, but all those other acts — and his complicity — in so many more. The realization that despite his age, despite being raised by a man who had used their talents in the furthering of a monstrous agenda, it had finally reared up and nearly brought Jacob to self-destruction as well. The annihilation of the new Library of Alexandria, the ‘intelligence’ he and Isaac had given to Calderon over and over: special targets, location of items and people to be eliminated… Jacob’s participation in such crimes had flooded over his soul, darkening it so deeply, that no one — especially not his father — could help.
No one, except perhaps one who had done more than her share of evil herself. Cold, calculating, ruthless, Nina had been every bit Calderon’s equal, but she had not — would not — bend to be his puppet. She had pulled away, like her son at the last, and did the right thing; stepped forward at great cost and joined the right side.
And now they had to live with the past. Jacob, finally with her help and with his drawings and distractions, had mostly overcome his demons.
But she had not.
It killed her to leave him for so long, but this was the only way she could keep herself from unraveling. She needed to heal, and was grateful to Caleb for all the time he had spent with her, nurturing her back to health after her near-fatal wounds, and still the scar beneath her scarf itched with the memory. She hugged her shoulders tight as she watched the space of cold earth below, eyeing the woman who left the house and struggled against the wind now, making her way to the locked lighthouse door.
The woman, Caleb’s sister, who looked up now, squinting and holding a hand up. She mouthed something, shouting ineffectual words to the wind which acted as another form of shield, snatching away their power and scattering their meaning before Nina could catch one fleeting syllable.
“I won’t come down,” she said in response, barely hearing it herself over the wind and the humming of the great beacon. Glancing over her shoulder, she followed the beam spearing out over the angry cobalt waves.
In time, the knocking below would reach her ears, and in time she would respond, but not now.
She hugged her shoulders closer and fought the chill, and the scars that ran deep through her marrow.
Phoebe knocked and knocked, and tried the window and thought about going back for a pocket knife and seeing if she could lift the hinges.
“Come on, Nina! Let’s just talk!”
She looked at her watch, then back to the house, where two faces peered out the side living room windows at her. In this light, with the reflection of the lighthouse and the rocky horizon splitting the vision, she couldn’t tell which boy was which. Back farther, the jeep in the driveway caught her eye as the back door opened and Aria backed out, holding a baby wrapped up tight in a blanket.
A baby…
Phoebe glanced up, then back to the jeep.
She had an idea.
Three minutes later, Nina opened the door. She hadn’t been aware of walking down the stairs, and must have been in a fog of thought, of dreams of past loss, death and more death. With every step on the metal stairs, her boots clanging echoes of screams into her heart, she could see the faces of those she had killed. In the service of George Waxman first, eliminating (exterminating) old Keepers who clung to their precious secrets until their dying breaths, killing off threats and stealing the memories and visions of those she would ultimately care about…
Seventy-two steps.
Not enough at the end, but still, each wavering step inducing the next reluctant movement. She had stayed up there for days, begging for the intermittent light, feeling unworthy as it washed over her again and again. Never cleansing, never strong enough despite its blinding power.
There’s no atoning.
Just maybe, however, there could be something else, something even stronger than forgiveness.
She made it to the ground floor, still with many steps to go before reviewing all the faces of those she had brutally and coldly sent on, and she approached the door to where Phoebe waited with the one surprise she hadn’t counted on. She had, days ago, touched her son’s hand, closed her eyes and allowed her talent to rise. The talent which had seemed to grow stronger since her time in near-death, and she devoured his visions. All of them in an instant.
She had seen what he had seen but had not comprehended. Seen the lightning tendrils ripping apart the sky and rending the fabric of reality; witnessed the cause of so much devastation upon the world’s population. Seen the uprisings and the mass carnage; the wars and the utter chaos to come.
They couldn’t stop it. Caleb, poor Caleb and his little band of blind warriors weren’t up to the task and would soon be locked away just in case. And Nina, she couldn’t do anything but hide up in the tower, praying for the light to sweep over her and make her forget, blind her to the truth…
Blind her to responsibility.
She opened the door and looked not upon Phoebe or the young woman standing there, but upon the other two.
The two infants she had also seen in Jacob’s visions. He had seen them too, in the periphery. But he didn’t know what he was seeing, or what follow up questions to ask.
She hadn’t known at first, even then, but only knew it was important. What’s more, the sight of twins, tiny infants orphaned yet possessing of great power… Power coveted by other figures Jacob also missed, dark robed figures in the shadows.
Nina looked upon them now, the same from her vision.
She realized something else. Despite the vision, despite the implications that they were somehow key to all this, to preventing the danger about to collide with all of existence, she would have helped anyway, no matter what was asked.
They were twins, the same age as Jacob and Isaac would have been while Nina had been deep in her forced coma. She had missed their birth, their growth, missing every chance to mold them and bond with them — and ultimately finding them only to lose one in the process.
They tugged at her heart, with their tiny eyes silently locking on hers, seeking her out, smiling and writhing in their swaddled hoodies.
Phoebe was talking, pleading about something and talking about her brother and Stargate, but Nina barely registered a syllable.
She moved forward, with both hands outstretched.
Phoebe and Aria tried to pull away, but Nina was faster.
“I’ll help,” she said, “but first…”
She set on a finger on each baby’s forehead.
And saw what they could do.
The news played relentlessly on a small grainy TV screen under rabbit ear antennae, a set that looked like it belonged back in the ‘50s. Caleb’s vision cleared and he wondered if in fact he had been transported back in time.
Through a fog of confusion, he could just make out that he was in a living room with atrocious decorations: a shag rug and a plaid couch, gaudy lampshades on two desk lamps, wood-paneled walls on one side, and yellow floral wallpaper on the other. Venetian blinds blocked out a dim light from outside, and a lone door was closed to his left. A wooden sign beside it declared: HOME IS WHERE YOU DREAM BEST.
He blinked rapidly and tried to rub his eyes but found he couldn’t move his arms. His fingers twitched, as did his bare toes. Tried to look down but even his head was too heavy to tilt.
Too heavy, or…constrained? Maybe straps of some kind holding him down? He was in a recliner, that much was certain, but couldn’t see his feet. Couldn’t see anything but the TV. In between snippets of news, played far too loud, he could see his reflection in the screen: a gaunt thing secured to a chair, wearing what looked like a hospital gown.
He was about to do another scan of the room, for whatever good that would do, when he finally paid attention to the screen itself.
He soon enough wished he hadn’t.
The next five minutes Caleb almost forgot about his predicament as he raptly followed the story, the absolute bombshell that the US Government had indeed been funding a black operation, way below the radar of Congress, the President and anyone else without specialized clearance. Caleb had a moment of hope that this could be a shining chance to enlighten the world, to present the positive accomplishments his team and others like him had achieved. As long as they didn’t pick and choose from the past, as long as they didn’t focus on the worst…
But in the end, of course that was all they focused on. Claiming continued National Security secrecy, they couldn’t speak about any successes or achievements of Stargate, so instead the story was one of fear. Forget the NSA and their satellite or wireless surveillance. Forget WikiLeaks and the insecurity of emails. This was something far more invasive, and impossible to stop. Psychics. Mutants, essentially, with the power to see anything.
There was nowhere to hide, the story maintained, and no one was safe — not the highest politician or the vaulted multi-national CEO, and definitely not the average Joe on the street.
They cut to riots outside of the White House and the U.N., pundits all over the place interviewing scientists, biologists, Cold War veterans who had their own conspiracy theories and tales to tell, and even church leaders weighed in.
Fortunately, the story hadn’t named names yet…but they did have a grainy clip of Caleb and Orlando led out of the building in cuffs, along with a dozen other members, before hoods were thrown over their faces.
Someone would place their identities.
“Damn it.” The secrecy he enjoyed, his family enjoyed — was all about to come to a crashing end. It was beyond negligent, and close to inciting something far worse. He had to get out of here, had to get to Alexander and Phoebe.
Oh God, the twins…Were they safe?
What was happening? He had to find out.
Closed his eyes, and let his mind free, let it soar on a boat launched with a shot of adrenaline and chased with desperation.
Ask the right questions. Ask to see—
But it was already there, as if waiting for him.
He started to ask, but then was drawn in, and had to follow where his sight led.
A bleak desert. Baked earth, or clay. Not quite sand.
Walking. With a stick, a gnarled withered thing held in a bronzed hand.
Bare feet, a straggly beard. Hand held up to the ward the off ever-present cruel sun. Something in the distance, something red and immense, rising like a misshapen head from the cracked earth.
Then, rushing toward it in a flash, too fast to gain a sense of its measurements or scope, then climbing, ascending the ridges and tight handholds. The top, a roughly even surface, standing on the edge overlooking the bleak landscape.
Except, not so bleak. To the east, a distant set of twin peaks. A rugged but majestic beacon in the barren landscape, standing powerful and commanding respect and attention. Just as something demanded focus in the opposite direction.
Turning, his gaze accelerates like a zoomed magnification to arrive on a strange, almost alien rock formation: two nearly perfect spherical boulders resting like badly-shanked golf balls in an outcropping of other stones.
The plateau shakes, the walking staff falls and the sky darkens.
Looking to the north:
A cloud, all-too-familiar in shape.
Ballooning into a mushroom shape with an eerie stillness preceding it, until…
His gaze rockets forward as the cloud moves in reverse, collapsing on itself, and the vision follows…
Zeroes in to the location, to the detonation, and time restarts.
A white hot light, and now he’s above it all, ascending fast. Faster, looking down on a familiar water-locked continent, then seeing the Earth spin, but a line of white hot energy tracing from the detonation point, back farther to the east-west line he had just surveyed with the strange rock formations, arching now across the ocean, splitting and racing across different angles.
Crisscrossing Asia, the Pacific, into the Americas and splitting again, spanning the continents, bridging oceans, creating…
A world grid.
“You’ve seen something,” said a calm male voice that interrupted the vision and put a final doorstop on the rush of pure psychic energy firing inside Caleb’s mind.
He snapped back to the present. To the chair, to his binds around his wrists and feet. To the cheesy art décor of his ‘cell’. And he focused, using his regular eyes once more, but taking longer than usual to access this banal sight.
A blurry face belonging to a fit figure, all in black. Heavy boots, loose black khakis and a turtleneck to match. Black hair even, in curls over dark eyes. The voice, young. The face, now that it came into clarity: also young. Maybe Orlando’s age. Something about it, about him, familiar.
“Do you know me?”
Caleb squinted, trying to focus the last bit to resolve the last blurry edges.
“I imagine not,” said his captor. “Too busy in the lower levels, doing your special studies and visions. Or was it all administrative, no more fun and excitement for the director?”
“Not bothering with the simple day-to-day, or the initial round of recruitment?”
Caleb cocked his head. Closed his eyes, not trusting what they would show him, not yet. He reached out again with his other sense, probing now that he had the right question.
The Stargate lobby, SWAT teams rushing in while a figure in a hood waited outside. This one, the same — on the roof, smiling and waiting for him.
A flash and the same young man, in a hooded sweatshirt now, sits at the testing table, reading cards, and smirking up at the source of the vision, as if it’s a hidden camera and he knows exactly where it is.
Caleb’s eyes snapped out, and this time there was no need to focus. He saw in perfect detail.
“Boris, is it?”
The captor grinned farther. “Good job, although I call cheating. You didn’t bother to check in on the promising new recruits, did you?”
Caleb shrugged. “It’s called delegation, and I’m sorry if you felt slighted.” He had to lead Boris on a bit until he could gain the measure of his situation. Clearly the man was a plant, an enemy infiltrating their very center. Something no one had foreseen. The question was why not?
He would attempt to find that answer while diverting the questions and gauging the scope of the damage done. Squinting, looking over Boris’s shoulder to the TV, he reasserted that on that score at least, the damage was near total.
Boris followed his attention, then nodded after reaching for the dial. Switched it off. “Enough of that. You get the gist.” He leaned back, closer to Caleb so their eyes were almost a foot apart.
“Why?” Caleb whispered. “You’re like us, I can tell that much. You’ve just doomed yourself along with the rest of us. Can’t all be because you didn’t score high enough on—”
“Screw your initiation tests, Mr. Crowe.” Boris sat back, crossing his legs. “And I’m surprised you’re not offering me your thanks. Stargate and the Crowe family…” He shook his head sadly. “Not quite a match made in heaven. Bad history together, wouldn’t you agree?”
Caleb said nothing, wincing inwardly at the thought of what his father had suffered at the hands of those operatives, when he had refused to share his visions.
“You know Stargate had to be exposed and shut down for good. I finished what you began years ago, but I do thank you. We thank you.”
“What for?” And who’s ‘we’?
“Why, the obvious. Bringing all of the best and most promising psychics together. Maintaining files on so many more. Tagging them all for us so all those we didn’t catch in the raid, well…we’re getting to them now. If they haven’t already been caught, they will be.” He smirked. “Nowhere to hide, old sport.”
Caleb glared at him. “Don’t Gatsby me, asshole. Who are you working for? Tell me and make it easy, or I just blink my eyes and find out the fun way.”
“Ah yes. Scry all you like. Maybe you’ll see them. Maybe…”
Caleb took a deep breath, about to calm his nerves and give it a try.
“Maybe I will save you the trouble. Sure, you might see an underground city. A lake in the gloom. A far off snow-capped mountain range, or maybe even a more exotic…dare I say…extra-worldly location?”
“What do you know?”
Boris scratched his chin, tilting back in his chair. He gazed longingly at the ceiling. “You might see robed figures, a few of them. You might get a vibe of great sense of age, of ancient rituals and staggering power. Hell, maybe even get a glimpse of some hidden Nazi base, still operating in some remote area.”
Caleb’s skin broke out in a fresh chill. Air circulating from somewhere, colder than it needed to be. “Would I see all of that? Would I see them?” He licked his lips, deciding to try something else. “Or would I see where you have me? This place. A famous rock formation, all of red basalt, centered between Mount Connor and the Devil’s Marbles on an east-west geographical line?”
The sound of chair legs slamming back down brought a smile to his face.
Got you on that, Caleb thought. “You’ve brought me all the way around the world. We’re in Australia.”
Boris’s smile returned after a hesitation. “Very good, Crowe. But do you know why you saw what you saw?”
“I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” That and the atom bomb test, and the powerful lines forming that grid…
“No, you won’t.”
“And why is that?”
“Because for all your power, your assembled team of so-called talented seers, you still don’t get it.”
“Get what?”
Boris leaned in, filling Caleb’s vision with his face, the features twisting into a grim look of superiority. “Me.”
“What do you…?”
A flash and he was back on top of the famous landmark of Ayers Rock in the Australian outback. The staff dissolves in his grasp. His bare feet are suddenly covered with wing tips and he’s wearing the clothes he just had on before his abduction from Stargate. No longer some nameless aboriginal explorer.
He stands on the rock, teetering, shaking as the entire world, all he can see, trembles. Clouds from the distant mushroom blast roll overhead and then expel a blast of white-hot energy, a churning furnace of gas and radiation, and with it comes a stinging but cooling blizzard of ice and thick snow, swirling and covering the world in white.
Another figure emerges from the swirling blizzard.
A man dressed all in black, impervious to the cold, to the radiation and the elements. He calmly steps out of the air as if deposited from a rip in the fabric of reality.
“Now you ‘see’, Mr. Crowe.” Boris raises his arms, and the next words reverberate from the vision and from real life.
“You see only what I want you to see.”
Caleb’s dream skin is peeled away. His lips, first scorched, then frozen, crack as his bones emerge from tattered clothes now aged by the centuries and turning to dust.
Boris steps in close.
“You can trust nothing you see. Never again. None of you…”
He raises his hand, snaps his fingers and Caleb watches from above as his skeletal body shatters into fragments, then to a fine powder scattered into the laughing winds and he—
Gasps back into reality…
And to an empty room. Boris’s chair is tipped over, and Caleb is once again alone.
Only, the room is nothing like it was.
Now it’s a plain white hospital-type square, with nothing but a lone modern TV on a stand. He’s in a bed, a tube up his nose, thick straps around his legs and arms.
All that was a vision??
Caleb choked, struggling against the tube.
A vision in a vision. Now he knew how he had been caught, and why no one caught on to Boris’s identity or the threat.
Where was he? Really in Australia, or was that just a visionary head-fake as well? A test? Was Boris even here with him? Could he project visions from anywhere?
Struggling, trying to focus, he willed his power to rise. Willed the answer to a focused question, something that should have been easy, second nature.
What came back was nothing but a staggering wall of resistance.
He couldn’t move, much less scatter his mind to take the measure of his or anyone else’s predicament.
Couldn’t do a thing but watch and listen to the increasingly grim news.
That at least, hadn’t been staged, and the latest story only added to the desolation.
Stargate — and everyone he cared about — was finished.
The headline of: MAJOR US SENATOR IMPLICATED IN PSYCHIC SPYING was followed with the sight of Mason Calderon led out of a helicopter in handcuffs, surrounded by men in with machine guns.
Caleb let out a moan.
“The accommodations leave something to be desired,” Xavier Montross declared with every last bit of confidence he could muster.
After the overly dramatic show of parading him around to the media — the big fish caught in the net — he had been dragged down here, to a secret detention center reserved for the worst of the worst. Dingy lighting, stained walls, a smell of desperation and misery.
“Although if you’re going to waterboard, it could be worse.” He struggled in the hard metal chair, and when the two soldiers with helmets concealing their identities finished securing him in chains like an interrogation prisoner behind the table, they left and gave him a chance to breathe — and assess the situation.
He certainly hadn’t seen this coming.
Should have.
I’ve never missed something this big before.
Indeed, his entire life had been plagued with visions of every bad thing that was about to happen or that would eventually happen to him. In time, he had learned to prepare — and thwart the outcomes he had reluctantly seen, but this time…Nothing.
All the visions, not to mention corroborating fieldwork and intelligence, had pointed to a huge success. Not this crushing setback. That this one psychic, Boris, had that power to subvert his sight, was astonishing. That lone man couldn’t have done all this himself.
The door opened, and the last person he expected walked in.
Although, I shouldn’t be surprised.
Miriam Agreson. Miriam the inscrutable. Miriam the deadly, apparently.
“So it was you,” he said.
In a smart blue power suit he had seen on her before, she crossed her arms and slowly shook her head. “The great Mason Calderon. How you’ve fallen.”
The way she said the name of his late host gave Montross a chill, and a pause. He kept his mouth shut for now. Let her do the talking.
“Yet of course, dear Senator, you know the public has what they want now. You’re the goat, and all your past sins will now come to light.”
He looked up, frowning. She wouldn’t dare. Might as well play along. “Never,” he said in his best Calderon voice. Confident, arrogant. “The people I work for, the people who set me on that path—”
“Are my people too,” Miriam said with a sly grin. “Yes, but of late, they have come to the conclusion that you…how to say this? Aren’t quite yourself anymore?”
Montross swallowed hard, but tried to recover and not give away confirmation. Glanced around, hoping for cameras that weren’t there, for help that wouldn’t be coming. “What bullshit are you—?”
“You can drop it, Xavier. We know.” She pulled out the chair opposite him and poured herself quietly into it. Folded her hands together, crossed her legs and fixed her steely gray eyes on him.
Montross let out a thin sigh. “Who the hell are you?”
“All your powers, all the visions from your friends — if you asked for their help? Couldn’t dig up anything?”
“You know I couldn’t,” Montross said. “That was my mistake, continuing with my plans even though a major unknown was right in the room with me every time.”
Miriam shrugged innocently. “And not just me, you know, but we’ll get to that. Right now, I think you’ve been briefed before your…incarceration. You know what’s happened to your precious team.”
He grit his teeth. “No, I don’t. Not specifically.” Control your anger, he thought, but it wasn’t working. This was new to him, being on the opposite end of intimidation. “All I know is you were somehow behind this. You gave us false visions.”
Miriam raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Montross said, “I’m making a not-so-huge leap here that you know what I am. What the people I work with are, and…”
“How you got your information? All your intelligence. Your oh-so-secret resource.”
“Yeah. So somehow you fed us the ultimate disinformation in the form of visions we could believe. Got us to massacre those kids. The nuns. Innocents.”
Miriam’s expression never changed.
“So now what?” Montross looked at himself, his hands in chains. “Two birds with one big rock? Brought your senator down as well. Made him your fall guy.”
“He was no longer in our services. That much was clear. And his crimes, once brought out into the open, were admittedly unforgivable.”
Montross met her eyes and gave a smile of his own. “At least I stopped that son of a bitch. And if your plans and his were in line, well, that sucks for you.”
Miriam nodded, but her look softened. “Granted, but there were those among us who never wanted such a…drastic endgame. Calderon accelerated the time frame and took on his own plans of megalomania and immortality. His dreams were contagious, and he got the right people backing him. And…well, he played by the rules.”
“The rules?”
“You must know something of the enemy you face. The ones who, by and large, limit their interference directly in our affairs.”
“Oh, so you’re not one of them? Just a lackey?”
Her smile faded. “What you don’t know, despite all your efforts and your powers to see under every rock and into every crevasse, could fill terabytes.”
The light overhead gave off an electric hum that Montross could hear now, unnervingly loud like a buzzing fly just out of reach. “So, what’s next? What do you want from me? Besides obviously touting me about as the villain of the century?”
“Oh, you’ll never get out into the public eye again. Far too dangerous, you understand. You and your kind, you’ll be kept in solitary or in induced comas somewhere no Civil Liberties Union or rich defense lawyers will ever touch you.”
“Ah, of course.” Montross started calculating options, thinking of possibilities, not coming up with much. He needed time, time to think and see, truly see the future and what it held for him.
“Right now you’re thinking if you could only trust your visions, then maybe you could see a way out of this. But that’s just it, isn’t it?” She leaned forward on the table, dangerously close. “Trust?”
“Actually,” Montross lied, deciding to switch gears, “I’m thinking about how stupid you and your exalted masters must be, believing you have a chance.”
She said nothing.
“I mean, aren’t you part of the losing team? You got your collective asses kicked millennia ago, if I understand the legends right. You had your chance, and you blew it. The good guys — maybe they couldn’t or wouldn’t defeat you utterly — but they made damn sure you couldn’t get the weapons and tools you wanted. Hid the Emerald Tablet away good. And then, more recently your pals gave it another sad attempt, and again they blew it.”
“Perhaps, but maybe not. You and I, with our meager life spans, we don’t — can’t — comprehend the strategies of these minds. Plans that have been evolving as long as the human race has taken to evolve.”
“If you say so.” Montross leaned back, clicking his teeth. “I still say it’s all bullshit. All you have is desperation, and you will always underestimate your enemy. You try to wipe us out, but fail, and can only resort to keeping the rest of humanity in the dark, in ignorance, conflict, poverty and pain.”
“Patience. We’ve just finished step one. Which is getting you, the opponent’s most valuable piece, off the game board.”
Montross smiled suddenly as his mind shifted and plucked something from the ether. Just a fragmentary vision. A face, a pair of eyes, oh so familiar. Oh so deadly.
Nina. She’s coming.
Just keep her talking. “Well done, then. Hope you’re prepared to handle the poor pawns remaining on the board.”
Miriam’s eyes flickered, and he knew she sensed something. “What are you hiding? Did you see something that might be of interest?”
Montross allowed himself a grin. “Nah, just your death…” He played at struggling with his bonds, giving Miriam the illusion that he was working at the obvious when he pulled his attention away, turning it inward.
Focus, look ahead, look even a short distance ahead.
Whatever this power was that could divert their visions and create such realistic alternatives, maybe it only existed in the present tense. True, time and space were anecdotally irrelevant in the experience of most remote viewers, as they could see the incredibly distant alongside the close, in both dimensions; but maybe this enemy could only work in the here and now. Or maybe it was far more selective, locking out only certain elements and superimposing false visions only when a certain vision was accessed — like trying to open a file in a database and triggering a security response.
Maybe I’ll get lucky, he thought.
He looked for her. For Diana…
The vision that came, forming quickly and without any of his usual sputters or mis-steps, wasn’t unexpected. A jail cell, with Diana huddled in the corner, wearing an orange jumpsuit. The sound of whimpers came from the mass of curly hair over her face, as she sat with her head down against her crossed arms. His mind’s camera retreated, pulling far back. All of a sudden the space became filled with six floors full of barred cells in some gloomy and yet modern facility. Tight security, patrolling past the tiny orange figures in each cell.
All those psychics. His friends…
Montross paused the film as if hitting a button on his internal remote. Studied the image closer. Looking…
There. If the brevity of the vision’s appearance hadn’t been enough to convince him, now he saw something more: a fuzzy, grainy texture to the edges. It was almost as if these were individual slides of film set in place over something. And they didn’t completely set over the originals so that the pixilation on the edges were muddled, jumbled just slightly…
He opened his eyes. Miriam was still talking, blathering about their superiority, how the world would change and remold itself according to their wishes. Good, keep yapping. He’d only been scrying a few seconds, and she hadn’t noticed.
Now it was time for something else. A different question to see if his theory was correct.
Show me…
He thought of an end-around, something inconspicuous. Like in a computer file system, something safe that wouldn’t draw any attention, and yet might give him what he needed.
Show me the NASA chief in charge of current mission control.
Miriam continued to talk, now pacing and going into a litany of what was about to happen to him and how he would be locked away for years until it would be far too late for him to do anything about it.
Montross had his eyes open still but it didn’t matter. Inside he was seeing what he needed to see. Not right away like with the false vision they had ready for him, but after the typical stuttering, blind lead, then…
He saw them. Two men in passable suits, one bald on top with ruffled grey hair around his ears and pointy framed eyeglasses, the other heavy and curly-haired with flushed cheeks. In some kind of room similar to the one he was in right now. The only difference was that his love, Diana Montgomery, sat in this seat, and instead of Miriam blabbering on, these men were saying…
“They can’t keep you here, Diana. It’s preposterous.”
“We’re in charge, and we’ll get you out of this.”
Diana Montgomery heard her boss and the second officer in charge of her division at NASA talking, but she really wasn’t paying attention. Still trying to process what had happened, still in shock, she had been climbing the heights of euphoria after such a discovery and processing the data, reviewing the amazing evidence, when the armed men stormed in. Abducted her, confiscated the computers and notes and ushered her and the others into separate black SUVs outside.
She had only been in such danger once before in her life, hunted while investigating the mysteries of Kellogg’s cave in the Grand Canyon. Thought those days of adventure were behind me, she mused now as she finally pulled herself away from the past.
“Where’s Senator Calderon?” she demanded to know.
Her boss, the thinner of the two, but just as socially awkward, was Nevin Cargall. Although he was trying out here for the role of hero, and had brought along his faithful but even more useless sidekick Mark Dintello, they were out of their element here. She didn’t need to be psychic to know that much.
“Tell her,” Mark said.
Nevin sighed, set a hand on her shoulder. “I know he means a lot to you…”
“And to us,” Mark said. “Huge benefactor. If it wasn’t for his grants and the budget bill last year we’d all be out of jobs or sitting on the sidelines twiddling our thumbs.”
“Stop. We know, but that’s why she’s in this mess.”
“They got him too?”
“Because of this psychic business. Conspiracy, compromising national security and a host of other pretty damn serious allegations.”
“For him, and the whole Stargate thing.”
“All your colleagues over there. Diana, we never knew…”
Fighting the sinking feeling that had just become a plummeting dive down a bottomless pit, Diana shook her head. “What are they saying about me? I’m not even psychic.”
“That’s our contention. They can’t hold you for anything other than association. Our lawyers say they’ll blow this wide open, but…”
“We think they may be working on another angle.”
“Oh, I can guess.” She looked at them each in turn, and barely flinched when the door opened and two men in suits walked in. They were smiling, and she knew.
“You want our silence on what we saw up there on Icarus.”
The first man produced a folder and set it down in front of her, indicating the two men to take a seat.
“In a nutshell? Exactly.”
“Who the hell are you people?” Mark asked, trying to show some bluster while Nevin held up a hand for him to be quiet.
“National security is all you need to know,” said one.
“That, and we’re the guys who can let you walk out that door,” said the other. “Or we could keep all three of you locked up until we have your assurance. However long that may be.”
“National security,” Diana said, crossing her arms. “I’ve heard it before.”
“You can’t shut this out,” Mark insisted, still trying to be brave.
“They can, unfortunately,” Nevin replied softly, taking a seat beside Diana. “It’s business as usual.”
Diana perked up. Nevin knew. It was confirmation of another sort, and she felt a surge of pride for him. He’d never tell her — or at least not until now. Until she had found for herself this incredible proof.
“Guarantee her silence,” the first man said. “Sign all the usual papers, turn over the evidence and let us sanitize the mission results, and you can be on your way.”
“What about M-, Mason?”
“He’s no longer your concern, ma’am.”
“Ma’am?” Diana stood, clenching her fists together.
A hand on her shoulder again. Nevin leaned in and whispered: “Diana. This is a gift. Trust me. Best we’re going to get. Take it and I’ll fill you in later.”
She turned to him, after eyeing the two goons until they backed up a little and turned to give them space. “What’s to make them stop? I could be sniper-shot at Starbucks tomorrow. Or wire-tapped the rest of my life.”
“Or rot in here.” Nevin moved the folder towards her. “You take chances, and as I said, we’ve done this before. On the same page and all at the higher levels. Good of humanity to release certain truths on a more…conservative timeframe.”
Lowering her eyes, Diana thought again of her father, in whose name she had started on this dark path years ago. She had dared the impossible, discovering a relic-filled cavern at the Grand Canyon, full of Egyptian artifacts her father had sought — things that had no business being where they were. She had struck at the heart of secrecy and back room conspiracies, had come out relatively unscathed only with major help, and now with even more tangible evidence, the kind the world had been holding its collective breath for, she was going to be silenced again.
This time, however, that violation paled before something much more significant.
Her friends were in trouble. The man she loved…who knew if he would survive this?
The truth could wait. Her friends could not, and they needed her.
“Fine,” she said. “I’ll sign, then get me the hell out of here.”
In the bustle of the early morning Metro traffic, there was a different air about the usually crisp and palatable atmosphere. A charged energy that Victoria Bederus could sense, and could almost inhale. If not for what had happened yesterday, she would have tried to get a glimpse of things, to perceive either the future events or at least what was happening to the people she knew and cared about.
People like her.
She had been lucky. She hadn’t gotten the job, hadn’t made it into the Stargate elite. Had been sent away, but through no fault of her own. Still, lucky she hadn’t been on site during the raid.
Did it matter though? Surely, they had her name in the files. A listing of other recruits, files with all her information — and that of others who hadn’t made the cut. Her guess was that even the fact that she hadn’t been accepted wouldn’t be enough to save her from a literal witch hunt once they moved down the ladder of talent. Even a partial mutant would be considered a threat to anyone afraid of veering one degree from ‘normal’.
She didn’t need to use her Sight, as her grandmother had called it, to see that coming in tonight was a bad mistake. People were agitated, suspicious, and yes…afraid. She couldn’t blame them, after all the fearful comments on the news. Nothing was secret, everyone could be scryed and scrutinized, every private action seen by psychic voyeurs.
Behind the glass, Victoria’s hands trembled as she looked out at the line. She had hidden out most of the previous day. Starbucks, the library, staying low and quiet. But now, she felt she needed to work and didn’t want to draw attention by her absence at her usual shift.
Some familiar faces there, waiting to buy their tickets. These were the ones she enjoyed seeing every day, the ones who despised the card vending machines and the faceless kiosks, and wanted to talk to a live person. Change in cash for a tangible something in return from someone who could relate, a smile and a quick chat about their destination. A tourist or two every few minutes, lost and confused, with Victoria only too happy to help direct them through the underground labyrinth of the Metro system.
And more often than not, she knew where they wanted to go before they even asked. Had the map all ready and marked out for them, sometimes telling them their stop before they even asked. Her supervisors just thought she was excellent at her job, anticipating customers’ needs and being the most helpful attendant they’d had in years. She’d made a huge impression in just the two years she’d been here, and already had two minor but satisfying raises.
Next in line came a very familiar and usually happy face.
This woman, who had never given her name but Victoria knew it was Madeleine, wore an expression of fear as she approached with terrible hesitation. It was as if coming to her booth today was the last thing she wanted, but something she just had to do.
She stopped at the glass, holding up the line as she gripped her purse tightly. She wore the usual red knit scarf wound tight around her neck and the long wool coat with the stubborn coffee stain on the right elbow.
Madeleine slowly, very slowly, lifted her eyes and sought out Victoria’s.
The seconds dragged on, and the impatience behind her grew.
Victoria didn’t dare try her senses, still unsure if they could even be trusted, and paranoid that they—whoever they were — might be able to hone in on their use and be drawn to her. But one thing she didn’t need to be psychic to figure out, was that Madeleine didn’t show up this morning for a ticket.
“You’re one of them,” the woman whispered, moving in closer until her breath — hot in the crisp air down here — fogged the glass and clouded her eyes.
Victoria’s throat dried up.
Madeleine continued, moving even closer. “You know too much about me. Always…I thought it was just luck, guessing where I was going, whether to the museum or the ball game, you always knew what stop I needed before I asked. But last week you told me, remember? To check on my dog, to make sure Jackie was tied up.”
Victoria shook her head. “I don’t…don’t remember. I—”
“I called home later, and…” She backed up, eyes down. “She had slipped the leash. My neighbor…found her in the street.”
Madeleine came in even closer and her eyes flickered. “I should have listened to you.” Lower, her voice dropping, her eyes darted sideways. “You need to get out of here. If I know, others do too. They’re coming.”
She made eye contact and held. “Get out. Now!”
Then Madeleine was gone, lost in the crowd and Victoria was backing away, heart thundering, eyes scanning the line, the faces, the eyes. Looking, looking for an enemy that was probably already there.
Heart pounding, she reached for the ‘Closed’ ticket counter sign and motioned for her associate in the next chamber to help cover her line. “Be right back,” she stammered, holding her forehead. She felt dizzy, weak and lost. Visions were coming. She could feel the power stirring at the base of her neck.
Out the back, into the station, after grabbing her coat and a hat. Slipping both on, she moved away from the crowd, toward the stairs, when she felt an arm on hers. Jumped, about to scream. Caught me, I’m done—
A familiar face peeked out at her from the shadows of a sweatshirt hood. A small face and bright eyes, full of fear, yet determined.
“Phoebe Crowe?”
“Come with me now,” she said.
“So that’s it,” Phoebe said after she had laid it all out. She was exhausted, but at least she had gotten some sleep as Jacob and Alexander took turns driving back through the early hours. And now that the twins were safe — travelling with Orlando’s mother to a remote hideaway in Alaska, protected by the shielding globe artifact — she could relax a little and not worry about them.
Victoria looked just as frightened, or even more so, than when she had just surprised her. “You make it sound like it’s all up to me.”
“I know it seems that way. Trust me, there are other players, other pieces to our plan, but without you, Victoria, it’s not going to work and none of us will have a chance.”
Victoria took in another deep gulp of fresh air as she held the thick file Phoebe had handed her a few minutes earlier. “These…rejects?”
“Don’t call them that. Especially not now, when this group very well may be our saviors. These candidates all showed great promise…”
“Just, others were better?”
“Only marginally. Close calls, every one. And honestly, some of the decisions came down to other intangibles that are no longer relevant. Like compatibility and synergies working with other seasoned team members — most of whom are no longer free.” She shook her head and hugged her shoulders in the brisk morning air. “Everything has changed. Look up these people. Do it carefully, bring whoever will come. Find a neutral place, and then — refer to the objectives I wrote down there at the back of the file. Find out everything you can, and see the correlations, rule out the false images if you can — you know what they feel like, how false views can be identified.”
She nodded. “If it’s too easy, it’s probably false.”
“Right. Everyone shouldn’t see the same thing. Should be variations, subtle but important.”
“I know. That part I can handle. It’s the finding of these people. Getting them to trust me. Follow me.” She stammered, her breath fleeting, almost feeling a panic attack coming on. “I can’t… I’m shy, I’m the kid who always stood in the corner at parties or in the back, alone in class.”
“None of that matters now. You can do this.”
“How do you know?” Victoria said, exasperated. “I’m a toll-booth clerk, Look at me. No leadership qualities, nothing. Never finished high school, let alone started college. I got nothing, an apartment where I’m three months’ due on the rent. No boyfriend, almost no friends…”
“Now’s not the time to dwell on any of that,” Phoebe reassured her. “Now you’re called to step up and right a terrible wrong, and potentially save a great many people.”
“What about you? And who else is left?” She wanted to add: Do I have to see that horrible dream-maker man too? She had hoped she was done with him forever.
“The less you know the better,” Phoebe said, in a tone that also said: I’m not entirely sure myself.
Regardless, she knew her part, and here outside the place she had called her office for the past two years, the place that had given her some hope and some sense of belonging, she knew her life would never be the same. It had been a fleeting illusion, and this, now, was real.
“I’ll do what I can,” Victoria said at last.
“Then let me be the first to congratulate you,” Phoebe said. “And to welcome you into Stargate, and more importantly, into The Morpheus Initiative. Such as it is.”
Nina compared the face in the mirror to the one whose ID she had just appropriated from the unconscious woman in the second stall. Blended the makeup a bit more over her cheekbones, adjusted the hair — which she had already dyed to match the night before. Her target had been staked out, easy enough prey from social websites where the thirty-something bragged about her new administration position, making it seem like she was a junior spy, and any man should be intrigued enough to try to bed her.
A final touch up to her eyes, and she straightened her blouse and attached the ID badge to her jacket lapel. Swung the woman’s purse over her shoulder and headed out the door, smiling to another woman entering, juggling a cup of latte and a selection of files while talking on her Bluetooth earpiece.
First checkpoint passed easily enough. Simple ID scan and visual verification from two guards at the post, and one at the computer screen. A smile and a wink, and the men, she was confident enough, were not looking for minor differences in her features — if they were looking at her face at all.
Nina took long strides, swaying at just the right moments, confidently making her way to the elevator, and joining another crowd of early arrivers.
She had time. Maybe thirty minutes before the woman she was impersonating either woke up from her injected nap or was discovered. By then, even if the alarms were sounding, Nina planned to have her business concluded.
She passed the elevator and made for the stairwell. It wouldn’t grant her full access to the building’s restricted levels, but that didn’t matter. She had studied the blueprints, and like with any installation, especially Death Stars, there was a weak point, and she had found it. Just as she had found the likely area where the psychics were being held.
Normally, where she was going would be impossible except for a select few.
But Nina had connections. Especially one willing ex-commander of this very institution. A man who had, until recently ceding responsibility for its continuation to Caleb, run the entire Stargate program for some time. A man who was never quite comfortable in retirement, and was definitely unnerved by what had just been done to his legacy.
When Nina had come calling, Edgerrin Temple had been only too eager to help. He couldn’t lend any more assistance at the moment, knowing they would keep an eye on him because of past association, but he would be ready when the time came.
She followed the mental directions she had taken from him — with his assistance of course. He could have diagrammed the way down to the cells and interrogation areas, to the black sections not on any schematics, to the tunnels out under the city where detainees (and former psychics) were ushered in and out invisibly, but instead, he allowed her to just take the information from him. A touch, a caress. It was nothing sexual (at least for her, but Edgerrin couldn’t complain). Willing the right memories from his mind was far simpler than a lengthy debrief. Like a data dump, it all came out, everything she needed and what he had been willing to share.
“Save them,” he whispered after, in the dark bar in Georgetown the previous night. “I’ll do what I can from out here, but I’ll have to be careful.”
“You’ve done enough,” Nina responded, breathing heavily, taking it all in, absorbing the flood of visions. “I have what I need. I think.”
“Do you think Caleb’s there?”
Nina shrugged. All business still. “If it were me, no. I’d break up the leadership. Send them to different locations, but keep one or two here, along with the softer targets in terms of interrogation. If that’s what they’re planning.”
“Who knows what they’re planning?” Edgerrin said ruefully. “Or even who ‘they’ are. This is unprecedented, but not unforeseeable.” He said the last word slowly, leaving it out there like a piece of bait.
“I know, but their sight was compromised.”
He had let that stay out there before switching topics. “I know you didn’t want to come back to this, Nina.”
“Stop.” She had already stood, her back to him, business done, ready to leave and much to prepare. “When seclusion is no longer an option, when my son is a future target, then I have no choice.” She turned her head slightly, taking in the area. People were enjoying themselves at the bar. Shooting darts in the corner, watching basketball and laughing. Here in the back, the mood was darker.
“Go,” he said. “Do what only you can.”
The smile came to her face…
And returned now as she exited on the first sublevel, quickly turning and making for the service elevator where no one waited. It was quiet here before the early shifts, and from what she knew and could see — no cameras.
The doors opened, then closed with her inside, and in less than a minute — before someone finally called the elevator and it began to move, she had removed the hatch and wriggled up through the opening. Replacing the hatch just in time, she knelt in the dark atop the elevator car as it descended.
Pulled out the tiny flashlight from her handbag, and waited… One more level and there was her exit. Gripping the sides of the shaft, she scaled quickly and cat-like with the pen flashlight in her teeth. Found the ventilation shaft and made quick work of the screws.
I’m in.
Now, she thought, mentally retracing the route from the diagrams pulled from Temple’s mind, time to find our lost birds.
Orlando was past screaming, and wouldn’t give them the benefit of seeing him whimper or, god help him, whine. He’d heard about waterboarding and had seen a dozen times that famous Star Trek TNG episode where Picard had been tortured by the Cardassian general with the bright lights, trying to break down his stoic will.
This, however, was different. He didn’t know what it was, other than pure psychological misery. Sensory deprivation was his best guess, but if that was it, no way, it wouldn’t work. Not on him. Not on Orlando Natch, who had once locked himself in a windowless dorm room with nothing but a six pack of Red Bull and five boxes of Zingers, before launching into an epic online Warcraft campaign, only to emerge victorious after four days.
Let them just try.
The problem was, this time — whatever they were doing — it was starting to work.
They had put him in a pod-like thing and he had lost track of time, here in the darkness. He couldn’t quite tell, had lost all feeling in his body. Muscle relaxants, induced paralysis? He might have been in a tank of water and breathing through a tube for all he knew. It was like his body was completely detached and he had no control. It wasn’t completely black, but it was definitely absent of almost all light. Except maybe some faint tinges of something less black around the edges of his vision, like the frame of his TV set back at home in the twins’ room.
Oh god, the twins… Phoebe…
How long had he been down here? Days, weeks maybe?
So black, so…empty.
He had called out, screamed, shouted. Called for the others, the psychics he had worked beside for years now. Called for the guards, the agents, whoever that had abducted them. Demanded a lawyer, demanded his rights, but of course… couldn’t even hear his own voice.
Where the heck am I?
That question popped up again, for the thousandth time.
And then, strangely, a sense of control returned.
He could start to sense his limbs. Different, strangely disassociated, but under his control at least. It was like his nerves had all been numbed and he couldn’t feel a thing, but could still move.
His environment defied all investigation. He could walk even. At least, it felt like walking. Carefully, afraid to bang into something with every step. The problem was, no matter how far he went, inching along in what had to be a straight path, he never encountered anything. No wall, no furniture, no anything.
As far as he could tell, he was somewhere without a bed. Without…hell even a bathroom. No free-standing toilet like in all the prison movies. Did he even go? They hadn’t fed him or given him water, so it was possible he just didn’t need to, but that raised another important question, the most important question.
Why can’t I feel my body?
He tried again, and maybe it was the hours down here deprived of light and interaction, where his normal senses had been flipped around, twisted inside and out and now nothing worked right, but he just couldn’t even register anything when he tried to feel his body. Tried raising his hands to his face, but couldn’t feel the normal features, the tactile sensations.
Come to think of it, he couldn’t even tell for sure if he was indeed standing, or walking, or sitting. Might even be lying down. The only thing he could sense about himself was a dull, subtle aching in the side of his head. His left temple?
Where the hell am I?
The thought, maybe voiced aloud, echoed somewhere — in this amorphous chamber or only in his mind, he couldn’t tell.
Except this time, after another minor eternity that could have been only seconds, something echoed back.
He perked up. That voice… it didn’t sound familiar, and yet it did. Probably a trick.
He knew better.
Stopped walking (or whatever he was doing). Turned from the sound. Curled himself up. Not going to let them start interrogating me. Not now, not when I’m so messed up and don’t even know where I am.
“Orlando, can you hear me?”
It’s a trick, he thought, rubbing at where he thought that sore spot was on his temple. It was slightly flaring up now, like a dull pinprick.
“I’ve spiked in, accessing your…locality. Damn, this is a bitch.”
He frowned, or tried to, in the darkness, stroking harder at that itchy spot on his temple. Still couldn’t feel it though, as if he had thick gloves on. Why would agents talk like that? What kind of interrogator are you?
“I’m not,” came the voice in his head, or out there somewhere, hidden speakers in the formless dark.
Then who are you? Familiar now… a little. Are we enemies?
“Once,” came the reply, with a hint of joviality. “Just try to relax. This may come as a shock when you realize where you are.”
“Because it shocked me.”
“Because I came here to rescue you and the others…”
That I don’t believe. It’s a trick to get me to talk. Deprived me of my senses until I’m so confused and starved for human interaction, I’ll lock onto the first friendly voice claiming to be on my side. Classic technique, but—
“But you’re too smart to fall for that, Orlando Natch. Phoebe’s trained you too well, and so has her big brother.”
Still not buying it. So you know the people I care about.
“And the twins. Your boy and girl.”
Yeah so? Tell me something only Phoebe would know.
“I don’t have time for this, Orlando. If I’d known you’d be a stubborn little shit, I’d have touched your precious Phoebe a little longer and dragged some disquieting personal habit of yours from her memory, and… oh wait. I did — I do have one!”
What? What are you talking about? Oh my, are you—?
“I got an image of you clipping your toenails. Oh Christ, really? In front of the crib while the babies were sleeping, and Phoebe popping in to check on them — and you.”
Shit, yeah she gave me holy hell after that one, but honestly I’d just pulled a three day stint scrying the Afghan mountains for a lost French patrol, saving them from an absolute massacre. So, I neglected some personal hygiene factors.
“Whatever. Just focus here, Orlando. It’s me, it’s…”
He rubbed at the sore spot now on his head, and slowly gave in to a sinking theory of his predicament, even as he thought:
“Bingo. Now, can we get to work?”
Nina lay cramped in a half-fetal/half-twisted position in the ventilation shaft above Orlando’s holding cell. She had managed to set up the high-powered, untraceable and extremely next-gen Netbook in a position where she could just reach the keys, after spiking into the conduit system she accessed by cutting through the panel on her left to reach the wiring leading down into his cell.
Nothing’s ever easy with the damn government.
But this seriously threw a wrench into her plans. Damn Edgerrin Temple. Didn’t mention this possibility. She might have predicted it though, if she were any kind of psychic herself with that sort of foretelling power, or if she had just thought about it for a minute.
They wouldn’t leave this group conscious, not when long-term sedation and confinement could render them inert and docile until the powers-that-be decided their fate. What had at first been pure panic and fear of failure, Nina then realized could be something more, that she could snatch some victory out of this to turn the situation in their favor.
After hacking in to the confinement network protocols and worming her way in, literally through unprotected proximity sites deemed impossible to hack from outside servers, she found her way to the internal program cells, determining that the nuanced prison system was actually far more elaborate than any design she could have imagined these spooks would have.
They didn’t just want the psychics inert and resting in dreamland, they wanted them alert, conscious and confused even. Or was this something else? It seemed to be some kind of state of virtual reality. Other programs were running with the other prisoners, some even that created freedom or escape scenarios, all designed to either extract information or to bend their psychic powers to provide certain valuable information — perhaps using them to locate missing Stargate members.
So, this jailbreak, it might not happen, she decided. Not yet at least, but that might not necessarily be a bad thing.
Orlando, she typed. I know you can hear me, and you know it’s me now. Just…sit tight. Let me think about this.
The reply came almost as fast as she hit the Enter key. I’m stuck in the damn Matrix?
Yeah, Nina typed. Just like Neo, but you don’t want to tip your hand yet. You can control it, I think. Now that you’re…
Self aware? He finished the thought for her.
She thought about it before responding. You’d know better than me. You’re in the simulation, but also connected to the network big time. You’re smack in the heart of everything. Can you feel where you’re connected?
That might be the key — a virtual umbilical cord, one that you can use to maneuver and extract your influence. Access the Code behind the program. Don’t let them control you, not when you can be in charge if you’re just conscious of the truth and not worrying about your physical predicament.
Yeah. I think I get it, and I know how — where — they’ve got the link. Feels like my left temple.
Good. Go with that. Trust no one and nothing, except your gut and your instinct. Like now, like with me.
The screen was blank, just the blinking cursor now.
Did I lose you? She typed.
I’m here. Just…flexing my virtual muscles, trying this out. I found the others. See their simulations running. They’re oblivious.
But safe?
Yes. For now. They’re being used. We all are. They want something from us. Something big — down the line. Testing us, probably to choose one or two of the most promising…for whatever it is.
Nina thought for a second, then checked her watch. She was out of time. Had to make her retreat before the whole thing was blown. If she left now, escaping the shafts near the exhaust tunnels and the air chambers above the prisoner swap zones, she could leave them baffled as to not only who broke their security, but what they came for.
I’ve got to run, she typed.
Gotcha. Thanks for trying. Thanks for checking in, Nina.
I’ll come back. We’ll free you, don’t worry.
I know you will. But in the meantime, copy my virtual coordinates — we may be able to keep in touch, at least briefly, when I can risk it.
Don’t…unless it’s urgent. Unless you learn something invaluable. Like about Caleb’s whereabouts. I couldn’t find him. I—
I’ll work on it… wait…
Nina started packing up, ready to disconnect, when one last message came from the man hooked up to the machines down below.
One word, then the connection was gone.
Nina thought about that as she packed away the port and wires and slid the Netbook into her pack. Before wriggling out of the shaft and heading for the exit, she wondered about the word.
Was it just his way of saying goodbye, or goodnight? Or was it a clue, something to search for after her escape?
It chilled her, either way, as she crawled to freedom.
It had to be a simulation.
The room’s attention to detail, so perfect in its homey 1950’s-era goodness. The Platters were playing on an old tinny record player. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. A bouquet of lavender on the TV table beside a wall of faux wood panels and paintings of wildlife. Soft lighting. All it was missing was a plate of warm apple pie and a glass of milk on the kitchen table.
Definitely a simulation, Caleb thought, but then that meant…
What did it mean? Was he really here or lying in a dream-state somewhere? Maybe he was actually drugged and sedated as they pumped images into his brain via some virtual reality simulator? Was he wearing VR goggles, or…
Or was this all him?
Caleb sat perfectly still, and then cast his mind’s eye out, trying to see. Giving himself an objective:
Find the Dream-Maker. Boris, The Dream-Man, whatever he should be called. The one who could force visions upon psychics, twisting their powers and projecting his own carefully-designed worlds into their brains. Just how the hell did he do that? Caleb imagined some scientific basis, a biological counterpart or enhancement to the psychic abilities he and his family had. Nina, after all, had other gifts that were similar in classification but quite different in operation.
While he thought about that, he continued to study his surroundings. No, this couldn’t be a simulation, part of his logical thinking chided. I can touch things here. Change the song on that player, pull out that chair. Turn on the sink…
Look out the window?
Caleb moved for it, heading for the curtain, reaching for it, even as his mind pulled up a series of flashing images. They cut like a rapid flipping of comic book pages across his mind’s eye:
The young man in hooded sweatshirt. Standing in the rain on the roof outside of Stargate.
The same man at the CIA headquarters (now? Earlier? In the future?), dressed in a sharp suit and tie, following along behind a general and his staff and several other men Caleb recognized as politician friends of Calderon…
Another flash, and the same man wears a different hood and stands statue-like in a semi-circle with other hooded men and women. A gathering in a torch-lit cavern as they look over a three-dimensional projection, a map of the inner solar system; the sun burning bright as the planets circled it in sped-up time, allowing for the projection of a new body — a dark celestial body approaching from off-camera…
A flash of bright light and Caleb was back, squinting against the glare as the curtain pulled aside.
“Not what you thought, is it?”
Caleb jumped and almost let go of the curtain. “Where am I?” he answered, without thinking of the other person. Didn’t even register if the voice were male or female. He just blinked and blinked, trying to rid his vision of the bright, painful sun and the endless stretch of blue overhead, tempered only when it crashed down onto the rust-colored horizon.
He took a couple deep breaths. “Australian Outback still?”
“Down Under is still your guess, is it?”
Caleb lowered the curtain and turned slowly as Boris stepped out of the shadow of the kitchen’s doorway.
He could never forget those lupine features, the chiseled jaw and perfect haunted eyes, now even more blazing with pride of his success. Caleb let go of the curtain and tried to sound confident himself. “There’s no point in trying to use my other senses to figure out where I am, is there?”
“No sir. Not really any point, but you could try. Could be fun seeing you squirm, wondering if the talent… Oh I’m sorry, the curse as you’ve termed it most of your life, if whatever you want to call your special sight, would actually show you any sort of truth…” Boris licked his lips. “Or only what I want you to see.”
“So you’re that good.” Caleb regarded the stringy young man, the arms crossed over his chest, black turtleneck and grey khakis that reminded Caleb of the Keepers’ dress color of choice.
“I guess I am.”
“You fooled my entire team. You completely fooled Xavier — er, Calderon, half a world away, when he viewed the future of the terrorist operation, while simultaneously you were messing with my team back in DC.”
Boris seemed to hover over the ground and tremble slightly, along with the surroundings, making Caleb wonder whether even this was real. Am I really even here, talking to him?
He glanced around the room again, and then reached out to touch the wallpaper, sliding his index finger down its ridges.
“Oh, we’re here,” Boris said in a low, deep voice. “Really. You just want to know where here is.”
“More than that,” Caleb said, “or first, I really want to know how you’re doing it. How you did it.” He narrowed his eyes, sizing up Boris, and not seeing anything that special.
Boris pulled up a chair. Sat and crossed his legs while reaching over to the bowl of fruit. Selected an apple and tossed it in the air, caught it and then motioned to the chair opposite his. “Have yourself a sit.”
Caleb noticed the chair now. “I don’t think that was there a minute ago.”
A laugh. “I’ve really gotten to you, haven’t I? Doubting the very nature of reality now, are we?”
Caleb glared at him. “Screw you.” He reached for the chair, intending to drag it over, only to find nothing there.
“I’m sorry,” Boris said. “That was terribly impolite of me. You were right the first time.”
Closing his eyes, Caleb straightened up and turned around.
Boris couldn’t stop grinning. “I’m just saying, trust your gut, man. It got you this far. Got you out of that nasty business with Waxman and the Keepers. With Robert-what’s-his-name and Calderon-who’s-no-longer-Calderon. And it saved you from the Khan’s tomb and those killers at the Statue of Liberty. I mean, man… you’ve had a busy life! So many damn adventures!”
Caleb stared hard, not rising to the bait, or the flattery. “What do you want from me?”
“Not your autograph, dear Caleb, although really! You’re like Indiana Jones, only without the cool hat, and instead of a whip you’ve got that neat inner vision to see your way out every trap and past every brain-noodling puzzle.” He chomped into his apple and kept on talking. “I’m sure if you went back to teaching at Columbia all the cute little co-eds would be fawning over you for a private session, but me? Well, what I want will be apparent soon, but for now I just want to answer your question.”
Caleb watched him chew messily, as the apple juice and bits clung to his lips. “Which was what, again? Sorry I’m a little lost here.” He looked around the room helplessly. The room that might not even be a real room. A place that might not even be ‘here’.
Boris swallowed and waved the half-bitten apple like it was a Snow-White prop. “You wanted to know how I made you see a chair that wasn’t there.”
“Yeah, that.” Caleb shrugged, tried now to sound disinterested. I’m losing at his game. Losing badly and he’s so enjoying that he’s got me rattled and desperate. Have to try to seem like I at least don’t give a shit.
“Don’t be cagey, mate.” Boris took another bite as he shifted in his chair, getting more comfortable. “I took the only chair here, by the way, because I want you uncomfortable. Standing should focus your senses, one of which, by the way, should be giving you a clue right now. One I’ve put there specifically to answer your question.”
“Just tell me. This is getting tiresome.”
“You got somewhere else to be? Late for a date?” Boris chewed noisily. “Just you and me out here, mate. And you know you’re not getting out until we say so.”
“We? I thought it was you and me. Mate.”
Smiling, Boris nodded. “The metaphorical ‘me’, then. As I represent…quite a group of powerful interests.”
“Such as?”
“Oh you know them fully well. Had more of your share of run-ins with several of my compatriots or their like, behind the scenes. But you caused some degree of mayhem, throwing wrenches and the like into their plans.”
“Like finding the Emerald Tablet.”
Boris’s chewing paused, his teeth pressed against the pure skin of the apple’s untouched side. He spoke against it. “And then…destroying it.”
“Sorry about that,” Caleb said, offering a smile of his own now. “I’m sure you all really, really wanted that, and too bad none of you had my ‘susceptible’ and all-too-fallible ability, or you could have found it yourselves. Any time during the last how many thousand years until I came along?”
Boris shrugged and waved his hand with the apple. “Before my time. But at any rate, you’re correct. This ancient war between my side and…I can’t really call them yours, these Keepers and such, the miserable protectors of weak humanity and so-called guardians of knowledge…you’ve been aligned against them and for yourself on so many occasions that you’re really more of an ally to me than you were to them.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
Boris waved the apple core in the air. “Maybe not, but you served our…my masters’ purposes on many occasions. Which is why you and your little team were allowed to live, to exist, for so long.” He settled his eyes on Caleb as his hand stopped moving. “But obviously, times change. People change, and we’ve got to move on.”
Caleb cocked his head. “I destroyed the Emerald Tablet. The last power source for your scalar weapon. Ruined your masters’ plan on destroying humanity and saving themselves.”
“Freeing themselves, and so many others,” Boris said. “But you should know, that was but one plan of many. Many factions within our team. Other contingencies existed simultaneously, pursued by other splinter groups — sometimes with their own leadership and differences in opinion.”
“Differences, huh? Dissent in the ranks of the super elite?”
“More like agreement on the ends, disagreement on the means.” He took a last nibble of the apple, then tossed the core over his shoulder. “While one team was hell-bent on using you to recover the Tablet, vying against the Keepers, another more patient group has been working behind the scenes of the world’s ostentatious power players.”
“Towards what end?”
“You know the end. Or at least one version of it. This one might be dressed a little sexier than the last, but it’s quite the same hot little number underneath.”
Caleb sighed wearily. “Either tell me what you want me to know, or give me a real chair. I’m tired. Of you, of all this.”
“Fair enough, but you’ve forgotten what I told you.”
“When?” He was getting exasperated, and hoped it was obvious in his tone. Caleb could hear it, and he hoped…
Wait… I do hear it.
He cocked his head and Boris leaned forward. “Ah…there it is. Your other senses, finally you’re using them.”
Caleb closed his eyes and in the ensuing void of voices, he heard it: a gentle tap-tap-tap noise that sounded like it was coming from outside. He frowned and turned his head slightly toward the noise.
Tap-tap-taptaptap. Louder, then a pause, then again.
“Got it?” Boris asked.
And Caleb snapped his head around, eyes wide, saying the word even as his mind clicked into gear, like a search engine pulling up something that at first held no relevance to anything.
“A woodpecker?”
Boris clapped his hands together. “Here we go, bright boy. Now put it all together.”
Caleb rubbed his forehead. “What was the question? How are you doing this to us?”
Boris wiped his lips with the back of his sleeve. “Yep, that’s the one. Let’s see how you do. I’ve heard your love of a good conspiracy theory and your attention to historical let’s say, fringe science, has been legendary in your successes, toning your objectives and the like. So…what am I trying to tell you here with this clue?”
“Apart from revealing you can cause auditory hallucinations as well?”
“Well that should have been apparent already. The human brain is simple once you get down to it, and how we perceive one sense over another is just a matter of what synapses you jigger one way or another. Smell’s just as easy as sound, by the way.” He yawned and leaned back. “So come on, regale me with your brilliance! Prove how smart I was to throw you a simple clue and have you run with it to the shining truth!”
“Hold on, I’m thinking…”
“Don’t do that, remember? Your gut. First instincts. Just answer and go with it. Despite what I said before, we really don’t have all day, and as much as I’m beginning to not hate you so much, I really don’t want to spend more time with you than I have to. More important shit’s calling my name, so let’s go.”
Caleb sighed. “Fine. First gut instinct answer? The Woodpecker Program was a Russian initiative. In the late seventies, if I recall.”
“Getting warmer,” Boris said, teeth flashing in a smile. “At least you’re out of the freezer.”
“KGB and their scientists claimed to have modified technology…”
Caleb opened his eyes and stared back at Boris. So this is what’s important. “Nikola Tesla’s. His tech, claimed to have been first collected and hidden away by the CIA after his death.”
“Natural, or murder?”
“Whatever it was, some of his patents and papers fell into the hands of Yugoslavian nationals, some say for a private museum collection of their famous — and much maligned native. But of course, these patents were stolen or copied by the Russians, who took some of his more fringe possibilities to the extreme.”
“Such as?”
“The possibility of using extremely low frequency waves in such a way as to impact not only terrestrial forces, such as causing earthquakes and weather disturbances…”
“A la the HAARP facility in Alaska, which… hey didn’t you spend some time there a few years ago?”
Caleb glared at him. “Yeah, and busted up your precious Tablet there, right?”
Boris’s expression darkened. “Yes, that. But you lost all that ancient knowledge. Which was worse?”
“Fair exchange,” Caleb responded quickly, “to keep it out of the wrong hands.”
“Like with the Russians?” Crossing his legs, Boris leaned forward. “Now, you were saying, and we were in the glorious seventies?”
“Yeah. The same technology, they found, could be fine-tuned to interfere with biology. Human brain waves, for example.” Caleb frowned again, thinking, extrapolating. “Something about matching the frequencies of targets. Much in the way earthquakes could be caused by directing the scalar wave form, traveling at the precise frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field, toward the intersection of tectonic plates. Or how the Star Wars Defense program might work by detecting and interfering with the signals of missiles entering the shield…”
He looked up again, searching Boris’s face for a clue.
“Don’t get off target. We all know how you like to get sidetracked. We’ll get to where you’re going a little later, but first… finish it off. You were saying something about biology.”
“Yeah. Brain waves. Theta patterns have their own frequency, and the Russian program, termed Woodpecker, may have been an experiment to use these wave transmitters to basically jam US brain waves. Alter our thinking, cause changes in mood and temperament, possibly even cause feelings of rage, anger or even induce surrender. Rumors were it was effective on captured agents in place of truth serum, causing feelings of compliance and eagerness to answer honestly.” Caleb accessed all of what he recalled now, and cursed himself for not seeing it sooner.
“Got it?” Boris asked.
“Yeah, now. One last bit. There were claims this tech could also be used to cause hallucinations, visions in select people — or entire populations even, depending on the range of the transmitter and the cone of the wave pattern. There have even been theories that most UFO sightings were just this — projections by either a foreign power or our own government in tests of this technology to cause people to see and experience the extraordinary.”
Boris clapped his hands again. “Fantastic. All good theories. And hell, we may never know, but it’s great food for thought, discussion at the dinner table or the subject of a new History Channel series, but for now — you know it’s possible, the science works.”
He leaned forward. “Now you just want to know how little old me does it?”
Caleb tried to stay calm. “Yes. I don’t think you’re using technology. Although…” He glanced around the room again, at the walls, the tiled ceiling.
“Looking for transmitters, cameras or other giveaways? Don’t worry, we’ve got you watched for sure, but the technology to cause visions?” He stood up slowly and then stretched his arms into the air and beamed like a kid winning a trophy. “That’s too old school. This? It’s all me.”
“Congratulations, then.” Caleb faced him. “I guess you can focus your thoughts and project them at frequencies to interfere with those of others, and stimulate the sensory receptors to receive your thoughts, much like…” He eyed the TV, where the same news program kept playing the scenes he didn’t want to see. “Much like this set receives data over a frequency and translates those bits into sound and image.”
“What’s your range?” Caleb studied Boris, as if he could see inside the man’s skull, into the inner workings of his components to figure out how they worked.
“Oh, it’s gotten larger with practice and…teaching.”
“So, you’re not really one of them are you?”
“You know who I mean.”
“What do you call them? The ancient Shining Ones? The Others, the Annunaki? The Nephilim? Custodians?”
“Whatever their names, I don’t think you fit the bill.”
“Why not?”
Caleb shrugged. “I heard they’re usually…less intrusive. Unless their human loyalists are — how should I say it — overzealous? Like the late Senator Calderon.”
Boris made a face. “He was a toad. Arrogant megalomaniac. Also, he had some bad halitosis, I hear.”
“You have better hygiene?”
“I like to think so, but in any case, you’re wrong. I’m a full-standing member of my organization, it’s just…” His eyes clouded slightly and he took his seat again. “You don’t really know anything about them, or what they can do. Or at least, one in particular…”
Caleb let that go. “Say whatever you want, but just move this along.” Caleb took a step closer, staring down at him. “Now I agree with you that we’re wasting time.”
“Good, then let’s progress and see if what my fellows have in store for you is even possible.” He looked Caleb up and down. “I have my doubts. Always have, despite your illustrious — or maybe just lucky — career.”
“Thanks for the confidence.”
“Admit it, you had a lot of luck fall your way.”
“No, I had a lot of good friends. An excellent team. It was them, more than me.”
“Such humility, but yeah, I buy that. Nina. Xavier. Even your little sis showed you up and saved your bacon more times than not.” Boris cocked his head and his lip curled up. “I bet you’re wondering about them.”
“Of course. I know you have them. Hopefully not tormenting them as much as you’re annoying me.”
“Oh, I think you know not all of you birds had their wings clipped.”
“Good. Hope you tire yourselves out trying to catch the ones that flew off.”
“We’ll get the ones that count, but for now — yeah, let’s stay on track. One more test, one more objective for you.”
“Great, back to school.”
“More like a job interview. My turn to have you prove your worth.”
“If I pass, what do I win? What kind of shitty benefits and wages do you offer?”
“Your life, for starters.”
Caleb shrugged. “Not sure that will matter much if your ‘ends’ do really coincide with the ones Calderon sought. You have to know I’ll never get on board with anything like that.”
“I don’t know. Like I said, a different dress. Sex it up a little, or maybe…” Boris stood up, then reached and tapped Caleb on the forehead with his index finger. “Maybe, just maybe I’ll pull the wool from your eyes so you can see the truth that’s been right in front of you, and maybe you’ll find yourself doubting everything you think you know about me, about our plans.”
Caleb flinched and backed away.
“Get on with it.”
“Very well. Very simple. I’ll give you the objective, and you? You do your thing.”
“Go on.”
“Don’t look around. You don’t need pencils and paper.”
“I know. More worried that whatever I look for won’t matter because of what you can do. How do I trust anything?”
“Oh stop worrying. I promise not to meddle. Just you promise to only look at what you’re supposed to be looking for. And believe me, I can tell. I can read your thoughts by the way…”
Read them, came the reply in his head. Just as I can project thoughts.
Synthetic telepathy? Caleb thought.
“Exactly,” Boris said. Multiple uses, my gift has. “Now are you getting it?”
Caleb cursed inwardly and tried to keep his mind blank. “Ok then. I’ll stay on target. What is it?”
“Simple enough. Focus on what you were trying to do before I got here.”
“Finding out where I am? I know — or think I know — it’s Australia.”
“But where? Big place, mate.” He grinned and walked to the window and glanced out. “Simple, easy, but with one additional thought to guide you. Once you learn where you are, ask yourself one question.”
The woodpecker tap tap tapping had stopped and the silence dragged out.
I’m in the Matrix.
After Nina’s departure, Orlando kept telling himself that one fact.
Not quite Matrix-like actually but close enough, Orlando figured, that he could experience one of his favorite fantasy scenarios:
Becoming one with the machine.
He was in the system, deep in a virtual world of code and algorithm, of logistical AI and rigorous probabilities.
His body — not really there, just an amorphous collection of alpha-numeric code, swirling in a vaguely translucent humanoid shape — scuttled ahead as if on awkward legs. A newborn, just getting used to motion and his abilities, he nonetheless reveled in the power, the freedom. Testing the parameters of this dream-experience, or whatever it was.
He recalled notions of sensory deprivation, of unwilling (or willing) volunteers in government programs, fed various hallucinatory drugs and deprived of all senses, trying to wake other ones. Was that it? Or some combination of that plus an attempt to merge with an artificial consciousness?
Whatever it was, dream or mad science, he figured it wasn’t too bad.
Unable to wake, Orlando decided, Heck, time to just enjoy myself and go with it.
Sometime later, he remembered that he had a previous life, a body, a wife (someone who was far too pretty and smart to be with him), and now, even twin babies.
Where were they?
He reached out in a way he now remembered he could — through his mind, but now something strange happened. The numbers, the code — all changed color. Streams of data pulsed and spun in several directions, lancing out like probes.
Psychic, he remembered. I’m psychic.
Then he remembered something else. Men with guns. Coming for him, for Phoebe. For his friends.
And now, this…
They want to see what makes little old’ me tick.
He continued to learn the mechanics of his environment — now with the added feature of his mind’s reach. The psychic element…maybe that was it. They were testing him, but unknowingly these muggles had unleashed something neither of them expected.
Self-awareness. Control.
His psychic aspect had to be interacting with the computer program. Merging human mind and AI. Were they trying to do this, but unaware of the potential consequences?
Maybe they underestimated how many hours I’ve played in virtual worlds, gaming away half my life or more. If anyone could be comfortable in this environment, it was Orlando.
Now, time to do some recon, and see what I’ve got access to.
Hopefully this computer was part of the larger defense network, one he could scout out, probe for an entrance point, work his way in and…
Orlando sent out his thoughts again. After focusing on what he remembered through years of on-the-job training. An Objective.
There were many possible choices, and he really had to hold back on the one he really wanted — checking to see if these goons had any surveillance on his children, confirming that they were safe.
I’ll check back on you soon.
Now he had another target, one that was key to all of this, key to saving their collective hides.
He had allies out there, allies that weren’t incarcerated. Allies that needed his help. They were flying blind, fighting up against national and probably world governments at this point. Everybody against him and his friends.
Not if he could help it.
He could now see the access points, the network trails, the special files, encrypted and locked, but still somehow transparent to his mind’s eye.
He could see them, tempting and beckoning like golden fruit. Here was Caleb Crowe’s file, near the top of the tree. Something different about that one, more heavily locked down, with thorny blockages and potential alarms of such sophistication that Orlando finally doubted his skills, so he turned to the proverbial lower hanging fruit.
So many here. All these psychics, most rounded up, imprisoned. Some — he saw with a surge of pride — were a greenish hue, and he quickly learned these were still unaccounted for, roaming free.
All the others were so tempting, a massive 3D tree with folders as leaves, all with familiar names.
Just one he needed right now.
Had to get the location of this one in real space, get to it and then go wireless and communicate to Nina on the secured address she had provided.
She needed this one, and Orlando was already slipping past the locks and gates, and entering the file, downloading and scanning the data at light speed.
Damn, this is fun.
Found it, he sent the coordinates and the defense schematics over to Nina’s phone.
Hopefully in time, and hopefully she hadn’t left the facility yet. She’d soon be making her way to Xavier Montross, aka Mason Calderon.
And God help whoever got in her way.
Orlando could almost feel his body — somewhere — smiling.
Xavier Montross roused himself from a light nap and blinked away the tug of a deeper sleep, the kind that he hadn’t enjoyed in weeks. When his vision cleared, he saw with some satisfaction that not only wasn’t he alone, but the faces of his captors — his adversaries — were far from confident.
“What’s up, kids?” He stretched his neck, rolled his head this way and that, cracking joints. Miriam was here, looking grim but trying to stay composed, and so was Mason’s old friend, General Asiro Bensari. “Can I have some water?”
Moments later he realized his mistake. This wasn’t the room he had been in previously. Not even close. A dark chamber, with an inclined area rising away from him, and staggered seating as if for a movie or sporting event. Quickly he saw the main attraction wasn’t Montross at all, but what was behind him.
He realized it first by the reflection in their eyes.
Lightning. Only, a sharper, more brilliant blue, flickering and dancing across their pupils, coming from…
He groaned and tried to turn his head. Felt like he was tugging a huge weight along with the motion.
“Let me help.” Miriam took the handles of his chair, just under the cuffs still secured around his wrists, and turned him toward the sight. “Welcome to the future.”
A stiff breeze rushed in from the open windows to his left, overlooking a vast field, the dimensions of which were lost in a haze of sparks and arcing lightning — all slicing like a witch’s jagged fingernails from what looked like a giant obelisk. A pillar, wide at the bottom and tapering to a slighter, spherical point, stood in the center of the maelstrom of electric fury. It might have been night. It might have been day. Montross had no idea, not with the intensity of the display below.
“What am I looking at? My nephew had a globe that made that kind of light. From Spencer’s Gift Store, I think.”
“You know you’ve seen this before,” Miriam said.
“Quit bullshitting,” General Bensari added gruffly. “We don’t have time.”
Montross kept his focus on the pair beside him, but let his mind drift back into the calmness of his recent sleep, like relaxing a muscle soon after use. “Yeah it looks familiar,” he said in a droning voice while fidgeting in his seat and letting his mind free. “Brings to mind…fringe science. Wacky energy theories. Universal power for all…”
“An inventor’s name perhaps?
“Actually I was thinking of the electric car, but yeah.” He looked up at Miriam, smiling. “Tesla?”
She smiled back, just slightly, as Asiro rolled his eyes. “Great, now let’s get on with it, I’m ready to try this out.”
Montross was about to start probing the device below, to see what it might mean for himself and Stargate especially, when the general’s words stopped him cold. Only then did he catch something else, down below. In the sparkling lightning bursts, he noticed the ground wasn’t empty, but filled with a collection of figures. People standing about, arms out. Hair wild, dancing in the electro-statically charged wind.
“What the hell are they doing?”
The lightning reflected in Asiro’s eyes took on a new meaning, and Montross shuddered. “What did you do?”
Miriam’s hand settled on Montross’ shoulder. Her touch was strange, wispy and vibrating almost with odd sensations. She squeezed.
Something flickered at the base of his skull and he saw it now, without asking for any such show. Not like I wasn’t about to figure it out…
Down on the field, where the figures stood now, but this was earlier. Just at dusk, or maybe the day before or the day before that, depending on how long Montross had been down in captivity, drugged and dreaming.
General Asiro Bensari, in full uniform. Tentative at first, standing with several others, heads bowed before the massive black pylon. Inert, silent and massive until a humming sound arose, along with a metallic clanking of gears turning, whirring. The stars just coming out, twinkling overhead sheepishly, as if in awe of the power stirring below.
From the huge construction: flickers, wisps of energy, then a full roaring charge that brings gasps and cries among the six men and three women. Arms out, hair wild and sizzling, eyes reflecting all the power and ferocity of the chaotic electrical-plasma arms. The very air fills with power and waves upon waves of energy fall upon the unshielded volunteers, accepting and hoping for something in return…
“Not all of us were born with powers, Mr. Montross.”
Montross’ snapped eyes open. “My god, those people. You…”
General Bensari rubbed his temples, looked down at the field longingly and jealously, then back to Montross. “Now, I have such visions…”
Miriam leaned in, and closed the curtains as the light show dimmed. “Such visions, but he does not yet know what to do with them.”
Montross struggled against the chair, still not accepting or believing anything these people said — or especially what they showed him. Although… It felt like the truth in this case. “And this is where I come in? You need training?”
“Either that,” Miriam said, “or you do our work for us.”
Montross narrowed his eyes. “Just what the hell are you people looking for?”
Later, Montross would recall the next few hours as a blur of questions and more questions, of a move to a darker room, and then a transport back to the Pentagon. At one point first however, Miriam left them, answering a call where Montross heard just snippets of her words. Something about their crow being ‘almost ready’, and the time approaching. He wondered if she had been ‘enhanced’ as well, or if she was something else entirely. It might explain a lot. But he felt if he asked, the resulting answer would have been far more complicated, or not answered in any meaningful way, like usual.
“You will finish teaching General Bensari,” she said on the way out, escorted by several armed soldiers. “Instruct him on what he needs to know to use his newfound ‘gifts’ and to then teach the new recruits. The right questions to ask, if I recall the Stargate nomenclature from the copious notes we’ve confiscated.”
Here we go, Montross thought. “Damn it, this is exactly the reason I didn’t tell you people what we could do. Not just power in the wrong hands…” He gave the general a look like he was some inexperienced kid off the street instead of a Four-Star commander. “It’s not something that can be taught in hours, or even days. Those of us in the Morpheus Initiative? We’ve had it all our lives, a muscle we’ve toned and enhanced, suffered and repaired throughout the years of our lives. It can’t be—”
“You will do it,” Asiro hissed, then winced, closing his eyes. They were in the car, on the beltway, with the city lights glimmering ahead.
“What’s the matter?” Montross asked. “Seeing things you’d rather not?”
Asiro groaned.
“Get used to it. That’s the hardest part to learn, and you need to learn it first before you can direct this power. Do your goddamned research, General. Look into my background. I’m sure you’ve found the hundreds of notebooks from my youth, the images I didn’t ask for, the violence and horror no kid should ever see, much less feel compelled to draw, to understand.”
Asiro’s eyes opened and in the passing headlights, hardened. “I…can deal with it. The reward is worth anything.”
“What reward would that be?”
“You think we’re evil, Montross. You with your vaunted powers, thinking yourself a race above the rest of us. Elitist, gods maybe?”
“I never, we never…”
“Shut up, we know all about you now. But now, this gift? You wasted your time stopping minor attacks, saving cities and preventing this or that tragedy. You have no idea what’s really coming.”
“If you have knowledge of something else, some other danger, I should have been in on that information. Could have…”
“No. Your solution would have been wrong.” He looked up painfully, his expression full of hardened determination. “Sometimes the solution isn’t avoidance, but acceptance.”
Montross stared back. “I have no idea what you’re spewing, but if you want my help, you’d better talk.”
Asiro shook his head. “I have my orders. Sorry, old ‘friend’, but you’ll help. As soon as we’re back at your comfy cell. You’ll help, or else…”
He dug into his pocket and retrieved his smart phone. Turned the screen and showed the live feed.
An observatory, and a familiar collegiate skyline. Asiro’s fingers stretched the image, zooming to the figure on the balcony.
“Diana!” Montross fumed and struggled against the cuffs.
“No need for that, my friend. Relax. She’s fine, as long you help me.”
Montross sat back, thinking, trying to figure out a way he could get out of this, get back in control. In power.
But those days were gone, and this threat rivaled the worst of what they’d already been through.
Don’t we ever get a break?
“Do you know whose bidding you’re doing?” He looked sideways in the dark car. “Your ‘friend’ Calderon knew, and still his madness put him on the wrong side of not only history, but morality, life and death. You really want to join him?”
“This is different, as you’ll learn.”
Montross sighed. “Whatever.” Asshole. He figured he better stall some more and give himself some time to see the way to freedom. “I just don’t know how you found a way to transform—”
“—yourself. This energy.”
“Nikola Tesla’s designs. He was one of you, you know.”
“I didn’t know, but hey, good company I guess.”
“He was a nut job.”
“And you’re a psychotic kiss-ass, so what?”
Asiro gave him a death glare. “Regardless, this energy, it has the power to enhance, evolve us maybe.”
“So, the world dodged a bullet when Edison one-upped him and gave us boring old regular electrical wired power?”
“And expensive. But yes. As to…this?” He held his head again. “Miriam would have some more elaborate scientific description of what actually happens during the process, but all you need to know is that we found a way to do it. Modify what it does. To give anyone the gift.”
“It’s not such a hot gift,” Montross said. “And hey, big question: is it returnable?”
“Can you just flip the directional switch on that thing and suck the gift back, or turn off the brain wave accelerator or whatever you did?”
“Again, I have no idea. I only know I…” He groaned and held his forehead. “Damn, how do you deal with this? The visions keep coming!”
“What did you see now?” Montross rolled his eyes. Actually he could care less, but again just wanted to keep him talking. They were getting close to the exit, and he still didn’t have a clue what he was going to do.
“I saw, shit, I’m not sure. What looked like a pair of eyes, hungry and deadly, looking at me through a slated window of some kind.” He grabbed Montross’ shoulder. “What the hell am I seeing?”
“I don’t know, General. Not without understanding more about you, about your frame of mind, about what you might have been wondering or asking yourself in the moments before the vision.”
“That’s how it works?”
“Part of it, sometimes. Sometimes it’s way more complicated.” He sighed. They were turning now, destination almost reached. Got to convince him, play along a bit. Until…
Suddenly a glimpse came to him, maybe the right question at last.
What did General Bensari see in his vision?
It came to him. The eyes behind the grated ‘window’, the hungry, killer eyes.
Xavier Montross smiled and relaxed.
“I’ll teach you, but it’s not going to be easy.”
“I’m sorry, old friend.”
Back in Montross’ confinement room, Asiro’s eyes flinched. The gun wavered. “What the hell do you mean?”
This had gone on too long, and Asiro finally realized Montross was stalling. He decided it was past time for patience, for doing things by the book. Past time even for threats. He could come back to using Diana Montgomery as the carrot, but now was time for the stick — or in this case, the gun.
At first, Asiro thought he miscalculated, that this Montross inside of his old friend’s body was seriously unhinged, and perhaps didn’t care about death.
Montross stepped a little closer, and then closer still, until the muzzle of the .45 was pressed against his own forehead. “You think you know about me? The real me?”
The finger tightened on the trigger and the resolve came back to the general’s expression. “I studied the files. I know you.”
“Then you know my power isn’t quite the same as what you’ve got, I imagine.”
Asiro paused. He had forgotten, or hadn’t been thorough enough with the file.
“You know my gift. You know why I’m still around and kicking.”
The seconds ticked by, accentuated now by the actual ticking of the clock in the room, which only served to highlight another subtle sound overhead. If Asiro heard it, as Montross did, his reaction was muted, overcome by the recollection of what he had forgotten.
Asiro remembered now. “You can foresee your own death.”
Montross smiled as the gun trembled, then lowered. “Yeah, tricky that one. Double-edged and all that, but useful for the old stress levels at times like these.”
Now the general heard the slight skittering sound from above, and his eyes found the vent, just as Montross took a step back. “Yeah, like I said old friend, I’m sorry. So if today isn’t my day to die…”
Asiro raised the gun at the metal slats overhead, but the muffled hiss came first.
Neat, perfectly centered in his forehead, the bullet struck and blasted out the back of his skull. The general fell like a lifeless puppet, strings cut.
Montross sighed without looking up. “Haven’t lost your touch, my dear.”
The vent cover bent, then fell as a boot kicked it down, and a sleek body contorted out, flipped around and landed on the table feet-first like a cat.
“Don’t my dear me, Xavier. That wasn’t as easy as it looked.”
“I don’t doubt it, Nina. All this security, tricky for anyone without psychic powers. Or a tank. Good thing you had one of those.”
“Actually,” she said, moving to quickly undo the chains and cuffs binding Montross to the table, “my tank was Orlando Natch.”
“That kid?” Montross couldn’t feign his surprise.
“Ghost in the Machine. I’ll tell you later.” The chains dropped and they stepped over the general, heading for the door. Montross knelt and took the keycard off Asiro’s body.
“We’re not out of this yet,” Nina said. “But something tells me you’ll soon be with a certain astronomer again, causing all manner of romantic mischief.”
“Don’t get jealous on me, Nina.”
At the door, Nina gave him a once-over. “Those days are gone, sir. Don’t much care for the new body. Don’t senators work out once in a while?”
“Ugh, don’t get me started. Not enough time in the day. Now, where the hell is Caleb? I can’t see anything about him, not even the blue shield.”
“No. We’re working on that, but first, more important shit to deal with, like saving the world.”
Montross shook his head and followed her.
“Yeah. What else is new?”
She lifted her sweatshirt hood, donned her sunglasses — big dark ovals in the Audrey Hepburn style — and started walking up the Foggy Bottom-GWU Metro station stairs and into the bustling street.
Phoebe wasn’t as concerned just now about discovery and apprehension, although she had seen her share of 24 and CSI-like shows to know that cameras and facial recognition programs were everywhere. Hence the glasses and hood, but she also knew to be safe she needed to get out of the main areas fast.
Had to get somewhere more secluded to think, to let her mind free to seek out answers. To follow the breadcrumb trail of glimpses she had been shown for the past few hours.
A forbidding desert. Earth scorched and red…
Nevada? Death Valley?
Not distinguished enough.
Where was Caleb?
Mongolia perhaps, but missing the mountain ranges that should have graced the horizons.
She was trying to keep her focus narrow. Find Caleb. She was his sister. That connection was lifelong and powerful. They weren’t twins, not like her children or Nina’s, but close enough that the bond was there, and strong. She could always feel him, and could sense when he was in trouble. Like now. Teetering between life and death. Choices of such magnitude thrust upon him.
However, there were other objectives, other targets that needed to be found. Phoebe hoped Nina could free Orlando. But what about Xavier and the others on the team, so many strong psychics, each with great strengths, chosen not only for their abilities but for their backgrounds? They had each weathered so much personal turmoil in their lives, to have come this far and found a home for their unique skills, she couldn’t let them now suffer for it.
Behind it all though, something deeper pulled at her mind, drawing her visions toward a target not on any of her lists.
She thought of the mountain caves of Afghanistan, and the call of Shamballa. The whispered echoes in the gloom, the alluring music from the depths and the views of magical cities beyond belief. What was all that?
Now she wondered if such visions were just of the same type as this Boris had done: mere projections thrust into her mind to convince her of a false truth, a beautiful realm where none such existed.
She passed through a crowd of people on the way to work, all chatting away on their phones. She even caught a snippet of a conversation about whether or not to believe the news, all this talk of spying and psychics, and then she ducked hard right, down a set of stairs into a shrub-lined alley where the scent of roses mixed with nutmeg and almond from a coffee shop below.
The Potomac was to her right now, lazily rustling under a bridge. She followed its western bank, continuing to think and focus and cast aside false visions. These came all too fast and sudden when she thought of Caleb. A scene of an ice-capped mountain retreat and a low, dull sun. Swiss Alps maybe? A convoy of black vehicles making the ascent up an icy road.
Nice try, she thought. Get us to think Iceland or something, and waste our time. Screw you, Boris and everyone else behind this farce.
Putting aside the loss to the world by their absence, the fact that they were now ‘blind’ to the vagaries of future disaster, terrorism and worse, she forced herself to stay with the plan. To trust Victoria, to trust Nina. To trust that her children were safe with Orlando’s mother and the shielding artifact, and that the others were in good hands. She had to get Caleb.
Or did she?
Aren’t you acting Head of Stargate now? What would Caleb do?
She paused, stopping under a magnolia tree. Two girls ran up ahead, chasing pigeons while their mother chattered on her phone.
What if the right thing to do isn’t to save your brother?
Where the hell had that thought come from?
Phoebe suddenly tensed, wishing there were shadows she could duck into. Feeling like she was in the sun’s spotlight, with unwanted eyes upon her, she scanned the promenade area. A sketch artist and a street vendor were up ahead. Two couples walked hand in hand. A business man in sunglasses… suspicious at first until he flagged down a girl selling flowers. Nothing, except…
A grimy old man in a wool cap and a faded army jacket curled against a wall, asleep. Looks like he’s slept there all night, if not all week. A cardboard sign next to him, with nothing but faded letters.
Phoebe found herself walking toward him, and more — discovered that he was not only awake, but eyes wide open and staring intently at her.
…just as a new vision burst like an opening sunflower into her mind. Without willing it or asking for anything to be seen, it came. Sudden but not intrusive somehow.
Rolling over the current fabric of reality, unfurled a vision of such cataclysmic force and horror that she reeled back and nearly collapsed.
The Washington skyline — the Capitol and the Monument clearly visible for a split second, before something like a missile streaked down from the western sky, struck and launched a blossoming shock wave rupturing everything in its path, sending a wall of water, and then fire and heat in all directions.
Phoebe nearly cried out, shook it away and stared at the old man — who had now sat up, slowly and painfully.
He took off his hat, revealing a smooth, bald head.
And kind, sad but familiar eyes that reached into her soul as if to say, sorry, but there is more you must see.
The words came this time, drawing substance only in her mind. Sharp and clear, preceding another kaleidoscopic series of visions, each more violent and terrifying than the last.
Come, he spoke in her mind, as the sights cleared just as fast. She was back on the street, with no old derelict man, just the regular people and normalcy.
Find me, came his voice. But hurry, they’re after you.
Outside on the observatory balcony, Diana leaned against the wrought-iron fencing and gazed out at the twinkling lights of campus and the beautiful skyline at dawn. All those students and professors going about their mid-week activities. Life went on, despite knowing that the world had just changed. Everything they had been taught, or had been teaching, could be completely off base. With the introduction of psychics — a true supernatural element — the pivotal factors of history would have to be re-evaluated, if indeed the masses believed what they were being told by the media.
Latest polls were revealing outright denial in most circles, with many clinging to theories that secret technology had to be in use to give such results — much the same way TV psychic charlatans worked their ‘wonders’ of insight into other realms and hidden truths. This just couldn’t be, and if it wasn’t an outright lie at least it was a clever diversion and a taxpayer waste of money. It had been done before, journalists were telling us. In the 70s and 80s, during the Cold War. Millions spent on ESP research, trying to get the ultimate spy, an edge over the Communists who were attempting their own thing. A psychic arms race.
With the observatory’s dome to her back, the old telescope in need of renovation — along with the whole facility after a legendary past replete with major astronomical triumphs recorded here over the years — she breathed in the crisp air, pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders, and turned to Nevin.
“So we’re here, presumably free of listening devices and cameras and other snooping.”
“At least of the technological kind.”
Diana glanced back to the distant clock tower, prominent among the historic backdrop. “But I’d like to think, reassuringly, that those who might snoop through other means have all been locked up.”
“Your friends.”
“Yes. My friends.” She sighed. “Now, what can we do? Why did I sign that bullshit?”
“Other than to get us out of that box?”
“Right, there’s that. But still, too easy. They either don’t care about us and they have what they want, or…”
“Or they let us out to see what we’d do.”
“So we are being followed.”
“For sure.” He glanced down, then around the park-like area below, all the way to the paths and street beyond. Any number of cars, or pedestrians could be watching them. “It doesn’t matter though.”
“Because I’ve got the data we need.” He tapped his jacket pocket. “Thumb drive with all the images we could capture from your discovery up there.”
“Okay.” Her pulse quickened. “That’s something at least. Caleb Crowe and I were making some headway on it, but I’m not sure what else we can do.”
“Where did you leave it?”
“Well…” She hesitated. Could she trust Nevin, her boss? They had let them go, true, but maybe the reason was he had a side deal with them. Maybe he was in on it. High level NASA employee, why not? She had never been quite sure about him, although he definitely had her back more times than not. To be fair though, this was the first time they had discovered something of this magnitude.
It was Nevin, however, who had supported including Diana in their team meetings on the comet mission. He had known of her involvement with Stargate and could have kept her out of it if he didn’t want the psychic element, which said…he did. Maybe that was part of it?
Jesus, this conspiracy shit is getting to me too. So complex. Everyone and everything is a threat, the more unlikely the better.
She shook her head. She’d have to trust him, at least in this. It didn’t matter, anyway. Everyone else was in custody.
“I really need to talk to Senator Calderon,” Diana said. “About what we found.”
“I’ll work at finding out where he is.” He turned his back to the world and leaned against the fence. “So what was Caleb’s thought?”
All right, Diana thought, I’ll tell him some of it. “That it was crazy impossible, but there were symbols — mirror images of Egyptian hieroglyphic scenes. Funeral arrangement art, these pylons…”
Nevin perked up. “Interesting…”
Tell him about Tesla? Diana hesitated. Maybe later. “We didn’t get too far after that,” she said. “Caleb started theorizing about the ancient priesthood, how they may have remote-viewed the comet after seeing it in the sky, and received these images which they incorporated into religious and funereal ceremonies.”
“Hmm, I wonder if…”
“If what?”
“There may have been another reason for the emphasis on those elements.”
“You mean, more than discovering an alien presence on an orbiting comet?”
“I mean, maybe in all the excitement, we’re looking at the wrong thing.”
“What wrong thing?”
“The symbols, the artifact itself.” Nevin frowned. “Maybe that’s all secondary, and only can be understood if you first understand the bigger question — of setting.”
Diana nodded slowly. “Why there? If they had this ability to go anywhere and hell, land on a comet and leave something there we could only discover ages later…”
“Why that comet?”
Diana looked up at the sky, lightening now, like clarifying lenses were slid over the vast view-piece of the night. “What other data do you have there?”
“Whatever we had on Icarus.”
“Including the images, I know, but what about the other characteristics? Its make-up, its orbital path, where it’s been…”
Nevin’s eyes lit up. “And where it’s going?”
Inside, they had set up their laptops in the space around the historic telescope. Nevin raided the vending machines downstairs and returned with an assortment of chips, chocolate and gummy products, and with Diet Cokes.
“What are we looking at?” Nevin asked, ripping open a bag of Cheez-its. In the presence of the great scope, his question had obvious multiple meanings, but for now the only observations taking place were theoretical ones in the predictive NASA software suite Diana had loaded on the enhanced computer.
“This is the current model of Icarus’s orbital history.” The screen displayed a three-dimensional model of the solar system, with different colored paths for all the inner planets. A long, obtuse elliptical route, traced in red and extending out far beyond the orbit of Mars, but still within Jupiter’s range, marked the journey of comet Encke, which led the Taurid stream.
“And here,” she said, pointing to another dot along that crimson trail, “is what we’ve got for Icarus.”
Nevin crunched into a snack. He offered her the bag, but Diana didn’t turn around. She hunched over closer, studying the numbers, spatial coordinates and variables streaming by on the right side of the screen, along with tables and assumptions.
“Physics was always my second favorite hobby.” Her lips tugged into a nostalgic smile. “Right after climbing, exploring with my dad.” Her voice trailed off and her eyes took on a view of something even farther away that the sights represented on the screen.
“So, do we have the physics wrong or something?”
Her eyes blinked and she returned her focus to the screen, and the keyboard. She advanced the program, watching the consistent path of Icarus and how the Earth intersected its trail twice a year. “See that? The same elliptical track plan, over and over. We clash into this trail twice a year, and most everyone gets to see the beautiful shooting star display in our skies. All nice and neat. Uniformitarians would be proud that everything’s working as it should.”
“As it has and will, forevermore.” Nevin might have sensed where she was going, but she barely gave him a thought.
“However, we know Icarus has been dormant for a long time, with its outer layers hardened through the millennia. Change a few variables, now, allow for its nucleus to heat up, the internal processes to kick in and charge this baby up, as comets do after a dormant period…”
“And we still don’t fully know why…”
She tapped away, and the comet changed hue, brightening and giving off a bluer tail. “The internal gasses have no escape and the energy inside builds up, and now you have the real possibility of an explosive internal reaction. A fragmentary break up. Extremities slipping free and blazing new trails.”
Pieces separated, creating divergent trails as Icarus sling-shot around the Sun. Smaller pieces scattered this way and that, some whizzing by the inner planets at precariously close distances.
“Nothing that round…” Nevin said.
Diana adjusted a speed bar at the bottom of the legend. “Let’s speed up the years.”
Round and around, Icarus made its trek, five, six times. Each return trip it brightened and again shook off excess weight, firing pieces into the ether. Nothing of note happened until the seventh visit.
“Seven years from now,” Diana said, slowing it down just as the Icarus icon divorced into two nearly similar sized objects, each blasting away from each other as if in bitter hostility.
“Uh oh.” Nevin leaned over her shoulder, his eyes wide behind the lenses. “That’s…”
“—Going to be trouble.” Diana slowed down the pace now, watching with horror as the lower portion took a bumpy — non-uniform-path directly into Earth’s trajectory.
As its dotted line ended at Earth’s, Nevin pointed to the stats. “So at impact time, it’s still… point-eight kilometers wide? Jesus.”
“Yeah. The theorized meteor-bollide or whatever impacted Tunguska, Russia in 1907 was only about 500 meters. And that resulted in a fifteen megaton blast, one thousand times stronger that the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.”
“But this is all conjecture, just playing with the variables.”
Diana sighed. “Not out of the range of possible scenarios, though. If I ran this hypothetical, you can bet others have too.”
“Not on my team.”
Diana turned and met his look. “Not that you know of.”
He swallowed hard. “I don’t believe anyone knows. Can’t…I would have heard rumblings, briefings. Even if we didn’t release this to the world, at least the President or NSA or Joint Chiefs would have to know.”
“I think they do, or someone at least does.” Diana watched the Earth icon continue along its way, imagining what cataclysmic horrors were inflicted on the surface, on the population. “They’ve probably estimated an impact point, down to a full calculation of immediate casualties, followed by disruption in the atmosphere, the seas, the food chain.” She took a deep breath, trying to prevent a panic attack.
“This…maybe it won’t be that bad. Could hit in the ocean, or break up in the atmosphere.”
“Normally I would agree, but given what’s happening now — and given the warning I think that was on Icarus itself, I don’t think our chances are great.”
Nevin pointed at the screen. “Seven years. Still, so many variables, gravitational forces, solar winds, magnetosphere levels to account for.”
“I’m sure, and I know, it’s like crossing a highway with a blindfold on. Most of the time you might make it across by luck with no problem. Other times, splat!” She shook her head. “I’m sure that in a million different quantum universes our little old Earth is fine, but just like the theory that says life began on this planet in this universe because of just such a scenario, when conditions were not right in countless other Earths in other dimensions and universes…”
“I know the theory, but it doesn’t help us here. Not if in this universe, we’re the ones that are target practice.” He sighed. “Let me work the program, see if you missed anything.”
Diana got up, wobbling a little. “It’s got to be this. I can’t think of any other reason Caleb and his team were drawn to this rock …”
“Someone left a damn message on it?”
“Someone else knew of its threat.” Diana held her head. “Or…foresaw it. Or, maybe something like this had happened before. Maybe it’s what caused the Younger Dryas event of twelve thousand years ago, the end of the last Ice Age. There are several well thought-out theories suggesting an impact event in the North American ice sheet caused the rapid melting and instigated a round of global warming that not only gave us the universal flood legends but also reshaped the globe.”
“The reshaping part — and the melting ice wasn’t such a bad thing.”
“No, but this — it’ll be much, much bigger, and with a population seven billion times bigger than back then? It won’t be pretty.”
Nevin began furiously typing. “I…” He stopped, looking at his fingers helplessly. “What do we do?”
Taking a deep breath, tasting the clean air blowing in on a breeze from the Georgetown dawn, Diana looked at the telescope, pointing hopefully up at the wondrous sky.
“We do everything we can to get Caleb and his team free.” Her heart quickened — both for the danger they were about to face, and for the chance to see him again. “And Mason.” Montross…
Nevin frowned at her. “Why?”
“Because if anyone can see a way to save our skins, it’s them.”
It didn’t take long, once Caleb had turned his back on his captor, once he had tuned out the environment and questions about whether his mind was being manipulated, whether this was all a simulation. Most importantly he tuned out thoughts about his sister, his family, and his friends.
Just focus and relax. It’s an objective, that’s all. No immediate danger, at any rate, and after all, what Boris was offering was exactly what Caleb had been trying to do before he’d been interrupted.
Where was he, and why? He had the sense that wherever (in Australia, if he could really believe his earlier visions) it was they had taken him, this place was special. Different from where the others were held captive. Orlando, Xavier… the rest of the team? They might not have gone far. Maybe they were in DC still, locked up in the Pentagon or somewhere else.
But not him. He had the certainty he was somewhere very, very far away. Removed for something special, some motive beyond just separating the team from its leader.
Time to find out where, and then, as the man asked…
It didn’t take long until the familiar tingling sensation coursed up his spine. Serpentine vibrations winding around and around, zeroing in on the base of his brain. The medulla, then to the cortex and spreading, darting about inside his skull, producing visions:
A barren desert landscape, notable only for the great age of its rugged landscape. Ancient weathered cracks, old-age signs in a face long past its due date. Hot sun baking the land, all except for a series of buildings, three white spheres connected to other white windowless rectangular structures; a lone dirt road approaching the surprisingly modern complex.
A sign, weathered and dented, with an emaciated black bird perched on its corner:
TURN BACK, PRIVATE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. Entering no-fly zone for next five miles.
Not turning back, instead accelerating…
Coming in high, then dropping lower, ignoring any other-imposed ‘zones’ that do not apply.
A glimpse of radar dishes, reflecting the fiery sun’s gaze and causing even psychics to wince at the glare and go running for shade.
Finding none, going under…
Pulled by the obvious. That this sign of civilization is far too remote, far too isolated and secretive to be all it appears. Just the tip of the iceberg.
Tracking the massive banks of elevator shafts down, down to the first of several subterranean levels. Miles and miles below the service.
Down, down…Out and through.
Stay with it, Caleb urged, beginning to feel like he was in a dream, one he knew wasn’t going to be of the nice variety. Part of him wanted out. He fidgeted, even as he heard a cough from someone nearby, in that real place.
Into the bright hallway, stumbling into a massive space full of pylons and electrical wiring; a cavernous ceiling and hundreds of people bustling about. Testing, modifying, analyzing.
Electrical sparks racing through the air from pylon to pylon in one section, while underwater tanks conveyed plasma-like pulses through odd eel-like tubes in another. Technicians recorded, watched and analyzed and reported back to others standing above these and dozens of other experiments.
Caleb wanted to linger, but felt the tug, pulling sideways. Giving in, he let it…
Take him outside of this chamber, to a bright hallway over the shoulder of someone walking briskly to a door. Retina scan, thumb print, then inside…
Another massive circular room, only this one held just a walkway around a massive pit. Terminals along the railing, all displaying data from an antenna-like visual.
The chamber rumbled as if something had just been awakened from its eon-old slumber down below.
Don’t need to see this, Caleb thought. Not helping, I think I know, but for that, I have to be…
Outside again.
Roaring up through the layers of ancient bedrock, up into the twilight sky now, stars zipping across the firmament in an accelerated rush to nightfall. Vision twisting one way then the next, and then getting bearings. East-west trajectory from the facility. Choose west, then move…
It came soon enough. The horizon’s stars and brighter indigo tinge broken by something looming larger as his vision approached.
Something squat, thick and massive. Something so unique and obvious a marker in all the otherwise flat and dead landscape.
A giant formation, over a thousand feet high, still dark and unrecognizable, but in only a few moments…
As the time sped up and night turned to dawn, the colors bled back into the darkness, scattering the shadows and revealing the expected red coloration.
And Caleb opened his eyes, staring right into Boris’s, who had leaned in, sensing it was time.
“What did you spy with your little eye?”
“Ayers Rock.”
“Ah.” Boris’s smile was that of a proud parent.
“One of Australia’s most endearing tourist traps, and an incredibly original geological formation.”
“Yes, so?”
“Which happens to lie in a direct westerly parallel to several other notable features of unusual geology. Mt. Connor’s twin peaks and the Devil’s Marbles.” Caleb took a breath, recalling things his mind hadn’t showed him now. “But of more immediate interest, I’m guessing for our purposes…”
“The American and Joint Defense Space Research facility, Pine Gap is located along that line as well. Which, I can expect, is our current location?”
Boris smiled. “Of course you are correct. One for one. Keep going now that you’re hot on the trail. That was an easy one. Now tell me why.”
Caleb groaned. “Come on, it could be any number of reasons. Do you want me to review the whole of my knowledge about Pine Gap? Believe me, I could bore — or entertain you — for days with all the theories about this place. It makes the Alaska HAARP facility look like a kid’s backyard sandbox.”
Boris just smiled.
“Although,” Caleb continued, “it certainly shares several similar elements. People claim they’re conducting further fringe scientific tests here. Some say it involves experimental technology recovered from crashed alien spacecraft, others insist they’re furthering the research of Nikola Tesla’s experiments and some of those same patents utilized up at HAARP. Weather modification, scalar weaponry tests…”
Boris’s eyes flashed and Caleb saw a hint of a smile, indicating that he was probably on the right track, so he continued. “Supposedly there are twelve levels to this infamous underground facility, each one laid out in a radial pattern of hallways around a central hub, like spokes in a wheel. Some two or three thousand employees, and, let’s see… they wear arm bands matching the color of the walls in each research station. There’s a five mile no fly zone around the area, and locals report an enormous number of black trucks going in and out of the facility.”
Caleb pointed up with his index finger. “Helicopters, and of course strange lights zipping around up there.”
“Of course,” said Boris, motioning impatiently with his hand for Caleb to continue.
“And what else? What this American or this joint task force does down there is anybody’s guess, but there are lots and lots of guesses. Some claim it’s the NSA, with the most massive computers and servers, and they collect data on every phone call, text and fax worldwide, linked up through satellite monitoring spy satellites. Others claim, as I said…and might have seen…it’s a testing site for Tesla experimentation. New weaponry and unsanctioned research into the nature of physics and reality that could have global consequences.”
Boris popped a stick of gum into his mouth and crumpled the wrapper. He seemed disinterested again.
Caleb didn’t notice. “All that may be true and this may be an all-purpose kind of secretive station way out in the middle of nowhere, on a continent that’s largely overlooked. Then there are still others who maintain that there’s one other kind of testing done here, and still being done.”
Boris’s teeth slowed their chewing.
Caleb leaned in, but closed his eyes first, letting one last vision free, one that had been bubbling up under his skin and crying for release.
A long stretch of desert beneath an azure sky. A group of men inside a shielded glass structure, wearing thick goggles and waiting…
For the blast of light and the subsequent cloud rising up miles into the sky, mushrooming into a tumultuous, ravenous beast expanding outward and upward behind the shockwave…
“Atomic testing.”
Boris popped the big bubble he’d been expanding from his lips, and sucked it back in. “There you go.”
Caleb didn’t relish being right, any more than he felt comfortable in this man’s presence, or here. Pine Gap. He had studied it, along with Area 51 and other places, all his life, intrigued with the conspiracies and the lingering evidence, drawn to secrets and the forbidden. It had been on his list of objectives for the team, one that continually got longer and longer with more pressing targets constantly moving ahead of the ones that would be ‘nice to finally know’.
Now, however, it seemed he might get his wish. What else were they doing here? What was all the money and secrecy really about?
“Tell me about the atomic tests.”
Caleb rubbed his temples. “Why? You already know it all, I’m sure. Do you just like hearing me talk?”
Boris snapped his gum. “Yeah, you have a nice voice. Puts me to sleep, almost.” He let out a long yawn, then abruptly jumped to his feet. “Actually screw that. Look, this is fun but taking too long. “Time to show you what you need to see.”
He snapped his fingers.
And the visions came crashing at him like a freight train, every car full of bright, painful sights and sounds.
In the second pew, Victoria Bederus raised her head off her interlocked fingers and looked up at the cross. Framed against the backdrop of breathtakingly simple stained glass artwork and the glow from the rising sun filtering through in along shafts of dust-heavy light, the silhouette of the cross, high above the raised altar, cast its shadow directly over her.
She felt the weight of her own responsibility pushing on her shoulders, ever so gently, but heavy enough that she could barely rise.
Get up, girl. Get up and get down to the basement where they were waiting. Hopefully doing more than waiting. Hurry. Phoebe depended on her. So did Caleb Crowe and the whole team and, heck maybe even the fate of the world rested on what she could do down there..
Something big was happening, maybe not Revelation-sized, but pretty damn close by her guess. The media tried to downplay all this psychic stuff, turning it into just overblown technological spying, but the underlying fact remained. Someone with power — more power than she or her friends — had flipped the tables, tipped the apple cart and set fire to reason and goodness.
Something bad was coming, real bad, and with it a whole mess of tragedy and sadness. Far worse than the floods and the devastation she had foreseen before Katrina hit her home and washed it away, along with her grandma, along with her brother Shane — who had the gift even stronger than her. Granma saw it coming too, but no one believed her, locked in that home, trapped in a wheelchair and sayin’ things all day that the orderlies and doctors — and even her own children — thought was just plain silly old age. Always on about the End Times, a coming flood to ‘put Noah’s little thing to shame’.
Victoria, only sixteen, believed her, and so did Shane. They saw things too, but when they told their Ma, all they got was a smacking and no more visits to Granma. Not until after the flood and hurricane, after Katrina had done her business and run off. During the cleanup, they were allowed back, to walk through the ruins of the old age home, where they found the sewage-covered wheelchair.
Victoria bit her lip until it bled, and the rusty taste forced her to move. Back to the present, to the shadow of the cross passing her vision. Responsibility was there, but she wasn’t alone.
Not alone, but also, she was in charge. She was it. They had no one else, no one to stand before the coming juggernaut of fate, the rough beast slouching toward everyone and everything.
Get down there girl.
The basement, normally home to religious instruction, nightly support groups and a monthly potluck dinner for the faithful congregants, now served as the home for what was left of the Morpheus Initiative: namely their very green recruits. Some of these people, Victoria had come to know in just a few short hours, were — to put it nicely — rejects. They hadn’t made the initial cut, which didn’t necessarily mean that Curt Overslaugh here or Marla Harris over there had no talent; on the contrary, each of them had shown some promise or else they wouldn’t have been on the initial invite list, but they just couldn’t perform at the level Morpheus team required to be an active contributor quickly.
Seventeen such ‘rejects’ were down here, having arrived any time from last night to just an hour ago, with the dawn. Victoria thought the hardest part would have been tracking down these people. She had been worried that the records Phoebe had provided her may have been the same ones the FBI or NSA had just gained access to as well, and she had been more than a little surprised these ones hadn’t been either rounded up or under surveillance. Still expecting a raid at any minute, fearing that her meager attempts at being sneaky picking up these recruits and taking circuitous routes to the church hadn’t been remotely effective.
“How’d the prayers go?” Curt asked, looking up from a paper plate and a half-eaten slice of pizza. Four boxes had been delivered, and that was another fear Victoria had to sweat through — going to the door with Pastor Frank, both praying that the delivery man was just a delivery man, and not the lead scout of a SWAT team.
“Any more recruits?” Someone else voiced from the back.
“Or any sign of the hunters?” Marla asked. She was pale and older than most here, maybe in her sixties, but seemingly full of rosy health and vigor.
“Hunters no,” Victoria answered after closing the door and looking at them all. Pastor Frank had been down earlier, to pray with anyone who wanted it; and all of them did, regardless of religion. In fact, there were among this group three atheists, one Muslim and the rest varying degrees of belief from relapsed Catholics to hardcore Baptists. At this moment however, the gravity of the situation bonded them all to a larger cause, a higher promise and feeling of mutual dependency.
Regardless of the fact that they hadn’t been initially chosen, it was clear they were next on the food chain for the hunted. They didn’t have long. Their names were catalogued, and if that wasn’t enough, the fear that soon in this climate, neighbors and friends would be turning on those who were different. Full of mistrust and fear, angry perhaps at the realization now that they may have had their most intimate secrets exposed unwillingly by…well, freaks, as most would call them, it was only a matter of time.
Again Victoria felt the heavy weight of the moment. The responsibility of all these souls — their families, their very lives even — in her hands.
“We’re all here,” she said. “Safe for now. Don’t think of anything else. Don’t fear these hunters, don’t fear anything. Just concentrate on what needs to be done.”
“And what is that?” Marla spoke up, her voice cracking a little when the others looked her way. “Some of us have been at it for hours, drawing and drawing. Trying to see, I don’t know what?”
Victoria stepped in closer, smelling the peppers and onions, the cheese and the pepperoni. “Good. Okay, maybe this is a fine point to pause and take stock of what you’ve sensed. What you’ve seen.”
“I haven’t seen shit,” said another. Jack something, she recalled. Twenty-something hipster with a wool hat and plaid shirt. He looked scared, and maybe a little high. Victoria didn’t blame him if had snuck out, even here on sacred ground, for a little nip or smoke, but she had to reign him in.
“You just need focus. You all do, and…” She moved closer, now smelling coffee and sweat, the staleness of the ventilation. “We should take a break, and…these drawings are interesting.”
“Collected them all as we’ve been at it,” Curt said. “Just like you said we should. We do our thing, then if one of us gets something, draw it and put it here with the others.”
Victoria nodded, bending slightly over the table and resting her hands palm down on the corners. She slowly scanned the rest of the pictures after looking at more details of the first that had caught her eye.
“Marla, you drew this one?” She held it up before the group, meeting the woman’s eyes as she stirred her cup of tea.
“Looks like mine,” she said, sipping at her tea. “Oh yeah, that’s one of mine. Got two others there.”
“In a minute, we’ll look. What question were you asking yourself for this one?” She had given them two questions to focus on, to guide their minds. Not that they couldn’t perceive something else if their thoughts took them in another direction, as had often happened to her at least, but Victoria was interested now in this one. This…she looked at it again. A clear mushroom cloud, an atomic explosion over some kind of desert landscape.
“Oh, let me think.” Marla swallowed slowly while all eyes were on her. “That was you telling us to think about the Morpheus leader. Crowe. Try to see where he was at. I don’t know why I drew that thing. Probably daydreaming. Mind wandering, all this talk about the end of the world and stuff.”
“It ain’t going to end with a bomb,” Jack grumbled. “Everyone knows it’s gonna be disease, like Ebola or that Zika thing gonna wipe us out.”
“Okay, just hang on. What’s this here?” Victoria pointed to a figure inside the cloud itself that looked like a crude long-haired rock art drawing, but asleep on its side.
“No idea,” she said, frowning. “I got another image of the place as if it had something to do with dreaming.”
Atomic bombs and dreaming? Why did that ring a bell? “That’s great, Marla. I think this might be helpful, especially because I see other drawings here that others have to do with sleeping figures and…clocks. Sleeping and time.”
She thought, trying to shut out the whispers, the ticking of the clock.
Sleep time, sleepy time, dream clock. Dream hours, dream…
“Dreamtime,” she said aloud.
“That’s what I just said,” Curt spoke slowly, chewing at a piece of crust. “It’s a thing, a conspiracy site I saw on one of those shows. Ancient Aliens or UFO Hunters, I think.”
“What is it? Where is it?” I should know this.
“Oh, uh… Australia. It’s actually just their name for Aboriginal mythology. Like the time of Gods, or the time before time when the world was created. Or something like that.”
“Oh yeah,” Jack added. “I heard of that too. Trippy stuff about spirit beings who traveled across the land before anything was there, creating mystic places and stuff, leaving magical trails of power in the earth called ‘song-lines’.”
“Don’t know what that has to do with our objective, though.”
“Unless it’s just to point to Australia. That maybe Caleb Crowe is there.”
“If he is…” Curt stared at the table, then moved across from Jack who was doing the same, arranging certain drawings. Green shaded things, creating a sort of prison or cell in one, with a person inside.
“Pines…pines…” Curt stared a little longer, then pointed at the sheet, one of his: “Pine Gap!”
“Yeah! Hence the pine trees,” Jack noted, scratching his chin.
Confused, Victoria let them talk amongst themselves for a moment, and she listened to stories about secret installations and research. Then she cleared her throat, holding up her hand for silence.
“Can we still get that break?” Jack asked, interrupting what she was about to say. “I’m really itchin for a smoke.”
“Hang on. And yes, just one second. Which of you drew anything related to the other question?”
A heavy-set older man with a graying beard and a t-shirt with Gandalf on it coughed. “Yeah I saw something. Not sure what it is, and uh…I suck at drawing, but that’s mine there in the corner.”
Victoria picked it up and stared at it hard. “Okay I asked you to concentrate on what these Hunters, our enemies are looking for. And you drew this…what looks like a pyramid and these are?”
“Waves,” Gandalf said. Victoria had forgotten his name, so the wizard would do for now. “I got an image of lots and lots of waves, and pyramids. A city maybe, under the water.”
“Atlantis?” asked Jack.
“No, I don’t think so. These ruins were, gosh, like really shallow. Some of them visible above water. And… lots of green stuff around too.”
“Like in a jungle?”
“Yeah maybe.”
“Well the pyramid looks Mayan,” Curt noted. “Or Aztec or something.”
She thought hard, mind racing. Again, she felt the cross’s shadow on her forehead, the figures of silent saints and angels on the stained glass upstairs, looking down on her expectedly.
“Break time,” she said quietly, setting down Gandalf’s drawing. “But while you’re taking a breather, free your mind and come back ready with one focus, one question.” She placed her finger on the pyramid.
“I want to know where this is. Where it is, what’s there, and why they want it so damn badly that we’re all suffering for it.”
Caleb was in the facility room one minute and in another far more familiar one the next.
The view out the window now was one he had seen for years, growing up in the lighthouse home on Sodus Bay in upstate New York. This, his room, recreated (pulled from his memories, can Boris do that?) in exact detail. The posters of Egyptian pyramids and gods on the walls, books crammed everywhere.
He grudgingly fought the temptation to remain right here, to linger in the childhood glory of all these books and so, so many memories. But there were more familiarities, sounds this time, coming from beyond the door. Shuffling his feet like a little boy, he emerged into the short hallway leading to the kitchen, where a woman had her back to him, her head in the refrigerator, until she backed up and turned, setting down a tray of strawberry Jell-O squares.
She smiled at him, and it was a smile that brought back another slew of memories, including her last moments under the Pharos Lighthouse. Hit by a diabolical trap that Caleb should have foreseen, dying but offering a last smile, perhaps reliving visions of her own life. Times just like this one.
“Phoebe’s out back,” she said. “Go play and take your nose out of a book for a while. Then you can have snacks.”
Caleb blinked, looking harder at the scene. The spiral staircase in the corner, leading up to the tower; the piles of Dad’s old books in every other corner, the pads of paper and tear-outs from their weekly Morpheus meetings.
He found himself at the window, looking out over the field of green grass laced with yellow dandelions. At the girl rolling and laughing and chasing bubbles.
The lure was even stronger here to run out and join them and run right up to the water’s edge. He could smell the frothy waves, the summer turning of the lake, the hint of a fishy smell carried on the breeze. The pull from those stairs, however, was stronger, and soon he found himself rising.
Looked back to the kitchen, which was empty now. Mom gone, if she had never been there, and outside…through the slanted angle out the window, it now looked like his son, Alexander, sat against a tree, his nose in a book.
What was real?
Certainly not this, he thought, and only now noticed the light tone to the edges of what he was seeing, but still it was fluid. In motion still, as if he was playing a video game, moving where the action took him — in this case, up the stairs.
Boris’s doing this, he knew — wherever he really was. Probably still sitting in the isolation room at the Pine Gap facility.
He wants to show me something? Fine, get on with it.
Up the stairs, into the apex, the room before the final ascent to the light. Here was where Dad spent most of his time, studying (Caleb had thought back then). Since then, however, he realized his father had most likely used this space, with its panoramic views of the waters leading out to the lake and the rolling hills stretching out behind him, to pursue other ‘objectives’. To see farther and fine-tune his remote-viewing skills, seeking the ultimate of treasures.
And sure enough, Caleb found him doing exactly that. Outside, up the stairs to the balcony around the immense bulb.
“Quite the view, son!” He had his back to Caleb, his arms spread wide. “Just imagine though that we’re overlooking the Mediterranean, with Alexandria and all of Egypt at our backs.”
He held up one finger. “Wait a second, something’s about to happen.” The finger pointed now, aiming along with his arm, to a smoke trail in the sky and a blazing light dropping toward the center of the water.
“Here we go…”
Caleb couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Everything had gone terribly silent and still. He heard the thunderclap before he saw anything, in reverse of what he expected. The massive mushroom cloud, complete with rings of billowing angelic halos as the force blasted out following a burst of pure energy and whiteness that surprisingly, caused no pain or even the need to blink.
He was just an observer, inserted as if with a visual only. The lighthouse itself seemed protected, as if an energy field of sparkling particles deflected the winds, the fire and the fury.
His dad turned around slowly, and pointed over Caleb’s shoulder.
Caleb wanted nothing more than to rush to his father, to throw his arms around him and hold him and tell him everything, all the sadness and guilt and admiration and love that he hadn’t been able to before, before his father had been taken so early.
Instead, he turned and dutifully followed to see what he was pointing at, in the wake of such a monstrous detonation.
But the scene was suddenly and seamlessly different. They were back in some kind of laboratory with stainless steel walls, white floors and two huge metallic pylons framing something in the center, something that looked like a doorway. A rectangular-cubical tear in the air itself, sparkling with electrical-plasma energy. Inside the framed, charged door was a series of images, scrolling rapidly north and south like a slot machine’s final turns, as if deciding where to land.
In each, his lighthouse stood on a hill against varying backdrops: a blood red sky in one, emerald clouds roiling in another, still another where the bright blue overhead sported three giant airship-zeppelins in a surreal aerial battle with each other; in still other glimpses, the lighthouse was a demolished wreck or more missile-shaped with some other domed structure at its side; a final series showed an icy apocalyptic scene with a glacier up to the cliff’s edge, with the ice-covered lighthouse a weak glow in the world’s frozen gloom.
A flash, and Caleb floated high over the curvature of the Earth, looking down on North America and seeing shimmering lines appearing, east-west strands of glowing energy traveling not across the rigid latitudes but along different trajectories, crisscrossing the earth, spreading out over familiar locations. The globe spun, and the lines continued.
“World Grid,” Caleb whispered, noting the lines zipping through Stonehenge, Cornwall, Cairo, and lower — Easter Island, Teotihuacan, back to America, Washington DC, Philadelphia, New York, Roswell, Sedona, around and around, to central Australia and even Xanadu in China…
He took it all in, eyes darting around, and then — descending, he saw flare ups of fiery energy peppering other areas along or near the lines. Again and again, in the ocean, in the atmosphere, on the land, under the ground. Over and over and over, cloud after cloud after mushroom cloud.
“Why?” his father asked him gently into his ear, in Boris’s voice. “Why did we test so goddamned many of those things?”
Caleb continued to watch, this time from a ground-level view in what had to be the New Mexico desert. A sign read Trinity over his shoulder as he perfunctorily donned blast glasses and as the following explosion consumed the horizon.
Again, a hand on his shoulder turned him from the blast — to witness an underground location. Another set of Tesla-like pylons spitting out electrical fields as scientists with their hair on end watched for the shimmering doorway manifesting between the constructs. Monitors revealed the atom bomb blast topside — and measured the resulting output.
Again, the whirling images inside the portal. Another man, in a radiation suit with a tether to his waist, was preparing to step inside.
“I don’t understand,” Caleb started to say, but in fact he did. So he reached out with his mind, asking to be shown similar scenes from similar tests, around the world. From different powers perhaps, it didn’t matter, just that he be shown this again.
What were they looking for?
The images came relentless and fast.
He stands on the prow of a US naval destroyer, and raises a pair of binoculars to his eyes, surveying the distant atoll, a peaceful island jutting out from the perfect blue ocean, just an instant before the flash of pure white, and the swirling tornado-like funnel takes its place, erupting in an angry yet majestic crown.
And next, he stands at the edge of a metal walkway, leaning against the railing looking down into the rocky crevasse below, all the way a mile distant to the dig site, the bore hole and the scaffolding above the drilled shaft, capped and deserted. A muffled sound breaks the eerie silence as a flock of crows scatters overhead, and the ground makes an immense circular decompression. A massive puff of dirt and debris rises, then falls as the earth around it collapses..
Another blast over a water-starved terrain, as a pair of kangaroos leap in terrified bounds across his vision; the sky turns violet as the distant cloud, impossible to say how many miles out, looms like a giant protrusion attempting to connect sky to the earth.
Now he’s on a great field of green, with a crowd gazing skyward as if watching the aftermath of daytime fireworks… Countless cloud trails fall from the high atmosphere, impossibly high, and the day turns to night, the explosive remnants gone and leaving in their path the more glorious sight of an unnatural aurora, a kaleidoscope of brilliantly charged and colored particles dancing with their partners in the ionosphere.
The scenes shift now more rapidly: one after another, flying back and forth across the globe, watching from space even as detonation follows detonation, peppering the land, the seas, the atmosphere, underground and across the globe, one nation vying with another (until others joined in the game).
“So many,” he whispered, and the voice in his ear whispered back.
“Exactly. How many tests do you need? How much data can you collect on something that makes a huge boom? It wiped out two cities in Japan, and there was your ultimate test on its killing power and its after-effects. Should have been enough, but we kept going, kept testing, even so close to your own people.”
Another shift, and this time he’s among a crowd of revelers at a neon-colored rooftop party, high atop some casino hotel. The Vegas strip, ever sleepless, bustles in greater activity at his back while all around, dancers writhe to a jazzy 60’s era beat, some wearing tacky mushroom-cloud hats, until everyone stops and points out to the desert. To the massive flash of light. The wind rises and strikes, even at this distance. The crowd cheers and drinks and laughs and kisses as the great cloud expands and shakes to the rhythm…
“Testing,” Caleb responded as he continued to stare out at the monstrous atomic signature, “other things, other aspects and under different conditions. Official thinking is that we needed to have definitive collection of data for all scenarios and varying levels of payout as well as transmission through mediums such as the earth or upper atmosphere. What effect it had on the seas, whether the blasts could cause tsunamis, or how the residual effects could impact satellites or EM waves.”
“Yeah, yeah,” his dad/Boris responded — this time dressed as one of the waiters atop the Vegas hotel, with slicked back hair and a tuxedo. “Over two thousand such tests the world over. Us, the Russians, the Koreans, the Japanese, the French and Brits, everyone getting in on the game to blow stuff up. Like pre-pubescent boys in a playground setting off fireworks.”
Caleb nodded. “But let’s cut to the chase, what you showed me before…” He glanced away from the waiter-father image, past a pair of bikini-clad girls dancing for businessmen high on something, to the distant cloud, still poised over the New Mexico desert. Was it the Roswell or Dulce base? He wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter.
“You’re saying these tests…”
A flash in his mind, as if to prod him back on course: a glimpse of the globe again, crisscrossed with glowing lines of energy, with dots now pulsing red, presumably where these tests occurred along those lines…
“…performed at specific locations on the earth—”
“Were discovered to give off vastly enhanced levels of radioactive energy, enough even, to force open rifts in the fabric of time-space…”
Caleb blinked, and looked back at his father. “Those energy pylons? Collectors of the waveform energy?”
“You know this,” his dad said. “Tesla predicted it. Scalar wave frequencies. HAARP style energetics. The true reason for all those tests. We could have shared the data with other powers if we were concerned about the by-then known effects of the blasts, especially once it was discovered that the earth had these power centers and lines of internal consistency and harnessable energy.”
Another flash in his mind, and the enigmatic megalithic structures of the ancients flew past in succession, travelling in milliseconds across lines that linked old and new world sites: through the forepaws of the Sphinx, with the Great Pyramid in the background, through to the Alexandrian Lighthouse Base, to Stonehenge and over to the Statue of Liberty; from Angkor Wat to Teotihuacan to Easter Island and — and Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and Uluru in Australia…
“All those sites of power, in the past they could have channeled and enhanced the Earth’s natural energy, then bombarded it with destructive scalar waves, creating a massive localized reaction that could generate tremendous free power, enough to shatter the laws of time and distance — and create wormholes through the quantum structure of reality itself.”
A flash and they were back in the interrogation room at the Pine Gap facility; however his father was still there, hand tightly gripping Caleb’s shoulder.
“I need to show you one more thing.”
He pulled then pushed Caleb around, and turning — they were back in Sodus at the top of the lighthouse. The bulb extinguished itself and in the ensuing gloom, by starlight they walked around the cupola to the tripod and the small kids’ telescope there. It was aimed toward the northeast sky, a cloudless night full of brighter-than-usual twinkling stars.
“Take a look-see, kid.”
Caleb swallowed.
“Go on, big brother,” said a voice at his back, and Caleb tried to turn and see his sister, but his body was not under his control. His muscles moved on their own, as he bent to the toy telescope’s eyepiece.
He peeked in, adjusted the focus slightly and the distant object came into clarity, the dim ball of rock and ice shouldn’t have been visible with this little device.
“Say hello to Icarus.”
His dad reached down and spun the eyepiece counter-clockwise, which made no sense, but somehow enhanced the image another 20x.
There he could see the NASA rover crash-landed on the surface, the instruments and cameras still working, catching the pyramid-shaped structure looming out of the gas-emitting, melting ice, more and more of its hieroglyphics revealed. Then…numerous cracks and fissures appearing in the upper layers of Icarus.
“It’s tearing itself apart.”
An immense piece chipped off in a cloud of gas, a huge spike tumbling away, turning as if to aim…and then it continued roaring through space on a new trajectory.
“Last time this happened,” his dad said, “was eleven thousand five hundred years ago, I’d say.” Another voice, in his right ear: this one familiar too as Diana Montgomery’s. “Right about the time of the last ice age cataclysmic extinction event, the Younger Dryas—”
Caleb stood up and found himself alone again in the Pine Gap 50’s era room. Turning around and around, he located the blinking light up at the corner of the room. A camera.
“All right,” he said. “I think I get it. Where’d you go?”
He blinked at the red light as it blinked back. The curtains blew slightly in forced air, but when Caleb glanced to the window he noticed something he hadn’t before. A bluish haze and tint to the corners of his vision.
Wait a second…
Glanced around some more, trying to find an angle or an area of the room that didn’t have that haze. Then he stepped to the window and looked out across the desert. It was there as well.
Which meant…
“What do you get?” came the voice from the man in black sitting now in the chair behind him.
Caleb closed his eyes. He sighed. “Enough games, Boris.”
“I’m your father,” a hand again on his shoulder.
Caleb shook it off.
Suddenly a smell of sulfur and his hair was on end, and when he opened his eyes he was in that lab room where the doorway sparkled with electro-plasma spider webs, and inside that portal-wormhole was his Sodus room, and Dad was there cradling his four-year old son and reading a book far too advanced for his age.
“This could be yours,” Boris said, wearing a white lab coat now and standing at the control panel. “We don’t need the bombs anymore. No more tests. We’ve found other ways, discovered the right frequencies, and now nuclear power plants and supercolliders, placed at the right locations, can do what the warheads previously managed with imprecision and brute force.”
“Didn’t they try that already? What happened at Nine-Mile Island? Chernobyl?”
Boris nodded sadly. “Learning efforts. We’ve advanced.”
Caleb shook his head, looking back at the image. “So all this… you’ve found a way to create doorways to other times?”
“More than that, Caleb dear.” His mother’s voice in his head now, as the scene shifted again, and again they were in the kitchen. Only this time, it was a modern kitchen, a flat screen TV, smart phone in a charger, and…
He came down the stairs, beaming and holding up his iPad. “Just got that review from the university. And my grant is going to be approved, and then we—”
He froze in mid-step. Everything froze at once.
“This is one such frequency we’ve isolated.” Boris was at his side, all in black again, hair pulled back in a pony tail. “You could be here, with them again. No Morpheus Initiative in this quantum reality, this alternate universe. Just the happy Crowe family who never suffered the psychic curse. Never felt the obsession to go digging where they didn’t belong. Where—”
“The Emerald Tablet never was found?”
“Oh, maybe it was found…”
“Just not by us?”
Boris smiled and shrugged. “Who knows? So many universes, infinite in fact. In some it’s got to be there. But we can’t tell, we’ve tried.”
“Why not? What’s stopping you?”
“A lot of things. Namely some pesky rules of temporal mechanics, the need for a psychic anchor, in particular, without which whoever goes in…”
A flash of an image with the man in a suit, tethered around his waist…
“…never comes out the same, if he comes out at all.” He sighed. “I won’t get into it all, just suffice to say, we need you, someone like you. With your ability, you can see through all this, all these different outcomes, and find one that works.”
“What are you talking about? I’m not sure how…” Caleb frowned, again looking around at this appealing world, this slice of happiness — if it could even be termed ‘real’, if anything Boris said could be trusted, much less something this wild and insane. Although, he had read about just such fringe things, post-World War II experiments with something called the Nazi Bell—a centrifuge device that might have been a small-scale particle accelerator, and with the Philadelphia Experiment, which witnesses claim not only created a rift in time, but to another reality where just such an anchor was all that kept the travelers from annihilation.
“It’s the ultimate objective you’re needed for, why we took you and your team. This…”
Again they were back in the lab, with various images hurtling past through the worm-hole/doorway. “There is a world in there, somewhere among the infinite realities of the possible, a world where we survive.”
Boris stood before him, now again in the Pine Gap room. “We, as in all of us.”
He motioned to the left, to the little toy telescope in its stand, now pointing out the window into the desert and the twilight sky spreading over the sands.
Again, Caleb was distracted by the blue tinges around the world.
“This isn’t real,” he said.
“Stop it,” Boris replied, behind him, in his ear, and his voice separated, sounding like his mother’s, then merging into someone else’s, someone who hadn’t yet made her appearance.
Lydia’s soft fingers traced his neck and turned him around.
Her deep green eyes locked on his with such emotional pull, a long-lost tether restored. “You can be with me again, Caleb.”
He choked on his words, trembling in her arms now as her lips moved in, so close, and those eyes — full of forgiveness and trust, the promise of happiness and family.
Alexander was at her side, and behind him, holding his hand, a younger girl, all smiles and beaming eyes, the mirror of his own and Lydia’s.
The daughter I could have had?
His head spun, lost in possibilities and emotions far too complex to handle. Keeping his eyes wide open, he forced his vision away from Lydia’s begging expression, and again focused on the blue tinges.
“Not real,” he said.
“Not yet,” she replied. “But it could be. Help us, help us and it will be. Whichever reality you choose, or come with us into the one you find.”
“Which one?”
“The Earth where the comet never strikes. Where its presence passes forever by us instead of raining down damnation upon the world in just a few months.”
Caleb blinked and snapped free of the vision.
“Did you say months?”
Boris rose from the chair and nodded solemnly. “We don’t have much time. And there’s no other way.”
“There has to be. Otherwise…” He shook his head. “What are you saying? Escape through the wormhole to another reality, but just for a select few?”
Boris nodded again. “What else can we do? We’ll save as many as we can, but the process is difficult. Every traveler has to be specially prepared, which takes years unless they’re…well, like you and your team.”
“What can I say, you’re the chosen ones.”
“What about you? You’re obviously…”
“Different,” Boris snapped, and his expression darkened. “It’s…not the same.”
“How did you get your abilities then?” He had assumed it was like Nina’s situation, just a more unique form of extrasensory ability.
“Never mind that. We don’t have the time. Will you help, now that you’ve seen the motive? You must understand why we’ve taken such steps.”
“So you’re our saviors?”
“Saving some, I would have to say, is better than none.”
“Like Noah, you’re going to rebuild, but in another world.”
“This one’s done, as are most of the ones we’ve explored. It comes, as our scientists have known for years, and as the ancient records have foretold. One way or another, and soon.”
“I know,” Caleb whispered. “Always known. Didn’t want to believe that the consistency of the ancient tales and myths, the hidden secrets of the heavens, so much emphasis placed on the precession of the equinoxes… The myths about great gods and heroes all battling similar cosmic entities and the damage they wreaked upon the earth, with promises of return.”
“Our ancestors did what they could, and I believe some of them escaped — not only to the mountains or caves of this world, to emerge and pass on their knowledge to the primitive survivors generations later, but some maybe even did what I’m contemplating here. They jumped to other realms or other times. Maybe your pharaohs and their rituals and beliefs about living among the stars again after death…”
Caleb heard him, but at the same time, didn’t. Again he was focusing on the blue line around his sight. Holding his head, shaking it.
“Are you listening?”
Shaking his head again. Show me beyond the lie. Show me…
A fluttering out the window, as if a black crow had been caught in a net and was struggling to be free.
He pulled his attention to it just as it broke apart in a shower of black feathers that scattered, leaving behind a different view: a rocky cliff and a dull-green ocean, waves crashing against rocks, and a shadow of a tower falling over land to the edge.
Blinking, he walked to the window, undid the latch, lifted the window and then stuck his head out.
Looked up, to see a red-striped lighthouse tower above, framed against frothy white clouds overhead.
He ducked back in and stared at Boris, and then around the room — which was like where he had been, but slightly different.
“This isn’t Pine Gap.”
He squinted. The blue was gone.
This was real. “No woodpecker. Not a projection from you anymore.” Caleb spread his arms out. “We’re not in Australia. Never were?”
Sighing, Boris pulled the chair closer and sat down. “Good. Finally, you’ve gotten through. I can relax.” He popped another piece of gum in his mouth. “Oh but you’re wrong about one thing.”
“About what?”
“We were there.”
“Pine Gap? When?”
“Just a few minutes ago.”
Caleb swallowed hard. Again, images rose in his mind of the doorway, electrical static, technicians and complex equipment. He looked over his shoulder. “And now…we’re…”
“Guess? You’ve been here before. Or close to it.”
“Not Sodus. It’s in, I’d have to say, New York though.” Caleb was dizzy, wanted so badly to sit down and just have a glass of water. The implications of what had happened, if true, were enough to savage his already stretched mind.
He remembered a trip out here once with the family. He couldn’t have been more than eight, but it was etched in his mind, as his mom and dad talked about the theories and weirdness about this place, the area around the lighthouse, and the connections to other places of power, a nearby nuclear plant, a secretive scientific lab, and especially…a connection to a certain experiment from the war.
“Long Island,” he said quietly, knowing he was right. “In fact, we’re in Montauk.”
The Pentagon
In the main lobby, a score of dark-suited security men with M5s drawn rushed to surround the lone man standing on the reception desk.
“It’s Montross,” one said into his collar receiver as he aimed his weapon. The others encircled the desk as the administrative people were ushered out of the way. Holstering his weapon, confident the others would shred Montross if he made one wrong move, the agent stepped closer, still talking to the woman on the other end of the line.
“Yes, we have him.”
Then he paused as the man on the desk — disheveled, exhausted and clearly confused about his options after somehow breaking confinement — smiled.
Not only smiled — but flickered, as if his presence wasn’t really as solid as it was made out to be.
“What is it?” came the superior’s voice.
And just like that, Montross was gone, as if he were never there, and all the agents were left scratching their heads and looking around in confusion.
“Damn it,” came the voice in his ear. “He tricked you. Get outside, search the perimeter!”
Two blocks away, slipping into a crowd as he adjusted his Redskins cap and pulled up the hood on the sweatshirt Nina had supplied for him, Xavier Montross followed the limber woman, his former lover and partner, toward a waiting car.
“Perimeter slipped,” she announced over her shoulder as he caught up.
“Not out of it yet.” He risked a glance backwards and saw the agents rushing out of the building, scanning the crowds and looking for him. It was a nifty little trick he had learned years ago, and one that had gotten him out of several jams in the past, even if he hadn’t been entirely sure how he managed to be in two places at once, for a short time.
“Don’t worry, your distraction was perfect. Pulled the perimeter guards away so we could mosey on past, and then bought us time to get out of their range.”
“Their cameras will have spotted us, and it’s just a matter of time…”
“Time they don’t have,” Nina countered as they slid into the back seat, closed the door and she rapped on the back of the driver’s headrest. “Move.”
“Who’s this?” Montross asked, meeting the driver’s eyes in the mirror.
Nina smiled. “Uber.”
“You’re kidding me?”
“Maybe, maybe not. He’s only taking us about two minutes down the road, where we’ve got some other friends waiting.”
“Then I’ll just behave and keep quiet until then.” Montross crossed his arms and sat back.
“And lose the hat,” Nina whispered. She wriggled out of her sweatshirt, took his cap and added it to a bag with her sweatshirt. As she went with a new white wool hat to match her spandex jogging shirt, she said, “Go with the hoodie.”
Two minutes later, the driver was gone and they were waiting under a bridge for the incoming ride.
Montross fidgeted under his hood. “Another Uber?”
Nina shook her head as she put away her phone.
“You gave that guy five stars? He was kind of dull. And didn’t offer us any snacks.”
“You’re right,” she said. “Maybe I’ll correct my rating when I get a chance and we’re out of the proverbial woods of shit here.”
“I’m still worried about them tracking us.”
“Don’t,” she said. “We’ve been covered well enough up to now.”
The car — a Kia SUV — approached, and Montross could make out a few figures inside, but the dull sunlight glaring off the windshield made it so he couldn’t see the driver’s face. “I’m more worried about non-terrestrial means of detections. And I’m not talking about satellites.”
Nina grinned at him as the vehicle slowed. The back door opened and when Montross saw who was inside, she interrupted his greeting. “See, I’ve got it covered.”
Behind Alexander — who was grinning ear to ear at seeing his uncle, Aria leaned around him, waving.
“Hello shield,” Montross said as he leaned in to hug his nephew. “And Sir Jacob, they let you drive?”
Nina’s son turned around, glaring. “Just get in, or wait for the next cab.”
They got inside, Montross in the back, and Nina in the front. He didn’t fail to notice the look of admiration Nina passed to Jacob.
“So, all together again, and on the run!” Montross let out a sigh as they moved forward. “What’s the plan now that you’ve all sprung your criminal uncle mastermind? What…”
Just then the car jerked to a stop as a bike rider swerved in front of them.
Nina went for her gun, keeping her eye on the wiry young man who adjusted his helmet as he got off his bike — and retrieved a thin envelope from a basket.
Out of breath, he knocked on the side window.
Keeping the gun out of sight, Nina rested her finger on the window release as she made eye contact with Montross, who could only shake his head. “Sensing nothing dangerous. At least to myself at this point.” He glanced outside the car, watching the biker and passing cars with concern, just as Alexander, in the middle seat, tried to get comfortable pressed so tight against Aria.
“Delivery for Nina Osseni,” said the man.
The window rolled down as the gun’s barrel aimed upward, ready but just out of sight. “That’s me. How did you know I’d be here?”
The man shook his head and looked at his watch. “I’m just the courier, I go where the client tells me. And this lady, she said you’d be here at…well, right now.”
Nina nodded, slightly lowering her guard as she took the envelope. “Well, thanks for being so prompt.”
“All in a day’s work!” The courier beamed from behind dark glasses, then spun around and rode off.
“What’s it say?” Alexander asked, nudging forward. “It has to be from Phoebe. Maybe she…”
“Hang on kid,” Montross took it from Nina, tore it open efficiently and read the scrawled note inside.
“Victoria?” he said. “Who’s that?”
“One of the recruits,” Alexander answered. “They missed her in the sweep since she didn’t pass our tests and was on her way out of the building.” He leaned back as Aria craned her neck.
“What’s it say?”
Montross motioned to Jacob. “Should we move while I read?”
Jacob stepped on the gas, eased out into traffic and back into the open.
Montross scanned the note. “It says…well it says that your failed recruit is actually pretty damn good and probably should not have been let go.”
“Yeah, well apart from the fact that she knew precisely where we’d be and when to deliver this note, she says Phoebe reached her and put her in charge of locating some other recruits who showed promise but were under the radar of our enemies. Blah blah blah, she’s hiding out, was told not to use phones, credit cards, et cetera.”
“What else?” Nina asked from the front, a little exasperated. “Need to know our next move, and I was really hoping Phoebe would have her act together. Didn’t expect her to send in the JV team.”
“Phoebe’s…indisposed is what I gather,” Montross said, waving the note. “Now if you’ll kindly let me finish reading?”
Nina waved her hand for him to proceed.
“They’ve been busy RVing the heck out of things, trying to focus on what Phoebe asked of them, and…okay here we go. Caleb they believe is at some place called Pine Gap, in—”
“Australia!” Alexander shouted. “All the way there?”
“Hang on,” Montross said. “We don’t know we can trust this psychic or her green recruits yet.”
“Yeah,” said Jacob, “you lot have been crazy wrong before. Led by your noses to the wrong smells time and again.”
Alexander snapped back, “Shut it.”
“Both of you,” Aria said, leaning in, “shut it and let the man speak.”
“Thank you my dear. At least someone still respects their elders around here.” He continued, finding his place and trying to decipher the inelegant handwriting. “As to her other mission from Phoebe, she was asked find what our enemies are truly looking for. Good, Phoebe pieced that together too. Whoever we are up against need us psychics to find something. They want to use us, or create more like us.”
“Create more like us?” Alexander frowned. “What the heck does that mean?”
Montross took a moment. “While I was in captivity, I was shown a device down there…something that utilized special electro-magnetic waves and was used to amplify subjects’ brain and mental capacity. I believe it worked to stimulate these talents we have and let them loose in these ‘normal’ subjects.”
“Holy shit,” Aria said, and everyone looked at her in slight surprise. “Well, I mean, that’s interesting and might work, but I feel terrible for those people.”
“Why?” Jacob asked, slowing for a light at a busy intersection. It was close to rush hour, traffic intensifying.
“Well, you all were born with the sight, just like I always had this ability. Anyone forced to get it now, all at once, will have a frightful time.”
Jacob coughed as he stomped on the brakes. “Kind of like getting a drivers’ license and jumping behind the wheel of a Ferrari going two hundred miles per hour without ever driving before?”
“Yeah, too much power and responsibility.” Nina jabbed him in the arm as the light stayed red.
“Sh, I’m trying to read.” Montross continued, scanning the last part. “Victoria thinks they know where it is.”
“Where what is?”
Montross shrugged. “Must have missed something. Whatever they’re looking for. It’s…powerful. An ancient artifact.”
“Oh great, here we go again,” Alexander groaned.
“They think it’s in Micronesia, on some island. They’ve narrowed it to the lost city of…”
“Nan Madol?” Alexander’s voice crackled with excitement. “Oh my god!” It looked like he was about to pass out in shock. “Namodal. I should have known!”
He was shaking his head, unable to respond, so Aria said it for him. “Wow, that’s all he’s been saying for two days. Had a vision of his Mom — Lydia — who told him that one word. To go there.”
Alexander nodded. “I’ve always wanted to explore that place! Megalithic structures under the water, not entirely submerged. An amazingly laid out city, with pyramids and roads and everything. It’s relatively unexplored, but bears the same megalithic workmanship as in other sites, and there are all these awesome legends about its creation…”
“Okay, can it, Caleb junior. History lesson some other time.” Montross set down the paper. Folded it and slid it back in the envelope. “Alexander? You’re going to have to RV Victoria, and Phoebe while you’re at it. Find out where they are so you four can meet up and…find your way to this Nan Madol.” He closed his eyes.
“No. Scratch that. Nina, give me that secure sat-phone, I have a call to make.”
She handed him the phone. Apparently, she knew enough not to question him when he took charge. The others did not.
“What’s going on?” Alexander asked.
Aria fidgeted, took Alexander’s hand. “What else did it say?”
Montross started. “It said — without saying it — that we were wrong about stopping the threat last time. It also said that I can’t go with you. I need to be back there, where I was, with her.”
“What? Who?”
Nina spun around, now her mask of calm melting away. “I just risked my life and broke all kinds of laws and committed treason to get you out of there.”
“I know, but I have to get back. Jacob, stop at the corner there and I’ll jump out.”
“No way.”
“And then you’re all going to a private airstrip I’ve used on occasion. Southeast Virginia. Halico Drive. You’ll find it. After this call to a pilot I trust, he’ll be waiting for you and will get you out of the country.”
“What about Phoebe?” Aria asked.
“On her own,” Montross said, “and I suspect she has her own larger plans to accomplish.”
Alexander was turning red. “What about my dad? We can’t leave him…”
“If he’s in Pine Gap, there’s no way we’re getting him out. No offense, but not even you, dear Nina, could pull that off.” Montross set a hand on Alexander’s shoulder. “You’ll have to trust him, he’s been in worse scrapes.”
“Orlando,” Nina said.
“What about him?” Montross snapped.
“He’s…going to be useful I think. But I don’t know how…”
“He’s a big boy too,” Montross said. “And if I play this right, get on their confidence, just maybe I’ll be able to secure freedom for the rest of them. But you four, you need to get to Micronesia. If there’s any chance it could get in their hands first…”
The car slowed as they neared the Pentagon area and the security and traffic increased.
Montross reached for the door handle. “Find it.”
“Find what?” Aria asked, exasperated.
“Keep it safe.” With that, Montross was out the door and running toward the nearest cop car back toward the perimeter.
Alexander looked at everyone else in turn, all wide-eyed and confused.
“I don’t understand,” Aria said, which prompted Alexander to snatch up the envelope, pull out the paper and rush to read the last part.
Slowly he lowered the page.
“Oh my god. There’s another one.”
“Another what?”
“I should have known. There were legends of two, used in the ancient wars. One side against the other.”
“What are you talking about?” Jacob asked, pissed now.
Alexander lowered his eyes. “Let’s get to the airport. We’ve got another Emerald Tablet to find.”
Victoria flicked the switch on and off to get their attention. The group was getting too riled up. Half wanted to leave, the other half wanted to stay or burrow down even farther into hiding, preferably in some bunker. A few feared that just by using their RV they would be drawing attention to themselves as if the government had some kind of psychic alarm. A couple of the men were paranoid of every sound, the wind and the creaking of the pipes upstairs.
“Come on, people, we still have work to do.”
The table was littered with pizza boxes, crust, markers and drawings. Sketches all over the place, and taped to the walls. Most of the right sight of the table was now covered with the sketches of the underwater city of Nan Madol, and page after page of a square green thing with etching marks on it like a language.
The man who had seen the gateway spoke up. “What? What else can we do? We’re not getting any further.”
“Can’t seem to give you anything more on its location.”
Victoria held herself in check. “They need us. Lives are depending on what we do here, please. Just keep it together a little longer.”
The comments kept coming.
“We should be home. With our families. Watching all this from afar.”
“Didn’t you get what you need already? You sent that courier away with our findings. What else do we have to do?”
Victoria sighed. Pulled up a chair and sat in their midst. No rulebook here, not sure how to go from this point and keep them here. Best, like ma always said, be honest if nothing else. So that’s what I’ve got. “I want to thank you all. Thank you for following and listening and working with me. I…actually don’t know how to thank you all.”
“Besides pizza,” someone said.
“Not that we’re not grateful.”
“I can’t pay you, and I can only promise that after this success here, if it works and is what they needed, I can’t see how you’re not all members of the Initiative now.”
“If it’s even left in one piece.”
Victoria pressed on. “I admit, it’s not looking good. But this is something bigger than us, bigger than maybe anything up to this point. I don’t know everything, but I know we are all in trouble. Not just us meaning psychics. It’s not an us versus them thing, despite how it looks. Anything we can do here is going to help, maybe save more than just our own lives and theirs.”
After a silence, Curt said, “We’ve been doing what we can.”
“But I’ve only given you specific targets. Maybe if we cast a wider net, there’s something else we could catch, and it just might be what we need.”
“But we’re supposed to be specific.”
“Yeah, otherwise we get crap, useless or misleading visions.”
Victoria rubbed her temples. This was getting out of hand again, and honestly she couldn’t blame them. They were tired, scared. Missing their families. Of course they were worried, but she had to press on.
“Why don’t you try for once?” Curt said. “We’ve been through enough, I would say.”
Others nodded, some with exhausted looks, others a little ashamed to admit it.
“You’re right,” Victoria said after a moment. “I’ve been so focused trying to do what Phoebe Crowe asked of me, namely getting all of you to work together, to recognize your potential — which you did so well by the way — that I never stepped in myself.”
She sighed, aware they were all looking at her. A little awkwardly maybe, but it didn’t matter. She knew what she had to do.
“Listen, I’ve never been that great around people.”
Someone coughed. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“Thanks. But really, it goes further. This…what Phoebe asked me to do, was way out of my comfort zone, but I know desperate times and all. Remote viewing though, it was something that just came to me out of loneliness. Sitting up in my room or hanging on the tire swing out back for hours. Allergic, I couldn’t even have pets to play with, so I used my mind, my imagination. Started believing I could see things, spy on other families, other kids, see what they were doing. Maybe peek around the side of the earth and look at exotic countries and places I’d never get to visit.”
Marla interrupted. “So you’re saying it’s the same as when I pee. I can’t do it if other people are around?”
That got some laughs. Even from Victoria as she stood up. “Yeah, kind of like. Listen, you’re all free to go. Or stay. I’m going to go upstairs. Light a candle in the church, and do what you asked. Going to set my mind free, relax and let go. Maybe it’ll work, maybe not. Maybe you’ll still be here when I’m done and we can go forward together. Maybe not. Either way, you know where I’ll be the next couple hours.”
She got up. “Good luck, and stay safe.”
Making her way upstairs she tried to quickly clear her mind of what was happening back there, or wondering how they took her last speech. Wasn’t much in the way of motivational, but what the hell, it was worth a shot. She thought she didn’t do so bad, after all. First day as a leader, and she hadn’t lost anyone yet.
They’d accomplished their main mission, she recollected as she entered the sacristy. Saw the candles already lit and the statue of Jesus flickering in the soft red light. Chose a seat and made a Sign of the Cross. Pressed her head against the pew in front of her and then opened her eyes, sat back and focused on the shadows. Took in the quiet, the total calm, and shut out everything else.
For a moment, she was back in her room twenty years ago, with just a closet light on during a rainy, humid Sunday. Her mind a blank, and now…
Stirrings of something flickering on the wall above the shadows. Darkness bleeding down, covering all, wiping it clean. A dark canvas on which to paint something new.
All dark.
Her eyes, unblinking, glanced back and forth at the darkness, and she trembled, knowing it was coming. She was accessing the ‘other sight’, and just now needed a guide, a pointer.
Where to look?
Her mind was so blank it had no direction. Swimming around in the black ether, it roamed until it caught hold of something — just a snippet of recent memory, of the previous objective: the fabled artifact in some half-submerged ruined city. The green tablet of power.
They knew where it was, but not really where it was. The city indicated was large, spread out over many acres, and nowhere near fully explored, with areas so inaccessible. Possibilities were so numerous, the Morpheus team would have its work cut out, and even then…weren’t these things supposedly guarded by wicked traps and complicated puzzles, or worse?
Had to be, if it was still there after all this time.
See it, she willed from somewhere floating around in her mind. Where is it…?
Colors began to swirl on the dark canvas. Tendrils of blue, mixed with yellows and greens, spilling out into intricate patterns and recognizable shapes…
Only to be smeared away by the darkness, then replaced by other images painted with an unseen hand in rapid, beautifully executed strokes.
A stone gateway, followed by a wall… Underwater?
A stretch of megalithic blocks, broken in places, pieces of a wall…
Down to a rocky crevasse and a narrow path, murky in the watery gloom, covered with shells…
…to a flat plateau, smooth like the top of a structure of some importance. Octagonal in shape, with a circular opening directly in its center. A pit…
And the final image — plunging into it, bubbles rushing up as the view descended deeper and deeper and…
The lights came on, banishing the blackness, the shadow and the images.
Victoria snapped her head around.
The pastor stood at the back of the church, looking solemn. “I’m sorry my dear, to interrupt your prayers.” He raised a hand, and in it — a folded piece of paper.
“It’s okay, I was…almost done. What’s that?”
He approached slowly, head down. “My private number I give out to very few, so I was surprised when I got this text. I..don’t know who it is, and I don’t know if it means they’ve found us, or if this is one of your…friends.”
Victoria scratched at the back of her neck. “What does it say?” And who could it be from?
He handed her the note, then backed away. “I have no idea what this means, if it’s code for something or what. But I hope you do.”
Victoria frowned, immediately suspecting a trick.
“The message told me to just write it down and give it to you.”
“Okay…” Victoria unfolded it.
“And say it was urgent. I texted back, even called the number — but no response.”
She held up the note to read it.
“Or maybe it’s a joke, if not some code. Especially since the name he gave me…the man’s been dead for decades, as far as I know.”
Victoria read it slowly, then again, then looked up. “Okay, when the others come back — if they come back — I’ll have them help me with this.”
“Others?” The priest shook his head. “Oh, nobody’s left. In fact, I just came from downstairs. They’re all looking really busy, drawing away, working nicely with each other, if I do say so myself. Although what you’ve got them doing is beyond me.”
Victoria took a second to process this and then smiled. She headed for the door. “Nothing the Lord wouldn’t be upset about,” she said. “At least I hope not…”
At the top of the stairs, she took a breath, and re-read the note, wondering about it just as much as the priest.
Accessing another subroutine, Orlando went deeper into the nest of code.
It was liberating, totally lacking in sensation and discomfort — just complete freedom. Like a spirit set free, he found this ‘vision’ was like his typical remote vision, except utterly controllable and limited in a directed way. Where regular remote vision had no constraints and because of that caused him a strange backward sense of claustrophobia, not knowing where to look with so many variables and times and questions and vying objectives, this experience essentially had a roadmap.
Once he ‘opened’ one door (in reality a subroutine of folders and network access), his choices were much more limited. Data nodes appeared as glowing green cylinders, instructional code as blue lances, and security hubs as pulsing red shields.
It’s like a damn awesome video game! He thought, giddily. A hacker’s delight.
He had already spent some time, after Nina left, exploring the system, testing the limits of his sight — but not only his sight. He had found that with the exploration, he was actually part in parcel of the system. In their effort to plumb his secrets and find out what made him tick, they had to gain access to his brain, his thoughts; but in so doing, as they had hooked into him, by necessity he had hooked into them.
Did they not understand that? Or they did and didn’t see an issue with it? Maybe any other subject would have freaked and curled up into a mental ball at the thought of wandering away from their bodies.
Not Orlando.
He loved his body, sure enough, or at least a lot more than he used to once he got with Phoebe who certainly enjoyed it (or acted like she did), and that had given him confidence. But still, he had always been drawn to games and computers, and was a master of coding and hacking. He loved to enter the role-playing environment and change the parameters. Game-breaking. Weakening the enemies, giving himself stronger weapons and better armor. He had always joked with his friends that the campaign setting was just a ‘guideline’, like a stop sign in a deserted mall parking lot. Far more fun to follow no rules, make up new ones and go wherever you liked.
If his body, back in the lab, connected to all those monitors, feeding tubes and machines, could smile, it would be doing it right now.
They set me free, and I’m loving it.
At some point in his exploration — which felt like it had been taking hours or even approaching days but was probably only a few minutes — Orlando had the notion that of all the subjects to probe and poke and prod, they could and should have picked someone else for this experiment, or whatever it was they were doing. They could have, and would not have been in the threat they now faced.
So…why did they choose me?
He paused outside of another data store, what he knew contained a map of monitoring devices in the United States — traffic cameras, ATM and store surveillance, satellites…
Was there a reason? Or just his luck? Maybe some benefactor in the organization? Because really, they couldn’t have made a worse choice.
I’m going with that, he thought as he decrypted the security around the node and then slipped inside. As he started to access the maps and the locations, he activated the codes and found he could choose multiple locations at once and ride along on the feeds, translating the code into visuals himself, seeing what was seen by these remote eyes in the field.
Montross and Nina, wearing standard suits and badges, calmly walking out the front door while high alerts went out across the building.
I could shut those off, Orlando realized, recalling the alarm functionality nodes he passed on his way here. But it looks like they’re doing fine.
Simultaneously he had looked in on the other rooms — cells and lab experimentation rooms where he was held, along with several other newer members of the Initiative.
Fine in there as well. At least for now. Sleep tight, other me.
Watching from a great height, he then zoomed in on Nina and Xavier (now hooded), as they entered a non-descript car and drove off. Next, he had to try his luck — and test the effectiveness of this Big Brother program — and try to locate his wife.
More difficult, but he knew how to find her. Ripping part of himself back out and up several layers, across investigative services and into facial recognition programming, he linked the search functions into the camera spying service, along well-used transmission corridors, and accessed her likeness. They had already had it — along with all of his friends and coworkers, in the Morpheus subfolder, which he had downloaded and read immediately.
They had everything, every scrap of available intelligence on each and every one of them, going back to their first book reports and grade evaluations in grammar school. He shuddered at the sheer volume of information these guys had on every single person, but in a way, understood it all too.
Knowledge was power. The power to control, as well as the power to keep others safe from those who meant harm (or at least tended in that direction).
A hit. The program had found her.
That was fast.
Here in Washington. Not far, near the Georgetown campus.
First, making sure no record of his searches would exist (don’t want to do the bad guys’ work for them), he zoomed in from the camera at a bank across the street from an alley between two apartment complexes.
Behind a dumpster, someone in a green army coat stood in the shadows and, motionless, seemed to command Phoebe’s full attention. Pigeons were fluttering around, obscuring the visuals slightly. The scanning software had still managed to isolate her face, however, with hundreds of grid points and mapping angles.
He zoomed in farther until could see her lips moving, reading her words…
“There’s not enough time. You have to help us…”
Who? Orlando strained to enhance the image, or to see around the corner of the dumpster, but the man stayed out of the full sightline.
“Please,” Phoebe continued. “These others, they’ve broken their restrictions, so…”
Who the hell was this?
Trying another gambit, Orlando accessed the GPS satellite above, hacked the camera and moved it. Risky to be sure, since that would certainly leave a trail, if not set off some alerts to whoever else maintained the imagery status, but it had to be done.
Found it. Narrowed down the scope of the visual, then enhanced. Again and again. The city block, then the apartments, the tiny forms of Phoebe, the dumpster and the other man.
One more time — and the figure moved slightly forward.
At first, Orlando figured he must be wearing some sort of metallic hat. It seemed to be gleaming bright in the sun. His head was a flashing sequence of lights and brilliance — mirroring the smaller flashes coming from lower.
His hands? What the hell?
Back to the other camera — now picking up the full image of the figure as he moved into the path of its sight.
A car drove by, obscuring the pair for a moment. Phoebe was still talking, lips moving and hand gesturing as she always did (unable to talk with her hands tied, as Orlando always joked).
And then the car passed and now the other man was revealed in silhouette — army jacket, dark sweat pants and shoes, but everywhere else where there was skin was just a brilliant glowing patchwork of lights, mostly gold, but flickering with bits of indigo, jade and ruby, an eye made of topaz.
Could Phoebe see this?
Somehow he thought/knew she didn’t. She saw something else, she saw something normal, mundane, forgettable even.
Orlando knew it, even as he knew that what she saw — the man was likely bald…
On the satellite feed, text scrolled down the side in bright red, flashing a warning as the screen flickered. Orlando sensed that alerts were suddenly ripping through cyberspace now, the security hubs lighting up, warnings issued all over, to countless agents and agencies.
Alerts triggered not because of Phoebe, but the other… Programmed to search for him, or his kind?
Satellites and cameras had been trained to pick up on just such an individual, someone who rarely if ever, emerged from the caves or tunnels or upper mountain ranges, preferring to hide and watch from a far, under cover of isolation and seclusion.
The text repeated one term over and over in its alarm.
Oh god what have I done?
Phoebe, what have you done? Get out of there!
Even as Orlando thought this, he grafted onto that warning term — and realized it was much more than just an alarm.
It was a reference.
The code underlying the text referred to a subroutine access point.
Another file of deep, deep secrecy, shielded by layers of security clearance and coding he had noticed before in other areas, and bypassed it rather than try to hack something above his pay grade.
But now he knew he had no other choice. This was way too important. And it staggered his mind. If the NSA/CIA, whoever — knew about these guys, what did that mean?
They more than know about them, Orlando realized, tracking the coded signature back, zipping through the cyber landscape to an address clouded with misdirection and buried under mountains of irrelevant code and useless files of junk upon junk.
Can’t hide from me, Orlando whispered. Got your scent now, and since my wife’s in the middle of this, you bet your ass I’m coming for you.
He was going to learn the truth once and for all. How far down the rabbit hole this all went, and what kind of Wonderland shit was happening here.
In moments, he peeled away layers and layers of black and brown, like bark of a tree, torn free and tossed aside, and soon stood in front of the gleaming gold doorway to a data file wrapped in chains.
The address label, one that gave him chills at the same time as the feeling like he was on the precipice of ultimate understanding, was the same as on the warnings he had just seen flashing:
Its very name was synonymous with conspiracy. Caleb recalled it all, every wild rumor and speculation, every incredible witness or ex-employee story, every candid interview by those who claimed they were experimented on at some underground facility there under Camp Hero, and left with incredible stories about everything from mind control to time travel, from teleportation to alternate dimensions. Montauk Point was linked to the Philadelphia Experiment, and some claimed that research into temporal wormholes had succeeded and this was a nexus to other times, other destinations even — such as Pine Gap and Area 51. Residents nearby had complained of kangaroos loose in the area years ago — a story Caleb delighted in hearing as his father had glossed over some of Montauk’s history.
“You know more than everything there is to know, I’m sure,” Boris said, rapping his knuckles against Caleb’s forehead. “All saved up here in your photographic-memory noggin. Every word from dear old dad, mixed in with your dutiful research long after he had passed on.”
“It all makes sense now.” Caleb stared out the window at the breaking waves, at the lighthouse shadow, feeling the urge to rush up there and take in the view, with his physical eyes as well as the psychic vision begging to be let out. He obliged, and here came the onslaught of visions: pure, unaltered flashes of things that may or may not have come from the stuff of his nightmares, his most outré research. He wasn’t entirely sure, maybe they came from Boris’s mind, but this time Caleb just picked up on the elements, glimpsing the horrors as they rolled past like a multi-colored freight train carrying top secret cargo.
Scenes on the movie set in his mind scrolled past in a storyboard covering various eras, the actors in costumes ranging from US military fatigues to Nazi SS gear, from lab coats to civilian work garb. Special effects predominated, from a giant bell-shaped contraption spinning like a centrifuge and spitting out whirling electrical energy, to doorway-shaped tears in reality. Scenes of faraway times and places, impossible scenery and architecture, even more impossible locations: storm-riddled mountain aeries, a crater-peppered lunar landscape, a view from the inside of some space station facility, a red desert and a mushroom cloud explosion joining others in the distance… Finally, a thin man with his arms outstretched, standing below a massive tower as electrical filaments raced across his body and then shot out and traveled through the air, the ground, the seas, traversing the world, hopping along transport lines that augmented its strength and powered an entire world, charging the atmosphere and sending out a pulsing, swirling shield of electromagnetic energy into the heavens…
Caleb’s mind reeled and he tried to pull his eye back, ground it, center it in some kind of familiar reality.
An anchor.
He needed an anchor. Some point in time and space to hold him from careening off the brink of insanity.
“You need to be the anchor,” came a voice. “You are the anchor.”
He blinked and the images swirled, coalesced back to a familiar room, with instruments and screens and windows, a staircase and doors. Framed pictures of lighthouses on the walls.
Back in the Montauk facility.
“It’s just like Pine Gap,” Caleb said. “We’re standing over many levels below us, and on…” He clenched his eyes shut and called up the image of the world he had seen before, with the crisscrossing lines. He staggered, leaned against a wall under a particularly desolate painting of a seaside lighthouse rocked in a storm.
“Something’s different about this place, though.” Turning his attention to the room, the windows, the very air. A song was playing on a turnstile, one he hadn’t noticed before. Darin’s “Beyond the Sea.” The audio crackled, and the lonely lyrics took on even more surreal significance.
It’s far, beyond the stars. It’s near, beyond the Moon.
Finally, he turned his full attention onto Boris. Boris, standing still, arms at his side, almost trembling. Looking slightly pale; not scared but more like in muted respect, as if standing before the grave of a particularly abusive uncle: having the last laugh, but only at a great cost.
I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon.
“This is about you,” Caleb whispered.
Boris said nothing, and Caleb realized the man’s focus had always been on the turnstile, on the song, up until this point. Now, he shifted and stared at the door in the center of the wall, the door Caleb understood led to an elevator, then to the subterranean levels.
“You’re not with them anymore. You’re rogue,” Caleb said, and Boris’s eyebrows lifted for a moment.
A deep sigh from Boris, one that had been ages in coming. “About time.” Another sigh. “Everything…everything is personal.” He took a step toward Caleb. “I realized that to have your help you need the truth, and need to see where I’ve come from. Why I can do what I do.”
He moved forward fast and laid a hand on Caleb’s skull, gripping it tight.
“You asked how I got the power, now I will show you.”
The record — a single 45, spinning, spinning… Sound crackling, the song over.
The arm finally moves the needle across the bare area and lifts, then resets and drops. The blessed silence breaks, and the song begins again.
“Somewhere, beyond the sea…”
The young boy moans.
He’s strapped to a flat metal table, head resting on a thin, ragged pillow soaked with sweat and possibly tears. Wearing just ragged white underwear, the boy — not more than ten — whimpers and weakly struggles against the straps. Electrodes are glued all over his chest, his arms, and up his neck, onto his temples below the shaved head.
A flashand the same boy, in a baseball uniform, knees all dirty and a smile on his face as he rounds third, heads for home. A glance to the stands, and a man and woman stand up and cheer — but someone behind them gives the boy pause. A man in a dark suit with a hat like those worn by the people in the forties or fifties, those old movies he loved to watch with his dad. Humphrey Bogart as a tough-talking PI, that sort. Except this guy had those hooded eyes locked just on him. An unlit cigarette protrudes from his lips.
Another flash, and back in a cozy house, settling into bed after his parents close his door, blowing him kisses. The closet light falls on the new trophy in its prominent place on his desk, beside the stack of Marvel comics, his latest finds from neighborhood garage sales. Tales he can’t wait to get to, in the morning…
Closes his eyes, then opens them. In the kitchen, coming down the stairs, finding his parents at the table, slumped over. Heads at awkward angles, impossible positions…bent backwards and so crooked. Their wide-open eyes registering confusion and shock.
A shuffling as a man emerges from the shadows. The man from the game. Hat and coat. Darkness concealing his face.
“Come, boy.” He reaches out a gloved hand. “You have an exciting life ahead of you.”
“There’s no choice, son.”
Then in an instant he’s standing at the boy’s side, setting a hand on his head. “Let me show you what awaits, what power you’ll soon have.”
Visions within visions. Caleb groaned and tried to pull back from the grip, feeling the same as the boy in his vision.
The boy.
“See what you will be,” came the voice. “Look, and think now and forever, of nothing else.”
And the revelations of the future drown him with their intensity.
Shaving his head, attaching electrodes. Going under a knife, an implant at the base of his skull, injection after injection. Screams and nights upon nights of agonized loneliness in some kind of pitch-black cell, nothing to see, hear or otherwise sense but the workings of his sleepless mind. Subjection to magnetic-electro fields, a room of dancing plasma and focused energy coursing through and around his body. Day after day after day after day.
A familiar bell-shaped device, spinning as he approaches. The fabric of the ether charges, expands and opens, swallows and consumes, separates, reforms and excretes elsewhere and else-when. All the while technicians, generals and others watch and record and follow the boy’s progress.
Growing now, a teen. Sitting in a room, focusing on subjects in the next room, who react in horror and claw at the air, striking at nothing — or each other, escalating in violence until blood spatters against the one-way glass.
Then, he’s an adult. Sent out into the plasma-charged chamber, through the door-that-isn’t-a-door, sometimes with the man in a hat, sometimes solo, onto missions of strange and deadly scope.
Following a man on a busy street, focusing on the normal-looking individual, concentrating. A flash and that same man now walks into a crowded church with an AR-15 and several handguns, shouting and shaking his head as if trying to dislodge sights that shouldn’t be seen, before he commences firing upon the helpless congregation.
Another scene: a crowded bus terminal, and now from his point-of-view sitting beside a disheveled man, half-asleep on a bench. Focusing, then backing away as the man rises, eyes wide. A flash of light and the same man, now bearded and clad in a white robe, at last takes a sip of a wine glass, joining the sixty-seven others who had done the same, and lay at his feet, scattered about the room, all waiting for the joyous rapture he’s been promised, seeing such angelic visions offering salvation.
Another flash and six campers stare at the night sky in open-mouthed awe and terror, eyes following something that isn’t there. Zooming closer, their eyes reflect an impossible scene: a bright disc-shaped craft and a beam of light, from which large-headed, almond-eyed figures emerge and move toward them with sinister purpose.
Further back, a man retreats to the shadows, smiling and confident of the vision he’s just presented to them. He returns to the street, and the nondescript car there, and the driver inside, wearing a familiar hat; the driver with an unlit cigarette at his lips, the driver who doesn’t turn, but only flashes his eyes to the mirror to see his passenger, his subject, take a seat.
“Your training is almost done.”
“I don’t understand what all this is for.”
“You don’t need to,” the other says after starting the car. “All for a larger purpose. Everything you do, every vision you present, every—”
“Murderer or assassin I create?”
“Every radical, every mass hallucination? Diversion or test, it doesn’t matter, because something greater is coming.”
“Another purpose?”
“A final mission.” The car eases forward. Headlights off, driving into the dark.“Your success. Our salvation.”
“Soon. You’re almost ready, but these new targets… They’re going to be a challenge.”
“I can do it.”
The old lips part in a smile. “I’m sure you can.”
Another flash and the black sweatshirt hangs on the back of a chair in the Stargate recruitment room as a series of cards are flipped over and over.
Suddenly these visions and more, so much more, are reeled back in, flying back in reverse, pausing at scenes of wild lightning, plasma balls whirling in the air in some underground domed chamber as the boy-teen struggles to stay upright with all the power coursing through and around him. Gauges and output screens spin wildly with data as the vision appearing within the conjured doorway changes again and again.
“There,” says the familiar voice of the man in the hat, again in the shadows. “That one,” he says as he comes closer, with a team of scientists watching in awe around him. “It may be the one. You have to go through.”
“He’s not anchored,” another voices in concern.
“He can find his way back. I know he can. It will work.”
The boy turns, his eyes alight with electrical fragmenting bolts.
“You will come back,” says the man, as he gives the boy a shove. “Go, confirm it…”
The doorway swallows him and snaps shut, winking out of sight just as all the electrical energy dissipates, sputters and dies.
The man coughs, then frowns and looks up as if sensing he’s being spied on. The hat comes off and the eyes scrutinize the very air, still lingering with after-effects of plasma. The man is bald, with fiercely pale eyes.
Caleb chills. Can he see me?
“Who are you?” the whisper vibrates in the vision as the scene suddenly fragments, stills, shatters.
Custodian? The word comes to Caleb’s mind, and nearly paralyzes him. Interfering so directly, and all this time?
For a moment, all that’s left in the vision is the boy’s room again. The night light. The door closing softly. The baseball trophy stands in the illumination, alone on the desk beside the unread comics beside the unoccupied bed.
The name on the trophy: Boris Zeller / MVP.
The bald man and those pale eyes rush toward him out of the shadows.
The vision dissolved, Caleb woke to an empty room, just noticing the enigmatic door closing.
A voice behind it said, “Follow me now.”
Caleb followed without hesitation, his head full of wonder and speculation. Unsure of what, if anything, was real anymore. But one thing, he knew, was very much real.
He had now the fundamentals of a plan forming in his carefully controlled thoughts. Every step he took toward the door and the elevator waiting to take him below, he knew was one step closer to deciding the fate and shape of the world to come.
Xavier Montross felt like he hadn’t eaten in days and had now been offered what might be his final meal. It was one he had to eat in the back of a limo — a turkey, capicola, onion and provolone sub that had a hard time staying together but was nonetheless delicious.
“You all are just too kind, really.” He mumbled the last bit, chewing mightily into another mouthful as he tried not to meet his captor’s eyes.
In her tight blue power dress, with a little rocket ship pin on her collar and a white blouse unbuttoned partway to reveal a gaudy jade necklace, Miriam sat and watched him eat. “Least I can do is feed you, after you were kind enough to come back to us.”
“Missed the hospitality,” he said with a swallow and a grin, as bits of bread and lettuce fell onto the seat. “And now that I know what you’re really after, I felt you really need someone here with experience.”
She leaned in, and Montross again had the sense that this was all a disguise, a façade. If he reached out to touch her, would it all melt away? Would she stand revealed as someone — something — else?
“Given for a minute that I believe you and you’re not bluffing, are you saying you’re actually proposing to help me now?”
He shrugged and tried to act nonchalantly. “Maybe, or maybe I just want to be here in the thick of things when you fail.”
“We won’t fail.”
“Sure you will. General Bensari I’m really sorry about, but those other recruits I saw down there?” He made a backwards gesture with his thumb, even though they were far from D.C. now, heading up the New Jersey Turnpike. He wasn’t sure of their final destination. “Good luck with them if you’re going after it.”
“Stop playing around. It took all of Caleb’s mad genius and help from the Keepers and his father’s guidance, and still all the traps and diabolical riddles almost killed him.” He downed the rest of the sandwich. “Your boys don’t have a chance with this one. So…by the way, where are we going?”
Miriam crossed her arms and leaned back, giving him a strong stare. “You don’t seem too concerned for yourself.”
“Depends where we’re going, but you’re right. I wouldn’t have come back if I knew death was a strong possibility. You know about my how my talent tends towards benefiting self-preservation.”
“I do, but there are fates worse than death.” Miriam’s eyes clouded, as if she saw something long, long ago. “I should know, at least…the old me.”
“What are you talking about? When have you ever suffered?”
She shook her head. “A lifetime ago, and I saw such horrors…but that is no concern anymore. Nothing that matters.”
“Ah, well. It’s to be torture, is it?” He reached for the bottle of water to wash down what he just devoured. All of a sudden he had a mental image appear from nowhere, as if it came out of Miriam herself, an uncontrollable blast of something even she couldn’t suppress: barbed wire, emaciated hands…a line of poor souls being marched into steam rooms while others had to dig mass graves. A Nazi flag waving overhead…
Montross frowned and shook it off, after glancing at Miriam. What the hell was that? “Or are you just suggesting to keep me in perpetual lock up? I’m guessing you’re still going to need to trot me out as the face of all this psychic spygate bullshit, and have me be the villain in all this while you, what? Take the rest of us out of the picture?”
She said nothing in return, just turned her attention to the window, watching the hills becoming more interesting, as they now took the exit for 495 East.
“Good thing I came back, then.”
Miriam continued to stare, unblinking out the window. “Why?”
“Oh,” Montross said, shaking the water after taking a swig. “To stop you from doing anything stupid, in case you somehow manage to find the Tablet.”
Her eyes flickered. “You mean, before your other escaped birds?”
Now it was Montross’s turn to be silent.
“Oh yes, we’ve got your little plane tracked. Saw them take off thirty minutes ago.” She sighed. “I honestly hope the kids are up to it. Backup squad and all, but I understand. We didn’t leave you many options.”
Montross shrugged. “Backup enough to find you out and unravel all this bullshit about what you’re really doing.” Except you, I still don’t know what you’re all about. But I’m going to change that, fast.
Miriam licked her lips. “Something tells me you don’t really have a clue, or you’d know where we’re going. But it doesn’t matter. You and your team will be helping us soon enough. Voluntarily…or not so much.”
Montross lowered his water, clenching the half empty bottle so hard it almost snapped the plastic in half. A flash of a vision knifed into this mind, supplanting everything.
Diana. Near now, in an office, guarded by men with guns. Another flash, and what must have been hours before…as she’s rushed out of an observatory at gunpoint.
“Son of a bitch…”
Miriam never looked back at him. “Oh, are you seeing our little present we’ve got waiting for you?”
“How did you know what I was seeing?” It took all his effort not to lunge across the seat and grab her by the throat and squeeze until that horrible smile finally disappeared.
“Same as I know how badly you want to kill me right now.”
Montross took a deep breath, let the bottle expand, and forced another drink. “I want to know what you are.”
“And I,” Miriam said, leaning in, “want your cooperation. But now I have the leverage to ensure it. I know, for example that what I want you will give me. Where your friends are going, for example. But more importantly, you’ve had a connection to the artifact. You know how to work it.”
“Yeah,” Montross said. “Let me have it when they bring it back. That worked out great for the last guy.”
Now a dark expression crossed her face, quickly and then it was gone. “Again, I’ll have insurance this time. You really should have stayed unattached, dear Xavier.”
“No fun in that. Lonely life, no meaning, yada yada.” He looked out past her, seeing the road extending toward the clouds, the rolling Atlantic on their right. “So, you realize your ‘insurance’, as strong as it is, isn’t enough to make me sell out all of humanity.”
“How about save it?”
Miriam gave him a look. “I told you before, there are different factions, and many of us wanted no part of Calderon’s plan.”
“So why didn’t you stop him yourself? Take out some ‘insurance’ of your own against him?”
Her eyes looked away. “I knew you had it covered.”
“What? How? Not even we knew.”
“There are other ways, some of us can see through all the possibilities and know at least in broad areas, how the future will play out.”
“Really? And what do you see now?”
“I see our destination.”
“Already?” He leaned to the right and looked out the window. “I know we left the turnpike a ways back and have been heading East, now on Long Island, and… ah.”
“What are you thinking?”
“Thought you could read my mind?”
“You’re thinking, because we’re heading for the lighthouse and the facility at the end of the island, Caleb would have loved to be here.”
His eyes shot back to her. “What the hell are you? And yes, I was thinking that. Also that he would know what all this is. I remember something about a conspiracy and other bullshit happening here. Montauk, right? Oh yeah, the Philadelphia Experiment. Time travel, Nazis…”
“Now you’ve got the spirit! And oh, if you don’t help us, we have a backup.”
Montross blinked, watching the lighthouse loom larger. “Caleb’s in Australia, we’re all sure he’s…” He groaned, held his head. “Actually now I can’t sense him…anywhere.”
“Oh that.” Miriam moved even closer, whispering, “Try now.”
With the last word came a rush of energy.
A flash of a kaleidoscopic vision.
Whirling colors, electrical discharges, an unfamiliar man in a black hat standing before a madly spinning bell-shaped thing as a rip in space appears, and another figure, most definitely familiar, is shoved through, stumbling and falling to his knees.
“He’s here.”
Surprisingly, the encryption around the Custodian Program folder itself was light to nonexistent, as perhaps the coders believed anyone snooping through NSA servers would think something so lightly defended had to be just what it sounded like: a janitorial sub-folder of minor importance only to the administrative functions of the facility, not worth anyone’s time.
Orlando, through his affiliation with Caleb’s non-stop theories about conspiracies and stuff that would make even believers in the Illuminati shake their heads, knew this term held something far more meaningful and sinister.
Phoebe had met one of these beings in the caverns of Afghanistan, and again at Mt. Shasta, someone who while proclaiming he and the others like him only watched humanity from a distance, unable to act or intervene in our plight, told her that she was meant for something. A destiny to fulfill.
All of which sounded like these guys had access to time travel, or at least the same kind of future-seeing psychic ability we’ve sometimes accessed. Orlando knew all this had rattled Phoebe, and after long months of silence she had eventually opened up to him with her fears and doubts, but not fully, not until the twins came along. Their arrival had changed her perspective. Becoming a creator of life gave a newfound realization that the destiny he spoke of might have had something to do with these two profoundly beautiful beings introduced into the world, brought into being after the union of two powerful psychics in their own right. Twins… Like Isaac and Jacob, but likely more talented. Could their future be what that Custodian had seen, and why he had broken his silence to ensure Phoebe kept on track?
What about me? Orlando wondered, but didn’t say out loud. He knew she understood as well. He had a role, maybe more than just a Joseph-like escort for the Messiah(s), but something more.
At least, he liked to think so.
Now, after a quick glimpse of the data stream from the camera in his cell, Orlando checked on his body: incapacitated, wired up in a pod-like chamber reminiscent of a dozen really cool sci-fi films he could think of; but at least he wasn’t in some kind of tank of floating goo. That would be just too much.
His consciousness, still freed and loving it, moved on. He dove into the Custodian file after cracking its meager defenses, and then promptly found himself greeted by only two folders. A file labeled simply ‘’ and another folder: ‘subjcts7’.
Movie time, Orlando thought. Sit back and enjoy the show?
Again he marveled at how easy this had been, but then again…I’m not supposed to be here. Should just be locked up in lala land, all drugged up. Maybe they think my mind is in a daze too. Not so. Let’s take a peek here and see what this has to do with our little bald friends.
Moments later, he had the truth. Before the video was even half complete, he was multitasking, going through the ‘subject’ file, downloading, studying and understanding everything — if not believing half of it.
Then came the worst shock of all, that none of this was by accident. All of his ‘expert’ snooping, the success at which he had torn through arguably the most secure data network in the world, it was all planned out.
All to bring him here, to this program.
Flashing back for a moment to his body in the pod, a pod so similar to seven others he had just witnessed in the ‘origin’ file, he had a terrible, terrible feeling now that he knew why.
To be sure, it wouldn’t take long. One more review of everything, starting with…
The film.
A grainy early color video with date stamp of November 12, 1962.
A military general type addressed a room full of suits. Just about everyone was smoking a cigarette. None of the people looked pleased, and a few appeared shell-shocked while others had outright fear in their eyes.
“With the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in effect, our investigation into all this is effectively ended” The general sighed, slowly shaking his head.
“And we know little more than when we started?” The man at the other end of the table, half-shrouded in shadow, lit the tip of his cigarette. “Other than that no one else can know what we know. No one can hold this burden.”
“No one would believe it,” said another.
“I’m still not sure I do,” a third said.
“We can continue the underground detonations,” said another, hope edging in his voice.
The general nodded. “We will. We must. Continue probing the nature of this…discovery. What it means, but we are here today because that direction may not offer much hope.”
“What is this new option?” said the man who had just lit a new cigarette.
“Given what we discovered about the third variable, the constant in all our experiments, it stands to reason we might succeed with…how do we put this?”
“Less brute force?”
“The third variable,” said a doughty man in the background. “Are we to assume we’re moving to human trials?”
The general nodded. “You’re on the right path. I would bring in our lead tech men and scientists but they’re busy with the patients — er, volunteers.”
“We have volunteers already?”
“Seven of them.” He sighed again, looking down. “Brave men and women. All showing the highest aptitudes for intelligence, and…intuitive abilities.”
“You raided the psi-ops rejects, didn’t you? MK Ultra? Where did they come from?”
The general looked up sharply across the table at the only other man standing. “I don’t know. Honestly, didn’t ask. All I understand is it’s the only thing, they assure me, that makes sense to try.” He retrieved a stack of files from a case under the table. “These seven. They’ve shown abilities to do supernormal things. See and experience things outside of time and space. A level of brilliance leagues above the common level. Now I don’t pretend to understand the science of all these subatomic variables, or the implications of what goes on in the quantum level of reality, but if these people are already behaving as if they’re outside the rules, breaking the system, then they may be what we need.”
“To do what exactly?” the smoker said. “You got us to go along with all this thermonuclear pyrotechnics, and now of course every other country wants in on the game just as we’re getting out. Like that won’t raise its own sort of doomsday potential? But I’m not sure I’m following what these seven…subjects are going to do.”
“First off, they’re not subjects in the sense we’re used to. I’ve been told they have to volunteer. That given the nature of their ‘work’, the voluntary aspect is essential.”
Another chuckle. “You can’t knock ‘em over the head, hook them to the machines and let ‘em go?”
“No. In fact, that was tried with two…early test runs.”
“What? You went for this without informing us first?”
“Limited study, I assure you.”
“And these subjects?”
“Prisoners. Korean spies, to be honest.”
“Great. Let me guess, they didn’t do so well.”
“Their physical bodies expired during the process.”
A pause as his wording sunk in.
“And…the non-physical?”
The general licked his lips. “From what we could tell, the spiritual component, the ego or id or astral body, call it what you will, tore itself apart within minutes of manifesting.”
Murmurs of doubt shifted about the room.
“Hence the proposal for using psychics, those whose minds are already expanded to contemplate and accept the infinite, the lack of space-time restrictions.”
“Good luck with that. If this theory is valid, if we’re…god, trapped like you say, then their minds may be just as blown, coming up against the truth first-hand.”
Nodding, the general leaned in. “That’s why we’re going with seven, instead of one or two. Hopefully a couple will be strong enough to handle it. Strong enough to give us a report back. Find a weak spot, or peek beyond the bars, so to speak.”
“Strong?” the smoker made a dismissive sound. “I hear you have some rather lacking physical specimens. One old woman who was rescued from Auschwitz. She was in rough shape in 1945, and went downhill since.”
“If she’s among the recruits, then her mind more than made up for it.” The general glared at the smoker, upset with the intrusion and the questioning. “Who knows, perhaps the horrors she experienced there enhanced her other abilities, and elevated her to what we need for this experiment.”
“And I also hear there’s a man over a hundred years old. Smart cookie in his productive days, I’m sure, but right now? Barely staying alive, we’ve got him on life support basically.”
The general tapped his fingers, getting impatient. “I don’t know where you’ve gotten this information that even I don’t have, but it’s irrelevant.” The general set his hands flat on the table, gripping the edge, and took his attention away from the distraction. “We have our orders.”
“Shit,” someone said. “I wish I could just forget all this, all we know. Be like all those blissfully ignorant fools out there working on testing devices, blowing shit up, worrying about wars and everything else. You know, the little things, comparatively.”
“You can, too.” A different suit cleared his throat, took a sip of water. “Or sample some of the drugs we’ve been giving these volunteers. What are you lacing them with, general? LSD again? Mescaline? Some new cocktail?”
“Something,” he said. “Along with hooking their brainwaves — their consciousness essentially — into the most powerful computers we have.”
“Jesus,” someone said, and the smoker at the other end slowly raised his hand.
“I want to meet the volunteers. Wish them luck. They’re going to either be damned forever…or turned into gods.”
“The general nodded. “If that’s your wish. Do it fast, they are going under in one hour.”
The same room. The time stamp: December 23, 1962.
Two men. The general and the man who had been smoking and arguing with him. Now he was in the dim light. An unused ashtray in front of him. They both looked pale.
“Shut it down.”
“We don’t know it hasn’t worked.”
“We don’t?” The general lifted his face, his pained red eyes searching for anything to hold onto. He took a nervous drag of his own cigarette. “What would you call it then? They’ve all…gone crazy, beyond madness. I can’t imagine. Too much for even their enhanced consciousness or psi talents or whatever you want to call it.”
“We tried everything to bring them back?” The smoker pounded the table, with less effort than he might have liked, as if the point wasn’t there to make. “I want to hear what they will say. We have nothing! Not a scrap of information back from them.”
“They’re rogue.” The general shook his head sadly. “Of course they’re rogue.”
‘You mean, how could they come back after that…freedom, or whatever it was we granted them?”
“Yes. I can’t imagine. We probably mean nothing to them anymore, like…I don’t know, crib mates at day care who are introduced again fifty years later.”
“Stop. We’re shutting it down. We’ve lost them.”
The smoker stood, walked to the glass window and pressed a button. In the room below: seven figures in pods, asleep yet still hooked up to machines and wires.
“Just…cut them off?”
“Yes, and then burn it. All of it.”
The smoker turned to the general. “Then what the hell happens to them? The…parts of them still out there?”
“Hopefully the death of their bodies reels them back in,” said the general, putting out his cigarette and grinding it to ash. “Reels them in, and burns their spirits along with this entire project. It has to end.”
The man looked at his reflection in the glass. “I fear that rather than end, we’ve just created the beginning of something.”
He reached inside his suit coat and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. Handed it to the general. “You wondered once why I was assigned to this project.”
“It crossed my mind. You weren’t on the same level as the rest of these elites, these financiers and globalists.”
“Read that,” the man said as he reached down to retrieve something on the floor. “You’ll see my credentials. The scores and analysis from MK Ultra. My infiltration missions into Moscow and the remote viewing I’ve done for other teams.”
“Impressive,” the general said. “But I don’t…”
“Read on,” the man replied, fixing the black hat upon his head. “The part where it says, at my discretion and should I desire, allow my inclusion into the subject group.”
The smoker fixed the hat and lowered his head, eyes flashing. “Burn the rest if you must. Hell, throw my body as well onto the pyre when I’m gone, but first…I have a destiny on the other side. I’ll retrieve your seven lost birds along the way, if I can find them. If not…” He shrugged, “I’m sure history will find my skills most valuable.”
He turned and looked down, focusing on a free pod.
And the image turned to static—
— And Orlando reeled back, getting a harsh flash of the same man, this time different — standing over Caleb, his teeth glinting, his body solid one moment, flickering and golden-hued the next, just as the man Phoebe was talking to appeared, but different.
Stay focused. The files…
Orlando pushed aside the thought of this first (or eighth) volunteer into what surely was the creation of these Custodian beings — astral projections or something more? What was the secret they were all so overcome with, the knowledge too great to absorb? So great, apparently that these subjects, once confronted with it, could no longer even term themselves ‘human’?
The files flew open before his scrutiny, and faces and bodies rushed by in a blur of video and photographic files. Interviews, psych tests and evaluations and so much more; personal histories of each of the volunteers, one more impressive than the last. With coded names like JHK288 and ZZh004, and the seventh one, an old, old man with a face that looked quite familiar for some reason — like Orlando should have recognized it.
Subject ID: NT1856
But it was what came after this that excited Orlando about this file — the subject’s personal history, his life’s work and the hundreds and hundreds of diagrams, snapshots, patents and designs.
Oh my God, Orlando thought, it’s…
Just then a flash of a thought muscled through his mind.
The twins?
Why did he just think of them? What was happening?
He felt a strange tug at the base of his neck, if he had a neck, or any part of his previous anatomy.
He heard someone say, “It’s working, and he’s maintaining coherence and memory.”
Orlando zipped back, away from these secret files, back to the camera control surveillance functions, and looked in on himself in his room.
Two white-coat attendants were there, fixing things on his pod.
Oh hell no! What are you doing?
One of them stopped and looked up, and around. He continued tapping and sliding his fingers along the iPad control type device. “We know you can hear us, Mr. Natch. And let us say congratulations, we feel you’re a perfect candidate.”
What the hell is this? Orlando felt a twinge of panic. Nothing too serious yet, he wasn’t in danger. Not here, and he was fairly certain he was still in control.
Or did they just let me think that?
Can I override anything they’re about to do? Shut off the power to this section, kill the servers, overload everything?
“Don’t worry,” the scientist type said. “You’re not going to do anything you don’t expressly want to do, and you can signal yes or no, just flick the lights. We know you can do it.”
“But you will do it,” the other said.
“Because we just inserted a little reminder into your thoughts.”
“Remember those kids of yours?”
The lights flickered: on, off, on, off.
“He gets it,” said the one.
“But I’m not sure, not until…well, we know that you’ve accessed the surveillance grid.” He looked up at the ceiling camera, grinning. “Why not give a little…peek?”
Orlando brimmed with anger, fuming around the vicinity for something to shatter or explode, but had nothing within reach except to signal the fire alarm, which might at most soak these guys and himself. His body…lying there in the pod, so peaceful.
The twins.
Orland howled back through the processors and neural pathways, instantaneously accessing the command node for satellite surveillance, and within less than five-tenths of a second he had hijacked the one over Anchorage.
Ten more seconds until he could reposition the camera and aim at the given coordinates.
Did they have it here, waiting for me, more or less above my target? How did they know? We had the screen, the sphere artifact…
Shit, this was all a trick, a ruse to get me to give up their location and I—
No trick. Coming into view on the ground, hauling up the ice-cleared roads, nearing a bridge that would lead to the smallest of the island chain — and a single home near the shore. His mom and the twins.
They should have been safe.
“They can be safe,” came the voice from the room.
“Just flick the light. Once this time. Off, then back on, and we will have your consent.”
The Humvees roared over the bridge.
“Or don’t,” said the man without the remote. “And watch.”
Son of a bitch…
They had him.
“Look at it this way,” said the main technician, apparently about to prepare the process, tapping icons and moving dials. “You’re about to go where…well, very few have gone before.”
“And none have come out.”
“Maybe this is your chance to change all that. Either way, it’s time for new blood. Time to restart the program.”
The vehicles crossed the bridge, bearing down hard and fast toward the cottage.
The lead technician blinked, smiled and stared again into the camera. “With you, my boy. No better candidate, so what do you say?”
Orlando absently reached back across the convoluted pathways that had already become like familiar highways…and flicked the light.
He stayed another fifteen-point-seven seconds, just long enough to ensure the Humvees had ground to a stop, then turned and made their way back.
One more thing. He had to do something unexpected, something he could do to help the others, if not himself. Access the phone grid, zero in on the other psychics…find Victoria and the nearest phone…. Access the nearest wireless phone in her vicinity, and text out a simple message. Just a note only she — or someone with her powers — would understand. Maybe it would help. Maybe there was hope…
Confident that the additional one-point-three seconds it took to send the message didn’t raise any alarms, he made his way back.
An instant before Orlando was reeled into his body for one last bittersweet and swift reunion, before being expelled again, this time, into something even he was not prepared to experience, he heard the last ominous words:
“Welcome aboard, Custodian.”
Phoebe ran, cursing her stupidity. After her previous vision of the old man, the bald and chilling vagabond character who was or wasn’t there, and who had warned her they were coming, she had done her best to hide.
However sometimes, as she learned from ancient wisdom, the best place to hide was in plain sight. She stopped in the Georgetown public market for a coffee and to sit and hopefully blend in with a crowd.
In her zeal to focus on her objective she must have taken off her sunglasses for a moment, and somewhere the damn street cameras had caught her profile, even under the baggy sweatshirt’s hood. Not long after she finished her coffee and had found her objective, they had found her.
Whether it was indirect information fed from somewhere nearby, or a newfound Spidey sense of incoming danger, she had just enough warning. And now she was running through the crowd, weaving around and between vegetable stands and a merchant selling DVDs and sunglasses, shooting past the fruit stands and around the heady delicious smells of a food truck.
Damn it, damn it…
She ran, wishing she could have snagged a ball cap or something and done a quick change behind the truck.
Cheaters. She was aware of pot calling the kettle something, but still, no fair finding people who didn’t want to be found.
Running for her life, a backward look showed that her jogging skills just weren’t up to par. Most of her life she would have been thrilled just to be able to walk, having been confined to that wheelchair for so long, but today, her healed bones and muscles just weren’t up to the sprinting challenge against six well-trained (and well-armed) agents in black suits — despite their lack of appropriate footgear.
The cool air whipping at her face, cars honking as she darted across a street, in and out of traffic, she passed a bank and realized (hello, back on camera!) she’d never make it. She was not even sure where ‘it’ was, only that she had seen something. It was strange, she had been concentrating, willing her mind to relax and soar, free-associating with anything that might provide an answer.
Perhaps it was always there, since Afghanistan and those caverns, in the back of her mind, the one objective she had been fearful to pursue.
These ‘Custodians’. Where were they now, and why — if that one had helped her once and promised her some kind of ultimate destiny he had foreseen (because he seemed to be outside of time and space), then where was he? Where were the others? Had she just seen the same one again, just minutes earlier, giving her that warning? Or was he still moored to a deep cavern somewhere or wandering lonely frosted mountain peaks? They had had a base in Shasta, where she had again received cryptic help before the shelter had been destroyed. Everest was rumored to contain one, and they’d been seen at other mystical places, usually observing, never interfering…
But she knew that wasn’t always the case. In fact, she had been told that at least one had broken with that tradition and turned to the dark side, for lack of a better term. Helping the enemy, working toward mankind’s annihilation — or at least keeping civilization and progress back. Maybe even Boris was one of them — or had their help in some way.
She needed to find the others, had to turn to them for help, but when she had been remote-viewing just now, instead of the usual feeling of zeroing in, weaving around the site until it started to take focus for her, this time something had just flashed into her mind.
Spiked was more like it.
Definitely wasn’t like the mirage-realistic quality of Boris’s implanted sights. This was more like a beacon had popped into her head, directing her like a GPS signal. Prompting her to run in this direction. Not much farther. She could almost still see it in her mind.
Why am I running toward something that so obviously could be a trap?
Someone screamed and brakes hissed and a man yelled to her to stop.
Oh yeah. That’s why.
She sprinted as fast as her weary legs would take her, grateful for the burst of caffeine she had managed to down at least, but still — there was the alley.
Even if she made it, what then? Could it be worse than what was chasing her?
Of course it could.
A dozen questions and scenarios mixed in her adrenaline-fired thoughts, and still that beacon pulsed and flashed, urging her forward.
She could hear the footsteps gaining behind her, couldn’t risk looking, just ran and turned the corner—
Oh no.
Dead end.
A dumpster, some garbage cans and a back door to some diner. Two black pigeons taking to the air, flapping toward her.
She ducked, skidded to a crouch as they screeched just over her head—
And the air stilled, the noises stopped. The footsteps died.
She turned her head, expecting to see the stone-faced agents lording over her, guns drawn. Instead, she stared in shock at the back of a wall, dark and stained, speckled with graffiti — mandalas of the sort she’d seen in Nepal and in countless books of her brothers’.
She stood, noting now the painted birds, a pair of them in flight just about the height of her head.
“That won’t fool them long,” said a voice at her back. “Now, let’s talk…”
“You went looking for me,” said the man emerging from behind the dumpster. He wore a ragged green army jacket, a thick wool hat pulled down tight over his forehead, baggy black sweatpants with a Redskins logo, and dirty old boots, mud caked all over them. As he approached, the wrenching smell of the dumpster seemed overpowered by the fresh scent of an underground waterfall, pure and cool.
Phoebe felt a tingle all the way down her spine as she met his eyes. “You. You’re…” She saw him and he seemed different. Not sure now if this was the one she had seen in the cavern or not. The lines in his face, the pallor of his skin.
“Yes, I am…old. Beyond even what these years suggest.” His eyes looked up for a moment, in calculation. “Oh, but I just choose to keep the appearance I once had.” He seemed to note his attire for the first time. “Except the old me never would have stomached a second of this…”
He glanced back to the dumpster, to the flies and the garbage and the stains. “Or, god forbid, that.”
“The old you?” Phoebe just stared, wide-eyed, then looked back to the wall. “Where are those agents? What are they seeing?”
The man waved a hand absently. “Oh, they’re right there. Take a look.”
He reached forward, fast, and touched her forehead with one finger.
The air fluttered and lightened slightly, and now wall turned transparent. The four agents were rushing about, guns drawn, urgently checking the area. Trying the door nearby, cursing and looking around in confusion.
The scene darkened just a touch, and they were gone — the wall back, and the finger withdrew from her temple.
“Just shifted us out of phase with them, in a temporal sense.” He shrugged. “It’s the most effective way of staying out of sight…but it takes a bit of energy and, I’m so tired.”
Phoebe frowned. “You’re a Custodian.” No question in her tone, just fact. “I…we need your help.”
The man lowered his eyes, staring at his boots. “I heard you searching for me. For us. And against my better judgment, and so many years of indifference, yes I answered.” His eyes sought her out — pained and weary.
“I know,” Phoebe said, “that we’re outside of time, however you want to call it, but I think you know too — we don’t have much of it left. Whatever’s happening, my brother — my husband and friends — all rounded up, and our enemies are attempting again to…”
What exactly were they trying to do? Phoebe wasn’t sure, only that it was certainly bad, on par with what they had just overcome in Alaska, with the destruction of the Emerald Tablet and the prevention of wholesale annihilation.
“I know what they are trying to do. We — my counterparts and I — have seen it. Lived it, been there and done that as they say — over and over.”
“I don’t understand.”
“No, and be thankful you do not.” He sighed. “When I first…” He stared at his ratty gloved palms. “Became like this, the word ‘overwhelming’ is too insignificant a description of what happened.”
“How did you…become?” Phoebe studied the wrinkled face some more. “I always assumed the Custodians were…I don’t know, ancients from a past civilization with incredible anti-aging pills or something. Or, I don’t know…aliens?”
The man chuckled in a wheezy, throaty sound. “Oh, that is rich. And in my former life, I actually believed in them, that aliens were what I was seeing.”
“Yes, I was…I had…talents like you.”
“A remote viewer?”
He nodded. “In trances, I would receive images and diagrams, advanced formulae and notions far beyond any scientific thinking at the time. What else could I fathom except that aliens were communicating with me, their vessel, and sending information they needed humanity to have? And I…I did my best to bring these things to fruition.”
Phoebe frowned. “Who are…?”
“But I was scorned. Mocked and later vilified. What I thought ‘they’ wanted was really nothing more than my seeing the objective I sought in the clear, timeless ether, transcending the barriers of the nineteenth century and accessing all future and past knowledge.”
“Shit, if you could do that, you were more powerful even than my brother. Than…”
He waved off the compliment. “It’s what made me an ideal candidate for the program.”
“What program?” Phoebe was getting antsy, looking again at the fake wall behind her, and the surroundings, expecting at any minute the time bubble would burst, and the agents would be upon them.
“I won’t bore you with all that. Psychics made the best choice, and it was believed someone like me could handle being thrust out of his body and thus, potentially existing outside of time itself.” He made a groaning noise and scratched at his nose. “Oh, they had no idea. The extent of it all.”
His eyes blinked at her, rapidly and he again touched her head. “Here’s a glimpse…”
Phoebe rocked back as soon as he touched her, separating the connection. But even that half a second contact had been enough to leave her gasping, heaving up air, dropping to her knees and rubbing the hard ground for some sort of solidity. Normalcy, something…
“Oh my God…”
She looked up finally, her breaths slowing but her heart still thundering. “I was everywhere, everywhen, I saw… Oh god, it’s starting to leave my head, I couldn’t contain…”
“Existence on an infinite scale? The mortal barrier lifted — that was only part of what the program did. The rest of it, part scientific, part philosophical, was to probe the idea, the notion really, that all this…”
He held out his arms and spun in a quick circle. “All this is just an incredible collection of intersection patterns of energy and light.”
Phoebe frowned, recalling something. “A hologram?”
The man smiled. “One of the fascinating aspects of holograms is that any individual cell contains all the information of the whole. Apply that concept now to reality and you have what I experience — my brothers and sisters and I — every moment of our existence since we stepped into those experimental pods. We had our consciousness — our souls, spirits or astral bodies, call them what you will — uploaded into the overall quantum level of reality…into the hologram itself.”
He leaned back against the dumpster, lowered his head and held it tight with both hands. “Imagine that…what you just felt…constantly, with no escape. We experience everything, everywhere, every when, all the time.”
He looked at her, at Phoebe still at a loss of anything to say, trying to comprehend, unable even to recall why she was here, what she was doing.
“Imagine all that if you can,” he said, “and then you realize, it’s not that we cannot for some high moral reason or internal code of behavior, help you. It’s that, with every possible scenario played out in an infinite number of universes, why does your plight, in the here and now of this one speck of a point in infinity, matter at all?”
Phoebe’s mouth just hung open. Her heart cracked with sympathy, shame, regret and most of all, hopelessness. But she held on to one trail of thought, from a few minutes back. A question she had meant to ask, something that might pull all of these notions back from the brink of the meaningless abyss, back to something like the filthy ground in this back alley, something that mattered.
“Who are you?”
“No one…” he started to say, but Phoebe stopped him.
“You’re wrong. I know you.”
She stepped forward, looked up into his eyes, seeing a familiar sparkle of electricity gleaming in their dark pupils as if seeing old, familiar sights that never left.
“Nikola Tesla.”
Caleb emerged into a hallway that looked like something from a Halloween movie, set in a hospital with dim, blinking overhead lights, and nothing else. After a descent that seemed more abrupt than most amusement park rides, his stomach still left far above, the elevator carried him here, with no other option, no other floors. If he had been expecting multiple levels and all sorts of options, none were found.
One way ticket to hell.
Careful to observe his surroundings thoroughly, he was nonetheless frustrated by the gloom and the lack of clarity. He couldn’t tell if this was real, couldn’t see anything about the edges, whether the telltale sign of a false vision was present, but he had the sense this was as real as it could get.
He was down the hall before he realized it, a queasy feeling in his gut, as if in a funhouse with strobe lights and an unsettling lack of fundamental reality. None of this seemed real, and yet it was so certainly true. The closer he got to the shadowy end of the antiseptic corridor, the more his gut twisted and the muscles in his head and neck tightened. It was as if something weighed down his legs, attacked his thoughts and slowed his progress.
As he pressed onward, every step seemed to reverberate with a vibrating edge that altered the very hallway into something other. First, a stone staircase leading up a torch lit pyramid covered with vines and debris, next a red carpet heading toward a dais with a Nazi swastika banner flying overhead and several black-clad Gestapo waiting beside that bizarre bell-shaped contraption. Another step and he was climbing the stairs to his dad’s study in the old Sodus lighthouse. The next step and Lydia stood in the doorway of their bedroom, smiling and holding out her hand.
Caleb froze, and only now noticed the plasma tendrils and the electrical sparks emanating from the walls, from her body and hair, scaling the walls and dancing on the ceiling.
He opened his mouth to speak, but Lydia was gone, replaced by Boris, standing in the doorway. Behind his shoulder, a larger contraption, similar to the one he had seen in his vision flanked by the Gestapo, shimmered in and out of existence.
“What the hell is happening?”
Boris gave a smile like a mad scientist just off his meds. “Everything you’ve ever wanted, and feared.”
Inside, the space was enormous, and yet not. Like one moment he stood at the back of an incredibly open and cavernous warehouse and the next, in a cramped lab room. The giant bronze bell overhead was the only constant. It seemed to be ringing at a constant dull frequency as it spun, a ring that was greatly affecting Caleb’s emotions, his pain threshold and his very senses with what he could only describe as waves of vibration, invisibly pulsing out in concentric circles from the bell.
“Everything’s a bit screwed up down here,” Boris said. “Don’t you think?”
Caleb held his head as he walked through the doorway, approaching the man who appeared as a silhouette framed with electrical energy.
“A bit worse for you psychic lot, from what I hear.” Boris’s head was a nest of lightning vipers, and his fingertips danced with a violet rippling aura.
Caleb tried to focus his vision, to clear the sights and reduce the variations. The room shuddered, and then held like a movie frame caught in the lens. Now it stayed at just the immense stadium-sized chamber, with the bell in the center, connected at its apex to a multitude of cables, further attached to larger power conduits and pylons and electrical banks on an upper level. Shadowy technicians, soldiers and other figures fluttered in and out of view up there, but he and Boris were the only solid and the central actors in the scene.
“Why not just ask for our help?” Caleb found that his own words sounded strange, distorted.
Boris moved slightly, and now his face was in the light streaming from the central prop, the bell that continued to give off wave after wave of plasma energy. “You mean, like join your little team, then work my way up the ranks so I could suggest some objectives and get you all focused on solving our more serious problems?”
“You were halfway there. You had passed the test.”
Boris shrugged and smiled slyly. “Yeah but you know how I passed. By cheating, and that could only take me so far. I don’t have your talents, and I’d have been found out by your psychic snoops.” He sighed. “Besides, we needed to move fast.”
Caleb lowered his voice. “Then you should have used the powers you have to get to me directly. I could have seen what you needed me to see. And maybe found some other solution besides destroying my team and exposing these people to all the fear and discrimination that’s coming.” He shook his head. “You changed the whole world by that move. And not for the better.”
“Couldn’t help it,” Boris answered. “But you might be right. Either way, you’re here, and yes there’s no escaping it. I do need you.”
Caleb studied the device and the energy pulses. Saw farther, and analyzed the details. The people in that other space-time. “Can they see us?”
“Nope. Partly because of what’s happening here in terms of dimensional time-space, but also because I’m giving them other things to look at. Things which don’t include us.”
“I see.”
“Yes you do, because I allow it. Them, not so much.” Boris approached the bell. “So if we crank open the doorway now, which I can do — then you can do your thing and seek the right destination for us.”
“But not for your masters?” Caleb glanced at him sideways. “I know you don’t fully support them. You’re more rogue than servant.”
Boris’s eyes darkened, as if he were seeing his own far-off visions. “You have no idea what I am, but you’re right about one thing. There will be a reckoning, some day. Or perhaps my freedom alone will be enough.”
Caleb studied him, and wished he had more time and could know the truth of everything he had said. The man’s clouded eyes and smooth expression offered no answers, no clues to the mystery that was this adversary.
“Now though, our time is done. I can’t keep the others — and my masters, your enemies, at bay forever. They gave me some leeway and trust me as much they might trust a tool or a sharp knife, as long as I keep slicing and dicing. But we have to finish this now.”
“So what’s the end result of all ‘this’? I find you a comfortable alternative universe where the comet never hits, where life survives and…” Caleb frowned and looked at him suspiciously.
“I’m wondering, in this other universe. If no danger from the comet, maybe there are also other benefits to you or your so-called non-masters.”
“Like maybe the absence of me. No Morpheus Initiative? Maybe in this other world, the Keepers fail, we fail, and Waxman — or Robert Gregory — succeeds. He foils the traps under the Pharos and obtains the Emerald Tablet. Mason Calderon succeeds in his mission and the entire human race suffers a face worse than the comet?”
Boris grunted. “Now that isn’t some place I care to visit either.” He looked away, his eyes shimmering in the electrical fray. “The same as I wouldn’t want you to select a world where the Nazis won or where there’s no such thing as YouTube.”
“Okay, you’re good with the stick,” Caleb said. “Now what’s the carrot?”
“The carrot is that you can pick one for yourself. One time offer. For example…” He pulled a device from his pocket, like a Smartphone but thicker. Adjusted a dial and tapped in some numbers.
The door appeared, shimmering and perfectly rectangular, framed in electrical finery.
A hand on his back, forceful but not aggressive, more like nudging a friend into a room where a surprise party awaited, or perhaps the girl of his dreams.
And this one wasn’t so far off. The lightning tendrils left his body after gently tagging the skin on his arms, neck and cheeks with pinprick-like energy. He stepped into a place and time not only familiar, but full of sorrow and joy.
Bookshelves and shafts of light cascading over marble pillars and dancing on polished tiles. Countless books stacked neatly as high as the eye could follow, up to the massive decorated dome. Soft music piping through the cinnamon-scented, pristine air. So many pages, so many stories and so much wisdom, all for the sampling by those such as the delicate creature at the first table, her light auburn hair around her face and shoulders, touching the edges of the aged volume.
Caleb took a step closer, tentative, fearful, as if the sound would awaken the woman to his presence, and if that happened, nothing would or could ever be the same. All the intervening years would melt away and he would merge into this other world, this other self and other reality, and he would be happy, none the wiser but full of so many riches.
All efforts to the contrary, his fears and hopes were realized as she lifted her head, frowning slightly, and turning into the glorious glare of the filtered sunlight. Those haunting eyes of deepest jade, those lips so often smiling at the slightest provocation, the smallest joy. Like the boy skipping now down the aisle, a pack of books over his shoulder, so innocent and brave and so unscarred by the loss of his mother and the weight of so much guilt about this very building, over the deaths of so many, and the strength of responsibility.
All this Caleb saw, knew and wanted so desperately.
Even as Lydia raised her head, saw him and smiled.
One more second, one more instant in this place, this time, if he just met her look and went to her, and Caleb knew it would be over. There would be no going back. Was the door even still there, at his back?
Her eyes beckoned, her lips parted in a smile. Was she about to call out to him? Did her enthusiasm signal some great find in the book’s pages, in this massive and countless treasure trove of ancient and modern wisdom shored up by the Keepers and preserved for a new age? Or did she just miss him, way out here in Alexandria while he worked with the Morpheus Initiative back in the States? Was that a smile of longing about to be fulfilled, a smile of anticipation at a desperately needed kiss, a desire to quench not just physical passions, but a lust for knowledge of what wisdom they had learned, what secrets could have be unearthed? They were poised to do such great things, and although their methods differed, their goals were the same — the advancement of civilization and humanity’s potential.
It all came back to him, and he knew that with his next step everything else would be like a quickly-forgotten dream, and this life, this world, this second chance, would be his everything. All those other people behind the door at his back, dealing with government conspiracies and cosmic threats, they would be just figments of illusionary and distant characters in his mind, quickly relegated to the realm of uncertain reality.
One more step, back to Lydia, to young Alexander, to this life before the lighthouse fire, before Calderon and the destruction of this wondrous library, before all the pain and guilt.
It could all be yours again, said a voice in his head. To do it right this time.
A hand on his shoulder, pulling him back, stopping that last step.
He turned, and the man (who the hell was this?) with the hooded sweatshirt and those jet black eyes gripped him tighter and yanked him through a door that should not have existed, a door that slammed shut fast, so fast, and the last thing Caleb could see through it was his wife, standing in surprise and her eyes turning to confusion.
“That’s your carrot,” Boris said. “That is my gift to you, but only after I get mine first.”
Caleb shook away from that grip and reached for the door that was no longer there, replaced by a snarling nest of electrical webbing. It scattered at his touch, leaving only wispy tendrils of sulfur-scented air behind. The great bell-shaped object trembled and a whirring sound replaced the cacophony of clicking and grinding that had followed his return to Montauk.
“You found that place,” Caleb whispered, struggling to stop the tears welling in his eyes. Lydia… so close, so…right. She was there, everything was there. He could remove the traps he had laid out to hide the Tablet from her, share with her and trust her this time… It could be different. Everything could be different.
“Through luck and extreme effort,” Boris said grimly. He pulled back his hood and stepped back toward the controls. In the far corner of the room, a few technicians were poring over data and analyzing a giant board full of equations. They were apparently clouded from seeing Caleb and Boris, which was just fine.
“We’ve found dozens, hundreds of alternate realities that are possibilities. Some have already served as escape avenues for war criminals and for others who couldn’t bear the thought of what’s to come in this world. And still so many others were dead ends, or they presented worse scenarios.” He sighed. “But this one, yes, I calibrated the space and time anchors to what I knew would pique your interest the most. Pull on the old heartstrings and offer you a chance at redemption.”
Caleb glanced wistfully toward the empty space where the portal had been. “But…was I there? What about the me in that time and space?” He had so many questions, so many dizzying conjectures.
Boris raised a finger in an a-ha kind of gesture. “Yes, the key question! And since we don’t have the days and weeks it would take to fully answer it, just know that we discovered that as Tesla and others theorized, the universe — any universe — vibrates at its own unique frequency. Everything in it — including us — has a signature as unique as a fingerprint, on a cosmic scale. Now think of the concept of parallel universes — which all, by nature, have to occupy the same space, but just in a different dimension, each with their own atoms vibrating at unique frequencies…” He held his head, massaging his temples as if the thoughts were giving him pain. “You see where I’m going with this?”
Caleb thought for a moment. “Let me see…The Law of Conservation and Energy would say matter can neither be created nor destroyed, and reality has to be balanced.”
“Right. So when you stepped into that other universe…”
“There would suddenly be an excess of mass. Something had to give — or be destroyed to keep the balance.”
“Exactly, which gave those early Nazi scientist bastards all kinds of trouble. They could find the other dimensions, but couldn’t enter — something kept bouncing them back — or annihilating the hapless volunteers who tried, or at least scrambling their brains up something fierce. Those who are psychic have a much better chance of surviving, which is why for now all volunteers have to fit that bill…or be changed to fit it.”
“Never mind that for now. Just know that they’ve had all kinds of problems with anyone entering another universe…”
“Until,” Caleb thought, “they hit on the notion of the vibrational signature.”
“The right frequency, yes. The bell there — not only fractures our reality and creates the doorway of our choosing, but it envelopes those in proximity with a field that subtly changes the vibrational speed of their atoms…”
“To be in sync with those of the target universe?” Caleb’s eyes widened. “So, nothing new is added to that universe? We snap into place, vibrating at the same speed, with the same signature, in essence — becoming the other one of us, merging with him?”
“That’s right. Atoms of World A Caleb vibrating at the same rate as World B’s Caleb, and when you stepped through…only one of you could then exist.”
“What about our — my — memories? Thoughts, experiences, would they…?”
Boris shrugged. “To some extent, they’re both there. You gain his, he gains yours, but as I’m sure you noticed, the dominant world took a greater hold, even in that short time you were there.”
“Yes. I felt…this world fading, like it was a dream.”
“You might recall it, at times, depending on how strongly you held on to those memories, and that’s something we’ve worked hard to perfect here. Mental strategies for safekeeping our ‘selves’ and not losing our central identities, but we’re not sure it can be done.”
Caleb took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and focus, despite the weight of such a revelation. He studied the bell again, for want of anything else. “And you need me to find you the right door for you?”
“Not just for me. For the salvation of this world,” Boris corrected. “Or at least some part of it.”
“But it won’t be for all,” Caleb stated, without expecting any kind of argument. “It’s for you and your elite. For the conspirators and those who have forever kept the masses in the dark, in check. It’s for the Custodians who have done what for us exactly? And now they want to save their own skins?”
“I don’t know their motives,” Boris said. “But I do know they don’t need us for this. They want something else. I only work for them and—”
“And reap the results of a good benefit plan?”
His eyes flashed darkly, and in that glance Caleb’s earlier thought took a new light. A beginning of a plan. He didn’t have all the pieces, but this sudden connection and insight into his adversary, who had more layers to him than Caleb had originally credited, gave him a slight opening.
“Enough debate, theorizations and questions,” Boris snapped. “Time’s up and you have to do what you do best. See. Go searching and ask your questions, find the right one, get me the coordinates as I’m sure your little talent can come up with some cryptic glimpses that you’ll quickly decode and interpret.”
Boris was suddenly closer, right in front of him, eye to eye. “No games, no misdirection. I’ll know, we’ll all know. And especially, the one I work for…” He paused and glanced over his shoulder, toward the back of the chamber, beside a staircase where only now Caleb noticed a window partition in a second-level station. Dark behind there, but the sense of figures standing, waiting…
Was there one in a familiar hat, particularly interested in what was happening right here, and particularly immune to the visions Boris could create?
That was an important point, he suddenly realized, and had to know.
“Your woodpecker talent…?” Caleb leaned closer to Boris’s left ear. “Does it work on them?”
Boris recoiled, eyes narrowing. “That’s not your concern.”
Caleb turned his back on Boris, nodded as if in agreement, and focused on the bell. He thought about Boris’s response. There had to be a way. A glance back to the windows, and that dark silhouette, standing oddly powerful. A glowing tip of a cigarette appeared near the darkness at his face.
Was he one of them, a Custodian? One who had somehow defied the non-involvement directive? Or was he just a government spook, a Man in Black?
Caleb was going to find out. Soon.
He focused his attention on the bell and the shimmering waves of energy radiating from its spinning.
Or better yet, in the past.
“Ignorance is bliss,” Tesla said. “You do not understand how important that old saying is, and how much I understand that now. The curse of my life, and the benefit to so many who have not had to undergo the curse of wisdom.”
Phoebe continued staring at him. “You…can’t be Tesla. He died, oh I don’t know, in the 1940s. He was like almost ninety back then, so no…He’s long dead.”
“No.” A pained looks crossed his expression. “And yes. I can show you the truth, just tap your head there and you would see it all: how they took me. The stand-in they buried in my place. I lived, a lot longer. Not my own choosing, at least after a while. They kept me alive, on life support the last five years, until this program was ready. By then…the pain I was in, wanting it all to end, of course I volunteered.”
“I don’t understand. I thought you said…”
“I was needed for an experiment.”
Phoebe frowned, looked behind her to the wall — which was starting to peel apart now like an old bumper sticker. “They’re going to come back and find us. And what if they see you? Or…” She backed away, looking at him differently. “Are you still with them?”
A laugh. “Oh no, they figured they were done a long time ago when they finally destroyed my body. Oh, and they will never see me. Only those…we wish to appear to can have that privilege.”
“It’s more like a curse,” Phoebe said, “unless you start doing something to help. Other than just giving me little pep talks about some great destiny.” Phoebe reached out to him, grabbed his arm but found it loose, yielding under the baggy coat sleeves. Almost like he wasn’t really there.
He barely reacted to her touch. His face was turned upwards now, squinting as if seeing something far off, way up beyond the sky. “Ah, they have found us, after all, but it’s not really them.” A smile emerged, then faded. “They are doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Your husband is in trouble.”
“Orlando?” She gasped. “What? What do you see?”
Not waiting for a reply, she dropped to one knee, closed her eyes and sought him out. Thought something was coming, but instead: a rushing sense of nothing but 1s and 0s whipped by in her vision.
“Do not waste your time on that now.”
“Where the hell is he? I can’t sense him, I can’t…”
“I am sorry for what is coming. For him, but…it might be a help.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” She was losing it, completely out of control as never before, trapped in an alley behind a fake wall, with enemies on the outside and this…unnatural exception on the inside.
“I was not going to come out of hiding. All this…these people, the city…We stay in isolation, as remote as possible, and coming out here…it disrupts things. Our essence, our very code.”
Phoebe stared at him, feeling more and more like she — and everyone she cared about — was slipping toward the abyss and this one hope she had sought out had turned out to be completely insane, and no help at all.
“Why did you come out then? Why send me that beacon, why pull me here? Tell me that much at least.”
Tesla held his head.
“Tell me something!”
“All right!” he yelled, at the same time flinching as a pigeon suddenly swooped down in a flash of white and grey and fluttered around his head. His face sparked suddenly, like giving off voltage, and sparks shot from his fingertips.
He followed its beating wings until it landed on his right shoulder, then he seemed to calm and looked back to her.
“You are here because I cannot do it anymore.”
Phoebe nodded. “Good, well that’s something. About time. Why not? Is it because…their side — the others, the bad ones — aren’t sitting on the sidelines any longer?”
Tesla closed his eyes, exhaled then opened them again. “A few of us, the seven, and then one more…gained their wits faster than the others. We figured out a way to consolidate all the information, filter it and choose to live in a smaller subset of the infinite, reducing the choices and destinations, contracting the quantum—”
“Enough.” Phoebe rubbed her forehead. “So, there are some Custodians who can intervene. You told me as much in the caverns. But what about these others?”
“I do not know. We were not friends or even colleagues, my other volunteers. And as I said, once we were…dismantled on a quantum…er subatomic level, well, the infinity of paths and experiences was such that our roads rarely crossed.”
“But you have such powers to help.”
“Not as much as you would expect. You touched me, but I am not really here, in the here you understand. This coat, yes, the hat and boots. But me? My body is no more, my essence, my information? That alone remains. I cannot fight your battles, not in any physical sense.”
“Then in a metaphysical sense, join me. At the very least you could be using your knowledge to guide people, to create things, ease suffering, warn of impending disasters…”
“That was my original intent.”
“An impending disaster?”
“Yes, a constant in many variations of universes and paths. A comet, breaking apart. Its destiny and Earth’s unavoidable in most timelines.”
“What? When?” She looked up to the sky as if the time had already come.
“Soon.” He started waving his hands and pacing as he talked. Becoming more and more like the Tesla she expected.
“Do we know about it? I mean, our governments?”
Tesla ignored her. “It is coming, and the devastation…I have seen it, over and over and over. So many worlds destroyed, countless populations annihilated. I lived it, watched it, so many times. And not just this decade’s impact, but several in the past. I saw…”
He just stopped, lowering his eyes. “We should only watch. Otherwise, the responsibility is just too overwhelming. Why help this world, this time, and why not others? Why you?”
Phoebe forced herself to calm down. “I don’t pretend to understand what you’ve gone through, or what you’re going through now, but there has to be something. Do it, pull yourself out of those other responsibilities, I know it sounds cold, but cling to something. You were born, you lived, you brought joy to your mother as a kid, as a baby I’m sure. I’m recently a mother, and God I miss them with all my heart. You did something, you were something. Your inventions, your genius…we’ve rediscovered so many of those things, but hell, others were taken and I can’t believe you would have allowed them to be used as they have been.”
A grunting noise came from under the hat.
“The HAARP facility, subverting what you intended, weaponizing space, causing weather disruptions, earthquakes… Wait! What about using that technology to destroy the comet?”
“No no no, not possible. Too far out, need interference waves to cross at right angles, quite impossible unless we have ships out there with the beam technology, or on satellites or moons in the vicinity. No, the damage from the heated core that splits the comet into pieces will eventually detonate upon the earth. At that point, the weapon could work if it was just one asteroid or a sliver, but with this rain of meteorites, individual attempts won’t get them all. No, what would work however, is one of my other concepts.
“Which one?”
“A shield around the earth itself.”
“Can you do that?”
“I had the designs, the locations of towers — or ancient sites of power— all over the earth that would each give out scalar energy from rotating electrical fields that…” He shook his head. “To explain it all would take hours. Suffice to say, it would work, but could not be powered with the current level of energy output. And the missing component to direct all this properly, I found, had to be the greatest variable of all.” He sighed and gave her a look of such longing. “That of human consciousness.”
Phoebe stared at him, forgetting for a moment about Orlando. “This sounds like what an artifact we just destroyed could do.”
Tesla nodded vigorously, now rubbing at his neck, acting more and more human like. “Yes, yes. That is what they need, and will have it soon.”
“What do you mean? My brother destroyed it a couple years ago. It’s gone, never…”
“There is another, and…oh they have ways to get it. Using your friends. And I fear it is almost too late.”
“But I don’t understand. If we’re all doomed if we don’t create your shield thing, then why are you worried? Why shouldn’t we find this other Emerald Tablet and let them stop this comet? Or we can do it with your help!”
Tesla slowly shook his head. “Because…one of the reasons I am what you see now. I volunteered for the experiment, to become this ultimate explorer, but they only allowed me to go because I had refused to help any more in their drive to use my inventions. I saw what they intended — the consequences of using this free energy.”
“What consequences? If it’s free energy and all we’re talking is the big oil companies losing money, I’m all for it.”
Tesla sighed. “No. Something far worse than that. Which is why I have been so reluctant, even in this case, my own time and world. They want the shield, they want to save us from the comet, but only as a first step. The true reason…”
He shook his head again. “I do not know any alternative, and maybe you are right and there is a way to stop the comet with the beam weaponry. Maybe you must set out to do just that. But my time is ending, I am coming undone. Unhinged, if you will. Another reason we have stayed away.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have brought me back to the linear time, away from the breach in the holographic universe.”
“The what?”
“And now I am…not what I was. Reducing myself to this interaction has broken apart the transcendent expansion of my consciousness. It cannot go the other direction without this form degrading further.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You do not need to. But you have what you wanted.”
“What’s that?”
“My help. Come, we will join the others in the final fight. My final fight, not yours.” He looked at her with great sadness. “That has yet to come. But for now, you are right. I cannot let them warp my ideas and use my invention for their dark plans.”
“Okay,” Phoebe said, just trying to keep up, as the air suddenly shimmered.
The wall fell, and the sky brightened.
Two agents rounded the corner, guns drawn — until a bright light seared at their eyes and they dropped the guns.
Phoebe felt a twisting in her stomach, a rush of cold and a vacuum pulling her through what looked to be a tear in the very fabric of the air.
“Hold on to my sleeve,” said Tesla, “and let us lend a hand.”
Lightning crackled from high above Caleb as he slowly rose from his kneeling position. He was dimly aware of Boris’s presence behind him, on the platform amidst the terminals and dials and systems and all that wiring — no less a distraction than the great hollow bell above, and the light show straight out of some rock band’s epic final concert. The sound of water trickling and flowing all around, the bubbling elements composing the spaces between the platform and the walkway, covering the floor and serving, he was sure, as some kind of massive conductor for the electromagnetic energy between the bell, the rotating contraption and all the pylons and equipment down here.
One massive system for inter-dimensional travel. Doorways to time and space.
“I trust,” came Boris’s voice, cascading over the water and the crackling air, “you’ve succeeded.”
Caleb never took his eyes off the dazzling display of electro-plasma pyrotechnics above. Arms at his side, shoulders completely relaxed, still half in a trance, he managed a slight nod.
“If you’re lying, the others won’t have it nearly this easy.” Boris at his back now, speaking into his ear. “After I come back — and make no bones about that, I will come back — I’ll put a knife in your trachea and listen to you drown on your own blood before I give the order to have your sister and your son brought here. And with them, I’ll let the goons upstairs apply their influence to get what we want. And…”
“I get it, shut up already.” Caleb blinked and faced Boris. “I saw what you need.”
Boris scanned his eyes, and Caleb knew this was it, he had to sell it or it was over. More, though, he had to be right about Boris. Right about his read of the man and his creation.
There were wild cards, for sure. One huge one, but he had to hope when it flipped over, Lady Luck would throw in a fortunate counter. Otherwise, all was lost.
At least this way, all is lost on my terms, with me fighting it every step. Can’t say I didn’t try.
His scalp tingled, the ground trembled and Boris smiled and slapped his shoulder. “All right then. Let’s see what you’ve found for us. By the way, how was it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Scrying this objective.” Boris led him back to the machines and the waiting lab technician there. Caleb wondered if the man had his vision re-jiggered with some projection Boris maintained for him; maybe the tech was in some bright Google-like lab space with a bunch of college interns, heads bobbing to music from ear buds as they went about their work, waiting for this new project to be handed down.
“The Salvation Objective,” Boris said. “That has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? So what’d you see, or sense, or whatever you do when you do that thing you do?”
Caleb rolled his eyes. “It was different, but not really. A sense of layers peeling away, like bits of muscle and flesh…”
…slicing free and carefully placed on one side or another for later analysis if necessary. Each gentle cut — tender and ever so thin with a razor-sharp scalpel — chiseled away at this reality or that, presenting the same view but as if in different rooms, with slightly altered wallpaper, paint or window dressings. Slow going at first, and then the scalpel worked as if in the hand of a flawless surgeon on speed: a quicksilver-like alchemist, picking and choosing, digging deeper and strategically cutting and probing the best locations.
“But it wasn’t just seeing the right world, one in which the comet never becomes the doomsday maker. It was also a matter of gathering the more important data, the right quantum signature of that reality.”
Boris cocked his head as he bent over the first desk, sporting a simple laptop that seemed to be the central command. “And how did you do that?”
Caleb shrugged. No need to lie here. “In truth, like everything I do, I can’t always put a description to something so ambiguous and fluid, more like feelings and emotions that sometimes paint pictures or leave me with snippets of reality, like found footage, some more vivid than others.”
“Okay okay, but I know I gave you a heavy lift with this. A frequency…”
That was the tricky part, and to do this right, to convince Boris, it would be just as tricky.
“I saw,” he spoke slowly. “The other Montauk. Took a little peek at their setup here…a lot like you’ve got. Almost the same, in fact.”
Boris narrowed his eyes.
Caleb pointed over his shoulder. “Screen just like this, with that baseline megahertz readout plastered everywhere. Close, but I saw what to change it to.”
“Okay…” Boris bent over his keyboard and started tapping, bringing up a new screen and a listing of fields to complete. “I’ll trust you for now, but if you’re lying…”
“I know, a slow death, followed by torture of all my loved ones.”
“I was going to say, you’ll just be wasting a few million dollars in energy cost and a fraction of this facility’s cost, but otherwise, we’ll know. I’ll come back and reset it and it will be like nothing else has happened.”
“Well then, make sure you do one more adjustment.”
“What’s that?”
Caleb thought for a moment. “Actually two other factors you need but didn’t explicitly ask for, right? Space and time.”
Boris smiled. “True, but not necessary. With the right parallel universe, just asserting you’re correct in your selection is the first step. We can always then, once the bridge is established and a doorway created, fine-tune the destination. I can actually open it myself, once I’ve been there. A little gift they had me practice and practice.”
Boris suddenly snapped his head around, eyeing Caleb in a new light. “Hold on, what else did you see?” He stood up. “What are the temporal and spatial coordinates you’re suggesting?”
Caleb raised his hands. “Oh, it’s right here. Like I said…or at least very close, so I could see the facility and the experiments going on. But…”
“But what time?”
Caleb opened his mouth. Damn it. How to get this by without him knowing? He’d know, of course he’s going to know…
“November fourth, Nineteen…”
Boris’s eyes widened, not at Caleb or what he was saying, as he had feared and thought this one chance would begin to unravel, but at something over his shoulder.
Caleb turned, slowly, just his head and saw—
The man in the hat was there, stepping out of the ether and the plasma explosions. Trench coat swaying, gloved hands swinging with his long arms, shadow over his face, the man approached. Somehow, that cigarette was still there — like a feature stuck to his lips instead of an actual cigarette, as if he no longer needed to smoke but kept it as a remembrance.
Caleb could barely speak. “What’s he doing here?”
“Never mind,” Boris snapped, as he finished tapping keys. “I’m done with the coordinates and we’re going through. God help us — and you, if this is a trick.”
Caleb couldn’t take his eyes off the black blur, highlighted in dancing flames now, as the ridges around the bell began to spin and accelerate.
The Operator — for that’s all Caleb could think to call him at this moment — paused for a second as the air shimmered and waves of pulsing energy rained down from the bell. Boris stood up and moved from the terminal and an instant later appeared at Caleb’s side, with a blurring shadow trail of his other selves phasing along behind him. He said something lost in the crackling energy and the phasing reality. Lights shifted and dimmed, pulsing and flashing, and then the electrical tendrils filled the great space and the bell shone with an unholy crimson radiance as it shuddered and gave off ringing pulses that vibrated and sent ripples through the very air.
A hand grabbed his shoulder and dragged him by the shirt. Stumbling to keep up and then breaking into a run, Caleb followed Boris directly into the mouth of the gaping electricity-framed doorway.
“No, no, no,” Caleb yelled and tried to pull away. “Not me, I don’t know…”
Boris paused at the threshold, now gripping Caleb with both hands around his collar. “Don’t worry, the other you is too far away for you to merge, not yet at any rate.”
“We can both exist?”
“For a short time if not in the same vicinity, to prevent a paradox, but soon you will merge.” His eyes darted back in alarm. “But now, it seems your selection has pissed someone off.”
“Boris…” The Operator slowed, holding up both hands. His eyes captured the electrical pulses and added a hypnotic effect to his appearance, like a master stage magician. “You cannot step through. He’s tricking you.”
Caleb grabbed Boris, prepared to yank him through. Not sure what kind of time that would buy them, if any. If the Operator followed them through, that might end any chance he had. And then a host of other questions tried to surface, most involving paradoxes, cause and effect and non-linearity, except for the big one: How does he know?
Shrugging it aside, fearing the answer was all too obvious, Caleb was prepared for Boris to resist, to fight back, pull away and ruin this one slim chance. Instead, Boris’s face turned toward the door, his body went limp and before they both went through, Caleb thought he saw Boris’s eyes light up with longing and expectation.
On a thick shag rug floor. Caleb was face down, hands gripping big tufts of carpet. Did they really think this was a smart decorating idea? The thought rolled in on a side car next to a train of pure dislocation, confusion and pain. In the dim reaches of his mind alarm bells were tolling, high above, unreachable or even visible.
Where he was took a back seat to when, as he began to remember.
1994. Somewhere Sammy Hagar was playing on an album, and there was a kid reading the latest issue of Daredevil.
Somewhere else, the Twin Towers were standing still, the world had never heard of iPhones and Trump was still reigning at Atlantic City casinos.
Nearby, someone was coming. Someone in a black hat who meant to undo all this, who had death in his hands and extinction in his grasp.
Got to stop him, or delay him at least, Caleb thought. That was everything.
A hat-wearing shadow threw itself across the faux-wood paneling just as the lyricist in the other room wondered why this couldn’t be love.
Get up, get up. He’s here…
Caleb struggled to his knees, then to his feet, fought a wave of nausea and more dislocation as the lights from the hallway tackled the sunlight from the kitchen windows and met at the black-clad figure of the Operator, only feet away. The tip of the cigarette was glowing, but no smoke emerged, as if he didn’t breathe it in—or does he even need to breathe at all?
The eyes under the brim of that black sought him out, sweeping the room, the floor, looking for him like a cat seeking telltale signs of any prey…
…but finding none.
The Operator stood straighter, smoothing out his coat, adjusting his hat — and staring right through Caleb.
How the hell is that possible? Caleb asked, but already knew the answer, the solution he had been hoping for earlier when Boris wouldn’t respond.
With a flourish of his coat, the Operator turned and headed toward the kitchen and the back doors, presumably to check outside.
A small hand took Caleb’s sleeve and pulled him around.
The young boy Caleb had seen in his previous remote session, wearing a Space Invaders shirt and gym shorts with bare feet — a little green around the toes as if he’d been running out on the lawn all day — looked up at him with wide eyes and with a finger on his lips.
“Have to be quick, before he sees through my hallucination.”
Caleb’s eyes widened. “So it does work on him. On them…whatever.” He studied the boy’s face, seeing the similar darkness behind the eyes, yet clouding over in a film of brimming innocence. “And you…”
“I’m still me,” said the boy, the young Boris, in a sort of familiar voice. “But not for long.”
“You knew,” Caleb said. “What I had done.”
The boy nodded, then slowly looked around, craning his neck to note where the Operator had gone. “I was furious, my head filled with all kinds of devious methods of revenge, and then…not. Now, I think…” He looked up at Caleb, and smiled. “I think I’m going to thank you in a few minutes, and then…” His eyes softened and threaten to overflow with emotion. “I’m going to forget you.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, Caleb relaxed slightly. “I kind of hoped you would.”
A creaking floorboard, a shuffle from the other room, and Caleb turned and backed away. “It doesn’t solve your larger problems though,” Boris said. “The comet…”
“No, but let me deal with that now. My way.”
The boy nodded. “I think he’s coming back. You have to…”
But when he looked again, Boris wasn’t there. Caleb was alone, and the man in the hat rounded the corner, eyes squinting as he reached into his coat to retrieve a sharp, silvery dagger. Ornate, with snakes around the hilt.
Caleb stood absolutely still, barely breathing as the Operator moved into the room. It was like he glided over the carpet on bent legs that never moved, scanning the room in controlled thirty degree sectional sweeps. Caleb imagined his eyes were like robotic lenses, drilling into different wavelengths, seeing beyond anything the normal spectra could supply — or fabricate.
Where was the boy? Was the illusion still in effect?
Caleb was frozen, unsure of anything. Could he be seen, heard, smelled? Damn it, why didn’t I bring a weapon? He hadn’t thought this part through, just figured if he could find an alternate reality where Boris was still Boris, he could deposit the man who had caused so much trouble in Caleb’s world into one in which this Operator had never interfered. Boris could live in that timeline free of all the horror he had endured at their hands. Free from the ‘training’ and development into a soldier of mind-warfare. Boris could recover his stolen childhood, one that was never stolen in this reality; recover his life and grow up without the powers, responsibility or corruption that came with it.
It was supposed to be a gift, but Caleb had screwed it up by leading the very instigator of that destruction back to do it all again. Nothing would change, and maybe it would even be worse.
Caleb’s hands tightened into fists. He would end this now, one way or another. The illusion was either breaking down or the Operator had a way to break it down. Made sense that the guy (or entity) who trained Boris would also have safeguards to prevent himself from being duped. Surprised I got this far.
As the man and the outstretched dagger approached, Caleb had the sense that what would give him away was his breathing, or maybe the very fact that he occupied a space different from the ‘false things’ in Boris’s induced hallucination.
Whatever it was, it was giving him away. The Operator straightened slightly as a smile came to his lips and his eyes settled on Caleb’s location — give or take a few feet.
“Got you,” came the grating whisper.
Fight or fight, Caleb thought. No running this time. Had to give Boris the best chance. God I wish I had Nina here…
The dagger thrust forward, but off just slightly. Caleb barely had to dodge. If it had been a swipe instead it would have caught him, but this miscalculation, something that made Caleb proud of Boris’s skill, offered an opportunity to respond back.
Already in motion, Caleb used his momentum to carry his weight forward and add to the thrust as he punched out with all his might. In a sense, never a fighter, Caleb was cheating as he had a clean shot at the Operator’s face.
A satisfying crunch and a shooting pain in Caleb’s fist, but still exhilarating to land such a blow. The Operator’s head went back and the hat flew off. The cigarette exploded in a puff of smoke. The man staggered and dropped the dagger in shock as he raised both hands to his face.
Instead of crimson blood, a weird sludge of shimmering gold emerged. Not so much oozing or dripping, but blasting out, like fiery gasps from a sparkler on the Fourth of July.
Caleb gaped at him. “What the hell are you made of?”
His bald, eerily misshapen skull turned toward Caleb, and the Operator-Custodian now focused solely and directly on Caleb’s eyes. He touched his nose, and the dazzling escaping bits of light ceased. “Nice try, psychic. But you’re so far away from your element.” He held a glimmering, gold-spattered hand up to his face, frowning at it as if he had never seen himself bleed before, then refocused on his target.
Caleb backed away, and found himself in a corner. “What are you?”
The Operator smiled a toothy grin. Reached down and picked up his hat, then reaffixed it on his head, slightly crooked. Took a step toward Caleb. “That’s top secret.”
“You shouldn’t be interfering.” Caleb had to try something. Had to stall, to give himself an opening to run, try to make it back to the portal, if it was even still up and running. How much time did he have to get back in and through?
There was a pause, just slightly. “You don’t know anything.”
“I know another like you. He helped us once…sort of.”
“Then he was a fool. We’re not all bound by idiocy. Some…” The eyes glazed over slightly as the smile widened. “Have broken free of any such limitations. We’ve found purpose, righted ourselves, grounded into one viewpoint and pursued a more righteous path.”
“Sounds like gibberish,” Caleb argued, stepping behind a chair, but working himself farther into the corner. Glancing around through his periphery, looking for a weapon of any kind. Wait, wasn’t the fireplace right there before? I could have used the poker…
“You know so little, for pretending to know and see so much.”
“Yeah I get that a lot.” Come to think of it, where was the dagger he just dropped?
The Operator glided over now, moving fast, on the opposite side of the chair. He could reach out now and catch Caleb’s throat, snap the neck in an instant. Instead he seemed to be unable to resist one last taunt.
“You and your group. Your father and grandfather…all those who could pierce the veil…you still don’t know why, or what it all means. Can’t see the elephant for all the parts you’ve been touching.”
Caleb shrugged. “Nope. And you lot are dreadfully possessive of these truths. Care to share before you murder me?”
The hat swiveled as he shook his head, and he let out a little laugh. “Oh you’ll find out, very very soon, in what will be a great shock, I’m sure.” He cocked his head and looked up, as if picturing the sight with enjoyment. “In a way, you’re lucky, where you’re going.”
“What are you, some wacky cultist with wackier afterlife beliefs?”
“Something like that,” came the reply as the grin vanished, replaced with dark intent. “Or just one with access to the truth.”
He was about to lunge when he paused, almost froze in mid air. A gagging, pained sound came from his throat — which bulged. His mouth opened wide — and a blast of violent bright light vomited out. Caleb had the impression that some golden snake had crawled inside the man’s stomach and now emerged, straightened and erect, protruding through the mouth, past the teeth and gums, shedding its skin and teeth as it emerged.
The operator’s eyes clouded over with disbelief and shock and tried to circle back in his head, tried to see who held the dagger with both hands, forcing it ever deeper, all the way until the hilt met the back of the bald skull.
The eyes faded, as did the energy to his legs, and the Operator crumpled to his knees. His body jittered, then started to break apart. Collapsing in bits under the clothes, contracting, shrinking, tightening. The head and the hands disintegrated in compartmentalized packets of light that whisked away into folds in space, as if something from another dimension were disassembling a robotic thing, separating it into the basic building pieces, and then vacuuming the debris all back.
Hundreds of flashes of light sparkled — outside and under the clothes, within the sleeves, under the pants and in the shoes — until even those fizzled out and there was nothing left but the black garments lying flat on the ground.
And Caleb stared at the boy standing in his place. The boy now looking at his hands, then up at Caleb — and the room, which suddenly shifted, vibrating slightly, then settling into a slightly different version of itself.
The fireplace was back, the pictures in different places, the window a bit brighter.
“I had to build a vision on top of a vision,” young Boris said in a far-off voice. “He was breaking down the first one. Just had to tweak it so he couldn’t see me, or the dagger he dropped — also apparently made of the same stuff he was. So I cut some corners.”
“Pretty damn good,” Caleb whispered, still keeping his eyes on the remnants of the man below him. “You did it.”
“I…” Boris rubbed his head. “I don’t remember who he was. But I know he didn’t come here to be nice.” Those big brown eyes looked up at Caleb, now with some confusion.
Caleb nodded. “It’s okay, it’s…expected. Are you all right?”
Boris stepped back. “I think so. I…” He looked toward the kitchen and the bright light from the morning sun. Heard his name called from somewhere out there, a playful tone from a young girl, and his lips turned into a smile. “I think I need to go now.”
Caleb took in a deep breath. “You do.”
“So do you,” Boris said, and it was his older voice again, breaking down at the end but still recognizable. “Hurry, it won’t wait for you.”
He headed toward the kitchen, stopping at the threshold to turn his head. “Good luck on the other side. I’m sorry, sorry for everything.”
And then he was gone into the sunlight.
Somewhere in that other room there was a click of a record player as a song ended and another record dropped into place. A sound of static, and then the familiar beats of a song.
Somewhere…beyond the Sea, somewhere…
Caleb paused for a moment, staring at the light. To the shimmering rectangular space altering the reality of one section of the hallway. It was fluttering, about to close, its energy expended.
They’re waiting for me.
And then he ran.
Diana had been crouched in the farthest corner from the door, out of the cone of light from the dim bulb overhead. As far as kidnappings go, she imagined this one wasn’t too bad. She had water and a sandwich; although it was turkey — not her thing. Didn’t they do their research and know she was a vegetarian?
How long had she been here? How long since the terrifying moment in the observatory, right after Nevin had left for a short break and she heard a sound, and then two armed men in suits were there on either side of her? Politely but urgently they whisked her away as if they were secret service agents after receiving a threat on her life.
No one spoke in the car for the four hour ride and no one said a word after dumping her in this room. Wherever the hell they were, a remote lighthouse on Long Island, they apparently had no immediate interest in her. Didn’t ask her one thing, despite her yelling herself hoarse about what she knew, about insisting she had information that needed to be heard. Even once in this room, she knew they would have cameras and microphones, and had to hear her.
But no one came.
Which meant she had only been abducted for one purpose.
I hate being used for insurance.
All her smarts and knowledge, and they thought she would just serve as a threat to use against Montross? She knew that had to be it. Don’t need to be psychic to figure that one out.
They were going to make him talk. Damn it. Should have hidden better.
She hugged her knees and shuddered, thinking of what was to come. In her mind, while not psychic, she quickly felt disassociated from her body and felt herself soaring now, flying high in a hand glider over the lush forests of Yellowstone, or better yet…where she had gone looking for her father, and had met Xavier, in the Grand Canyon. She could almost feel the heat and the dry air, the sun on her face, her climbing gear feeling so secure on her back like always as she swooped toward the river. And then a voice said:
“Get up. It’s time. He’s here.”
Despite the electrical light show around the great spinning bell, Montross saw Diana arrive through the side door, and he marveled at how perfect she looked. Despite her captivity and abduction, despite the predicament and despite everything that might happen, at least here and now she wasn’t hurt.
Her eyes brightened, and she tugged her arm free and ran from her escort. The guard didn’t give chase, as there was nowhere else to go. As she started to run along the narrow walkway, however, she faltered, seeing the raging storm of plasma and electrical-magnetic forces overhead, giving a dazzling show of light and energy.
Then Montross was there, in her arms and he was hugging her close. “Told you someday we’d have fireworks again.”
She pulled back and met his eyes. “I’m sorry. They found me… I couldn’t hide.”
“I know. We were outmaneuvered by a superior force.”
“Xavier,” she whispered, but needn’t have. No one could hear them, and no one was here to even watch them except one guard at the exit. Everyone else must have been up another level where all the equipment and computers and servers were. A metal staircase up the left side.
“I found something.”
Montross took her hand. “What? Where?”
“Up there, out there I mean. On the comet.” She sought his eyes. “You know it’s coming for us, right?”
“I gathered. Something of celestial or otherwise nasty and unavoidable doom.” He thought for a moment. “I was told that the people who are doing this — they’re using us for some larger goal that will ultimately save us. I didn’t believe her, but maybe it had something to do with this comet.”
“There’s more, though. Our satellite, it landed and I was in the process of resolving the images and clarifying the symbols we saw on the structure there.”
“Still baffling, but not as much, given everything else we’ve been through. What do you think it was? Who put it there?”
Momentarily letting her attention drift to the intense light show and crackling display of energy ahead, Diana spoke slowly. “Honestly, I’m leaning toward it not being the little green men variety. The symbols, the hieroglyphics… They were a little rough, and the translations I attempted… well, I gathered enough, that it was a warning.”
“Well that’s nice of them — or us in the past, or whoever did this.” He squeezed her hand, caressed her fingers, just relieved she was alive and well. For now. “So what was the warning?”
“I don’t know exactly, but I think it was saying to leave it alone.”
She squeezed his hand back hard as he met her look.
“Well, that makes sense, I think. I mean all the effort to go out there and put something on it — could have been a bomb, but they chose to leave a message that would be all but impossible to find except for…”
“Someone like you.”
Montross swallowed hard. “Ok, that unfortunately is a riddle for another day, but I think that now, whatever’s going to happen, just follow my lead.”
The spinning bell reflected in her pupils. Her hair stood up and blew in a sulfur-scented wind. “You have a plan?”
“Uh, no. But I’m sure one will present itself.” He turned and faced upward and out, gazing at the whirling, cyclonic force, the ripping tendrils of plasma that writhed like tentacles out of some Lovecraft story. “Besides, something tells me you and I are about to have company.”
After stepping through the door, the wind hit Caleb first, then the familiar smell of the bay: the fishy smell of the turning waters and the seaweed, tempered by the scent of marigolds — the row of bushes Lydia loved so much, but hated to trim every season. Flowers were still blooming, the air was stale but getting cooler heading into the late summer.
He looked down and found himself dressed in a Bills sweatshirt, with jeans and muddy boots. Gloves as if he’d been working in the yard. A conflicting and confusing mess of memories seemed stuck in his thoughts, vying for control. Normal stuff about what they had for breakfast, a list of scrolls to translate and material to cross-reference as the day’s fun work, once some manual labor had been accomplished out here — Lydia’s honey-do list before the season sharply changed for good.
Mixed up in all that normalcy were thoughts of Alexander and (his sister!?) Clea, and — Caleb’s heart gave a leap. Where am I?
I was going somewhere else, needing to finish something…
Intuitively he knew all about this time frame, this universe — and all its faults and perspectives. Knew that it might even be safe from Icarus for at least long enough to matter; knew that ‘here’ was a place and time defined for Caleb primarily by his one great choice. Whether to tell Lydia the truth. In this place he had trusted her. In this world he had done what he couldn’t in the other. It had made all the difference. Better in many ways, possibly worse in others, but they were together. A family, with another child. A daughter.
It was too much to process now, but at the same time, it felt right. So right.
The wind blew, the weak rays of the sun struggled to break free of their clouded chains, and somewhere gulls shrieked. The weight seemed lighter. It was all so right, and he could stay. He felt a rush of warmth, tingling up his spine, and this time when the visions came, they were welcome because they were true.
Pure memories of this world, experiences he absorbed as if he had lived them himself. And he had.
Holding Lydia’s hand during that final push in childbirth, being the first to swaddle little Clea in his arms, a joy he had missed with his firstborn. Countless hours overseeing the cataloging of the great scrolls at Alexandria, joyfully discovering knowledge with Lydia, making presentations, examining old truths and sciences and applying them to fix modern problems. So much had been achieved. A certain senator’s ambitions crushed with a combination of diligence and foresight, working together with Phoebe and a highly focused Xavier Montross, who had found his own love with Diana, much as in the other world. Watching Alexander grow, seeing him chase his sister up the lighthouse stairs, and later, jet skiing across the bay. So many adventures, with Lydia here at his side, with him every step. A lazy Sunday morning in bed, lightly tracing her features as she wakes…
This is your life.
Except it’s not.
Not yours, a voice repeated, and it sounded very familiar. A voice he was so fond of, a voice of a boy becoming a man far too soon.
A son.
The vision fluttered, and the world vibrated in an uncomfortable hum emanating from the air.
You need to come back.
“I can’t, Alexander. And besides, I am home.” He smiled, again seeing the rush of visions. So many memories: Christmases missed, birthdays together, candles and cake and a whole life… A good life, one like he had never had himself, with his sister. “You’re here, and so much more.”
It’s not yours, Dad.
And now another vision appeared among all those other shiny memories. Alexander standing in their midst, and yet…something wrong. He didn’t look happy, not confident or strong. Not the boy of this world, innocent of horrors like having to kill a man in an ancient underground torture city, or watching his mother burn.
He’s not you, and they’re not us. And…
Alexander reached out his hand. “I need you dad. We all do.”
For the life of him, Caleb couldn’t remember. What was different? Why was Alexander acting so weird and not out back helping Lydia pick berries for dessert or chasing Clea around? Why did none of this make sense, and yet, it did?
He looked up to the sky, expecting to see something, something that shouldn’t be there. A star, a comet?
It’s coming, Alexander imparted, and now Caleb marveled that the boy seemed to be wrapped in a coat of electrical energy. Pulsating charged particles dazzling the eye and making his hair stand on end, yet causing no pain.
Except that grimace of concern and the look of fear in his eyes.
The weight in Caleb’s hand seemed heavier now, and when he tore his eyes from Alexander, and his inner sight away from the glories of this world’s past, he saw he had been holding something this whole time.
They were down there.
In the vault below the lighthouse, the vault he had constructed without Lydia’s knowledge in his own universe. A vault to protect the Emerald Tablet, the most elusive and dangerous of the works discovered the library vault under the Pharos.
How did I get that?
It was here, in his hand, still present in this world.
A rolling montage-flashback of he and Lydia, carefully poring over this artifact by firelight. Sharing everything with her. No secrets, they had plumbed its mysteries together.
The weight — or non-weight — of the thing triggered the break that he had been fighting. Severed the pull of this place and reset his vibrational frequency, separating himself from himself.
He was seeing Alexander, the other Alexander, but something didn’t quite seem right with him. For a moment he shifted and took on the form of another boy, almost the same age, and a name floated around in his head…
Caleb stood back, and the world turned dim as if the clouds had thickened by a factor of ten, and the only objects to have any brilliance or solidity were the Tablet, himself and Jacob, who was now changing back to Alexander. The boy had stepped out of some indistinct rectangular portal, dazzling with a lightning-chiseled frame, and grabbed his free hand.
“Dad,” he implored with wide eyes that held their own lifetime of indispensable wisdom and shared experiences with his father, “you have to come with me. Now…”
And he pulled.
“But…” Caleb pulled back, looking in shock now at his son — who flickered, his image stuttering like a projection, turning a shade different color. A flash of gold, and a superimposed figure — that of a woman.
Not Lydia. Not his beautiful wife, but someone else. Something else.
Alexander’s pleading face, smiling, begging sweetly — suddenly melted away into this other woman’s mask of triumph as she pulled with extraordinary strength.
“Got you,” Miriam exclaimed.
They went through the door that snapped shut behind them, resealing the fabric of another universe.
Along the center walkway that branched out from their location to the main spoke under the Bell, a crack in reality formed like a lightning bolt tearing through, pushing, separating and then creating a door.
A door which admitted two figures.
A woman all too familiar to Montross, as Miriam had been his escort down here and had only left through a similar portal just minutes before Diana arrived.
Now she returned, dragging with her…
A shell-shocked Caleb who looked like he had just seen the ghosts of several lifetimes. Disoriented, in shock maybe, but…
Diana pointed with her free hand. “What’s he holding?”
“That…is something that shouldn’t be here,” Montross said. “They found another one.”
“Not another one,” Miriam said, composing herself and shoving Caleb a short distance toward them. “The same one that you callously destroyed.”
“How is that possible?” Diana asked, still amazed at seeing two people materialize from thin air.
“It’s possible,” Caleb said, reorienting himself. He was holding the artifact and gazing into its depths. It was like he hadn’t even noticed his surroundings. “It’s possible because it is. Where this came from, we never needed to destroy it, at least not yet.”
“I don’t want to ask,” Montross said, still holding Diana. “But brother, I’m sorry. You have to send it back. You can’t let her have it.”
Caleb gripped it tighter, pulled it close to his chest and gave Montross a dark look born of jealousy and hate.
“Easy Frodo,” Montross reached for him. “Don’t want it myself, just don’t give it to her.”
Miriam spread out her arms. She was framed in the phosphorescent swirling lights and the electrical haze. “It’s beyond my reach in any case. One of you has to use it.” With that, she made a motion to something overhead, and the platform they were all on started to rise.
“Oh this is really bad déjà vu,” Montross said when the platform finished its ascent and left them not only even with the wildly spinning bell, but on the same level now with a dozen or so black-clad technicians, a wall of server banks, dozens of monitors, tons of wires, electrical pylons and… a throne-like chair.
Caleb took a step toward the central furnishing in the room.
“One of you,” Miriam said, “has to do it. Channel its power, link it with your consciousness. Both of you have accessed it before. You’re familiar, and I imagine it will be like driving your own personalized race car again.”
“Why can’t you do it?” Diana questioned, letting go of Montross and taking a wary step toward the other woman in the room. Or was she a woman? Something crazy weird about her…
Miriam’s eyes flashed with the electrical firestorm behind Diana, but her eyes were only on Caleb and Montross. “They know why.”
“She’s only one half of the requirement,” Caleb said absently, now staring at the Tablet’s lettering, his eyes scanning not just back and forth over the symbols, but deeper. “Consciousness — pure energy that has been masked and contained in a false material form.”
“Isn’t that what all of us are?” Montross wondered. He was wrapped in thought as well, cataloguing the position of all the attendants and guards, weighing options for resistance — or at the least incapacitation of the equipment here, something to buy them time or disrupt Miriam’s plans.
“No,” Caleb replied. “We are unified. Material and spirit bound up in one composition from the beginning.”
“Not true, when I left my body, I could go into another one…”
“That had the same vibrational signature, as all corporeal matter in this universe. Trust me,” Caleb said, pulling his eyes briefly from the Tablet to Montross, then to Miriam. “She is other, here but not here. Which allows her and the few others like her, extraordinary abilities to exist in not just different places at once, as you’ve learned, but in different times, different heres. You, Xavier, can glimpse ahead your own demise, while they can, with some limits and the need to focus apparently, foresee and prevent any harm and even prevent discovery. But this Tablet, it was especially designed for only those with the ability to see, those limited by mortality. A means to even the scales with the gods.”
“So she’s a god?” Diana took a step back as Miriam lowered her head. Her hair whipped around, standing up straight like daggers, and with her hands at her side and the fiery aurora all around her she seemed the embodiment of Greek myth, a deadly harbinger descending from Olympus.
“Enough,” Miriam said. “We’re ready, the weapon needs to be activated. Now.”
“Why?” Diana snapped. “The comet won’t break apart for another seven years by my calculations, then we have some time after that until the first impact. We don’t need to destroy the comet, only the fragments that pose a danger.”
“Hold on,” Montross said. “Back to the god thing. She can’t touch this artifact because she — and I’m guessing the other what did you call them, Custodians? — are unable to physically interact with it?”
“No,” Caleb said. “She can touch it, and be touched…can be killed even.” He smiled. “As happened with your colleague.”
“Wait, you got one of them?” Montross perked up.
“Not me…”
Miriam shrugged. “He let his guard down, collapsed the visual alternatives and lost his grand focus, or he would have seen that ruse coming. It doesn’t matter, his part was done.”
“And you’ve seen everything now, have you?” Montross took a step sideways, considering one of several possibilities he had envisioned: namely tackling Caleb, snagging the Tablet then threatening its use — or destruction — if they didn’t power down.
She grinned. “Everything.” And with a nod, six tiny red dots alighted on Diana’s face, and several more on Montross’s heart. Sharpshooters, from somewhere in the shadows.
“Don’t try anything,” Caleb told him, then spoke to Miriam. “I’ll do it.”
He held up the Tablet, pointing it at the Custodian. “Just answer Diana’s question. Why does it have to be now?”
“We can wait,” Miriam said. “But there is no point, and the longer we delay, the less chance there will be. The alignment is now or the comet will pass out of the exact range where we can still create the bisecting interference patterns to cause its destruction. Wait too much longer and it will be protected by other planetary gravitational forces or the influence of the sun. Then we need to try again next year.”
“Okay, then if we have time….”
Miriam fumed at him. “You’re not as all-seeing as you like to think you are. You and your ‘team’, scanning for this earthquake or that little terrorist bombing, never asking the bigger questions, seeing what can’t be seen.”
“I thought we’ve done a pretty good job of saving the world,” Montross pointed out. “Again and again. We don’t need you.”
Miriam shook her head. “You can’t comprehend, but now is the time. We will wait no longer.”
“You were willing to wait until the other team found this Tablet’s counterpoint. So…”
“You’ll have to get in the chair.” Miriam pointed now, and electricity danced off her fingertips. “You or your half-brother. No more discussion.”
“Or else…?”
The dots circling Montross’s heart converged into a neat crimson disc.
“I’m not seeing my death,” he said. “So either Caleb’s going to do as you say, or we’ve got a surprise up our sleeves that even I don’t know about.”
“I’ve seen everything,” Miriam said, this time without a smile.
“Keep thinking that,” Montross challenged, then looked at Diana, standing there helplessly, afraid to move. But not to talk.
“There’s a warning,” Diana said, mustering her courage. Maybe to Caleb more than Miriam. “On the comet. The writings…I deciphered them.”
On his way to the chair, Caleb hesitated.
“I think,” Diana said, “they’re warning us to leave it alone.”
He frowned, then shook his head. “That’s not enough to tell us anything. Who put it there? Maybe it was someone with our destruction in mind. Marduk’s clan from the ancient time, covering their bases in case later descendants learned to remote view all these threats.”
“I don’t think so, brother.” Montross waved a hand at the chair, then pointed to Miriam. “There’s something she’s not telling us. I don’t trust her. Look how they went after us. They’re using us, threatening us, hell they’re going after your son. There’s no urgency, they want something else.”
Caleb snapped his head around, then concentrated. Glared at Miriam. “You’re tracking their plane?”
“Good,” she said. “Glad you found that on your own, or I was going to have to nudge you in that direction. The Tablet is already enhancing your sight. You’ll need it.” She glided to the throne-chair. “Sit, merge with it and see the nodes, the gridlines crisscrossing the earth.”
“Caleb!” Montross spat the word. “Don’t give in. This is wrong. Listen to Diana.”
Diana spoke as loud as she could, finding the strength while so many guns were pointed at her. “We have the facility at HAARP. The structures on the moon and Mars, we can prepare, we can use that Tablet if we have to, but only to shoot down the larger fragments coming our way.
“Don’t,” Miriam urged. “Listen to yourself. Your heart, you know what is true. You know what will happen if you can’t stop all the fragments. You’ve seen it, I’m sure. What even a minor impact could do.”
Montross groaned and now it was his turn to reel. He wasn’t sure if it was something she did or all this electro-plasma madness in the room exciting his senses, but suddenly he saw rapid-fire glimpses of: fiery bombardments, massive hurricanes and darkening skies, immense craters amidst demolished cities…the world on fire even as floods ravaged coast after coast.
“It has to be done, and has to be now.” Miriam said.
Caleb thought for a moment, again running through possibilities. He didn’t trust Miriam at all, but Diana’s concerns didn’t seem to make sense. The warning on the comet… There had to be a way to determine what it really meant.
The Emerald Tablet felt so light in his grasp, and the vibrations up and down his arms, reaching his spine, tingled and relaxed him to the point his mind was infinitely calm.
With a steady step, he went to the machine and took his seat. He heard protests from Diana and Montross amid the crackling of the energy outside and the humming of the chair. Without making eye contact with Miriam, whom he was sure was smiling, Caleb took a moment, and freed his mind, and focused on the objective.
Icarus. Show me…
He saw it roaming deep space, moving inexorably through cold vastness of black until the distant yellow sun appeared, growing larger and larger, and vapor and dust began to dissolve… The surface, so dark, nothing could be seen, not until…
Closer. The sun nickel-shaped and tinged orange. A tiny ringed planet off to the right, a slumbering neighbor drifting in the cosmic sea.
Still too dark on the comet’s surface and clouded with vapors and dust.
See, see… Caleb willed it, moving his sight this way and that…until…
His eyes flew open, still seeing the last image. That of…
Son of a bitch.
…a blank screen of pure blue.
Nothing else to do. Back at square one. Whoever put the artifacts there and left the message didn’t want to be seen. Were they doing it at the time, in ancient days, to protect themselves? Or was it something else, something he couldn’t understand? Something more recent?
The bell spun, the lightning crackled. His friends watched in horrific anticipation, and Caleb was aware of everyone and everything in the room and beyond: upstairs, outside, further below. The inner workings of everything, the power centers and the communications arrays and how the dimensional devices functioned.
He could, with the power of the Tablet now, shut it all down. Did Miriam know that? Did it matter? Certainly she would kill Diana and Montross then, and take down the plane or use it still for leverage in gaining back the Tablet. Caleb could even imagine in her rage she would kill him, then groom Alexander to use the artifact and try again.
No, there was no way around it. She would have surely foreseen any attack on her directly, so he couldn’t go that way either. Had to…
Wait. Something else he had seen just a few minutes earlier…
The grid. The earth bisected with all those power lines.
He remembered now where this all started, with Tesla’s research. It all brought to mind the Star Wars program, scalar weapons, free energy and…
He smiled, slid the Tablet into the appropriate slot on the armrest and hooked his hands into the glove-shaped devices as he set his head back against the cushioned rest with its halo-like crown that fit around his head.
Feeling his consciousness tugged and nearly ripped out from his body, he fought to contain it, fought to control it and focus. He allowed the energy to flow toward the Tablet and from it, and merged with the harmonic tones thrumming through his deepest levels of awareness.
Again he saw the Earth, and again the megalithic sites at those ancient seats of power. Some of them, undiscovered until now, resting at the bottom of the ocean, but still potent. Built to survive time’s ravages, they could still be activated. Turned on, with the flip of a mentally-enhanced switch, through the power of the Tablet merged with his own consciousness.
“You’re right, Diana,” he said as loud as he could. Or did he just think those words and heard the waves of thought-sound reverberate through the chamber? Either way, he knew they had heard. “There is another way.”
Now the visions were coming, stimulated and in such a rush, everything he had ever dreamt about, tried to see and understand about past civilization, the key to so much mystery and confusion…
Civilizations long gone, verdant jungles surrounding the Nile and the lion-headed Sphinx as the great pyramid was under construction… a domed city underwater, another enclave on the moon, a long, long line of spiraling DNA connecting possessors of the Emerald Tablet, back to the dawn of humanity. So many hands daring to touch it, so many minds connecting, then fear and hesitation, hiding these artifacts away, building elaborate safeguards… men and women of power, sorcerers in the woods around bonfires, others in the snowy arctic reaches, another atop an enormous island city…
And now a flourishing time, with civilization dotted by immense structures and towers and connecting bridges; robed figures gliding through marble halls, all looking up — to the star with the tail in the evening sky…
And a pyramid, several pyramids in exotic settings across the globe, all firing single silver beams into the sky…
And those below, watching with calm fascination as something like a film of light spreads across the stars, a barrier against this cosmic foe…
Until the barrier sputters and breaks apart and the beams fizzle. A fight, with the tablet ripped free of its stage, taken, stolen, hidden. And the Earth, now defenseless as the broken off shards of Armageddon veer toward its pull and dive into the northern continent…
Caleb came back in a rush, still seeing the resulting images of destruction and the demise of an earlier civilization, one wiped clean in a massive flood, the source of so much myth and legend.
Shaking off the visions, he understood so much now, and more importantly — he knew what he had to do.
He couldn’t see the Custodian in all the electrical maelstrom outside, but he shouted as loud as he could anyway: “I will save the Earth, but do it my way.”
He closed his eyes, focused and reached out across the world…left his body and was everywhere at once, under the mountains, beneath the rolling waves, in the desert and atop the highest peak. Traveling along the energized routes along the grid, touching and activating the power nodes, the ancient centers designed for one thing.
It happened so fast, this almost simultaneous travel and spread of his awareness across the globe. And then it was over, and in his birds-eye view from above the earth, it was lit up like an ornament wrapped in glittery lights. Now, from dozens of points below rose slender beams, silvery electro-magnetic pillars that extended above the atmosphere and then spread out in concentric circles until merging with the others. Merging and crisscrossing, gaining power like ripples in a pond, expanding, spreading until the world’s atmosphere now had an extra layer.
A boundary, translucent and shimmering, sparking in places.
A shield.
And he wasn’t done yet. A simple thought, a direction to apply just a touch of power coursing through the chair and the Tablet, to the servers and power generators around the chamber. He needed to use precision, not too much, but also wanted an effect.
The pylons exploded and the server banks erupted in a blast of sparks and twisted metal. Right behind and around the snipers, the explosive discharge ripped through the soldiers and shredded them all where they stood, before they could fire a shot.
The conductor cables to the bell overloaded and snapped, roaring plasma fire and electricity. The bell shifted and dropped slightly, but kept spinning like undying corpse from a noose of chains, just now firing off wild energies and photonic colors and hanging precipitously over the abyss.
Fires erupted from computers and technicians burst into flames, howling and leaping over the railing or racing into walls.
Caleb opened his eyes. He disconnected himself from the machine and stepped free, toward Montross and Diana, with their looks of surprise and triumph. He turned his head to Miriam, who stood there looking frail and lost amidst the carnage.
“I bet you didn’t see that coming.”
But even as he said it, Caleb felt a sinking feeling in his gut. Montross and Diana must have felt it too, despite the removal of the imminent threat and the exact opposite of what Miriam had intended. Despite the destruction he had initiated in this unholy room, the closing of the portals and the end to this hell of multiple possibilities and infinite escape, she didn’t look fazed.
She merely smiled as she glanced around the room at last, admiring his handiwork. “I told you I could see all eventualities. And you, dear Caleb, did exactly as I knew you would. Thank you.”
“The blue screen block…” Caleb felt his shoulders grown heavy, his legs weak. “It was you.”
“What are you talking about?” Diana shouted over the din of the whirling bell and the screaming of the remaining men, still on fire.
“I tried to remote view the comet,” Caleb said weakly. “And with all this enhanced power, I should have been able to see how the warning got there.”
“But you got the blue screen of death?” Montross said sullenly. “So they tricked us?”
Miriam waved a hand toward Caleb in a motion of pity — and a trail of gold-plated dust sped his way. “Now, why don’t you really see…”
And he did:
A modern satellite, no markings, just solar panels and the typical landing gear, approaching the comet. It makes a perfect landing just as it comes within its closest pass to Earth. Another flash of light and his viewpoint is back in this very chamber, except the same satellite is here, fitted with the pyramid relic, recently inscribed and perfectly molded to look ancient…before it would be sent on through a larger portal materializing in the air, beyond which could be seen the blackness of space and the twinkling of stars.
“They sent it through a portal,” Caleb said. “When? Icarus’s last approach?”
“Ten years ago, give or take,” Miriam said, and looked sadly at Diana. “Another black project you knew nothing about. But the genius was not just when the satellite left this room, but what time we actually sent it to.”
Diana’s mouth hung open. “It was that old? You were able to…”
“Send it back thousands of years, crash it there so you would never question its age.”
“My God, the high priests of Egypt who had seen this…” Caleb shook his head. “It wasn’t from the gods, but from the future.”
Miriam smiled as Diana continued working through it. “You left us a fake warning from the past, knowing we’d see it as the threat became imminent. Why?”
Montross moved to her side. “I’m guessing it’s the old Bre’r Rabbit trick.”
Miriam gave him an amused look. “Ah yes. Shoot down the comet, please! To which you refuse because it’s what you believe I want…”
Caleb’s mouth hung open. “And I took the alternative.”
“What did you do?” Diana asked, still open-mouthed and gaping at all the destruction around her.
“He did something,” came a new voice — a voice that even startled Miriam in its purity and volume and suddenness. “That I had hoped to avoid.”
Stepping out of the nothingness behind Miriam came two figures.
Another custodian, dressed in rags and tattered green coat—
And… Caleb’s heart leapt.
“I was too late,” said Nikola Tesla, looking around the chamber in desolation. “After all my years, these infinite loops of time and space folding in and back, and now that I needed to pick one…”
“You forgot how.” Miriam spoke, stepping from the luminescent haze of sparks and energy.
The bell continued to spin faster, driving off more energy and rattling the foundations of the structure.
“What the hell is that?” Phoebe wondered, but then saw what Caleb had just stepped out of, the chair, and she saw the Tablet. “And that again? Oh my God!”
She moved to Caleb, held him as he almost collapsed.
“What did I do?” He gripped Phoebe’s shoulders, then looked past her. “It’s him…Tesla?”
“Yeah, he’s one of them…”
They watched as Tesla and Miriam advanced toward each other.
“That,” said Montross at their backs, “I bet she didn’t see coming.”
“Too late,” Miriam said. “But I’m surprised you finally stepped off the sidelines.”
“You did. And had help…” He cocked his head. “One who is no longer. Lucky him.”
“You can join him, Tesla.”
“Not yet. Not until I undo what you’ve done.”
She shook her head. “No, you won’t.”
Caleb got the point though, and made for the chair. “I’ll get the Tablet…”
But suddenly it — and the chair itself folded in on itself in a space that drifted beyond Caleb’s reach. Where it had been, a vertical line expanded, widening into…
“She’s created a portal! Tesla, stop it…”
The Custodian reached out, and fluttering waves of nearly invisible energy shot from his fingertips and encircled the Emerald Tablet, holding it fast, pulling it back from the doorway that now revealed a close up of our sun (or a sun), a fiery mass of nuclear activity, churning with heat and power, until—
A grunt and Tesla fell as twin tentacles of plasma roared up and down from the bell behind Miriam, as if emerging from her back like sinewy appendages. They struck at Tesla’s neck and wrist. Golden dust burst from his mouth as he regained his leverage. His hand flared with light that burned away the tentacle-thing, then shot pure electricity back at Miriam.
She bounced back thirty feet, crashing into a support beam just before the whirling bell. Her suit tore away in burning shreds and her wig incinerated, revealing bald, featureless skin beneath.
Tesla wriggled free of his burning jacket, revealing patches beneath the dirty T-shirt that were glowing and writhing with golden ones and zeroes…
“What the hell?” Diana struggled to keep her sanity. “How…?”
But Montross pulled her back as the two beings rushed toward each other again.
First Tesla made a motion with his hand and the Tablet pulled free from its invisible cage, moving back from the doorway, the view of space and the blinding sun.
Caleb lunged for it again — but a wall of brute electrical force slammed down before he could reach it. Sizzled and shocked him, and sent him reeling back with pain. Tesla grunted as Miriam’s light-form crunched into his. She seemed more in tune with her abilities, more powerful and dominant and in control of the forces in the room, and with a sideways flick of her wrist, the portal exerted a black hole-like effect, sucking at everything nearby toward it — the Tablet, debris, even Caleb himself!
He flipped in the air, with his arms flailing wildly. Barely heard Phoebe crying out his name, but instead focused on the Tablet, there in front of him, hurtling end over end toward the waiting, hungry sun. It zipped through the doorway — which suddenly, after a shout from Tesla, snapped closed — just as Caleb could see the background — the sun roaring into view and the Tablet streaming down toward its massive fiery maw.
The gravitational pull severed, he fell in a rolling heap, then looked back.
So much for that one, Caleb thought, shaking his head in anguish. Phoebe was back at his side in a moment, lifting him up. They both turned and joined with Montross and Diana, feeling helpless as they watched the two Custodians battle.
“Can we help?”
“Help which one?” Diana asked, watching the fists fly, the bodies tumbling, now in the air like cosmic combatants, caught up in a firestorm of elemental fury.
“I don’t think what we do matters,” Caleb said, “but that bell, spinning…all that torsion and energy, it’s got to be released if it’s not stopped.”
They looked around the chamber. Montross pointed to all the sparking machines, the controls on fire.
“You kind of took away the option of shutting it down, I would say.”
“What do you mean all the energy is going to be released?” Phoebe asked.
“An explosion,” Caleb said matter-of-factly. “I don’t know how much nuclear force, how many kilotons we’re talking, but…”
Diana cursed. “We have to get the hell out of here.”
Tesla was thrust against the floor, then bounced up on waves of energized particles, his body trailing pieces, clothing and dust like a comet until he was barely a shimmering humanoid form. His facial features were gone, blurred out in tiny digital cells, glowing and shifting. But he was still powerful.
It was as if he had charged himself with his boyhood obsession, electricity; bent it to his will, shielded himself with it, then dove down, unleashing all that force into one devastating blow upon his opponent.
Miriam, staggering under the onslaught, her own skin rippling with binary coding flying off her joints and expelling from her eyes, lost control, spun and then bounced off the floor — and over the bell, plummeting over the side.
Tesla landed in a sparking thud, then reached out, flicked his wrist — and hauled her back up. “No fleeing,” he said.
She came hurtling up and over the side, but collided with him, unleashing a shockwave that floored Caleb and Phoebe. Dazed, Tesla tried to regain control, free his hands, but the best he could do was gain one foot, and then clasp her wrists. The two of them, face to face, struggled amidst the whipping plasma and crackling electrical impulses.
“It’s time for us to leave,” Caleb yelled over the roaring in the chamber.
As if agreeing, Tesla turned his glowing face to Phoebe. “You must go!”
He made a sparking, sputtering sound, overcome by the high-pitched screech of his opponent, trying to pull away. Her head turned toward the bell, spinning faster now. She seemed to breathe in and suck out some its residual energy, then expelled it a short distance away, attempting to create a portal.
“No,” Phoebe heard Tesla say as she followed Caleb and ran for the door at their level.
“No escape,” came Tesla's enhanced voice, blaring like a loudspeaker at a concert.
“Not talking to us,” Montross shouted, pulling Diana along ahead of Phoebe and Caleb now, leading the way. In seconds they were out the door. Slammed it shut.
In the hallway, ten steps to the elevator.
He jammed the button as Caleb came limping over, helped by Phoebe. “We’ll never make it. The exit is probably twenty floors above us…”
“Oh, don’t say never,” Montross quipped. “Besides, I’m sensing I’m going to live another day, so if you stick with me…”
The doors open, and he turned and smiled, waving them inside with his free hand.
Diana slammed the top button as soon as they were in. “Twenty floors you say? What’s the range of an underground nuclear detonation?”
“I don’t know for sure,” Caleb said, still leaning on Phoebe.
“That’s a first, big brother.” Phoebe rested him against the wall so she could catch her breath. “You not knowing something?” She looked at the floor beneath her feet, expecting a rumble and a blast that would drop the car to their fiery deaths.
“Tesla…” Caleb said, and closed his eyes, seeing…
The two glowing forms struggle amidst the elemental chaos. The bell rattles violently, spilling and gushing energy, the chains cracking. The newly created portal is collapsing, but Miriam, the flimsy tatters of a blue suit clinging to her disintegrating form, floats toward it, only to have her ankle snagged at the last moment by Tesla — whose own body has been shredded below the waist, just a streaming gas collection of golden numbers dissipating into the whirlwind of energy as—
Miriam’s hand closes on emptiness. The portal snaps shut an instant before the chains holding the bell shatter, and it plummets. It’s still spinning as it crashes down three hundred feet into a pit.
For a moment in the ensuing silence, Tesla’s attention is drawn upward, to the form of a beautiful white bird, so out of place amidst the carnage down here. Fluttering, weaving up and down and in graceful circles. He reaches for it and then everything turns—
Perfect WHITE.
Caleb snapped back to the present to find himself being helped into the back seat of a Range Rover under the shadow of a lighthouse. He looked up and out, squinting, just as the engine roared to life, the doors slammed, and the tower cracked and started to crumble.
For an instant, he was back in the first century, on the shore looking up at the once-mighty Pharos, jarred by another earthquake as the ground jealously and violently rid itself of this proud thorn in its rocky flesh.
The concrete shattered and the small building itself dropped out of sight.
“Go, go GO!” someone shouted, and it seemed the vehicle tried but was caught ineffectively spinning its wheels up a steep hill. Then it was level again and swerving for control, shooting ahead at excessive speed.
Caleb continued to watch as the lighthouse tower sunk into a cloud of debris, and the pavement behind them shattered and dropped twenty or thirty feet. The trees fell and were consumed by the hungry earth.
He continued to watch as the winds buffeted the car and the clouds rolled by in silence and the waves out to the east drove up high and collapsed backwards in a soundless but devastating seismic eruption.
He continued to watch as nothing else happened, and sighed in relief as Phoebe took his hand.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Montross said.
“Yeah,” Diana agreed. “Is it over? Stopped her? The Tablet is gone, right, and now this shield…?”
“It’s still up,” Caleb said. “And will be. I don’t know if it can be shut down once activated, except through the use of the Tablet’s power again. The generator sites are self sustaining, I would think.”
“Well, that’s good. So we’re protected, right?”
“I don’t know,” Montross asked while driving. “Why did she want that shield?” Reducing speed to a more normal level as they approached a residential section, beautiful mansions on either side of the road. “What was so bloody important that she had to trick us into going that route instead of destroying the comet pieces as they became a threat? What—? Diana?”
She was grunting, holding her head and doubled over. She gasped suddenly and looked up, screaming as her eyes went completely wide and white.
“What is it?” Phoebe yelled, clutching her.
Montross slammed on the brakes. He got out of the car, helped Diana outside, but she was still screaming and grabbing her temples. “Make it stop, stop, stop!!”
“What?” Caleb and Phoebe came out to help.
Montross looked up helplessly. “What’s the problem, why aren’t we affected by whatever…?”
He trailed off, and his attention went from Caleb and Phoebe to behind them — to the driveway they had just past. To the woman and a teenager who had just come running outside.
They were screeching in absolute horror — or pain, or both. Fell to the ground. Heads up, howling at the sky in agony. More screams, and Caleb and Phoebe saw other doors opening, more people rushing out onto their lawns, to the driveways, running into the street. One man emerged from his upstairs window, onto the roof and simply threw himself over, headfirst.
Phoebe clutched Caleb’s arm. “Tesla warned me, said his shield could have some sort of horrible side effect and should never be used. That’s why he destroyed the notes that the government was looking for.”
Caleb’s mouth went dry, and he remembered the vision…
Far, far in the ancient past, when just such a shield was up, seemingly protecting them before Icarus’s last attack…until someone wrenched the Tablet free, ending the connection and shutting it all down.
“Oh my god… they knew.”
“What?” Montross snapped, holding Diana’s face to his chest, trying to soothe her.
“In the past, the last time before hell rained down on us, they chose Armageddon over whatever this is.”
“What is it? What the hell is it!?”
“Whatever it is,” Phoebe said, “it’s only affecting…them. The others, the ones like Diana…People who…”
“Aren’t already psychic.” Caleb said it in a near-whisper.
Diana, gasping, trying to control herself, maybe in less pain and shock than others, tried to speak. “Everything…I hear. I see…everything. God, please…Can’t…stop it…”
Montross held her tighter. “That Custodian woman was trying to do something on a smaller scale, with Tesla pylons and charging the ether, granting subjects psychic abilities, trying to create…well — us. I thought it was to have others find the Tablet, but…”
Caleb looked around in horror as more doors opened, as an old woman came staggering out of her kitchen, bloody knife in hand, her own throat gushing blood.
A flash of light in his brain: and millions of just such images race out from all corners of the Earth. He sees it all simultaneously, all of it happening everywhere… So much confusion, overwhelming voices and visions, the weight of the past and present and future colliding into a space never designed to handle it all.
Phoebe cringed and felt the pain in an equal rush of unbearable agony. What was it Tesla had said? The bliss of ignorance? She imagined for an instant that this world, what they had been experiencing for thousands of years of recorded history, would be recalled now as the golden age, a paradise of just such ignorance before someone broke the commandment, ate from the Forbidden Tree, and expelled everyone into the world of pain and unrelenting knowledge.
Caleb had the same analogy, suffering the same feeling except ten-thousand fold as his was the hand that picked the apple.
He fell to his knees beside Diana.
Why, why was this their plan? And…was this what Waxman, not even a psychic himself, had really foreseen all those years ago?
Either Caleb said it, or Montross.
God help us.
“Everyone is psychic now.”