As with the other Morpheus novels, a lot of research went into this one. Maybe even more, given the direction this story started taking me, towards quantum theory and inter-dimensional travel and the like. My fascination with ancient history, modern conspiracy theories and science that may or may not be so ‘far out’, is something I try to incorporate into these novels, having these characters psychically probe the truth of things we just can’t seem to discover with our current capabilities.
The Woodpecker Program — The Russian Woodpecker was the nickname given to the mysterious and powerful low frequency signal which seemed like the sound of a woodpecker pecking a tree. The signal, originating out of Russia, was so powerful and so penetrating that it even began interfering with phones and radios worldwide. The mysterious signal seemed to be aimed squarely at the United States of America. Immediately theories sprang up that it was emanating from a ‘Tesla Generator’ and was an attempt to influence the weather patterns across the world, or to cause hallucinations or even cancer, and ultimately could be used as a means of mind control on entire populations.
Comet Icarus and the Lesser Dryas Event — ‘Icarus’ is my own name for the threat in this novel, but it is based on comet Encke and Olijato in the Taurids (Encke itself leading the stream). There are theories that one or more of these larger bodies — or others heretofore undiscovered — will go through dormant periods, then literally rip apart after a time of building energy. One of these such exploding fragments may have been responsible for the massive devastation evidenced across the Earth approximately twelve thousand years ago. Perhaps we are again due for another such event, as many researchers believe.
The World Energy Grid — the subject of a great many studies, books and beliefs, there is a long-standing notion that invisible energy gridlines connect sacred spots on our planet, and whether we’re calling these ley lines (with a nod to the faerie connection), Aboriginal ‘song-lines’, or something else, it is certainly interesting the number of ancient megalithic sites (and modern day centers of great political power) than can be connected by drawing such lines, leading of course to speculation that the ancients were on to something, and potentially able to tap into the great energies at these locations.
Nikola Tesla — I encourage anyone with interest to dive into a good biography of Nikola Tesla. His life truly is one of those stranger than fiction tales, right up to his demise. His work and then conflict with Edison is legendary, as are the theories about his suppressed technology, inventions that may have been appropriated for military uses or just buried so as not to provide free energy. His love for pigeons is well documented, including the notion that a certain white and grey one was instrumental in inspiring his visions. The idea that he was a remote viewer comes directly from his description of how and where he got his ideas. And lastly, the circumstances around his death (as his body was quickly removed and never autopsied or given a chance to be identified by his nephew, as well as indications that he told someone ‘they’ were after certain of his inventions and were coming for him) gave rise to conspiracy theories — notably that the Nazis assassinated him after taking the information, or as I have here, that a double was put in his place and he was taken away to continue his work.
The Long Island Connection — (Montauk Point/Camp Hero/Brookhaven National Laboratory). In addition to what I’ve laid out here about the location of an underground facility owned by the United States Government, there is ample evidence pointing to its use in experimental science, mind control and other secretive programs. Montauk is steeped in rumors, possibly due to its proximity to the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the (decommissioned) Shoreham Nuclear Facility as well as a particle accelerator; but it’s all there and more: rumors that particle beam (‘Tesla Death Ray’) weaponry tests, time travel, the ‘Nazi Bell’ device and other aspects of sensational Tesla inventions were/are being tested here. Camp Hero is a real base set in a National Park, and this whole complex — the lab, the facility and the base — are so ingrained in popular culture, with numerous books and studies, but also popularized recently in Netflix’s Stranger Things. The base features an elaborate network of subterranean tunnels and is strewn with airplane hangars and artillery bunkers built into the side of bluffs that are sealed off by concrete barricades. Most recognizable is its huge radar tower, visible from the surrounding area, as well as from the nearby Montauk lighthouse. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is also close, and has had its share of controversy (and concerns over catastrophic consequences of creating black holes or opening interdimensional doorways). One rumor actually has it that after Tesla’s death was faked, he was put in charge of operations at Camp Hero and Montauk, working on Time Portals, developing psychic talents in people and other forms of advanced warfare. I of course took liberties with all this, creating a combination of various aspects to further the story.
The Holographic Universe — This is a fascinating theory, very much influencing The Matrix and rooted in Gnostic elements, namely that we are really living in some sort of prison for our souls (or a simulation), and only through enlightenment (or good works, etc.) can we escape… For more information, and a read that will literally blow your mind, check out The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
The Custodians — As in previous books, I’ve brought in these mysterious figures that have always fascinated me. What do they represent? What are they really, and why have some many reported contact with them? This subject was ultimately too interesting to confine to this fictional series, and so I am, with a future book, going to publish a study into the research and theories as to what these enigmatic figures could actually represent. Stay tuned.
And of course, stay with me for the continuing adventure of The Morpheus Initiative—where the next one will of course find our heroes exploring the very real and extraordinary site of Nan Modal. (In the meantime, check out the book Ancient Micronesia and the Lost City of Nan Madol by David Hatcher Childress).
For other Influences, and just really amazing books you should run out and read, go check out: Magicians of the Gods (Graham Hancock), Grid of the Gods and The Cosmic War (Joseph P. Farrell), and Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule (Micah Hanks).
David Sakmyster