The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book | Index | Definition of Terms | Pronunciation Guide | Adopted Corrections
— Index N — Nabodad attempted attack by, against temple harlotry, 95:1.6 (1043.1) identity of, 95:1.6 (1043.1) Nabon desire of, to make Jesus a convert to Mithraism, 132:3.1 (1459.1) identity of, 132:3.1 (1459.1) Naboth the murder of, and his sons, 97:3.6 (1065.3), 97:9.19 (1074.1) Nabu a Mesopotamian deity, 95:1.4 (1042.5) Nahor, brother of Abraham appeal to, to secure a wife for Isaac, 93:9.4 (1023.1) attitude of, toward the Salem religion, 93:5.4 (1019.1) building of a strong city-state by, 93:5.5 (1019.2) Nahor, the teacher of Jerusalem and his discussions with Jesus, 123:6.9 (1365.4) identification and Nazareth mission of, 123:6.8 (1365.3) Nain apostles’ departure for, reason, 146:5.3 (1645.1) apostolic work in, 146:0.1 (1637.1) and the widow’s son, 146:6.0 (1645.2–1646.1) Nalda conversation of, with Jesus, 143:5.0 (1612.4–1615.1) identification of, 143:5.2 (1612.5) Jesus’ morontia appearance to, with other Samaritan believers, 193:1.1 (2053.3) Nambia identity of, 36:1.2 (396.3) Name(s) extension of, importance of, among early families, 84:7.15 (940.11) the Father’s, the Master’s manifestation of, to the world, 182:1.9 (1965.3) of God the Father, most common, 1:1.1 (22.4) importance of, to primitive man, 88:5.5 (971.7) onetime denial of, to women, reason, 84:4.5 (935.5) personal, importance of, in magic, 88:5.5 (971.7) pride, origin of, in family life, 84:7.10 (940.6) of Third Source and Center, significance of the, 9:1.1 (98.6) see also Those without Name and Number Nanak identity of, 92:5.8 (1009.2), 92:5.15 (1010.3) Naomi wedding of, at Cana, 137:3.6 (1528.2) Naples Jesus’ visit to, 130:8.0 (1440.1–1441.2) Narrative(s) by Andrew of Jesus’ life, origin and editing of, 139:1.9 (1549.7) a possible source for Luke, 121:8.9 (1342.4) a source for the midwayers’ record, 121:0.1 (1332.1) of Caligastia’s departure for Urantia, putting of, on universe broadcasts, 66:1.5 (741.7) early, of the day of Pentecost, strange teachings associated with, 194:3.1 (2062.10) fabricated, about destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 93:6.7 (1021.3) fictitious, of the Hebrew priests, inconsistencies of, 97:9.9 (1072.7) fragmentary, of the Mount Hermon struggles of Jesus, and traditions of his temptation, 136:4.10 (1515.4) Gospel of John the last of the, of Jesus’ earth life, 121:6.6 (1339.2) Hebrew, of creation, intent of writers of, 74:8.11 (838.3) possible basis of sun and moon story in, 74:8.2 (837.1) of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, reliability of, 93:9.8 (1023.5) of Jephthah, an illustration of tragic results of adherence to ancient customs, 89:6.3 (980.8) of raid on Midianites, and atrocities of the time, 70:1.15 (784.11) human, of Adam and Eve’s conversation with angel in the garden, 51:3.5 (583.4) Isador’s, of Jesus’ life, the Gospel according to Matthew, 121:8.7 (1342.2), 139:7.5 (1560.1) a source for Luke, 121:8.9 (1342.4) of Jonah, factual basis of, vs. truth it contains, 159:4.4 (1767.6) by Luke of Jesus’ life, noninclusion of Peter’s dream in, 152:4.4 (1703.4) by Mark of Jesus’ life, instigated by Peter for the church at Rome, 121:8.3 (1341.4) a source for Isador, 121:8.7 (1342.2) for Luke, 121:8.9 (1342.4) treatment of Peter’s dream in, 152:4.4 (1703.4) of the Master’s life, distribution of copies of Andrew’s, 121:0.1 (1332.1), 139:1.9 (1549.7) of Melchizedek, destruction of, reason, 93:9.9 (1023.6) regarded as a myth, 93:9.5 (1023.2) Moses’, of creation, purpose of, 74:8.7 (837.6) Nasanta a member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5) Nathan, a potter of Nazareth friend of the young Jesus and Jacob, 123:5.15 (1364.3) Nathan of Busiris one of David’s messengers, sent to Alexandria, 191:6.1 (2044.2) Nathan of Caesarea author of the Gospel of John, 121:8.10 (1342.5), 139:4.4 (1554.2) Nathan of Cana father of the bridegroom, 137:3.6 (1528.2) Nathaniel, the apostle age of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:6.2 (1558.3) attitude of, at Gilboa, concerning the kingdom, 144:1.7 (1618.1) characteristics of, 139:6.4 (1558.5) choosing of, as an apostle, 137:2.0 (1526.1–1527.3) death of, 139:6.9 (1559.4) difference of, with Peter, regarding the gospel, 193:6.4 (2058.3) discussion of, with Rodan, 160:0.1 (1772.1) education of, 139:6.2 (1558.3) evangelistic work of, in Mesopotamia and India, 139:6.9 (1559.4) guardian of the apostolic families, 138:10.5 (1547.5) identification of, 139:6.0 (1558.2–1559.4) interpretation by, of parable of sower, 151:2.3 (1690.1) with Jesus, at feast of dedication, 164:0.1 (1809.1) Jesus’ personal admonition to, 174:0.2 (1897.2), 181:2.21 (1960.2) vs. Judas as an apostle, 193:4.3 (2056.1) opposition of, to proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6) pride, the weakness of his character, 139:6.3 (1558.4) query of, concerning the golden rule, 147:4.1 (1650.2) human affliction, 148:5.1 (1661.3) prayer, thanksgiving and worship, 146:2.1 (1638.1) signs of the destruction of the temple, 176:0.2 (1912.2) the sin responsible for the beggar’s blindness, 164:3.2 (1811.3) temptation, 156:5.3 (1738.2) regarding Hebrew scriptures, 159:4.0 (1767.3–1769.2) question of, about justice, 140:6.9 (1577.3) reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.7 (1885.2) revered Jesus most for his tolerance, 139:6.8 (1559.3) selection of Judas as an apostle by, 138:2.9 (1540.2) serious illness of, 154:2.4 (1718.5) success of, in debate with Rodan, 161:1.5 (1784.2) and Thomas’s depressions, 139:8.10 (1562.4) Nathaniel, the Pharisee at Ragaba, Jesus’ contact with, 166:1.1 (1825.3) Nation(s) the continental, on a certain neighboring planet, description, 72:1.0 (808.4–809.1) potential relations of, with other nations, 72:12.0 (819.5–820.3) course of a whole, could be changed by melodies of a real musician, 44:1.15 (500.6) each, must know the feelings of all, for world-wide brotherhood, 52:6.4 (597.5) evolution of, from first peace groups, 70:4.1 (788.3), 134:5.6 (1488.4) factors defining, 52:5.10 (597.1), 64:6.16 (724.6), 70:4.1 (788.3), 71:1.1 (800.3), 71:1.3 (800.5), 80:9.16 (899.3), 81:6.11 (907.8), 81:6.35 (910.8), 121:2.3 (1333.5), 134:5.6 (1488.4), 134:5.11 (1489.2), 194:3.9 (2064.1) God no respecter of, 156:2.4 (1736.1) the gospel of the kingdom is for all, 149:2.1 (1670.2), 165:6.3 (1824.6), 170:5.8 (1864.8), 176:1.1 (1912.3), 178:1.9 (1930.6), 191:4.4 (2042.1), 193:1.2 (2053.4), 193:2.2 (2054.3) greatness of a, dependent on justice, 132:4.8 (1462.1) growth of, and the change in type of potential wars, 70:1.22 (785.5), 70:2.9 (785.14), 134:5.7 (1488.5), 134:5.10 (1489.1), 134:6.4 (1490.7) of heathendom, the seventy, 162:4.3 (1794.2), 163:4.17 (1806.1) intervention of Constellation Fathers in the affairs of, 43:5.17 (491.13) lack of ideals of leaders of, consequences, 111:4.10 (1220.9) life, angels of, functions, 114:6.8 (1255.7) no more learn war, 52:6.1 (597.2) power of, to make war, results of surrendering of, 134:5.12 (1489.3), 134:6.3 (1490.6) prerequisites to the endurance of a, 132:4.8 (1462.1) a real, the Adamites around 19,000 B.C., 78:2.5 (870.3) the Chinese of 15,000 B.C., 79:6.9 (885.6) reform of, ability of group praying to help, 91:5.2 (998.5) rising against nation, 52:6.1 (597.2), 134:6.3 (1490.6) a single, the most enduring type of state, 71:1.1 (800.3) tribal makeup of, 134:5.6 (1488.4) unlimited sovereignty of, and potential for war, 134:5.2 (1487.9), 134:5.10 (1489.1) a wise, stability of population a characteristic of, 81:6.12 (908.1) Yahweh as the God of all, 96:4.8 (1057.4), 97:4.4 (1066.1), 97:6.2 (1067.5), 97:7.1 (1068.1), 97:7.4 (1068.4), 121:2.6 (1333.8) National animosity, cessation of, in post-Adamic ages, significance of, 52:3.12 (594.3) Council of Defense of the continental nation, 72:7.7 (815.7), 72:11.1 (818.7) defense, and advanced social adjustments, 70:2.2 (785.7) egotism, effect of, on the Jews, 97:10.3 (1075.8) gods, veneration of, in the Occident, 92:6.20 (1012.1) groupings, color the basis of, 52:2.5 (591.5) life, modern, essentials to, 71:1.3 (800.5) religion(s), a definition, 92:6.20 (1012.1) the Greeks’ lack of a, 98:2.1 (1078.5) sovereignty, danger of clinging to the notion of, 134:5.2 (1487.9) Nationalism the chief barrier to world peace, 195:8.10 (2082.2) influence of, on secularism, 195:8.10 (2082.2) Rome’s method of overcoming, 195:3.2 (2073.6) war’s fostering of, 70:2.6 (785.11) Nationalists Nazareth reverberations from Jesus’ refusal to lead the, 127:2.5 (1397.3) Simon Zelotes’ hope concerning the, 172:5.10 (1886.2) Nativity worlds, results of visiting by Spirit-fused mortals, 40:9.9 (451.5) Natural affection between a father and his child, 140:10.4 (1585.2) agent, vs. spirit ghosts as to responsibility for disease and death, 90:3.5 (989.7) craving, man’s forsaking of a life of, 160:1.6 (1773.3) evolution, fostering of, by Van and Amadon, 67:6.7 (760.2) forces, the era of control of, 52:3.6 (593.5) powerful, man’s reaction to his observations of, 85:0.4 (944.4) Jesus’ definition of the, 151:3.3 (1692.2) law(s), apparent cruelty of, to mortal man, 118:10.12 (1306.1) of central universe, 14:2.6 (154.8) personified, Universal Father not, 1:2.2 (23.5) suspension of, only apparent, 3:2.7 (47.5) phenomena, ancients’ tendency toward supernatural explanations for, 81:2.8 (901.11), 151:3.14 (1693.4) philosophy, 42:9.0 (479.6–480.3) religion, the two influences capable of changing, 92:3.5 (1006.2) resources, administration of, on a world in light and life, 55:3.7 (625.6) income from, in the continental nation, 72:7.13 (816.4) influence of, on a material civilization, 81:6.3 (906.8) rights, definition, 70:9.13 (794.8) selection, vs. scientific intelligence in human evolution, 65:3.6 (734.3) Naturalism barrenness of, 195:6.7 (2077.3) mechanistic, concern of, with things, 195:6.7 (2077.3) sway of, destined to be overthrown, 195:9.2 (2082.7) the offspring of religion, 86:2.7 (952.2) Naturalistic philosophy, a definition, 103:6.14 (1137.4) Nature(s) the aliveness of, to the savage, 86:2.6 (952.1) confers no rights on man, 70:9.1 (793.11) and conscience, Christianity and the Stoic’s appeal to, 195:2.6 (2073.1) contemplation of, result of, 101:2.9 (1106.8) of Creator Sons, differences in, 21:2.10 (236.8) of cultism, 87:7.0 (965.5–966.6) a definition, 4:2.3 (56.7), 4:2.6 (57.3) and discovery of the divine presence, 5:2.3 (64.6) of the Eternal Son, 6:2.0 (74.6–75.5) of evolutionary religion, 92:3.0 (1005.3–1006.7) an explanation of, 4:2.3 (56.7) of God, about, 2:0.0 (33.1–43.6) divestment of erroneous ideas of, and man’s prespirit progression, 102:4.4 (1123.4) one condition limiting the power of God, 3:2.12 (48.4) revealed by divine love, 182:1.26 (1965.20) the Son the spiritual and personal, made manifest to the universes, 6:7.3 (79.3) source of confusion on Urantia concerning the, 4:5.2 (60.1) God not personally present in, 4:2.5 (57.2) gods, Egyptians’ early worship of, 95:2.3 (1044.2) vs. ghost gods, 85:6.4 (948.4) and human-personality survival, 101:2.9 (1106.8) imperfection of, 9:5.5 (103.3) of the Infinite Spirit, 8:2.0 (92.2–93.2), 8:3.6 (93.8) is not God, 4:2.8 (57.5) of Jesus, apostles’ inability to comprehend the, 144:1.1 (1617.4) preparation to teach the apostles more about, 157:3.4 (1746.1) Jesus a close student of, 145:1.3 (1629.1) Jesus’ youthful study of, 124:4.1 (1371.4) lack of fairness in, 84:5.2 (936.6) of man, result of limitations of, 3:2.10 (48.2) man’s sometime subservience to, 111:6.2 (1222.1) not the exclusive act of Deity, 12:7.2 (137.5) reproduction the exclusive interest of, 82:2.1 (914.7) of seraphim, as compared with mortals’, 38:2.6 (419.6) of the soul, 111:2.0 (1217.5–1218.8) spirits, multitudinous, of early religions, 85:0.3 (944.3) study of, by a God-knowing mortal, results, 101:2.11 (1107.1) thread of perfection in, 4:2.3 (56.7) Universal Father not a synonym for, 1:2.2 (23.5) on Urantia, Paradise and Deity not revealed by, 7:0.5 (81.5) variableness of, reason for, 4:2.4 (57.1) worship, evolution of, to present concept of worship, 85:0.3 (944.3), 85:7.3 (948.8), 92:1.2 (1003.7) Nazareth apostolic assemblage at, during the third preaching tour, 150:6.3 (1683.5) attitude of the people of, toward Jesus, 150:7.2 (1684.1) carpenter, full understanding of his future work by the, 128:1.6 (1408.3) contact of, with caravan traffic, 121:2.2 (1333.4) family, the adolescent Jesus as head of the, 126:2.2 (1388.2), 127:0.1 (1395.1) differing economic status of, at various times, 126:1.6 (1387.6), 126:3.1 (1389.4), 126:5.0 (1392.8), 127:3.11 (1400.3), 128:3.1 (1411.1), 129:2.11 (1423.2) disposal of property of, during Jesus’ eighteenth year, 127:3.1 (1398.5) domestic animals of the, 126:5.11 (1393.8) financial aid of Jesus to the, 129:2.1 (1421.6) ignorance of, as to Jesus’ Damascus offer, 128:4.4 (1412.7) inability of, to understand Jesus, 127:1.8 (1396.5) Jesus’ financial provision for, during his travels, 129:2.3 (1421.8) separation from the domestic affairs of the, 129:0.1 (1419.1) Joseph’s installation as head of the, 128:7.11 (1418.3) mistaken belief of, as to Jesus’ study in Alexandria, 134:1.2 (1483.4) reaction of, to father Joseph’s death, 126:2.8 (1389.3) to Jude’s belligerence, 128:7.4 (1417.3) use of proceeds from sale of property by the, 127:3.1 (1398.5) weaning of, by Jesus, 128:2.4 (1410.3) gratification of, over Jesus’ exploits in the temple, 126:0.4 (1386.4) hill, Jesus’ boyhood experiences on the, 158:1.4 (1752.6) home, effect of Joseph’s death on affairs of the, 126:2.2 (1388.2) Joseph’s onetime structural addition to the, 124:1.7 (1367.3) home of Jesus, natural and normal status of, 123:2.4 (1358.1) the home of Joseph and Mary, 122:6.0 (1349.8–1350.2) Jerusalem Jews’ detestation of the name, 187:2.5 (2007.4) Jesus’ family’s return to home in, 123:1.1 (1356.4) home in, location of, 122:5.9 (1349.5) visit to, 138:1.4 (1539.2) Jewish and gentile influence in, 123:5.7 (1362.8) Joseph’s burial in, 126:2.1 (1388.1) and Mary’s return to, from Alexandria, 123:0.6 (1356.3) as a liberal center of Hebrew culture, 123:5.10 (1363.3) one of twenty-four Hebrew priest centers at, 123:5.12 (1363.5) rejection, 150:9.0 (1686.4–1687.2) synagogue, advanced school of, Jesus’ study in the, 123:5.2 (1362.3) Nazarite Abner a, 165:0.1 (1817.1) brotherhood, belief of, in the coming of the Messiah, 137:7.12 (1535.4) John the Baptist’s presentation of his flocks to the, 135:4.2 (1499.2) southern headquarters of, 135:1.1 (1496.6) vows of the, 135:1.1 (1496.6) colony, visit of Jesus and Abner to the, 142:8.1 (1605.3) life, a holy personality, 135:1.2 (1496.7) Son of Man not a, 137:7.12 (1535.4) Neanderthal absorption, effect of, on culture of the blue race, 78:1.8 (869.4) culture, state of, during fourth and fifth glaciers, 64:4.3 (721.1) peoples and Sangiks, comparative intelligence of, 64:7.10 (727.7) races, 64:4.0 (720.7–722.1) stock, extermination of, by the Adamites, 80:1.7 (890.3) Neanderthalers ancestry of, 64:3.5 (720.6), 64:7.9 (727.6) blue men’s encounter with, in Europe, 64:7.9 (727.6) geographic distribution of, 64:4.1 (720.7) world domination of, period of, 64:4.1 (720.7) Near East acceptability of Christianity to peoples of the, reason, 146:1.3 (1637.5) Nebadon about, 1:7.9 (32.1) adjudication of the realms in, 30:4.11 (341.1) administration of the life-modification worlds in, 49:5.12 (565.13) age of oldest inhabited planets of, 57:3.10 (654.3) alphabet, number of basic symbols in, 44:4.4 (503.4) Andronover nebula, onetime a component part of, 57:1.1 (651.3) the site of the universe of, 57:3.8 (654.1) archangel corps of, directing head of, 37:3.3 (408.6) architectural spheres in, number of, 37:10.1 (416.1) ascenders, morontia-body transformations of, number of, 48:1.5 (542.2) basic laws of, codification and promulgation of, 39:3.3 (432.4) beginning of Michael’s supreme sovereignty in, 21:3.8 (238.2) celestial hosts of, assigned to Jesus, 136:5.1 (1516.1) Census Director of, number of, 24:2.7 (267.5) changes in, upon the terminal bestowal of Michael, 101:6.17 (1113.6) chief executive of, 37:1.9 (406.11) Christ Michael sovereign of, 21:0.3 (234.3) conciliating commissions in, 37:8.6 (414.1) Corps of the Finality, identity of possible future leadership of the, 188:3.8 (2015.4) of Local Universe Personalities, sponsors of, Part II, Part III of Perfection, members of, as Nebadon permanent citizens, 37:9.7 (414.12) councils and tribunals of, of which Gabriel is presiding officer, 35:1.2 (385.1) courts of, 33:7.0 (372.5–373.2), 43:2.1 (487.3) Creator Sons in, number of, 35:0.1 (384.1) creatures, preparation of, for next universe age, 39:1.12 (428.6) determination of space boundaries of, 41:0.2 (455.2) directional control creatures of, 34:4.12 (378.6) Divine Minister of Salvington is everywhere in, 45:1.8 (510.6) education, purpose of, 37:6.5 (412.5) Evening Stars, number of, 37:2.4 (407.4) Father Melchizedek’s function in, 35:1.2 (385.1) Gabriel the administrator of, 33:6.1 (371.3) the chief executive of, 37:1.9 (406.11), 38:6.2 (421.5), 136:3.4 (1513.1) as regent of, 33:2.5 (367.7) the supervisor of judicial mechanism of, 33:7.2 (372.6) God-man of, Jesus of Nazareth the, 32:0.3 (357.3) harmonizing of, with Orvonton ideas and Paradise ideals, 37:4.2 (409.7) Havona’s space relation to, 14:0.1 (152.1) headquarters of, 17:0.12 (197.12), 33:8.1 (373.3) home of Spirit-fused mortals, 40:9.9 (451.5) identification, 15:7.7 (174.7) Immanuel, head of Paradise personalities in, 33:5.1 (370.6) importance of Urantia in, 20:5.5 (228.2) inhabited planets in, number of, 32:2.9 (359.6) worlds, percentage of, nonbreather, 49:3.1 (563.4) Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster’s status in, 136:2.3 (1511.2) jurisdiction of, by Immanuel during Michael’s incarnation, 120:1.2 (1325.4) language of, ascending mortals’ study of, 48:3.13 (546.6) Lanonandek rebels in, number of, 35:9.6 (393.6) Life Carriers in, number of, 36:1.2 (396.3) life designs, Life Carriers’ sixtieth attempt to improve, 57:8.9 (661.3), 65:4.1 (734.5) limitation of reincarnation in, 46:7.5 (528.3) local universe of, 0:0.5 (1.5), 6:6.4 (78.7), 12:1.12 (129.10), 15:14.6 (182.5), 43:0.1 (485.1) location of, in grand universe, 12:1.12 (129.10) Lucifer rebellion as compared with others in, 53:7.9 (608.5) in the making, 38:1.3 (418.6) mass materialization of, 32:1.4 (358.1) Material Sons and Daughters of citizenship status in, number of, 45:5.4 (515.3) Melchizedek incarnations, number in, 35:4.4 (389.3) Michael of, 1:2.9 (24.7), 33:1.0 (366.2–367.2), 51:3.9 (584.2) Michael’s assumption of unlimited sovereignty in, a result of, 43:4.7 (490.2), 53:9.3 (611.2) beginning organization of, about four hundred billion years ago, 119:0.7 (1309.1) purpose to gain unqualified rulership of, 53:9.2 (611.1) midsonite spheres in, 36:4.1 (400.5) modification of God’s laws in, 4:2.2 (56.6) Morontia Companions in, number of, 48:3.1 (545.2) natives of, relation of Master Spirit of Orvonton to, 17:0.12 (197.12) neighboring universes nearest to, 32:2.12 (360.1) no constellations in light and life in, 55:8.5 (633.1) Norlatiadek’s location in, 41:10.5 (466.4) not a single astronomic system, 32:2.4 (359.1) number of archangels in, 37:3.1 (408.4) of constellations in, 43:0.1 (485.1) of Lanonandeks in, 35:8.3 (392.3) of Melchizedeks in, 35:2.9 (387.1) of rebellions in, 53:4.4 (605.1) of Teacher Sons in, 20:8.2 (231.2) of Vorondadeks in, 35:5.2 (389.6) Orvonton the superuniverse of, 15:1.5 (165.4) permission given Jesus to assume his rulership of, 136:3.5 (1513.2) personalities, commission of, sponsors of, Part II, Part III, Part IV, 56:10.23 (648.6), 119:8.9 (1319.2), 120:0.1 (1323.1) personification of Father-Son in, 33:2.3 (367.5) physical creation in, first completed act of, 32:2.3 (358.5) registration of Urantia in, 57:8.1 (660.3) plan of mortal progression in, 30:4.34 (344.2) position of, in circuit of Orvonton, 32:2.12 (360.1) power centers, 41:1.0 (455.5–456.4) Chief of, presenter of Paper 41, 41:10.6 (466.5) present number of inhabited worlds in, 37:10.1 (416.1) primary subdivisions of, 41:1.4 (456.3) rebellions, triumph of the Son of Man, and settlement of the, 53:8.4 (609.7) relative position of, in Orvonton, 32:2.11 (359.8) resurrection halls of, 40:9.4 (450.6) Seraphington graduates in, 39:9.2 (441.6) settledness, increasing, of orbit of, 41:0.4 (455.4) sovereign of, 33:2.0 (367.3–7) spirit circuits in, 34:4.1 (377.5) Spirit-fused mortals on morontia spheres of, 37:5.2 (410.5), 40:9.4 (450.6) standard day of, 33:6.7 (372.2) superuniverse standing of, 15:9.18 (177.17) suspense in, during Jesus’ bestowal, 128:1.13 (1409.3) System Sovereigns’ personal prerogatives in, 45:2.1 (511.1) training of spirit personalities of, 45:7.2 (517.4) Trinity Teacher Sons in, number of, 35:0.1 (384.1) type of cosmic mind pervading, 9:4.3 (102.3) of organism, planetary modification of, for Urantia personality, 16:8.15 (195.2) Union of Days’ status in, 120:0.7 (1324.4) and universal outward expansion, 12:4.12 (134.1) universality of four points of the compass in, 34:4.13 (378.7) universe of, number of systems in, 53:0.2 (601.2) universe number of, in Ensa, 15:14.6 (182.5) Urantia life unique in, 58:4.1 (667.5) the most fortunate planet in, 76:5.7 (853.1) variant of Orvonton type of cosmic mind in, 9:4.3 (102.3) various types of life in, 37:10.1 (416.1) Voices, Chief of, function of, in portraying attitude of Michael, 28:4.6 (308.5) worlds, past, present, and future, inspiration of Jesus’ mortal life to, 129:3.6 (1424.1) year, days of standard universe time in the, 33:6.7 (372.2) a young universe, 39:9.2 (441.6) Nebuchadnezzar attack of, against the Judahites, 97:9.25 (1075.1) counsel of Jeremiah regarding surrender to, result, 97:6.4 (1067.7) overthrow of Necho by, 97:9.25 (1075.1) return of, to attack Jerusalem, 97:9.25 (1075.1) Nebula(e) blazing, a source of short space rays, 58:3.2 (667.1) creators, 29:5.5 (329.5) current stabilization and organization of, 12:2.3 (130.5) a definition, 15:4.4 (169.4), 41:1.1 (455.5) the four stages of a, 57:4.1 (654.6) irregular, origin of, 41:8.4 (464.6) number of, in local universe, 41:0.3 (455.3) small circular, large suns, 41:8.3 (464.5) source of the physical pattern of the, 104:4.9 (1148.8) space, end of secondary career of a, 57:3.12 (654.5) spiral, activities of, 15:4.7 (170.1) Nebular ancestry of Nebadon, 41:0.3 (455.3) stage(s), primary, 57:2.0 (652.4–7) secondary, 57:3.0 (653.1–654.5) tertiary and quartan, 57:4.0 (654.6–655.5) Necessity vs. luxury in material-comfort era, 50:5.6 (577.1) toiling of Jesus for an immediate goal of, 127:6.12 (1405.4) Necho Josiah’s attack on, 97:9.24 (1074.6) Nebuchadnezzar’s overthrow of, 97:9.25 (1075.1) Needs the Father’s knowledge of man’s, 140:6.11 (1577.5) Needy advice to the rich man as to the, 132:5.13 (1463.7) widow, parable of the, 144:2.5 (1619.3) Negative attitude, absence of, in the kingdom of heaven, 142:4.2 (1600.3) Jesus’ avoidance of instruction in the, 127:4.2 (1401.2), 140:8.21 (1582.2), 159:5.9 (1770.1) and positive cherubum and sanobim, 38:7.2 (422.2), 84:6.5 (938.9) Morontia Companions, 84:6.5 (938.9) seraphim, 38:4.3 (420.4), 84:6.5 (938.9) the positive’s advantage over the, 102:6.7 (1125.2) suggestion, vs. positive suggestion among shamans, 90:2.1 (987.5) Negro a member of the negroid group, 81:4.13 (905.4) Negroid class of mankind, Sangik composition and location of the, 81:4.13 (905.4) where blended with other two classes, 81:4.14 (905.5) Neighbor(s) civilized man’s concept of, 103:5.2 (1133.7) importance of understanding your, 100:4.6 (1098.3) insincere lawyer’s query as to the identity of his, 164:1.2 (1809.4) Jewish definition of one’s, 164:1.2 (1809.4) lawyer’s definition of a, 164:1.3 (1810.1) primitive man’s concept of, 103:5.2 (1133.7) and the self, rights of both, 103:5.4 (1134.2) the whole of humanity, as designated by Jesus, 103:5.2 (1133.7) Neighborhood the whole world one’s, 140:8.11 (1580.6) Nepal birthplace of Gautama in India, 94:7.1 (1035.1) Nephilim identity of, 77:2.3 (856.6) Neptune temple of, in Alexandria, 130:3.4 (1432.4) Nereids one appellation applied to a minor god, 96:1.14 (1054.4) Nerites identity of the, 78:8.11 (877.1) Nervous ailments, contribution of prayer to cure of, 91:6.2 (999.5) disorders, cures of, wrought by the seventy, 163:6.2 (1807.1) Jesus’ healing of, 146:6.1 (1645.2), 156:1.1 (1734.3), 158:4.2 (1755.8), 158:5.5 (1758.1) state of apostles and disciples, Jesus’ method for dealing with, 143:3.1 (1610.4), 143:3.7 (1611.5) systems of nonbreathers, different from mortals of atmospheric planets, 49:3.4 (563.7) a physical feature of all mortals, 49:5.13 (566.1) tension, humor a preventive of, 48:4.19 (549.6) Nether Paradise about, 11:5.0 (122.1–123.2) closed to personalities, 13:1.1 (144.1) constitution of, 11:5.1 (122.1) the focus of the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute, 11:2.8 (119.9) force center, the absolute-gravity circuits not related to, 12:3.6 (131.9) function of the Unqualified Absolute, primordial force a possible, 42:2.7 (469.7) gravitational control centers on, 0:3.13 (5.12), 3:2.4 (47.2) material-gravity circuit of, 0:6.1 (9.3), 11:1.4 (119.1) origin of space below, 11:2.11 (120.3) Nets Jesus’ directing his apostles to return to their, 137:5.4 (1532.2) Neural circuits, of human body, function of, 7:3.4 (84.4), 116:7.1 (1276.2) energies, stabilized, a factor favoring Adjuster communication, 110:6.4 (1209.4) New age, Jesus’ imparting to apostles the plan of a, 141:7.15 (1595.1) "the kingdom of heaven," 135:3.2 (1498.1) and better way, Jesus’ purpose to proclaim the, 137:8.14 (1537.1) birth, ancient societies of the, functions and customs of, 70:7.15 (791.8) a definition, 138:8.8 (1545.9), 148:4.8 (1660.7) price of admission to the kingdom, 138:8.8 (1545.9) brotherhood, a definition, 140:1.2 (1568.5) commandment, Jesus’, 140:6.4 (1576.4), 149:6.7 (1676.1), 179:3.6 (1939.4), 180:1.0 (1944.4–1945.3), 180:6.1 (1951.2) concept about Jesus, 157:5.0 (1748.1–3) dispensation, a definition, 179:5.2 (1942.1) the remembrance supper a symbol of the, 179:5.2 (1942.1) but false, vs. old and true, 147:7.3 (1656.1) to God no thing is, 2:1.5 (34.4) gospel, believers’ mistake regarding the outpoured Spirit of Truth and the, 194:3.5 (2063.3) an incentive for higher living, 160:3.5 (1778.3) nonconformity of, with the old teaching, 140:6.2 (1576.2) Stephen’s proclamation of, reason for, 128:3.6 (1411.6) heaven and new earth, literalists’ prediction of, 135:5.4 (1500.4) Jerusalem, disciples’ beliefs concerning the establishment of, 176:1.6 (1913.5) Jewish concept of, 176:1.6 (1913.5) kingdom, Andrew’s desire to learn the whole truth about the, 137:1.1 (1524.2) comparison of, to a growing seed, 137:8.12 (1536.9) an everlasting dominion, 140:1.2 (1568.5) life, in the kingdom, Jesus’ discussion of, 141:6.4 (1592.6) light, Jesus’ offer of, to Jewish leaders, 178:1.16 (1932.1) and living way, establishment of, on Urantia, 52:5.5 (596.3) Jesus’ invitation to enter into, 166:3.7 (1829.4) from man to God, Jesus as the, 129:4.7 (1425.6) name, new morontia being’s introduction by his, 47:8.5 (538.3) nature, of grace, vs. the "old man of sin," 103:2.9 (1131.8) order, a definition, 191:5.3 (2043.1) religion, characteristics of the, 131:10.6 (1454.3), 155:5.12 (1729.7), 160:1.14 (1774.6), 194:0.3 (2059.3) man’s reluctance to accept a, 92:2.5 (1005.1) of maturity, Rodan’s definition of the, 160:1.14 (1774.6) Peter’s inauguration at Pentecost of a, 196:2.1 (2091.10) school of the prophets, 148:1.0 (1657.6–1658.3) Stone Age, Bretons’ retention of charms of the, 80:9.14 (899.1) teacher, the Spirit of Truth, 180:4.2 (1948.3), 181:2.24 (1961.3), 194:3.1 (2062.10) Testament, absence of information concerning Abner in the, reason, 166:5.3 (1831.6) translation of, into Greek, effect, 195:2.7 (2073.2) Testament definition of faith, 99:5.8 (1091.7) distortion of Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom, 170:2.10 (1860.5) records, origin of, 121:8.0 (1341.2–1343.3), 196:2.1 (2091.10) a superb Christian document, 196:2.1 (2091.10) writers, distortion of Hebrew history by, 97:8.6 (1071.4) opinions of, on divorce, 140:8.14 (1581.1) truth, result of experience of, 130:1.1 (1428.1) wine into the old wine skins, result, 147:7.2 (1655.4) New Zealand tribe, adjustment of Christianity to their mores by a, 92:2.5 (1005.1) News-gathering mechanism of all creation, 17:3.7 (201.5) Next age of man, prospect of the, 170:4.5 (1863.3) of social development, improvements constituting, 81:6.31 (910.4) of the universe, creature-trinitized sons are of the, 117:2.3 (1280.3) a definition, 106:0.18 (1163.12) expected phenomena of, 106:0.18 (1163.12), 117:2.7 (1280.7), 119:8.7 (1318.6) Niagara limestone, distribution of, 59:3.9 (677.6) route, of emptying of the Great Lakes, time of beginning of, 61:7.10 (701.9) Nicaea incident of Athanasius at, 195:0.18 (2070.14) Nickname(s) of the Alpheus twins, 139:10.5 (1563.6) of Andrew, 139:1.2 (1548.6) of Matthew Levi, 139:7.2 (1559.6) origin of the, 88:5.5 (971.7) of Nathaniel, 139:6.3 (1558.4) of Philip, 139:5.2 (1556.2) of Simon, Peter, significance of, 139:2.2 (1550.5), 157:4.5 (1747.3) of the two sons of Zebedee, 139:3.1 (1552.5) Nicodemus appointment for assembly of David’s messengers at home of, 186:3.4 (2001.2) association of, with Joseph of Arimathea, 142:6.9 (1603.1) characteristics of, 142:6.8 (1602.7) courtyard of, morontia Jesus’ appearance in the, 193:0.1 (2052.1) as a disciple of Jesus, 188:1.2 (2013.1) Greeks’ conference at home of, consequence, 174:5.5 (1903.2) identification of, 142:6.1 (1601.6) interrupted visit of, to Jesus at Gethsemane, 142:8.4 (1606.1) and Joseph, arrival of, at Golgotha to receive Jesus’ body, 187:6.2 (2011.6) meeting at the home of, to hear Jesus, 164:2.1 (1810.3) one of the bearers of Jesus’ body to the tomb, 188:1.3 (2013.2) private conference of, with Jesus, 142:6.0 (1601.6–1603.1) request of Pilate by, for Jesus’ body, 188:0.3 (2012.3) Nicopolis Augustus’s "city of victory," 133:2.5 (1471.4) Night(s) absence of, on Jerusem, 46:1.4 (519.5) of eternal oblivion, the materialist’s vision of the long and lonely, 102:0.1 (1118.1) the long, of Western civilization, persistence of Christianity through, 195:4.3 (2075.1) no, in the eternal abode, 27:1.5 (299.5) season, apparition(s) of the, men’s awe of, 86:5.11 (954.10) Peter’s dream in the boat an, 152:4.2 (1703.2) dreams the fantasies of the, 44:4.7 (503.7) story whispered to the shepherd boy in the, 48:6.20 (553.1) vision of Simon Peter, 152:4.0 (1703.1–4) a watch in the, a thousand years with God, 2:2.2 (35.6), 14:1.12 (153.3) weeping may endure for a, 131:2.9 (1445.3) wraps, wearing of, by Adam and Eve, 74:6.5 (834.7) Nile Adamite migrations to valley of the, 78:3.2 (870.5) Andite civilization along the, 79:1.3 (878.4), 80:6.1 (894.2) civilization, lowest point of, time, 80:1.3 (889.5) civilization’s movement to the, 78:6.8 (874.5) valley magical ritual, 95:2.5 (1044.4) Nineveh God’s love for, central truth of Jonah’s narrative, 159:4.4 (1767.6) Nirvana Gautama’s doctrine of, 94:8.16 (1036.18) the ultimate of existence in Amidists’ teachings, 94:12.3 (1041.1) Noah, of the Old Testament authentic story of, 78:7.5 (875.2) later Jewish story of, why Mount Ararat is part of, 77:4.12 (860.7) Noah, son of architect of the Garden a member of the reception committee, 74:2.5 (829.7) Noah’s flood Jewish priests’ use of, in tracing Jewish people back to Adam, 78:7.3 (874.8) Nobility of the common people, Joseph’s family of the, 122:1.1 (1344.4) Heaven’s, bestowal of, on man’s soul, 131:9.2 (1452.6) moral, Jesus an example of, 136:9.9 (1523.1) origin of the, 70:6.5 (790.2) an unconscious growth, 100:1.7 (1095.2) Noble One a name for God, 131:3.3 (1446.5) Nobleman’ s son of Capernaum, in Bethsaida school, 148:1.4 (1658.3) Nod, of the Prince’s staff and all his board, disloyalty of, 67:4.1 (757.4) leader of the commission on industry and trade, 66:5.11 (747.1) of rebellious members of corporeal staff, 67:4.2 (757.5) relation of, to Nodites, 73:1.3 (821.6) Nod dwelling place of the Nodite descendants of disloyal staff, 67:4.2 (757.5), 77:4.5 (859.8) land of, Cain’s departure for, 76:2.9 (849.3) wife of Cain from the, 148:4.7 (1660.6) Nodite(s) and Adamites, as blended in Andites, 78:4.2 (871.8), 81:4.11 (905.2) warfare between, 75:5.9 (844.2) Adamsonites’ admixture with the, 77:5.9 (862.3) and Amadonites, 73:1.0 (821.4–822.4) ancestry of, 73:1.3 (821.6), 77:2.8 (857.5) attitude of, toward women, 84:5.5 (937.2) belligerent nature of the, 80:4.3 (892.6) Cano’s leadership of the, 75:3.7 (841.7) centers of civilization, 77:4.0 (859.4–860.8) child of part-violet stock, Serapatatia’s argument for a, 75:3.5 (841.5) culture, advanced status of, 73:1.7 (822.4) Bablot to be the center of, 77:3.3 (858.4) period of decline of, 77:4.1 (859.4) Sumerian pride in, results, 77:4.9 (860.4) of Sumerians, 78:8.1 (875.5) definition, 67:4.2 (757.5) encouragement of practice of cremation by the, 89:5.14 (980.3) expedition against the Garden, 75:5.9 (844.2) Joseph’s line of inheritance to the, 122:1.1 (1344.4) later, belligerence of, 70:1.2 (783.5) Levantine, absorption of, by the violet race, 78:1.4 (868.6) a longtime in-marriage group, 82:5.4 (918.4) memorial, Bablot’s plan for, 77:3.5 (858.6) monogamy natural to the, 83:6.2 (927.3) northern, origin of, 77:4.10 (860.5) number of original, 77:2.4 (857.1) penetration of, into southern Europe and northern Africa, 80:1.2 (889.4) pre-Sumerian, location of, 77:4.6 (860.1) race, 74:6.2 (834.4), 77:2.0 (856.4–858.1) representation of, on Adam’s reception committee, 74:2.5 (829.7) significance of the term, 73:1.3 (821.6) strains, in all white races, 80:0.2 (889.2) in the Andite races, 78:4.1 (871.7), 78:6.6 (874.3) Syrian (western), final location of, 77:4.3 (859.6) three groups of, and locations, 73:1.5 (822.2) tribes, as amalgamated with the Andites, 78:0.1 (868.1) Serapatatia’s leadership of Syrian confederation of, 75:3.1 (841.1) in Van’s outposts, 67:6.6 (760.1) Nog identification, 67:5.5 (759.3) Nomadic herders, the Israelites’ evolution from, to sedate farmers, 96:6.2 (1059.3) Nomadism decline of, during society’s evolution, 68:5.12 (769.4) Nomads as founders of states, 71:1.2 (800.4) many, among Moses’ followers, 96:2.3 (1055.1) Non-Adjuster-fusion types, mortals of, 40:5.12 (446.3) worlds, seraphic guardians’ experience on, 113:2.3 (1242.6) Nonascender unique personality of a, return of, to the Supreme, 117:4.4 (1283.6) Nonbreathers and Adjuster fusion, 40:5.12 (446.3) percentage of, in Satania, 49:2.14 (561.13) reactions of, to life, vs. those of atmospheric world peoples, 49:3.5 (564.1) type of nutrition and energy employed by, 49:2.25 (563.2) of planets inhabited by, 49:2.14 (561.13), 49:5.11 (565.12) worlds of the, 49:3.0 (563.4–564.2) Nonfusion planets, seraphic ministry on, 40:5.14 (446.5) Nonpersonal divestment of Father’s character of the, 0:12.1 (15.7), 7:7.2 (89.1) the, not Deity, 11:9.4 (127.2) reality, range of, limited, 0:5.2 (8.2) Unqualified Absolute is, 0:11.7 (14.5) Nonresistance the apostles and Jesus’ practice of, 140:8.4 (1579.6) to evil, the spirit of Jesus’, 180:5.9 (1950.4) Jesus’ limited discussion of, 133:1.5 (1470.1) teaching of, necessity for living, 180:5.9 (1950.4) Lao’s teaching of, 94:6.7 (1034.2) not a rule of the Nazareth family, 127:4.5 (1401.5) passive, Jesus’ opposition to, example, 159:5.9 (1770.1) Nonspatial a quality of true spirit levels, 42:11.4 (482.2) time, definition, 12:5.3 (135.2) Nonspiritual association, the original, Paradise and the I AM, 105:2.6 (1154.5) Deity potential, means of actualization of, 3:1.7 (45.5) divestment of Father’s character of the, effect of, on constitution of the Eternal Son, 6:7.3 (79.3), 7:7.2 (89.1) energies of temporal existence, weaning of the human intellect from subsisting upon, 100:4.2 (1097.6) energy(ies), a form of, unknown on Urantia, 3:2.3 (47.1) reassociation of, in non-Creator minds, 42:10.7 (481.4) relationships of mind to, difficulty of portraying, 42:10.7 (481.4) energy system(s), about, 42:2.0 (469.1–471.7), 42:10.0 (480.4–481.4) monota as the Father’s, 42:2.19 (471.3) expression of the First Source and Center, Paradise the original, 11:2.9 (120.1) in human experience, status of the, 112:2.8 (1228.3) import, Jesus’ pledged support of the apostolic groups’ conclusions in matters of, 144:6.3 (1624.14) level, knowledge a function of the, 130:4.10 (1435.2) manifestations of the Deities, heatless light an example of, 3:2.3 (47.1) of Paradise, sense in which indistinguishable from spiritual, 42:2.20 (471.4) mind, two identity possibilities for, 36:5.17 (403.5) one of two phases of reality projected by the Father, 11:9.3 (127.1) Paradise a repercussion to the Father’s act eternalizing the original Son, 11:9.3 (127.1) realities of the First Source and Center, evolutions of relationship in, 42:10.1 (480.4) reality, morontia form’s enablement of survivor to make contact with, 112:5.17 (1234.6) Paradise the absolute pattern for, 105:3.4 (1156.1) relationship, the master pattern of, how determined, 105:2.6 (1154.5) status of disappointed subjects attempting the Deity adventure, 26:10.3 (295.5) of outer space universes, basis for conclusion about, 12:3.9 (132.3) things, misuse of Scriptures as an authority in, 159:4.10 (1769.1) trends threatening modern Christianity, 195:9.10 (2083.6) Nonsurvivor(s) fate of the personality of a, 16:9.3 (195.9), 117:4.2 (1283.4) responses for, at dispensational roll call, 113:6.8 (1247.6) Nonteachable intellect, levels of function of, 42:10.3 (480.6) Nontemporal space, definition, 12:5.3 (135.2) Nontime beings, Personalized Adjusters, 136:5.4 (1516.4) sequence of events on Paradise, 11:2.11 (120.3) Noon high, arrival of seraphic transports carrying Adam and Eve, 74:0.1 (828.1) the public worship hour of Eden, 74:4.6 (832.6), 74:7.21 (836.10) roll call of angels, guardians, and others on Urantia, 114:0.2 (1250.2) time of appearance of Gabriel to Mary, 122:2.2 (1345.4) of a Lanonandek, Michael’s second bestowal, 119:2.4 (1311.3) of a Melchizedek, Michael’s first bestowal, 119:1.3 (1309.4) of arrival of seraphic messenger from Jerusem on installation of Adam and Eve, 74:4.5 (832.5) of baptism of Jesus, 135:8.6 (1504.4) of birth of Jesus, 122:8.1 (1351.5), 122:8.5 (1352.1), 122:8.7 (1352.3) of disappearance of the emergency Planetary Prince, ending Michael’s third bestowal, 119:3.4 (1312.5) of the visiting Melchizedek, ending Michael’s first bestowal, 119:1.5 (1310.2) of initial test flash of universe circuit signals for recognition of Urantia as an inhabited world, 62:7.1 (709.8) of receipt of space reports at planetary spiritual headquarters, 39:5.15 (439.1) of weekly devotions in Dalamatia, 66:5.21 (748.2) Norana character of the disorder of the daughter of, 156:1.1 (1734.3) humor of, displayed in appeal for Jesus’ healing of her child, 156:1.5 (1735.1), 156:2.8 (1736.5) persistence of, in seeking healing for her child, 156:1.3 (1734.5), 156:2.8 (1736.5) Nordan identity of, 93:3.4 (1016.6) Nordic(s) Alpine, or Mediterranean, impossibility of classifying white people as, 80:9.15 (899.2) belief of, regarding eclipses, 85:3.4 (946.6) commerce of, with the Danubians, results, 80:9.4 (897.7) race(s), Andite horsemen the ancestors of the, 80:4.5 (893.1) typical early, description of, 80:9.2 (897.5) Norlatiadek circuits, the planet’s continued spiritual isolation in the, 114:5.4 (1254.4) citizens of, method of uprooting rebel sympathies in hearts of, 54:5.9 (617.9) cleansing of, of sin and rebels, 43:4.9 (490.4) constellation of, Urantia located in the, 15:7.6 (174.6), 43:0.1 (485.1) Constellation Fathers of, informed of Lucifer’s mental state, 53:2.3 (602.6) Edentia capital of, 15:14.6 (182.5) fundamental law of, 43:2.8 (488.2) government, expansion of, 43:5.2 (490.7) government of, the onetime arbitrary seizure of planetary authority of Urantia by the, 114:4.1 (1253.4) local systems in, 15:14.6 (182.5) location of, in Nebadon, 41:10.5 (466.4) number of architectural spheres in government of, 43:0.2 (485.2) physical core of, 41:1.4 (456.3) Satania’s location in, 41:10.5 (466.4) social laboratories of Edentia, satellites of capital of, 39:3.7 (433.1) Supreme Power Centers’ location in, 41:1.4 (456.3) systems in, 41:2.1 (456.5) universe number of, 15:14.6 (182.5) Vorondadek administration staff of, 35:6.5 (391.3) Normal planet, blending of the races on a, time of, 52:3.7 (593.6) center of activities during Adamic dispensation on a, 51:5.4 (586.1) sphere, vs. first mansion world, difference between, 47:3.1 (532.7) world(s), advantages of, 52:6.8 (598.3) early race purification on, 52:2.9 (592.2) Edenic regime on a, 51:6.2 (586.6) family and home life development on, 52:2.7 (591.7) flesh-and-spirit conflicts of evolutionary mortals on, 34:7.2 (382.2) midwayers’ function on, 38:9.10 (425.2) racial amalgamation on a, 51:5.0 (585.5–586.4) time of appearance of the Paradise bestowal Son on, 52:5.1 (595.6) of establishment of sex equality on, 52:2.7 (591.7) North Africa, Andite activities throughout, 78:5.2 (872.6) entry into Spain from, 80:7.11 (896.3) formation of coal in, 59:5.20 (682.3) lava flow depositions in, 60:3.16 (690.7) nature of pre-Christian religion in, 98:6.1 (1083.1) preaching of Thomas in, 139:8.13 (1563.1) religio-cultural role of Islam in, 92:6.19 (1011.17) African coast, Thomas’s journeys to the, 139:8.13 (1563.1) -and-south cracking of the continental land mass, 57:8.23 (663.1) pointing of direction cells of animal organisms, 34:4.13 (378.7) China, blend of race types in, 81:4.14 (905.5) Pole, marine-life fossils in region of the, 59:3.7 (677.4) Sea, early Andonite settlements under the waters of the, 64:2.6 (719.9) temperature of waters of, during Andonite times, 63:5.2 (715.2) thundering of icebergs into the, 61:5.8 (700.1) seas, freezing of, and Eskimo migrations, 64:7.18 (728.7) -south diameter, Paradise one-sixth longer in, than east-west, 11:2.2 (119.3) pulsations of nether-Paradise mid-zone, 11:5.6 (122.6) North America animal population of, during and subsequent to first two ice invasions, 61:5.7 (699.8) appearance of placental mammals in, 61:1.2 (693.5) continental connections of, in Eocene period, 61:1.14 (694.6) creep of, toward Atlantic depression, time of, 61:4.2 (698.4) emergence and submergence of, near close of early Carboniferous age, 59:5.11 (681.3) expulsion of red race from Asia to, 64:7.4 (727.1) fossil-bearing deposits of marine-life era in, 59:0.9 (672.9) glacial ice in, proportion of, 61:5.3 (699.4) ice collection in, three centers of, 61:5.4 (699.5) ice-age extinction of animals in, 61:7.15 (702.5) inundation of, by the arctic seas, time of, 59:4.15 (679.8) of seashores of, in early trilobite age, 59:1.2 (673.2) iron mines of, location of, as regards rock layers, 58:7.10 (671.3) land-bridge connection of Europe with, time of, 59:4.14 (679.7) modern, opportunity for blending of the races in, 80:9.16 (899.3) money value of light falling on, 58:2.1 (665.4) onetime connection of, with every continent except Australia, 61:1.12 (694.4), 61:1.14 (694.6) peace in, reason for, 134:6.5 (1490.8) red immigration to, time of, 64:6.5 (723.4) rise of, out of Pacific Ocean, 57:8.21 (662.8) rising and sinking of east and west parts of, 59:6.4 (683.1) and Siberia, connection of, 60:1.13 (686.9) temporary isolation of, during climatic transition stage, 59:6.8 (683.5) western, largest of the dinosaurs originated in, 60:2.2 (687.3) western drift of, preparation for, 57:8.23 (663.1) North American Carboniferous sea, western extension of, time of, 59:5.19 (682.2) Indians, noncontact of, with the offspring of Adam, 79:5.7 (884.1) supposed animal ancestors of certain, 74:8.5 (837.4) lemurs, migration of, to lands west of India, 62:1.2 (703.3) Northeastern Asia, occupation of, by early red man, 64:7.4 (727.1), 79:5.2 (883.3) Canada, significant presence of ancient preocean rocks in, 57:8.12 (661.6) land masses of North America, onetime straits separating Greenland from, 64:7.18 (728.7) North America, elevation of lands of, by time of Ice Age, 61:5.1 (699.2) formation of second glacier from snowfall on, 61:5.6 (699.7) onetime home to some purer Andonites, 64:7.16 (728.5) part of Indian highlands, home of the Sangik family, 64:5.2 (722.3) Syrian shores, onetime home to the western group of Nodites, 73:1.5 (822.2) Northerly course pursued by Orvonton in its swing around the great ellipse, 15:1.5 (165.4) part of Nazareth, location of Jesus’ childhood home in the, 122:6.1 (1349.8) parts of Uversa, location of courtesy colony of omniaphim, 28:2.1 (307.1) sector of Paradise, location of joint area of Master Spirits and Supreme Power Directors, 25:1.3 (273.12) settlement of Danubians, location of the most, 80:8.4 (897.2) Northern Africa, covering of, by Mediterranean Sea at beginning of continental elevation stage, 61:4.2 (698.4) geologic and climatic changes in, effect on Adamite migrations, 81:1.2 (900.4) last waves of Mesopotamian culture to spread to, 78:8.3 (875.7) nonparticipation of, in religious renaissance of sixth century before Christ, 98:2.2 (1078.6) nonrelation of lemurs to gibbons and apes living in, 62:1.1 (703.2) occupation of, by mixed Andite descendants, 81:3.8 (904.4) overspreading of, by composite races of mankind, at dawn of historic times, 81:4.1 (904.5) penetration of Nodite culture into, 80:1.2 (889.4) Simon the bearer of Jesus’ crossbeam from Cyrene in, 187:1.10 (2006.3) spread of Melchizedek teachings of the Trinity to, 104:1.4 (1144.1) Mesopotamian culture to, 78:5.8 (873.4) Neanderthalers to, 64:4.1 (720.7) travel of Jesus, Gonod, and Ganid to Carthage in, 130:6.6 (1438.3) Andite tribes, assimilation by, of a horde of Andonites, 80:4.2 (892.5) Andites, location of military headquarters of, 80:5.2 (893.4) Arabia, journey of Moses’ followers through, 96:2.3 (1055.1) part of the onetime cradle of civilization, 81:1.1 (900.3) Asia, brief inundation of, by Devonian seas, 59:4.5 (678.6) Atlantic seas, onetime connection of, with Gulf waters, 59:1.8 (673.8) barbarians, conquest of Mesopotamia by, result, 78:6.8 (874.5) latent superiority of, long-term result, 80:5.7 (893.9) blue races, Sargan the chief of, at time of second garden, 76:0.2 (847.2) branch of Buddhism, trinitarian doctrine of, 104:1.6 (1144.3) California, extension of North American Carboniferous sea to Pacific Ocean through, 59:5.19 (682.2) location of outlet from arctic inland sea to Pacific Ocean, 59:4.5 (678.6) Canaanites, also known as Baalites, and land ownership, 97:3.3 (1064.7) center of the violet race, location of, 78:1.3 (868.5) centers of culture along the Yangtze, character of, 79:7.2 (886.3) China, site of highest mass civilization of a certain era, 79:6.8 (885.5) China and India, Andite migration to, 78:5.5 (873.1) Chinese, benefit to, of influx of Andite blood, 79:6.7 (885.4) economic and educational practices of, Andite contribution to, 79:7.4 (886.5) effect on, of limited receipt of Andite strains, 79:7.3 (886.4) Chinese peoples, assimilation of red stock by, result, 79:5.6 (883.7) tribes, coastward thrust of, effect of, on Japanese ancestors, 79:6.3 (884.6) clans of the Hebrews, Philistines’ attack on, the true history of, 97:9.5 (1072.3) Saul’s rallying of, against Ammonite attack, 97:9.3 (1072.1) threatened punishment of, for sins, 97:5.1 (1066.5) climes, frigid, the preferred dwelling place of Eskimos, 61:6.3 (700.4) rugged, effects on Andonic tribes of hardships of, 64:1.3 (718.5) division of Buddhism, evolution of, in China and Japan, 94:9.5 (1038.3) Europe, absorption of superior blue strains by Andites across, 80:4.6 (893.2) Devonian coral formations found in, 59:4.6 (678.7) dominance of evolving white races in, 80:5.8 (894.1) dying out of human sacrifice in, time of, 89:6.2 (980.7) first two glaciers not extensive in, 64:1.4 (718.6) the location of one of the purest strains of Adam’s descendants, 80:7.9 (896.1) seemingly sudden appearance of white man in, 80:9.4 (897.7) site of earthquakes, in Silurian inundation, 59:3.6 (677.3) tribes of, continuously reinforced by Andite migrants, 80:5.1 (893.3) European tribes, substitute of, for practice of walling people alive into buildings, 89:6.5 (981.2) extremity of Paradise, location of the living finders of knowledge, 27:5.2 (302.1) France, evolving white races in, 80:5.8 (894.1) Galilee, Jesus’ planning of a tour through, after fleeing Capernaum, 155:0.1 (1725.1) Germany, evolving white races in, 80:5.8 (894.1) gospel of Buddhism, also known as Mahayana, 94:11.2 (1039.1) groups of Saharan Sangik peoples, Andite contribution to, 78:5.5 (873.1) half of India, early Aryan centers in the, 79:4.2 (882.2) of South America well above water at beginning of land-life era, 60:1.6 (686.2) Hemisphere, elevation of land areas of, in early Cenozoic, 61:1.11 (694.3) highlands, heavily saturated atmosphere over, and resulting heavy snowfall, 61:5.2 (699.3) slight sinking of, at time of sixth glaciation, 61:7.6 (701.5) home of Zoroaster, his return to, purpose of, 95:6.2 (1049.5) ice fields, retreat of, effect on the Sahara region, 80:2.1 (890.5) time of greatest snow deposition on, 61:7.6 (701.5) India, fate of Buddhism in, 94:2.8 (1029.6) location of transition types of fossils in, 64:3.4 (720.5) present-day worship of stones by tribes of, 85:1.1 (944.5) influences on David’s political machine, Solomon’s purging of, 97:9.16 (1073.6) islands, the path of some Adamsonites settling in Greece, 80:7.3 (895.3) Israelites, defamation of, by the southern clan of Judah, 97:9.2 (1071.7) isthmuses, factors stopping animal migration over, 61:4.6 (698.8) Italian lakes, visit of Jesus, Gonod, and Ganid to, 132:7.1 (1466.1) kingdom, the Pharoahs’ favor of the, 97:9.17 (1073.7) kingdom of Ephraimite Israel, David’s appropriation of heritage of, 97:9.11 (1073.1) of the Hebrews, dispersion of, events resulting in, 97:9.21 (1074.3) restoration of a higher God concept by Elijah to, 97:2.1 (1064.2) return of, to the worship of Elohim, 97:9.17 (1073.7) of Israel, Assyrian captivity of Jews of, 143:4.1 (1612.1) land bridge, migration of turtle ancestors from Asia over, 60:2.13 (688.5) lands of the yellow men, penetration of Mesopotamian Andites into, 79:1.1 (878.2) latitudes, almost unbroken earth circuit of land in, during Eocene, 61:1.12 (694.4) disappearance of warm-climate plants and trees from, 61:3.1 (696.5) great increase of land in, at end of marine-life era, 60:0.1 (685.1) thriving and development of certain mammals in, during Miocene, 61:3.13 (697.8) lights, Urantian, and light-energy-reflecting gases of Jerusem, 46:1.6 (520.2) Mediterranean, coal formation along the shores of, in later reptilian age, 60:2.7 (687.8) Mesopotamia, Ararat the sacred mountain of, 77:4.12 (860.7) migration of some indigo elements through, 80:2.2 (890.6) neighbors of Judah, attack on, by Amaziah, 97:9.22 (1074.4) Nodites, the first garden the eventual dwelling place of, 73:7.1 (826.6), 76:0.1 (847.1) intermarriage of Andites with Vanite division of, result, 80:7.2 (895.2) Nodites and Amadonites, origin of, 77:4.10 (860.5) path followed by Orvonton, Urantia’s present motion through the, 15:1.5 (165.4) Perea, tour of Jesus and the apostles of the cities of, 165:6.4 (1824.7), 166:0.1 (1825.1) portions of Galilee, the last places visited by the evangelists, 150:0.4 (1678.4) promised land, repeated entry into, by Arabian Semites, 96:2.2 (1054.7) raiders, Abraham’s stronghold against surprise attacks of, 93:5.6 (1019.3) red man(men), Iroquois the most powerful of, reason why, 87:2.10 (960.4) period of cessation of contact with other races by, 64:6.9 (723.8) regions of Canada, surface presence of oldest fossil-bearing stone layer in, 58:7.4 (670.6) of Europe, home of purer Andonites at close of Sangik migrations, 64:7.16 (728.5) retreat of last glacier, time span of completion, 61:7.12 (702.2) rivers, Neanderthalers’ practice of ice fishing in, 64:4.4 (721.2) Semites, absorption of Sumerians into ranks of, 78:8.10 (876.7) shores of the ancient Mediterranean, site of Onagar’s headquarters, 63:6.7 (716.6) and southern races of China, difference in, 79:6.7 (885.4) Suites and Guites, warfare of, on Sumerians, 78:8.10 (876.7) trek of the first human twins, nighttime undertaking of, 63:2.3 (712.3) tribes, an alternate possible host population for Melchizedek’s appearance, 93:5.3 (1018.8) worship of Ishtar by, under the name of Astarte, 95:1.7 (1043.2) tribes of the American red men, nonattainment of statehood by, 71:1.3 (800.5) of green race, absorption of, by yellow and blue races, 64:6.18 (724.8) of the Hebrews, immorality of, denounced by Amos, 97:4.1 (1065.4) white race(s), characteristic restless curiosity of, 79:7.3 (886.4) four stocks encompassed by, 80:9.2 (897.5) low percentage of Adamic blood in, 78:4.1 (871.7) tribes, the legendary hero of, 80:5.4 (893.6) Northernmost Nodites, the descendants of Van’s followers, 77:4.10 (860.5) segment of great space path, position of superuniverse number three on, 15:1.4 (165.3) Northward encroachment of Silurian seas, effect of, on Europe and North America, 59:3.1 (676.5) expansion of Mediterranean during the Cenozoic, 61:1.12 (694.4) extent of warm southern seas in marine-life era, 59:1.17 (674.3), 60:3.5 (689.4) journey of Syrian Nodites, 77:4.3 (859.6) march of the yellow man in Asia, 79:5.5 (883.6) migration of the first human twins, discovery of fire during, 63:2.5 (712.5) immediate aftermath of their decision to undertake, 63:2.1 (712.1) Life Carriers’ influence on, 62:5.9 (708.7) purpose of, 62:7.3 (710.2) movement of Danubian Andonites, 80:8.4 (897.2) of later Adamites, 78:3.2 (870.5), 78:3.4 (870.7), 80:2.5 (891.1) quest of Adamson and his party, results, 77:5.5 (861.5) Northwest Africa, part of Roman Empire, 132:0.3 (1455.3) India, spread of Neanderthalers from, 64:4.1 (720.7) Northwestern Europe, location of a cultural center of blue men in, 78:1.8 (869.4) migration of some Andite strains into, 80:4.1 (892.4) Indian highlands, location of the Badonan tribe, 64:3.1 (720.2), 64:5.1 (722.2) North America, time of the red man’s entry into, 64:7.18 (728.7) Nostalgia of Orvonton candidates, 39:1.10 (428.4) Nuclear integrity, mesotron’s maintenance of, 42:8.4 (479.2) Isle of absolute stability, 14:0.1 (152.1) of Light, a Deity derivative, 0:4.12 (7.10) of Light and Life, 11:0.2 (118.2) matter, associations of, formation of, in open space, 42:4.9 (473.7) Nucleus atomic, maintenance of integrity of, 42:8.3 (479.1) Number(s) Israel, Scriptures’ differing sources of David’s idea to, 142:3.9 (1599.1) of Michael, 136:3.5 (1513.2) no quantitative limitation to, 118:0.11 (1294.11) the people, ancients’ opposition to a census to, 88:1.6 (968.1) Jews’ prejudice against any attempt to, 122:7.1 (1350.3) telephone, nonrelation of, to character of subscriber, 12:9.2 (141.3) see also Those without Name and Number Nuns an order of, Gautama’s wife the founder of, 94:7.6 (1035.6) part of the Tibetan religious hierarchy, 94:10.2 (1038.6) Nursery the probationary, 47:2.0 (531.5–532.6) system, location of, 45:6.6 (516.4), 47:1.4 (531.2), 47:2.6 (532.4), 47:5.2 (535.6), 49:6.11 (569.6) Nutrition animal and mortal number of types of, 49:2.25 (563.2) dual, of Material Sons, 51:1.4 (581.1), 76:4.3 (851.1) epoch, the first age of development of mortal races, 50:5.4 (576.7) nonmaterial, of midwayers, 77:8.3 (864.4)