There was a period, I forget exactly what the date was, when priests kept arriving. There were all kinds, at first from the evangelical religions, but then came many Catholics, after the Pope’s encyclical. He doesn’t seem to make up his mind, they said. Bishops, cardinals and so on came in on the trains. Many were made to work on the Plantage, growing food for the Gestapo and the SS. I learned later they sold it at a profit. They made them wear crowns of barbed wire and carry heavy beams of wood. They got the Jews to spit on them as they went by.

I heard some got away. Some were ‘Auf der Flucht erschossen’, killed while trying to escape.

Es gibt einen Weg zur Freiheit. Seine Meilensteine heissen: Gehorsam. Fleiss. Ehrlichkeit. Ordnung. Sauberkeit. Nüchtemheit. Wahrheit. Opfersinn und Liebe zum Vaterland.
