The seer thinks he's dreaming.
'Teucer! Wake up!'
He opens his eyes. They hurt. Tetia's staring down at him but he can't see her face properly because the sun is burning so brightly behind her.
It must all have been a dream.
But the look on her face says it isn't.
The blood on her hands says it isn't.
He turns on his side and slowly pulls himself upright. He looks around. Sees nothing. He gets to his feet and puts out his shaking hands to her. 'Are you all right?'
There's a look of terror on her face. She is staring behind him.
Teucer turns.
He can't believe what he sees.
It was real. All very real.
The body of the rapist is still there. Laid out in the dirt. His face and body have been cut to bits. The man whose face he cut has fled, along with his accomplice.
Teucer looks at his wife. She's soaked in blood.
He doesn't have to ask what happened; it's obvious. When he passed out, she must have taken the knife and stabbed her attacker to death. Stabbed and stabbed and stabbed until she was absolutely sure he was dead.
And she didn't stop there.
Teucer can't speak. Can't look at his wife.
She's gutted him.
Tetia has driven the blade deep into the man's body and sliced him open. Organs are spread everywhere. Heart. Kidney. Liver. She's butchered him like a goat.
Finally, Teucer turns to her. His voice is stretched and heavy with worry. 'Tetia? What did you do?'
Her face hardens. 'He raped me.' She points at the remains. 'That pig of a man raped me!' Tears glisten in her eyes.
He takes her by the hands and feels her tremble as she struggles to explain. 'He's dead and I am glad that he is. I have sliced him up so he will never reach the afterlife.' She tilts her head towards the offal of his body, organs like those she has seen her husband rip from animals in sacrifice to the gods. 'I have had his liver and Aita has his soul.'
Her words stun him. Aita – lord of the underworld. Stealer of souls. The name no netsvis dares speak. His feet are sticky with the blood of the man his wife has slaughtered – the man who debased and defiled him almost as much as her. A wave of sickness washes through him. He looks around at the carnage. It astonishes him. He never thought Tetia had the strength, let alone the anger. Gradually Teucer snaps out of his thoughts. 'We must go. We must visit the magistrate and tell him what has happened. How you were attacked and defended yourself. Everything that happened. '
'Ha!' Tetia throws her hands out with an exasperated laugh. 'And what of this?' She turns in a circle to indicate the slaughter. 'Must I be pointed at and talked about for the rest of my years? "See her! See that woman there? She was raped and went mad."'
Teucer goes to comfort her. 'People will understand.'
She pulls away. 'No!' She holds her bloody hands to her face. 'No, Teucer! No, they won't!'
He grabs her wrists, tries to pull her hands away but can't. Instead, he draws her to him and holds her tight. She's shaking. He puts his face into her hair and kisses her softly. What he's thinking is wrong. He knows it's wrong. But he also knows it's the only thing they can do.
Teucer steps a pace away, hands now on her elbows. 'Then we go and wash in the stream. We go home and burn these clothes. And if anyone asks, we have been together at home all night.'
She looks relieved.
'And we never say a word of this to anyone. Do you understand?'
Tetia nods. She folds herself in his arms and feels safe. But she also feels different. Different in a way she dare not describe. A way that will alter their lives for ever.