The Eastern Silver Mine, Etruria Pesna and Kavie dismount at the gates of the mine. A ragged group of bare-chested slave boys rush forward to take their horses from them. Brushing dust from his tunic, the magistrate hisses, 'When this is over, Larth must be removed as quickly as possible. I no longer have faith in the man.'

Kavie is taken by surprise. 'Removed – as in killed? Or removed as in promoted and given far-off lands to manage?'

'That man cannot manage his own bowels, let alone anything of consequence. His ambition outruns his intelligence and makes fools of us all.'

'What you ask will not be easy.'

'But still it must be done.' Pesna stops and turns to his aide. 'You saw the way he challenged me. He had treachery in his eyes.'

Kavie tries to shrug it off. 'He was humiliated, that's all. Larth is a proud man, a former soldier. It is hard for him to be chastised in front of a lowly driver.'

'No matter. Arrange his exit.'

'Very well,' says Kavie thoughtfully, 'but I shall need many – and I do mean many – loyal men to remove a monster like Larth.'

'Then make sure you have them. He is a liability, Kavie, and we are entering a time when we cannot afford such liabilities.'

Dry tracks lead them to the first and the biggest of six interconnecting silver mines. Most of the workings are outside: great craters in the earth, fenced off and guarded to the hilt. Some of the mines are below the surface, where chiselled biceps swing heavy iron picks into the dense rock.

Aranthur, the site manager, stands outside the entrance, shielding his eyes and squinting into the sun and dust. He is small, bald and fat. Three thick silver chains adorn the neck-line of his cream tunic. Each finger is embellished with a silver ring and he nervously clicks the bands together as he steps forward to greet them. 'May the gods be with you, Magistrate. All is arranged.'

'Good!' barks Pesna. 'We're late, so take us inside and show us the gifts.'

Aranthur had hoped for longer with Pesna. Perhaps at the end of a successful day he'll be able to press his claim for more power and influence over the way the mine is run. Sensing the magistrate's mood, he does not attempt to detain him now but pulls open the weathered entrance door. 'This way, please.'

Kavie glances back into the low dazzling sunlight. 'The first of our guests are arriving. We must hurry.'

The area they enter is a vast outbuilding normally used by the workers for changing, washing and sleeping. In the centre is a table where slaves sit to devour their scraps. Today, however, it is laden with silver plates, goblets, bracelets, rings and chains. 'This is excellent.' Pesna runs a hand over the glittering gifts. 'We will let the pigs sink their noses in the trough and whet their appetite for more.'

Aranthur sees an opening: 'Since you so wisely improved our production methods, output has increased threefold. I believe I now have the honour of running the most productive silver mines in all Etruria.'

Pesna grants the sycophant his first genuine smile of the day. 'Well done. At a future date we will talk more about this. Now, make sure our guests are refreshed before we give them the tour of the mine. Show them the ore and let them fill their pockets.'

The manager waddles back to the door and hurries out into the sunlight.

Kavie points at the silver. 'I feel uncomfortable with all this wealth in one place.' He glances around.

Pesna pats his shoulder. 'Do not worry. It won't be here for long. Besides, did you not arrange extra guards to stand watch both outside and inside the mines?'

Kavie bites his lip. 'I did. But given our recent conversation, perhaps it is timely to remind ourselves that Larth was the one who oversaw this matter. It is Larth who always oversees such matters.'

Pesna's smile disappears.
