“As long as he’s out there…” Nozipho said, her voice was lowered. Distant. “Man, it’s hot in here!” he heard her continue.

Thembinkosi had no idea where his wife was at the moment.

“Of course!” he said. “We’ll just wait.”

Outside the guard was still sitting on the hood of his Polo. He was nodding, either into the phone or to himself, and wasn’t saying anything, or was listening, or was doing both. Thembinkosi wished he could see more of the street, to get a better perspective. Somewhere inside the house, a door slammed heavily. That’s right, they hadn’t checked out the garage.

The boy he’d seen run past. Was all this about him? He hadn’t seen much of him. About twenty, maybe. Fit. What could he have done in here? What had he pulled off that would justify a chase? Was the guard calling for backup?

They had to get out of here somehow. Maybe Nozipho needed to change clothes. There were enough women’s clothes in the house. If she looked nice enough, nobody would try to stop her. At least not a black security guy. He wouldn’t dare, Thembinkosi thought.
