The second reaction was a shot that penetrated the wardrobe door. Splinters rained down on Thembinkosi, and he tried to make himself even smaller.

The third reaction was massive gunfire. Everything blazing all at once. It was as if what had happened a moment before had just been a foretaste of what was coming. Hundreds of shooters were firing into the room. Make that thousands. The entire army and the police and all the security guards in the world, all together. Thembinkosi shut his eyes and thought about praying. But it didn’t work. He’d never learned how. Instead he scratched the wood behind him. Tears sprang to his eyes when he felt the response from the other side.

The maelstrom was heavy, but it didn’t last long. It broke off at some point, and he risked opening his eyes to look to the side. High Voice was lying on his back, bleeding. He’d been hit everywhere—head, torso, legs. Deep Voice was still concealed by the bed. Only his feet were visible. However, a pool of blood was gradually collecting on the floor beside him.

A shout from outside. “Slowly!” And: “Be careful!”

Thembinkosi was also being careful. Just don’t move.

“All clear?”





“Yes, sir.” Two voices.


“Yes, sir.” The same two voices.

The conversation was coming closer. Thembinkosi thought he could hear footsteps on the lawn. He had to swallow. Had a very bad feeling.

“Everything’s fine,” a voice spoke into the room. Couldn’t have meant the room itself.

“Are you sure?”


“Secure it.”


Thembinkosi imagined himself growing smaller and smaller until he disappeared.

Metallic noises from outside. Click and clack. One safety, then another. Then it started. Thembinkosi didn’t close his eyes this time. The shots destroyed what still remained of the two men. The bed as well, the mattress. The shots buried themselves into the wardrobe, the walls, surely the hallway also. Something outside the room shattered. Devastation, Thembinkosi thought. Don’t just break, completely annihilate. A bullet landed right next to him, then another above him. He thought about Nozipho and how much he loved her.

Then it stopped.

“Everything’s secure?” From a distance outside the house.

“Completely secure.” From closer.
