CREEL HELD UP A SMALL RECORDER. He turned it on and Pender listened to his phone conversation with Katie James all over again.

A gray-faced Pender said weakly, “You knew about it?”

“Of course I knew about it, Dick. I know everything. You should have realized that by now.”

Pender started to sputter. “I was just trying to take care of it without bothering you, Mr. Creel. I have the money. It’s all ready to go.”

“I appreciate your effort, I really do. The problem with the blog was unfortunate, however. I would’ve hoped with the amount of money I was paying you that that would not have happened. But such is life. The unexpected sometimes comes along. I know that as well as any man living.”

“But once we pay her-”

Creel stopped him. “Unfortunately it’s not that simple. I seriously doubt that someone like Katie James suddenly cares that much about money. I researched the woman thoroughly before deciding to use her in my little plan. Years ago she could’ve made a fortune becoming a morning TV news personality for any of the major networks, but she refused. She cares more about the story than she does about money. So no, not even twenty million dollars will change that picture.”

“Then why did she contact me?’

“To get you to call her. When Ms. James told you to pull off the road, my friend here tells me you almost ran off the highway.”

Pender stared at Caesar. “He was following me?”

“Just answer the question, Dick.”

“Yes, I did. It was unnerving. It was like she was watching me.”

“Someone was watching you, Dick. And it wasn’t just me.”

“What are you talking about? Who was watching me?”

“There are cameras all over the toll road. She made that comment to get you to react. And you did. Now they look at the video, time the conversation, and they see you almost wreck at the precise instant James said what she did. That way they can pinpoint the car.”

Caesar added, “And then she told you to pull off. And you did. Right through the tollgate.”

“Oh my God. They could be at my house right now. It’s been two days. I…”

“Calm down, Dick. If the road cameras had gotten a clear shot of you, you’d already be under arrest. So it obviously didn’t.”

“But the toll. I paid electronically. There’ll be a record.”

“Fortunately, we learned of this development in time. I had some of my best hackers target the firm that operates the electronic toll pay. Quite soon after you went through the gate, they suffered a complete crash of their recordation system.”

Pender let out a relieved breath. “As usual, you thought of everything.”

“Now I need you to do something for me.”


“We’ll have to shut the entire project down. Right now. I want you to tell your employees in the war room to go home. We’re going to clear it out of everything that shows your connection to the Red Menace.”

“My people can do that, Mr. Creel. I can make the call right now.”

“In light of recent events, I’d prefer my people to handle the cleanup. I’m sure you understand.”

“All right, if you insist.”

“And best of all, you won’t have to pay the money, Dick.”

“I guess that’s right. But then she’ll write the story, the real story.”

“Let her. I believe things have gotten to a point-of-no-return stage. The contracts are signed and China and Russia are still only a few steps from going to war, regardless of this recent diplomatic effort. The only thing James can do is back off her original story. ‘I was duped,’ she’ll claim. But with no corroboration her credibility is zero. She’ll simply look incompetent.”

“Then we’ve won.”

Creel put an arm around Pender’s shoulders. “Yes, Dick, we’ve won. Now call your employees and let’s finish this.”
