Idiots, Frank thinks.

These are what pass for soldiers these days.

Mouse Senior was right: Heis the boss of shit, if these clowns are the best he can send out now. Back in the day, it would have been guys like Bap, Jimmy Forliano, Chris Panno, Mike Pella, and, well, me.

Now it’s Rocco and Joey.

Frank could have gunned them down where they stood, easily, but what would have been the point? You’re younger, maybe you kill them because your blood is up and you have this macho thing, but at his age, you know that the less killing, the better.

Besides, he didn’t want to create any more vendettas than he already had.

And apparently, he thinks, I have one I don’t even know about.

John Heaney? Frank thinks as he drives the Mustang back toward Dolphin Girl’s condo to pick up his own car. What did I ever do to John?
