
That’s what The Nickel has to say when he gets Frank’s call. Just the single word, Run, before he sets the receiver down. Do not pass Go. Do not collect two hundred dollars. Donot come by the office or anywhere near it. Just run.

“Run?” Dave Hansen asks.

He’s sitting across the desk from Sherm Simon.

“Japanese movie,” Simon answers. “Kurosawa. If you haven’t seen it, you should.”

“That wasRan. ”

“Ran, Run, what’s the difference?”

“A big difference,” Dave says, “if that was Frank Machianno on the phone.”

“Frank who?”

“Don’t play games with me.”

“I don’t play games,” Sherm says. “Do you have a warrant, Agent Hansen? Because if you don’t…” He gestures to the door.

“Frank may be in trouble,” Dave says.

No shit, Frank may be in trouble, Sherm thinks. I may be in trouble. Weall may be in trouble. There’s trouble that you’ve had, trouble that you presently have, and trouble you’re going to have-that’s the world.

“You hold Frank’s mad money,” Dave says. It’s a statement, not a question.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m trying to help him,” Dave says.

“I seriously doubt that.”

Dave gets up and leans over the desk. “Well, don’t seriously doubtthis: The Patriot Act gives me carte blanche when it comes to money laundering, Mr. Simon. I can open you up like a kid’s juice carton and spill you out all over the place.”

“You know goddamn well,” Sherm says, “that Frank Machianno-and I’m not implying any relationship here-has nothing to do with terrorism. The notion is ridiculous.”

“That’s not what I’ll tell the judge.”

“No, I’ll bet it isn’t.”

“If you see him,” Dave says, “if he contacts you, you let me know right away.”

Sherm doesn’t make any promises.
