JOHN PATRICK “JACK” RYAN: President of the United States
ARNOLD VAN DAMM: the President’s chief of staff
ROBERT BURGESS: secretary of defense
SCOTT ADLER: secretary of state
MARY PATRICIA FOLEY: director of national intelligence
COLLEEN HURST: national security adviser
JAY CANFIELD: director of the Central Intelligence Agency
KENNETH LI: U.S. ambassador to China
ADAM YAO: operations officer, National Clandestine Service, Central Intelligence Agency
MELANIE KRAFT: reports officer, Central Intelligence Agency (on loan to Office of the Director of National Intelligence)
DARREN LIPTON: senior special agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Branch, Counterintelligence Division
ADMIRAL MARK JORGENSEN: United States Navy, commander Pacific Fleet
GENERAL HENRY BLOOM: United States Air Force, commander United States Cyber Command
CAPTAIN BRANDON “TRASH” WHITE: United States Marine Corps, F/A-18C Hornet pilot
MAJOR SCOTT “CHEESE” STILTON: United States Marine Corps, F/A-18C Hornet pilot
CHIEF PETTY OFFICER MICHAEL MEYER: United States Navy, SEAL Team Six element leader
GERRY HENDLEY: director of Hendley Associates/director of The Campus
SAM GRANGER: director of operations
JOHN CLARK: operations officer
DOMINGO “DING” CHAVEZ: operations officer
DOMINIC CARUSO: operations officer
SAM DRISCOLL: operations officer
JACK RYAN, JR.: operations officer/analyst
RICK BELL: director of analysis
TONY WILLS: analyst
GAVIN BIERY: director of information technology
WEI ZHEN LIN: president of the People’s Republic of China/general secretary of the Communist Party of China
SU KE QIANG: chairman of the Central Military Commission of China
WU FAN JUN: intelligence officer, Ministry of State Security, Shanghai
DR. TONG KWOK KWAN, aka “CENTER”: computer network operations director of Ghost Ship
ZHA SHU HAI, aka “FastByte22”: Interpol-wanted cybercriminal
CRANE: Leader of “Vancouver Cell”
HAN: factory owner and high-tech counterfeiter
VALENTIN OLEGOVICH KOVALENKO: Ex — SVR (Russian foreign intelligence) assistant rezident of London Station
TODD WICKS: territory sales manager of Advantage Technology Solutions
CHARLIE “DARKGOD” LEVY: amateur hacker
DR. CATHY RYAN: wife of President Jack Ryan
SANDY CLARK: wife of John Clark
DR. PATSY CLARK: wife of Domingo Chavez/daughter of John Clark
EMAD KARTAL: ex — Libyan intelligence officer, communications specialist