"No, no, good… good," the teenager gasped. Oh, no, this wasn't wrong. Her father and mother were wrong. They must have their heads screwed on backwards if they really thought fucking was bad. No, it was a natural thing, something men and women should do as often as possible. The rules of her parents' society were crazy. If they were going to live in a mad world, Emily wanted Tad's kind of madness. She loved his handsome face, his muscular body, his way of treating her, his long thick cock that kept on trenching out her hole. He was a passionate lover, knowing how to move to bring about the maximum amount of pleasure for her. Emily gasped again, feeling herself rocketing up toward orgasm.
"Ohhhh God, when you pull it back like that… like that, I can't stand it!"
Long strings of drool oozed from the corners of her mouth. Her arms trembled, then buckled. Emily fell onto the pillow, her ass staying high in the air as Tad dug his fingers into her soft asscheeks and fucked deep.
Sometimes the only things touching her were his dick and his fingers. He had her firmly in his power. She wiggled in his grasp, loving the kind of mastery he had over her every move.
"Man, babe, you're drivin' me nuts!"
He rode her down onto the cot, sometimes fucking her hard and fast, at other times pumping his dick slowly, shifting the angle of entry, getting the maximum amount of friction by corkscrewing his dick in and out of her sucking hole.
Emily felt her cuntal muscles starting to spasm. At times they grabbed at his fucking dick, holding it in place, squeezing down on it greedily until the spasm finally passed and Tad could pull free.
"Shit! Ain't never had a cunt like this before!" Emily felt her face turn red. Those words made her blush with embarrassment and at the same time excited her all the more. This was the big stud, the one who was in charge. And yet she was making him gasp for air, making him beg for her to go more slowly.
"You're a natural fuck, you know that? A real natural!" he gasped.
Emily wondered at the remark. Then all thought disappeared when her cuntal walls spasmed again, then buckled down. The girl snapped her head to the right and cried out as if stabbed. She closed her eyes and sobbed with wild excitement. When her pussy-muscles were clenched tightly around the fat shaft she tossed her ass around in wild, frantic movements. Tad sounded now as if he were strangling. He jerked his body back an inch and slapped the girl hard across the ass. That sharp blow sent shocks of heat and pleasure through her snatch. His balls rolled forward.
The blonde teen stopped moving then, feeling her cunt loosening. Tad sighed, pulling his dick out until only the head remained inside. Emily felt that flanged tip pressing against her small, swollen inner cunt-lips. He was moving his dick in and out rapidly in short, jerky fucking movements, making sure the fat head teased both her smaller cunt-lips and her clit. That series of fucking movements made her cry out like a wounded animal. Every inch of her moist cunt-meat throbbed and burned. How much longer could she hold back? Her body glistened with sweat. She heard the slick clicking movements of fucking behind her, felt her body opening more and more to Tad's cock. The room faded away. All she could think of now was her pussy and that cock ramming her.
"Gonna shoot soon, baby. Can't hold back much longer," the marine gulped.
Emily stiffened. Shoot? No, no, she wasn't ready yet!
But Tad had gone too far. He was fucking her like an animal now, his cock shoving deep in her pussy, sliding out, then slamming back down hard until his balls squeezed against her ass.
"Ohhhhh," the girl groaned, feeling the wild rushing of his hot prong as it shot through her cunt.
Emily was moving her ass around in wide circles. She had no control over herself. Yes, yes, let him fuck her like that. Let him drop his load in her young cunt. Emily screamed again, feeling herself teetering on the brink of orgasm. The girl's eyes glazed over while she went wild. Colored lights popped and flashed all around her. She was babbling, jerking her body from side to side, feeling every nerve singing in her while Tad hammered away at her cunt.
Emily was only a second away from madness. That second passed and she went crazy – wild with yelping fits as the final flames burned her. A core of white-hot pleasure exploded and scalded her cunt. She could feel Tad's cock actually swell up and press against her pussy-walls. Oohhhhhhh, God, was it actually getting bigger? No, impossible.
That was all the big marine had to say. Emily knew what was happening. She felt the first glob of cum burn her cuntal walls. Tad snapped his head back and another shot of spunk sprayed out of his piss-hole. The girl cried and sobbed, beating the cot with her clenched fists as more and more cum shot out.
Emily felt her pussy-muscles spasm, cramp, wink shut at least two times for every wad of white hot cum shooting from Tad's dick. How long the mutual orgasm went on Emily couldn't say. Ohhh, it felt sooo good… so awfully good.
When she finally regained tier senses, Emily found herself on her back, her legs spread widely apart with Tad nestled between them. He was kissing her spit-drenched mouth while she sucked on his tongue. Her pussy still trembled, quivering like a frightened animal. Ohhhh, how she loved the sensation of having his cock still inside her. Emily wished this could go on for hours.
"Gettin' a leg cramp," Tad whispered.
Somehow they managed to shift positions where his cock remained buried in her pussy.
"Ohhhhh, that was soooo good!" Emily whispered, feeling so soft, so warm, so loving. Raising one arm she pushed her fingers through his hair. In the distance the teen could still hear the sounds of the party.
"Hey, maybe we oughta get back. Your old man's gonna miss you."
Emily felt sad. The outside world. Suddenly it had crashed into her thoughts. Society. Her father. If anyone discovered she'd been fucking with an enlisted man… oh, God, her father's career would end. This thought made the girl shudder and wish she could get out from under Tad. And yet the girl couldn't bring herself to turn him away. He was soooo good for her. They had had a wild time in bed… and bed for her, Emily thought, was going to be very important in her life. No, she'd take her chances with him.
"I guess so, right now. Can I see you again?" she asked timidly as Tad slipped off the cot and searched for his trousers.
"Sure, I guess," he muttered, looking at the young girl curiously. He'd fucked plenty of officers' daughters before. They'd always enjoyed the first time in the sack, then made sure they never saw him again. This was the first time when he was invited back for a repeat performance… and by the CO's daughter! He smiled broadly, running his fingers through his hair. "Sure, name the time."
Emily watched him dress, propping her head on her hand while still feeling the delicious warm glow radiating over her pussy and tits. She'd been fucked… really fucked by this stud marine. And oh, how much more she wanted from him. Some sense of proportion and modesty kept her from throwing herself at his feet and begging him to stay and fuck her again. There was so much she wanted to learn about sex… and Tad, she was sure, could teach her.
"I'll get word to you. I'll let you know, I promise," Emily said. She sat up and licked the salty sweat from the tops of her knees while locking her fingers around her ankles.
"Okay, just don't miss me. Remember, I'm the greasy one," he said, laughing lightly while slipping his jacket on and starting to tie his tie.
"Oh, no, I won't miss you!" Emily cried anxiously.
"I'd better go first. You follow," he said, stooping down to kiss her.
"Ohhhhh, maybe tomorrow?" Emily gasped, watching him walk through the door. "Maybe. You're the CO's daughter. You give the orders."
It was a terrible chance she was taking. Her reputation, her father's career… it could all go. But Emily couldn't help herself. No! She had to go through with this no matter where it led.
For the next three weeks Emily and Tad met secretly. Sometimes they fucked in the old barracks behind the hall where the blonde teen first seriously eyed the young marine. At other times she met him in old warehouses in remote sections of Camp Pendleton. All the time both were very aware of her father and what would happen if he were to discover them fucking. But that knowledge somehow also added zest to their already torrid affair.
During that time Emily was put through her paces, learning nearly everything the experienced marine had to teach. She fucked in nearly every position he could think of, holding back only on sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass. Those were two things Emily neither wanted to try nor felt pressed to do.
"Come on, honey. Come on, it's real good to have a mouth around a guy's dick," he whispered, holding her head between his hands, trying to guide her face down to his crotch.
"No, no, I'll bite it off, I swear!" Emily threatened, struggling against his strong hands. That was enough for Tad to let go, sigh in disappointment and back off for the moment.
Emily wondered about Tad after the third week. He was more and more insistent about getting sucked off, about even wanting her to take on several of his buddies who began to be suspicious of his wanderings. They gossiped – he told her about the two of them. Others on base were talking. Once he even hinted that to keep their secret Emily would have to "put out" for several of his buddies. The girl panicked and Tad backed off, shrugging his shoulders when she pressed him for names. "Just stuff I heard around," he mumbled, reaching over and stroking her face, making her forget temporarily about the rumors.
At the beginning of the fourth week, Emily got the usual phone call from Tad after eight p.m.
Neither her mother or father were home on Monday evenings, both of them busy at the Navy Relief Organization in Oceanside. This evening the young marine wanted to meet her near the old railroad siding by Las Pulgas Road. All the barracks, it seemed, were being used by Reservists on their two-week training duty.
"What? A boxcar?" Emily whispered in the receiver, feeling her flesh crawl. It was like meeting some wino or hobo for a secret rendezvous.
"Sure, fuckin' on wheels. Why not? It's clean. And besides, we'll be warm. Then I can slip my cock up nice and private-like while I finger your nipples and…"
"Stop it!" Emily said, giggling, feeling her pussy warm up as Tad kept whispering dirty things to her over the phone.
"Why? I can still feel that juicy little pussy around my dick! Man, I feel you wigglin' crazy like while I stuff my cock up your cunt."
"Stop it!" Emily warned again. She was getting so hot. Besides, the base operators made line checks. That was all she needed… one of those operators listening in, finding out where the call was made, then reporting it to the base commander.
"Yeah! Well, just meet me at the old railroad yards around eight. It's pretty close to where you live. Your folks won't be back until after midnight. They're busy at the relief thing, right?"
Emily shivered. Yes, she knew she and Tad would have a lot longer than they normally did.
Oh, God, how she wanted him. Every inch of her body lusted after the young marine. The blonde teen had no idea before meeting Tad someone could be so possessed by another person. Thank. God she'd managed to keep this affair secret. If it ever got out…
But then Emily thought of Tad… of his body, his cock, the way he aroused her. He'd awakened powerful lusts in her, desires that couldn't be conquered by any morality she'd learned before. When he wasn't with her the young woman nearly went crazy. Late at night she lay alone in her bed, shoving the covers down to her knees, moving her hands over her cunt, feeling the hairs with her fingers and palms. Ohhhh, how her body ached for him then. How she squeezed her ass-muscles together, rocked her body from side to side while dipping her forefinger in her musky pussy-hole. No, she needed him, needed him like she needed no one else. He was worth the risk.
"Yes. I'll be there," Emily said, hanging up the receiver and glancing at the clock. They'd have four hours together – the longest time they'd ever had. She felt lust rushing through her body as she rushed outside, stopping on the porch and glancing in either direction. No, the neighbors were either not home or watching television. No one was out on the street. Good. She'd leave quietly. It was only a short walk to the railroad siding.
The young woman picked her way carefully down the narrow darkened street, leaving the safety of officers' country for the open area just behind it. The terrain was steep and full of chuckholes. Several times Emily stumbled, catching herself just in time before tumbling to the bottom of the hill. In the near distance she spotted several old freight cars parked on the little-used siding. As she neared the area Emily spotted Tad's gray and white Chevy pickup. Her heart pounded crazily. Yes, yes, she was only seconds away from him and his mind-blowing dick.
When she reached Las Pulgas Road, Emily looked in each direction, fearful the base patrol's headlights might pick her up. She'd have a difficult time explaining why she was out here late at night. Good, nothing in sight. They must have just passed and wouldn't be back in an hour. By that time she and Tad would be inside one of those cars, safe from any eyes.
At first there was no answer as she came up to the freight cars and stood quietly to one side.
"Come on, Tad," she whispered, feeling a little nervous. It was so quiet, so lonely out here.
"Over here," his familiar voice said finally. Smiling again, the blonde teen brushed back her long hair and sighed in relief. Site walked forward, careful of the loose gravel piled on either side of the rusty tracks. She crossed one set, moving up to a long lone freight car to her right.
"This is… strange," she commented thoughtfully as a chilly breeze made her flesh crawl.
"You shouldda brought a sweater or somethin'," he said in a slurred voice.
Emily stepped back a little and studied him. He weaved a little. Was he drunk? She caught a whiff of something. Pot?
"Come on. Stop starin'. We got a lotta stuff to do," Tad said, winking knowingly, then turning and heading toward the freight car. The young woman brushed away all doubts she had about him. Ohhhh, he was so tail, so handsome. Emily rushed after him, threw her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "Yeah, yeah, I know. C'mon," he slurred.
Tad turned around and smiled down at her. Ohhhh, now the young girl realized why she'd thrown caution to the winds. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him passionately, throwing her arms around his broad neck and rubbing her body against his. Ohhhh, how good it felt to have his strong arms around her, to feel his chest against her tits. Already Emily felt her cunt dripping with hot pussy-sauce.
"Hey, don't make me come right here," Tad warned, pulling away and leading her to the car.
"Oh, no," she said, shaking her head back and forth, then putting her fingers to her mouth to keep from giggling.
"Then hurry up and let's get inside. Besides, it's fuckin' cold here," Tad said hooking one arm around her waist then helping her climb into the freight car.
"Tad! There's somebody else inside here!" Emily cried shortly after she'd climbed in. Although she couldn't exactly see anyone there, the girl swore she heard some movement in the shadows. Instinctively Emily drew back, holding her arms protectively over her belly.
"C'mon. Nobody's here but you and me," he said, climbing in after her.
"I swear! I heard something."
She stopped talking, her scalp crinkling with terror when she saw three shapes emerge from the shadows and walk slowly toward her.
"I told you!" Emily cried, her eyes widening with fear. She backed toward the doorway, her hands stretched out for Tad's. Could he fight off all three of them? Who were they? Hobos? Ohhhh, why had she left her parents' home?
"You ain't goin' anywheres," Tad said. There was a change in his voice. Suddenly it had a hard edge, a quality where all the former tenderness was gone.
"Who are they? What…"
"Buddies of mine. Man, I've been talkin' about you and how hot you are. They want a sample!"