"Okay, get 'er outta them panties," lack said, staring down at her spit-drenched briefs.
Bob reached down, curling his fingers around the waistband and yanking off her spit-soaked nylon panties. Then Emily felt him pawing her bra, stretching the elastic band. There was another tearing sound and the halter pulled free of her shoulders. Once more she was naked in front of these animals.
"She'd fuck anything. Man, she's nothin' but a bottomless pit. She's no better 'n some cheap TJ whore," Jack commented.
"No, stop it! That's not true!" Emily cried, clenching her fists. How dare they talk about her like that. Her pride blotted out for a moment what had just occurred.
"Just like every other hot bitch… claims she's a virgin, 'til you slip a dick in 'er," lack said, kicking Emily in the ribs, then spitting into her hair. The girl cried out sharply, shuddering, rubbing the sore area just below her bottom rib. "Let's see just how fuckin' hot she is. Get the ropes."
Bob swaggered down the path and disappeared into the building where lights shone dimly through the dirty windows. Emily sighed, then flinched back when she saw Jack raise his right foot again. Was he going to kick her to death? Of course not. No, they weren't going to kill her. She was far too much enjoyment to them alive. She kept on the ground, the cold wind whipping her hair in her face. In a few minutes, Bob reappeared in front of the building with several pieces of half-inch line in his hands.
"Get that wood over there," Jack said.
Bot picked up a six-foot two-by-four and dragged it back to where Emily lay sprawled out.
"Okay, honey, upon your fuckin' feet," the big marine growled, bending down and twisting his fingers around several strands of her hair. The girl tucked her legs under her ass and stood up quickly, her flesh growing wet with nervous perspiration. No, she didn't want any more pain, any more hurt.
"Man, she's learnin' fast," Bob commented sarcastically, studying the ropes and choosing several pieces.
"Yeah, yeah," Jack muttered, grinning as he took several of the ropes from his buddy. "C'mon, let's hog-tie this pig."
Jack forced her to bend over at the waist, pressing her wrists against her ankles while Bob moved in front of her and held the two-by-four against her feet. The older marine stained threading the half-inch line around her ankles, looping the free end around her wrists making a double hitch, then continuing the process until both wrists were securely fastened to her ankles and the heavy board.
Emily groaned at the awkward position. The blood rushed to her head while her blonde hair curtained her face. Her tits hung down, pulling at her upper chest, creating a weird sensation in her, stiffening nipples. She shivered as the cold night air blew harshly against her exposed pussy. The wind made the dog's spit clinging to her cunt-hairs cool rapidly against her still-warm flesh. Emily peered between her hanging boobs, between her widely spread legs, and saw Jack standing behind her with a lighter in one hand. The blue-red flame flickered in the wind, illuminating his face oddly, giving him the appearance of a demon freshly risen from hell.
"Let's see how the little bitch takes this on," he said.
Beads of sweat broke out on the girl's forehead. She watched in horror as the big marine moved toward her. Already Emily could smell the burning lighter fluid. For a second a puff of wind threatened to snuff out the flame. But it reappeared over the flint stronger than before it moved closer and closer toward her upturned ass.
"Sorry about finking on Tad and Doug?" Jack asked, moving the flame from side to side. He enjoyed watching Emily's growing discomfort, her concern about that flame as it inched toward her flesh.
Another puff of wind blew several strands of hair into her eyes. She shook her head violently from side to side, peering through the fluttering strands, feeling her chest tighten with fear. Fear, terror – they were constant companions now. What was he going to do – disfigure her for life, burn out her pussy?
"I don't think you mean it, baby. I think you'd finger us if you had the chance… sell us all down the river, little bitch," Jack said, his voice growing lower with anger. He shoved the lighter forward another inch.
Emily tried to cringe away. But the awkward position she'd been bound into nearly made her pitch forward on her face. She cried out, strangling on her spit.
"Yeah, sell us out little whore."
An inch away from the stretched tendon of her inner thighs the flame reddened her flesh. Emily shuddered. How terrible! Nothing could save her now. The physical torture and… and what? All her pleas couldn't stop these madmen from their revenge.
Oh, if only she could turn the clock back! If only she'd kept quiet!
Emily looked from the burning lighter to Jack's face. His eyes glittered. Moving the flame toward her asscheeks, he let the tip touch her flesh, then moved it along the line of one tendon.
The blonde teen strained to be silent. She didn't want them to have the satisfaction of knowing what agony she suffered. But soon the line of pain moved closer to her cunt. They were going to burn her up, destroy her pussy. The terror surpassed pain. Emily heard a whispering crackle as the first few curly hairs on her outer labes singed. The girl trembled, working her fingers against the tops of her feet, straining against her bonds. Emily tried moving away from the flame, but the ropes restrained her. She prayed she could somehow numb the nerve endings now aroused around her cunt and asshole as the intensity of the flame centered in the middle of her pussy.
Emily let out a long moan. The pain was horrible and grew worse with every passing second. It felt like a hundred blazing coals thrown down the center of her snatch. With a tearing pain in her throat, the young blonde teen felt a rush of air blow out from her lungs. She screamed, tears oozing from her eyes as the flesh tightened under the flickering flame. She jerked her body around, feeling the tears seeping into her nose and mouth.
"Stop it!" Emily shrieked, digging her fingernails into her ankles. It was awful! She couldn't stand much more of the pain. And still it grew worse.
"Man, baby, I thought you'd be gettin' into it," Jack said, moving the fire from side to side, from cheek to cheek. He laughed, watching her assflesh quiver whenever the fire inched toward her skin. The big marine pulled the flame back a bit, watching her muscles relax. Emily sighed, feeling her body go somewhat limp. Swallowing hard, the girt waited for their next move.
"Let's try it… there!"
Emily felt an intense cold sensation, quickly followed by numbness and then searing pain. The girl screamed out again, pulling her arms so hard she nearly popped them from their sockets.
Her eyes bugged out while every muscle in her body tensed and twitched. She jerked forward, her fingers fanned out along her ankles, her toes digging into the ground while her head lolled from side to side. The blonde teen pitched forward, the board scraping and chafing her legs. Jack had touched the flame and kept it licking at the skin just above her cunt. Emily couldn't stand it. She moved like a duck in that grotesque position, choking, sobbing, coughing, trying to waddle away from the pain.
"Slut!" Jack flicked the lighter closed and shoved it back into his pants pocket. "But she's one hell of a fuck," he added, watching the girl stop her waddling. The teen's knees buckled. Only at the last moment did Emily stiffen them, keeping from falling onto the ground. She knew they'd be on her in an instant, kicking her in the ribs, face and belly, yanking her back to her feet.
"Oh, no, good God, let me go!"
Emily pulled desperately at the ropes which were twisted around her hands and ankles. But lack and Bob were experts at what they'd done.
"Hey, maybe the fire didn't warm up her ass enough," Bob said, reaching down and unhooking his belt. Jack smiled and nodded, watching as his buddy pulled the black leather belt from his pant loops, holding it at the buckled end. Emily heard their voices and shook her head, peering between her spread legs. She saw the young man jerking his belt, doubling it and smacking it hard across the palm of his hand. She shook with more fear. Hadn't they had enough, torturing her with the fire? Now were they going to beat her?
"Ohhh, please…"
Bob licked his lips, staring at the girl's taut little ass. Slowly he rubbed the belt back and forth over her ass, his smile increasing when he saw her flesh pucker into goosepimples. He watched her shiver when he moved the belt along first one buttock, then the other, lingering for a moment in the tight little crack separating the two globes. It was strange. It was as if he were making some weird kind of love to her with the belt.
"Yeah, you're gonna dig this."
He gave her a light smack with the doubled end of the belt, watching her skin shiver at the touch. It was a kind of love tap leaving no mark. Emily let out a shivering sigh and held her breath, sure more was to follow.
"Feel bitchin'?"
Emily felt her cunt-lips fluttering with excitement. No, she couldn't tell them how she felt couldn't tell them she wished they'd punish her with that belt, burn her ass with the leather, singe her pussy-hairs with the flame. Punished! How that thought raced through her mind now. How it excited her.
Bob's breathing grew more labored as he started smacking the girl's ass more intensely. There were no more light touches against her ass. Violence was starting to creep into the blows.
"stop! Oh, God,you're hurting me!"
"Yeah?" Bob gasped, his right arm stiffening as he let the belt unfold to a whip's length. He stood back and jerked his right arm high above his head, snapping the leather in the air. The hard, popping sound made the girl's heart contract. The belt whistled through the air, making a broad arc, then crashed down on her reddened buttocks.
Emily fell forward, this time completely losing her balance and tumbling head-first into the dirt. Her elbows and shoulders ached from the fall while her head spun around madly. The blonde teen groaned, trying to draw her arms and knees up to relieve the pressure. Bob followed her, smacking the belt again and again against her chest, shoulders and ass.
The belt smacked over the burned areas, creating a pain Emily thought was reserved for those in hell. She screamed again, her piercing cries growing even more shrill as the belt snapped over all parts of her body. The young woman tried to protect her face from the stinging blows. A small trickle of blood started to ooze from just below her ribs.
"Okay, okay, take it easy," Jack said, laying a restraining hand on his friend.
"Just a little more, man, just a little more." Bob panted, shaking off his friend's hand.
"Hey, she's gonna be nothin' but a piece of meat if you keep doing that. We got other shit goin' down for her. You don't wanna spoil it, do you?"
Bob hesitated, the belt hanging from his hand. He studied the sobbing blonde, snapping the belt twice in the air, watching her jerk at the sharp sound.
"Naw, no," he said, closing his eyes and shivering all over. He brought himself under control just as Frank stepped from the building.
"You sure warmed up her ass," he said, standing with his pot belly shaking while he laughed at the girl. "Wanna see somethin' great? Better 'n that flame trick I knew you was usin'," he said, pulling out a long hunting knife from a brown leather holster strapped to his belt. Emily saw him coming at her with the knife and she began screaming. Oh, were they going to carve her up now?
"Christ! Somebody's gonna hear her," Jack said, nervous for the first time. "Put that fuckin' knife away and let's get 'er inside."