
“Mom, the baby kicked!” Nicole said excitedly. She had been sitting on the couch pretending to read a story, but in reality she had been daydreaming about Brendon and what could have been.

Tracy was in the kitchen washing up. She had just come in from the garden in the back. When she was confident her hands were clean and dry enough, she went over to feel her daughter’s belly. Nicole shifted her mother’s hand around to the ‘sweet’ spot.

“There! Did you feel that?” Nicole asked, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

Tracy was about to respond when a dirty, sweat-riddled Justin walked in. “Wow, when’d you get so big?” he asked his sister as he brought his bottle of water up to his lips.

“Justin!” Tracy exclaimed. “You can’t say stuff like that.”

“Why not? She’s like double her size.”

“Mom,” Nicole wailed on the verge of tears.

“Even I know better than that,” Travis said, coming in after his brother. “That’s like poking a killer whale.”

“Mom!” Nicole wailed again.

“Why are you boys in the house?” Tracy said, standing up and facing them.

“Lunch, and Uncle Ronnie didn’t want us around while they were laying the explosives. He said we were distracting,” Travis explained.

“You should see some of the stuff that Mad Jack’s got planned, it’s pretty impressive.” Justin said already forgetting he had barbed his sister.

“Almost seems like a waste…haven’t seen a zombie in at least two weeks,” Travis said in response.

“Oh, they’re coming,” Justin said as he absently rubbed his head.

“You know something we all should?” Tracy asked her son, all too aware of the connection he had shared with Eliza.

“Don’t worry, mom, she isn’t there anymore. (Mostly) It’s a feeling I keep getting.”

“I hope you’re wrong,” Nicole told her brother as she protectively wrapped her arms around her burgeoning belly.

“Me too.” He shuddered in response.

“I’m starving, is there anymore of that venison Aunt Nancy cooked up last night?” Travis asked.

I love teenagers, Tracy thought. What other creature on the planet could forgo just about everything else for the sake of filling its belly? Then she thought of her husband and laughed, he could do the same thing. She ached for his return. There were unfathomable depths that yearned to have him back by her side, the warmth of his touch, his humor in the face of evil, his protection of the family, his loyalty to his friends. She could not imagine walking through the world without him by her side. She wanted to believe with all her being that he was still alive, that it would take more than death itself to rip him from her side. But until she had true proof, the sound of his voice, or his hand on her cheek she could only go with Henry and his connection to Mike. It had some comfort value, because somehow, the dog seemed to know. She still longed for more, though.

“Mom? I’m hungry remember,” Travis goaded her.

“You know you are eighteen and completely capable of getting your own meal, right?” she replied.

“What fun would that be?” Travis asked, leading the way back into the kitchen.

“You alright, sister?” Justin asked Nicole.

“I miss Brendan, and I’m not sure if I believe dad is still alive like mom…and I miss him so much. I’m as big as a tractor trailer and my ankles are killing me. Other than that, not so good.”

Justin, in an unfamiliar role, went over to his sister and gave her hug.

“It’s that bad?” Nicole asked him.

“What do you mean?” he asked as he pulled back.

“You picking on me I’m used to, you offering comfort…not so much.”

“I don’t know about dad either, sis. And if he isn’t coming back, then maybe it’s time for me to maybe step up and be the man of the family.”

Nicole’s first reaction was to snort out in laughter, but his serious tone and the nature of the topic did not warrant it. This was serious business they were dealing with, and she was more than a little pleased that some of her father was bleeding out of her brother.

“Thank you, Justin,” she said tenderly.

“For what?” he asked, thinking she might be setting him up for something.

“Just for being there.” Then she did laugh a little as his chest puffed out.

“I can keep us safe,” he told her. “Or I’ll die trying.”

“Just stick to the safe part, brother, the baby is going to need his uncles.”

“I know I don’t say it often, Nicole, but I love you. Brendan was my friend, and I miss him, too. I’ll do whatever I need to so that we all stay safe.”

“Thank you, baby brother. I love you, too.”

“Now move your fat ass over so I can sit down.”

“There’s the Justin, I know and love.”

Travis came in carrying some plates loaded with sandwiches and bread.

“Thanks, man,” Justin said to his brother.

“These are mine, go get your own,” Travis said as he sat down across from his siblings.

“Travis!” Tracy called from the kitchen.

“Fine,” he said as he stuffed a handful of the chips from Justin’s plate into his mouth before handing it over.
