
The bibliography of Tolstoy in Russia is so extensive and growing so rapidly that it would be impossible to list all the works published about him and his writings, and therefore I mention only those to which I had most frequent recourse while working on this book.

I. In Russian

Tolstoy (Leo). Complete Works, Centenary edition. Moscow, State Printing Office (90 vols.).

Complete Works. Moscow, Biryukov-Sytin, 1913 (24 vols.).

Tolstoy's Letters to His Wife. Moscow, 1915.

Correspondence with Countess A. A. Tolstoy. St. Petersburg, 1911.

Correspondence with N. N. Strakhov. St. Petersburg, 1914.

Correspondence with Turgenev. Moscow, 1928.

Correspondence with Stasov. Leningrad, 1929.

Correspondence with Russian Authors. Moscow, State Printing Office,


On Art and Literature (Anthology of Extracts). Moscow, 1958 (2


Literary Heritage. Moscow, 1939 (2 vols.). Literary Heritage. Moscow, 1961 (2 vols.).

Contemporary Views of Tolstoy. State Printing Office, i960 (2 vols.). Tolstoy and the Russian Critics. Moscow, State Printing Office, i960 (2 vols.).

Tolstoy's Death, According to Sew Documents. Moscow, Lenin's Name Press, 1929.

Annenkov (P. V.). Literary Reminiscences. St. Petersburg, 1909. Apostolov. L. N. Tolstoy and His Companions. Moscow, 1928.

Tolstoy During His Life. Moscow, 1928.

Ardens. The Creative Process of L. N. Tolstoy. Moscow, 1962. Biryukov (P. I.). Biography of L. N. Tolstoy. Berlin, 1921 (4 vols.). The "Dukhobors." Moscow, 1908.

Botkin and Turgenev. Correspondence. Leningrad, Acadcmia, 1930. Bulgakov (V. F.). Leo Tolstoy in the Last Year of His Life (diary of Tolstoy's secretary). State Printing Office, i960.

bursov (h.). Leo Tolstoy {ideological research and working methods). Moscow, 1960.

Eichbnbaum (B.). //co Tolstoy in the '7o's. Leningrad, i960.

Ermolov (V.). Tolstoy as Graphic Artist and uWar and Peace.9' Moscow, 1961.

Fet (A. A.). Reminiscences of 'Lolstoy. Moscow, 1890.

Goldenweiser (A. B.). Talks with Tolstoy. State Printing Office, 1959.

Gorky (Maxim). Reminiscences of Tolstoy. Berlin, 1921.

Gudzye. Leo Tolstoy. Moscow, i960.

Gusev (N. N.). The Life of L. N. Tolstoy. Moscow, 1927.

Two Years with L. N. Tolstoy (reminiscences and diary of Tolstoy's

secretary). Moscow, 1928.

- - Material for a Biography of Leo Tolstoy. Moscow, Academy of Sei ences; 3 vols, published, in 1954, 1957 and 1963 (Vol. I: 1828-55, Vol. II: 1856-69, Vol. Ill: 1870-81).

Chronology of the Life and Writings of L. N. Tolstoy. 2 vols, published in 1936 and i960 (Vol. I: 1S28-90, Vol. II: 1891-1910).

Ktjzminskaya (T. A.). My Life at llo?ne and at Yasnaya Polyana. Sabash- nikov, 1927 (3 vols.).

Lazursky (V.). Reminiscences of Tolstoy. Moscow, 1911.

Leontyev (Konstantin). Analysis, Style, and Atmosphere in the Novels of Count L. N. Tolstoy. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Lokwenfeld. "Count L. n. Tolstoy as Seen by His Family and Friends," Ruskoye ohozreniye9 No. 10, 1897.

Makovitsky (Dushan). Notes from Yasnaya Polyana (1904 19jo). Moscow, 1922-23 (2 vols.).

Mf/yiaktt (B.). Flight and Death of Leo Tolstoy. Moscow-Leningrad. State Printing Office, i960.

Mxtratov (M. V.). The Tolstoydiertkov Correspondence. Moscow, 1934.

Obolensky (Prince D. D.). Reminiscences (Russian Archives, 1894 95).

Pi AKnoTisniNA (V. T.). Artistry of L. N. Tolstoy as Novelist, i960.

Pobyedonostsev. Letters to Alexander III. Moscow, 1925 (2 vols.).

Sergeyenko (P. A.). IIow Leo Tolstoy Lives and Works. Moscow, Kush- nerev, 1898.

Shepet.eva (Z. S.). Leo Tolstoy. Moscow, i960.

SnKr.ovSKY (B.). Leo Tolstoy. Moscow, 1963.

Strakhov (N. N.). Reminiscences and Fragments. St. Petersburg, 1892.

Sukhotina-Tolstoy (T. L.). Friends and Guests at Yasnaya Polyana. Moscow, 1923.


"Reminiscences," Literary Heritage, Moscow, 1961.

Taneyev (S. I.). Diary of Taneyev. Kuznetzov, 1922.

Tolstoy (Countess S. A.). Letters to L. N. Tolstoy (1862-1910). Moscow- Leningrad, Academia, 1936.

Private Diaries (1860-1909). Sabashnikov, (3 vols.).

Private Diaries (1897-1909). Moscow, Sever, 1932.

Private Diaries (1910). The Soviet Writer, 1936.

Toistoy (Alexandra Lvovna). My Father. New York (2 vols.).

My Life with My Father (Reminiscences).

Tolstoy (Ilya Lvovich). Reminiscences, Moscow, 2nd edition, 1933. Tolstoy (Leo Lvovich). The Truth About My Father and Ilis Life. Prague, Palmia, 1923.

Tolstoy (Sergey Lvovich). Sketches of the Past. State Printing Officc, 1955-

L. N. Tolstoy's Mother and Grandfather. Moscow, 1928.

Yasnaya Pot.yana.

Collected Papers of Yasnaya Polyana. Tula, i960. Collected Papers of Yasnaya Polyana. Tula, 1962. Peasants9 Reminiscences of L. N. Tolstoy. Tula, i960. Zhdanov (V.). Love in the Life of L. Tolstoy. Moscow, Sabashnikov (2 vols.).

II. In French

The Oeuvres Completes of Leo Tolstoy, translated from the Russian by M. J. Bienstock and revised and annotated by P. Biryukov, were published in Paris by Librairie Stock, from 1902 to 1923, in twenty-eight volumes. Numerous translations have been made since then by various publishers. The three volumes of the Bibliothtque de la PUiade deserve special mention: La Guerre et La Paix (1948), Anna Karenine and Resurrection (1951) and Souvenirs et Recits (i960).

Tolstoi (Leon). Journal. Annees 1847-1852. Paris-Geneve, Jchcber, 1921.

Journal. Annees 1853-1865. Paris, Fasquclle, 1926.

Journal. Anntes 1895-1899. Geneve, Jeheber, 1917-

Journaux intimes de l^eon et Sophie Tolstoi pour lannee 1910. Paris,

Gallimard, 1940.

Correspondance de Leon Tolstoi. Translated by B. Gorycly. Tome I:

1842-60. Edition de Paris, 1954.

Correspondance de Leon Tolstoi avec Birioukov: socialisme et chris-

tianisme. Translated by M. Semcnoff. Paris, Grasset, 1957.

Correspondance de Gandhi et Tolstoi. Introduction and notes by M.

S6nenoff. Paris, Dcnocl, 1958.

Lettres de Leon Tolstoi cl Charles Salomon. Paris, Revue des Etudes

slaves, 1930.

Alexandre (Aimce). l^e Mythe de Tolstoi. Paris, Jupiter, i960. Asquith (Cynthia). Comtesse Tolstoi. Paris, Hachctte, 1962. Birioukov (P.). Leon Tolstoi, vie et oeuvre. Paris, Mercurc dc France,

1906-9 (3 vols.). Bountne (Ivan). La Dtliwance de Tolstoi. Paris, Gallimard, 1939- Boyer (Paul). Chez Tolstoi. Entrctiens A lasna'ia Poliana. Paris, Institut d'Etudes slaves, 1950.

Cassou (Jean). Grandeur et infamie de Tolstoi. Paris, Grasset, 1932.

CnrsTov (L6on). Les Revelations de la mort: Dostoievsky-Tolstoi. Paris, Plon, 1923.

L'Idee du bien chez Tohtoi et chez Nietzsche. Paris, Vrin, 1949.

Cresson (A.). Leon 'l'olstoi, sa vie, son oeuvre. Paris, Presses Universi- taircs, 1950.

Europe. (Monthly review). Issues of July 1928 and November-December i960, devoted to Tolstoy.

Gilles (Daniel). Tolstoi. Paris, Julliard, 1959.

Gorki (Maximc). Trois Russes: L. N. Tolstoi, Tchekhov, L. Andreiev. Paris, Gallimard, 1935.

Gourfinkel (Nina), 'Tolstoi s Paris, I.e Scuil, 1946.

Hai.pЈrine-Kaminsky (II.)- ^ Tragedie de 'l olstoi et de sa femtne. Paris, Fayard, 1931.

Hoffmann (M.) and Pierre (A.). I-d Vie de 'l'olstoi. Paris, Gallimard, 1956.

Hoffmann (M.), Lozinski (L.) and Motcuoulski (C.). Ilistoire de la litttrature russe. Paris, Payot, 1934.

Laffitte (Sophie). Leon Tolstoi et ses contemfyorains. Paris, Seghers, i960.

TcMkhov par lui-meme. Paris, Le Scuil, 1955.

Tchekhov. Paris, Ilacliette, 1963.

I.indstrom (Thais S.). Tolstoi en France. Paris, Institut d'Etudes slaves, 1952.

Mann (Thomas). Goethe et Tohtoi. Paris, Victor Attinger, 1947.

iVlARKOvncn (Milan). J.-J. Rousseau et Tolstoi. Paris, H. Champion, 1928.

Tolstoi et Gandhi. Paris, II. Champion, 1928.

Maurois (Andre). Tourgutniev. Paris, Tallandier, 1952.

Lecture, mon doux plaisir. Paris, Fayard, 1957.

Mf.rejkovsky (Dmitri). Tolstoi et Dostoievsky. Paris, Perrin, 1903.

Metzfi. (Boris). Tolstoi. Paris, Tallandier, 1950.

De quoi vivait Tolstoi. Paris, Deux Rives, 1950.

Michelson (Serge). Les Grands Prosateurs russes. Paris, I-a Jeune Parque, 1946.

Pasternak (B. L.). Essai d'autobiographie. Paris, Gallimard, 1958.

Persky (Serge). 'Trois epouses: Nathalie Poucltkine, Anna Dostoievsky, Sophie Tolstoi. Paris, Payot, 1929.

Porcue (Francois). Portrait psyclwlogique de Tolstoi. Paris, Flammarion,


Poznf.r (Vladimir). Tolstoi est mort. Paris, Plon, 1935. (Romain). Vie de Tolstoi. Paris, llaehettc, 1929.

Scares (Andr6). Tolstoi vivant. Paris, Cahiers de la Quinzaine, 1911.

Tolstoi (Alexandra). Ma vie avec mon pere. Paris, Rkdcr, 1933.

Toi stoi (filie). Tolstoi, souvenirs d'un de ses fils. Paris, Calmann-Ldvy, 1914.

Tolstoi (Leon Lvovitch). Leon Tolstoi vu par son fils. Paris, I .a Nouvclle

Revue Critique, 1931. La Verite sur mon p&re. Paris, Stock, 1923.

Toi.STOi (Tatiana). Journal. Preface by Andre Maurois. Paris, Plon, 1953. TolstoI (Comtesse Leon). Journal (1862-97). Paris> (2 vols.).

Troyat (Ilenri). Dostoievsky. Paris, Fayard, 1940.

Sainte Russie. Paris, Grasset, 1956.

Vogue (Vicointc E.-M.). Le Roman russe. Paris, Plon, 1886. Weisbein (Nicolas). L'Evolution religieuse de Tolstoi. Paris, Librairie des

Cinq Continents, i960. Zweig (Stefan). 'Tolstoi. Paris, Attinger, 1928. Trois Pokes de leur vie. Paris, Stock, 1950.

III. In English

Most of Tolstoy's writings have been published in a series by the Oxford University Press, chiefly in translations by Aylmer and Louise Maude. References to the books and chapters of War and Peace and Anna Karenina in this book follow the divisions of the Oxford Press edition. American editions include:

Tolstoy (I>eo). Anna Karenina. Modern Library, Inc.

Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth, McGraw-IIill Book Company

The Cossacks 6- The Raid, The New American Library

Fables and Fairy Tales, The New American Library

lladji Murad: A Tale of the Caucasus, McGraw-Hill Book Company

The Kingdom of God Is Within You, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.

The Kreutzer Sonata, Vintage Books

Last Diaries, Leon Stilman, ed., G. P. Putnam's Sons

Living Thoughts of Tolstoi, Stefan Zweig, ed., Fawcett World Library

Master and Man, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.

Nikolenka's Childhood, Pantheon Books, Inc.

Resurrection, The Dial Press, Inc.

Scbastopol, The University of Michigan Press

Selected Essays, Modern Library, Inc.

Short Novels, Philip Rahv, ed., The Dial Press, Inc.

Short Novels, Modern Library, Inc.

Short Stories, Modern Library, Inc.

Two Tales (bilingual), Transatlantic

War and Peace, Modern Library, Inc.

What Is Art?, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.

What Men Live By, Pantheon Books, Inc.

There arc editions in English of some of the other books referred to by Troyat:

Bf.iirs (Stepan). Recollections of Count Leo Tolstoy. London, Heinemann, 1893.

Cuertkov (V. G.). The Last Days of Tolstoy. 1922.

Gay (N. N.). Memoirs.

Goldenwlisek (A. B.). Ta/fcs with Tolstoy. Translated by S. S. Kotelian-

sky. London, The Ilogarth Press, 1923. Gorky (Maxim). Reminiscences of Ia>o Nikolayevich Tolstoy. New York, 1920.

Kijzminskaya (Tatyana). Tolstoy as I Knew Him; My Life at Home and at

Yasnaya Polyana. New York, Macmillan, 1948. Maude (Aylmer), ed., Family Views of Tolstoy. Boston, 1926. The Letters of Tolstoy and Alexandra Tolstoy. London, 1929. SukhO'1 in (Tanya). The Tolstoy Home: Diaries. London, Ilarvill, 1950;

New York, Columbia University Press, 1951. Tolstoy (Alexandra). The Tragedy of Tolstoy. New Haven and London, 1933.

Tolstoy, A Life of My Father. New York, Harper, 1953.

Tolstoy (Ilya). Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son. New York, 1914. Tolstoy (Leo). The Diaries of Leo Tolstoy—Youth—1847 to 1852. 'translated by C. J. Hogarth and A. Sirnis. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1917. —— The Private Diary of Leo Tolstoy—1847 to 1857. Translated by Louise

and Aylmer Maude. London, Heinemann, 1927. Toistoy (Leo). The Truth About My Father. New York, 1924. Tolstoy (Sergey). Family Views of Tolstoy. London, 1926. Tolstoy (Countess Sofya). The Diary of Tolstoys Wife 2860-1891. London, Gollancz, 1928.

The Final Struggle—Countess Tolstoy's Diary for 1910. Translated by

Aylmer Maude. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1936.

Other sources are:

Maude (Aylmer). The Life of 'iolstoy. Oxford University Press, 1930 (2 vols.).

Russian Literature and Modern English Fiction, edited by Donald Davie (Gemini Books series, University of Chicago Press, 196s), contains the following articles 011 Tolstoy:

Tolstoy's Childhood and Youthl> (Anonymous, 1862). "Turgenev, Dostoievsky, and Tolstoy" (George Saintsbury, 1907). 'Turgenev and Tolstoy" (George Moore, 1919)- "Dostoievsky and I olstoy" (D. S. Merezhkovsky, 1902). 'Tolstoy as Artist" (D. S. Merezhkovsky, 1902). "Thomas Hardy, Verga, and Tolstoy" (D. H. Lawrence, 1936). MD. H. Lawrence and Anna Karenina*' (Henry Gifford and Raymond Williams, 1960-61). "Tolstoy, Lermontov, and Others" (Donald Davie, 1965). and refers to other valuable or historically interesting material.


About, Edmond, 455

Abrikosov, 568

Action. 316

Aesop's Fables, 347

Affair, The, 316-17, 389

After the Ball (Tolstoy), 611

Akhmet, Circassian guard. 669

Akim, Tolstoy gardener, 21

Ak&akov, Ivan S., 137, 164. 188

Albert (Tolstoy), 181, 191

Alexander I, 3, 77, 289, 607, 733

Alexander II, 127, 142, 144, 189, 191, 237,

289, 607; murder of, 421, 422 Alexander III, 422, 425, 440, 486, 487, 503,

525, 526, 528. 607 Alexandra, "Aunt-Grandmother" of Tolstoy. See Tolstoy, Alexandra Alexandra, Tolstoy's aunt. See Osten-

Sakcn, Alexandra Alexandra Theater, 487 Alexandrovna, Lyubov. See Behrs, Lyubov Alcxeyev, B. A., 391

Alexeyev, Lieutenant-Colonel, 80. 81, 92-

93, 96, 101, 107 Alexeyev, Vasily I., 392, 398, 424, 438. 440,

447, 453 Alexis, Tolstoy's manservant, 263 Alexis of Mozhaysk, Bishop, 411 Alix of Hesse, Princess, 528 AU\9 Well That Ends Well (Tolstoy), 312 Alma, Russian defeat at the, 118 Alnwov, literary critic, 100 Almedingen, Mrs., 697 Alyokhin, Arkady V., 538 Alyoshka, Tolstoy servant, 94, 105 Amateur theatricals, Tolstoy's interest in, 46, 47

Ancestry, Tolstoy's, 8 12 Andreyev, Leonid, 666 Andreyev-Burlak, Vasily N., 498 Anichkov Bridge, 133 Anichkov Palace, 506 Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 28//, 142, 280, 361, 364, 365, 366, 367, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376-90, 391, 401, 420, 469, 477, 500, 511, 514, 527, 531, 569, 573, 574, 695 Annenkov, coachmaker, 247 Annenkov, Paul V., and family, 133, 174,

177, 284, 315, 317, 563 Ant Brothers. 16 Anthony, anchorite. 411 Anthony, Monsignor, 587, 590, 602

"Anti-Alcoholism League," 479 Anti-Semitism, and Tolstoy, 617 Anton Goremyka (Grigorovich), 58 Anushka, Tolstoy nursemaid, 21 Aouls, 77, 78, 81, 86, 91, 101, 609 Arakcheyevs, "pals" of Tolstoy's aunt. 237 Arbat district, 66, 659 "Arbiter of the peace," Tolstoy as, 225-27 Arbuzov, Sergey, Tolstoy's valet, 333, 335,

336, 428, 429, 430, 461 Arkhangelsk* 3 Arkhangelsky Cathedral, 533 Army and Navy Gazette, The, 121. 317 Arscnycv, Genia, 150, 154 Arscnyev, OJga, 150, 152, 154 Arsenyev, Valerya, 150, 151, 152, 153. 154. 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161. 162, 164, 173, 192, 201, 254, 271 Artukhov, Mrs., landowner, 225 Arzamas, Tolstoy's fearful night at, 334, 335, 336-37, 344, 345, 365, 369, 393, 405 Assembly of Arbiters of the Peace, 225 Astapovo, 711, 713, 715, 717, 718, 719,

721, 723, 725, 727 Astrakhan, 74

Auerbach, Berlhold, 206, 218 Aunt Alexandra. See Tolstoy, Alexandra Aunt Aline. See Osten-Saken, Alexandra Aunt Elizabeth. See Tolstoy, Elizabeth "Aunt-Grandmothers" of Tolstoy. See Tolsloy, Alexandra; Tolstoy, Elizabeth Aunt Pclagya. See Yushkov, Pclagya Aunt Toinette. See "Toinette" Austrian reserves in 1853 war, 114 Authors, favorite, of Tolstoy, 46, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 98, 205, 206, 297, 332, 395, 462, 688

Autobiographical tale, by Sonya Behrs,

247, 255, 256, 257, 267 Auto-da-f6, 561 Avants, Les, 180 Avare, L (play), 170 Avdeyev, 609

Axinya, mistress of Tolstoy. 272, 366, 516, 652

Azov Musketeers, 3

Babushka. See Tolstoy, Alexandra Bach, Johann Sebastian, 540 Baden-Baden, 185, 308 Bagration, Piotor I., 289 Bakunin, 395, 441 Ballou, Adin, 526

Balmont, Konstantin D., 594 Balta, 111

Balzac, Honors de, 181, 599 Baraban. Tolstoy horse, 249 Barkhudaiov, Alexander, 696 Barlad. 116

Bartenyev, P. I., 309, 310, 312 Baryatinsky, Prince. 81, 82, 88 Bashilov, illustrator, 302, 305. 309 Bashkirs, 234, 235, 345, 346, 357, 358, 453 Basil the Blind, Grand Duke, 8 Basistov, 164 Batum. 581

Baudelaire, Charles Pierre. 172, 554, 556 Baudrillart, 171

Baumann, Eugene, Tolstoy pretends to be. 206

Bazykin, Axinya, 198, 204 Bear hunt, resulting in injury to Tolstoy, 199, 200

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 161, 188, 230, 371,

497, 540, 546, 556, 613, 634 Begichevka. 520, 521, 522. 523 Behrs, Andrey E., Dr., 32 n, 234, 243, 244, 254, 259-60. 263, 280, 290, 291, 298. 307, 311, 333 Behrs, Lisa, 143, 219, 234, 239. 244, 245, 246, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253-54, 257, 259, 260, 264, 276, 293 Bchre, Lyubov, 143, 188, 243, 244, 247,

248, 249, 254, 260, 262, 263, 264, 291 Behrs, Sonya, fiancec, then wife of Tolstoy, 144, 234. 239, 244-65, 266-313. 319, 332-71, 374, 391, 392, 400, 401, 405, 409, 411, 413, 415, 418, 425, 427, 430-51, 453, 455, 457, 461, 462-80, 483, 488-90, 492, 493, 496, 497, 500-10, 513, 514-24, 527-35, 538, 562, 565, 569, 571, 580, 582, 585, 589-93, 601-5, 613, 614, 622-24, 629, 637, 638, 642^14, 649-57, 658, 659-64, 666-76, 678-95 , 697, 699- 704, 706-10, 713-20, 722, 724-27, 729, 730, 731, 732; autobiographical tale written by, 247, 255, 256; friendship with Tanayev. 540 49. 553, 563 Behrs, Stepan, 311, 344, 346. 352, 372, 402, 405, 685

Behrs, Tanya. 144, 245, 246, 248, 250, 252, 253, 257, 258, 263, 266, 274, 275, 276, 278. 280. 281, 290, 292, 293, 294, 296, 299, 300, 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 319, 352, 355, 356, 369. 433, 436, 451, 455, 478, 506 Behrs, Volodya, 247, 253 Behrs, Vyacheslav, 637 Beklcmishev, 62 Bclbek River, 121 Bclinsky, Chertkov's secretary, 693 Bell, The (Herzen), 137, 213 Bclyev, 8, 12

Bcrkenheim, Dr., 635, 659, 720, 722 Berlin, 186, 205, 218 Berlioz, Hector, 555

Bern. 180, 181

BcrS. Andrey E. See Behrs, Andrey E., Dr. Bertenson, Dr., 592-93, 635 Bervi, 317

Bcstuzhcv-Ryumin, Konstantin, 426 Rethink Yourselves! (Tolstoy), 615, 619 Betrothal of Tolstoy to Sonya Behrs, 243- 65

Bibikov, Alexander N., 278, 294, 296, 299 Bibikov, Alexis A., 453 Bibikov, snipe hunter, 360-61 Bible, Tolstoy's interest in, 38, 206, 383, 586. See also Religion, philosophical beliefs and feelings of Tolstoy Bibliothtque de mon onclc, La (Topffer), 98

BihliothЈque Nationale, 170

Bicycle riding, Tolstoy's interest in, 535.

536, 539 Biography of Tolstoy, 436 Birthday, Tolstoy's eightieth, cclchration

of, 641-45 Birth of Tolstoy, 12

Birth of Toktoy's children, 279, 280, 291, 302. 313, 344, 348, 366, 374, 411, 438, 465, 498

Biryukov, Paul, Tolstoy's biographer, 64, 470, 472, 493, 495, 562, 563, 584, 605, 610, 612, 640, 647, 683, 693 Biryulevo, 265 Blind Old Believer, 494 Bloody Sunday, 618 Bludov family, 144, 146. 172, 445 Boborykin, colleague of Tolstoy, 297 Bobrinsky, Count, 398 "Bocajje, U," 177, 179 BodKanovich. 290 Bodyansky, 642 Boers. 586

Bouolyubov, pseudonym of EmelRanov, 403

Bogosolovo, 221 Bois de Boulogne, 174 Borisov, I. P., 204, 295, 315 Borodino. 311, 322, 344 Botkin, Dr., court physician, 370 Botkin, painter, 657

Botkin, Vasily P., 133, 136, 170, 174, 176. 181, 182, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 199, 200, 234, 295, 314, 336 Bouffes-Parisiens, 170 Bougival, 405, 407 Boulanger, P. A., 592 Bourdon, Georges, 615 Bourget, Paul, 515 Bourse, 170 Boyer, Paul, 126

Boyhood (Tolstoy), 26, 30, 34, 37, 101, 102, 106, 124, 129, 139, 144. 149, 158 n, 164, 469, 574 Brahms, Johannes, 453 Brimmer, General, 102 Broken arm, Tolstoy's. 290, 291

"Brotherhood of Ants." 16

Brothers Karamazov. The (Dostoyevsky),

418, 419, 698, 703 Brussels, 214, 215-16, 217, 225, 277 Bruyire, 53 Bucharest. 115, 116 Bulgakov, Mikhail. 98 Bulgakov, Valentin F., 665, 666, 667, 672, 676, 684, 686, 690, 691, 692, 698. 703, 704

Bulgarian peasants' fear of massacre by

lurks, 114 Bulka, Tolstoy's dog, 72, 94, 354 Bull kills shepherd at Yasnaya Polyana,

350, 351 Bunin, Ivan, 534 Burcnin, 318

Butkcvich, archpricst, 494, 587 Buyemsky, young soldier, 80 Buzuluk, 346

Byelkin Talcs (Pushkin), 362 Byclogubka, Tolstoy horse, 249 By Mistake (Tolstoy), 672 Byron, Lord, 317

Cadet, Tolstoy as, 89, 91, 101, 102. See

also Military career of Tolstoy Calmet, Dom, 416

Captive in the Caucasus, A (Tolstoy), 470 Card playing and losses by Tolstoy. See

Gambling habit and debts of Tolstoy Caspian cruise for health's sake, by Tolstoy, 93

Catherine II (Catherine the Great), 3, 8,

349, 360; Directives of, 53, 54 Caucasian Novel (Tolstoy). See Cossacks, The

Caucasian tribes, 77

Caucasus, Tolstoy's career in, 77-108

Cavalry Trots (Rudolf), 62

Chaliapin, Fyodor, 450

Challenges by Tolstoy to duels with: Lon-

ginov, 142; Turgcnev, 221 Chancellery of the Assembly of Representatives of the Nobility, 65 Chants du Soldat (Tolstoy), 496 Characters (BruyЈre), 53 Charterhouse of Parma (Stendhal), 126 Chatcau-d'Ocx, 180 Chaudey, Gustave, 216 Chechenians, 101, 103, 107 Chechenya, 77

Chekhov, Anton, 536, 537, 575, 577, 594,

596, 597, 599, 600, 603 Cherdyn, 657 Cherkasky gang, 198 Chcrn, 520, 580 Chernayev, General, 372 Chernigov, 8

Chernya, battle of, 130, 142 Cbcrayshev, minister of war, 608 Chertkov, Vladimir, G., 456, 457, 465, 470, 472, 478, 479, 481, 493, 495, 496. 497,

499, 500, 504, 508, 525, 527-30, 534, 536, 537, 543, 562, 563. 566, 568, 579, 592, 620, 621, 625, 630, 631, 635, 650- 67, 697-99, 703-5, 712-21, 724, 731, 733 Chicherin, 203, 529 Childhood, Tolstoy s, 14-24 Childhood (Tolstoy), 24, 32, 68, 86, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 124, 129, 139, 144, 149, 158 n. 201, 243, 246, 469, 574, 655, 687; characters portrayed in, 97-98

Children of Tolstoy, 279, 280, 288, 29!, 296, 302, 313, 348, 366, 374, 411, 438, 465, 498

"Children's Library, The" (Tolstoy), 27 Chinese billiards, Tolstoy's losses at, 233 Chinese philosophy, Tolstoy's interest in, 462

Chita convict colony, 402 Chizh, Dr., 467

Chopin, Fr6d6ric, 132, 546, 634, 658 Christ Visits a Peasant (Leskov), 470 Chronique du rigne de Charles IX (M6-

fimce), 297 Church, Tolstoy and the. See Religious and philosophical beliefs and feelings of Tolstoy

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. 262, 263

Churis, Ivan, 56 Chuyko, V. V., 388

Circassian people and villages, 77, 91, 669 Circle of Reading (Tolstoy), 636-37, 719 Circle of Reading for Children (Tolstoy), 637

Civilian life. Tolstoy's introduction to, 137- 65

Civil War in Russia (1919), 732

Clarcns, 179, 181

"Coco" Tolstoy, 11, 12

Coeur de femme, Un (Bourget), 515

Collected Thoughts of L. jV. Tolstoy

(Chertkov), 648 Collected Works (Tolstoy). 503 College de France, 171 Comme II fautt meaning of, to Tolstoy, 42,

43, 44, 112 Committee for Peasant Affairs, 144 Commune of Paris, 341 Complete Works (Tolstoy), 488, 506, 507,

515, 530, 534, 664, 733 n Comtc de Falloux, 171 Comte, Auguste, 317, 495 Confession (Tolstoy), 63, 137, 175, 332 n. 415, 470

Confession in Russian Thought (Tolstoy), 446

Confessions (Rousseau), 50, 57 Conquest of Mexico (Prescott), 58 Conspirators, in murder of Alexander II, 426 n

Consuelo, 297

Contemporary, The. 95, 100, 102, 111, 121, 124, 126, 129, 133, 134, 137, 139, 142, 163, 188, 191, 284, 359 Controversy over War and Peace (Tolstoy), 314-31 Convent of Optina-Pustyn, 38, 702 Convent of Shamardino, 657, 702, 706,

708, 709, 710, 713 Convict colonies, 402 Cordon, The (Tolstoy). See Cossacks, The Coronation of Nicholas II, 539 Cossacks, 77, 78, 80, 83, 86, 92, 107, 346, 609

Cossacks, The (Tolstoy), 32, 73, 84, 85, 148, 181, 192, 202, 278, 283, 284, 285, 286, 381 n, 408, 469, 606, 695 Courtavencl, Viardots' country estate, 137 Courtmartial of Shabunin, Tolstoy's part

in, 303, 304, 305 Courtship of Sonya Behrs, by Tolstoy, 245-65

Crimea, 118, 131, 142, 421, 472, 593, 594,

595, 604, 613, 620, 635, 664, 668 Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky),

389, 419, 420 Criticism of Dogmatic Theology (Tolstoy), 415 Czechoslovakia, 496

Daghestan, 77

Dame aux Cornelias, La (Dumas), 361 Danilcvsky, Nicholas Y., 399 Dannenberg, General, 118 Danube Principalities, 106, 114 Danube River, 112, 114 Daragan, governor of Tula, 239 Daragan, Lieutenant-Gcneral, 225 "Dark Ones," 456, 493, 527, 529, 695 Daudet, Alphonse, 383, 434 David Copperfield (Dickens), 58 Davidov, bookseller, 222, 223 Davidov Liprandi, 290 Davydov, Professor, 568, 640 Dawn, The, 317, 318, 342 Dayakov, Dmitry (Mitya), 47 Dead Souls (Gogol), 58, 571-72 Death, Tolstoy's feelings about, 335, 336,

365, 393, 394, 395, 473 Death of Ivan Ilich (Tolstoy), 472, 478,

483, 485, 515 Death of a Judge (Tolstoy), 483 Death of Tolstoy, 725 Decembrists, 289, 307, 320, 401, 402, 403, 421

Decembrists, The (Tolstoy), 210, 409 De Fontaine. See Mortier de Fontaine D^lire, Tolstoy's mare, 579, 633, 680 Delvig, poet, 726 Dembitskaya, 155, 159 Demidich, Foka, 18

Demoted, The (Tolstoy). See Cossacks, The

Denisenko, Ivan, 656, 710

Ddroulcde, Paul, 496 Dcscartes, RenЈ, 50

Desire Is the Worst Slavery of All (Tolstoy), 199 n Devil, The (Tolstoy), 64, 377, 508 Dialogue (Tolstoy), 549 Diaries, Tolstoy's, 673, 674-75, 676, 677,

679, 683, 684, 695, 714, 719 Diary' of Myself Alone (Tolstoy), 683,

686, 691, 694, 696 Diary of a Superfluous Man (Turgenev). 142

Diary of a Writer (Dostoyevsky), 373, 389 Dickens, Charles, 46, 58, 98, 213, 359, 688 Diesterwcg, Professor, 218 Dietrich, Anna K., 496 Dietrich, Olga, Countess, 582, 678. 691 Dijon, Tolstoy in, 171 Directives of Catherine II, 53, 54 Divine Comedy (Tolstoy), 572 Division of Tolstoy property, 512, 513-14 Dmitrovka Street gymnasium, 192 Dofc, The (Turgenev), 407 Dolgo-Khamovnichevsky, Tolstoy house

on. 448, 449, 450 Dolgorukov, Prince, 237, 239, 443, 455, 461

Dolgoruky, Basil, Prince, 608 Dolgoye, 147 Don. the, 519

Dondukov-Korsakov, Princess and family,

216, 642 Dora, Tolstoy's dofc, 294 Dor6, Gustave, 383 Dorokhov, partisan, 290 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor M., 62, 101, 287, 314, 317, 331, 372, 373, 389, 399, 419, 420, 421, 434, 455, 698 Doumic, Ren6, 553 Dresden, 186, 205, 218 Dreyfus, Alfred, Captain, 564 Droysen, historian, 205 Druzhnin, Alexander V., 58, 133, 135, 163,

181, 191, 202, 219, 359 Dubkov, 163

Dublitsky, character in talc written by Sonya Behrs, 247, 255, 256, 257, 261, 265

Du Bois-Rcymond. physiologist, 205

Dudyshkin, Stcphan S., 100, 133

Duel, challenges by Tolstoy to: Longinov,

142; Turgenev, 221-24 Dukhobors, religious sect, 561-83 Duma, the. 618, 619, 651, 727 Dumas. Alexandre, 46, 51, 108, 172, 212 Dumas, Alexandre, fils, 361, 362 Dunkov, 711

Dunya, little girl adopted by Tolstoys. 15 Dunyasha, chambermaid. 248, 267, 294 Dunyasha (Orckhov), Tolstoy servant, 64 Dunyasha Temyashov. See Dunyechka Dunyechka, illegitimate daughter of Tem- yashev, 23, 25, 58, 59

Dupont, Pierre, 172 Durand's, restaurant in Paris, 172 Durnovo, colonel of constabulary, 235, 236, 237

Durnovo, minister of the interior, 523 Dussot's Restaurant, St. Petersburg, 62, 159 Dutch language, Tolstoy's interest in, 586 Dyakov, Alexandra, 47, 143, 150, 161, 192, 294, 363

Dyakov, Dmitry A.. 278, 294, 295, 296, 310, 333, 364, 521, 684

Ecclesiastical News. 588 Ecole Normalc, 495

Edict of November 20, 1857, 191. See also

Emancipation of serfs Ixlison, Thomas, 640

Educational activities, Tolstoy's, 203, 204, 206, 211, 212, 213, 217, 227, 269, 347, 348, 349, 367, 368. See also Pedagogical research, Tolstoy's; School at Yasnaya Polyana; Tcacher, Tolstoy as a Education and Instruction (Tolstoy), 60 n Eisenach, 217 Elizabeth, Tsarina, 244 Elizavetgrad, 640

Emancipation of serfs, 144-46. 190, 191,

198, 214, 215 Emelyanov, revolutionary, 403 n timile (Rousseau), 57 En Famille (Maupassant), 692 Engelhardt, Varenka, 3, 6, 450 England, Tolstoy in, 213 England supports Turkey, in 1853 war,

106, 114, 118 English lessons, Tolstoy takes, 172 Enough! (Turgenev), 455 Epilogue to Anna Karenina, 373 Epishka, Cossack friend of Tolstoy. 83, 84,

85, 101, 105, 107, 208 Erdenko, cellist, 670 Erfurt, blockade of, 8 Ergolskaya, Elizabeth A., 39 Ergolskaya, Tatyana, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 23,

25, 28. See also "Toinette" Erlenwein, student tcachcr, 274 Ermil, husband of Axinya, 652 Eshevsky, Professor, 292 Essays (Montaigne), 703 Estate management, Tolstoys interest in, 52

Estate of Tolstoy. See Yasnaya Polyana "Eternal Memory," funeral chant, 726,

727, 728 Eugene Onegin (Pushkin), 58 Europe, Tolstoy in, 169-86; Brussels, 214, 215, 216, 217; France, 165, 169-77, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212; Germany, 186, 205, 206, 207, 218; Italy, 212; London, 213; Switzerland, 177-86; second trip abroad, 205-18 European Herald, 317 Evian. 181

Excommunication of Tolstoy, proposed, 587-90

Execution of Francois Richcux, 174, 175 Execution of Shabunin, 304, 305 Eylau, 3

Falloux, Comte de, 171 False Coupon, The (play by Tolstoy), 605, 610

Family Happiness (Tolstoy), 164 /?. 192, 200, 201, 202 Famine, 510-35, 580 Famine or No Famine (Tolstoy), 580 Farming methods, Tolstoy's attempts to

modernize, 56-57, 198 Father Ambrose, 399, 430, 493 Father John of Kronstadt, 521 Fatherland News, 95 Fatherland Notes, 100, 129, 284, 317. 350 Father Luke, 140 Father Nicholas Gratsyansky, 725 Father Sergey (Tolstoy), 517, 566, 576 Fathers and Sons (Turgenev), 219, 394 Father Varsonofy, 721, 722, 725 Fausses Confidences, Les (play), 170 Faust (Goethe), 52 Faust (Turgenev), 148 Fearful night of Tolstoy, at Arzamas, 334, 335, 336-37, 344, 345, 365, 369, 393, 405 Feast of Cana, 432 Fedorovna, Amalya, 391 Feinermann, 494

Feokritova, Varvara, 664, 668, 669, 670, 679, 689, 691, 692, 694, 701, 708, 709, 716, 717, 720 Fersen, friend of Tolstoy, 59 Fet. Afanasy, 135, 188, 192, 198, 199, 204, 206, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 245, 269, 278, 282, 284, 285, 295, 298, 299, 313, 332, 341, 343, 359, 365, 367, 374, 388, 398, 407, 409, 411, 427, 462, 556 Fet, Marya P., 220, 278 Feuillct, Octave, 202 Figaro, Le, 615-16 Filatov, Dr., 531 Fitz-Jamcs, Louise, 172 Flaubert, Gustave, 409, 434, 599 Flight from wife and home, Tolstoy's, 699- 729

Florence, Italy, 212 Florinsky's medical book, 671 Foqfani, 116

Fontaine, de. See Morticr dc Fontaine

Fontainebleau, 171

Fontanka Quay, 137

Fort Groznaya, 101, 102, 103

Fort Paul, 130

Fort Stary Yurt, 78, 82, 86, 87, 606 Foti-Sala, 131

Foundations of Music and Rules for Its

Study (Tolstoy), 62, 65 France. Anatole, 688

Francc, Tolstoy in, 165, 169-77, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 Prance supports Turkey, in 1853 war, 106,

118, 125 Franco-Prussian War, 341 Franco-Russian alliancc, 496 Frankfort, 186, 208

Freemasonry, Tolstoy's interest in, 307, 311

Free Thought (Tolstoy), 584

Frcnch, Tolstoys fluency in, 172

French Commune, 391

French Encyclopedists, 5

Frcnch literature, Tolstoy's contact with,

171, 172 Frcy, Wilhclm, 495 Fribourg, 180 Fricdrichshafcn, 184 Frocbcl, Julius, 206

Fruits of Enlightenment. The (play by Tolstoy), 481, 508 Fugitive, The (Tolstoy), 106, 192 n, 284 Fugitive Cossack, The (Tolstoy). See Cossacks, The Funeral, Tolstoy's, 728-29 Funeral chant, "Eternal Memory,** 726, 727, 728

Fyodka, pupil of Tolstoy, 228, 229 Fyodorov, librarian, Rumyantsev Museum, 441, 447

Gachet, Mademoiselle, governess, 391 Gallery of Famous Russians, 363 Gambling habit and debts of Tolstoy, 60, 61, 62, 68-69, 72, 80, 86, 87, 88, 96, 112,

122, 123, 124, 128, 131, 135, 185, 186, 233

Gandhi, Mahatma, 662, 665, 688

"Ganka the Thief," 480

Gapone, Pope, 618

Gare de Lyon, 176

Gare du Nord, 165

Gaistain, 138

Gasha (Agatha Mikhailovna Trubet- skaya), servant seduced by Tolstoy, 64, 568

Gaspra. 592, 593, 594, 596, 597, 602, 604, 723

Gastev, 563, 565

Gay, Nicholas, 446, 447, 495, 521, 528 Geneva, Tolstoy in, 176-82 George, Henry, 573, 603. 702 Georgia, annexation of kingdom of, 77 Germany, Tobtoy in, 186, 205, 206, 207, 218

Gide, Andri, 688 Ginzburg, sculptor, 517 Girardin, Saint-Marc, 171 Give Help!, 562 Glebov, Miss, 582 Glinka, author, 290 Glinka. Mikhail I., 634 God. Tolstoys belief in, 37, 195, 196, 235, 396. 397, 398, 399, 406. 410. 411, 415,

416, 428, 490, 499, 500, 525, 535, 538, 543, 547, 568, 587, 591, 603, 616, 620, 624, 682, 699, 705, 712, 723. See also Religious, philosophical beliefs, and feelings of Tolstoy God Sees the Truth but IVaits (Tolstoy), 470

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 52, 189,

217, 230, 341 Gogol, Nikolai, 52, 58, 98, 132, 137, 148,

229, 316, 341, 388, 393, 399, 572 Golden Horde, Tatars of the, 4 Goldcnweiser, pianist, 569, 593, 635, 636, 644, 650, 657, 658, 663, 678, 680, 684, 717, 719 Golitsin, Nicholas S., Prince, 6 Golitsin, Princess, 216, 363 Golovachcv, 284

Golovin, minister of education, 232, 233 Goncharov, Ivan A., 133, 135, 314, 317, 359

Goncharov, Natalya, 363 Goncourt, Hdmond dc, 434 Gorbachevo, 702, 711, 715 Gorbunov, 137

Gorbunov, Ivan L, 717, 717 n

Gorchakov, Princess, 38

Gorchakov, Michael, Prince, 8, 29, 67, 98,

106, 111, 113, 114. 117 Gorchakov, Nicholas II, Prince, 195 Gorchakov, Peter, Prince, 120, 124, 128. 296

Gorky, Maxim, 494, 594, 596, 597, 598,

599, 600-1, 603, 688 GoroUiov, neighbor of Tolstoy, 117, 141 Gorshok, Alyosha, 267 Gory ache vodsk, 78

Gospel According to Saint Mat the*. The, 57

Gounod, Charles, 132

Gourmont, R6my dc, 556

Government, the Revolutionaries and the

People (Tolstoy), 620 "Grandfather's Tales" (Tolstoy), 27 "Grand Levee," 5

Grandmother of Tolstoy. See Yushkov,

Pelagya Nikolayevna Gratsyansky, Father Nicholas, 725 Great Moscow Theater, 291 Greek, Tolstoy's study of, 343, 344, 345, 416

Gressoney, 181 Gretsovka village, 224 Griesbach, 416

Grigorovich, Dmitry V, 58. 133. 135, 136,

191, 359, 418 Grigoryev, Fyodor, 12 Grindelwald, 180 Grinevka, 512, 580 Grodno, 191 Grot, editor, 523 Grumond, 19, 110, 198, 349 Gurko, General, 615

Guryevlch, Lyubov, 530

Gusarov, laborer, 702

Gusev, Nicholas, secretary to Tolstoy, 48,

635, 636, 639, 642, 654, 657, 665 Gymnastics, Tolstoy's enthusiasm for, 192,

211, 302, 584, 605 Gypsies (Pushkin), 283 Gypsies, Tolstoy's interest in, 66, 68, 72, 134, 135

Ilaak, surgeon, 291

Hadji Murad. See Murad, Hadji

Hadji Murad (Tolstoy), 605, 606, 611

Halperin-Kaminsky, translator, 634

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 538, 605

Hardy, Thomas, 644

Hartung, Marya Alcxandrovna, 362, 363

Harz Mountains, 206

Haydn, Joseph, 372, 634

Hebrew, Tolstoy's interest in, 451

Ilegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 52, 395

"Help for the Hungry" (Tolstoy), 523

II6nissienne, I.ouise, Mademoiselle, 6, 290

Hermitage gardens, 142

Herodotus, 345

Hero of Our Time, A (Lermontov), 58, 283

Herzen, Alexander I., 137, 213-14, 215,

230, 236, 238, 395 Herzen, Natalya, 213 Hesket, in Tolstoy's brigade, 101 Hexengalop (Rudolf), 62 Hinnis, Hannah, English governess, 220, 352

Ilippius, Zinaida, 634

History of Peter the Great (Ustryalov), 341

Holy Night, A (Tolstoy), 48 n, 65, 107

Holy Savior Cathedral, 35

Holy Synod, 587, 588, 590, 591, 602, 651,

721, 727 Homer, 137, 192, 343 Homme-Femme, Le (Dumas), 362 Horse Guards, Tolstoy considers joining, 61. See also Military career of Tolstoy Horses, types of, on Tolstoy stud farm, 357-58

Horse throws Tolstoy, 290, 291 Hospice of St. Bernard, 181 Hotel Chevrier, Moscow, 276 Hotel de Cluny, 170 Hotel Meuricc, Paris, 169 House of the Dead, The (Dostoyevsky), 419

How Russian Soldiers Die (Tolstoy), 117 Hugo, Victor, 297, 688 ••Hungarian Dances" (Brahms), 453 Hunting, sport of Tolstoy, 89, 96, 100, 121,

199, 200, 208, 290, 354, 418, 435, 447 Huysmans, J. K., 556 Hyercs, 209, 211, 212, 216 Hyires Islands, shipwreck off the, 213 / Cannot Be Silent (Tolstoy), 640 Ideal existence for himself, Tolstoy's outline of, 468 Idiot (Dostoyevsky), 314 Iliad, 188, 192, 297, 599 Ilin, Andrey, ToLstoy steward, 34 Illnesses of Tolstoy, 88-89, 93, 94, 96, 115, 125, 154, 204, 205, 206, 208, 213, 216, 234, 309, 333, 344, 591, 602, 603, 614, 642, 652-53, 712, 713-25 Illustrated Gazette, 316 Imperial Palace, Moscow, 244 Indris, Lithuanian knight, 8 Indy, capture of, 91 Infected Family (Tolstoy), 278 Inkerman, battle of, 118 Insanity, Tolstoy's fear of, 343 Intermediary Publishing Company, 470,

478, 530, 531 lnvalides, 171 Irkutsk, 401

Irtenyev, character in Tolstoy's Childhood, 243

Irtenyev, character in Tolstoy's The Devil, 64

Irtenyev, Nikolenka, narrator in Childhood

(Tolstoy), 98 Isayevna, Prascovya, Tolstoy housekeeper,

21, 22, 90, 98 Is It Necessary? (Tolstoy), 586 Islenyev, Alexander M., 243, 250 Islenyev, Konstantin, 61, 97 Islenyev, Lyubov, 32 n, 143. See also

Bchrs, Lyubov Islenyev, Michael, 97, 140 Islenyev, Vladimir, 97, 140 Italian lessons, Tolstoy takes, 172 Italy, Tolstoy in, 212 Ivakin, tutor, 416 Ivan, coachman, 696 Ivan the Fool (Tolstoy), 472 n Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol), 58 Ivanov, Arkhip, 12

Ivanov, Tolstoy's copyist, 424, 440, 494, 569, 630

Ivanov, Tolstoy's history professor, 49, 51, 54

Ivanovna, Sofya, 163

Ivin brothers, characters in Childhood

(Tolstoy), 98 Ivitsi, 243, 247, 250

Jaman Pass, 180

Japanese pigs, imported by Tolstoy, 268 Jassy, 116 Jena, 217

Jernefeld, Finnish translator, 579 Joseph II of Austria, 3 Journal de St. Petersbourg, 408

Kabardian, Tolstoy's horse, 103

Kaluga. 399, 430

Kant, Immanuel, 332, 395

Karalyk River, 235 Karamzin, Mrs., 180 Karp, coachmaker to Tolstoy, 56 Katerina Alexandrovna, niece of Princcss

Golitsin, 216-17 Katkov, Michael N„ 139, 200, 219, 233,

273, 293, 365, 367, 373 Katya, gypsy singer, 68 Ravelin, professor of history-, 137, 144, 191 Kazan, 8, 9, 39, 40, 41-54, 73, 74, 235 Keller, science student at Jena, 218, 229 Kern, forestry inspector, 495 Kharkov, 587, 593 Kherson, 587, 640 Khilkov, Prince, 495, 526, 578 Khilkovsky, Captain of Ural Cossacks, 80 Khitrovka, 438, 439, 441 Khodanka, The (Tolstoy), 665 Khodanka parade-grounds, tragedy on, 539, 660

Khohtomer (Strider), hoise, Tolstoy story

about, 277, 278 Khomyakov, Alexis S., 200 Khrapovitsky, 155, 158 Kiev, 411, 632

Kiev highway, 5, 398, 421, 441, 516, 666 Kingdom of God Is Within You, The

(Tolstoy), 517, 525 King Lear (Shakespeare), 538, 605 King of Prussia, 3, 243 Kireyevsky, Ivan V., 137 Kireyevsky, Peter P., 399 Kirghiz tribes, 346, 358 Kisclev, 363

Kishinev, 111, 116, 118; pogrom in, 611 Kissingcn, 205, 206, 207 Kizevcttcr, George, violinist, 161 Kizlyar, 93

Kleen, de, Hector, Viscount. 296 n Klin, 193

Klyustin family, 172 Knipper, Olga, 595 Knoring, Lieutenant, 80, 87, 101 Kobeko, D. D„ 638, 639 Kochaky cemetery, 626, 732 Kochety, 582, 654-55, 666, 668, 686, 687, 690

Kock, de, Paul, 51, 213 Kolbasin, 170, 174, 177, 191, 222 Kolokoltsov, Lieutenant, 303, 304, 306 Koloshin, Sonya, 32, 98, 256 Komstadius, Tolstoy's companion, 118 Koni, 563, 567

KonTs Story (Tolstoy), 517, 533, 568

Konivalsky family, 67

Konstantinov, General, 157

Kopilov, Mitka, Tolstoy coachman, 34

Kopylev, lumberman, 95

Korch, Eugene F.. 133

Korea, 617

Korf, 290

Kornilov, 120

Korolenko, Vladimir, G., 594, 600

Konsakov, Dr., 672 Kostomarov, landowner, 226 Kostroma, 622 Kovno, 191 Kozelsk, 702, 710 Kozlovsky, Count, 243 Kozlov-Zasyeka, 727 Kozray, capture of, 91 Kramskoye, Ivan N., portrait painter, 363. 364

Krapivna, 225, 226, 230, 235, 352, 428.

453, 455 Krekshino, 653, 658, 659, 666 Kremenchug, 131

Kremlin, Behrs' apartment in the, 244.

246, 247, 257, 258, 291, 307 Kreutzer Sonata, The (Tolstoy), 497, 498. 499, 500, 502, 503, 504, 505, 507, 508, 510, 541, 567, 610, 612 Kriegsmuth, General, 571 Krizhanovsky, General, 128, 131 Kronstadt, 618 Krylov, young officer, 122 Kuban River, 77 Kucs, Maurice, 635, 647 Kulikovo, battle of, 4, 38 Kulturgeschlchte (Richl), 206 Kumys treatment, 234, 235, 237, 344, 345,

346, 357, 431, 432, 433, 436t 441, 453 Kunak, meaning and tradition of, 87. See

also Sado Kuprin. Alexander I., 604, 607 Kura River, 88 Kurland, 562, 584 Kursk, 111, 531, 659

Kutuzov, Mikhail I., 289, 292, 312, 319,

324, 326, 329 Kuzma, Tolstoy groom. 35 Kuzminskaya, Tanya. See Behrs, Tanya Kuzminskaya, Vera, 519 Kuzminsky, Alexander M., 310, 355, 362, 433, 447, 502, 506, 514

I^iboulaye, I^ftvre de, 171 F^ke Lucerne. See Lucerne Lake Zug, 184

Lake Superior (steamship), 581 landlord's Morning, A (Tolstoy), 57. 101,

139, 163, 381 n, 574 Landowska, Wanda, 634 l-angiewicz, Marion, 282 I^ptevo, 697

I-as Cases, Bartolome de, 181 Last Will and Testament, Tolstoys, 663, 668-98

Law, Tolstoys study of, 49, 51. 52, 53, 54,



60, 140 Leg injury of Tolstoy, 479 Leipzig, 205 I-clcwel, Joachim, 215 Lenin (V. Ulyanov), 732 "Leo Cry-Baby," taunting name for 'lol- stoy, 24

Leonid, the archimandrite, 399, 411 Leontyev, Konstantin N„ 344, 399 Lermontov, Mikhail, 58, 77, 283 Lcskov, Nikolai, 318, 470, 503 I.etichev, 118

Letter to the Canadian Dukhobors (Tolstoy), 586 Letter to Nicholas //, A (Tolstoy), 619 Lcuchtenbcrg, 177

Levin, General, strikes Tolstoy off honors

list, 102 Levitan, painter, 643 Lcvshin, 144 Liassotta, musician, 497 Life, 613

Life of Jesus (Renan), 398

Life and Works of Tolstoy and Dostoyev-

sky (Merezhkovsky), 696 Lifiht Shines in the Darkness, The (play

by Tolstoy), 539, 605 "Lion and the Asses, The," 589 I.iprandi, Davidov, 290 Lisa, child of Marya Tolstoy, 204 Liszt, Franz, 555

Literary giants meet Tolstoy, through Turgenev, 133

"Little Benjamin," his mother's pet name

for Tolstoy, 12 Livcntscv, 133

Living Corpse. The (play by Tolstoy), 65,

605, 611 Livorno, 212

Loewenfeld, director of Schiller Theater, 496

Lombroso, Cesare, 579

Lomonosov, 228, 365

London, Tolstoy in, 213

London Daily Telegraph, The. 523

London Times, The, 562, 629

Longinov, 142, 143

Loose Leaves (Pushkin), 362

Lopukin, Deputy Governor, 638

Loris-Melikov, General, 421, 606, 608

Lost Man, A (Tolstoy), 161

Louvre, The, 171

Lucerne, 182, 184, 185

Liickc, 416

Luther, Martin, 206

Lvov, Prince, 67, 172, 296

Lvov, Princess. 67, 172, 186, 193

Lyachi, capture of, 91

"Lyova Ryova" family's taunting name for

Tolstoy, 24, 110 Lystscv, 317

Lyubochka, character in Childhood (Tolstoy), 97

Lyubov Alexandrovna. See Behrs, Lyubov

Macbeth (Shakespeare), 605 Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 172 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 554 Mahatma Gandhi, 662, 665, 688 Maidcl, Baron, 402, 403

Maison Dorle, Paris, 172 Maistre, Joseph de, 290 Makarios, 399

Makarios, Metropolitan of Moscow, 411 Maklakov, 657, 659

Makovitsky, Dushan P., Dr., 616, 631, 635, 636, 650, 654, 656, 658, 659, 666, 669, 671, 675, 685, 686. 687, 690, 691, 692, 693, 696, 697, 700, 701, 702, 703, 705, 709, 710, 711, 713, 715, 716, 718, 722, 724

Malade imaginaire, Le (Molicre), 170 Malakov Hill, 119, 130 Malish, Tolstoy's dog, 354 Mallarm*, Stcphane, 554, 556 Manchuria, 617 Manet, fidouard, 554 Manifesto abolishing serfdom, 213, 214 Man Who Murdered His Wife, The (Tolstoy), 498 Manage de Figaro, Le (play), 170 Markov, literary critic, 372 Marmier, Xavier, 172 Marmont, 290

Married life of Tolstoy. See Behrs, Sonya Marseilles, 212

Marscillcs-Nicc mailboat shipwreck, 213

Martigny, 181

Marx, Karl. 573

Marx, publisher, 566, 569

Marxists, 619, 620

Maryanka, character in The Cossacks

(Tolstoy), 85. 107 Marya Palace, St. Petersburg, 177, 197 Masaryk, Professor, 496 Maser's photographic studio, 72 Masha Tolstoy. See Tolstoy, Marya Masonry and masonic lodge, Tolstoy's interest in, 307, 311 Master and Man (Tolstoy), 530, 531, 533, 534

Matryona, cow-girl, 19

Matryona, ladies' maid, Tolstoy's interest

in. 48 Mauclair, Camille, 556 Maude, Aylmer, translator, 647, 717 Maupassant, Guy dc, 434, 599, 688, 692, 703

Maximilian of Leuchtenberg, Prince, 177

Maykov, Apollon N., 133

Mazhaisky, Vasily, 12

Mcchnikov, Ilya, 483, 532

Mclnikov-Pechersky, 189

Memoirs (Poltoratsky), 606

Memoirs of a Billiard-Marker (Tolstoy),

48, 110, 124 Memorial (Las Cases), 181 Mendelssohn, Felix, 540, 613 Mengden, Elizabeth 162, 164, 408 Menshikov, Admiral Prince, 124, 575, 596 Meredith, George, 644 Merezhkovsky, Dmitry, 634, 696, 698 Merimde, Prosper, 132, 172. 297

Merkurov, sculptor, 726 Mcshchcrskoyc, 669 Mcshcrsky, 122, 179 Meyer, 416

Meyer, Tolstoy's law professor. 53. 54

Michael, Grand Duke, 118

Micfcik River, 91

Michurin, music teacher, 391

Mikhailov, Alexander, peasant freed by

Tolstoy, 103 Mikhailovich, Nicholas, cook-flutist, 266- 67

Mikhailovich, Nicholas, Grand Duke, 595, 603, 620

Mikhailovna, Agatha, 267, 354, 444, 461 Mikhailovsky, landowner, 226 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, 290 Military career of Tolstoy. 88, 89, 91, 101,

102, 106, 111-31, 142, 157 Military Gazette. The, 116, 117, 122 Milka, Tolstoy's whippet, 19 Milyutm, Volodya, 36, 62. 137, 144. 304 Minin, V. P., 225 Minor, Rabbi, 451 Mir assemblies, 146 Miscellany (Tolstoy), 52 Mistrables, Us (Hugo), 297, 347, 578 Mitenka, 209. See also Tolstoy, Dmitry Mitrofan, cobbler, 461 Moabit Prison, 205 "Moan" (Sonya Tolstoy). 613 Mogilev, 3

Moldavia, Tolstoy asks for military transfer to, 1U6, 107 Moliere, Jean Baptistc, 170, 341, 393, 688 Molokhans, 346, 432, 453, 455, 564 Molostvov, Zinaida, 73, 82 Mona Lisa, 171

Monastery of Optina-Pustyn, 399, 428, 430,

431, 493, 702, 706, 709, 721, 723 Monastery of Suzdal, 587 Monastery of Trinity St. Sergey, 103 Monet, Claude, 554 Montagne Sainte, 211 Montaigne, Michel E. de. 703 Montel, Jules, 391

Montenegrins and Serbs, uprising against

Turks, 372 Montesquieu, Charles Louis, 53. 54, 61 Moreas, Jean, 554

Mortier de Fontaine, I^juis-IIcnri-

Stanislas, 153, 154, 157, 192 Moscow, Tolstoy in, 25-36, 59, 66-71, 72. 110, 156, 188, 191, 200, 219, 230, 233, 247, 254, 255, 276, 277, 294, 302, 311, 333, 347, 349, 371, 402, 436, 437, 438, 441, 442, 446, 448, 451, 456, 461. 469, 472, 499, 522, 538, 595, 659 Moscow Art Theater, 538, 644 Moscow Conservatory of Music, 497 Moscow Little Theater, 278 Moscow News. 308, 312, 523 Moscow-Orcl auto race, 666

Moscow Society of Velocipede-Lovers, 535 Moscow University's Society of Friends of

Russian Literature, 200 Moses (Rossini), 291 Moskva, 311 Mother (Gorky), 688 Mother, Tolstoy's, 14-15. 290 Mount Ai-Petri, 594 Mount Zapun, 127

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 230, 372,

546, 613, 634 Mozdok post station. 90, 91 Mucius Scaevola, story of, 9 Muctte de Portici, La (Aubcrt), 306 Mukden. 616

Murad, Hadji, 89, 229, 557, 606, 607, 609, 610

Murat, Joachim, 289 Muravyev-Apostol, M. I., 402 Muravycv, lawyer, 640, 659, 680 Musards, Paris restaurant, 172 Muscovite, The, 100, 129 Music, Tolstoy's love of, 48, 62, 65, 66, 67. 107, 110, 121, 161, 170, 188, 192, 229, 371, 450

Musin-Pushkin brothers, 32, 33, 98 Musset, Alfred de. 132 Mustapha Pasha. 113

Naples. 212

Napoleon, 3, 8, 38, 289, 325, 326, 360. 412 Napoleon III. 170, 171 Napoleonic Wars, books on, 290 Napoleons tomb, Tolstoy's reaction to, 171

Native Sont 201 Nekhlyudov, Prince, 164 Nckrasov, Nikolai P., 95, 96, 97, 100, 102, 110, 112, 121, 124, 127, 129, 133, 136, 142, 146, 165, 169, 186, 188, 189, 191, 219, 278 n Nemirovich-Danchenko, 578 Neva River, 402 Nevsky Prospect, 398, 506 Nevsky Project (Gogol), 58 New Testament, Tolstoy's reverence for,

175, 176, 446 New Times, 389, 591, 640 Nicholas, Grand Duke, 118, 431 Nicholas I, Tsar, 35, 61, 106, 114, 117, 120, 123, 132, 177, 215, 289, 401, 403, 478, 606, 607, 608, 609 Nicholas II, Tsar, 528, 538, 561, 564, 591. 595, 607, 618, 731; coronation of, and tragedy on Khodanka parade-grounds, 540

Nicholas Stick, 478

Nief, M. (pseudonym of Jules Montel), 391, 392

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhclm. 586 Nightmare at Arzamas, Tolstoy's, 334, 335, 336 37, 344, 345, 365, 369, 393, 405 Nihilist, The (play by Tolstoy), 278

Nikanor, Monsignor, 587

Nikitin, Dr., 635, 680, 713, 715, 716. 717,

719, 722 Nikolayev, 118

Nikolayevich, Michael, Grand Duke, 157 Nikolaycvna, Marya, 64. See also Tolstoy, Marya

Nikolayevna, Marya, Grand Duchess, 177 Nikolenka, child of Marya Tolstoy, 204, 627

Nikolskoye, 55, 221, 236, 237, 301, 512,

544, 580, 672, 673 Niva, 566, 569 Nizhny-Novgorod, 333, 344 "Noah," Tolstoy's brothers' name for him, 140

Nobel Prize Committee, 565, 601 Nord. Le, 129 Norov, 315, 316

North American Newspaper, 615 Northern Flowers, 201 Northern Herald, 530 Notes of a Christian (Tolstoy), 426 Notes of a Madman (Tolstoy), 334 n Notes from Underground (Dostoyevsky), 420

Nouvelle Ilelobe. La (Rousseau), 57, 179 Novel of a Russian Lord (Tolstoy), 101, 106

Novikov, peasant, 695, 696 Novocherkassk, 109, 710 Novosyclky, 221

Obolensky, Alexandra, 150, 192. 256 Obolensky, Andrey, Prince, 143, 174, 400 Obolensky, Nicholas L.. Prince, 550, 569,

582, 621, 625, 651, 732 Observations on Property Management

(Tolstoy), 52 Observer and soldier in the Caucasus, Tolstoy as, 77-108. See also Military carccr of Tolstoy

Odakhovsky, senior officer, Tolstoy's artillery battery, 122, 124 Odessa, 118, 119, 587, 618 Odessa Courier, 389 Odoyev district, 243 Odyssey, 297 Offenbach, Jacques, 170 Official Herald, 524 Ogarev, landowner, 66 Ogaryov, 133

Ogier, M., French banker, 185 Ogolin, 100

Old Believer, blind, 494 Olenin, character in The Cossacks (Tolstoy), 73, 85 Olifer, Captain, puts Tolstoy on report. 102

Olsufyev family, 474, 478, 508 n. 544, 564, 639

On Cards (Tolstoy), 65 On Gymnastics (Tolstoy), 65

On Life (Tolstoy), 509 On Life and Death (Tolstoy), 497, 509 On the Moscow Census (Tolstoy), 440, 446

On Socialism (Tolstoy), 695 "Open Letter to Chairman Shatilov," 350 Optina-Pustyn: convent of, 38, 702; monastery of, 399, 428, 430, 431, 493, 702, 706, 709, 721, 723 Order of St. Andrew, 6 Order of St. Anne, 135 Orekhov, Dunyasha, Tolstoy's relationship

with, 64 Oiel, 10, 139, 141, 654 Orenburg province, 401 Orlov, 714 Orlov, Prince, 177

Orlov, professor at Railways School, 441 Orlov family, 172

Orthodox Church and Tolstoy, 36, 137, 397, 410, 411, 414, 415, 587, 589, 602, 642, 651 Osipov, peasant, 494

Osten-Saken, Alexandra Ilinichna (Aunt

Aline), 9, 18, 20, 21, 28, 34, 38 Osten-Saken, Count, 9, 20 Ostrogradsky, M. V., 365 Ostrovsky, Aleksandr, 133, 135, 191, 278 n, 359

Overcoat, The (Gogol), 58 Ovsyanikovo, 512 Ox ana, young Cossack girl, 102 "Oyster, the" (Varvara, chambermaid), 264

Ozerki, 303; landlord at, 187 Ozerov, friend of Tolstoy, 59 Ozmidov, Nicholas L., 479, 480 Ozolin, 711, 712, 715

Paderewski, Ignaz Jan, 558 Palace, Imperial, in Moscow, 244 Palmerston, Lord, 213 Panayev, Ivan, I.. 129, 133, 138. 163, 186, 189

Panin, Countess, 592, 594 Punslavists, 373 Pantheon, 100

Parfeny, bishop of Tula, 411, 725 Paris, Tolstoy in, 165, 169-76, 212 Parkhomenko, painter, 657 Parthcnios, bishop of Tula, 651-52 Pascal, Blaise, 398, 462, 688 Pashcnka, child of Tolstoy cook, 17, 21. 25 Paskevich, Field Maishal, 106, 114 Paskevich, Princess. 409 Pasternak, painter, 643, 726 Patapovs, "pals" of Tolstoy s aunt, 237 Pathe-Ncws, 658, 718

Patriotism and Government (Tolstoy), 586 Paul I, 3

Pauline Saks (Druzhnin), 58 "Paulinette," illegitimate child of Turgcncv, 132, 169, 173, 220

Pavlovich, Adrian, 701 Pavlovsk, 134 Pavlovsk Park, 471

Pedagogical activities and research, Tolstoy's, 206, 211, 212, 213, 217, 227, 347, 349, 367, 637 Pelagya Nikolayevna. See Yushkov, Pe-

lagya Nikolayevna Pensees (Pascal), 398 Penza, 333

"People's Will" group. 422

Pere-Lachaise cemetery, 170

PerOlyev, Basil, and family. 67, 292, 293,

302, 552 Perm, 657

Pcrovsky, General, 238, 401 Persecution of Christians in Russia (Tolstoy), 562 Peter the Great, 342, 360, 361, 363 Pctrashevsky, official in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 61 Petrovna, Natalya, servant of Tolstoy's

Aunt Toinette, 66, 248, 354 Petrovsk convict colony, 402 Philaretus, 365

Philichka, "Tolstoy's mail clerk," 629 Philimonov, commander of Tolstoy's artillery battery, 121 Philip, Tolstoy's coachman, 430 Philippine uprising, 586 Philippovna, Tatyana, Tolstoy children's

maid, 21 Philosofov, Sofya, 490 Philosophical discoveries of Tolstoy, 36, 37 Philosophical and Psychological Questions

(Tolstoy), 523 Photography, Sonya Tolstoy's interest in, 649

Piedmont, the, 181

Piety, exaggerated, of Tolstoy, 140, 195 Pigs, Japanese, imported by Tolstoy, 268 Pincio Hill, 212 Pirogova, Anna, 360

Pirogovo, 27, 55, 65, 187, 197. 207. 300.

465, 518, 582, 611, 612, 684 Pisarev, 274, 317 Piscmsky, Alexis T., 129, 133 Pissarro, Cumillc. 554 Placc de la Roqucttc, 175 Plaideurs (Racine play), 170 Plan for the Reform of the Army (Tolstoy), 123 Plato, 96, 343, 395 Plaxin, Sergey, 211

Plays by Tolstoy, 278, 286, 480, 481, 485, 487, 508, 538, 605. See also Theater, Tolstoy's interest in Plays seen by Tolstoy, in Paris, 170 Plehvey, murder of, 618 Plutarch. 347 Plyuchika Street, 26

Pobyedonostev, Minister to Holy Synod,

424-25. 486, 487. 503. 523, 528. 563, 564, 571, 587 "Pobyedonostev's Dream." 589 Poe, Edgar Allan, 172 Pogodin, 315

Poire, French fencing school. 67 Pokrovskoye, 39, 56, 70, 110, 111, 185, 301 Pokrovskoyc-Streshnevo, Behrs' property,

143, 244. 254, 256 Poland, insurrection in, 282 Polevoy, P. M., 348

Police search of Tolstoy's estates. 235, 236-37

Polikushka (Tolstoy), 217. 277 Politics (Plato), 96

Polivanov, Mitrofan, 246, 247, 251, 255,

260, 262, 276, 293, 302 Polivanov, Sasha, 180 Polivanov School, 437 Polonsky, Yakov P., 133, 185, 284, 390, 431 Poltava, 111 Poltoratsky, 606 Pompeii, 38, 212 Poor Folk (Dostoyevsky), 62 Popov, L. K., 536 Popov, Professor, 255, 256, 292 Popov, surgeon, 291 Porqucrollcs, 211 Port Arthur, 614, 616. 617 Portrait of Tolstoy, by Kramskoye, 363, 364

Posse, friend of Gorky, 688 Possessed. The (Dostoyevsky). 420 "Post-box" game, 454 Potemktn, battleship, 618 Potemkin, Grigori Aleksandrovich, 3, 6 Power of Darkness, The (play by Tolstoy), 480-81, 486, 487, 538 Pozadnitsa, Marfa, 38 Prayer, The (Tolstoy), 367 n Prcchistenskaya district. 26 Precieuses ridicules, Les (play), 170 Prelude of Chopin, The (Tolstoy. Leo,

Jr.), 581 Preobazhensky, 578 Prcscott, William Hickling, 58 Present Events in Russia (Tolstoy). 619 Prisoner of Shamil (Vederevsky), 606 Property division, Tolstoy's, 512, 513 Proposal of marriage to Sonya Behrs, by

Tolstoy, 258, 259 Prose Poems (Turgenev), 406 Prostitutes, Tolstoys philosophy about, 342, 483

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph. 181, 215, 230, 289

Prozvcrshcnyc publishing company, 697 Prudhomme, Sully, 601 Prussia, King of. 3, 243 Prussian Eagle, steamer, 204 Publication of Tolstoy's works by his wife, 469-71, 488

••Publishing OtTicc for the Complete

Works of Tolstoy," 469 Pugachev uprising, 298 Pushchin, Michael. 179, 186 Pushkin, Alcksandcr. 37. 38. 46, 52, 58, 77, 95, 105, 148, 179, 228, 229, 283, 315, 318, 341, 362, 363, 388, 393, 417, 419, 455, 555, 610 Pyatigorsk, 93, 94, 103 Pyatnitskaya Street, 188

Quakers, 566

Rachinsky, Miss, 539 Racine. Jean Baptiste, 170, 230 Radinsky, Chertkov's secretary, 680 Radstock, Lord, 398

Raid, The (Tolstoy), 81. 95, 101, 105, 106 Railways School, 441 Raphael, Italian painter, 186 Rayevsky, surgeon, 495. 518, 519, 522 Reactionary League of the Black Hundreds, 618

Reader(s) (Tolstoy), 341, 347, 348, 349.

351, 352, 358, 366, 367 Reading Library. The, 95, 202 Regnicr, Henri de, 554, 557 Reimers, Captain, Fourth Bastion, 125 Religious, philosophical beliefs, and feelings of. 123. 124. 137, 140, 175, 176, 195, 196, 209, 235, 398, 399, 400, 403, 406, 412, 413, 414. 415, 416, 417, 430, 432, 445, 504, 611, 616, 617, 618, 620, 636, 722. See also God, Tolstoy's belief in Rembrandt, 171, 230, 557 Reminiscences (Odakhovsky), 122 Reminiscences (Tolstoy), 28, 34, 612 Renan, Ernest, 455 Renan, Joseph, 398

Rcpin, Ilya E., 497, 498, 517, 557, 589, 643 Resurrection (Tolstoy), 140, 402 w, 533, 537. 557, 566, 567, 568, 572, 573, 574, 576, 578, 587, 598, 610; film of, 733 n Retour de Venfant prodigue (Gidc), 688 Reus*, 416

Revolution of 1848, 61

Revolution of 1917, 732

Revue des Deux Mondes (Doumic), 556

Rey, Mr., Swiss teacher, 352

Richet, Charles, 496

Richeux, Francois, execution of, 174. 175 Ricd, 184

Richl, Wilhelm, 206 Rigi, the, 184 Rigner, partisan, 290 Rilke, Rainer Maria. 579 Riss, printer, 309

Rivalry of Behrs girls, for Tolstoy's love, 245-65

Robbers, The (Schiller), 58 Rod, Edward, 332 n

Rodyonov School for Young Ladies, 46 Rolland, Romain. 495

Rome, 212, 621

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 605

Roosevelt, Theodore. 617

Rossel. Fyodor L, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 27, 29,

34, 97-98 Rossi, Italian actor, 538 Rossini, Gioacchino, 291 Rosso!imo. psychiatrist, 680 Rostov-on-the-Don, 710 Rostovtsev, General, 144 Roulette playing by Tolstoy. See Gambling

habits and debts of Tolstoy Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 50, 52, 54, 57, 61,

98, 149, 177, 179, 227, 280, 614, 688 Rozay-en-Brie. 132. 148 Rubinstein, Anton, 371 Rudolf, German pianist in Tolstoy household, 62 Rue de Rivoli, Paris, 169 "Rules of Life," of Tolstoy, 45, 49, 53. 60,

105, 156, 223. 291 "Rules of Writing" (Tolstoy), 105 Rumanian frontier, 111 Rumyantsev Museum library, 292, 307,

441, 527 Rurik, Prince, 4 Rusanov, Gabriel A., 454 Russia, 640 Russian. The, 315 Russian Baltic fleet, 617 Russian Herald, 139, 200, 233, 293, 309,

314, 365, 367, 373. 388 Russian Library, The, 435 Russian News, 520 Russian Tatler, 164 Russian Word, The, 714 Russo-Japanese War, 614-26 Russo-Turkish War (1877), 372-73, 374 Ryazan, 519; archbishop of, 721, 722; governor of, 726 Ryazan province, 518 Ryazan-Ural Railroad Company, 721

Sado, Tolstoy's Kunak, 86, 87, 101, 102, 103, 107

St. Anne Cross, awarded to Tolstoy, 129, 135

SL Bernard. Hospice of, 181 Sainte-Chapclle, 170 St. George Cross, 92, 101, 102, 373 St Jerome, character in Childhood (Tolstoy). 98 St. Michael, prince of Chernigov, 4 St. Petersburg, Tolstoy in, 59, 60, 62, 131, 132, 145, 149, 157, 186. 188, 204, 218. 219, 402, 413, 562 St. Petersburg Gazette, 318 St. Petersburg News, 164, 201, 284, 318, 348

St. Petersburg Polytechnical Institute, 644 St. Sofya the Martyr, icon of, 263 Sts. Peter and Paul Fortress, 402, 571, 576

St. Thomas. Prosper cfc. 29. 30. 31, 33, 34.

36, 38, 91, 98 Sakhalin, 617 Sakharin, Or., 398 Salomon, Charles, 688 Salomonida. Cossack girl, 85, 102 Salty kov-Shchedrin, Michael, 189, 314, 317

Samara, 234, 235. 344, 346, 357, 358, 363, 401, 424 n, 431, 436, 440, 441, 453, 512, 520, 564 Samarin, D. F., 349 Samarin, Peter F., 278 Sand, George, 132, 137 Saransk, 336

Saratov, 74; bishop of, 642 Sarnen, 184

Sasha, brother of Sonya Behrs, 260 Sasha (Alexandra), Tolstoys daughter.

See Tolstoy, Alexandra Savina, actress, 486

Savkhna, Natalya, character in Childhood

(Tolstoy). 98 Scenes of Village Life in the Black Forest

(Auerbach), 206 Schaffhauscn, 184 Scheffer, Ary, painter, 169 Schelling, Friedrkh Wilhelm Joseph von, 395

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von,

46, 58 Schiller Theater, 496 Schllisselbwg Prison, 495 Schmidt, Marya. 494, 691, 697, 704 Schoolmaster, Tolstoy as a, 203, 204, 348, 365, 368. See also Pedagogical research, Tolstoy's; School at Yasnaya Polyana School of Pyrotechnics, 139, 157 School at Yasnaya Polyana, 203, 204, 212, 217, 227-33, 269, 348, 351, 365, 367, 368, 637, 733 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 332, 359, 383, 396, 557

Schubert, Franz, 546 Schumann, Robert, 555 Schwarzwatder Dorfgeschichten (Auerbach), 206 Schweizerhof Hotel. 182, 183, 184 Scientific Notes on the Action of the Velocipede as Physical Exercise (Popov), 536

Scott, Walter, 189 Sculpture of Tolstoy, 579 Sea Gull, The (Chekhov), 579 Search, by police, of Tolstoy estates, 235, 236-37

Sekhin, Epiphany. See Epishka Sclivanovo, 428 Scmenovsky, Dr., 722 S6nЈquicr, Madame, 208, 209 Sentimental Voyage (Sterne), 57, 98 Serbs and Montenegrins, uprising against Turks, 372

Serdobolsky, pupil of Tolstoy, 231 Serfs, emancipation of, 144-46, 190, 191.

198, 214, 215 Sergey, Grand Duke, 426, 524; murder of, 618

Scrgcycnko, Chertkov'* advisor, 676. 680,

704, 705, 715, 718, 720 Scrgeyevna, Lyubov, 43 Serpukhov, 26, 661

Servants of Tolstoy and bride, 266. 267 Serzhputovsky, General, 112, 118 Sevastopol, Tolstoy's activities in. 109-31. 593

Sevastopol in August (Tolstoy), 139 Sevastopol by Day and Night (Tolstoy), 125

Sevastopol in December (Tolstoy), 128, 139

Sevastopol in May (Tolstoy), 127, 129 Sevastopol Sketches (Tolstoy), 126, 134,

149, 188, 317, 469 Seven Years' War, 4

Shabunin, Quartermaster Sergeant, court- martial and execution of, 303, 304, 305, 306

Shakers. 499-500

Shakespeare (Tolstov), 605

Shakespeare, William, 137, 230, 317, 393.

409, 538, 597, 600, 605 Shamardino convent, 657, 702. 706, 708,

709, 710, 713 Shamil, Caucasian tribe leader, 77, 89,

101, 229, 607, 608 Sharmer, Tolstoy's tailor, 62, 70 Shatilov, stockbreeder, 268 Shaw, George Bernard, 644, 665 Shchegolenok, 399 Shebalsky, historian, 328 Shclgunov, 317

Shepherd killed by bull at Yasnava Polyana, 350, 351 Sherbatchevka, 55, 111, 140 Shcrbatov, Princess, 68, 193 Shcrbatov family, 172 Shercmctycv, Count, 237 Shcvclino, 441

Shipov, police stool-pigeon, 29, 236, 237 Shishkin, Marya, 65, 207, 294 n, 300, 310 Shkarvan, Albert, 568 Shoemaking, Tolstoy's interest in, 461,

462, 488 Shostak, Mrs., 471

Shubin, Lieutenant, friend of Tolstoy, 115

Shulgin, 607

Shurovsky, Dr., 722

Siberia, 427, 565

Sidorkov, Ivan, 658, 659

Siegfried (Wagner), 538

Silistra, siege of, 112, 115

Simferopol, 121

Simonenko, drawing teacher, 391 Sipyagin, assassination of, 603 Sisley, Alfred, 554

Sistinc Madonna, Raphael's. 186 Sitin, Ivan, 470 Sitin, publisher, 695 Skabishevsky, literary critic, 389 Skomorokh People's Tlieater, 487 n Skulyany, 116

Skyler, American Consul in Moscow, 347, 408

Slavery of Our Times, The (Tolstoy), 586 Slavophils, 134, 137, 139, 144. 146, 190,

191, 232, 390, 620 Smoke (Turgcncv), 406. 454 Smolensk, 495 Smolensky Market, 439 Snegircv, Professor, 622, 623 Snow Storm, The (Tolstoy), 139. 169 Sobolev, Andrey Ilich, 61 Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 456

Society for the Promotion of Religious and

Moral Reading, 398 Socrates, 395 Soden, 204, 208

Sofya Andreyevna. See Behrs, Sonya Sokolniki Park, 67, 72 Soldier and observer in the Caucasus, Tolstoy as, 77-108. See also Military carcer of Tolstoy So loft ub, Feodor K., 133, 296 Solovycv, Vladimir, 363, 399 Some Words about War and Peace (Tolstoy), 328

"Song of Sevastopol" (Tolstoy), 129, 130. 144, 157

Songs Without Words (Mendelssohn),

540, 650 Sonya Behrs. See Behrs. Sonya Sor bonne, 171

Soviet of People's Commissars, 732 Sparrow Hills, 143, 438, 531 Spasskoye, Turgenev's estate, 139, 142,

148. 199, 221, 407, 431. 580 Speransky, Mikhail, 289 Spinoza, Baruch, 395

Spirit of the Imws (Montesquieu), 53, 54 Sportsman's Sketches, A (Tuigenev), 58, 132

Stakhovich, actor, 480, 642 Stanislavsky, Konstantin. 644 Stanitsa, 77, 83, 88 Stans, 184

Starogladkovskaya, stanitsa. 74, 78, 82, 83,

88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 102, 606 Stary Yurt. See Fort Stary Yurt Stasov, 372, 446, 485 Stasulevich, Lieutenant, 303, 304, 306 State and Church, and Tolstoy, 481 82,

524, 730 Steambaths, 355

Stendhal, 98, 126, 388, 599, 688 Stcpanovich, Leo, blind storyteller, 19, 22 Stcpanovka, Fet's home, 219, 220 Sterne, Laurence, 57, 98

Stettin, 186, 204, 205

Steward and wife, in Tolstoy home, 302

Stock Exchange News, 318, 389

Stockhcim, tocologist, 496

Stockholm Dagblatlct, 565

Stoetzer, Julius, 217

Stolbova, 671

Stolypin, Peter A., and family, 67, 161, 619, 640

Story of My Childhood (Tolstoy), 95, 97 Story of Yesterday (Tolstoy), 68 Strakhov, F. A., 648

Strakhov, Nicholas, 314, 317, 318, 329 n, 342, 346, 347, 359, 363, 366, 367, 370, 372, 373, 374, 388, 390, 398, 399, 407, 411, 417, 419, 420, 424, 436, 440. 446, 489, 495, 502, 534, 539. 662, 663 Strelka, Tolstoy horse, 249 Strider, horse, Tolstoy story about, 277, 278

Strikes in Russia, 618, 637 Stud farm, Tolstoy's. 357-58, 453 Studies of Russian Customs (Tolstoy), 52 Stuttgart, 27, 184

Sudakovo estates, 150, 151, 152. 154, 155, 162

Sue, Eugfcnc, 51 Sukhotin, Dorik, 664

Sukhotin, Michael, 551, 553, 582, 619, 621,

637, 644, 654, 675, 679, 690. 693 Sukhotin, S. M., 363, 462 Sulerzhitsky, 729 Sultan, Tolstoy's dog, 354 Sumsky's regiment, 582 Suvorin, Alexis S., 317, 389, 390. 591 Suvorovo, 655 Suzdal Monastery. 524, 587 Svistunov, 402 Swedish Academy, 565 Switzerland, Tolstoy in, 177-86 Syomka, pupil of Tolstoy. 228, 229 System of Social Politics, The (Forebel), 206

Sytin, Mrs., 192

Syutayev, 441, 442, 443, 446, 482, 495, 518

Taine, Hippolyte A., 383

Tales of Army Life (Tolstoy), 158 /#

Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque

(Poe), 172 Talleyrand, 292

Talysin, A. A., magistrate at Orlov, 164n Tambov, 615

Tanayev, secretary of state, Second Division, 140

Tanayev, Sergey I., 540, 541, 582, 613, 650, 651; friendship with Sonya Tolstoy, 540-49, 553, 563 Taptikovo, 691 Tastevin, Professor, 509 Tatars of the Golden Horde, 4 Tatischcv dictionary, 36 Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 371, 485

Teacher, Tolstoy as a, 203, 204, 269, 347, 348, 349, 367, 368. See also Pedagogical research, Tolstoy's; School at Yasnaya Polyana

Teachings of Jesus Explained to Children

(Tolstoy), 637 "Tel! Mc Why," Tolstoy's favorite song, 68 Telyatinki, 290, 299, 349, 648, 649, 670,

672, 676, 678, 680, 684, 692, 695 Temperance I-eaguc, and Tolstoy, 578 Temyashev, a Tolstoy neighbor, 23, 27 Temyasbov, Dunyasha (Dunycheka), ward of Tolstoy's father, 23, 25, 58, 59 Tenginsk, 101 Tcnishcv, 657

Terek Line, The (Tolstoy). See Cossacks, The

Terek River, 77

Thackeray. William Makepeacc, 107-8 Theater, Tolstoy's interest in, 170, 341,

538. See also Plays by Tolstoy Theatre Antoine, 487 n Theatricals, amateur, Tolstoy's interest in,

46, 47, 278 Thcodorin3, brief infatuation for, by Tolstoy, 104 Thiers, 290

Thoughts of the IVhe Men (Tolstoy), 605 Thousand and One Nights, 38 Three Deaths (Tolstoy), 192, 196, 655 Three Old Men (Tolstoy), 399, 472 n, 485 Three Sisters, The (Chekhov), 597 Thun, 180 Thuringia, 206

Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 586 Tiflis, 88, 93

Tikhon, former flutist, 18, 21, 267 n Tilsit, 3

Times, The, 284

Timothy, illegitimate son of Tolstoy, 271,

516, 653 Tischendorf, 416 Tkachev, literary critic, 389 "Toinette," Tolstoy's aunt, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17. 23. 25, 28. 30. 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 59, 60, 62, 64. 66, 68, 69. 70, 72, 74, 78, 86, 87, 89, 90, 94, 106, 109, 110, 113, 118, 130, 139, 140, 145, 147, 150, 154, 155, 156, 160, 162, 164, 173, 179, 192, 197, 207, 209, 235, 236, 237, 238, 248, 261, 264, 265. 267, 268. 277, 283. 354, 366, 368. See also Ergolskaya, Taty- ana Alcxandrovna Tolstoy, Alexandra ("Aunt-Grandmother" of Tolstoy), 141, 177, 178, 179, 182. 186, 187, 193-94, 196, 197, 211, 219, 237, 238, 239, 240, 266. 270, 271, 284. 285, 302, 304, 347, 350, 351. 356, 360, 365, 366, 368, 370, 388, 398, 401, 402, 410, 413, 414, 444, 445, 480, 497, 524, 533, 563, 611

Tolstoy, Alexandra (callcd Sasha), Tolstoy's daughter, 465, 520, 532, 541, 542,

582, 591, 592, 594, 595, 601, 603, 604. 605, 606, 621, 622, 623-24, 625, 630, 631, 633, 634. 635, 636, 638, 640. 656. 657, 658, 659-60. 662. 663, 664, 665. 668, 671, 673, 675, 678. 679, 680, 682. 685, 686. 688. 690, 691, 692, 693, 696, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 706, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 715, 717, 718, 719. 722, 723. 724. 730, 731, 732, 733 n Tolstoy, Alexis, 238, 363 Tolstoy, Alexis, Tolstoy's son, 438, 478 Tolstoy, Andrey, Tolstoy's son, 374, 490, 509, 520, 581, 602, 615, 622, 623, 638, 650. 655, 682, 683, 685, 691, 697, 707, 714, 725, 727, 733 Tolstoy. "Coco." 11, 12 Tolstoy Dmitry, 12, 16, 17. 23, 35, 42, 43, 52, 55. 110, 111, 139, 140, 141, 164, 204, 205, 209

Tolstoy, Elizabeth. 177, 182, 184, 333, 708 Tolstoy, Ilya, Count. 9, 290 Tolstoy, Ilya, son, 288, 302. 351, 353, 356, 413, 436, 437, 447, 474, 478-79, 489, 490, 520, 529, 580, 581, 604, 612, 650. 655, 707, 714, 727, 733 n Tolstoy, Ivan (Vanichka), Tolstoy's son, 498, 520, 529, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 540-41, 651 Tolstoy, Leo, Tolstoy's son, 313, 351, 356, 436, 437, 474, 478, 520, 529, 538, 539,

604, 615, 622, 643, 650, 675, 679, 680, 683, 685. 706, 733 n

Tolstoy, Marya (Masha), Tolstoy's daughter. 344, 356, 474, 479, 491, 492, 493, 518, 527, 529, 531, 543, 549, 550-51,

604, 621, 623, 625, 626, 629, 630, 635, 732

Tolstoy, Marva, Tolstoy's sister, 12, 15, 39, 42. 55, 56, 6-4, 70, 71, 90, 97, 100, 102, 103, 104, 110. Ill, 135, 140, 141, 148, 156. 185, 188. 192, 197, 199. 204, 205. 207, 208, 210, 216. 235, 236. 247, 248. 250, 251, 252, 254, 281, 301, 656, 706. 708

Tolstoy, Marya, Nikolayevna. Countess, 5. 6. 7, 10. 11. 12, 13. See also Volkonsky, Marya N., Princess Tolstoy, Masha. See Tolstoy, Marya (daughter)

Tolstoy. Michael, Tolstoy's son, 411, 490, 509, 520, 546, 581, 582, 623, 714, 727, 733

Tolstoy, Mitya. See Tolstoy, Dmitry Tolstoy, Nicholas, Tolstoy's brother, 11. 12. 16, 24, 35, 36, 38, 42, 49. 51, 55, 70. 71, 72, 73, 78, 80, 86, 87, 91, 92, 93, 104, 106, 110, 117, 122, 147, 192, 198, 199, 204, 205, 206. 207, 208, 209, 221, 234, 236, 333, 533, 552 Tolstoy, Nicholas, Tolstoy's son, 366, 367 Tolstoy, Nicholas llich. Count, Tolstov's father, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, 290

Tolstoy, Pelagya, Countess, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 33

Tolstoy, Peter Andreyevich, 8, 194

Tolstoy, Peter Ivanovich, 39 /i

Tolstoy, Pctya, Tolstoy's son, 348, 353,

356, 364, 366, 626 Tolstoy, Sergey, Tolstoys brother, 12, 16, 17, 32, 42, 48, 52, 55, 60, 62, 65, 89, 95, 97, 102, 104, 106, 110, 111, 118, 120, 152, 174, 176, 185, 197, 204, 206, 207. 209, 215, 264, 265, 278, 296, 300, 301, 310, 312, 364, 369, 465, 552 Tolstoy, Sergey, Tolstoy's son, 280, 296, 348, 356, 357, 369, 392, 426, 431, 436, 437, 439, 447, 478, 489, 498, 520, 529, 531, 539, 565-66, 580, 581, 592, 597, 602, 604, 611, 612, 619, 650, 659, 673, 692, 693, 697, 705, 707, 709, 712, 713, 715, 719, 720, 722, 723, 724, 727, 728, 732, 733 n Tolstoy, Sofya Andreyevna, 41, 363 Tolstoy, Sonya (Behrs), Tolstoys wife.

See Bchre, Sonya Tolstoy, Tanichka, 731 Tolstoy, Tanya, Tolstoy's daughter, 348, 351, 391, 392, 426, 436, 437, 439, 443, 464, 470, 473, 474, 478, 490, 492, 511. 518, 519, 522, 529, 534, 541, 544, 549, 551, 553, 582, 585, 601, 604, 621, 630, 635, 650. 666, 679, 680, 686, 692, 693, 705, 707, 709, 712, 714, 718, 719, 720, 722, 731, 732 Tolstoy, Valerian, 56, 71, 72, 103, 104,

111, 112, 117, 122, 140, 148, 296 n •Tolstoy colony," 479 Tolstoy Foundation. 733 n "Tolstoy Fund," 641 Tolstoy Museum, 448 n9 733 n Tolstoy's eightieth birthday, celebration

of, 641-45 Tdpffcr, Rodolphc, 98 Tournemir, Mrs. Salias de, 284 Tracey, Hannah, English nurse in Tolstoy

home, 308 Traube, Professor, lung specialist, 205 Travels, Tolstoy's: in Brussels, 214, 215- 16, 217; in France, 165, 169-77, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212; in Germany, 186, 205, 206, 207, 218; in Italy, 212; in London, 213; in Switzerland, 177-86 Treaty of Paris, 142 Tregubov, 562 Trepov, Colonel, 527 Trepov, General, 403 Trinity St. Sergey, monastery of, 103 Troglodyte, Turgenev's descriptive name

for Tolstoy, 133, 139, 169, 185 Troitsa Monastery, 143 Trou des F6cs, 211

Trubetskaya, Agatha Mikhailnova, servant

seduced by Tolstoy, 64, 71, 568 Trubetskoy, Katerina D„ Princess, 5 Trubetskoy, Paolo, 579

Trubetskoy, Paul and family, 172 Tsarina Elizabeth, 244 Tsarskoye-Selo, 508 Tsebrikova, Mrs., 317 Tsinger, physicist, 657 Tsushima straits, 616 Tula, 5, 10, 27, 65, 66, 67, 87, 89, 102, 155, 161, 198, 225, 239, 247, 291, 310, 333, 362, 374, 405, 421, 427, 430, 463, 464, 472, 479, 481, 483, 508, 568, 593, 615, 653, 660, 661, 674, 686, 700, 714. 718 Tula Girls' School, 349 Tulubyev, General, 362 Turgenev, Ivan, 58, 100, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 142, 148, 149, 162, 163, 164, 169, 173, 174, 177, 185, 189, 190, 191, 198, 199, 200, 204, 212, 213, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224. 284, 295, 314, 359, 372, 390, 395, 404, 405, 406-7, 408, 409, 417, 418, 421, 430- 31, 433, 434, 452, 454, 455, 456 Turgenev, Olga, 161 Turin, 181

Turkey, Nicholas I declares war on, 106 Turkish-Russian war, 372-73, 374, 375 Turks, Bulgarian fear of massacre by, 114; uprising of Serbs and Montenegrins against, 372 Tver, 30, 234, 441, 495 Two Couples (Tolstoy), 376 Two Hussars (Tolstoy), 139, 162 Two Marriages (Tolstoy), 376 Tyrolian singer, incident of. 182, 183

Ulbach, Louis, 172 Ulyanov, V. (Lenin), 732 Ulyansky, Greek teacher, 391 Umberto, King, 586

Uncle Eroshka, character in The Cossacks

(Tolstoy), 84 Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe), 58 Uncle Vanya (Tolstoy), 597 Uncle Zhdanov and She Horseman Chernov (Tolstoy), 117 Union and Translation of the lour Gospels

(Tolstoy), 416, 417 University of Kazan, 42, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 54

University of Moscow, 35, 36, 255, 436, 588

University of St. Petersburg, 60, 727 Uprising of Serbs and Montenegrins

against Turks, 372 Urusov, Leonid, 344, 398, 472 Urusov, Prince, 499 Urusov, Princess, 508 Usbakov, governor of Tula, 398 Usov, Dr., 722, 724

Valakhin, Sonya, character in Childhood

(Tolstoy), 98 Val d'Aosta, 181 Valcrya. See Arscnycv, Valerya

Valuyev, minister of the interior, 223, 232 Vanichka Tolstoy. See Tolstoy, Ivan Vanity Fair (Thackeray), 107 n Vanka's song, 230

Vanyusha, boy serf of Dmitry Tolstoy, 43 Vanyushka, Leo Tolstoy seif, 94 Varna, 114

Varvara, Behrs' chambermaid, 264 Varya, child of Marya Tolstoy, 204, 205 Vederevsky, 606 Vengerov, 600

Vergani, Mademoiselle, 150, 152, 153, 154,

155, 156, 162, 164 Vcrigin, spiritual leader, 561 Vcrlaine, Paul, 554, 556 Verne, Jules, 434 "Vcrsaillais," 392 Versailles, 171

Viardot, Paulino and family, 132, 148, 169,

173, 185, 220, 404, 405. 408, 452 Vie, Une (Maupassant), 703 Villa Medici, 212 Villa "Touche," 210 Vilna, 191

Vinogradov, schoolmaster, 428

Virgins* Field, 534

Virgin Soil (Turgenev), 390, 395

Vlasov, Tolstoy pupil, 669

Vogel, Tolstoy's law professor, 52, 54

Voice, The, 388

Volga boatmen, lament of the, 230 Volga River, 74, 234, 344 Volkona River, 4

Volkonsky, Fyodor I., Prince, 4, 157 Volkonsky, Marya N., Princess, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11. See also Tolstoy, Marya Nikolay- cvna, Countess Volkonsky, Michael A., 7 Volkonsky, Nicholas S., Prince, 3, 4, 5, 6,

194, 290 Volkonsky, Princess, 193 Volkonsky, Sergey F, Prince, 4 Volkonsky family, 67 Volkov, Dr„ 602 Von Stein, surgeon, 585 Voronin, peasant, 622 Voronka stream, 5, 18, 49, 110, 148 Vorontsov, Prince. 608, 609 Vorontsov-Dashkov, minister to Holy

Synod, 486 Vorotinka, Tolstoy's property, 61 Voykov, coloncl of Moscow police. 236 Vyazcmsky, Prince, 315

Wagner, Richard, 538, 555 Walk in the Light (Tolstoy), 508 War and Peace (Tolstoy), 6 n, 32, 52, 215, 282, 287, 289, 306, 312, 314, 333, 342, 347, 348, 352, 362, 363, 371, 372, 377, 381 n, 383, 384, 385, 387, 390. 391, 401, 406, 409, 440, 462, 469, 477, 488, 500, 527, 56R, 569, 574. 599, 612, 635, 657, 695, 698, 728, 733

Warsaw, 164. 218 Wartburg, 206

Ways of Life. The (Tolstoy), 665, 717 Wedding of Tolstoy to Sonya Behrs, 262.

263, 264 Weimar, 217 Wells, H. G., 644 Westerlund, Miss, 539 "Westerners," 134. 137, 139, 144, 190, 620 What 1 Relieve (Tolstoy), 415, 416, 417,

457, 470, 567

What Is Art? (Tolstoy), 553, 556, 601 What Is Needed for the Welfare of Russia? (Tolstoy), 52 What Men Live By (Tolstoy), 399, 470,


What Then Must We Do? (Tolstoy), 444.

470, 472, 478, 481, 485-86, 494. 553

Which Way Out? (Tolstoy), 586 Who Is Guilty? (Tolstoy), 586 Who Is to Blame? (Sonya Tolstoy), 505 Wild oats. Tolstoy's, 55-74. See also Gambling habit and debts of Tolstoy Will, last, of Tolstoy, 663-98 Witte, Count, 618

Wood-Felling. A (Tolstoy), 106, 131 World as a Totality, The (Strakhov), 347 World Peace Congress in Stockholm, 655. 656

Xcnophon, 343

Yagodnaya village, 103 Yalta, 604

Yanzhul, Professor, census director, 439 Yasenki, 304, 361, 444, 632, 662, 673 Yasikov, Simon I., 12 Yasnaya Polyana (monthly review), 232 Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy estate, 3, 4, 6. 7, 10, 11. 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 37, 38, 39, 49, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 71, 73, 83, 86, 90, 91, 95, 107, 109, 110, 122, 124, 142, 143, 145, 147, 150, 152, 154, 155, 162, 186. 187, 194, 195, 198. 200, 203, 204, 208, 212, 214. 215, 217, 219, 224, 227, 228, 230, 231- 32, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 243, 248, 250, 252, 261, 264. 265, 268, 269. 274, 277, 278, 289. 290. 294. 295, 296. 298, 299, 302, 308, 310, 312. 317, 334, 335, 336, 343, 347, 348. 350, 351. 355, 356, 363, 365. 372. 374. 382, 388, 392, 399, 403, 405. 407, 410. 412, 417, 418, 421, 430, 433, 436, 438, 440, 443, 444, 445, 447, 448, 453, 454. 461, 462, 466,

473, 476, 478, 480, 493, 494, 495, 497, 498, 508, 512, 516, 527, 532, 536. 537, 539, 540, 542, 544, 545, 546, 548. 553, 567, 578, 581, 582, 595, 602, 604. 605, 611, 612, 615. 619, 620, 621, 622. 624, 635, 636, 637, 638. 641, 644, 646, 647. 648, 649. 650, 654. 657, 658. 659.

Yasnaya Polyana (cont'd) 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 669, 670, 673, 675, 676, 679, 680, 681, 682, 684, 686, 687, 690, 694. 695, 697, 703, 704. 706, 710, 711, 716, 718, 727, 728, 730, 731, 732. See also School at Yasnaya Polyana

Year 1805, The (Tolstoy), 290, 293, 295,

297, 302, 312 Yodorov, Alexander, 12 Young Men's (Liberal) Party. 619 "You Sanjt Until Dawn" (Fet), 299 Youth (Tolstoy), 50, 102, 124. 139. 148,

154, 164, 188, 469, 574 Yufan, peasant plowman. 198 Yukhvanka, farmer on Tolstoy estate. 56 Yunosha, Colonel, 303, 304, 306 Yushkov, Pclagya N., 8, 12, 38, 40, 42, 52, 55, 73. 106, 111, 124, 127, 141, 143, 152, 368

Yushkov, Vladimir I., 8, 39. 42, 235

Zakaz forest, 16, 208. 643, 727

Zakhar, Turgenev's servant, 135

Zakharin, Dr., 309

Zakrevsky, General, 67

Zasulich, Vera, 403, 404

Zasyeka, 673, 727

Zasyeka forest, 247, 249, 268, 633

Zavadovsky, Sofya Petrovna, 243

Zhdanov, Sofya A., 164, 243, 250

Zheleznovodsk spa, 96

Zhemchuzhnikov, 133

Zhikharev, 290

Zhukovsky, Vasily A., 508

Zimmcrmann's Music Shop, 658

Zinaida, character in tale written by Sonya

Behrs. 247 Zola, Јmile, 383, 434, 487, 688 Zurich, 184

Zvcgintscv, Mrs., 637, 674 Zybin brothers, 48

(Continued from front flap)

who, though horn a nobleman, had an overriding ambition to he a peasant. As a youth, his world was gambling, wine, and wenching, but as a man he was bent on reforming the world in the image of Christian love. Despising violence, he made a fortune writing about war. His War and Peace is regarded by many as the greatest novel ever written, but, in time, Tolstoy became increasingly dissatisfied with fiction. Longing for universal brotherhood, he was unable to find love in his own family. Famous and revered beyond any of his contemporaries, he died almost alone and alienated from the world.

Such is the Tolstoy of whom M. Troyat writes. But, Tolstoy is more than a biography. It is also a recapturing of the scent, die scene, the color of Russia in the mid-nineteenth century, a book rich in the fabric of history. It is a book that is itself Tolstoyan, bursting with life, ideas, humanity, charity, and spitefulness, love, war, peace, and passion. It is a book about which Andre Maurois said, "Troyat has written exactly what I should have liked to write." One may imagine that it is also a book Tolstoy himself might have written. And in a sense he has, for skillfully woven into the text are dozens of excerpts from his writings. Tolstoy dominates the work and speaks unforgettably through it.

jacket design by richard iiuebner

jacket photograph by geohce adams

Printed in the U.S.A.


Henri Troyat, member of the Academie Frangaise and winner of the Prix Goncourt, has had many novels published in this country. He is also a noted biographer, and his Firebrand: The Life of Dostoevski) and Pushkin were highly acclaimed. Now, M. Troyat's Tolstoy is greeted with lavish praise by the French press: "The word masterpiece is not excessive," said Emile Bouvier in Midi Libre; "a masterpiece of biography," wrote Andre Therive; and Jean Mistier in L'Aurore called it a "great book."
