Outside the window there seemed to be nothing but miles and miles of empty farmland. Zelda was in a room, the room she had been sleeping in for four days. But she wasn't in the room that much. Most of the time she was out of the room being abused by Malcolm and his sister.

She'd had four days of it. They'd made her call the agency on Monday and give them some story about her going on a vacation. Josie had stood behind her with the razor pressed against her neck. Zelda had spoken to Henry. As she expected, Henry was too stupid to understand the signals she tried to send him. Now the people in the office thought she was on vacation and no one would look for her.

The rage boiled within her. I'm not on vacation, she thought. I've been kidnapped by two lunatics.

She was terrified by the electric prod now. Josie used it to control her, and just the threat of the prod was enough to make her do whatever they wanted. They made her meek and submissive. It made no difference that she hated what they made her do. She was afraid of them and she had to do everything they wanted.

Was there anything out there beyond the farmland? As she gazed at the bleak landscape, at the rays of the sating sun slanting across the empty space, she suddenly heard something on the gravel. She was at the back of the old house and she couldn't see, but it sounded like a car or a truck had driven up to the entrance.

Then she heard the front door open. Someone had arrived. A guest. Josie had hinted about someone important arriving late in the afternoon. Zelda folded her arms across her chest and shivered. She was naked. She wondered who the guest was and what it would mean for her. Forlorn, she continued staring at the distant hills.

Then after a while the door opened and Josie came in. She held a big hatbox with one arm and the electric prod with her free hand. She smiled at Zelda.

"Time to get you dolled up, honey. You've got to meet someone."

Zelda asked who it was. She tried to get some information out of Josie, but the brunette only smiled and said wait and see. "Just do as you're told when you get down there," Josie said. "If you make any trouble, you'll be sorry."

Then Josie opened the hatbox and dumped the contents out on the bed. Zelda stared at the stuff. It took her awhile before she realized what it was. She had seen some of these things in magazines. Chains and leather restraints and a black ball-gag and some other things. Bondage gear. And a few pieces of lingerie and a pair of high-heeled pumps. Zelda trembled.

"You can't put me in those things," she said. Josie snickered. "Of course I can. Or maybe you want this prod up your cunt. You haven't felt it inside yet. You get a few jolts of this thing in that pretty cunt of yours and maybe your guts will get ripped out. How about that? Would you like to try it?"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you too, honey, I really do. Now stand still while I get you looking interesting for our friend down there."

Zelda was helpless as Josie dressed her. First a leather belt, then Zelda's hands behind her back in a pair of restraining cuffs attached to the belt. Then a studded leather collar around Zelda's neck and a long dog-chain attached to a D-ring in the collar. Then the ball-gag, Zelda's mouth opening wide to take it. Josie carefully adjusted the strap of the gag to make it tight. After that the black lingerie. A peek-a-boo bra that left most of Zelda's tits completely bare. Then a thin black garterbelt followed by opera length, black nylons and the high-heeled black pumps.

"You look delicious," Josie said. "Now the clips and we're all done."

Zelda trembled at the sight of the clips. In a few moments she had a clip attached to each nipple and one on each cunt-lip. All four clips were connected by thin gold chains.

Josie smiled at her handiwork. She touched one of the nipple-clips.

"These things are ingenious. They don't bite unless they're pulled. Like this."

Suddenly a sharp searing pain tore through Zelda's right nipple as Josie pulled the clip. She moaned through the ball-gag. Josie laughed.

"And down there, too," Josie said. "Be careful you don't get the chains caught on something. You'll tear your pussy apart."

Zelda was paralyzed with apprehension. She had seen pictures of women dressed in bondage gear. She had always wondered what it would be like to have one of those women as her slave. Now here she was a slave herself. And Josie wasn't kidding about the clips. They could tear her flesh apart.

Josie finally took the dog-leash in her hand and led Zelda out of the room. Zelda walked carefully. She was afraid she would trip because of the high heels. She felt like a pet animal being led to a show. She prayed nothing would happen to make her fall. She was afraid the clips would hurt her. And the ball-gag made her miserable. She'd had it in her mouth only a few minutes and already her jaws were hurting.

When they were downstairs, Josie took Zelda to the living room, and there for the first time Zelda saw the mysterious guest.

He was a middle-aged man, distinguished looking, with gray hair at his temples and a nice suntan. He looked prosperous. He looked like a man who was used to having things his way. His penetrating eyes gazed at Zelda without a spark of emotion.

"So here we are," he said.

"Her name is Zelda," Josie said.

"Mr. Bronson. Do a turn, Zelda. Let Mr. Bronson see what you look like."

Zelda had to do a complete turn. She was mortified. She was almost naked in the presence of a complete stranger. She was used to Josie and Malcolm seeing her naked, but this man was new. And he was so distinguished looking. Somehow that made it worse. Under normal circumstances, he might be a man she would know socially. Here she was naked while the others were dressed. Her tits and pussy and ass were completely exposed. And the peek-a-boo bra made her tits look obscene. The way they protruded out of the cups of the bra like two ripe melons, her fat nipples swollen and clipped.

As if reading her mind, Bronson said: "Her tits are nice."

Josie nodded. "And what about her ass, Mr. Bronson. Look at this ass." Josie ran her hand over Zelda's ass to show Bronson the high curve. "Malcolm calls it high and hot."

"She's been around the track a few times," Bronson said.

"But she's as tight as a virgin. Isn't that true, Malcolm?"

"You bet," Malcolm said.

Zelda wanted to go out. She couldn't believe what was going on. She felt like she was on an auction block. Except in this case Bronson was the only bidder. Dear God, help me, she thought.

Bronson studied her. He walked around her. His face remained completely impassive. Like a buyer sizing up an expensive purchase. Then he touched her. He extended his hand and ran his fingers over one of her tits. His fingertips moved lightly over her tit-globe, underneath and on top. Then he touched the nipple-clip. He wiggled the clip back and forth.

"Yes, I like her," he said. He dropped his hand to her belly and then further down to her cunt. He looked straight into her eyes as he pushed two fingers between her cunt-lips and then inside her cunt-hole. He speared her. He pushed his fingers deep inside her cunt-channel and wiggled them around.

Abruptly the fingers came out of her cunt and he stepped back. He pulled a large white handkerchief out of the inside pocket of his jacket and wiped his hand.

"I want a few minutes with her," he said.

Josie nodded. "That's fine, Mr. Bronson. You take all the time you want."

Josie and Malcolm left the room and closed the door behind them. Bronson touched one of Zelda's tits again, and then his hand moved to the ball-gag and he pulled the ball out of Zelda's mouth.

"Zelda what?" he said. "What's your last name?"

Zelda worked her jaws to get the stiffness out. "Zelda Reed. Please help me. They've kidnapped me."

His hand was at her tits again. "I'm going to buy you."

"You won't help me?"

He shrugged. "Help has many meanings. I think you'll be better off with me. This place is a filthy hole."

Zelda kept her head high. "I won't be a prisoner. I won't go anywhere."

For the fir at time, Bronson showed some emotion. His mouth widened in a thin smile. "If I buy you, you'll go wherever I want you to. And if I don't buy you, I think those two animals will quickly make you wish you weren't born. I suppose that means I'm helping you. Isn't that true?"

Zelda's heart sank. She was determined not to cry.

"Do what you want," she said.

Bronson seemed amused again. He opened his suit jacket. Then he unzipped his fly, fished inside for his cock and brought it out. His prick thickened between his fingers. He pulled his foreskin back to expose his cockhead.

"Suck me off," he said. "With your hands behind your back like that, it may take some skill. Let's find out how skillful you are."

She knew it was hopeless. He was right about the danger of his rejection of her. Josie and Malcolm had planned all along to sell her to him, and they would be furious with her if he refused to buy her. They might even kill her. Her best hope now was to get out of this house. Her best hope was to please Bronson so that he would agree to buy her.

She went down on her knees. His cock had stiffened considerably by now. He had a meaty prick, the knob plump and dark pink, his pisshole already dribbling a bit of juice. She ran her tongue over the tip of his prick and then took his cock-knob in her mouth and started sucking.

"Down to the root," Bronson said calmly. "Let me feel it in your throat a moment."

She did it. She gave him what he wanted. As much as she hated the idea of sucking his cock, or any man's cock, she was no stranger to the act. She had seen women do it in films. She had read about it in books. If he wanted the knob of his prick in her throat, she would let him have it there. Let him buy me, she thought. She opened her throat and Bronson sighed as his cock had slipped inside.

"That's good," he said. "Hold it there a moment. Yes, like that."

He made a sound in his chest. He pulled back and suddenly she could breathe again. He pulled his cock all the way back until only his cock-tip was in her mouth. Then he held her head with his hands and pushed forward again.

"Now just hold still," he said. "Keep your mouth open and hold still."

He started fucking her face. She had never had anyone do it to her. It was like her mouth had suddenly become a cunt, a wide-open hole receptive to a sliding cock. His thick cock moved in and out as he pumped his hips.

"Tighten your lips," he said. And the next moment he started coming. The jism boiled out of his cock, spurted out of his piss-hole on her tongue and against the back of her throat. She had to swallow to avoid choking. There was so much, of it. She had thought there wouldn't be that much because of his age. Instead, she had to take a full load of hot spunk. His gluey jism slid down her throat.

Bronson took Zelda away with him. She had no idea what the arrangements were, how much he paid or how he paid it. She was allowed to wear her own clothes. She came out of the front of the house and there she saw an enormous Mercedes with a uniformed chauffeur behind the wheel. She climbed into the back, and then Bronson followed her and sat down beside her. In a moment the chauffeur started the motor and the limo eased away from the house.

"The doors are locked electrically," Bronson said. "Please don't attempt anything foolish."

Then he drew the window curtains and covered all of the chauffeur screen. She was as good as blindfolded. He had her locked inside the car and there was no way she could see where they were going.

"I think you're as bad as the others," she said.

Bronson chuckled and patted her thigh. His fingers pulled the hem of her dress back and he lay his palm over the soft flesh above her stocking.

"No, I don't think so. What did they use on you?"

"They have an electric rod of some kind." He nodded. "I have one too, but mine is probably smaller. I had it specially made. It's small, but quite effective." He pulled something out of his jacket pocket and showed it to her. A small box the size of a cigarette package, with two short prongs coming out of one end. "It's portable," he said. "It's called a stun-gun. The police have a larger version but this actually has more power. PU show you if you like."

"Please, no…"

"Then I assume you'll behave yourself."


He put the stun-gun away. "You cost me a great deal of money," he said. "I expect you to demonstrate that you're worth it." He unzipped his fly and brought his cock out.

Zelda looked down at his lap. Hit cock was soft, his cock-knob hidden by his foreskin. "Do you want me to suck you?"

"Do you like doing that?"

"I hate it."

"Yes, I thought so. It makes it more pleasant to force you. No, I don't want that now." They were on a highway somewhere. Zelda could tell that by the smooth road and the steady speed of the limo. Bronson's hand moved back and forth along the inside of her thigh. "You have lovely skin."

"Thank you," Zelda said.

"The woman was worse than the man, wasn't she?"

"Did she pee on you?"

Zelda shuddered. She could feel the flush in her cheeks. "Yes."

"In your mouth?"

She quivered again. "No, not that."

"Has anyone ever done that to you?"

"Thank God, no."

"Not a lover?"

"Not anyone."

He chuckled. "Then it'll be something different for you, won't it? I want that now. It's too much bother to have Baldwin stop the car and I'm afraid I have to go. Keep just the tip in your mouth, otherwise you'll have trouble and spill it. We don't want that, do we? I don't like it when there's a mess."

She was horrified. He was ordering her to take his prick between her lips while he pissed in her mouth. He was so calm about it. As though it were the most ordinary thing in the world. She suspected he was used to it. Other women had done it for him. He was a rich man and he could have anything he wanted. At the moment what he wanted was to piss in her mouth.

"Do it," he said.

"I can't."

"Yes, you can. It's either that or the stun-gun. I promise you in the end you'll do as I say."

Yes, he was right. He would hurt her and then she would do it anyway. A quiver of loathing ran through her as she lowered her head to his lap. He pushed at her shoulders. He wanted her on the floor between his legs.

"It's better that way," he said. "I'll stop a few times to give you a chance to swallow."

So there she was, kneeling on the floor between his legs with his cock in her mouth. Only this time she was not to suck him off. His knob lay on her tongue, a soft spongy mass still covered by his foreskin. She closed her eyes and prayed something would happen to make him change his mind. Her prayers were useless. In a moment he started gushing. The hot piss came out of his piss-hole like a stream of water out of a garden hose.

In the beginning she almost choked. She remembered his warning about not spilling it.

She kept her lips tight around the knob of his prick. Then she realized she had to swallow. Her mouth would soon be filled. Bronson suddenly stopped pissing.

"Go on," he said, "swallow it before you spill it."

She swallowed. The salty liquid burned as it went down. He started pissing again, and then after a while he stopped and she swallowed once more. Soon she had the hang of it. He emptied his bladder in her mouth and she swallowed it all without spilling a drop on his pants. He complimented her skill as he put his cock away and zipped his fly.

"That was very well done," he said.

As crazy as it seemed to her, she felt a twinge of pride. Dear God, she thought.

They finally arrived somewhere. The limo stopped moving. When the curtains were pulled back, she saw the limo was inside a garage. She had no idea what direction they had traveled. They could be anywhere now. First a blindfolded trip to Josie and Malcolm's place and now this. The chauffeur opened the limo door. He was a man about Bronson's age with sleepy eyes. If he had any idea what had happened in the back of the limo, he showed no sign of it. Bronson climbed out and then she followed him.

Bronson took her hand and led her to a side door in the garage and in a moment they were inside a house.

It was more like a mansion than a house. The place had the feel of a mansion. Deep carpets on the floor and expensive old paintings on the walls. It wet certainly different than the place they had come from. Maybe it won't be so bad, she thought. Then she told herself she was being stupid. Br onion had brought her here to be a slave. He was very polite, but he certainly had no qualms about pissing in her mouth. She knew there would be other horrible things she would have to do. She could sense it. He hadn't paid a great deal of money for her to give her an easy time.

He took her to an elegantly furnished leisure room. The drapes were drawn. A few small lamps were lit. A thick Chinese rug covered much of the floor. On one side of the rug, near one of the sofas, was a red velvet footstool. Bronson told her to kneel on the rug near the footstool and bend over it.

She did it. She knew it was useless to resist. There was no harm in kneeling like that. Not after what she had already done. She knelt on the rug and leaned forward to rest her elbows on the footstool.

"Head down," Bronson said. She crossed her arms and lowered her head to rest on them.

He came behind her. He pulled her dress up to expose her ass. He carefully tucked her dress beneath the leather belt she wore around her waist. Then he pulled her panties down to her knees. She wore a garterbelt and nylons. Now her cunt and ass were exposed from behind. She had to keep her knees together because of the panties, but that didn't seem to bother him.

"Don't move," he said. "Don't move at all." Then he went to the door, opened it and talked to someone. By the way he talked she guessed it was a servant. The door closed. A full minute went by and nothing happened. Then the door opened and someone entered the room. Zelda could sense the person behind her.

"Oh my," a woman's voice said. The woman chuckled. "Roger, you've brought me a present."
