They had her gagged and undressed and strung up in the dining room from the overhead beam. Mr. and Mrs. Bronson sat at the table eating while Zelda watched them with aching limbs and despair in her bean.
The woman's name was Carol. She was younger than Bronson, about Zelda's age, and she was a beauty. A wan like Bronson would have as a wife what his money could buy, and he had the money to buy the best.
She's got class, Zelda thought. But maybe she was wrong. You couldn't tell about people just by looking at them. These days any woman could put on the right clothes and look classy.
Classy or not, Carol had shown no sympathy for Zelda. She had insisted Zelda be stripped before she was strung up. So now Zelda wore nothing but her garterbelt and nylons and she felt more naked than if she'd been totally without a stitch. It seemed obscene to be undressed like that while the two of them sat there eating.
Now and then Carol looked at Zelda. Always with amusement in her eyes. Finally, Carol told Bronson she was pleased with his present.
"Yes, I like her," Carol said. "She's not ordinary. Too many of them are boring. This one, I think, might be interesting. Where did you find her?"
Bronson smiled. He continued eating his soup.
"I won't reveal that," he said. "Enjoy her and don't concern yourself with that."
Carol smiled. "All right, I won't ask any more questions."
They continued eating. All Zelda could do was watch them and pray something would happen to save her. She knew that sooner or later they would get down to business and abuse her. Bronson hadn't brought her to his house to decorate the dining room. And in the meantime the rants passed in and out, and each time that happened Zelda thought she would die. The way they looked at her. She was like a chicken strung up before everyone's eyes. But the servants said nothing and Zelda was certain they wouldn't help her. She suspected she wasn't the first woman they'd seen like this. The Bronson's would not expose her to the servants if they thought the servants would make trouble.
They won't make trouble, Zelda thought. It was the Bronsons who would make trouble and they would make the trouble for Zelda. She had an idea Mrs. Bronson was worse than her husband. Carol's eyes were cruel. Like Josie's eyes. Carol had more class than Josie, but maybe she was worse. Bronson was bad enough. Zelda remembered the way he had pissed in her mouth as they rode in his limousine. How awful that was. How degrading. She cringed now as she thought of it.
I've got to escape, Zelda thought. But it seemed impossible. She was with someone all the time. Maybe at some point it would be possible to get to a telephone. She had to pray for that. At least a telephone.
When the Bronson's finished eating, they untied Zelda and took her out of the dining room. She had to walk in front of them. Carol made a crack about the wiggling of Zelda's ass, but Zelda kept her mouth shut. Let them talk, she thought. As long as they didn't hurt her, she didn't care.
They brought her to a plush living room and told her to lie down on the rug.
"On your back," Carol said.
She whispered something to Bronson and he chuckled.
Zelda lay down on the carpet on her back. In a moment Carol straddled her, standing over Zelda's chest, looking down at Zelda's face, and the lifting her dress up to her hips.
"Through the pantyhose first," Carol said. "See if you can find my clit." And then Carol slowly squatted down to get her crotch on Zelda's mouth.
Zelda sometimes liked to have her cunt eaten while she wore panties or pantyhose. It was pleasant to be licked and sucked through wet nylon. Part of the pleasure, for Zelda at least, was that she knew the other person was having a difficult time. She could always more or less see that. The business seemed to be more difficult for women than for men. Whenever she had one of the women in her office eat her cunt through her pantyhose, Zelda could see that the woman was bothered by it. It was the same with panties. Maybe they thought her crotch wasn't clean. Well, maybe it wasn't. She put on clean underwear every morning, but after a whole day in the office she couldn't guarantee anything. In any case, she didn't much care. They had to suck her pussy with or without underwear and it wasn't her business to care about whether they liked it.
Now Zelda had the crotch of Carol's pantyhose on her mouth, and for the first time in her life she understood how difficult it was to suck a pussy through nylon. She had no idea whether Carol was dean. She did smell nice. Not at all like a raunchy cunt. More like talcum powder and Lancome. And more than a little wet. Almost dripping, in fact. Having Zelda to look at and tease for the past two hours had started Carol's cunt-juices flowing and Zelda now had the wet nylon against her lips.
Carol squirmed around on Zelda's face awhile. She murmured encouragement. Then after a while she pulled back, pulled her crotch away from Zelda's mouth. Zelda looked up. A small scissors had appeared in Carol's hand. As Zelda watched with amazement, Carol snipped at the crotch of her pantyhose. In a moment Carol's cunt-bush burst through the hole in the nylon, her wet cunt suddenly exposed and available.
"Start munching," Carol said.
She shifted forward and once again Zelda had her face covered. This time she had bare cuntflesh on her mouth. Carol squirmed until she had Zelda's nose between her cunt-lips and against her clit.
"That's good," Carol said. She started rubbing.
Zelda was in agony. Carol was using her face as a washboard for her pussy. Carol's cunt-juice flowed heavily, a thick stream of cunt-slime pouring out of Carol's cunt-hole and into Zelda's open mouth. Zelda couldn't help taking it. She had no choke. She had to take the juice and swallow it. She could hardly breathe. She had Carol's hairy cunt-lips wrapped around her nose. She wants to smother me, Zelda thought.
But Carol had other plans. After a while she tore the pantyhose with her hands, completely opening the crotch. Then she squirmed around on Zelda's face again, this time to get her asshole over Zelda's mouth. She gave Zelda some room. She kept her asshole about an inch above Zelda's lips.
"Let's find out how good you are," Carol said. "Don't be bashful or I'll have Roger use his little toy on you."
Zelda knew what she wanted. She had no choice but to do it. Extending her tongue, she fluttered the tip over Carol's puckered little asshole. But Carol wasn't satisfied.
"Get it inside," the brunette said.
Zelda hated her. She had to strain a bit to lift her head. She lapped Carol's asshole and then she stiffened her tongue and pushed it inside. Carol murmured something. Zelda didn't hear it. Then Carol settled down a bit to capture all of Zelda's tongue with her ass.
"Now feel this," Carol said.
A sudden jolt bit Zelda in her belly. Carol had used Bronson's stun-gun. Zelda groaned as she rammed her face into Carol's crotch. Desperate to avoid another electric shock, she tongued and sucked Carol's ass.
After a time Carol shifted her ass away. She said Zelda wasn't too bad. What she didn't know she could learn.
"I know it's difficult when I sit on your face," Carol said. "Next time I'll make it easier for you."
Then Carol said Bronson had told her what had happened in the limo. Zelda felt the flush in her face. She cringed at the amusement in Carol's eyes.
"It's a horrible thing to make me do that," Zelda said.
Carol snickered. "You don't understand yet, do you?"
"Understand what?" Zelda said.
"You don't have any choice, darling. Don't you understand that? In any case, I really don't care about what you understand or don't understand. You can do far me what you did for Roger. That's only fair, isn't it?" Then she chuckled and added: "I'll try to avoid drowning you, but I won't be pleased with you if you don't get it all and it spills."
And so once again Zelda had her mouth used as a toilet. This time it was Bronson's wife. Carol positioned herself over Zelda's face and ordered Zelda to open her mouth. Helpless, Zelda closed her eyes and did so. A moment later the hot piss gushed out of Carol's piss-hole to fill Zelda's mouth to the point of overflowing. Carol stopped pissing and Zelda swallowed. Then Carol pissed again and the procedure was repeated once more.
"She's good," Carol said to Bronson. "I like the way she takes it."
Bronson had his cock in is hand. Watching Carol always turned him on. He ant pt to see it except when she did it to someone like this. What she wasn't engaged in one of he nutty tricks like this, Carol was always reserved and private.
"Let me see you shit on her," Bronson said.
Carol chuckled. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"I certainly would."
"I don't know if she'd ready for that. She's still a bit spunky. And I'm not sure I want to see it, either."
"I've seen you do it before."
"Yes, darling, but not in a long time. All right, don't be annoyed. When I think she's ready, I'll let you watch. Now let me finish this."
As the pissing finished, Carol slipped two fingers into the top of her cunt and started masturbating. She rubbed her clit vigorously with circular motion of her fingers and before she climaxed. Another spurt of piss gushed out. Zelda was caught unaware and some of it went up her nose.
"Oh God," Zelda cursed. "YOU lousy fuckers! I hate you!"
Carol laughed and slapped Zelda's face.
"You talk too much, darling. You need to be shown your place."
Zelda was forced to turn and bend over a footstool. Carol made Zelda lift her ass to make it more prominent. Then Carol showed Zelda what she had a leather-covered ping pong paddle.
"And it's not used with a ball," Carol said with a snicker.
The next moment Zelda cried out as the paddle slammed down on her ass. Before Zelda had a chance to adjust to the burning pain, Carol hit her again.
After a half-dozen strokes, Bronson took over. He grunted as he beat Zelda's ass. Carol sat on the side masturbating while she watched Zelda's suffering.
"She's pretty when she cries," Carol said.
Zelda sobbed. Her ass felt like it was on fire. After all the degradation she'd received, now she had this. She was on the point of passing out when the paddling suddenly stopped.
"Me you going to be a good girl?" Carol said.
Zelda groaned. "I'll do anything you want."
"Yes, of course you will," Carol said. Then to Bronson she said: "That turned me on. How about poking me, Roger! I think I want it now."
Zelda turned her head and watched Carol strip her clothes off. The tall brunettes elegant clothes fell away. Then she tossed away her bra and the torn pantyhose. Zelda saw that Carol was lovely. She had the body of a fashion model. Long legs and hardly any ass and small tits. Everything was sleek and streamlined and lovely to look at. Her full dark cunt-bush was a surprise. Zelda quivered as she remembered the lushness of Carol's cunt and the taste of her piss. Zelda had a front seat as the Bronson's went about pleasuring each other. Carol bent at the waist, her legs apart, her long slender body doubled over with her hands on the arms of an easy chair. Bronson, who had stripped when Carol did, moved behind her and pushed his cock inside her wet cunt.
Carol grunted. "Lovely, Roger. You're as hard as a rock."
"All for you, honey."
"Screw it around a bit. Yes, like that."
Zelda couldn't help setting turned on. She found it exciting to watch them fuck. Carol was beautiful. Her small tits hung down like a pair of ripe pears. Zelda had an urge to get under there and suck Carol's nipples.
But Bronson had his own ideas for Zelda. "Get behind me and work on my ass," he said to Zelda. "Do what you did to her."
Crawling on her hands and knees, Zelda moved behind him. She had never done anything like this before, never been so close to people fucking. She watched Bronson's ass as he fucked his wife. Then Bronson growled at her and she quickly pressed her face against his ass-crack. She pushed forward, dug her nose between his ass-cheeks until she found his asshole. Bronson grunted when he felt her tongue on his shit-hole.
Zelda licked and sucked Bronson's ass as he fucked Carol. Bronson was happy. He had something nice at both ends. His cock in Carol's tight cunt and his asshole filled with Zelda's long tongue. He had never regretted his marriage to Carol. After his first wife died he wanted someone younger. Someone with more zest. Carol was just right. She looked good in expensive clothes and she had a snappy pussy. And she knew how to enjoy herself. He was certain Carol would turn this blonde into mush. In the meantime the blonde had her tongue in his ass and the job she was doing wasn't bad.
Good job or not, Zelda was lost in Bronson's asshole. It was different than doing it to Carol. Bronson was a man and his ass tasted like a man's ass. Rough and hairy, Zelda thought. She scoured his asshole. She sucked on his puckered grommet, pulled at the hairs around his asshole with her teeth. His balls kept slapping at her chin as he fucked his wife. She had an urge to suck his balls, but she was afraid to move her mouth from his asshole. Would he mind? She hated the idea of having them hurt her again. She gave his whole a thorough reaming with her tongue, hoped it would last him awhile as she moved her mouth down to his swinging balls.
Bronson was pleased when he realized what Zelda was doing. He grunted as he felt her lips close around one of his balls.
"Hang on," he said.
And the next moment he started shooting is jism. He made a croaking sound and slammed forward. Zelda kept that one ball in her mouth as he climaxed. She felt the pull of his ball-bag. She was thrilled by it. She had a sudden fantasy of having her mouth on a stallion's balls while he fucked a mare. Maybe I'm going any, she thought.
After that Bronson moved to the sofa and stretched out to recuperate. He tried to keep his eyes open, but it didn't work. In a moment he was asleep, dead to everything around him.
Carol was in the easy chair, sitting in it now with her face flushed and her legs apart. She smiled at Zelda. "I gathered you had your tongue up his ass. Did you like it?"
Zelda groaned. She was afraid to show her anger. "I'm just doing what I'm told."
Carol laughed. "You're being sensible. Would you rather suck a man or a woman?"
"I don't know."
"Yes, you do. You liked it when you did me. I had you pegged from the start. I can always tell." She opened her legs even further, deliberately exposing her cunt to Zelda's eyes. "You're a natural," Carol said. "You like it and you have a pretty mouth for it. A pretty mouth and a pretty face. Nice tits, too. In ten years they'll be down at your belly, but they're still okay. Come over here and give me some head. Suck his jism out of my pussy."
Zelda thought the idea was disgusting, but she had no choice. She crawled towards Carol. The brunette's fucked-out cunt was wide open, her cunt-lips sagging, a froth of white cum-juice at the mouth of her cunt-hole. Holding back the urge to express her loathing, Zelda moved in to give Carol what she wanted.
"Lots of tongue," Carol said.
She kept her eyes on Zelda's face. She watched Zelda's pink tongue as it came out to lick her. It turned her on to have a woman do her cunt after it had just fucked by her husband. She liked Zelda. She liked her ripe tits and her pretty blonde cunt and her pink asshole. The last woman they'd had as a slave had been a brunette like Carol. A girl with a dark pussy and a dark asshole. Carol liked blondes better. They were more tender. They seemed to cry more easily. She liked it when they cried. She liked to hurt them.
Zelda had the taste of Bronson's jism in her mouth now. She was amazed how much of it she could get out of Carol's cunt-hole. The trick was to get her tongue way inside and then apply some suction to pull the spunk out. She felt as though she were feeding on Carol, sucking all the goodies out and making a meal of her.
After the sucking was finished, Carol made Zelda turn around so she could play with her ass. First Carol used her foot. She ran her toes up and down Zelda's ass-crack and chuckled as Zelda squirmed with discomfort. Both feet, Carol spread Zelda's ass-cheeks apart to expose Zelda's pink asshole.
"Cute little bum," Carol said. "Do you like a cock in there?"
Zelda trembled. "Definitely not."
"I thought you wouldn't. You're too uptight. Tight little brain and tight little asshole. Push it out. Open your asshole."
Zelda moaned. She pushed out. Behind her, Carol chuckled as Zelda's asshole opened like a tiny mouth. Carol pushed one of her big toes at Zelda's grommet. She pushed until the tip of her toe popped inside Zelda's ass.
Zelda moaned again. "Please don't."
"Stop complaining," Carol said. "When was the last time you had a cock in there?"
"I don't know, I guess a few days ago."
"Did you like it?"
"I hated it."
"I don't believe you."
Carol pushed at Zelda's asshole with her big toe and insisted Zelda was lying. Zelda finally yielded. She said yes, it sometimes felt good. Carol laughed at her victory. She pulled her foot away and leaned forward to run her fingers along Zelda's ass-crack. Zelda gasped as one of Carol's fingers slipped inside her asshole.
"Please…" Zelda said.
Carol laughed and added another finger. Her forefinger and middle finger in Zelda's ass, Carol fucked her fingers in and out.
"This is almost as good as a cock, isn't it?" Zelda groaned. She had her head down on the rug. She couldn't help wiggling her ass as Carol's fingers flicked in and out. Yes it did feel good. Zelda, hated to admit it, but the fingers in there felt delicious. And then Carol added another finger and Zelda went a little crazy. Her as gyrated as she came. She felt like she had a big cock pumping in her shitter. She felt like her guts were being tickled by Carol's finger.
"Next time I'll use a cucumber," Carol said. "I'll get you to adore it. You're going to be my personal slave and I'll fuck you in the ass all the time."
Zelda shuddered and collapsed on the rug.