A Lexicon of Vagabond Slang
Abram: naked
Betty: picklock
Bleating cheat: sheep
Bubble-buff: bailiff
Bube: pox
Chive: knife
Clapperdudgeon: someone born a beggar
Collar the cole: lay hold of the money
Cull: a fool
Dads: old man
Dell: a young wench not yet broken by the Upright Man
Elf: little
Fambles: Hands
Fencer: receiver of stolen goods
Fog: smoke
Gage: excise man
Grub: food
Hog: shilling
Horsebread: poor-quality bread made of beans or bran, designed for horses
Hum: strong
Jem: ring
Jet: lawyer
Kick: sixpence
Kin: thief
Leake: Welshman
Mauks: whore
Mish: smock
Mort: a female
Mort of Rome: the Queen of England
Nan: maid of a house
Nap: an arrest
Nimming: stealing
Nip a bung: cut a purse
Otter: sailor
Plant the whids: mind what you say
Popps: pistols
Ruffmans: woods
Rumbo ken: pawnbroker
Rum mort: fine woman
Shark: to swindle; prey upon
Smeer: painter
Snaffler: highwayman
Tip: give
Tit: horse
Tom Pat: parson
Tout: take heed
Tripe: belly
Wobble: to boil
Yam: to eat
Yelp: town crier
Zad: crooked