TO MICHELLE, the primary reason I write about strong, independent women.
To Mitch Hoffman, for good counsel, excellent critiques, and well-placed cheers.
To David Young, Jamie Raab, Emi Battaglia, Jennifer Romanello, Tom Maciag, Martha Otis, Anthony Goff, Kim Hoffman, and all at Grand Central Publishing, for helping me every step of the way.
To Aaron and Arlene Priest, Lucy Childs, Lisa Erbach Vance, Nicole Kenealy, Frances Jalet-Miller, and John Richmond, for being so supportive.
To Maria Rejt and Katie James at Pan Macmillan, for all your great work.
To Grace McQuade and Lynn Goldberg, for keeping my name out there.
To D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier, for allowing me to see a terrific slice of the job.
To Lt. Morgan Kane, for coordinating everything and being patient and professional.
To Officer Rob Calligaro, thanks for the education and the boat ride.
To Officer Raymond Hawkins, thanks for the ride and the great insight.
To United States Attorneys Jeffrey Taylor and Glenn Kirschner, for your courtroom knowledge and expertise of how the D.C. criminal system works.
To Tom and Bob, for financial brainstorming.
To Dr. Monica Smiddy, who makes my forensics look so good.
To Dr. Alli Guleria, as always, for your help.
To Bob Schule, for your advice and political expertise.
To Tanmoy Mukherjee, M.D., for your medical expertise.
To the charity auction “name” winners. Don, I “hope” I did the name justice. To Julie, Mandy, and Kelly of Hamilton, Petrocelli & Sprissler, I hope you liked your page time.
To Lynette and Deborah, for doing what you do so damn well.