ROY SNATCHED a peek at his phone after it started to vibrate in his pants pocket. This did not escape the attention of Beth, who was standing near him.

He looked up from the screen and found her gaze on him.

“Dubai calling?” she said coolly.

“No, just a bud in town.”

“Bud’s up late.”

“We’re both night owls.”

“Good for you,” she said, her tone of skepticism delivered like a cannon shot.

“Are we done here, Chief?”

“For now. But next time you hear strange sounds, call the police.”

“You have my word.”

“It’s a good thing you don’t do trial work anymore.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because your bullshitting skills aren’t that good.”

She turned and marched out of the building while Roy sprinted for the stairs.

Mace was waiting at the front doors to the law firm.

“What the hell is it?” he said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the suite. “Your sister was still with me when you sent the text.”

“Come on.”

They hustled to Roy’s office.

Mace went to the window, Roy beside her. She pointed out. “Tell me what you see.”

He scanned the darkness. “Buildings. The street. A pissed-off police chief.”

“Think Viagra.”



He saw the large purple neon sign over the door of a ground-floor shop in the building directly across from his. “A-1 Mailboxes! That’s what the key’s for?”

“That’s right, genius. Focus in on? Try key on A-1. Right across the stupid courtyard.”

“She must’ve figured it was outside my window and the e-mail she sent would be enough for me to figure it out.” He looked chagrined. “I’ve been looking out this stupid window all day. But you figured it out.”

“Don’t feel too bad. If I hadn’t looked out the window to see if my big sister was scaling the building like King Kong to grab my butt I never would’ve seen it.”

“But now we can’t do anything. The police have the key.”

“Roy, Roy, I’m disappointed.” She held up her key.

“You made a copy?”

“Of course I made a copy.”

“Mace, that’s evidence tampering. That’s illegal.”

“Now do you understand why I put you on retainer? So you can’t squeal on me.”

“I could lose my license over this!”

“Yeah, but you probably won’t.”

“Probably again? I don’t like those odds.”

“Fine, you can sit this one out. I’ll check out the mailbox tomorrow.”

“But you don’t know which mailbox was hers.”

“Roy, again, I’m very disappointed in you.”

“You have a way to find that out?”

“There’s always a way.”

“Just so you know, your sister clearly didn’t buy my cover story.”

“Of course she didn’t. Contrary to popular belief, one does not get to be police chief of a major city by being either stupid or gullible.”

“Mace, what if she finds out you’re investigating this thing on your own?”

“Well, there’s always suicide.”

“I’m being serious.”

“Look, I know it’s risky and stupid, but I’ve got my reasons.”

“What are they?”

“Let’s just say I had a revelation while taking a pee in the ladies’ room. Now give me a ride back to the hotel. I need to pick up my bike.”

“Okay, I need some shuteye too.”

“I didn’t say I was going to bed.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Until we can check out the mailbox I need something else to occupy my mind. So I’m going to see some old friends.”

“At this hour?”

“They do their best work in the dark.”

He stared at her for a long moment. “You’re not a cop anymore, Mace. You don’t have the shield to back you up. These gangs are dangerous.”

“As you should have realized by now, I can take care of myself.”

“I’ll go with you then.”

“No. Me they’ll tolerate. You, they’ll kill, okay?”

“Don’t do this. It’s nuts.”

“No, this is my world.”
