Snatchlips snicksnacked spasmically to the rhythm of the radio. Balls bounced upon bellies as another round of brew went down at Uncle Roy's Roadhouse.
In truth, there was little anticipation of a showdown. More in the spirit of a clan rodeo.
An armored van was loaded up with artifacts and armaments. In the event anything was hassled anywhere either side of the border Little Ramona's orders were to start shooting.
Yancey lanced in and out of the room. Untypically nervous and pacing.
Ramona was stationed by the barbecue pit inspecting the sustenance as it arrived. Mercedes was instructing Randy and Bubba in some techniques she had picked up during her short stay in jail.
And Sallie Anne had lined up potential headquarters south of the border and was running her eyeballs down a map.
Sadie Mae served up eggs and chili to Lafayette and the boys in the Rudedudes band.
"Somebody give me a hand," Little Ramona yelped, rolling out a barrel of beer.
Yancey gave his hard-on hawg the back of his hand and then set it to dancing inside the rim of Mercedes's trim mouthltps.
He cracked a smile as the doors blew back. Man came in alone with his hat cocked forward over his forehead. From the shadows of his hatbrim, eyeslits glinted a scattering of leaden blips.
He shot forth his hips.
Allowed his long loose capelike coat to undrape about his stomach.
Wad in the center of his crotch.
Starched ridge running up his underbelly in a hornlike curve.
Nib end of said appendage disturbing his belt buckle. He shot two fingers down.
Juggled his nuts.
Strutted to the counter and sat down on top of a round swivel stool.
"Coffee today?"
"If I stay."
"So have it your way."
"Steak and eggs. Hot sauce and wide white tortillas like Ramona makes."
"Been up here before?"
"Why you say that?"
"You seem to know the score."
"Not much."
"You never told me about the coffee, darling."
"Say, Sadie Mae. Make it hot and rich the way they make it in the kitchen."
"How you know my name?"
"You're famous."
"No I'm not."
"You got your name all over the papers there a few days back-"
"But I was innocent."
"Just nobody didn't press no charges is all. The fix was in again."
Sadie Mae squinted.
Leaned in under the man's hatbrim.
Cuntjuices ran crisp and thin. Sadie Mae's mouth began watering.
"Uncle Roy. Been such a long time since I last saw you."
"Remember what you said to me?"
"I wanted to ball you."
"But what happened?"
"You flew the coop. Turned into a jailbird. Isn't that the scoop?"
"One of them."
"Any of the others expect you?"
"My nephew over there recognized me when I came in-the one fucking my second cousin-"
"And the other ladies I do know. Don't know if they recognized me though."
"Jesus Mofo!" Bubba Buster said as he burst through the doorway in company with Randy. "My Uncle LeRoy. How long-?"
"Still going strong," Uncle Roy said aloud to the crowd.
Sadie Mae reached down within herself and determined to find out who was boss. Was Uncle Roy still the hero he used to be?
Or was Yancey now the one to beat?
Lafayette had been coming on strong.
And it wouldn't be long before Randy and Bubba would have to take the edge off their hard-ons. More than Sadie Mae could sensibly bargain for.
But then again"Let's us get lost," Sadie Mae said to Uncle Roy as she stripped off her apron.
She wiped her hands on a thin towel and came around to him.
Uncle Roy placed his extended fingers astride Sadie Mae's slim waist.
They kissed.
Face to face.
Tongues racing.
Tasting all different places.
Sadie Mae sucked out at the point of Uncle Roy's chin. He slid his grin over the center of her forehead and into her hair.
Twisting her head about to peruse the ongoing frolics, Sadie Mae cocked her body out and up. Toward the side door.
Uncle Roy sat there stunned.
Sucking coffee from a dingy mug.
Eying her jugs.
Giving her hips the once-over.
Thinking about rolling Sadie Mae in the hay or the clover.
Uncle Roy let his hand drift downward toward his rover. Cranked once.
Erection joustled.
His complexion went pale as he felt the blood drain from his face.
Momentarily dizzy as he started to rise from his seat, Uncle Roy realized that the blood in his body was all coalescing in one place.
His cock was long and hard and felt ready to disgorge its porridge in an instant. He took one step forward.
Hard-on raged.
He tossed his gaze through the haze of his sexual arousal and-fraught.with denial-saw Sadie Mae stick a finger in her yip.
Flip him the high-sign.
Uncle Roy sniffed bitch.
His dogmeat growled.
Yowling inside of him grew up from his ballocks and stalked up his spine.
Erection electrified him from rock-hard cock to the interior of his cranium.
And here was Sadie Mae standing nonchalantly in the doorway.
Peepers trained on him.
With no glance back at all, Uncle Roy patrolled toward the door.
Whispering mouthlips dripped:
"I'm your whore."
In the moments before dawn, Sadie Mae led Uncle Roy on down to the fanciest bungalow at the end of the street in their whorehouse town.
Once inside, she let her hair down.
Pushed a bar of soap around her face.
Under her armpits.
Sat down for a piss.
"Well, Uncle Roy. I guess it's about time we got started on that plan of ours*"
"Close, but no cigar," Uncle Roy jawed while lighting a cheroot.
"I mean about taking off over the border."
"Just the two of us?"
"Along with some of your old junk collection. With the money it would bring, we could do some real living. I was thinking-"
"Usually when people say that they mean they've either been thinking too little or too much. Which is it with you?"
"This seems really weird. Like I know you so well and also like I've never seen you before, Uncle Roy."
"It might take me a little while to settle down to this kind of existence. I'm not used to being outside. Want to go for a ride?"
Sadie Mae swerved onto the mattress beside Uncle Roy. Her ploy was to let her boobs out brazenly and watch him go for them.
Quickly Uncle Roy worked his hands like octopus suckers all over her knockers.
He rubbed his thumbs sideways across her ninnies. Sadie Mae whinnied:
Her nippletips crinkled.
Fists wrinkled her breasts.
Twirled them around like knobs.
Uncle Roy fobbed each bosom between thumb and forefinger. Allowed his gaze to linger as he stroked tit with his fingers.
Then shot hot boobflesh into his salivating mouth. Chewed about.
Gripped the tip of the nipple with his teeth, tongue, and lips.
Ripped backward.
Yanked sideways.
Stretched boobs like bananas flipped like fish through his fingertips.
Snapped against Sadie Mac's boobcage. Enraged nipples gaze searingly.
Sadie Mae's mouth warped endearingly.
She cupped her palms together pleadingly. Snapped them into his pants.
"Aaah. Ululu."
She had his cock out.
In her mouth.
As he fucked her head.
Red penis prodded the inside of her mouth at the front of her palate.
Balls balanced on Sadie Mae's chin, Uncle Roy slid in.
Yanked out.
Slinked back in.
And again.
Sadie Mae creamed his nutsack with her phalanges until Uncle Roy screamed.
With a blistering snap of her trap, Sadie Mae flapped her jaw onto Uncle Roy's knob. Hobbled his honker as she jacked.
Bobbed her head.
Fed upon pecker.
Clicked her teeth together.
Crunched crank.
Clacked the engorged and spread cockhead against the upside of her palate.
Sadie Mae handled the hammer just in back of the head. Encircled the corona.
Brought thumb and forefinger tightly in a ring. Wiggled the prick.
Shot a straightened finger down the side of the rawhide stinger.
Traced the raised veins traversing the curvature of fullblood cock.
"Chuck it down."
Sadie Mae suckled the blood-infused erection. Delicately nibbling.
Then imbibing the twanger slowly but surely over her tongue.
She cricked it about her craw.
Minced her jaw.
Pawed balls.
Clawed fanny.
Uncle Roy randied deeper.
The curving prickmeat bent the other way as Sadie Mae pulled the lean meat on through to the edge of her deep red gullet.
She pulled pecker by the root.
Felt the member shoot lower.
Powering through her tonsils.
Pecking down her neck.
Sadie Mae munched dick with rhythmic movements of her mouth as Uncle Roy slid the stinger in and out. Sadie Mae croaked.
Jazzed the muscles of her throat.
Lips of her mouth wiped about the cockroot. Neck muscles undulated.
Stretching out prickstem.
Blood flowing out loud behind Uncle Roy's eardrum sent his nougat to humming.
"Look, Uncle Roy. No hands."
Sadie Mae jacked off his glands with the friction of her throat.
Using only the muscles trained in jabbering and swallowing, Sadie Mae choked off the cock in swells of fermenting saliva.
Uncle Roy's penis blazed from searing hotness to glacial frigidity.
The prick's thick rigidity kept it captive in Sadie Mae's maw.
"Aw nawnaw."
Gloating, Sucking Sadie Mae let the frazzled dickmeat escape.
Then just as the dingalingdong upon which she blew whipped through her teeth, she reached out with a sideswipe of her lingual organ.
Captured the fleeting stinger in her buccal pouch. Mouthed the cockneck.
Sadie Mae anointed the helmetlike grinning pricktip with her saliva, rutsweat. Sharp teeth whetting it.
Readying the assemblage.
Then frigging the underside vof the widened wedge-shaped razor-sharp prickpoint. Honed it to a fine edge of orgasm.
Spasmed her lips.
Caught the first drip of semen on her gums and squeezed the droplet of jizz out between her front teeth. Blowing scuzz bubbles.
Foaming load.
Choadwater spattered down her neck.
Dreck capered up inside her nostrils.
Sadie Mae flared her nose snidely.
Opened lips widely.
"Scuse me, Uncle Roy. But I gotta pee. Mind if I use your face?"
"Disgraceful," Uncle Roy cackled. "A blood relation of mine."
"I thought maybe you taught Sallie Anne about water sports. She seems to know a lot."
"She must have got that angle from Mercedes. She practically invented it."
"You rang?" Mercedes chimed, tangoing in with Randy and Bubba held by their piss-drenched hair. "Sadie Mae-how do you feel about taking on these studs today?"
"One by one or-"
"Any way you want to. After ail, they've both been wanting to ball you since before they found out how close a kin you are."
"Don't make me barf."
Uncle Roy coughed out:
"Sadie Mae wants it. She shall have it* Give her a dose of her own medicine."
Uncle Roy weaseled his shlong. Stretched it out long in front of him.
Rimmed his mouth with tongue.
Strummed his thumb along his horn.
Flashed silvery liquid.
Airborne piss fizzed brightly in the slants of the early morning sun.
Sadie Mae snapped the mist in front of her face like a bitch with rabies.
She smooched urine and tweaked it into her tresses. Piss-bleached pussyhairs lurched into toothsome view.
Uncle Roy blew his homebrew onto her. Sluicing shimmering pizzie.
Drizzling her fiddle.
Sadie Mae diddled her clitoris with her thumb. Rose up on her hinders.
Uncle Roy pissed on her bum.
Cassie Lou sashayed in without so much as a hello to the crew.
She shucked off her business garb and got down to business.
She took her two half-brothers' twangers straight into her yip.
Jacked them off with her mitts.
Yancey and Uncle Roy pistoned their jackhammers in Cassie Lou's yammering maw. Mouthfucking in tandem, they rammed her thoroughly.
Then burrowed into her from either end.
They fucked their sister until she blistered.
Wiped her off.
Then kissed her.
Felt her gingerly.
Then speared her mercilessly.
Remorselessly rutting away at Cassie Lou's various orifices, apertures, and ornaments. Fucked her in the cunt.
Screwed her keister.
Ran dong along her face.
"This is one sister," Cassie Lou jawed loudly and proudly, "who knows her position in the family."
Sadie Mae was hogtied and sprayed with bitchpiss in her kisser.
Ramona led bullboys by the horns and bull whipped them in back of the general store.
Mercedes rumphumped out by the gas pumps.
While Sallie Anne kept the come creaming freely from the onslaught of trade ongoing in the bordello bungalows.
Uncle Roy hosed down Mercedes with the jizz brewed up from fucking on Cassie Lou. Flashed his fanny in the face of Sellie Anne.
Took the saddle handily and dallied up her underside. Stripping off his belt.
He whacked her tush a touch.
Saw the skin pink up.
A welt rise.
But not too much.
Twisted her wrists together behind her asscrack. Noosed the belt on over.
Roped her legs together and fucked on her mouth, ass, cunt, underarms, hair in general.
Sallie Anne came hell-for-leather ail over the place. All the cuntjuice she could find she ejaculated in lurching glugs.
Sadie Mae sucked her sister's yeasty pussbrew. Two sisters tied up.
Suckering one another.
He roped them together and then tethered a line out. Ramona seized it calculatedly and tied it on about Yancey's cock-an- balls rig.
Mercedes frigged herself up perched off to the end of the bar looking as though she would come off coincidentally with puking bearfoam through her mouth and a snootful of brew from her cunt-flews, Ramona turned to Mercedes with a bullwhip rippling out toward her tits.
"Well tie that snooty debutante bitch too. Hitch her, Rudedudes!"
Uncle Roy passed his peepers around the activities in the surrounding glade. Such peace was hard to find these days.
Family ties that bind.