
Landry was.

And then out just as fast.

When his penis was all juiced up, he ran it ticklishly out and up the slit of her snatch. Stabbing her clitoris.


Screwed into her bellybutton while thumbing her mutton and suckering nip.

He played with her tits hovering his hiney over her face.

Fucked her tits diagonally while Sallie Anne twirled her tongue inside his asscrack. Shellacked the backside of his ballsack.


Jacked a few whacks with her fingernails to his pecker. Impaled his tail with her digits and twisted them around.

Landry staggered across the floor, dragging Sallie Anne like a damp limp shawl hanging off the back of his haunch.

Landry's eyes brightened and died like coals in the night when he saw Sallie Anne's weak warped smile piled with curdled jizzom.

He admired the way his come hung from the side of Sallie Anne's jaws like the wattles of a turkey gobbler. Sallie Anne opened her mouth to speak and a long lariat of jizzom looped from her yip like mozzarelia from a hot slice of pizza.

The strand of jizz drooped nearly to her boobs before snapping off onto her comecaked pussy. She drawled loosely:

"Fuck me, Landry. Fast. Fuck me in the teeth. Fuck right up my ass. Then run your rattler sidewinding into my snakepit."

"As you like it," Landry pandered in candied syllables through his by-now lockjawed approximation of a death-grin rictus. "As a professional, I do anything for a client."

Landry fucked Sallie Anne quickly.

Stuck his dick down her throat as he poured out another round of drinks.

Slinked his prick into her anal wrinkle before stinging into her hive.

"You didn't come, Landry love."

"Saving it up for later. I want to hold off so I can shoot off a few times in rapid succession-back there in the-uh-confessional."

Buck naked, the both of them hopped on all fours down the hall.

Croaking like frogs.

Landing on each other's back for a brief bout of the fucksuckrut.


Sadie Mae was juddering all over the gallery floor. Rolling in her own exudations and the overflow from the enema vessel like a sausage popped sizzling from its casings.

"Outrageous," Landry ca-cawed. "Too bad my son Randy left for classes already. He could have helped to steady her. He's an artist-good at working with nude women."

"Fuck 'em," Sallie Anne raved, passing her fingers over her raised rouged nipples, between her twatlips painted and shaven for the occasion of the seduction of Landry Phillips.

Without an instant of thought or hesitation, Sallie Anne capered into the air and did a full turn.

Landed toe firstSquiiiiirt!


On Sadie Mae's liquid-bloated girth.

Shit scattered in colored foam across the floor. Sallie Anne jumped once more.


Landed flat on her fanny crushing Sadie Mae beneath her.


Sadie Mae squeaked stew from her innards. Strewn about the scuttling twosome.

"Eureka!" Landry roared.

"Fucking dyke bitch whore," Sadie Mae roared as she gored Sallie Anne with her fingers. "I'll bite you to tatters."

Sadie Mae ripped into Sallie Anne's tits. Sallie Anne clutched Sadie Mae's clit.

"I'll fistfuck you."

"You'll have to force me."

"I'll force you to force me."

Landry pressed a heel gleefully into Sadie Mae's tummy and she made a noise like a goose squawk. Then he snapped on an Aztec cockring.

He next seized a hose that ran with carbonated spring water.

Snapped it out like a bullwhip and shot the foaming spray over the cat-scratching sisters. Washing them off.

Landry then whipped out a Spanish colonial cat of ninetails trimmed with metal briars favored by certain orders-of nuns for intense frottage in penance of their perpetually replicated sins including ritualized lesbianism.

Scored the cavorting chicks on their fannies, boobs, and faces with razes from the whip. He purposely slipped.

They were on him instantly.

Sadie Mae nibbling his nutsack.

Sallie Anne whacking his twanger with her tongue.

They both twiddled their thumbs up his ass. He came fast.


Spat semen spiraled upward in a parabolic arc. Paused at the apex.

Then the jizz dropped like a jaguar upon prey to the concavity of Landry's navel.

Sallie Anne sucked it up.

While Sadie Mae jacked more of Landry's froth directly from his pecker into her maw. Pawing his sack of ballocks.

Jawing down ejaculate.


Little Ramona wrenched her pert asshole from the pucker of Randy's mouthlips.

"Like, Ramona? When can we do this again?"

"I don't reckon too soon anyhow-"


"You know I'm supposed to be true to your pawpaw Landry-leastwise Pm his official mistress these days. Kiss me."



Randy stuck his face into Ramona's cuntflesh. She flashed a small derringer from the low bodice of her dress of Spanish lace drawn up about her waist. Cocked the hammer.


Shot hammered the roof of the bungalow out back of Uncle Roy's Roadhouse.


Lead pellets dappled the low beams.

Randy screamed:

"Ream me!"

Coming in big gobs of scum. Cords of jizzom flowing as he rutted up Ramona's gams.

Ramona fucked him with her mouth and hands.

Ramming fingers and lingual organ into his mouth and eyesockets.

Cramming his nostrils, ears. Tugging him under his arms.

Twisting his nipples.

Frigging his navel.

Goosing gonads and massaging anus.

In Randy's condition, Ramona found it easy as pie to tie him with leather lashes. She pressed the timer on her watch.

"I'll be back soon with some more brew. Got to check the kitchen crew-"

Ramona flew out the door and locked it behind her. Mercedes was reading a magazine, applying lipstick, smoking a cigarette, and chewing gum at the same time behind the wheel of an automobile stripped of make and model decor and painted a matte metallic off-gray that iridesced greenish or brownish or bluish from different angles of sight.

"Uptight?" Ramona snickered. "It will be over before we know it!"

Mercedes edged the car into gear.

Nearly soundlessly it slid along the curves of the surrounding ravines and glided along the edge of a ridge overlooking the valley where the division between the undulating wooded landscape of the eastern part of the state gave way to the flat desert of the south and west.

Ramona held out a Colt.45 revolver.

"Loaded with buckshot, yes?" Mercedes said to show she remembered from practice.

"Well, Mercedes, we're taking it a little bit differently today. The reason Uncle Roy had the guns modified like that was so they could pack a wallop at short range but probably not kill someone unless you were unlucky."

Mercedes nodded to impress upon Ramona she would do anything, despite having her origins in rectal reactionary families of the eastern establishment.

"Birdshot," Ramona said blankly.

"That way," Mercedes said with a display of eloquent diction, "well only wing them," then tittered: "I can't wait!"

Mercedes tugged at the brakes in the sky-blue gravel bed outside the separate shack that housed the ceramic casting and firing furnace. They were out of sight of the larger structure where the gallery storage and display rooms were located.

Mercedes pulled the mask of chamois leather over her head and Ramona teasingly wafted a set of keys in front of her face.

"I should make you go down for these keys, sis. Make you suck me off first."

Mercedes nearly burst out laughing beneath her mask. She snatched the keys fast and shot a paw playfully at the frilly flocculence of Little Ramona's froufrou seen askance through the draped opening of Ramona's wrapped lace skirt.

"Fuck you," Ramona blurted.

"Not if I fuck you first," Mercedes snotted spoiled-rottenly.

Ramona watched Mercedes's fanny rounded beneath the material of her faded pantaloons as Mercedes walked casually toward the entrance to the gallery storeroom. Ramona kept the automobile's engine running-just barely idling.

Ears cocked.

Pistol cocked.

Ready to take flight.

Getaway gal.

Even though Uncle Roy had not yet been sprung from the jug, the police were sure that the recent wave of robberies by what had been variously described as pug-nosed thugs, ambisexual ruffians, ragamuffin vagrant bitches-these felonies had been masterminded from behind bars by none other than Uncle Roy himself.

The modus operandi included stealth, quickness, trickery, diversion, assault-a complex planning was necessary, and it required delicacy as well as brutality to bring it off.


"Dirty animals," Mercedes railed in deep throaty voice as she walked into the dark gallery and witnessed Sadie Mae impaled.

Stuck from the rear by Landry's spear and fucked from the front with Sallie Anne's engorged clitoris-painted red with cinnabar and forest of pussy sheared into a thin tapered arrowpoint.

Mercedes held the barrel of the gun steady. Directed the two women to take the carved dildos from their apertures and orifices and hand them over to her. Again at Mercedes's discretion, Landry and Sallie Anne hogtied Sadie Mae.

Mercedes prodded Sallie Anne into strapping a feathered leather loincloth over Landry's eyes and tying all of his limbs together behind his ass.

Mercedes gave Landry's hard-on a whack with the back of her wrist.

Jacked it with her fist as she directed Sallie Anne at gunpoint to empty the cabinets of selected objects she read from a list.

Wiped out from successive ejaculations and finally overcome by his ingestion of booze and herb teas, Landry fell into oblivion. He was hardly aware-or would he have cared if he had been- that Sadie Mae and Sallie Anne scampered away at the same time the apparent intruder did.

Landry did hear the telephone ring and the blare of the alarm as one buyer called him and another simply jerked open the electronically wired but chronically unlocked door.


The robber-robbers!-must have done that on purpose, knowing that the alarm would function in that mode, would tote up on the board of the local constabulary, and would certainly lead to no less than embarrassment.

Landry would be found tied up in the rude with a savage's underpants stretched over his face. Hastily express an hallucinatory scenario to his arriving clients; And Landry would perforce have to signal off the fuzz officially from the get-go unless he wanted the story to spread like a yeast infection through a nunnery.

"Landry?" he recognized the female voice. "You here, my dear?"

Clack of high heels.

"I see," the woman's voice drifted smokily. "You are ready for me-indeed."

Landry choked out:

"How do you do this afternoon, Cassie Lou?"
