Chapter 45

To be honest, I had to force myself to go to Susie’s that night. Normally, a Club meeting was like a dip in the Caribbean Sea—salty, warm, rousing, and comforting at the same time.

But tonight, as I stood in my bare feet in my bedroom, I wanted to take off all my clothes, get into bed, and pull the covers over my head.

But I knew even that wouldn’t assuage my twin feelings of frustration and bone-deep exhaustion from the fruitless day in Fruitvale. And the upshot of the entire pathetic operation was that the belly bomber had the money and was planning to kill again.

Joe said, “You’ll feel better if you go out with the girls. I’ll wait up.”

I showered and changed my clothes and drove to Susie’s, hoping that Claire and Cindy would both be okay if I ate and ran. That was pretty much all I could handle.

I pulled open the big wooden door, and the calypso party spilled out. Hot Tea was working the steel drums, the rum punch and margaritas were flowing, and the whole place smelled like spiced meat on a grill.

My girls were waiting at our booth when I got there. I slid in next to Claire, who read the expression on my face and put her arm around me.

I laid my head on her shoulder and pretended to cry, and she squeezed me and said, “There, there. Whatever is wrong, it will get better with beer.”

I leaned across the table and exchanged cheek kisses with Cindy, who said, “Someone had a bad day. Are you all right?”

Cindy looked kind of radiant, as did Claire, so I guessed I would be tapped to be the first to piss and moan.

“You’re not still mad at me, are you?” Cindy said.

“What?” said Claire. “I didn’t hear anything about a fight between the two of you.”

Cindy smirked and said, “It’s off the record,” then called our waitress over.

Lorraine appeared, her red hair freshly permed, and wearing a new, brighter-red lipstick than ever before. She said, “Hey there, Sergeant Boxer. You look thirsty. What can I get you?”

Before I could say, “I’m just going to watch,” Lorraine vanished and returned with a foamy pitcher of brew. She said, “I’ll be right back with glasses and to take your order. The fish and rice is nice.”

Claire said, “Have you all seen Yuki’s Facebook page? Pictures of that aurora borealis? It’s like something you’d see on the Discovery Channel.”

“I haven’t checked her page,” I said, “due to a belly bomb mission of the epic fail kind. What a day this has been.”

The beer glasses arrived. We all ordered the Friday-night fish-and-rice special with ripe plantains and extra-hot sauce. Cindy booted up her tablet and we perused Yuki’s honeymoon pictures—and yeah, without my knowing it was happening, my mood lifted.

We cracked some off-color jokes about just-married sex rocking the boat and we toasted my boss and Yuki, our good friends who’d fallen in love. After we ordered a second pitcher of beer to cool down the hot sauce, I talked about the belly bomber and wondered out loud what the creepy killer extortionist was really after.

I said, “The ransom is so puny relative to Chuck’s Prime’s bottom line. And the logic is weird. ‘Please stop me before I bomb again.’ Well, he got the ransom.”

Claire aimed a forefinger at her temple and rotated it in the universal hand signal for cuckoo.

She said, “This bomber. He doesn’t want to be stopped. He keeps telling you. He likes to blow people up.”

Claire signs in a couple thousand dead bodies a year to her fine establishment, and after we’d exhausted my story of a stakeout that got us exactly nowhere, the good Dr. Washburn told us a few gruesome tales from the crypt.

She laughed as I covered my ears and said, “La-la-la.”

“Here’s to dying peacefully in our sleep,” Claire said, hoisting her glass. “After putting down a big bowl of ice cream.”

“Cheers to a nice cerebral hemorrhage—in our nineties,” I concurred.

Cindy clinked her glass against ours, “And here’s to finding Mackie Morales and piling stones on her chest until she stops breathing.”

“What?” said Claire. “Mackie Morales? What did you say?”

“Lindsay didn’t tell you?” Cindy said, looking genuinely surprised.

“Both of you better start talking. I want to know what’s going on behind my back,” said Claire.

“That would be your cue,” I said to Cindy.
