Upon a Pale Horse is a work of fiction, and the depictions in it are fictitious. There are, however, sections that are based on scientific fact, much of which goes unreported in the U.S. press. Contrary to perception, where science and medicine are the stewards of empirical truth, the reality is that both are fraught with bias, favoring the interests of money, power, and secrecy, and those at the top of the power pyramid in any of the disciplines determine what lines of inquiry are acceptable, and which are effectively taboo. AIDS research is no different, and the fact that so many of the most influential authorities have clear ties to the military-industrial complex has no doubt colored the dialogue, as well as which “facts” are reported as gospel by a credulous media and which are dismissed out of hand, often in favor of theories that have no basis in reality.
What follows is a list of data that was gathered as part of my research for this novel — information that should give any thinking person pause and sponsor further inquiry and, hopefully, a long-overdue public discourse on the possibility of the man-made origins of HIV, be it from accidental vaccine contamination due to preparation of the original vaccines in diseased chimps, or a more damaging hypothesis involving deliberate contamination.
1) HIV occurs in several strains — M, N, and O. M is the most common, and is further divided into eight subtypes. Of these eight, subtype B is the most common subtype in North American and European cases, whereas subtypes A, D, and C are found in Africa and Asia.
2) The subtypes found in Africa are different from the one found in North America. This should raise an obvious question: How could the view that HIV originated in Africa and was brought to America withstand any serious inquiry, when they are completely different subtypes? Would it not be logical that if they were from the same place, they would be the same subtype? If not, why not?
3) AIDS in the U.S. still disproportionately affects gay men and IV drug users. Yet it remains primarily a heterosexual disease in Africa.
4) According to Max Essex, a leading AIDS researcher, HIV subtype B, the predominant strain in the U.S., has a particular affinity for rectal tissue. Subtypes A, D, and C have an affinity for vaginal tissue. See: http://www.avert.org/hiv-types.htm
5) This affinity for different tissue types likely accounts for why AIDS, after thirty years in the U.S., is still not a primarily heterosexually transmitted disease, while in Africa it is.
6) The ability to target specific cell/tissue types has long been a feature of biological weapons research. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_bioweapon
7) The AIDS epidemic did not originate in Africa, but was first recognized in 1981 in the U.S. The first few cases of AIDS appeared in Manhattan and were reported to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta in 1979. The African AIDS epidemic hadn’t begun until 1982 at the earliest, according to HIV discoverer Luc Montagnier in his book, Virus.
A few health professionals have linked the hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted at the New York Blood Center beginning in the fall of 1978, with the outbreak of AIDS in that city. The experiment used young, healthy, gay and bisexual men in the experiment. For details on these experiments, Google “gay vaccine experiments and the origin of AIDS.”
When blood donated by gay men at the New York Blood Center was retrospectively tested for HIV in the mid-1980s, HIV was not present in any of the specimens from 1977 or earlier. HIV was found in 6 % of blood samples taken in 1978. By 1979, 30 % of blood samples from trial participants tested positive for HIV — an unprecedented infection rate, especially at a time in which the epidemic was unrecognized and at a time when AIDS was unknown in Africa.
8) KSHV (Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus), a close relative to a simian virus that causes cancer in apes (Herpesvirus saimiri), has been identified as the cause of Kaposi’s sarcoma in North American AIDS victims. This cancer-causing human virus also spontaneously appeared in 1978 in the New York gay community when HIV did. So not one, but two simian viruses “jumped species” at the same time, apparently affecting only homosexual men in New York, followed closely by their brethren in L.A., S.F., Chicago, etc. http://rense.com/general45/cant.htm
9) The New York Blood Center created a chimp virus lab in West Africa in 1974. This lab, VILAB II, was established in Liberia to develop the hepatitis B vaccine in simians. In 1978, this vaccine was injected into gay men at the NY Blood Center in the hepatitis B vaccine trials.
10) Studies conducted during the 1980s and 1990s, analyzing adults infected by HIV, demonstrated responses between 33 % and 56 % to recombinant vaccines like the hepatitis B vaccine. The hepatitis B trial saw 96+% demonstrated response, leading me to conclude that HIV could not have been present in the cohort group prior to inoculation. http://www.jped.com.br/conteudo/06-82-S55/ing_print.htm
11) Here is an excellent summary of the various theories for the origin of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. and Africa. Of particular note are the unanswered questions in the “official” theory — #1 of the six postulated. I find #5 to be the most plausible, although it is, by definition, unpopular with the scientists who make up the power elite in the U.S. for obvious reasons. #6 also warrants further exploration, given the host of inconsistencies in the official AIDS explanation. http://www.kckcc.edu/ejournal/archives/october2010/article/TheMysteriousOriginofHumanImmunodeficiencyVirus.aspx
12) The U.S. military conducted thousands of radiation experiments on U.S. citizens for a period of over 60 years, without informed consent. This was kept classified until it was revealed in 1993. See: http://www.amazon.com/The-Plutonium-Files-Experiments-ebook/dp/B0046A9JC0 and http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/04/12/inhuman-radiation-experiments/#_ednref1
13) The Tuskegee syphilis trial is well-documented historical fact. For more information, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment
14) Likewise, the Guatemalan venereal disease experimentation is documented fact. Particularly troubling is that this experimentation took place at the same time the Nuremburg trials were in process for Nazi doctors doing experimentation without informed consent. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syphilis_experiments_in_Guatemala
Skepticism is always the first line of defense against deception in its many forms. I encourage everyone to do their own research using these links as a starting point, and discover the hard facts rather than blindly accepting the spin that has been created to advance a palatable worldview.